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《Insect Biochemistry》1976,6(4):405-411
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in Drosophila are present in large macromolecular aggregates having mol. wt in excess of 106 Daltons. After cellular fractionation these enzymes are found in the post-microsomal hard pellet, the post-microsomal soft pellet, and the post-microsomal supernatant fractions. The distribution of specific enzyme activities within these fractions varies and is dependent upon the specific tRNA synthetase being studied.  相似文献   

Summary The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases play a dual role in cell metabolism by synthesizing aminoacyl-tRNAs and an odd dinucleotide diadenosine-5, 5-P1, P4-tetraphosphate which appears to be involved in DNA replication and the control of cell proliferation. This review is a synthesis of recent results on the structure, genetics, cell biology, physiology, role in neoplasia, and role in autoimmune myositis of the higher eukaryotic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.  相似文献   

Parasitic diseases result in considerable human morbidity and mortality. The continuous emergence and spread of new drug-resistant parasite strains is an obstacle to controlling and eliminating many parasitic diseases. Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are ubiquitous enzymes essential for protein synthesis. The design and development of diverse small molecule, drug-like inhibitors against parasite-encoded and expressed aaRSs have validated this enzyme family as druggable. In this work, we have compiled the progress to date towards establishing the druggability of aaRSs in terms of their biochemical characterization, validation as targets, inhibitor development, and structural interpretation from parasites responsible for malaria (Plasmodium), lymphatic filariasis (Brugia,Wuchereria bancrofti), giardiasis (Giardia), toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii), leishmaniasis (Leishmania), cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium), and trypanosomiasis (Trypanosoma). This work thus provides a robust framework for the systematic dissection of aaRSs from these pathogens and will facilitate the cross-usage of potential inhibitors to jump-start anti-parasite drug development.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases of higher eukaryotes possess polypeptide extensions in contrast to their prokaryotic counterparts. These extra domains of poorly understood function are believed to be involved in protein-protein or protein-RNA interactions. Here we showed by gel retardation and filter binding experiments that the repeated units that build the linker region of the bifunctional glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase had a general RNA-binding capacity. The solution structure of one of these repeated motifs was also solved by NMR spectroscopy. One repeat is built around an antiparallel coiled-coil. Strikingly, the conserved lysine and arginine residues form a basic patch on one side of the structure, presenting a suitable docking surface for nucleic acids. Therefore, this repeated motif may represent a novel type of general RNA-binding domain appended to eukaryotic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases to serve as a cis-acting tRNA-binding cofactor.  相似文献   

Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase is thought to be absent from organelles. Instead, Gln-tRNA is formed via the transamidation pathway, the other route to this essential compound in protein biosynthesis. However, it was previously shown that glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase activity is present in Leishmania mitochondria. This work identifies genes encoding glutaminyl- and glutamyl-tRNA synthetase in the closely related organism Trypanosoma brucei. Down-regulation of their respective gene products by RNA interference showed that (i) they are essential for the growth of insect stage T. brucei and (ii) they are responsible for essentially all of the glutaminyl- and glutamyl-tRNA synthetase activity detected in both the cytosol and the mitochondria. In vitro aminoacylation experiments with the recombinant T. brucei enzymes and total tRNA confirmed the identity of the two aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Interestingly, T. brucei uses the same eukaryotic-type glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase to form mitochondrial and cytosolic Gln-tRNA. The formation of Glu-tRNA in mitochondria and the cytoplasm is catalyzed by a single eukaryotic-type discriminating glutamyl-tRNA synthetase. T. brucei, similar to Leishmania, imports all of its mitochondrial tRNAs from the cytosol. The use of these two eukaryotic-type enzymes in mitochondria may therefore reflect an adaptation to the situation in which the cytosol and mitochondria use the same set of tRNAs.  相似文献   

The functional interaction of Arg-, Ile-, Leu-, Lys- and Met-tRNA synthetases occurring within the same rat liver multienzyme complex are investigated by examining the enzymes catalytic activities and inactivation kinetics. The Michaelis constants for amino acids, ATP and tRNAs of the dissociated aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are not significantly different from those of the high-Mr multienzyme complex, except in a few cases where the Km values of the dissociated enzymes are higher than those of the high-Mr form. The maximal aminoacylation velocities of the individual aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are not affected by the presence of simultaneous aminoacylation by another synthetase occurring within the same multienzyme complex. Site-specific oxidative modification by ascorbate and nonspecific thermal inactivation of synthetases in the purified rat liver 18 S synthetase complex are examined. Lys- and Arg-tRNA synthetases show remarkably parallel time-courses in both inactivation processes. Leu- and Met-tRNA synthetases also show parallel kinetics in thermal inactivation and possibly oxidative inactivation. Ile-tRNA synthetase shows little inactivation in either process. The oxidative inactivation of Lys- and Arg-tRNA synthetases can be reversed by addition of dithiothreitol. These results suggest that synthetases within the same high-Mr complex catalyze aminoacylation reactions independently; however, the stabilities of some of the synthetases in the multienzyme complex are coupled. In particular, the stability of Arg-tRNA synthetase depends appreciably on its association with fully active Lys-tRNA synthetase.  相似文献   

Three aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases from yeast, one from plants and one from mammals possess unusual structures at their N termini, namely alpha helices with basic residues distributed asymmetrically, on a single face of the helix. It is unknown if these 'basic faced' alpha helices (BFAHs) are unique to the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Analysis of the amino acid sequences of these five aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases using the hydrophobic moment algorithm failed to accurately identify the BFAHs. A new algorithm was therefore developed, called the 'basic moment'. This is a Fourier analysis procedure that predicts the distribution of basic residues within protein secondary structure. The basic moment identifies with a high degree of accuracy the five known BFAHs and also identifies further potential BFAHs at evolutionarily conserved positions in the peptide extensions of aspartyl-, lysyl- and valyl- tRNA synthetases from a range of eukaryotic species. In addition, the algorithm identifies the two-helix pair tRNA binding domain of alanyl-tRNA synthetase, implying that the domain includes a BFAH. The functional and evolutionary aspects of these structural features are discussed.  相似文献   

Trypanosomatid parasites are responsible for various human diseases, such as sleeping sickness, animal trypanosomiasis, or cutaneous and visceral leishmaniases. The few available drugs to fight related parasitic infections are often toxic and present poor efficiency and specificity, and thus, finding new molecular targets is imperative. Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are essential components of the translational machinery as they catalyze the specific attachment of an amino acid onto cognate tRNA(s). In trypanosomatids, one gene encodes both cytosolic- and mitochondrial-targeted aaRSs, with only three exceptions. We identify here a unique specific feature of aaRSs from trypanosomatids, which is that most of them harbor distinct insertion and/or extension sequences. Among the 26 identified aaRSs in the trypanosome Leishmania tarentolae, 14 contain an additional domain or a terminal extension, confirmed in mature mRNAs by direct cDNA nanopore sequencing. Moreover, these RNA-Seq data led us to address the question of aaRS dual localization and to determine splice-site locations and the 5′-UTR lengths for each mature aaRS-encoding mRNA. Altogether, our results provided evidence for at least one specific mechanism responsible for mitochondrial addressing of some L. tarentolae aaRSs. We propose that these newly identified features of trypanosomatid aaRSs could be developed as relevant drug targets to combat the diseases caused by these parasites.  相似文献   



Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) constitute an essential enzyme super-family, providing fidelity of the translation process of mRNA to proteins in living cells. They are common to all kingdoms and are of utmost importance to all organisms. It is thus of great interest to understand the evolutionary relationships among them and underline signature motifs defining their common domains.


We utilized the Common Peptides (CPs) framework, based on extracted deterministic motifs from all aaRSs, to study family-specific properties. We identified novel aaRS–class related signatures that may supplement the current classification methods and provide a basis for identifying functional regions specific to each aaRS class. We exploited the space spanned by the CPs in order to identify similarities between aaRS families that are not observed using sequence alignment methods, identifying different inter-aaRS associations across different kingdom of life. We explored the evolutionary history of the aaRS families and evolutionary origins of the mitochondrial aaRSs. Lastly, we showed that prevalent CPs significantly overlap known catalytic and binding sites, suggesting that they have meaningful functional roles, as well as identifying a motif shared between aaRSs and a the Biotin-[acetyl-CoA carboxylase] synthetase (birA) enzyme overlapping binding sites in both families.


The study presents the multitude of ways to exploit the CP framework in order to extract meaningful patterns from the aaRS super-family. Specific CPs, discovered in this study, may play important roles in the functionality of these enzymes. We explored the evolutionary patterns in each aaRS family and tracked remote evolutionary links between these families.  相似文献   

The new aspects of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARS) are essential proteins found in all living organisms. They form a diverse group of enzymes that ensure the fidelity of transfer of genetic information from the DNA into the protein. AARS catalyse the attachment of amino acids to transfer RNAs and thereby establish the rules of the genetic code by virtue of matching the nucleotide triplet of the anticodon with its cognate amino acid. Here we summarise the effects of recent studies on this interesting family of multifunctional enzymes.  相似文献   

Unexpected relationships among the various aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases continue to be uncovered. The question arises — is this mainly the result of promiscuous exchange, or is the confusion really a reflection of the differential loss of past duplications? Phylogenetic analysis may yet provide the answer.  相似文献   

The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are an ancient group of enzymes that catalyze the covalent attachment of an amino acid to its cognate transfer RNA. The question of specificity, that is, how each synthetase selects the correct individual or isoacceptor set of tRNAs for each amino acid, has been referred to as the second genetic code. A wealth of structural, biochemical, and genetic data on this subject has accumulated over the past 40 years. Although there are now crystal structures of sixteen of the twenty synthetases from various species, there are only a few high resolution structures of synthetases complexed with cognate tRNAs. Here we review briefly the structural information available for synthetases, and focus on the structural features of tRNA that may be used for recognition. Finally, we explore in detail the insights into specific recognition gained from classical and atomic group mutagenesis experiments performed with tRNAs, tRNA fragments, and small RNAs mimicking portions of tRNAs.  相似文献   

A simple, continuous assay for aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases utilizing a commercially available pyrophosphate assay reagent kit was demonstrated. The method coupled aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase activity with pyrophosphate-dependent fructose-6-phosphate kinase, aldolase, triosephosphate isomerase, and glycerophosphate dehydrogenase. PPi formation was correlated with the oxidation of NADH, and was monitored continuously by the decrease of absorbance at 340 nm.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, multienzyme complexes containing five to nine aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase activities have frequently been reported. In this study, we report the existence, in bovine liver cytoplasm, of a multienzyme complex containing at least 16 activities which can be disrupted by homogenization to give rise to smaller complexes and noncomplexed synthetases. Determination of the size and component activity of these complexes and of the molecular weights of all 20 free synthetases suggests that the smaller complexes and free activities normally identified arise from the larger complex by well-defined stages during homogenization. We also show that similar, though not identical, complexes are found in bovine liver mitochondria and give the molecular weights of 16 mitochondrial synthetases.  相似文献   

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