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The web structure and the web spinning process of Latrodectus tredecimguttatus Rossi, Latrodectus pallidus Cambridge and Latrodectus revivensis Shulov have been investigated, particular attention being given to the structure of their catching webs.
The webs of Latrodectus represent a further development of the web-type of Archaeranea tepidariorum . The specific characters of the investigated webs concern the middle layer of their three-layer webs, where more or less regular structures appear.
In the middle layer of L. tredecimguttatus web paths of hexagonal meshes appear.
In the web of L. pallidus and L. revivensis more or less regular radially arranged catching platforms appear, connected with the distant retreat by a long bridge-web.
The lower layer of vertical threads, with viscid droplets on their far ends is spread-out in L. tredecimguttatus and consists of short threads as distinct from the concentrated bundle of high threads in the two other species.
Since L. pallidus and L. revivensis appear usually among vegetation, their restricted catching webs seem to be adaptive adjustment to the biotope.
The concentration of the catching webs brings about improvement as regards prey detection.
The differences in the web structure of L. tredecimguttatus and L. revivensis indicate that their behavioural characters are more distinct than the morphological ones. The different behavioural characters support the view that L. revivensis represents a species different from L. mactans tredecimguttatus .  相似文献   

The susceptibility of Botrytis cinerea to copper sulphate in liquid media increased when the volume, and therefore the depth, of the medium in culture bottles exceeded certain values; when the volume was 40 ml. the maximum concentration allowing growth was 300 p.p.m.
By growing mycelium in media containing progressively higher concentrations of copper sulphate a strain was produced which grew at a concentration of 750 p.p.m.
In high concentrations of copper sulphate growth always started at the edge of the liquid, and inocula grew only if they were placed in this position.
In germination tests spores from the resistant strain were more resistant to copper sulphate than were spores of the parent strain.
The resistance of mycelium, and to a lesser extent of spores, was retained after growth of the resistant strain for six months in fungicide-free media.
Spore and mycelial inocula grew in much higher concentrations of copper sulphate when nutrient media were solidified with agar.
The strain resistant in liquid media was no more resistant than the parent strain on agar media.
The resistance of the fungus was not increased after growth for long periods on agar containing high concentrations of copper sulphate. The resistance of the strain resistant in liquid media was not lost after growth on agar media for 3 months.
Attempts to produce strains more resistant than the parent to mercuric chloride were unsuccessful.
The results obtained with phenyl-mercuric acetate were essentially similar to those obtained with copper sulphate, but relatively much more resistant strains were produced.  相似文献   

Skuas, which are closely related to gulls, frequently use a specialized feeding method (kleptoparasitism) by which they rob other seabirds of their food. This paper tests the idea that skuas have evolved as specialist kleptoparasites.
The fibre type composition of the M. pectoralis, M. supracoracoideus and M. iliofibularis of a great skua Catharacta skua (Brünn.) and a herring gull Larus argentatus (Pontopp.) was determined by three enzyme histochemical methods commonly used for mammalian fibre classification; the reactions for alphaGPDH, NADH-TR and mATPase activity.
In both species slow fibres were present only in the M. iliofibularis, and fast twitch glycolytic fibres were not present in any of the muscles. The M. pectoralis and M. supracoracoideus of both species consisted entirely of the fast twitch oxidative-glycolytic fibres.
The overall metabolic enzyme activities of the muscles were assessed in terms of the proportions of fibres with high, intermediate and low metabolic enzyme activity. The overall levels of oxidative and glycolytic enzyme activity were significantly higher in the M. pectoralis than in the M. supracoracoideus and significantly higher in both of these than in the M. iliofibularis. This was true of both species.
The oxidative and glycolytic activities of all three muscles of the great skua were significantly higher than those of the homologous muscles of the herring gull. This was particularly true of the M. pectoralis and M. supracoracoideus. It is suggested that this difference between great skuas and herring gulls enables the former to be more effective aerial kleptoparasites than the latter.  相似文献   

Edward  Fahy 《Journal of Zoology》1972,167(3):337-350
The trophic relationships of the benthic invertebrates at two places of differing detrital content in an oligotrophic stream system were examined during a 12 month period.
The sites are described and their detrital contents and other abiotic features compared.
The faunal list at each site is fairly similar but certain species are more common at or restricted to one or other site. The reasons for this are briefly discussed.
The predators and omnivores are in two groups: the first feed only on certain prey and are thus limited by the distribution of their prey. The others consume a wide range of prey and have wider distributions.
The predator species are non-selective in their choice of prey which are devoured in an intensity which cannot however be related to their density in the benthos.
In poorer trophic conditions predators adapt by consuming a greater quantity of algae and detritus; cannibalism and interpredator-predation occur. The prey species are more intensely consumed under poor trophic conditions.
The ecology of two species of predatory Plecoptera is examined and the results indicate that competition probably occurs between them.  相似文献   

Psychrotrophic Clostridia   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Of 287 strains of clostridia of 23 different species 96 grew well at 6°, 77 of which were Clostridium carnofoetidum var. amylolyticum and 16 were Cl. perfringens.
The water of polluted wells seems to be the normal habitat of Cl. carnofoetidum var. amylolyticum . This species is both proteolytic and saccharolytic and is not pathogenic for mice or guinea pigs. Spores survive at 80° for 40 min. Mg is essential to obtain sporulation of the strains in artificial environments.
Growth temperatures vary between 6 and 37° with an optimum at 30°. At 6° strains untrained to grow at this temperature grow in about 5 days in Rosenow medium. Trained stains have a lag phase of 24 h. Growth curves show a longer logarithmic phase at 6° than at 30°. At the end of this phase the bacterial count is the same at both temperatures. Cl. carnofoetidum var. amylolyticum is, therefore, a true psychrotrophic species.
Glucose and pyruvate breakdown studied by Warburg's method confirms the slowing down of metabolism at 6°. A study of amino acid degradation indicates that serine is the substance most rapidly attacked at 37°, but at 6° the activity against serine disappears completely.
In Rosenow medium at the first inoculation 8 strains of Cl. perfringens out of 24 failed to grow at 6° after 30 days. They were all enterotoxic types. Among the other 16 strains none survived beyond the tenth transfer at 6° and it was not possible to train any strain to grow at this temperature. An examination of the growth curves shows that they are not truly psychrotrophic.  相似文献   

The success of the Cervical Screening Programme (CSP) is due in part to its management being underpinned by Quality Assurance. These measures ensure uniform standards across the country. Since 1992 Colposcopy Guidelines have been in place; these were updated in 1997 and have just been redefined. It is entirely consistent with the National CSP that colposcopy is governed by Guidelines.
The aim of clinical practice guidelines is to raise the standard of care and improve outcomes. The objectives are, therefore:

    The credibility of guidelines is crucial to their adoption and this depends far more on the demonstration of an evidence base than that the authors are 'experts'. Development by a professional group or body who are seen as having a legitimate role is very important as is involvement of all 'stakeholders' in ensuring acceptability.
    In terms of their nature, guidelines should be valid i.e. they will achieve what they are intended to achieve, and they should be robust i.e. they will work when implemented by different individuals in different settings. Colposcopy lends itself well to guidelines because it is largely a routine practice, but substandard care can have serious consequences.
    In previous years there has been a set of Guidelines for Practice 1, 2 and a set of Quality Standards 3 . On this occasion these two components have been put together in a simple publication.
    It needs to be borne in mine that the new guidelines were being developed in the context of a number of potential changes which could interact with each other and impact on the Guidelines. These include:

    A. Rolando    P. Laiolo    M. Formica 《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(2):299-308
    We studied the flocking and foraging behaviour of the chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and the Alpine chough P. gruculus coexisting in the south-western Italian Alps in order to evaluate the costs and benefits of foraging in single- and mixed-species flocks.
    In the single-species context, flock size significantly affected the foraging behaviour of the Alpine chough; in larger flocks, the birds stayed for a shorter time in a patch and fed more quickly than in smaller flocks. Flock size did not significantly affect the foraging behaviour of the chough, probably because of the small number of individuals per flock.
    The propensity for mixed-species flocking was rather low. The observed frequencies of single-species flocks of choughs and Alpine choughs were significantly higher than those expected on the basis of random flocking, whereas the observed frequencies of mixed-species flocks of the two species were lower than those expected. The stay times became significantly shorter for the chough in the presence of the Alpine chough. Moreover, feeding rates of the Alpine chough were significantly lower in the presence of the dominant chough.
    The present study does not confirm the hypothetical foraging advantages of flocking. In single-species flocks, the benefits for the Alpine chough (higher feeding rates in larger flocks) were roughly compensated by the costs (shorter stay times in larger flocks), whereas the chough apparently neither gained benefits nor endured costs.
    In mixed-species flocks, the Alpine chough sustained costs due to a reduction of feeding rates and the chough suffered costs due to a reduction of stay times. Hence, on average, single-species flocking gives no evident foraging advantages to either the chough or the Alpine chough, whereas mixed-species flocking provides some disadvantages for both species.  相似文献   

    David  Lack 《Ibis》1963,105(4):461-492
    Arrivals of gulls S.W. seem almost confined to late July.
    In August, the main movements are W. by day and night of Lapwings and S.S.E. by night of warblers. Sand Martins migrated at dawn directly from a large roost at 34 m.p.h.
    In midwinter, migration occurred in at least one direction almost every morning and night. "Hard-weather movements" west or south are initiated primarily by easterly or northerly winds respectively, and not by cold. The corresponding return movements, which sometimes follow immediately, arc initiated primarily by westerly or southerly winds respectively, but warmth has an influence in February. In midwinter, various species are evidently ready to travel in either the autumn or the spring direction, and wind-direction is the paramount factor determining which occurs.
    The big eastward departures in March and April occur mainly with westerly winds and in warm weather, both factors being important, but proportionately more departures occur against strong head or cross-winds than in autumn. The general weather situation has no direct influence.
    Starlings migrated directly from their roosts on a few mornings each spring, normally at sunrise but on one occasion some did so much earlier.
    In late April and May the chief movements are N.N.W. arrivals and onward passages of British summer visitors, N.E. departures of shore-birds, and N.N.E. departures of small passerines, presumably en route between Iberia and Norway. These movements occur mainly with southerly winds, but sometimes against the wind.
    "Reversed movements" W. or S.S.E. are much more frequent in spring than has previously been supposed. They occur exclusively with easterly or northerly winds respectively (like the midwinter movements).
    The frequency of each migratory movement throughout the year is summarized in Table 6.
    The main findings of the 5-year study are reviewed under four heads in the Conclusion.  相似文献   

    Diane  Nash 《Journal of Zoology》1968,156(2):163-179
    In 1963, a specimen of a small, armoured reptile was discovered in the Red Beds formation in the Qacha's Nek Province of Lesotho, southern Africa. Unfortunately, the matrix in which the specimen is embedded is particularly hard and resistant to chemical action. Preparation must therefore be by mechanical means and is not yet complete. However, certain features of the osteology of the skull and postcranial skeleton of the specimen are clear and are described below.
    In both skull and postcranial material, features indicating that this is a relatively advanced crocodilian form are present. It will be shown that on the basis of these characters, this form must be included within the order Crocodilia. It is proposed to name this specimen Ortho-suchus stormbergi.
    The discovery of a specimen possessing many diagnostic crocodilian characteristics in Upper Triassic beds is remarkable since hitherto it has been considered that these forms did not appear before the Jurassic. Indeed, our knowledge of Jurassic crocodiles is mainly limited to the more aquatic members owing to the dearth of continental deposits.  相似文献   

    The population structure and social organization of the Southern Elephant Seal, Mirounga leonina , were studied at South Georgia principally by extensive field census work and determination of age and reproductive history from sections of teeth taken from samples of bulls and cows.
    The adult males of the South Georgia population were exploited from 1910 to 1964, mainly at the maximum sustainable yield for this population.
    The present data are compared with similar information obtained from studies at South Georgia in 1951 during the exploitation phase and at Macquarie Island in the 1950's where sealing ended in 1919 and the population had stabilized.
    Changes have been noted in the time of bull haul out, number of bulls ashore, cow: bull ratio, harem size and the age of harem bulls. These changes can all be attributed to the ending of exploitation. In contrast, the structure of the cow herd has not changed appreciably in the same period.
    In addition, differences in growth, body size and population structure still persist between the South Georgia and Macquarie Island populations and it is likely that most of them may reflect differences in food availability at the two locations.  相似文献   

    Hibernation is a vital factor in the ability of bats to survive in temperate countries where insect availability is drastically reduced in winter. The value of hibernation in survival lies in the reduction of the bat's metabolic rate to very low levels, thus reducing their food requirements.
    The selection of a site which fulfils the physiological requirements of hibernation must be important in the survival of the Greater horse-shoe bat. The present study shows that temperature is particularly important in the selection of a precise position for hibernation. The temperature required, however, varies throughout the winter.
    In England this bat finds suitable conditions in caves, mines, tunnels, cellars, and house attics. All are dark where the bats are found and offer protection from predators. These considerations are not sufficient to explain the distribution of this bat in hibernation.
    The present study shows that a large proportion of the population feeds outside the hibernaculum at times during the hibernation period. The evidence suggests that starvation is a cause of death. Hence it is not only the conditions inside the hibernacula which are important in the winter survival of a bat population. The environmental conditions outside may be just as vital.
    The Greater horse-shoe bat is vulnerable since the bulk of its population depends upon relatively few sites. Its reproductive rate is very low and active conservation is needed in England, since populations are small. If conservation is to be successful however, both the physical conditions within hibernacula, and the environmental conditions outside will have to be satisfactory.  相似文献   

    Black scurf and stem canker of the potato were investigated in field trials in contaminated soil at Warburton, Cheshire, to determine the effect of planting clean and contaminated seed (vars. Arran Banner and Majestic) on crop yield and on the contamination of the crop tubers.
    Black-scurf contamination was prevalent on crops grown from clean seed and was not significantly different from that occurring on plots planted with contaminated seed. It was severe on early-dug tubers, but was more severe on late-dug tubers. Produce grown with and without stable manure was heavily contaminated.
    Contaminated seed caused a check to tuber formation and an appreciable increase in stem canker and in the number of primary shoots killed. Nevertheless, the yields from the manured, contaminated seed plots were satisfactory and were not lower than those from the clean-seed plots. There was no relation between the yield and the amount of black scurf on the produce.
    The results of a trial made in a field which had been in grass for at least 43 years, suggested that the soil contained little, if any, Corticium Solani. Heavy contamination occurred on tubers grown under relatively dry soil conditions.
    In all the trials misses and wilted shoots caused by Corticium were rare and there was no premature yellowing or death of the haulms on the clean or contaminated seed plots.
    The evidence obtained in the four seasons from 1941 to 1944 indicates that in this country satisfactory yields of early maincrop and maincrop varieties may be obtained despite the prevalence of C. Solani in the soil and on the seed, provided the soil and cultural conditions are reasonably good.  相似文献   

    P. Ward 《Ibis》1965,107(2):173-214
    The results of a three-year study of the diet of Quelea quelea in the Lake Chad region of Nigeria indicate why this bird periodically does extensive damage to crops of dry-season guinea-corn.
    The normal food of the birds in the early dry-season consists of small grass seeds collected off the ground. As the supply of these diminishes there is a gradual change-over to larger seeds.
    In years when this change begins early, it is liable to coincide with the ripening of the cereal crop and severe damage may be caused.
    At the beginning of the rains the dry-season food supply is lost owing to the simultaneous germination of the seeds over large areas.
    The birds lay down fat reserves in preparation for this lean period.
    After a short time the birds migrate south to regions where rain has been falling for some weeks.
    In the short period spent in these parts, Queleas feed on ripening grass seeds—including those of cultivated millet.
    There is evidence for considerable mortality during this time of food scarcity and it is suggested that the numbers of Queleas are limited by the food supply.
    The significance of communal roosting is discussed. It is proposed that the phenomenon is related to food finding, the roost being considered as an "information centre" for the large area prospected by the birds constituting the roosting community. A method is outlined by which information on food availability within the feeding area may feasibly be transmitted within the community.  相似文献   

    B. Morris    Gail  Rudge 《Journal of Zoology》1970,162(4):461-468
    Four serum protein components are present at birth: α-, β- and γ-globulins and albumin.
    The preferential transfer of γ rather than β-globulin, which occurs both prenatally and postnatally in this species, is reflected in the initial amounts of these proteins present at birth and in the relatively rapid increase in the concentration of γ-globulin which occurs postnatally. By five weeks of age seven protein components are discernible in the serum, which is comparable in this respect to adult serum.
    The albumin/globulin ratio changes from about 1.5 at birth to about 0.3-0.4 in the active adult.  相似文献   

    Field studies of potato crops under different soil and fertility conditions and exposed to attack by diverse concentrations of potato-root eelworm led to the following conclusions:
    In the north-western agricultural advisory province potato-root eelworm is not a major cause of failure or partial failure of potato crops on land where the viable cyst concentration is low (under 10/10 c.c. of soil). On such land increased yields can be obtained by improving conditions for plant growth, widening the rotation and increasing the fertility of the soil.
    The production of satisfactory crops on land with a low eelworm population is likely to be accompanied by considerable increases in the numbers of root eelworms in the soil.
    Crops free from signs of 'potato sickness' or 'potato-root eelworm disease' can be grown on land heavily infested with root eelworms (viable cyst concentration exceeding 25/10 c.c.), if no other adverse condition, such as unsuitable weather, lack of available food or incidence of fungus disease, affects the growth of the crop, but yields from heavily infested land are not likely to be more than moderate.
    The treatments used against eelworms in the trials described here did not give results commensurate with their cost.
    The practical difficulties of incorporating lethal substances with soil in the field are considerable, and this may have contributed to the disappointing results obtained.
    The study of the influence of host variety on cyst production suggests that varietal differences in the host plants may influence the numbers of cysts formed on the crop, but the evidence is not conclusive.  相似文献   

    Wright, Anthony D. 197901 15: The origin of the spiriferidine brachiopods. Lethaia . Vol. 12. pp. 29–33. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
    In recent years doubts have been expressed as to whether the strophic spiriferidines should continue to be grouped with the non-strophic spiriferids in the order Spiriferida or not. The solution to this problem will only be found by establishing the origin of the spiriferidines. A characteristic feature of the spiriferidines is their well developed micro-ornament; this is shared also by the orthid Platystrophiinae, and together with the striking similarity in overall morphology (well recognized in the early nineteenth century) it suggests that here, in the Platystrophia plexus, is the ancestral stock of the strophic spirebearers.
    The Platystrophünae share with the non-strophic Rhynchonellida the potential to develop a spire. It is here considered that the former gave rise to the spiriferidines and the latter to the non-strophic spire-bearers. These quite separate developments justify the separation of the spire-bearers into the two orders Spiriferida and Atrypida.  相似文献   

    A two year study was carried out on Heteronotia binoei (Gray) in the Pilliga Scrub by means of visits of six days' duration in each month of the year. Animals were individually marked by toe-clipping and a mark-recapture programme was carried out throughout the study.
    In the Pilliga Scrub Heteronotia lives below bark or boards on the ground or below the bark at the base of dead trees or stumps.
    The mark-recapture programme provided extensive data on the population, its movements, growth, tail loss and regeneration. Samples were collected for analysis of intestinal contents. The above data together with observations of behaviour provided a well corroborated picture of the biology of this small gekkonid lizard.  相似文献   

    Studies on the Effects of Bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) on Differentiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    The effects of BUdR on morphogenesis in Acetabularia mediterranea and on embryonic development (sea urchin, tunicate and amphibian embryos) have been studied.
    In the presence of BUdR, cap development is affected in both the anucleate and nucleate fragment of the unicellular alga Acetabularia mediterranea . In the nucleate fragment, the initiation of cap formation can be inhibited. BUdR exerts various inhibitory effects on embryonic development. Modifications of sensitivity to BUdR during development are also observed: in Paracentrotus , a change in sensitivity towards the drug occurs at the 16 cell stage, while in amphibian eggs, a modification can be shown after the gastrula stage.
    The significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

    The behavioural thermoregulation of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. was investigated in a shuttlebox at normoxia and at three levels of hypoxia: 30, 20 and 15% oxygen saturation.
    The preferred temperatures at normoxia, 30, 20 and 15% oxygen saturation were 13·9, 13·1. 10·0 and 8·8° C, respectively.
    A decrease in metabolism and an increased blood oxygen affinity are among the physiological advantages of selecting a lower temperature during hypoxia. Furthermore the chances of surviving low oxygen saturations are better at low temperatures.
    In natural environments, this behaviour may result in habitat shifts of fish living in heterothermal environments with changing oxygen saturations, especially in coastal areas with eutrophication, as for example the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

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