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藏北地区生态与环境敏感性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
藏北地区自然条件极为严酷,生态与环境非常脆弱和敏感。采用地理信息系统手段与综合评价方法,对藏北地区主要生态与环境敏感性问题进行评估,分析了土壤侵蚀、沙漠化和草地退化等方面的敏感性空间分异规律,指出了今后生态与环境建设的优先区域。结果表明:藏北地区土壤侵蚀敏感区占土地总面积的42.5%,主要分布于东中部区域;藏北地区沙漠化敏感区面积较大(占土地总面积的78.8%),主要分布在人类活动强度相对较低的西北部;藏北中东部和北部地区草地退化较为严重,尤其是藏北地区冰川与雪山及其周围等气候变化较为敏感区域和交通要道沿线等人类活动较为频繁区域的草地退化相对严重,对草地退化也比较敏感,是今后草地退化治理和恢复的优先区。  相似文献   

青藏高原"黑土型"退化草地成因与恢复   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:30  
对青藏高原“黑土型”退化草地的成因和生态建设进行评述,认为“黑土型”退化草地是草原退化生态学行为在江河源区高寒草地的特有体现形式,由气候变暖、冰川退缩、过度放牧、鼠害等综合因子共同导致。生态恢复不仅要从草地建设入手,还要对草地资源进行合理管理与规划。加强牧区文化教育投资、实行草地长期承包、加强《草原法》建设等措施是我国高寒草地畜牧业健康发展的重要保证。青藏高原生态系统特有的“惰性”特征可能是导致其草地生态系统自我更新能力差、系统结构脆弱、生态恢复困难的重要原因,应深入开展该方面研究,为青藏高原生态环境建设提供依据。  相似文献   

生态系统净初级生产养分限制的模式是现代生态学关注的重要问题。养分的可利用性是草原生态系统生产力动态变化的关键决定因素, 但土壤养分可利用性与整个生态系统中养分限制之间的关系尚不清楚。该研究通过在藏北降水梯度上4种类型高寒草地(从东到西依次是高寒草甸、高寒草甸草原、高寒草原和高寒荒漠草原)设置氮磷养分添加试验, 系统研究氮磷养分添加对不同类型高寒草地的影响, 并探讨降水梯度上高寒草地的氮磷限制模式。结果表明: (1)氮磷添加对不同高寒草地的影响存在差异: 氮添加显著提高了高寒草甸和高寒草甸草原地上生产力, 而对高寒草原和高寒荒漠草原无影响; 单独磷添加对4种高寒草地均无显著影响, 而氮磷添加对4种高寒草地地上生产力均有促进作用。(2)通过计算氮磷共同限制指数发现: 随着降水量减少, 高寒草地氮限制指数从1.18逐渐降低到0.52-0.64, 养分限制模式从氮限制过渡到氮磷共同限制; 磷限制指数在高寒草甸草原和高寒草原为负值, 说明单独磷添加对高寒草甸的生产力有负向作用, 高寒草甸主要受氮限制; 高寒草甸草原介于氮限制与氮磷限制之间, 受到氮磷共同限制, 单独磷添加有负向作用; 高寒荒漠草原受到氮磷共同限制。研究表明, 高寒草地氮磷限制模式存在环境梯度上的递变规律, 随着降水量减少, 高寒草地养分限制模式从氮限制逐渐过渡到氮磷共同限制。由此推断, 未来气候变化条件下氮沉降增加对不同类型高寒草地的影响可能存在差异。同时, 利用养分添加恢复不同类型退化高寒草地时也应将氮磷限制模式的差异考虑进去。  相似文献   

人工草地在退化草地恢复中的作用及其研究现状   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
分析了草地类型生态系统退化的现状、原因及其恢复途径,提出人工草地的建立是恢复退化天然草地的有效途径;综述了人工草地的研究进展。提出高效型人工草地的建立是缓解草原压力、促进牧区可持续发展的良策;从高效角度出发。种植饲用玉米可以作为建立人工草地的一个有益尝试.  相似文献   

西藏草地面积辽阔,饲用植物资源丰富.饲用植物共有2 672种,分属于83个科、557个属.其中以莎草科、禾本科和杂类草等为主要种类.充分利用当地野生优良牧草资源,培育适应西藏不同生境的当家牧草品种,对改良和建设草地、改善草地生态环境、遏制藏北草地退化具有重要意义.  相似文献   

基于MODIS NPP数据的青海湖流域产草量与载畜量估算研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
快速评价区域草地生产力状况, 是制定牧区草畜平衡策略, 保障草地生态系统健康可持续发展的前提基础。基于MODIS NPP产品数据, 对青海湖流域草地生产力进行了估算和评价。结果表明: (1)牛羊可食性最高的高寒草甸、高寒草原和温性草原, 其单位面积产草量估算值的均方根误差RMSE为26.15 g·m-2, 表明该方法可以快速估算区域尺度的产草量。(2)全年干草产量为145.42万t, 其中能被牛羊直接采食利用的牧草共计59.18万t, 理论载畜量为81.07万羊单位; (3)影响单位面积干草产量的主要气候因子, 海拔3500 m以下地区, 是活动积温且与单位面积干草产量呈负相关关系; 3500 m以上地区, 是温度且与单位面积产草量呈正相关关系。研究结果可为高寒地区合理规划牧业生产活动、生态补偿等提供科学依据和决策支持, 也可为全国其他牧区的草原产草量的估算提供参考。  相似文献   

刘兴元  龙瑞军 《生态学报》2013,33(11):3404-3414
根据藏北那曲高寒草地的生产力、季节放牧重要性、生态服务价值、生态环境敏感性,构建了基于草地亚类的功能分区模型,从空间上将高寒草地划分为适度生产功能区、减畜恢复功能区和禁牧封育功能区,据此构建了基于高寒草地功能分区的分级生态补偿模式,设计了高寒草地生态补偿的组织管理体系及流程、生态补偿的损益评估机制和约束奖惩机制;提出了针对不同功能区的生态补偿方案.根据藏北那曲高寒草地功能分区结果和不同功能区生态补偿内容和目标,确定生态补偿周期为5a,核算出适度生产功能区、减畜恢复功能区和禁牧封育保护功能区分别需要补偿资金19.4亿元、15.77亿元和0.6亿元,每年分别需补偿资金3.88亿元、3.16亿元和0.12亿元,5a全区共需补偿资金35.77亿元,年需7.16亿元.通过对高寒草地的功能分区分级生态补偿,对提高高寒草地的生态保护能力,增加牧民的经济收入,促进藏北高寒草地生态系统的可持续发展具有重要的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

西藏是青藏高原的核心,是我国重要的生态安全屏障。由于高、寒、旱的特点,西藏高寒生态系统极为脆弱,在自然和人为因素影响下极易发生退化,治理难度大。草地退化和土地沙化治理一直是西藏生态安全屏障保护与建设的重中之重。为此,国家在"典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究"重点专项里启动了"西藏退化高寒生态系统恢复与重建技术及示范(2016YFC0502000)"项目,旨在研究生态系统演变规律和影响机理的基础上,针对西藏高原不同的退化区域,重点研发高寒退化草地恢复、沙化土地治理、生态产业及生态畜牧业发展等技术与模式,开展县域水平的集成示范,实现高寒生态系统功能的提升与适应性优化管理的目标,为西藏生态安全屏障保护与建设提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

繁殖体与微生境在退化草地恢复中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
退化草地的成功恢复主要依赖于种子和母株无性繁殖幼苗的有效建植 ,即草地群落中可利用繁殖体是退化草地得以恢复的内在条件。此外 ,群落中那些提供种子发芽、幼苗生长发育的适宜微生境 (safe sites/ suitable microsites) ,构成了退化草地恢复的外在条件。由于严重退化草地群落缺乏可利用繁殖体和供繁殖体生长发育的适宜微生境 ,使得退化草地恢复受到很大限制 ,因而 ,同时满足繁殖体与微生境是退化草地恢复的先决条件。人为提供繁殖体和适宜微生境可以在很大程度上提高退化草地的恢复速度 ,即在缺乏繁殖体草地群落供给繁殖体 ,或者在缺乏微生境的草地群落中创造适宜微生境。不同植物种群建植需要的环境存在着显著差异 ,因此在人工恢复草地群落过程中 ,对这些植物的繁殖体和繁殖体着床环境给予特殊处理是必需的 ,使之同时满足多种植物种群建植需求。对退化草地植物繁殖体、微生境的重要性及其涵义进行讨论  相似文献   

李媛媛  董世魁  朱磊  温璐  李小艳  王学霞 《生态学报》2013,33(15):4683-4691
以三江源区不同退化程度高寒草甸和不同恢复年限人工草地作为研究对象,通过野外调查与采样、实验室分析,探究了高寒地区退化天然草地与人工恢复草地的植被群落繁殖构件数量变化.结果表明:在群落水平上,天然草地退化和人工草地建植会对植物繁殖构件的数量和生物量产生影响.随着天然草地退化程度的增加,营养枝数量和生物量则明显下降,而繁殖枝的数量和生物量明显升高(P<0.05);随着人工草地恢复年限的增加,营养枝的数量和生物量逐渐增加,而繁殖枝的数量和生物量则逐渐降低(P<0.05);随着恢复年限的增加,人工草地繁殖构件的变化逐渐接近未退化天然草地.在功能群水平上,植物繁殖构件数量亦随草地退化程度和人工恢复年限而变化.随着恢复年限的增加,禾本科、莎草科、杂类草的营养枝数量和生物量均呈现显著增加(P<0.05),而繁殖枝数量和生物量则显著下降,禾本科的繁殖构件数量远远大于莎草科和杂类草;随着退化程度的增加,三大功能群的营养枝枝数和生物量显著增加(P<0.05),而繁殖枝则呈现相反的趋势.实证了草地退化和人工恢复改变植物群落繁殖分配对策的科学假设,为高寒草地植被恢复重建技术的发展和更新提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒草地生态系统服务功能的互作机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘兴元  龙瑞军  尚占环 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7688-7697
青藏高原高寒草地是我国重要的畜牧业生产基地和生态安全屏障.高寒草地退化不仅影响了当地畜牧业生产和牧民生活,而且严重地威胁着我国和东亚地区的生态安全.从高寒草地生态系统的生态、生产和生活功能角度出发,分析了青藏高原高寒草地生态系统在人口、放牧压力与资源环境承载力的相互作用关系,及其生态、生产和生活功能比例结构变化对高寒草地生态系统服务功能的影响,阐明了高寒草地生态系统服务功能的多元耦合、多维连锁和多重反馈的相互作用机制.并以藏北那曲地区为例,把2008年农牧民脱贫线和小康线作为生活功能标准,通过生态服务功能当量,确定了维持高寒草地生态系统可持续发展的生态、生产和生活功能比例结构.据此,估测了牧民的生活功能达到脱贫线和小康线标准时允许的人口承载量.结果表明,高寒草地退化使草地生态系统的人口承载量下降了60%.以那曲地区2008年的实际的牧业人口量与允许的人口承载量相比,高寒草地退化后,实际牧业人口占脱贫标准的36%,但小康标准超载了118.9%.因此,调控人口承载量是实现青藏高原高寒草地生态系统的生态、生产和生活功能协调发展的关键.  相似文献   

西部高寒湿地系统的草地资源保护与优化利用模式研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
西部高寒湿地系统的草地资源保护与优化利用问题,是我国生态环境建设中倍受重视的科学问题。本研究以甘南的高寒湿地为研究对象,分析了高寒草地资源变化的时空分布特征及其在环境条件影响下的增长动态,采用生物控制论方法,组建了草地资源保护模型及草地放牧系统的最优控制模型。依据在甘南玛曲县高寒草地的调查结果,分别对其山地草原化草甸、山地典型草甸和沼泽草甸等草地资源的利用,建立了相应的保护指标。确定了该草地放牧系统的最优牧草资源水平和最优控制量,提出了草地资源优化利用的管理对策与措施,为草地放牧管理提供了优化模式和定量依据。  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play an important role in maintaining the function and sustainability of grassland ecosystem, but they are also susceptible to environmental changes. In recent decades, alpine meadows on the Tibetan Plateau have experienced severe degradation due to the impact of human activities and climate change. But it remains unclear how degradation affects the AMF community, a group of functionally important root associated microorganisms, which potentially limit the development and application of microbial technologies in the restoration of degraded grasslands. In this study, we investigated AMF communities richness and composition in non-degraded (ND), moderately degraded (MD) and severely degraded (SD) alpine meadows on the Tibetan Plateau, and then explored their main biotic and abiotic determinants. Alpine meadow degradation significantly reduced plant community biomass, richness, soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, available nitrogen and available phosphorus, but increased soil pH. AMF community composition and the iesdominant family and genera differed significantly among different degradation stages. Grassland degradation shifted the AMF community composition in favor of Claroideoglomus over Rhizophagus, and resulted in a marked loss of Glomeraceae and the dominance of Diversisporaceae. Alpine meadow degradation significantly increased AMF hyphal density and richness, likely working as a plant strategy to relieve nutrient deficiencies or loss as a result of degradation. The structural equation model showed that AMF community richness and composition were significantly influenced by plant community, followed by soil available nutrients. Soil available nutrients was the key contributor to the increased AMF hyphal density and richness during grassland degradation. Our findings identify the effects of alpine meadow degradation on AMF richness and highlight the importance of the plant community in shaping the AMF community during alpine meadow degradation. These results suggest that plant community restoration should be the primary goal for the ecological restoration of degraded alpine meadows, and these soil functional microorganisms should be simultaneously integrated into ecological restoration strategies and management.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Few studies have investigated the effect of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on ecosystem respiration (Re) under mixed legume and grass pastures sown at different seeding ratios,and data are almost entirely lacking for alpine meadow of the Tibetan Plateau. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that although a combination of legumes with grass and N fertilizer increases Re the combination decreases Re intensity (i.e. Re per unit of aboveground biomass) due to greater increases in aboveground biomass compared to increases in Re.


This hypothesis was tested using different seeding ratios of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) with and without N fertilizer on the Tibetan plateau in 2009 and 2010. Re was measured using a static closed opaque chamber. Re intensity was estimated as the ratio of seasonal average Re during the growing season to aboveground biomass.


Compared with common vetch monoculture pasture, mixed legume-grass pastures only significantly decreased Re intensity (with a decrease of about 75 %–87 %) in the drought year 2009 due to greater increases in aboveground biomass compared to increases in Re. There were no significant differences in Re and Re intensity among different seeding ratios of oat and common vetch in either year. N fertilizer significantly decreased Re intensity for common vetch monoculture pasture by 24.5 % in 2009 and 69.5 % in 2010 although it did not significantly affect plant production and Re.


From the perspective of forage yield and Re, planting mixed legume-grass pastures without N fertilizer is a preferable way to balance the twin objectives of forage production and mitigation of atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions in alpine regions.  相似文献   

草地利用移动性的丧失导致生态系统退化,是草地放牧生态学领域兴起的主导性学说.在我国,草地利用移动性的丧失不仅是政策变化导致的,更是众多自然和社会因素叠加演进的结果.草地利用移动性的重建对于中国草地恢复和可持续性管理具有重要意义,但是很难通过恢复传统或季节性轮牧的途径实现.我们可以依托智能围栏、牲畜智能可穿戴设备以及草地...  相似文献   

地表水热要素在青藏高原草地退化中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏龙  宋小宁  蔡硕豪  胡容海  郭达 《生态学报》2021,41(11):4618-4631
在全球气候变暖和频繁的人类活动影响下,青藏高原草地生态系统发生了生产力下降、生物多样性减少及生态功能退化等一系列现象。与传统观测技术相比,遥感技术具有大范围、快速和连续监测等优点,因此被广泛用于区域尺度的草地植被长时间序列监测。以往对青藏高原草原植被影响因子的研究多集中在气温与降水,而相比较于气温和降水,地表温度和土壤湿度直接作用于植物的根部,对植物种子的萌芽和植株的生长也都有着重要影响,所以地表温度和土壤湿度与植被生长的关系更加紧密。基于遥感技术,利用青藏高原草地区域的MODIS和AVHRR数据,选择草地植被覆盖度作为草地退化的遥感监测指标,建立了青藏高原草地退化遥感监测和评价指标体系,并对青藏高原2001-2017年的草地退化状况进行了遥感监测和评价。同时,利用遥感数据获取青藏高原区域尺度的地表温度和温度植被干旱指数数据,用于指示地表水热状况,最后基于回归方法分析了地表水热要素在青藏高原草地退化中的作用。结果表明:从2001-2017年,青藏高原植被退化程度空间差异明显,柴达木盆地和青海湖附近退化较为严重,喜马拉雅山脉北部、昆仑山脉南部、冈底斯山脉北部交汇的地区退化也较严重。在2001-2017年间,青藏高原草地未退化面积从50.60%上升到59.00%,说明青藏高原草地整体上在朝着改善的方向发展。2001-2017年内,青藏高原草地整体上大部分时间处于轻度退化状态,但是2001年和2015年这两个年份青藏高原草地退化整体上达到中等退化水平。通过回归分析发现,土壤湿度主导的对青藏高原草地的影响面积达到14.04%。地表温度主导的影响面积达到草地总面积的约36.61%。但地表温度与植被之间相互影响,且主要呈现负相关关系。其中,在温性草甸地区,当植被覆盖度较低时,地表温度正向影响植被生长。  相似文献   

Grassland degradation has been one of the major ecological concerns on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) in recent years, but the degradation of alpine shrub meadows, and in particular the changes in its surface landscape pattern, has been less well assessed. This study selected a warm-season pasture on the QTP as a study area, and used an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to collect aerial photographs along the degradation gradient from late June to early July 2018. We then classified the surface landscape as alpine shrub, alpine meadow, bare soil and plateau pika hole and analyzed the landscape pattern changes at different degradation levels. The results showed that the alpine shrub and alpine meadow dominated landscape degraded to a pattern of alpine meadow and bare soil dominance and pika hole pervasiveness, during which vegetation cover declined and the overall landscape pattern tended to fragment. Landscape pattern characteristics related to the area, density, connectivity and boundaries respond more clearly to the shrub degradation, with moderate degradation being the key stage at which the surface landscape pattern changes dramatically. Our study demonstrates a potential application of UAV technology in the study of grassland degradation. Future research should focus on the status, mechanisms and ecological effects of alpine shrub meadows degradation and the quantitative relationships between surface landscape patterns and ecological functions.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the leaf anatomy of grassland plants is crucial for understanding how these plants adapt to the environment. Tibetan alpine grasslands and Inner Mongolian temperate grasslands are two major grassland types in northern China. Tibetan alpine grasslands occur in high-altitude regions where the low temperatures limit plant growth. Inner Mongolian temperate grasslands are found in arid regions where moisture is the limiting factor. Few comparative studies concerning the leaf anatomy of grassland plants of the Tibetan Plateau and Inner Mongolian Plateau have been conducted. We examined leaf characteristics at 71 sites and among 65 species, across the alpine grasslands of the Tibetan Plateau and the temperate grasslands of the Inner Mongolian Plateau. We compared the leaf structures of plants with different life forms and taxonomies, and their adaptation to arid or cold environments. We explored relationships among leaf features and the effects of climatic factors (i.e., growing season temperature and precipitation) on leaf characteristics. Our results showed that (i) there were significant differences in leaf anatomy between Tibetan alpine and Inner Mongolian temperate grasslands. Except for mesophyll cell density, the values obtained for thickness of leaf tissue, surface area and volume of mesophyll cells were larger on the Tibetan Plateau than on the Inner Mongolian Plateau. (ii) Within the same family or genus, leaf anatomy showed significant differences between two regions, and trends were consistent with those of whole species. (iii) Leaf anatomy of woody and herbaceous plants also showed significant differences between the regions. Except for mesophyll cell density, the values obtained for the thickness of leaf tissue, and the surface area and volume of mesophyll cells were larger in herbaceous than in woody plants. (iv) Leaf anatomical traits changed accordingly. Total leaf thickness, thicknesses of lower and upper epidermal cells, and surface area and volume of mesophyll cells were positively correlated, while mesophyll cell density was negatively associated with those traits. (v) Growing season temperature had stronger effects on leaf anatomy than growing season precipitation. Although the communities in Tibetan and Inner Mongolian grasslands were similar in appearance, leaf anatomy differed; this was probably due to the combined effects of evolutionary adaptation of plants to environment and environmental stress induced by climatic factors.  相似文献   

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