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Notch家族是一组进化上高度保守的跨膜蛋白,可以广泛调节细胞的发育和分化.越来越多的研究发现,Notch信号通路可以通过调节多种免疫细胞的发育和功能来调节机体的免疫功能.本文综述了Notch家族的组成,其调控因素及其靶基因,Notch信号通路对造血干细胞、固有免疫细胞和适应性免疫细胞的调节作用以及Notch信号通路参与的免疫相关疾病.Notch信号通路对造血干细胞、巨噬细胞、树突状细胞、肥大细胞、T和B淋巴细胞的发育和功能的发挥都有重要的调节作用,并参与肿瘤、病毒感染、炎症反应和自身免疫疾病等免疫相关疾病的发生.  相似文献   

Notch信号通路是在进化上非常保守的单次跨膜信号受体蛋白家族,广泛表达于脊椎动物与无脊椎动物中,主要由Notch受体、Notch配体及细胞内效应分子CSL蛋白组成。Notch信号通路是多种组织和器官早期发育所必需的细胞间调节信号,参与对细胞增殖、分化、凋亡的调控。近年的研究表明,Notch信号通路参与肺纤维化的发生发展,阻断或激活这一途径可以影响肺纤维化的进展,本文就Notch信号通路与肺纤维化的关系的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

Notch 信号通路为一广泛应用且高度保守的信号转导途径,决定多能祖细胞的分化方向,其中在共同淋巴祖细胞向 T 淋巴细胞或 B 淋巴细胞分化选择中具有决定性作用 . Notch 信号通路参与淋巴细胞的发育过程,促进 Tαβ细胞的形成、诱导处女型 T 细胞变为调节型 T 细胞、阻止 CD4+T 细胞向 Th1 类型分化,以及增加外周免疫器官边缘区 B 细胞的数量 . 在分析 Notch 蛋白结构的基础上,综合最新进展,系统阐明了 Notch 信号通路的组成、作用机制、参与的淋巴细胞发育过程以及所起的作用 .  相似文献   

Notch是广泛存在于细胞表面介导细胞间信号传递的一类高度保守的受体蛋白。Notch信号通路是通过细胞间相互作用来调节生物体生长发育的一个十分保守的信号通路。Notch信号通路在脊椎动物和无脊椎动物的发育过程中,对细胞命运的决定、神经系统的发育、器官的形成及体节的发生都有重要的作用。特别是在免疫系统和肿瘤发生中也起着极为重要的作用。目前,Notch信号已经成为发育生物学、细胞生物学、免疫学及血液学等多个领域的研究热点之一。本文就Notch信号通路的组成、调节作用机制及该通路与个体发育之间的联系作一综述。  相似文献   

Notch信号通路在脊椎动物和无脊椎动物许多组织的发育过程和细胞间通讯中都发挥了关键的作用,包括调控细胞命运,调节细胞迁移,分化和增殖.Notch信号通路由Notch受体及其跨膜配体如Delta(Dl)和Serrate组成.Neuralized 蛋白(Neur)编码1个E3泛素连接酶,是Notch配体D1内吞所必需的.Neur蛋白包括3个从线虫到人高度保守的结构域:2个Neur同源重复结构域(NHR1和NHR2)和1个C端RING结构域.本文就Notch信号通路主要元件和Neru的结构与功能及其关系进行综述.  相似文献   

Notch信号通路是高度保守的信号传导途径,在无脊椎动物和有脊椎动物中均有表达,并在发育过程中起着至关重要的作用。在免疫系统中,Notch信号通路在中枢和外周淋巴器官调节T和B细胞的发育。已有研究报道了其在淋巴细胞发育中的作用,但在髓系的发育和功能中作用鲜为人知,尤其在急、慢性炎症中。文章将描述Notch信号通路在先天免疫和炎症反应中起关键调节作用,探讨其在炎症性疾病发病机制和治疗中的潜在作用。  相似文献   

O-岩藻糖肽3-β-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖转移酶(Lunatic Fringe,LFNG)与Notch信号作用密切相关,且LFNG在不同组织细胞中对Notch信号所起的作用不同。为了探讨LFNG在急性B细胞白血病中的表达及对Notch信号的作用,应用real-time PCR和Western-blot在核酸水平及蛋白质水平上检测了LFNG在人急性B淋巴细胞白血病细胞系BALL-1、人正常B淋巴母细胞系HMy2.CIR及正常B细胞中的表达状况,并应用si RNA技术分析了LFNG基因沉默后对白血病BALL-1细胞中Notch信号通路的影响。结果显示:白血病细胞系BALL-1存在LFNG蛋白过度表达,且LFNG基因沉默后抑制白血病B细胞的Notch信号通路。上述结果提示LFNG在白血病B细胞中的异常表达能促进Notch信号。  相似文献   

Notch信号通路进化上非常保守,广泛表达于脊椎动物和无脊椎动物中。Notch信号通路由受体、配体、CSL-DNA结合蛋白等组成,在细胞的增殖、分化和凋亡中发挥重要的调控作用。近年来发现,Notch信号作为一个新型的代谢调节因子,在骨骼肌细胞和脂肪细胞稳态、脂肪肝、糖尿病及糖尿病肾病中发挥重要的调节作用。本文就Notch信号在细胞的稳态及一些代谢性疾病中的调节作用及其分子机制作一综述。  相似文献   

糖基化对Notch信号传递系统的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Notch信号分子是多细胞生物发育过程中高度保守的一类十分重要的跨膜信 号受体糖蛋白家族.这一信号途径通过局部细胞间的相互作用而产生对多种不成熟细胞分化 的抑制信号, 精确调控细胞的分化潜能,在细胞发育、增殖、分化中起关键作用,参与造血 、T细胞发育、血管生成等重要生理过程.Notch受体分子上具有多种寡糖链,包括N-聚糖、O-岩藻糖聚糖、O-葡萄糖聚糖等,这些寡糖以及相关糖基转移酶对Notch受体-配体结合以及Notch信号传递功能有重要影响.本文就近年来有关Notch受体糖基化及其对Notch信号传递过程的研究进行综述.  相似文献   

不对称分裂是干/祖细胞发育分化中的基本过程,膜相关蛋白Numb在其中发挥重要作用.Numb极性分布于细胞一侧,在干/祖细胞有丝分裂时不对等分配至两个子代细胞,使子代细胞产生不同分化命运.如一个保持在干/祖细胞状态,而另一个发育为神经元,这一过程主要通过抑制Notch信号通路发挥作用.近年在哺乳动物中的研究中发现,高强度Notch信号又能够反馈抑制Numb活性.Numb具有维持神经干/祖细胞增殖与促进分化的双重作用,Numb的命运决定作用还与Shh信号通路和p53蛋白等相关.另外,Numb参与调控细胞的粘连、迁移以及神经元轴突的分支与延长.本文主要对Numb在果蝇及哺乳动物神经干/祖细胞中的定位以及其在决定细胞命运和分化中的调控作用进行综述.  相似文献   



Notch signaling plays a critical role in multiple developmental programs and not surprisingly, the Notch pathway has also been implicated in the regulation of many adult stem cells, such as those in the intestine, skin, lungs, hematopoietic system, and muscle.

Scope of review

In this review, we will first describe molecular mechanisms of Notch component modulation including recent advances in this field and introduce the fundamental principles of Notch signaling controlling cell fate decisions. We will then illustrate its important and varied functions in major stem cell model systems including: Drosophila and mammalian intestinal stem cells and mammalian skin, lung, hematopoietic and muscle stem cells.

Major conclusions

The Notch receptor and its ligands are controlled by endocytic processes that regulate activation, turnover, and recycling. Glycosylation of the Notch extracellular domain has important modulatory functions on interactions with ligands and on proper receptor activity. Notch can mediate cell fate decisions including proliferation, lineage commitment, and terminal differentiation in many adult stem cell types. Certain cell fate decisions can have precise requirements for levels of Notch signaling controlled through modulatory regulation.

General significance

We describe the current state of knowledge of how the Notch receptor is controlled through its interaction with ligands and how this is regulated by associated factors. The functional consequences of Notch receptor activation on cell fate decisions are discussed. We illustrate the importance of Notch's role in cell fate decisions in adult stem cells using examples from the intestine, skin, lung, blood, and muscle. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Biochemistry of Stem Cells.  相似文献   

Studies with embryonic explants and embryonic stem cells have suggested a role for Hedgehog (Hh) signaling in hematopoiesis. However, targeted deletion of Hh pathway components in the mouse has so far failed to provide in vivo evidence. Here we show that zebrafish embryos mutant in the Hh pathway or treated with the Hh signaling inhibitor cyclopamine display defects in adult hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) formation but not in primitive hematopoiesis. Hh is required in the trunk at three consecutive stages during vascular development: for the medial migration of endothelial progenitors of the dorsal aorta (DA), for arterial gene expression, and for the formation of intersomitic vessel sprouts. Interference with Hh signaling during the first two stages also interferes with HSC formation. Furthermore, HSC and DA formation also share Vegf and Notch requirements, which further distinguishes them from primitive hematopoiesis and underlines their close relationship during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway is evolutionarily conserved across species and plays an important role in regulating cell differentiation, proliferation, and survival. It has been implicated in several different hematopoietic processes including early hematopoietic development as well as adult hematological malignancies in humans. This review focuses on recent developments in understanding the role of Notch signaling in the human hematopoietic system with an emphasis on hematopoietic initiation from human pluripotent stem cells and regulation within the bone marrow. Based on recent insights, we summarize potential strategies for treatment of human hematological malignancies toward the concept of targeting Notch signaling for fate regulation.  相似文献   

Signals of Notch transmembrane receptors function to regulate a wide variety of developmental cell fates. Here we investigate the role of Notch signaling in the development of mesodermal cell types by expressing a tamoxifen-inducible, activated form of Notch1 in embryonic stem cells (ESC). For differentiation of ESC into first mesodermal progenitor cells and then endothelial, mural, cardiac muscle and hematopoietic cells, the OP9 stroma co-culture system was used. Timed activation of Notch signaling by the addition of tamoxifen at various stages during differentiation of ESC into mesodermal cell lineages results in profound alterations in the generation of all of these cells. Differentiation of ESC into Flk1(+) mesodermal cells is inhibited by activated Notch. When Notch signaling is activated in mesodermal cells, generation of cardiac muscle, endothelial and hematopoietic cells is inhibited, favoring the generation of mural cells. Activation of Notch signaling in hematopoietic cells reduces colony formation and maintenance of hematopoiesis. These data suggest that Notch signaling plays a regulatory role in mesodermal development, cardiomyogenesis, the balanced generation of endothelial versus mural cells of blood vessels and hematopoietic development.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cells give rise to progeny that either self-renew in an undifferentiated state or lose self-renewal capabilities and commit to lymphoid or myeloid lineages. Here we evaluated whether hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal is affected by the Notch pathway. Notch signaling controls cell fate choices in both invertebrates and vertebrates by inhibiting certain differentiation pathways, thereby permitting cells to either differentiate along an alternative pathway or to self-renew. Notch receptors are present in hematopoietic precursors and Notch signaling enhances the in vitro generation of human and mouse hematopoietic precursors, determines T- or B-cell lineage specification from a common lymphoid precursor and promotes expansion of CD8(+) cells. Here, we demonstrate that constitutive Notch1 signaling in hematopoietic cells established immortalized, cytokine-dependent cell lines that generated progeny with either lymphoid or myeloid characteristics both in vitro and in vivo. These data support a role for Notch signaling in regulating hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal. Furthermore, the establishment of clonal, pluripotent cell lines provides the opportunity to assess mechanisms regulating stem cell commitment and demonstrates a general method for immortalizing stem cell populations for further analysis.  相似文献   

Notch是一个进化上十分保守的跨膜受体蛋白家族,对无脊椎动物和脊椎动物发育过程中的细胞命运决定起重要作用。一条重要的Notch信号途径涉及Notch的“三步蛋白质水解”活化。许多相关分子和体内生化过程参与Notch信号途径调控。调控发生在不同水平,包括Notch-配体互作、受体和配体的运输、泛素化降解等。现就Notch受体、Notch信号途径及其所受的不同水平的调控进行综述。  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway plays essential roles in both animal development and human disease. Regulation of Notch receptor levels in membrane compartments has been shown to affect signaling in a variety of contexts. Here we used steady-state and pulse-labeling techniques to follow Notch receptors in sensory organ precursor cells in Drosophila. We find that the endosomal adaptor protein Numb regulates levels of Notch receptor trafficking to Rab7-labeled late endosomes but not early endosomes. Using an assay we developed that labels different pools of Notch receptors as they move through the endocytic system, we show that Numb specifically suppresses a recycled Notch receptor subpopulation and that excess Notch signaling in numb mutants requires the recycling endosome GTPase Rab11 activity. Our data therefore suggest that Numb controls the balance between Notch receptor recycling and receptor targeting to late endosomes to regulate signaling output after asymmetric cell division in Drosophila neural progenitors.  相似文献   

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