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四川省森林植被碳储量的空间分异特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
黄从德  张健  杨万勤  唐宵  张国庆 《生态学报》2009,29(9):5115-5121
森林植被碳储量的空间分异特征研究可为以减排增汇为目标的森林生态系统碳库管理提供重要的基础数据.根据实测的林分含碳量和区域生物量-蓄积量回归模型计算了四川省森林植被碳储量,使用ArcGIS软件绘制和分析了四川森林植被碳储量的空间分异特征.结果表明,四川省森林植被的平均碳密度为38.04 MgC·hm-2(12.15~59.51 MgC·hm-2).受青藏高原隆升和人类活动干扰及其叠加效应的影响,四川森林植被碳密度空间分异明显,总体上表现出随纬度、海拔高度和坡度的增加而增加,随经度的增加而减小,高海拔地区和陡坡地带具有较高的碳密度.减少人类活动对森林的破坏及采取森林分区经营管理是稳定和增强四川森林碳汇功能的有效途径.  相似文献   

辽宁省森林植被碳储量和固碳速率变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用CBM-CFS3模型,结合森林资源相关数据,研究辽宁省森林植被碳储量和固碳速率;并基于是否造林的两种假设情境,预测了未来辽宁省森林植被碳储量、碳密度和固碳速率的时空变化趋势.结果表明: 2005年辽宁省森林植被碳储量为133.94 Tg,碳密度为25.08 t·hm-2,其中,栎类的碳储量最大,刺槐碳储量最小;落叶松和阔叶林碳密度较大,油松、栎类和刺槐碳密度基本相当.全省森林植被碳密度呈东高西低的分布规律,辽东地区由于森林多为成熟林和过熟林,未来植被碳密度增加潜力不大,辽宁南部和北部的中幼龄林未来将成为植被碳密度增长的高值区.在假设未来不造林的情景下,辽宁省森林植被碳储量上升缓慢,固碳速率下降较快;在无林地造林情景下,全省森林植被碳储量、固碳速率将明显提高.说明造林在增加森林植被碳储量和碳密度、提高森林的固碳速率中起到了重要作用.  相似文献   

吉林省森林植被固碳现状与速率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对吉林省森林植被的普遍调查、典型调查以及植被样品含碳率测定, 结合吉林省2009年和2014年森林清查数据, 估算了区域森林植被的碳储量、碳密度及固碳速率。研究结果表明: 林下植被的生物量在不同林分和同类林分中存在较大的差异, 整体不足乔木层生物量的3%, 灌木植物的生物量略高于草本植物和幼树。不同林分类型的乔木含碳率介于45.80%-52.97%之间, 整体表现为针叶林高于阔叶林; 灌木和草本植物分别为39.79%-47.25%和40%左右。吉林省森林植被碳转换系数以0.47或0.48更为准确, 若以0.50或0.45作为植被的碳转换系数计算碳储量, 会造成±5.26%的偏差。吉林省森林植被不仅维持着较高的碳库水平, 而且极具碳汇能力; 2009年和2014年碳储量分别为471.29 Tg C和505.76 Tg C, 累计碳增量34.47 Tg C, 平均每年碳增量6.89 Tg C·a-1; 碳密度由64.58 t·hm-2增至66.68 t·hm-2, 平均增加2.10 t·hm-2, 固碳速率0.92 t·hm-2·a-1。森林植被碳储量的增长主体是蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)林和阔叶混交林, 合计碳增量占总体的90.34%。受植被发育引起的生物量增长、林分龄组晋级以及森林经营所引起的面积变化影响, 各龄组植被碳增量为幼龄林>过熟林>近熟林>中龄林, 成熟林表现为负增长; 固碳速率为过熟林>幼龄林>近熟林>中龄林>成熟林。森林植被碳储量和碳密度的市/区分布整体表现为自东向西明显的降低变化; 碳增量以东北和中东部地区较高, 西部地区较低; 固碳速率整体以南部的通化地区和白山地区相对较高, 中部的吉林地区和东部的延边地区次之, 西部的白城地区、松原地区等地呈负增长。  相似文献   

为阐明安徽省不同林龄的森林生态系统的碳储量现状, 以及现有自然环境条件下顶极森林生态系统的固碳潜力, 采用野外样地调查和BIOME4模型方法对此进行研究。安徽省森林生态系统的现状总碳储量为714.5 Tg C, 其中植被碳402.1 Tg C、土壤碳312.4 Tg C。从幼龄林至过熟林的生长过程中, 森林生态系统的总碳密度和植被碳密度都呈现增长趋势。但土壤碳密度从幼龄林至近熟林阶段呈增加趋势, 近熟林以后出现减少趋势。安徽省幼龄林和中龄林占森林总面积的75%, 若幼、中龄林发展到近熟林阶段, 将增加125.4 Tg C。BIOME4模拟显示: 当森林发展到气候顶极森林时, 安徽省森林生态系统将增加245.7 Tg C, 即总固碳潜力包括植被固碳153.7 Tg C, 土壤固碳92.0 Tg C。  相似文献   

湖南省森林植被碳储量、碳密度动态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用湖南省4次(1983—1987年、1990—1995年、2003—2004年和2009年)森林资源清查数据,采用材积源-生物量法,结合湖南省现有森林植被主要树种碳含量实测数据,研究近20多年来湖南省森林植被碳储量、碳密度的动态特征。结果表明:从1987年到2009年,湖南省乔木林植被碳汇为66.40×106tC,碳密度提高了5.65 tC/hm~2,阔叶林碳汇最大(48.43×10~6tC),其次是杉木林(9.54×10~6tC)和松木林(6.68×10~6tC),各乔木林植被碳密度波动较大;除过熟林外,各龄组乔木林均为碳汇,中龄林碳汇最大,幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林植被碳密度依次提高了4.75、4.09、0.83 tC/hm~2,成熟林、过熟林分别下降了6.87、13.88 tC/hm~2;天然林、人工林植被碳汇分别为41.01×10~6tC、25.39×10~6tC,碳密度分别提高了7.19、4.91 tC/hm~2。湖南省森林植被(包括疏林)碳汇为84.87×10~6tC,乔木林碳汇最大,其次是竹林,分别占湖南省森林植被碳汇的78.24%和33.31%,碳密度提高了6.24 tC/hm~2,各森林类型植被碳储量随其面积变化而变化。表明近20多年来,湖南省乔木林植被单位面积储碳能力明显提高,天然林在湖南省乔木林植被碳储量占有重要地位。  相似文献   

四川省及重庆地区森林植被碳储量动态   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
四川省及重庆市地区森林植被是我国第二大林区-西南林区的主体,位于"世界第三极"--青藏高原东缘.在建立森林乔木层生物量与蓄积量回归模型的基础上,按林分类型测定含碳量,结合四川4次森林资源清查数据,估算了不同时段的碳储量.各林分类型含碳量在46.75%~54.89%之间,平均含碳量为51.09%,针叶林平均含碳量(52.82%)大于阔叶林(49.37%);四川森林植被碳储量从1988年的383.04TgC增加到2003年的523.57TgC,增加了140.53TgC,年均增长率2.11%,比全国年均增长率高出0.22%,表明四川森林植被是CO2的一个汇.4次调查的森林植被平均碳密度分别为38.93、38.68、39.17、41.66MgC/hm2,呈现增加趋势,表明森林植被的碳汇功能不断加强;成熟林碳储量占同期的64.15%、63.89%、65.33%、60.82%,但所占比重呈下降的趋势,幼中林碳储量的比重不断上升,表明森林植被的碳吸存潜力大;森林植被碳储量主要分布在天然林中,占同期碳储量的90%以上,但人工林的碳储能力正在逐步提高,人工林碳年均增长率(7.17%)明显大于天然林(1.83%),表明人工林将在研究区域森林植被碳汇功能中扮演重要的角色.研究区森林植被碳储量占同期全国碳储量的比例呈增加趋势,可见,研究区森林植被在全国森林碳汇中具有重要的作用和地位.  相似文献   

黑龙江省森林植被碳储量及其动态变化   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
焦燕  胡海清 《应用生态学报》2005,16(12):2248-2252
黑龙江省的森林资源在全国森林资源中占有较为重要的位置.利用我国第一次(1973~1976年)至第六次(1999~2003年)森林资源清查资料,以及不同树种生物量和蓄积量之间的线性关系,对黑龙江省近30年来森林碳储量进行了求和推算.结果表明,黑龙江省6次森林资源清查中森林的总碳储量分别是7.916×108 t、.413×108 t、.661×108 t、.880×108 t、6.216×108 t和6.011×108 t,总体呈先下降后上升的趋势,说明30年间黑龙江省的森林是CO2的"汇";特别是1977~1981年后,黑龙江省森林碳储量呈逐渐上升趋势,说明近20年来黑龙江省森林CO2"汇"的作用在增强.如果对现有森林进行更好地抚育和管理,黑龙江省森林作为CO2"汇"的潜力很大.  相似文献   

基于森林清查资料的江西和浙江森林植被固碳潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nie H  Wang SQ  Zhou L  Wang JY  Zhang Y  Deng ZW  Yang FT 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2581-2588
以我国江西、浙江两省的森林植被为研究对象,基于1999-2003年间第六次全国森林清查数据及收集的1030个亚热带森林样地文献资料,依据林分生长的经验方程,估算了两个地区森林2004-2013年的固碳潜力,并基于455个样点的调查数据研究了不同森林管理措施(纯林间种、间伐、施肥)对森林未来固碳潜力的影响.结果表明:第六次森林清查以来的10年(2004-2013)间,江西森林植被年均自然固碳潜力约11.37 Tg C·a-1(1Tg=1012g),而浙江省森林植被年均自然固碳潜力约4.34 Tg C·a-1.纯林间种对江西、浙江两省森林植被固碳潜力影响最大,其次为间伐抚育,施肥的影响最小,纯林间种、间伐和施肥3种森林管理措施使江西省森林植被固碳潜力分别提高(6.54±3.9)、(3.81±2.02)和(2.35±0.6) Tg C·a-1,浙江省森林植被固碳潜力分别提高(2.64±1.28)、(1.42±0.69)和(1.15±0.29) Tg C·a-1.  相似文献   

2004-2013年山东省森林碳储量及其碳汇经济价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
森林作为陆地生态系统的主体,其林分碳储量及其碳汇经济价值的估算是全球碳循环研究的热点和重要内容。基于2004-2008年和2009-2013年山东省森林资源清查数据以及实测样地数据改进的生物量蓄积量转换参数,利用生物量转换因子连续函数法,估算2004-2013年山东省森林碳储量及其碳汇经济价值动态。研究结果表明,2004-2013年山东省森林面积、碳储量和碳密度分别从2004-2008年的156.12×104hm2、34.75Tg C和22.26Mg C/hm2增加到2009-2013年161.44×104hm2、43.98Tg C和27.24Mg C/hm2。人工林是森林面积、碳储量和碳密度增加的主要贡献者,人工林和天然林对森林生物量碳汇的贡献分别为97.3%和2.7%。两次森林清查期间,杨树和硬阔软阔类森林的碳储量之和分别占全省总量的70.2%和69.6%,杨树的碳储量和碳密度增加最为显著。各龄组森林碳储量由大到小依次为:幼龄林 > 中龄林 > 成熟林 > 近熟林 > 过熟林。森林碳汇经济价值从2004-2008年的243.37亿元增长到2009-2013年的253.42亿元,年均增长2.01亿元,杨树的碳汇经济价值占全省所有森林类型的60%,赤松单位面积碳汇经济价值最强为2.08万元/ha。  相似文献   

甘肃省森林碳储量现状与固碳速率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对森林碳平衡再评估的重要性和区域尺度森林生态系统碳库量化分配的不确定性, 该研究依据全国森林资源连续清查结果中甘肃省各森林类型分布的面积与蓄积比重以及林龄和起源等要素, 在甘肃省布设212个样地, 经野外调查与采样、室内分析, 并对典型样地信息按照面积权重进行尺度扩展, 估算了甘肃省森林生态系统碳储量及其分布特征。结果表明: 甘肃省森林生态系统总碳储量为612.43 Tg C, 其中植被生物量碳为179.04 Tg C, 土壤碳为433.39 Tg C。天然林是甘肃省碳储量的主要贡献者, 其值为501.42 Tg C, 是人工林的4.52倍。天然林和人工林的植被碳密度均表现为随林龄的增加而增加的趋势, 同一龄组天然林植被碳密度高于人工林。天然林土壤碳密度从幼龄林到过熟林逐渐增加, 但人工林土壤碳密度最大值主要为近熟林。全省森林植被碳密度均值为72.43 Mg C·hm-2, 天然林和人工林分别为90.52和33.79 Mg C·hm-2。基于森林清查资料和标准样地实测数据, 估算出全省天然林和人工林在1996年的植被碳储量为132.47和12.81 Tg C, 2011年分别为152.41和26.63 Tg C, 平均固碳速率分别为1.33和0.92 Tg C·a-1。甘肃省幼、中龄林面积比重较大, 占全省的62.28%, 根据碳密度随林龄的动态变化特征, 预测这些低龄林将发挥巨大的碳汇潜力。  相似文献   

Forests represent the most important component of the terrestrial biological carbon pool and play an important role in the global carbon cycle. The regional scale estimation of carbon budgets of forest ecosystems, however, have high uncertainties because of the different data sources, estimation methods and so on. Our objective was to accurately estimate the carbon storage, density and sequestration rate in forest vegetation in Jilin Province of China, in order to understand the role of the carbon sink and to better manage forest ecosystems.
Vegetation survey data were used to determine forest distribution, size of area and vegetation types regionally. In our study, 561 plots were investigated to build volume-biomass models; 288 plots of shrubs and herbs were harvested to calculate the biomass of understory vegetation, and samples of trees, shrubs and herbs were collected to analyze carbon content. Carbon storage, density and sequestration rate were estimated by two forest inventory data (2009 and 2014), combined with volume-biomass models, the average biomass of understory vegetation and carbon content of vegetation. Finally, the distribution patterns of carbon pools were presented using ArcGIS soft ware.
Important findings
Understory vegetation biomass overall was less than 3% of the tree layer biomass, varying greatly among different forest types and even among the similar types. The carbon content of trees was between 45.80%-52.97%, and that of the coniferous forests was higher than that of the broadleaf forests. The carbon content of shrub and herb layers was about 39.79%-47.25% and 40%, respectively. Therefore, the vegetation carbon conversion coefficient was 0.47 or 0.48 in Jilin Province, and the conventional use of 0.50 or 0.45 would cause deviation of ±5.26%. The vegetation carbon pool of Jilin Province was at the upper range of regional carbon pool and had higher capacity of carbon sequestration. The value in 2009 and 2014 was 471.29 Tg C and 505.76 Tg C, respectively, and the total increase was 34.47 Tg C with average annual growth of 6.89 Tg C·a-1. The corresponding carbon sequestration rate was 0.92 t·hm-2·a-1. The carbon density rose from 64.58 t·hm-2 in 2009 to 66.68 t·hm-2 in 2014, with an average increase of 2.10 t·hm-2. In addition, the carbon storage of the Quercus mongolica forests and broadleaved mixed forests, accounted for 90.34% of that of all forests. The carbon increment followed the order of young > over-mature > near mature > middle-aged > mature forests. The carbon sequestration rate of followed the order of over-mature > young > near mature > middle-aged > mature forests. Both the carbon increment and the carbon sequestration rate of mature forests were negative. Furthermore, spatially the carbon storage and density were higher in the east than in the west of Jilin province, while the carbon increment was higher in northeast and middle east than in the west. The carbon sequestration rate was higher in Tonghua and Baishan in the south, followed by Jinlin in the middle and Yanbian in the east, while Baicheng and Songyuan, etc. in west showed negative values.  相似文献   

四川森林土壤有机碳储量的空间分布特征   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
利用森林土壤实测数据与GIS相结合的研究方法估算了四川森林土壤有机碳密度和碳储量,研究了四川森林土壤有机碳密度的空间分布特征.四川森林土壤有机碳储量为(2394.26 ±514.15) TgC,平均碳密度为190.45 Mg·hm-2;四川不同森林类型土壤有机碳储量和碳密度差异较大,分别介于(5.05±0.37)~(1101.74±205.40) TgC、(102.69±21.09)~(264.41±49.24) Mg·hm-2之间,其有机碳含量、碳密度和碳储量都随土层厚度的增加而降低.四川森林土壤有机碳密度空间分布特征明显,总体上表现出随纬度、海拔高度的增加而增加,随经度的增加而减小.从森林土壤生态系统水平监测森林土壤有机碳储量有助于提高其估算精度.  相似文献   

四川森林植被碳储量的时空变化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
黄从德  张健  杨万勤  唐宵 《应用生态学报》2007,18(12):2687-2692
利用平均木法建立森林生物量与蓄积量模型,结合四川森林资源二类调查数据,研究了森林碳密度和碳储量的时空变化.结果表明 四川森林碳储量从1974年的300.02 Tg增加到2004年的469.96 Tg,年均增长率1.51%,表明其是CO2的"汇".由于人工林面积的增加,森林植被的平均碳密度从49.91 Mg·hm-2减少到37.39 Mg·hm-2.四川森林碳储量存在空间差异性,表现为川西北高山峡谷区>川西南山区>盆周低山区>盆地丘陵区>川西平原区.森林碳密度由东南向西北呈现逐渐增加趋势,即盆地丘陵区<川西平原区<川西南山区<盆周低山区<川西北高山峡谷区.通过分区森林经营与管理将提高四川森林的碳吸存能力.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate carbon stocks in forest ecosystems of different stand ages in Anhui Province, and to identify the carbon sequestration potential of climax forests controlled by the natural environment conditions.
Data were collected based on field investigations and simulations were made with the BIOME4 carbon cycle model.
Important findings
Currently, the total forest carbon stocks in Anhui Province amounts to 714.5 Tg C: 402.1 Tg C in vegetation and 312.4 Tg C in soil. Generally, both the total and vegetation carbon density exhibit an increasing trend with the natural growth of forest stands. Soil carbon density increases from young to near mature forests, and then gradually decreases thereafter. Young and middle-aged forests account for 75% of the total forest area in Anhui Province, with potentially an additional 125.4 Tg C to be gained after the young and middle-aged forests reach near mature stage. Results of BIOME4 simulations show that potentially an additional 245.7 Tg C, including 153.7 Tg C in vegetation and 92 Tg C in soil, could be gained if the current forests are transformed into climax forest ecosystems in Anhui Province.  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration is the basic function and most primary service of forest ecosystems, and plays a vital role in mitigating the global climate change. However, carbon storage and allocation in forest ecosystems have been less studied at regional scales than at forest stand levels, and the results are subject to uncertainty due to inconsistent methodologies. In this study we aim to obtain relatively accurate estimates of forest carbon stocks and sequestration rate at a provincial scale (regional) based on plot surveys of plants and soils.
In consideration of the areas and distributions of major forest types, 212 sampling plots, covering different age classes and origins (natural forests vs. planted forests), were surveyed in Gansu Province in northern China. Field investigations were conducted for vegetation layers (trees, shrubs, herbs and litter), soil profiles, and sampling of both plant materials and soils for laboratory analyses. Regional carbon stocks were calculated by up-scaling the carbon densities of all forest types with their corresponding areas. Carbon sequestration rate was estimated by referencing the reports of national forest inventory data for different periods.
Important findings Forest carbon stocks at the provincial scale were estimated at 612.43 Tg C, including 179.04 Tg C in biomass and 433.39 Tg C in soil organic materials. Specifically, natural forests stored 501.42 Tg C, approximately 4.52 times than that of the plantations. Biomass carbon density in both natural forests and plantations showed an increasing trend with stand age classes, and was greater in natural forests than in plantations within the same age classes. Soil carbon density also increased with stand age classes in natural forests, but the highest value occurred at the pre-mature stage in plantations. The weighted average of regional biomass carbon density was at 72.43 Mg C·hm-2, with the average value of 90.52 Mg C·hm-2 in natural forests and 33.79 Mg C·hm-2 in plantations, respectively. In 1996, vegetation stored 132.47 Tg C in natural forests and 12.81 Tg C in plantations, respectively, and the values increased to 152.41 and 26.63 Tg C in 2011, with the mean carbon sequestration rates of 1.33 and 0.92 Tg C·a-1. Given that young and middle-aged forests account for a large proportion (62.28%) of the total forest areas, the region is expected to have substantial potential of carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

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