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食物因素对笼养褐马鸡冬季打斗行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
绝大多数动物社群中都存在着等级行为[2 ,10 ] ,高等级个体在取食、交配等方面都拥有优先权 ,最终导致高等级个体具有更高的存活率和繁殖率[1,3 ,4 ,7~ 9] 。这种等级行为可以避免频繁的打斗所带来的伤害和能量消耗。但是当争夺的资源很重要时 ,低等级个体将会忍受一定程度的代价以打斗的方式去争夺资源[6] 。有关食物分布格局和饥饿状况对鸟类取食打斗行为的影响几乎还为未见报道 ,本文利用冬季集群期内的一个笼养褐马鸡(Crossoptilonmantchuricum )人工种群 ,研究了不同食物分布格局和饥饿状况下取食和打斗行为…  相似文献   

章平  金莹  张方 《动物学杂志》2018,53(6):841-848
2017年4月17日,在黄山浮溪完整地记录了2只雄性凹耳蛙(Odorrana tormotus)之间争夺领地的打斗过程、争斗鸣声以及其中一只蛙打斗后的鸣声,并用摄像机记录了此行为的过程。争斗大约持续了8 min,并产生了一个胜利者和一个失败者。实验共录了胜利蛙的争斗鸣声17声,打斗后鸣声7声,失败蛙的争斗鸣声6声,其中两只蛙同时鸣叫了1声。随后通过Praat语音软件获取鸣声的时域参数和频谱参数,并利用T检验来判断两只蛙争斗鸣声参数是否具有显著差异,以及胜利蛙打斗时与打斗后的鸣声参数是否具有显著差异。对两只蛙争斗鸣声的时域和频谱参数分析发现,胜利蛙以多音节鸣叫为主,其平均基频(8 150 ± 1 305)Hz、最大基频(9 741 ± 1 283)Hz、最小基频(5 809 ± 1 139)Hz以及最大最小基频差(3 932 ± 1 122)Hz都高于失败蛙,尤其是平均基频和最大基频(P < 0.05),而最小基频以及最大最小基频差二者差异并不显著(P > 0.05),但是胜利蛙的主频却要略低于失败蛙(P > 0.05);失败蛙的鸣声中非线性片段时长占总时长的百分比更大,甚至超过50%。将胜利蛙的争斗鸣声与打斗后鸣声进行比较,发现总时长、非线性片段时长和平均基频在争斗后都有明显减小(P < 0.05),最大基频、最小基频有略微减小(P > 0.05),而音节间隔时间占总时间的百分比和大小基频差都有所增大(P > 0.05),这可能是为了在争斗过程中更快地击退对手。因此,推测胜利蛙获取胜利的原因可能是因为其具有较高的鸣叫率以及较低的主频。本文描述了雄性凹耳蛙争斗过程中的鸣声特征,可对凹耳蛙雄性之间的竞争过程有更进一步的了解。  相似文献   

段云峰  吴晓丽  王涛  金锋 《生命科学》2013,(10):1027-1035
五羟色胺(5-HT)和多巴胺(DA)是影响攻击行为的重要神经递质。参与这两种神经递质合成和分解、运输及信号转导等过程的物质均可能影响攻击行为,如影响5-HT作用的色氨酸、色氨酸羟化酶、单胺氧化酶、5-羟吲哚乙酸及5-HT转运体和5-HT受体;影响DA作用的多巴胺β羟化酶和儿茶酚胺邻位甲基转移酶以及DA转运体。未来攻击行为研究,应考虑色氨酸自身代谢、受体亚型及其他单胺类和儿茶酚胺类神经递质的影响。将肠道微生物纳入攻击行为研究也是未来研究的新方向。  相似文献   

对荷叶中的生物碱进行了分离、鉴定和调脂减肥活性研究。本研究结合传统酸提碱沉法与现代高效液相色谱制备技术,从荷叶中分离、纯化到11个生物碱,分别被鉴定为N-氧基原荷叶碱(1)、原荷叶碱(2)、莲碱(3)、降氧化北美黄连次碱(4)、荜茇宁(5)、巴婆碱(6)、O-去甲基荷叶碱(7)、N-去甲基荷叶碱(8)、荷叶碱(9)、衡州乌药碱(10)和亚美罂粟碱(11),其中,化合物1、4和5为首次从荷叶中分得。测试所得化合物对5-HT_(2A)和5-HT_(2C)受体的激动作用,结果表明11个生物碱对5-HT_(2A)受体均具有一定的激动作用,进一步揭示了荷叶调脂减肥的可能药效基础和作用机理。  相似文献   

目的:观察低氧性肺动脉高压大鼠肺内5-HT1B受体的分布和表达变化,探讨低氧性肺动脉高压的形成机制.方法:40只健康雄性SD大鼠随机分为正常组(control)、低氧3周组(2w)、低氧4周组(4w)和低氧5周组(5w).除正常组外,其余3组大鼠分别在低氧环境中饲养3周、4周和5周.测定各组大鼠的平均肺动脉压力(mPAP)、右心室收缩压(RVSP)和右心室肥厚度[RV/(LV+S)%].应用免疫组织化学法观察大鼠肺组织中5-HT1B受体的分布和表达,Western blot法测定大鼠肺组织中5-HT1B受体的蛋白含量.结果:和正常组相比,低氧3周组大鼠的mPAP、RVSP和右心室肥厚度均显著升高(P均<0.05),并且随着低氧时间的延长而持续升高(P均<0.05).免疫组织化学结果显示:5-HT1B受体主要分布在正常大鼠肺动脉的内膜层,而平滑肌层中仅有少量表达:和正常组相比,低氧3周组大鼠肺动脉平滑肌层中5-HT1B受体的表达显著增多;随着低氧时间的延长,大鼠肺动脉平滑肌层中5-HT1B受体表达持续增多.Western blot结果表明,大鼠肺组织中5-HT1B受体的蛋白含量变化和免疫组织化学结果相一致.结论:低氧性肺动脉高压大鼠肺动脉中5-HT1B受体呈过度表达,这可能是低氧性肺动脉高压形成的分子机制之一.  相似文献   

多巴脱羧酶(dopa decarboxylase,DDC)又称作芳香族L-氨基酸脱羧酶,是儿茶酚胺生物合成途径中重要的酶之一,具有多种生物学功能。多巴脱羧酶可分别催化L-3,4-二羟基苯丙氨酸(L-多巴)和L-5-羟色氨酸合成两种神经递质多巴胺和五羟色胺。多巴胺和五羟色胺在脊椎动物和无脊椎动物的生殖、发育、行为和免疫应答过程中均具有重要作用。此外,它还与多种神经类疾病和社会行为有关。多巴脱羧酶一般以二聚体的形式存在于哺乳类和昆虫的多种神经和非神经组织中。本文从多巴脱羧酶的结构、催化机制、与神经类疾病及其攻击性社会行为的关联性研究进展等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease, PD)是中老年人群最常见的神经退行性疾病之一,以运动障碍为主要表现,常合并有自主神经功能紊乱、嗅觉缺失、睡眠失调、精神症状(抑郁、焦虑)和认知功能障碍等非运动症状,而精神症状和认知功能障碍是最常见的PD相关非运动症状。截止目前,PD相关非运动症状的病理生理学机制尚不清楚。5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)递质系统参与多种脑功能以及神经精神障碍的病理生理学过程,与PD相关非运动症状有密切的联系。本文基于前期的相关研究成果,对5-HT递质系统在PD精神症状及认知障碍中的作用研究进展做一综述,详细阐述脑内5-HT递质系统的分布与功能,以及PD状态下5-HT递质系统的变化,为PD相关精神症状及认知障碍机制的阐明和治疗提供研究资料。  相似文献   

在大鼠蓝斑注射5.6-DHT 以破坏其5-HT 末梢,然后观察电针镇痛效应的变化。动物分注药组和对照组,注药组在注射5.6-DHT 后7天,针刺镇痛效应比注药前显著下降。与此同时,蓝斑内的5-HT 末梢发生变性,产生逆行性荧光积累,从荧光积累的末梢走向来看,蓝斑内被5.6-DHT 损毁的5-HT 末梢主要来源于中缝背核。随着蓝斑内5-HT 末梢的变性,脑桥区5-HT 含量下降,下降率达27%P<0.01。对照组动物,蓝斑内5-HT 末梢保持正常,其镇痛效应与注药前相比也无明显改变。鉴于一般认为蓝斑核的活动削弱针刺镇痛效应,以上结果提示,在电针镇痛过程中,支配蓝斑的5-HT 神经末梢,对该核 NA 能神经元可能有抑制性影响。  相似文献   

目的:观察脊髓水平5-羟色胺(5-HT)受体参与电针(EA)内关穴对大鼠心包内注射缓激肽(BK)诱发心脏伤害性感受的调控作用。方法:雄性SD大鼠随机分为5组:缓激肽(BK)组、BK+EA组、BK+麦角新碱(Methysergide)组、BK+EA+Methysergide组、BK+EA+溶媒(Vehicle)组,每组8只。各组大鼠均行心包内插管,BK组心包内间隔40 min注射0.2 ml BK共3次;BK+EA组心包内注射0.2 ml BK联合电针双侧内关穴;BK+Methysergide组心包内注射0.2 ml BK联合鞘内注射10 μl Methysergide;BK+EA+Methysergide组心包内注射0.2 ml BK联合电针双侧内关穴结合鞘内注射10 μl Methysergide;BK+EA+Vehicle组心包内注射0.2 ml BK联合电针双侧内关穴结合鞘内注射10 μl Vehicle。通过心包内注射BK建立大鼠心脏伤害性感受模型,以背斜方肌肌电(EMG)为痛反应的观测指标。结果:①心包内间隔40 min连续3次注射BK诱发背斜方肌EMG无显著性差异(P>0.05)。②与BK组相比,电针内关穴显著抑制EMG反应(P<0.05);鞘内注射麦角新碱后,心包内BK诱发的EMG反应无显著性差异(P>0.05)。③与EA+BK组相比,鞘内注射麦角新碱后,部分反转电针内关穴对EMG的抑制作用(P<0.05);然而,鞘内注射溶媒后,电针内关穴对EMG反应的抑制作用无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:脊髓水平的5-HT受体参与电针内关穴对大鼠心脏伤害性感受的抑制调控作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨5-HT2和5-HT3受体亚型在5-HT引起外周痛反应和痛调制中的相互作用及其机制;方法:在大鼠三又神经节神经元标本上应用全细胞膜片钳技术记录5-羟色胺激活电流(15_HT),并结合痛行为实验进行观察。结果:在大多数受检细胞(54/88,61.4%)特别是中、小型细胞外加5-HT可引起一快去敏感的内向电流,此内向电流能被5-HT,受体特异性激动剂2-甲基-5-羟色胺所模拟,被5-HT3受体拮抗剂ICS250-930可逆性阻断,而5-HT2受体激动剂α-甲基-5-羟色胺则有明显增强15-HT的作用,5-HT1受体激动剂R-(+)-UH301无明显反应。在进一步的整体清醒动物的行为学试验中我们观察到,大鼠后肢掌底皮下注射5-HT(10-5,10-4和10-3mol/L)引起浓度依赖性的痛行为反应,而用5-HT2和5-HT3受体特异性拮抗剂Cyproheptadine和ICS250-930分别阻断相应受体亚型后,5-HT引起的痛行为反应的强度序列为:5-HT〉5-HT+ICS〉5-HT+Cyp。结论:本文结果提示:5-HT所引起的痛反应中,在初级感觉神经元水平5-HT3受体可能仅起着启始作用,而5-HT,受体则在伤害性信息的维持和调制过程中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   


In the last few years, (bio)chemical and molecular biological studies have shown that several members of the hyperglycemic hormone family are present in different molecular forms. In vivo and in vitro bioassays revealed that some of these isoforms also play a role in the control of reproduction in decapod crustaceans. This communication gives a review of the cytological aspects of the eyestalk X-organ sinus gland complex, responsible for the synthesis, storage and release of these neuropeptides, and the molecular and functional aspects of those members involved in the control of reproduction. Finally, the role of the hyperglycemic hormone family in the regulation of reproduction in the female lobster is described as an example of the (possible) interactions of the members of the hyperglycemic hormone family with other (neuro)endocrine factors in the reproductive process of crustaceans.  相似文献   

The origin and early diversification of decapod crustaceans and their expansion from marine to continental environments are key events in arthropod evolution. Rare fossil decapods are known from the Palaeozoic, and the earliest eumalacostracans with undoubted decapod affinities are the Late Devonian Palaeopalaemon and Aciculopoda, found in offshore marine deposits. Here, we describe a new species of the shrimp Tealliocaris found in floodplain and temporary pond deposits from the Famennian (Late Devonian) of Belgium, together with a rare Palaeozoic assemblage of other crustaceans (conchostracans, notostracans and anostracans) and chelicerates (eurypterids). Tealliocaris walloniensis sp. nov. documents the earliest occurrence of continental decapod crustaceans and indicates that decapods have been part of continental ecosystems at least since the Late Devonian.  相似文献   

This study investigates the comparative strategies of accumulation under standardised laboratory conditions of the essential metals zinc and copper, and the non-essential metal cadmium by three crustaceans of different taxa; vizPalaemon elegans Rathke (Malacostraca: Eucarida: Decapoda),Echinogammarus pirloti (Sexton & Spooner) (Malacostraca: Peracarida: Amphipoda) and the barnacleElminius modestus Darwin (Cirripedia: Thoracica).The decapodP. elegans regulates body zinc concentrations to a constant level (ca. 79 µg Zn g–1) over a wide range of dissolved metal availabilities until regulation breaks down at high Zn availabilities and net accumulation begins. The amphipodE. pirloti accumulates zinc at all dissolved zinc concentrations but at a low net rate such that the accumulation strategy approaches that of regulation. The barnacleE. modestus accumulates zinc to high body concentrations with no significant excretion of accumulated zinc. In the case of copper,P. elegans similarly regulates body copper concentrations to a constant level (ca. 129 µg Cu g–1) over a range of dissolved copper availabilities until regulation breaks down at high copper concentrations. Both the amphipodE. pirloti and the barnacleE. modestus on the other hand accumulate copper at all dissolved copper exposures with no evidence of regulation. All three crustaceans accumulate the non-essential metal cadmium at all dissolved cadmium concentrations without regulation.Heavy metal accumulation strategies therefore vary between crustacean taxa and between metals. Uptake rates for zinc and cadmium have been estimated for the three crustaceans and can be interpreted in terms of cuticle permeability and way of life of each crustacean. Examination of these uptake rates provides an insight into possible reasons behind the adoption of particular metal accumulation strategies.  相似文献   

Using microscopy and spectroscopy tools, we succeeded in identifying undescribed diminutive epibionts (as epibiotic bacterial colonies) both on exceptionally well‐preserved fossil shrimps and on extant taxa (N. Robin, S. Bernard, J. Miot, M.‐M. Blanc‐Valleron, S. Charbonnier & G. Petit, submitted). This study outlines the ecological parameters of this totally newly recognized interspecific association. To this aim, the systematics and environmental setting of fossil and modern decapod hosts are described; count of bacterial colonies is made to assess prevalence and intensity; scanning electron microscopy is used to illustrate colonial growth patterns; and histological sections of the extant colonies nested in cuticle are stained to determine their incidence on the carapace of their decapod hosts. Thus, the prevalent and intense association is found on decapods of the superfamily Penaeoidea Rafinesque‐Schmaltz 1815 occupying up to 2 cm2 of the entire carapace. The association is here observed in deep environments such as that of the Jurassic La Voulte‐sur‐Rhône Lagerstätte. A non‐random distribution of colonial growth patterns is determined; it illustrates a favourite access site along the ventral margin of the shrimp carapace. SEM images and stained sections reveal strong colony embedment within the cuticle, but also damage such as erasing of the cuticular layers. This bioeroding effect, possibly linked to a feeding benefit to the bacteria, brings this interspecific association that has existed, for at least 160 myr, near to parasitism. In addition to illustrating a rare case of interaction in Recent forms that could be described due to previous recognition in fossils, it constitutes a textbook example of the preservation of intimate interactions through geological time.  相似文献   

Summary The structure and distribution of satellite cells of cardiac muscles were examined in twenty-one species of animals chosen from each tribe within the order Decapoda (Arthropoda, Crustacea). The satellite cells were found in all animals observed. Most of them are morphologically identical with those described in different striated muscles of other species, but some cells have unusual features. The decapod satellite cell occasionally lies right over the region corresponding to the intercalated disc between the apposed cardiac muscle cells. The cell sends cytoplasmic processes into the adjacent muscle cells, enabling the plasma membrane to make close contact with the cleft opening of the intercalated disc, and with the myofibril at the level of the Z-line. Another characteristic feature is the presence of paired cells. Such cells are clearly separated from each other over most of the contact area by the respective plasma membranes, which are smooth in appearance and devoid of specialized regions. The significance of the presence of satellite cells in decapod cardiac muscle and its possible role are discussed and compared with those described for other species.  相似文献   

While intercommunity interactions are well documented in wild chimpanzees, the influence of neighboring captive groups on social behavior has not been investigated. This study examined the influence of vocalizations and noisy displays produced in neighboring groups (i.e., “neighbor vocalization”) on intragroup hooting, bluff displays, and agonistic behavior. Chimpanzees from two broadly differing housing conditions were selected in order to examine the effect of neighboring groups: “Wing Groups” (those living in indoor/outdoor pens with auditory access to large number of neighboring individuals) and “Building Groups” (those housed in one indoor building, able to hear the calls and noisy displays produced by a small number of neighboring individuals occupying the building). Data were collected on 58 adult and juvenile subjects living in social groups varying in size from two to 14 individuals. Observation sessions were divided into two categories depending on the level of neighbor vocalization. Wing Groups showed higher rates of hooting, bluff displays, and agonistic behavior against other group members when levels of neighbor vocalization were high. Building Groups showed the same pattern, with results for bluff displays reaching statistical significance. This effect was also found through an analysis of the time periods immediately surrounding incidents of neighbor vocalization: Hooting and bluff displays were significantly more common after than before neighbor vocalizations. In spite of variation between the two housing conditions with respect to overall levels of neighbor vocalization, degree of differences between the high and low vocalization levels, and methods of data collection, a consistent neighbor effect was detected. This effect is congruous with behavioral patterns observed in the wild, and is therefore considered an expression of species-typical behavior as opposed to an artifact of captivity. These results are relevant to captive management, and bear on the influence of housing condition on psychological well-being. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Methylazoxymethanol (MAM)-induced cerebral hypoplasia resulted in a significant increase in densities of both serotonin uptake sites in frontal cortex and dopamine uptake sites in striatum, suggesting serotonergic and dopaminergic axon terminals were compressed in the smaller brain volumes. The density of S2 serotonin receptors in MAM-lesioned frontal cortex was decreased probably due to down-regulation, while densities of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors in striatum were identical between MAM-lesioned rats and control rats.  相似文献   

The number of species of caridean, brachyuran and anomuran decapods increases from high to low latitudes in both hemispheres. This is shown to be due mainly to changes in the abundance of small species. Possible explanations for these variations in abundance are discussed. The other infraorders of decapods are confined to mid and low latitudes.  相似文献   

肠道微生物在肠道稳态和大脑健康中发挥着举足轻重的作用.血清素是大脑的一种重要的单胺类神经递质,90%以上在结肠肠嗜铬细胞中由色氨酸代谢转化而来,在机体发挥广泛作用.近年来的研究表明,血清素对机体发挥的作用可能受到肠道微生物影响.肠道中某些微生物具有产生血清素的能力,同时,微生物群及其代谢产物(如丁酸)能通过影响色氨酸羟...  相似文献   

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