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植物胎生是指有性繁殖产生的后代在母体上直接萌发的现象, 在红树植物中最为常见。红树植物生长在热带亚热带海岸潮间带, 耐受高盐、高温、淹水缺氧和海浪冲击等复杂环境。胎生被认为是红树植物对这种特殊生境的重要适应方式。该文从形态发育、生理生化、分子水平、生态适应4个层次讨论红树植物胎生现象对复杂生境的适应性, 并指出现有研究存在的不足, 对将来的研究方向进行了展望。与非胎生胚胎发育相比, 红树植物胎生是一个遗传的程序, 在进化过程中形成了一些特殊的结构。植物激素对胎生发育起关键的调控作用, 繁殖体发育过程中, 其盐离子的种类与浓度的动态变化则是对海岸潮间带生境的重要适应特征。这种胎生繁殖体依靠在母体上完善的一系列功能性特征能更有效地适应落地后的滩涂环境。然而, 红树植物胎生发育过程的分子机理及调控机制还有待研究。理解胎生这一特殊适应性现象的本质及其进化过程将为红树林保护繁育、适应气候变化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

张敏  朱佳旭  王磊  徐妙云 《生物工程学报》2016,32(10):1301-1308
植物在长期的进化过程中形成了对环境改变的适应机制。在逆境条件下,例如干旱、高盐、低温、强光、弱光、紫外线等,植物会提前开花结实以尽早完成其生命周期,这种生物学现象被称为"逆境诱导的开花"。植物的这种避逆应激反应不但在进化上具有非常重要的生物学意义,而且对农业生产也具有重要的指导意义。逆境诱导植物开花与光周期、春化、环境温度、自主途径、赤霉素和年龄等开花途径的分子调控机制不同,有其自身的特点。文中对逆境诱导植物开花的研究历史、代谢调控以及分子机制等进行了阐述,并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

本文报道了小麦的"拟胎生"现象,描述了小麦"拟胎生"现象的三种形态和它的气生根。推测,小麦的"拟胎生"现象可能是植物从无性生殖方式到有性生殖方式进化的过度体阶段,在特定环境条件下的再现。这个发现丰富了植物发育现象的多样性。  相似文献   

红树胎生现象及其对潮间带生境适应性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
闫中正  王文卿  黄伟滨 《生态学报》2004,24(10):2317-2323
热带亚热带海岸潮间带的高盐、淹水、土壤缺氧和潮水冲击等不良环境因子导致了红树植物在形态、生理和生态方面的特异性 ,尤其是其独特的胎生现象。从红树植物胎生繁殖体在母体的发育过程和繁殖体落地后对潮间带生境的适应两个角度探讨了红树植物胎生现象的适应意义。红树植物的胎生现象是对潮间带盐胁迫、淹水、土壤缺氧和潮水冲击等综合生境的适应 ,而不是单独其中一种胁迫因子的适应。红树植物胎生繁殖体在母体的发育过程中通过能量积累、渗透调节、形态完善等过程为掉落以后适应潮间生境做准备 ,掉落的胎生繁殖体依靠从母体获得的能量和营养克服潮间带的盐胁迫、淹水、土壤缺氧和潮水冲击等多重胁迫。红树植物胎生繁殖体落地后的能量收支平衡是决定繁殖体定居成功与否的关键 ,而胎生现象的意义正是通过胎生繁殖体在母体发育过程中积累足够的能量和营养来适应潮间带生境。红树植物胎生繁殖体落地后苗木在潮间带滩涂的生长发育过程中存在一个能量“阈限”,能阈的高低决定于潮间带生境的恶劣程度 ,而突破能阈能力决定于胎生繁殖体所携带的能量与营养的数量。这为红树林湿地恢复提供了理论基础 ,但还需要更多的证据来支持该理论  相似文献   

外来入侵植物对环境梯度和天敌逃逸的适应进化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进化假说认为, 在入侵地外来种能发生遗传变化, 以适应新的环境, 最终成功定殖和扩散。种内或种间杂交、遗传漂变、新环境带来的新的选择压力等是促使外来种发生进化的重要原因。在入侵地, 响应来自非生物和生物因素的选择压力是外来种发生适应进化的主要原因。本文主要介绍外来植物如何通过进化适应入侵地的纬度、海拔等非生物环境和天敌逃逸等生物环境。关于外来入侵植物对纬度和海拔等环境梯度的适应进化, 本文在强调表型进化研究应与分子标记研究相结合的基础上, 介绍了一些同质种植园实验和交互移植实验。关于外来入侵植物对天敌逃逸的适应进化, 本文主要介绍增强竞争能力的进化假说和修正的增强竞争能力的进化假说, 及其在理论上和验证方法上存在的问题。最后, 本文介绍了氮分配的进化假说, 该假说认为天敌逃逸可使外来入侵植物降低叶氮向防御的分配, 同时增加氮向光合的分配。  相似文献   

果实的起源与多样化是植物对陆地生态系统长期适应的结果,与植物的种群繁衍和通过种子传播以适应更广阔的生存空间密切相关.这一进化现象与过程造就了被子植物的起源与极大繁盛.揭示果实的起源与多样化以及其适应性进化机制是进化生物学研究的核心科学问题之一.本文综述了近年来在植物果实形态(大小和形状)、果实附属结构的形态创新、果实类型等进化发育研究方面的主要进展,并对该领域的未来研究方向和重点等进行了展望.  相似文献   

植物表型可塑性研究进展   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
王姝  周道玮 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8161-8169
表型可塑性已成为生态进化发育生物学的核心概念,很大程度上由于植物可塑性研究的主要贡献,但人们仍远未完全了解表型可塑性的原因和结果。从整体角度理出表型可塑性研究发展的基本脉络,介绍研究内容、途径和简史,聚焦于几个主要方面的研究进展及发展方向。现代可塑性研究的兴盛始于关于可塑性的进化学重要性的一篇综述,从现象的描述、对其遗传基础和可塑性本身进化的讨论,发展到探索其背后的发育机制、植物生长与适应策略、生态学影响等。未来可塑性研究应在重新理解和评价表型可塑性及其适应性的基础上,更关注自然条件下环境因子和可塑响应的复杂性。表型可塑性的生态-进化学意义仍将是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

高枝假木贼的胎生萌发特性及其生态适应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩建欣  魏岩  严成  安沙舟 《生态学报》2011,31(10):2662-2668
对分布于准噶尔荒漠的超旱生小灌木高枝假木贼的繁殖特性进行研究。结果表明:①高枝假木贼具有胎生繁殖现象。果实于10月成熟后不脱落,冬季被积雪覆盖;种子长(4.175±0.132)mm,宽(3.146±0.109)mm,质量(3.727±0.137)g,胎生现象发生于翌年早春积雪融化时(3月上旬-4月上旬);胎生发生阶段空气最高温度为0-15 ℃,相对湿度为50%-60%。②胎生萌发时,胚根首先突破种皮后,下胚轴快速生长形成棒状胎生幼苗,长度为1-7 cm。③控制实验表明,高枝假木贼种子具有快速萌发特性,在30/15、25/15、20/10、15/5 ℃温度下,种子遇水6-7 h开始萌发。④高枝假木贼的幼苗具有忍受干燥并在下次水合后能够恢复生长的能力。幼根的长度和干燥时间影响幼苗的生长恢复率。长度在0-1 cm的幼苗通过14 d的干燥,有部分幼苗复水后能继续生长。结果表明:早春充足的雪水和种子快速萌发的特性共同促进了高枝假木贼的胎生繁殖。高枝假木贼的胎萌反映了干旱区荒漠灌木对不利环境的适应策略,在研究植物的生活史进化方面具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

真菌菌核是相关真菌在特殊环境下由营养体菌丝交织和聚集形成的具有抵御恶劣环境能力的休眠结构,在真菌生活史及病原真菌的病害循环中具有重要的生物学和生态学意义。许多引起严重植物病害的病原真菌能够形成菌核,这类真菌通过菌核度过逆境。菌核在适宜条件下萌发形成子囊盘和孢子或菌丝,造成植物的侵染。本文从形成菌核的真菌种类、生物学特性、黑色素及分子生物学等方面进行综述,旨在为深入研究真菌菌核及其在真菌学、植物病理学及药用真菌学等领域应用提供研究思路和参考依据。  相似文献   

地下结实和地上/下两型结实是被子植物两类独特的结实方式, 多发生在陆生和草本植物中, 主要生长在缺少水分或光照、土壤扰动频繁及环境波动较为剧烈的生境中。两种结实方式不仅是植物适应性进化的重要方面, 也是选择性进化的产物。其中, 地下结实对于植物在母株附近适宜微环境中保存后代、在极端环境下保持种子活力、逃避地面动物取食和火灾伤害以及延长果实发育时间等方面, 地上/下两型结实对于减少同胞子代及种群内竞争、维持和扩大种群以及提高物种的适应力和进化可塑性等方面, 都具有重要的生态适应意义, 是植物抵御不利生物与非生物环境的两类重要防御策略。但两种结实方式同时也存在着限制果实与种子扩散、影响基因传递与种群遗传结构、加大种群隔离以及提高繁殖代价等进化限制, 对物种的分布、种群增长、迁移、适合度和生活史进化等具有重要影响。目前, 地下和地上/下两型结实现象分别在大约24科57属和13科34属中进行了报道, 其中在菊科、十字花科、豆科和玄参科等类群中两种结实现象同时存在。从系统发育看, 地下结实在木兰分支、单子叶植物分支及双子叶植物分支中均存在, 而地上/下两型结实仅出现在单子叶植物分支和双子叶植物分支中, 在被子植物基部类群(ANITA类群)中两种结实方式均不存在。该文对植物地下和地上/下两型结实的类型、系统进化、繁殖特性和扩散对策进行了介绍, 并对其生态适应意义进行了总结, 以期为深入研究植物结实的进化策略提供参考。  相似文献   

Vivipary in plants refers to a phenomenon that sexually reproduced offsprings germinate while still attached to the maternal bodies. This is mostly manifested in mangrove plants, which occur in tropical and subtropical intertidal zones and encounter harsh environmental conditions such as high salinity, high temperatures, waterlogging, hypoxia and tidal waves. Vivipary has long been recognized as one of the most important adaptive features under such a complex environment. Here we discuss four aspects of vivipary: morphological anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, molecular biology and ecological adaptation. We also discuss shortcomings in current studies and prospect of future directions. Differing from regular seed development, viviparous seeds in mangroves are evolved with many special structures, indicating a genetically based process. Hormones play an important role in regulating the process, whilst the dynamics of salt ion concentration during embryo and propagule development seems to be an adaptive feature. The ecological significance of vivipary is fully exhibited in the propagules that can effectively establish themselves on muddy tidal zones. Such a success heavily relies on sound functional features developed on the mother plants. However, the molecular mechanism and the regulation of viviparous seed development in mangroves remain elusive. Systematic studies of vivipary in mangroves not only help to understand the nature and evolutionary process of this distinct adaptive phenomenon, but also provide the foundation for mangrove forest restoration and protection in many parts of the world.  相似文献   

Vivipary, the germination of seeds within the fruit prior to abscission from the maternal plant, is an important event in plants. Two main types of vivipary are known in vascular plants: true vivipary and pseudovivipary. In crop grasses, pseudovivipary is an undesirable character as it results in lower yields. To date, vivipary in the Cactaceae has been reported for less than 20 species, most of which are cultivated. Here, we report viviparous (cryptoviviparous-a subcategory of true vivipary) cacti in nature in members of the tribes Cacteae and Pachycereeae (subfamily Cactoideae). We present four species inhabiting coastal plains in areas subject to periodic flooding, namely, Ferocactus herrerae, Stenocereus alamosensis, S. thurberi, and Pachycereus schottii. These species from localities in northwestern Mexico had viviparous fruits and offspring in different stages of development. A potential trend in the data indicates that the overall proportion of viviparous plants is higher in coastal flooding areas relative to halophytic, nonflooding areas. In our view, vivipary is a reproductive strategy that has evolved to provide a more efficient mechanism favoring germination and new avenues for survival by contributing to population maintenance and short-distance dispersal on halophytic substrates.  相似文献   


Plantlets of viviparous grasses produce mature vegetative plants of greater stature than those from seeds of closely related seed-bearing grasses. Results from mixed populations of Festuca vivipara and F. ovina indicate size differences are maintained at flowering. Viable plantlets do not dehisce readily from mature panicles and when detached artificially require a large amount of free water to germinate. Results are discussed with reference to the occurrence of vivipary in Scottish grasses and its success in upland zones.  相似文献   

J. Hugo Cota-Snchez 《Flora》2004,199(6):481-490
Vivipary, a rare reproductive strategy in flowering plants, has been previously reported in only four species of the Cactaceae. In this paper, eight additional examples (Cleistocactus smaragdiflorus, Disocactus martianus, the hybrid Epiphyllum X Fern la Borde, Harrisia martinii, Lepismium ianthothele, L. monacanthum, Rhipsalis micrantha forma micrantha, and R. baccifera subsp. horrida) of vivipary in cultivated cacti from tribes Hylocereeae, Rhipsalideae, and Trichocereeae are documented. The plants had fully-developed and mature fruits containing seeds at different stages of germination, including tiny embryos emerging from the seed coat to young, healthy seedlings with well-developed organs, such as cotyledons and radicles. Several features, though not unique, distinguish cactus fruits with viviparous seedlings. Foremost, the fruits are fleshy with abundant mucilage and a relatively thick, often transparent pericarp. The seeds are generally numerous and embedded in a transparent, white or red pulp. The occurrence of vivipary in taxa from four phylogenetically distinct tribes of the subfamily Cactoideae suggests an independent origin and indicates that this reproductive strategy may be more widespread in the family than originally thought. Vivipary in the Cactaceae is regarded as a form of cryptovivipary, a condition in which the zygote develops inside the fruit without penetrating the ovary wall for dispersal purposes, which in turn is considered a subcategory of true vivipary. Further, vivipary is interpreted as an adaptive reproductive strategy that enables seedlings to establish more rapidly.  相似文献   

Experimental control of flowering and vivipary in timothy (Phleum pratense)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Environmental and hormonal control of flowering and vivipary in four Norwegian timothy ( Phleum pratense L.) cultivars has been studied in phytotron and by aseptic culture of inflorescence explants. The critical photoperiod for flowering increased with increasing temperature (12–18°C) and it was 13 to 15 h for the southern and 14 to 16.5 h for the northern cultivars. Diurnal temperature fluctuation significantly stimulated flower formation compared to the corresponding constant temperature treatment. Plants grown in 16-h photoperiod contained normal sexual flowers, but a high percentage of spikes developed in 12- or 14-h photoperiod contained viviparous plantlets. One- to four-weeks in continuous light before treatment with 12-h photoperiod increased the number of spikes per plant, but did not enhance the frequency of vivipary. Experiments with aseptic cultures showed that generative versus vegetative development of timothy inflorescence was affected by plant hormones. Kinetin stimulated the vegetative development and induced proliferation both in inflorescence initials and in spikelets isolated at heading time.  相似文献   

Vivipary, the precocious germination of seeds within the parent plant, is a specialised feature of evolutionary and biological importance that ensures survival of a plant. Reports on vivipary in angiosperms are rare, accounting for <0.1% of flowering plants. Here, we report a remarkable case of occurrence of vivipary in Ophiorrhiza mungos. A study was conducted to collect information on the morphology of the capsules that support vivipary, environmental factors that induce vivipary, survival mode and the survival of viviparous seedlings. The hydroscopic movement of the cup‐shaped capsules of O. mungos was found to help in viviparous germination during the rainy season. Of the total seeds in a capsule, 70% showed viviparous germination. The seedlings remaining inside the capsule attain a height of 0.98 ± 0.4 cm and reach the ground when the capsule falls. On the ground, seedlings obtain easy anchorage to the substratum since they have already germinated. Vivipary appears to be an adaptation of O. mungos to the rainy season for ensuring viable offspring. This suggests that vivipary in this species might be artificially induced by continuous spraying with water to rescue seeds in all seasons for use in large‐scale propagation to meet increasing market demand and conservation of this valuable anticancer medicinal herb.  相似文献   

关春梅  张宪省 《植物学报》2006,23(5):595-602
植物离体器官发生不仅是获得大量无性繁殖植物和进行基因转化的重要途径, 而且亦是研究植物发育问题的主要实验系统之一。迄今为止, 包括营养器官和生殖器官在内的几乎所有的器官都可以在离体条件下得到再生, 为深入研究植物离体器官发生的分子机理奠定了基础。本文着重介绍了营养器官发生过程基因表达的调节及重要功能基因的作用, 并对器官特征决定基因在生殖器官发生过程中的作用进行了分析, 提出了揭示离体器官发生分子机理的主要途径。  相似文献   

植物离体器官发生控制机理研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物离体器官发生不仅是获得大量无性繁殖植物和进行基因转化的重要途径,而且亦是研究植物发育问题的主要实验系统之一。迄今为止,包括营养器官和生殖器官在内的几乎所有的器官都可以在离体条件下得到再生,为深入研究植物离体器官发生的分子机理奠定了基础。本文着重介绍了营养器官发生过程基因表达的调节及重要功能基因的作用,并对器官特征决定基因在生殖器官发生过程中的作用进行了分析,提出了揭示离体器官发生分子机理的主要途径。  相似文献   

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