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A set of 20 wheat microsatellite markers was used with 55 elite wheat genotypes to examine their utility (1) in detecting DNA polymorphism, (2)in the identifying genotypes and (3) in estimating genetic diversity among wheat genotypes. The 55 elite genotypes of wheat used in this study originated in 29 countries representing six continents. A total of 155 alleles were detected at 21 loci using the above microsatellite primer pairs (only 1 primer amplified 2 loci; all other primers amplified 1 locus each). Of the 20 primers amplifying 21 loci, 17 primers and their corresponding 18 loci were assigned to 13 different chromosomes (6 chromosomes of the A genome, 5 chromosomes of the B genome and 2 chromosomes of the D genome). The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 13, with an average of 7.4 alleles per locus. The values of average polymorphic information content (PIC) and the marker index (MI) for these markers were estimated to be 0.71 and 0.70, respectively. The (GT)n microsatellites were found to be the most polymorphic. The genetic similarity (GS) coefficient for all possible 1485 pairs of genotypes ranged from 0.05 to 0.88 with an average of 0.23. The dendrogram, prepared on the basis of similarity matrix using the UPGMA algorithm, delineated the above genotypes into two major clusters (I and II), each with two subclusters (Ia, Ib and IIa, IIb). One of these subclusters (Ib) consisted of a solitary genotype (E3111) from Portugal, so that it was unique and diverse with respect to all other genotypes belonging to cluster I and placed in subcluster Ia. Using a set of only 12 primer pairs, we were able to distinguish a maximum of 48 of the above 55 wheat genotypes. The results demonstrate the utility of microsatellite markers for detecting polymorphism leading to genotype identification and for estimating genetic diversity. Received: 15 May 1999 / Accepted: 27 July 1999  相似文献   

Apple simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were intergenerically applied to the characterization of 36 pear accessions, including 19 Japanese pears (Pyrus pyrifolia), 7 Chinese pears (P. bretschneideri, P. ussuriensis), 5 European pears (P. communis), 3 wild relatives (P. calleryana), and 2 hybrids between P. pyrifolia and P. communis. All of the tested SSR primers derived from apple produced discrete amplified fragments in all pear accessions. Nucleotide repeats were detected in the amplified bands by both Southern blot and sequencing analysis, and nucleotide sequences of pear were compared with those of apple. The differences in fragment size among pear or between pear and apple were, in many cases, due to the differences in repeat number. Interestingly, the DNA sequence of flanking regions in apple was highly conserved in pear. Hybrids from P. pyrifolia×P. communis showed one fragment inherited from each parent in all scorable cases, which suggested that each primer pair amplified fragments originating from the same locus. A total of 79 alleles were detected from seven SSR loci in pear, and all pear varieties except for the mutants could be differentiated. In conclusion, SSRs isolated from apple are highly conserved in pear and could be utilized as DNA markers in the latter genus. Received: 17 July 2000 / Accepted: 22 September 2000  相似文献   

Comparing AFLP, RAPD and RFLP markers for measuring genetic diversity in melon   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Three different types of molecular markers, RAPD, AFLP and RFLP were used to measure genetic diversity among six genotypes of Cucumis melo L. Each line represented a different melon genotype: Piel de Sapo, Ogen, PI161375, PI414723, Agrestis and C105. A number of polymorphic RAPD, AFLP and RFLP bands were scored on all materials and the genetic similarity measured. Clustering analysis performed with the three types of markers separated the genotypes into two main groups: (1) the sweet type, cultivated melons and (2) the exotic type, not cultivated melons. While the data obtained suggest that all three types of markers are equally informative, AFLPs showed the highest efficiency in detecting polymorphism. Received: 30 December 1999 / Accepted: 24 January 2000  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were used to enrich the map of the wheat chromosomal region containing the Thinopyrum-derived Lr19 leaf rust resistance gene. The region closest to Lr19 was targeted through the use of deletion and recombinant lines of the translocated segment. One of the AFLP bands thus identified was converted into a sequence-tagged-site (STS) marker. This assay generated a 130-bp PCR fragment in all Lr19-carrying lines tested, except for one deletion mutant, while non-carrier template failed to amplify any product. This sequence represents the first marker to map on the distal side of Lr19 on chromosome 7el1. The conversion process of AFLP fragments to STS markers was technically difficult, mainly because of the presence of contaminating fragments. Various approaches were taken to reduce the frequency of false positives and to identify the correct clone. We were able to formulate a general verification strategy prior to clone sequencing. Various other factors causing problems with converting AFLP bands to an STS assays are also discussed. Received: 15 September 2000 / Accepted: 5 January 2001  相似文献   

Nearly 900 SSRs (simple sequence repeats) were identified among 15,000 ESTs (expressed sequence tags) belonging to bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). The SSRs were defined by their minimum length, which ranged from 14 to 21 bp. The maximum length ranged from 24 to 87 bp depending upon the length of the repeat unit itself (1–7 bp). The average density of SSRs was one SSR per 9.2 kb of EST sequence screened. The trinucleotide repeats were the most abundant SSRs detected. As a representative sample, 78 primer pairs were designed, which were also used to screen the dbEST entries for Hordeum vulgare and Triticum tauschii (donor of the D-genome of cultivated wheat) using a cut-off E (expectation) value of 0.01. On the basis of in silico analysis, up to 55.12% of the primer pairs exhibited transferability from Triticum to Hordeum, indicating that the sequences flanking the SSRs are not only conserved within a single genus but also between related genera in Poaceae. Primer pairs for the 78 SSRs were synthesized and used successfully for the study of (1) their transferability to 18 related wild species and five cereal species (barley, oat, rye, rice and maize); and (2) polymorphism between the parents of four mapping populations available with us. A subset of 20 EST-SSR primers was also used to assess genetic diversity in a collection of 52 elite exotic wheat genotypes. This was done with a view to compare their utility relative to other molecular markers (gSSRs, AFLPs, and SAMPL) previously used by us for the same purpose with the same set of 52 bread wheat genotypes. Although only a low level of polymorphism was detected, relative to that observed with genomic SSRs, the study suggested that EST-SSRs can be successfully used for a variety of purposes, and may actually prove superior to SSR markers extracted from genomic libraries for diversity estimation and transferability.Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   

Two non-linked marker genes (gus and bar) were co-introduced by microprojectile bombardment into wheat cells. Four different DNA structures were compared with respect to ability to integrate into the wheat genome: circular or linear (l) DNA as a single- or double-stranded plasmid (ss and ds, respectively). In eight independent experiments, linearized DNA integrated in the ds or ss form with a high efficiency of up to 14% for l-ssDNA. Molecular analyses by Southern blotting showed that all DNA forms gave a similar complicated integration pattern of the bar gene. Received: 20 July 1998 / Accepted: 30 January 1999  相似文献   

The high versatility of the mode of reproduction and the retention of a pollen recognition system are the factors responsible for the extreme complexity of the genome in Poa pratensis L. Two genetic maps, one of an apomictic and one of a sexual genotype, were constructed using a two-way pseudo-testcross strategy and multiplex PCR-based molecular markers (AFLP and SAMPL). Due to the high ploidy level and the uncertainty of chromosome pairing-behavior at meiosis, only parent-specific single-dose markers (SDMs) that segregated 1:1 in an F1 mapping population (161 out of 299 SAMPLs, and 70 out of 275 AFLPs) were used for linkage analysis. A total of 41 paternal (33 SAMPLs and 8 AFLPs) and 47 maternal (33 SAMPLs and 14 AFLPs) SDMs, tested to be linked in coupling phase, were mapped to 7+7 linkage groups covering 367 and 338.4 cM, respectively. The comparison between the two marker systems revealed that SAMPL markers were statistically more efficient than AFLP ones in detecting parent-specific SDMs (75% vs 32.4%). There were no significant differences in the percentages of distorted marker alleles detected by the two marker systems (27.8% of SAMPLs vs 21.3% of AFLPs). The pairwise comparison of co-segregational groups for linkage detection between marker loci suggested that at least some of the P. pratensis chromosomes pair preferentially at meiosis-I. Received: 31 August 2000 / Accepted: 12 January 2001  相似文献   

 We describe the cloning and the characterization of a 130-bp DNA fragment, called OPG9-130, amplified from bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genomic DNA. This fragment corresponds to a minisatellite DNA sequence containing seven repeats of 15 bp which differ slightly from each other in their sequence. Southern analysis showed that the core sequence of 15 bp is repeated in clusters dispersed throughout the genome. The use of this fragment as a probe allowed us to identify common bean lines by their DNA fingerprints. We suggest that OPG9-130 will be useful for line identification as well as for the analysis of genetic relatedness between bean species and lines. Received: 14 February 1998 / Accepted: 10 February 1998  相似文献   

 Seventy nine microsatellite markers from hexaploid bread wheat (T. aestivum L.) were integrated into a genetic linkage map of durum wheat (T. turgidum ssp. durum (Desf.) Huns.) created by RFLP segregation data from a population of 65 recombinant inbred lines. The results indicate a relatively even distribution of microsatellite loci and demonstrate that microsatellite markers from hexaploid wheat provide an excellent source of molecular markers for use in the genetics and breeding of durum wheat. Received: 16 July 1998 / Accepted: 13 October 1998  相似文献   

 Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis is a rapid and efficient method for producing DNA fingerprints. The AFLP diversity of sunflower has not been described, and much of the public germ plasm of sunflower has not yet been fingerprinted. Our objectives were to: (1) estimate genetic similarities, polymorphism rates, and polymorphic information contents (PICs) for AFLP markers among elite public oilseed inbred lines, and (2) assess the genetic diversity of inbred lines using genetic similarities estimated from AFLP fingerprints. We produced fingerprints for 24 public inbred lines of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) using six AFLP primer combinations. These primers produced a total of 359 AFLP markers or about 60 markers per primer combination. Genetic similarities ranged from 0.70 to 0.91, polymorphism rates ranged from 7 to 24%, and PICs ranged from 0.0 to 0.5. Genetic similarities were lower overall for maintainer (B)×restorer (R) crosses than for B×B or R×R crosses. Principal-coordinate and cluster analyses separated lines into two groups, one for B-lines and another for R-lines. These groupings illustrate the breeding history and basic heterotic pattern (B×R) of sunflower and the widespread practice of using B×B and R×R crosses to develop new lines. There were, nevertheless, distinct subgroups within these groups. These subgroups may represent unique heterotic groups and create a basis for formally describing heterotic patterns in sunflower. Received: 10 June 1996 / Accepted: 4 April 1997  相似文献   

To meet various breeding objectives and to conserve the existing genetic resources of mulberry for future use, the present study was undertaken to investigate the amount of genetic diversity and to establish the relationships between mulberry genotypes using fluorescence-based AFLP markers. Genetic diversity was estimated in 45 mulberry accessions from different eco-geographic regions of Japan and other parts of the world. Five primer combinations amplified an average of 110 AFLP markers per primer combination, ranging in size from 35 to 500 bp. A high degree of polymorphism was revealed by these combinations that ranged from 69.7 to 82.3% across all the genotypes studied. Several rare genotype-specific bands were also identified which could be effectively utilized to distinguish different genotypes. The wide range in genetic similarity coefficients (0.58–0.99) indicated that the mulberry germplasm collection represents a genetically diverse popu-lation. The phenetic dendrogram generated by the UPGMA method grouped 45 accessions into four major clusters, which was in agreement with the results from conventional methods. Clustering of some genotypes into strictly separate groups was not readily apparent and no clear interrelationships could be depicted, in spite of their different geographic origin. In addition, AFLP analysis provided sufficient polymorphism for DNA typing and contributed additional insights into the genetic structure of the mulberry germplasm. These results will help in the formulation of appropriate strategies for conservation and variety improvement in mulberry, for which little or no knowledge of genetic diversity is currently available. Received: 30 December 1999 / Accepted: 14 March 2000  相似文献   

 Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) have been used to characterise the genetic diversity of wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm. One hundred and twenty-four accessions comprising all major Australian wheat varieties and lines important for breeding purposes were assayed for RFLPs with clones of known genetic location and selected to give uniform genome coverage. The objectives of this study were to determine RFLP-based genetic similarity between accessions and to derive associations between agronomically significant traits and RFLP phenotypes. Ninety-eight probes screened against genomic DNA digested with five restriction endonucleases detected a total of 1968 polymorphic fragments. Genetic similarity (GS) calculated from the RFLP data ranged from 0.004 to 0.409 between accessions, with a mean of 0.18. Cluster analysis based on GS estimates produced four groupings that were generally consistent with available pedigree information. Comparisons of the RFLP phenotypes of accessions containing disease resistance genes present on introgressed alien segments enabled the identification of specific alleles characteristic of these regions. Associations were derived for a range of stem-rust, leaf-rust and yellow-rust resistance genes. These results suggest that RFLP analysis can be used for the characterisation and grouping of elite breeding material of wheat and RFLP profiling can identify chromosome segments associated with agronomic traits. Received: 10 March 1997 / Accepted: 28 July 1997  相似文献   

Plant breeders would like to predict which biparental populations will have the largest genetic variance. If the population genetic variance could be predicted using coefficient of parentage or genetic distance estimates based on molecular marker data, breeders could choose parents that produced segregating populations with a large genetic variance. Three biparental soybean {Glycine max (L.) Merr.} populations were developed by crossing parents that were closely related, based on pedigree relationships. Three additional biparental populations were developed by crossing parents that were assumed to be unrelated. The genetic variance of each population was estimated for yield, lodging, physiological maturity, and plant height. Coefficient of parentage was calculated for each pair of parents used to develop the segregating populations. Genetic distance was determined, based on the number of random amplified polymorphic markers (RAPD) that were polymorphic for each pair of parents. Genetic distance was not associated with the coefficient of parentage or the magnitude of the genetic variance. The genetic variance pooled across the three closely related populations was smaller than the genetic variance pooled across the three populations derived from crossing unrelated parents for all four traits that were evaluated. Received: 24 April 1996 / Accepted: 17 May 1996  相似文献   

A substantial amount of between and within cultivar genetic variation was detected in all the 13 registered modern Canadian durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum (Desf.) Husn.) cultivars based upon amplified restriction fragment polymorphism (AFLP). Of the approximately 950 detected AFLP markers, only 89 were polymorphic, with 41 between cultivars whereas the remaining 48 showed polymorphism within at least one cultivar. The ancestry of Canadian durum wheat cultivars was traced back to 125 cultivars, selections, and breeding lines including 17 landraces. Mean pair-wise genetic distance based on the kinship coefficient was 0.76. On the other hand, AFLP-based mean pair-wise genetic distance was 0.40. Even though there was a large difference between the means of the two diversity measures, a moderate positive correlation (r=0.457, p<0.002) was detected between the two distance matrices. Cluster analysis with the entire AFLP data divided all cultivars into three major groups reflecting their breeding origins. One group contained ’Pelissier’ alone, which was a selection from a landrace introduced into the US from Algeria. On the other hand such groupings among cultivars were not evident when KIN was used for genetic diversity measures instead. The level of genetic variation among individuals within a cultivar at the breeders’ seed level was estimated based on an inter-haplotypic distance matrix derived from the AFLP data. We found that the level of genetic variation within the most-developed cultivars is fairly substantial despite rigorous selection pressure aimed at cultivar purity in breeding programs. Comparison of AFLP and pedigree-based genetic diversity estimates in crop species such as durum wheat can provide important information for plant improvement. Received: 26 January 2001 / Accepted: 31 May 2001  相似文献   

We examined genetic diversity and relationships among 24 cultivated and wild Amaranthus accessions using the total low-Cot DNA and five individual repetitive sequences as probes. These low-Cot DNA probes were obtained by the isolation of various classes of repetitive-DNA sequences, including satellites, minisatellites, microsatellites, rDNA, retrotransposon-like sequences, and other unidentified novel repetitive sequences. DNA fingerprints generated by different types of repetitive-DNA probes revealed different levels of polymorphism in the Amaranthus genomes. A repetitive sequence containing microsatellites was found to be a suitable probe for characterizing intraspecific accessions, whereas more conservative sequences (e.g. rDNA) were informative for resolving phylogenetic relationships among distantly related species.Genetic diversity, measured as restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and the similarity index at the low-Cot DNA level, was equally high among intraspecific accessions between the two species groups: grain amaranths (A. caudatus, A. cruentus, and A. hypochondriacus) and their putative wild progenitors (A. hybridus, A. powellii, and A. quitensis). At the interspecific level, however, the grain amaranth species are less divergent from each other than their wild progenitors. With the rare exceptions of certain A. caudatus accessions, grain amaranths were found to be closely related to A. hybridus. The results based on low-Cot DNA were comparable with previous RAPD and isozyme studies of the same set of species/accessions of Amaranthus, indicating that low-Cot DNA sequences are suitable probes for a fingerprinting analysis of plant germplasm diversity and for determining phylogenetic relationships. Received: 19 October 1998 / Accepted: 8 January 1999  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of annual wild soybeans grown in China   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Annual wild soybeans (Glycine soja), the ancestors of cultivated soybeans (G. max), are important sources of major genes for resistance to pests, diseases and environmental stresses. The study of their genetic diversity is invaluable for efficient utilization, conservation and management of germplasm collections. In this paper, the number of accessions, the variation of traits, the genetic diversity indexes (Shannon index) and the coefficient of variation were employed to study the geographical distribution of accessions, genetic diversity of characters and genetic diversity centers of annual wild soybean by statistical analysis of the database from the National Germplasm Evaluation Program of China. Most annual wild soybeans are distributed in Northeast China, and the number of accessions decreases from the Northeast to other directions in China. The genetic diversity indexes (Shannon index) were 0.49, 0.74, 0.02, 0.55, 1.45, 2.41, 1.27 and 1.89 for flower color, sootiness of seed coat, cotyledon color, pubescence color, hilum color, leaf shape, stem type and seed color, respectively. Coefficients of variation were 7.1%, 28.7%, 76.43% and 18.2% for protein content, oil content, 100-seed weight and days to maturity, respectively. Three genetic diversity centers, the Northeast, the Yellow River Valley and the Southeast Coasts of China, are proposed based on the geographical distribution of the number of accessions, genetic diversity and the multivariate variation coefficient. Based on these results and Vavilov’s theory of crop origination, two opposing possible models for the formation of the three centers are proposed, either these centers are independent of each other and the annual wild soybeans in these centers originated separately, or the Northeast center was the primary center for annual wild soybeans in China, while the Yellow River Valley center was derived from this primary center and served as the origin for the Southeast Coast center. Received: 25 June 2000 / Accepted: 18 October 2000  相似文献   

 Two complete, independently maintained sets of 21 monosomic wheat lines derived from cv. ‘Chinese Spring’ were analyzed for their DNA content at the G1 stage with flow cytometry. The DNA content of individual chromosomes was estimated by subtracting the value of a monosomic line from that of euploid wheat. Our data show that the estimated 2C DNA of individual wheat chromosomes in 21 monosomics at the G1 stage ranges from about 0.58 pg in chromosome 1D to approximately 1.12 pg in chromosome 3A. The A genome (2C=6.15 pg) seems to contain more DNA than the B (2C=6.09 pg) and D (2C=5.05 pg) genomes. Analysis of variance showed significant differences (α=0.01) in DNA content both among homoeologous groups and among genomes. Our estimates of interphase DNA content of wheat chromosomes from monosomic lines were poorly correlated to the chromosome sizes at metaphase (r=0.622, P≤0.01). This poor correlation might be due to differential coiling among chromosomes during cell division, possible bias of fluorochrome binding to heterochromatin, or heterogeneity among monosomic lines. Finally, flow cytometry may aid but cannot replace cytological checks in aneuploid maintenance. Received: 21 January 1997 / Accepted: 23 June 1997  相似文献   

Aegilops tauschii is the diploid D-genome progenitor of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell, 2n=6x=42, AABBDD). A genetic linkage map of the Ae. tauschii genome was constructed, composed of 546 loci. One hundred and thirty two loci (24%) gave distorted segregation ratios. Sixty nine probes (13%) detected multiple copies in the genome. One hundred and twenty three of the 157 markers shared between the Ae. tauschii genetic and T. aestivum physical maps were colinear. The discrepancy in the order of five markers on the Ae. tauschii 3DS genetic map versus the T. aestivum 3D physical map indicated a possible inversion. Further work is needed to verify the discrepancies in the order of markers on the 4D, 5D and 7D Ae. tauschii genetic maps versus the physical and genetic maps of T. aestivum. Using common markers, 164 agronomically important genes were assigned to specific regions on Ae. tauschii linkage, and T. aestivum physical, maps. This information may be useful for map-based cloning and marker-assisted plant breeding. Received: 23 March 1998 / Accepted: 27 October 1998  相似文献   

 Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from nine Japanese wild isolates of Phellinus linteus was carried out to examine their genetic variability. BamHI and EcoRI digests of mtDNAs from these isolates produced four and five distinct RFLP patterns, respectively. By combining the RFLP patterns obtained with the two endonucleases, mtDNAs from the nine isolates could be assigned to five different genotypes, but no mtDNA variation was detected among the isolates collected from a small area. Distance values calculated among all pairs of mtDNA genotypes, based on the presence or absence of comigrating restriction fragments, were clearly smaller than those among the mtDNA genotypes of Lentinula edodes and Pleurotus ostreatus samples collected worldwide, suggesting the necessity of collecting P. linteus wild isolates for genetic resources from geographically wider areas. Received: June 27, 2002 / Accepted: August 19, 2002 Correspondence to:T. Nakamura  相似文献   

Genetic variability among 100 old cultivated rose varieties from 13 horticultural groups was estimated by arbitrary primed (AP) PCR. Using five long (20-mer) PCR primers, 58 polymorphic DNA fragments were produced, of which 55 were highly discriminant, allowing differentiation of the quasi-totality of the 100 cultivars. A dendrogram was constructed displaying the relative genetic similarities between cultivars estimated from the presence/absence of PCR fragments. It shows the relationships between the Chinese and European founder roses, hybrid groups of the first (Bourbons, Noisettes, Portlands) and second (Hybrid Perpetuals and Teas) generations, and the most modern Hybrid Teas, produced during the history of domestication. Principal components analysis (PCA) of the same data demonstrates the occurrence of a continuous gradient of the European/Chinese allele ratio, and a considerable reduction of genetic variability superimposed with the progress of domestication. The two complementary analyses are in good agreement with the horticultural literature. They also give access to DNA fragments potentially linked to genes involved in the control of the main morphogenetic characters of various groups. Received: 10 January 2000 / Accepted: 30 April 2000  相似文献   

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