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Deciphering molecular interactions between the malaria parasite and its mosquito vector is an emerging area of research that will be greatly facilitated by the recent sequencing of the genomes of Anopheles gambiae mosquito and of various Plasmodium species. So far, most such studies have focused on Plasmodium berghei, a parasite species that infects rodents and is more amenable to studies. Here, we analysed the expression pattern of nine An.gambiae genes involved in immune surveillance during development of the human malaria parasite P.falciparum in mosquitoes fed on parasite-containing blood from patients in Cameroon. We found that P.falciparum ingestion triggers a midgut-associated, as well as a systemic, response in the mosquito, with three genes, NOS, defensin and GNBP, being regulated by ingestion of gametocytes, the infectious stage of the parasite. Surprisingly, we found a different pattern of expression of these genes in the An.gambiae-P.berghei model. Therefore, differences in mosquito reaction against various Plasmodium species may exist, which stresses the need to validate the main conclusions suggested by the P.berghei-An.gambiae model in the P.falciparum-An.gambiae system.  相似文献   

In nature, Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes are found at various energy levels and such females must choose between seeking somatic energy from sugar sources and obtaining both somatic and gametic energy from blood hosts. We used a straight-tube olfactometer containing a simulated unobtainable blood host (human foot smell protected by a net) as well as a sugar source (honey odor). We assessed female probing rate and residence time at the net as a function of energy state (0, 24, 48, 72-h starved). In our trials, 0-h starved females showed low response to human odor, low probing rate, and residence time at the human odor site. By contrast, both 48 and 72-h individuals showed high response to foot odor, longer residence time, and higher probing rates. Seventy-two-h females also flew towards the honey source less often than other groups. Our findings suggest that managing sugar sources might be a viable strategy for influencing mosquito biting behavior.  相似文献   



The development and implementation of innovative vector control strategies for malaria control in Africa requires in-depth ecological studies in contained semi-field environments. This particularly applies to the development and release of genetically-engineered vectors that are refractory to Plasmodium infection. Here we describe a modified greenhouse, designed to simulate a natural Anopheles gambiae Giles ecosystem, and the first successful trials to complete the life-cycle of this mosquito vector therein.  相似文献   

A high diversity library of recombinant human antibodies was selected on complex antigen mixtures from midguts of female Anopheles gambiae Giles. The library of phage-displayed single chain variable region fragment constructs, derived from beta-lymphocyte mRNA of na?ve human donors, was repeatedly selected and reamplified on the insoluble fraction of midgut homogenates. Five rounds of panning yielded only one midgut-specific clone, which predominated the resulting antibody panel. In A. gambiae, the epitope was found throughout the tissues of females but was absent from the midgut of males. The cognate antigen proved to be detergent soluble but very sensitive to denaturation and could not be isolated or identified by Western blot of native electrophoresis gels or by immunoprecipitation. Nevertheless, immunohistology revealed that this sex-specific epitope is associated with the lumenal side of the midgut. Severe bottlenecking may limit the utility of phage display selection from na?ve libraries for generating diverse panels of antibodies against complex mixtures of antigens from insect tissues. These results suggest that the selection of sufficiently diverse antibody panels, from which mosquitocidal or malaria transmission-blocking antibodies can be isolated, may require improved selection methods or specifically enriched pre-immunized libraries.  相似文献   

Global warming may affect the future pattern of many arthropod-borne diseases, yet the relationship between temperature and development has been poorly described for many key vectors. Here the development of the aquatic stages of Africa's principal malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae s.s. Giles, is described at different temperatures. Development time from egg to adult was measured under laboratory conditions at constant temperatures between 10 and 40 degrees C. Rate of development from one immature stage to the next increased at higher temperatures to a peak around 28 degrees C and then declined. Adult development rate was greatest between 28 and 32 degrees C, although adult emergence was highest between 22 and 26 degrees C. No adults emerged below 18 degrees C or above 34 degrees C. Non-linear models were used to describe the relationship between developmental rate and temperature, which could be used for developing process-based models of malaria transmission. The utility of these findings is demonstrated by showing that a map where the climate is suitable for the development of aquatic stages of A. gambiae s.s. corresponded closely with the best map of malaria risk currently available for Africa.  相似文献   

The effect of mating on egg development and the size of the female accessory glands during the gonotrophic cycle of Anopheles gambiae was investigated. Although females that received a measured meal of blood were more likely to produce an egg batch when they were mated, the increased reproduction was not the result of male accessory gland substances. Changes in the size of the female accessory gland were not observed after mating nor at any time during the gonotrophic cycle, but there was a more rapid increase in its size following emergence in mated females.  相似文献   

对采自尼日利亚南部城市阿贝奥库塔冈比亚按蚊复合体Anopheles gambiae complex的形态特征进行了研究。依据2005年8月至2006年7月灯诱捕获的364个冈比亚按蚊复合体标本,分别对它们的触角、翅、喙、前足、中足和后足6个部位的长度进行了测量,对月平均值进行回归分析,同时利用差异系数(co-efficient of difference,CD)进行近缘分析。分析显示,各特征的长度平均值雨季大于旱季,但是回归分析表明长度变化与季节不显著相关(P>0.05)。差异系数分析结果表明,仅触角长度和翅长显示此复合体为两个不同的种群(CD>1.28),而其他特征值表明为同一种群。因此,该研究结果提示触角长度及翅长对冈比亚按蚊复合体近缘种的区分有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Three anopheline mosquitoes in Korea were studied for their abilities as vectors for Plasmodium vivax. The female mosquitoes of Anopheles lesteri, An. pullus and An. sinensis were allowed to suck malaria patient blood until fully fed, and they were then bred for 2 weeks to develop from malaria parasites to sporozoites. The result from the above confirmed the sporozoites in one An. lesteri of one individual and five An. sinensis of six individuals. We also confirmed that An. sinensis was the main vector to transmit malaria and An. lesteri as well as An. sinensis were able to carry Korean malaria parasites. Therefore, we propose that diversified study is needed to manage malaria projects.  相似文献   

A dual port olfactometer was used to study the response of Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu stricto to odours of human and animal origin. Human odour consisted of human skin emanations collected on a nylon stocking, which was worn for 24 h. This was tested alone or together with 4.5% carbon dioxide, the concentration in human and cattle breath. Cattle odours consisted of cow skin emanations and/or carbon dioxide. Cow skin emanations were collected by tying a nylon stocking ('cow sock') around the hind leg of a cow for 12 h. Anopheles gambiae s.s. was consistently highly attracted by human odour, which is consistent with the high degree of anthropophily in this mosquito. Anopheles gambiae s.s. was not attracted by human or cattle equivalent volumes of carbon dioxide and this gas did not enhance the effect of human skin residues. Furthermore, A. gambiae s.s. showed a high degree of aversion to cow odour. When human odour and cow odour were tested together in the same port, mosquitoes were still highly attracted, indicating that whilst cattle odour may deter A. gambiae s.s., these mosquitoes can detect human odour in the presence of cattle odour. It was concluded that carbon dioxide plays a minor role in the host seeking behaviour of A. gambiae s.s., whilst host specific cues such as human skin residues play a major role and very effectively demonstrated anthropophilic behaviour in the laboratory.  相似文献   

It is well known that amongst the sibling species of the Anopheles gambiae complex, A. arabiensis Patton predominates over A. gambiae sensu stricto Giles in hotter, drier parts of Africa. Here it was investigated whether A. arabiensis is better adapted to higher temperatures than A. gambiae s.s. at the microclimatic level. Bioassays were used to assess behavioural avoidance activity of adult mosquitoes in the presence of increasing temperature. Female mosquitoes were introduced into a holding tube from which they could escape into a cage through a one-way funnel. From a starting temperature of 28 degrees C they were exposed to a 2 degrees C rise in temperature every 30 min until all mosquitoes had escaped or been knocked down. As temperature increased, A. arabiensis left the holding tube at higher temperatures than A. gambiae s.s. (A. arabiensis mean activation temperature = 35.7 degrees C, 95% CIs = 35.4-36.1 degrees C; A. gambiae s.s. = 33.0 degrees C, 32.5-33.5 degrees C). To determine the relative ability of both species to survive at extremely high temperatures, batches of insects were exposed to 40 degrees C for different periods. It took considerably longer to kill 50% of A. arabiensis at 40 degrees C than it did A. gambiae s.s. (112 min vs. 67 min). These data show that adult A. arabiensis are better adapted to hotter conditions than A. gambiae s.s., a characteristic that is reflected in their spatial and temporal distribution in Africa.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of cultured Plasmodium falciparum parasites was examined during their sporogonic development in Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. Estimates of absolute densities were determined for each life stage, and life tables were constructed for each of 38 experimental infections. Macrogametocyte and ookinete mortalities contributed equally to the overall mortality. On average, there was a 40-fold decrease in parasite numbers in the transition from the macrogametocyte to the ookinete stage, a 69-fold decrease in the transition from ookinete to oocyst stages, and a total net decrease in parasite numbers from macrogametocyte to oocyst stage of 2,754-fold (i.e., multiplicative). There was no relationship between macrogametocyte and ookinete densities due to the inherent variability in fertility among different gametocyte cultures. There was a curvilinear relationship (r2 = 0.66) between ookinete and oocyst densities. Above a threshold of about 30 ookinetes/mosquito, the oocyst yield per ookinete became increasingly greater with increasing ookinete density. There was a linear relationship (r2 = 0.73) between oocyst and sporozoite densities, with an average of 663 salivary gland sporozoites produced per oocyst. Sporozoite production per oocyst was not affected by oocyst density and virtually all oocyst infections resulted in sporozoite infections of the salivery glands. This quantitative study indicates that the sporogony of cultured P. falciparum in laboratory-infected A. gambiae is an inefficient process and that the ookinete is the key transitional stage affecting the probability of vector infectivity.  相似文献   

Abstract. The adult, pupa, larva and egg of Anopheles {Anopheles) namibien-sis sp.n. from the Kavango district, Namibia (South West Africa), are described and comparisons made with Anopheles (Anopheles) ziemanni Griinberg. A photomap of the polytene chromosomes from the salivary glands of the fourth stage larvae is presented.  相似文献   

In these experiments, oviposition by laboratory-reared Anopheles gambiae s.s. was as likely to occur from a vertical perch, as from a horizontal sitting position on a substrate of moist mud or open water. Tall cylinders with moist, dark walls provided an enclosed vertical resting surface from which An. gambiae deposited eggs. Similar numbers of eggs were deposited in these cylinders as on dark and moist horizontally-positioned ovipositional substrates. Likewise, An. gambiae oviposited equally from a vertical perch among emergent surrogate reeds vs. sitting horizontally on mud. Open ovipositional resources with exposed resting surfaces presenting 45°, 90°, and 135° angles relative to the cage floor received fewer eggs than a horizontally positioned, moist and dark ovipositional dish, even though more An. gambiae females settled on these angled resting surfaces post-oviposition. We conclude that vertical resting sites are adequate perches from which oviposition can occur if they provide high humidity and the paramount dark and wet ovipositional cues for An. gambiae oviposition.  相似文献   

The initial rates of uptake of L-tryptophan into normal human red blood cells and into cells infected by the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum in vitro, were investigated. We find that transport in non-infected cells, which is mediated by the specific saturable T system and the apparently non-saturable L system (Rosenberg, Young and Ellory (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 598, 375-384) is considerably enhanced by blood preservation and culture conditions. This increase is mostly due to an increase in the maximal velocity of the saturable component and of the rate constant of the linear component. Uptake is further enhanced in non-infected cells by factors released from infected cells into the culture medium and, even more so, in infected cells at the advanced stage of intraerythrocytic parasite development. At these stages the susceptibility of the transport system to the non-specific inhibitor phloretin and to the competitive inhibitor phenylalanine, is virtually lost. The effect of the parasite on L-tryptophan uptake by the host cell membrane is exerted only on the maximal velocity of the T system, which is carrying most of the substrate under physiological conditions. The possible implications of these findings to the life of the intraerythrocytic parasite are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Anopheles darlingi is an important vector of human malaria in the Amazon. Adult females of this mosquito species require a blood meal to develop eggs, preferring humans to other blood sources. Although gonotrophic concordance has been described as the norm for An. darlingi, here we report An. darlingi female mosquitoes taking two or more blood meals within their first gonotrophic cycle. Only half of field‐captured adult females fed one blood meal developed follicles to Christophers' stage V. This outcome is dependent on larval nutrition, as 88% of laboratory‐raised well‐nourished females completed the first gonotrophic cycle with only one blood meal, while less nourished females needed additional blood meals. Half of the field‐captured blood‐seeking An. darlingi females had follicles in intermediate (IIIa and IIIb) and final (V) stages of the gonotrophic cycle, supporting the conclusion that An. darlingi blood feed more than once during a gonotrophic cycle. Additionally, we observed females attempting to blood feed a second time during the same day. Additional studies of An. darlingi biting behavior are necessary to accurately estimate Plasmodium sp. entomologic inoculation rates throughout the An. darlingi vast geographical distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract Present understanding of the development of sexual stages of the human malaria parasites Plasmodium vivax and P.falciparum in the Anopheles vector is reviewed, with particular reference to the role of the mosquito midgut in establishing an infection. The sexual stages of the parasite, the gametocytes, are formed in human erythrocytes. The changes in temperature and pH encountered by the gametocyte induce gametogenesis in the lumen of the midgut. Macromolecules derived from mosquito tissue and second messenger pathways regulate events leading to fertilization. In An.tessellatus the movement of the ookinete from the lumen to the midgut epithelium is linked to the release of trypsin in the midgut and the peritrophic matrix is not a firm barrier to this movement. The passage of the P. vivax ookinete through the peritrophic matrix may take place before the latter is fully formed. The late ookinete development in P.falciparum requires chitinase to facilitate penetration of the peritrophic matrix. Recognition sites for the ookinetes are present on the midgut epithelial cells. N-acetyl glucosamine residues in the oligosaccharide side chains of An.tessellatus midgut glycoproteins and peritrophic matrix proteoglycan may function as recognition sites for P.vivax and P.falciparum ookinetes. It is possible that ookinetes penetrating epithelial cells produce stress in the vector. Mosquito molecules may be involved in oocyst development in the basal lamina, and encapsulation of the parasite occurs in vectors that are refractory to the parasite. Detailed knowledge of vector-parasite interactions, particularly in the midgut and the identification of critical mosquito molecules offers prospects for manipulating the vector for the control of malaria.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to identify the major larval habitats of the Anopheles gambiae (Giles) complex in rural Gambia. Mosquito larvae and pupae were sampled along transects and in specific habitats in the central region of the country during the rainy seasons of 1996 and 1997. The sampling showed that the major breeding sites were located on the flooded alluvial soils bordering the river. The largest numbers of larvae were found during September, one month after the peak rains. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of specimens showed that Anopheles melas (Theobald) was the dominant species in the flooded areas (81.5%), followed by A. gambiae sensu stricto (Giles) (18.0%) and A. arabiensis (Patton) (0.5%). By sampling in specific habitats it was evident that A. arabiensis was mainly breeding in rain-fed rice fields along the edge of the alluvial soils. Anopheles melas and A. gambiae s.s. often coexisted but whereas A. melas were found in water with a salinity of up to 72% sea water (25.2 g NaCl l(-1)), A. gambiae s.s. only occurred in water with up to 30% sea water (10.5 g NaCl l(-1)). Anopheles melas larvae were found in association with plant communities dominated by sedges and grasses (Eleocharis sp., Paspalum sp., Sporobolus sp.) and sea-purslane Sesuvium portulacastrum (L.) and the presence of cattle hoof prints, whereas A. gambiae s.s. larvae mainly occurred in association with Paspalum sp. and Eleocharis sp. The study showed that even during the peak rainy season, breeding of the A. gambiae complex is almost entirely restricted to the extensive alluvial areas along the river.  相似文献   

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