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Redox changes of the flavoproteins of mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) mitochondria were measured by differential absorbance at 468 to 493 nanometers and by fluorescence emission above 500 nanometers excited at 436 nanometers. Four flavoproteins are distinguishable by the ratio of their fluorescence to absorbance changes, and by their requirement, or lack of it, for energy-linked reverse electron transport for reduction by succinate. Two flavoproteins are reduced by succinate in fully depleted mitochondria which lack the capacity for reverse electron transport. These are designated Fpha and Fphf and have fluorescence to absorbance ratios of 0 and 1.4, respectively. The two flavoproteins have the same half-time for oxidation, but Fphf is reduced more slowly than Fpha by substrate in the presence of cyanide. One flavoprotein with a fluorescence to absorbance ratio of 0 is not reduced by succinate in anaerobic, fully depleted mitochondria, but is rapidly reduced on subsequent addition of malate; it is designated Fpm. The fourth distinguishable flavoprotein component is reducible by succinate in an energy-linked reaction, even in partially depleted mitochondria. This component has a fluorescence to absorbance ratio of 3.8 and is designated Fp1f. In addition to these four flavoproteins reducible by substrates, there is a highly fluorescent flavin-containing component in or associated with these mitochondria, which is rapidly reduced by dithionite.  相似文献   

In the present study we have observed a higher state of coupling in respiring mitochondriaisolated from green as compared to red tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill.). Greentomato mitochondria produced a membrane potential () high enough to phosphorylate ADP,whereas in red tomato mitochondria, BSA and ATP were required to restore to the levelof that obtained with green tomato mitochondria. This supports the notion that such uncouplingin red tomato mitochondria is mediated by a plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein (PUMP;cf. Vercesi et al., 1995). Nevertheless, mitochondria from both green and red tomatoes exhibitedan ATP-sensitive linoleic acid (LA)-induced decrease providing evidence that PUMP isalso present in green tomatoes. Indeed, proteoliposomes containing reconstituted green or redtomato PUMP showed LA uniport and LA-induced H+ transport. It is suggested that the higherconcentration of free fatty acids (PUMP substrates) in red tomatoes could explain the lowercoupling state in mitochondria isolated from these fruits.  相似文献   

Purified mitochondria were prepared from roots of 7- and 14-d-oldbarley plants and their respiratory activities were determined.The following observations were made. (1) With age, total oxygenuptake declined in the intact root and in isolated root mitochondria.(2) The alternative pathway was present and engaged to 60% ofits capacity in the intact roots of both 7- and 14- d-old plants.In the isolated mitochondria its activity depended on the substrateused. (3) State 4 respiration rates were high in the isolatedmitochondria, but there was little contribution by the alternativeoxidase. The implications of these findings are discussed. Itis proposed that mitochondrial respiratory capacity plays animportant role in determining the respiration rate of the intactbarley root. Key words: Mitochondria, cytochrome path, alternative path, roots, barley  相似文献   

Mitochondria were prepared from the spadices of skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) whose respiratory rate with succinate and malate showed 15% to 30% sensitivity to cyanide inhibition, and which showed respiratory control by added ADP. The observed respiratory control ratios ranged from 1.1 to 1.4. The change in pH of the mitochondrial suspension was recorded simultaneously with oxygen uptake: alkalinization of the medium, expected for phosphorylation of ADP, coincided with the period of acceleration in oxygen uptake caused by addition of an ADP aliquot. The ADP/O ratios obtained were 1.3 for succinate and 1.9 for malate. In the presence of 0.3 mm cyanide, the ADP/O ratio for succinate was zero, while that for malate was 0.7. These results are consistent with the existence of an alternate oxidase which interacts with the flavoprotein and pyridine nucleotide components of the respiratory chain and which, in the presence of cyanide, allows the first phosphorylation site to function with an efficiency of about 70%. In the absence of respiratory inhibitors, the efficiency of each phosphorylation site is also about 70%. This result implies that diversion of reducing equivalents through the alternate oxidase, thereby bypassing the 2 phosphorylation sites associated with the cytochrome components of these mitochondria, occurs to a negligible extent during the oxidative phosphorylation of ADP or State 3.Addition of ADP or uncoupler to skunk cabbage mitochondria respiring in the controlled state or State 4, results in reduction of cytochrome c and the oxidation of the cytochromes b, ubiquinone and pyridine nucleotide. A site of interaction of ADP with the respiratory chain between cytochromes b and cytochrome c is thereby identified by means of the crossover theorem. Flavoprotein measured by fluorescence is also oxidized upon addition of ADP or uncoupler, but flavoprotein measured by optical absorbance changes becomes more reduced under these conditions. Depletion of the mitochondria by pretreatment with ADP and uncoupler prevents reduction of most of the fluorescent flavoprotein by succinate. These results indicate that skunk cabbage mitochondria contain both high and low potential flavo-proteins characterized by different fluorescence/absorbance ratios similar to those demonstrated to be part of the respiratory chain in mitochondria from animal tissues.  相似文献   

The half-time for oxidation of cytochrome b(557) in mitochondria from etiolated mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) hypocotyls is 5.8 milliseconds at 24 Celsius in the absence or presence of 0.3 mm KCN, when the oxidation is carried out by injecting a small amount of oxygenated medium into a suspension of mitochondria made anaerobic in the presence of succinate plus malonate. Since oxygen is consumed by the alternate, cyanide-insensitive respiratory pathway of these mitochondria, cycles of oxidation and reduction can be obtained with the oxygen pulses when cyanide is present. Reduced cytochromes (a + a(3)) also become oxidized at nearly the uninhibited rate under these conditions, a(3) completely and a partially. The half-time for oxidation of c(547) is also unaffected by 0.3 mm KCN, but c(549) has a half-time equal to that of c(547) in the presence of KCN, compared to the shorter one observed in the absence of inhibitor. The maximum extent of oxidation of the cytochromes c is about 70% in the presence of 0.3 mm KCN; this oxidation is rapidly followed by an extensive reduction which is synchronous with the reduction of cytochrome a observed under the same conditions. In the presence of cyanide, it appears likely that the cytochromes c and b(557) are oxidized by cytochrome oxidase in oxygen pulse experiments, rather than by the alternate oxidase. The oxidation of cytochrome b(553) is partially inhibited by KCN, but complete oxidation is attained in the aerobic steady state with excess oxygen. If the oxygen pulse experiment is carried out in the presence of sufficient malonate so that entry of reducing equivalents into the respiratory chain occurs at a rate negligible compared to inter-carrier electron transport, the half-time for flavoprotein oxidation is unaffected by 0.3 mm KCN while that for ubiquinone oxidation is but 2-fold larger. The observed net oxidation rate of these two carriers in mung bean mitochondria is more sensitive to the entry rate of reducing equivalents, as set by succinate concentration and malonate to succinate ratio, then it is in skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) mitochondria. These observations are interpreted in terms of a respiratory carrier Y, placed between flavoprotein plus ubiquinone and the cytochromes, which is the fork in the split respiratory pathway to the two terminal oxidases and which has lower electron transport capacity in mung bean mitochondria than in skunk cabbage mitochondria.  相似文献   

During experiments to elucidate the mode of action of photosynthesis inhibiting acylanilide type herbicides, the effects of various acylanilides on respiration and oxidative phosphorylation of isolated plant mitochondria were studied. The results showed that some acylanilides acted as uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation: 1) Some stimulated the ADP-limited state 4 respiration of isolated mitochondria depriving them of their respiratory control ability during succinate oxidation. 2) Those which stimulated state 4 respiration interfered with oxidative phosphorylation to degenerate the P/O ratio.

The following relationships between chemical structure of acylanilides and their biological activities were demonstrated: 3) Among various ring-chlorinated propionanilides, the activity of 3′,4′-DCPA was especially prominent. 4) Almost all the side chain-substituted 3′,4′-dichloroacylanilides tested were effective. 5) Both chlorination of the 3 and 4 positions of the aniline moiety and acylanilide bonding were simultaneously required for an acylanilide to produce uncoupling activity. 6) DCMU was less effective than was 3′,4′-DCPA, both in stimulating state 4 and in degenerating the P/O ratio.  相似文献   

The oxidation kinetics of the two high potential flavo-proteins, one (Fphf) fluorescent and the other (Fpha) nonfluorescent, in mitochondria from skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) spadices have been measured by combined spectrophotometry and fluorimetry. In the absence of respiratory inhibitors, both flavoproteins are oxidized at nearly the same rate with half-times between 120 and 160 milliseconds at 24 C. When slight differences in rate are observed, it is Fpha which consistently has the shorter half-time. The presence of 0.3 millimolar KCN has no perceptible effect on the oxidation rate of either component. Antimycin A (2 nanomoles per milligram of protein) increases the oxidation half-time of Fpha about 3-fold, but it has no effect on the oxidation half-time of Fphf. In contrast to these two inhibitors, m-chlorobenzhydroxamic acid—an inhibitor specific to the cyanide insensitive, alternate oxidase pathway in these mitochondria—increases the oxidation half-time of Fphf 10-fold to about 2 seconds, while increasing that of Fpha only some 20%. This result implies that the flavoprotein Fphf mediates electron transport to the alternate oxidase from the region of the mitochondrial respiratory chain encompassing Fpha, ubiquinone, and the cytochromes b. The oxidation rate of cytochrome b557 is unaffected by either m-chlorobenzhydroxamic acid or cyanide but is strongly inhibited by antimycin A. This result implies that cytochrome b557 plays no direct role in the respiratory pathway to the alternate oxidase and is different from cytochrome b7 found in mitochondria from the spadices of Arum maculatum.  相似文献   

Storey BT 《Plant physiology》1970,46(4):625-630
Addition of 90 micromolar reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) in the presence of cyanide to a suspension of aerobic mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) mitochondria depleted with ADP and uncoupler gives a cycle of reduction of electron transport carriers followed by reoxidation, as NADH is oxidized to NAD+ through the cyanide-insensitive, alternate oxidase by excess oxygen in the reaction medium. Under these conditions, cytochrome b553 and the nonfluorescent, high potential flavoprotein Fpha of the plant respiratory chain become completely reduced with half-times of 2.5 to 2.8 seconds for both components. Reoxidation of flavoprotein Fpha on exhaustion of NADH is more rapid than that of cytochrome b553. There is a lag of 1.5 seconds after NADH addition before any reduction of ubiquinone can be observed, whereas there is no lag perceptible in the reduction of flavoprotein Fpha and cytochrome b553. The half-time for ubiquinone reduction is 4.5 seconds, and the extent of reduction is 90% or greater. About 30% of cytochrome b557 is reduced under these conditions with a half-time of 10 seconds; both cytochrome b562 and the fluorescent, high potential flavoprotein Fphf show little, if any, reduction. The two cytochromes c in these mitochondria, c547 and c549, are reduced in synchrony with a half-time of 0.8 second. These two components are already 60% reduced in the presence of cyanide but absence of substrate, and they become completely reduced on addition of NADH. These results indicated that reducing equivalents enter the respiratory chain from exogenous NADH at flavoprotein Fpha and are rapidly transported through cytochrome b553 to the cytochromes c; once the latter are completely reduced, reduction of ubiquinone begins. Ubiquinone appears to act as a storage pool for reducing equivalents entering the respiratory chain on the substrate side of coupling site 2. It is suggested that flavoprotein Fpha and cytochrome b553 together may act as the branching point in the plant respiratory chain from which forward electron transport can take place to oxygen through the cytochrome chain via cytochrome oxidase, or to oxygen through the alternate, cyanide-insensitive oxidase via the fluorescent, high potential flavoprotein Fphf.  相似文献   

The kinetics of oxidation of ubiquinone, flavoprotein, cytochrome c, and the cytochrome b complex in skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) mitochondria made anaerobic with succinate have been measured spectrophotometrically and fluorimetrically in the absence of respiratory inhibitor and in the presence of cyanide or antimycin A. No component identifiable by these means was oxidized rapidly enough in the presence of one or the other inhibitor to qualify for the role of alternate oxidase. Cycles of oxidation and rereduction of flavoprotein and ubiquinone obtained by injecting 12 mum oxygen into the anaerobic mitochondrial suspension were kinetically indistinguishable in the presence of cyanide or antimycin A, implying that these 2 components are part of a respiratory pathway between succinate and oxygen which does not involve the cytochromes and does involve a cyanide-insensitive alternate oxidase. The cytochrome b complex shows biphasic oxidation kinetics with half times of 0.018 sec and 0.4 sec in the absence of inhibitor, which increase to 0.2 sec and 1 sec in the presence of cyanide. In the presence of antimycin A, the oxidation of the cytochrome b complex shows an induction period of 1 sec and a half-time of 3.5 sec. A split respiratory chain with 2 terminal oxidases and a branch point between the cytochromes and flavoprotein and ubiquinone is proposed for these mitochondria.  相似文献   

The effect of initial oxygen concentration on the rate and extent of oxidation of the respiratory chain carriers of anaerobic mitochondria from mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) seedlings was examined. The substrate was succinate, with malonate added to give malonate to succinate ratios of 6 to 12, thereby minimizing the flow of reducing equivalents from substrate and insuring maximal extent of oxidation of the carriers. The ratio of oxidizing equivalents available from oxygen to reducing equivalents available from reduced ubiquinone, designated the equivalents ratio, varied from 30 to 1. Cytochromes aa3 and c547 have unaltered oxidation half-times, designated t½ on, as the equivalents ratio is reduced from 30 to 3, and the extent of oxidation is decreased by about 25%. The time of the oxidation-reduction cycle induced by the oxygen pulse, calculated from the point of half oxidation to that of half reduction and designated t½ off, decreases 200 fold with this reduction in equivalents ratio. The oxidation half-time, t½ on, for ubiquinone is unaltered by decreasing the equivalents ratio from 6 to 1; the value of t½ off decreases only 30% while the extent of oxidation decreases 50%. The values of t½ on and t½ off and the extent of oxidation of cytochrome b553 and flavoprotein Fpha were all much reduced at low equivalents ratios. The results, plus results from previous studies, indicate that there is the following linear sequence of components in the plant respiratory chain:  相似文献   

We have investigated the influence of stress conditions such as incubation at 4°C and incubation in hyperoxygen atmosphere, on plant tissues. The ubiquinone (Q) content and respiratory activity of purified mitochondria was studied. The rate of respiration of mitochondria isolated from cold-treated green bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L) exceeds that of controls, but this is not so for mitochondria isolated from cold-treated cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L). Treatment with high oxygen does not alter respiration rates of cauliflower mitochondria. Analysis of kinetic data relating oxygen uptake with Q reduction in mitochondria isolated from tissue incubated at 4°C (bell peppers and cauliflowers) and at high oxygen levels (cauliflowers) reveals an increase in the total amount of Q and in the percentage of inoxidizable QH2. The effects are not invariably accompanied by an induction of the alternative oxidase (AOX). In those mitochondria where the AOX is induced (cold-treated bell pepper and cauliflower treated with high oxygen) superoxide production is lower than in the control. The role of reduced Q accumulation and AOX induction in the defense against oxidative damage is discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play an important role in plant growth and development, cooperating with the endoplasmic reticulum and nucleus. Gadolinium, one of the rare earth elements, is an inhibitor of stretch-activated calcium channels located on the endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane and has no effect on nuclear calcium variation in plant cells. We analyzed the effects of Gd3+ on mitochondria function by monitoring mitochondrial swelling, changes of membrane fluidity, and transmembrane potential collapse and by observing mitochondrial ultrastructure. We found that high concentration of Gd3+ induces rice mitochondrial dysfunction through mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT). The protection of DTT and EDTA demonstrate that Gd3+ blocks the inner membrane ion channel through thiol chelation.  相似文献   

Unilamellar liposomes with native phospholipid fatty acid composition were prepared from rat liver mitochondrial inner membrane phospholipids by extrusion in medium containing 50 mm potassium. They were diluted into low potassium medium to establish a transmembrane potassium gradient. A known membrane potential was imposed by addition of valinomycin, and proton flux into liposomes was measured. Valinomycin in the range 10 pm–1nm was sufficient to fully establish membrane potential. Valinomycin concentrations above 3 nm catalyzed additional proton flux and were avoided. At 300 pm valinomycin, proton flux depended nonlinearly on membrane potential. At 160 mV membrane potential the flux was 30 nmol H+/min/mg phospholipid—approximately 5% of the proton leak flux under comparable conditions in isolated mitochondria, indicating that leak pathways through bulk phospholipid bilayer account for only a small proportion of total mitochondrial proton leak. Received: 5 August 1996/Revised: 1 October 1996  相似文献   

Hydroxamic acids, R-CONHOH, are inhibitors specific to the respiratory pathway through the alternate, cyanide-insensitive terminal oxidase of plant mitochondria. The nature of the R group in these compounds affects the concentration at which the hydroxamic acids are effective, but it appears that all hydroxamic acids inhibit if high enough concentrations are used. The benzhydroxamic acids are effective at relatively low concentrations; of these, the most effective are m-chlorobenzhydroxamic acid and m-iodobenzhydroxamic acid. The concentrations required for half-maximal inhibition of the alternate oxidase pathway in mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) mitochondria are 0.03 mm for m-chlorobenzhydroxamic acid and 0.02 mm for m-iodobenzhydroxamic acid. With skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) mitochondria, the required concentrations are 0.16 for m-chlorobenzhydroxamic acid and 0.05 for m-iodobenzhydroxamic acid. At concentrations which inhibit completely the alternate oxidase pathway, these two compounds have no discernible effect on either the respiratory pathway through cytochrome oxidase, or on the energy coupling reactions of these mitochondria. These inhibitors make it possible to isolate the two respiratory pathways and study their mode of action separately. These inhibitors also enhance an electron paramagnetic resonance signal near g = 2 in anaerobic, submitochondrial particles from skunk cabbage, which appears to be specific to the alternate oxidase and thus provides a means for its assay.  相似文献   

Storey BT 《Plant physiology》1974,53(6):846-850
During the transition from the aerobic steady state with succinate as substrate to anaerobiosis, in suspensions of skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) mitochondria treated with antimycin A, cytochrome b(562) becomes reoxidized to the extent of about 20%, synchronously with the reduction of cytochrome c(549). This reoxidation occurs in both the absence and presence of m-chlorobenzhydroxamic acid, a specific inhibitor for the alternate terminal oxidase of plant mitochondria. A flavoprotein component, amounting to 13% to 15% of the total nonfluorescent mitochondrial flavoprotein, undergoes reduction synchronously with the oxidation of cytochrome b(562) during the aerobic to anaerobic transition with succinate as substrate in the presence of both antimycin A and m-chlorobenzhydroxamic acid. This flavoprotein component remains reduced in the presence of cyanide. The half-time for reduction of the flavoprotein component and cytochrome c(549) and for oxidation of cytochrome b(562) during the aerobic to anaerobic transition with succinate as substrate in the presence of both antimycin A and m-chlorobenzhydroxamic acid is 2 seconds. The half-times for oxidation of cytochrome c(549) and the flavoprotein component are 2.1 and 170 milliseconds, respectively, during the anaerobic to aerobic transition induced by addition of 14 mum O(2) to the mitochondrial suspensions. The half-time for reduction of cytochrome b(562) under these conditions is 150 milliseconds, synchronous with the flavoprotein component. The synchrony of the flavoprotein oxidation and of the cytochrome b(562) reduction at a rate much slower than that of cytochrome c(549) oxidation implies that, in antimycin-treated plant mitochondria, the state of the cytochrome b(562)/antimycin complex is regulated by the redox state of this flavoprotein component, rather than by cytochrome c(549). It is tentatively suggested that these two components are not part of the main sequence of the respiratory chain, but may be part of a multienzyme complex active in the hydroxylation reactions required for ubiquinone biosynthesis in the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Mitochondria, isolated from heterotrophic Euglena gracilis , have cyanide-resistant alternative oxidase (AOX) in their respiratory chain. Cells cultured under a variety of oxidative stress conditions (exposure to cyanide, cold, or H2O2) increased the AOX capacity in mitochondria and cells, although it was significant only under cold stress; AOX sensitivity to inhibitors was also increased by cold and cyanide stress. The value of AOX maximal activity reached 50% of total respiration below 20 degrees C, whereas AOX full activity was only 10-30% of total respiration above 20 degrees C. The optimum pH for AOX activity was 6.5 and for the cytochrome pathway was 7.3. GMP, AMP, pyruvate, or DTT did not alter AOX activity. The reduction level of the quinone pool was higher in mitochondria from cold-stressed than from control cells; furthermore, the content of reduced glutathione was lower in cold-stressed cells. Growth in the presence of an AOX inhibitor was not affected in control cells, whereas in cold-stressed cells, growth was diminished by 50%. Cyanide diminished growth in control cells by 50%, but in cold-stressed cells this inhibitor was ineffective. The data suggest that AOX activity is part of the cellular response to oxidative stress in Euglena .  相似文献   

Ikuma H  Bonner WD 《Plant physiology》1967,42(11):1535-1544
The effects of representative respiratory inhibitors were investigated on the coupled respiration of mung bean mitochondria using succinate and l-malate as substrates. The inhibitors studied were: (I) malonate, (II) amytal and rotenone, (III) antimycin A and 2-n-nonyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide (NOQNO), and (IV) cyanide and azide.  相似文献   

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