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Covariate-adjusted regression 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We consider the general problem of smoothing correlated data to estimate the nonparametric mean function when a random, but bounded, number of measurements is available for each independent subject. We propose a simple extension to the local polynomial regression smoother that retains the asymptotic properties of the working independence estimator, while typically reducing both the conditional bias and variance for practical sample sizes, as demonstrated by exact calculations for some particular models. We illustrate our method by smoothing longitudinal functional decline data for 100 patients with Huntington's disease. The class of local polynomial kernel-based estimating equations previously considered in the literature is shown to use the global correlation structure in an apparently detrimental way, which explains why some previous attempts to incorporate correlation were found to be asymptotically inferior to the working independence estimator. 相似文献
We propose a generalization of the varying coefficient modelfor longitudinal data to cases where not only current but alsorecent past values of the predictor process affect current response.More precisely, the targeted regression coefficient functionsof the proposed model have sliding window supports around currenttime t. A variant of a recently proposed two-step estimationmethod for varying coefficient models is proposed for estimationin the context of these generalized varying coefficient models,and is found to lead to improvements, especially for the caseof additive measurement errors in both response and predictors.The proposed methodology for estimation and inference is alsoapplicable for the case of additive measurement error in thecommon versions of varying coefficient models that relate onlycurrent observations of predictor and response processes toeach other. Asymptotic distributions of the proposed estimatorsare derived, and the model is applied to the problem of predictingprotein concentrations in a longitudinal study. Simulation studiesdemonstrate the efficacy of the proposed estimation procedure. 相似文献
On model diagnostics using varying coefficient models 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A semivarying coefficient model for the monthly numbers of suicides in Hong Kong is developed and a new estimation procedure for estimating the parametric component is proposed. The estimators are examined in a small simulation study and fitted to monthly suicide data to estimate a nonparametric long-term trend and parametric seasonal and socioeconomic effects. Fitting the model detected interpretable structure in the data that is consistent with that driving public health policy. While exploratory, the analysis motivates the collection of more detailed data and the development of more sophisticated models to help determine target groups and strategies to reduce the suicide rate in Hong Kong. 相似文献
Single-index model selections 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
We conduct a reanalysis of data from the Utah Valley respiratory health/air pollution study of Pope and co-workers (Pope et al., 1991) using additive mixed models. A relatively recent statistical development (e.g. Wang, 1998; Verbyla et al., 1999; Lin and Zhang, 1999), the methods allow for smooth functional relationships, subject-specific effects and time series error structure. All three of these are apparent in the Utah Valley data. 相似文献
Kauermann G 《Biometrics》2000,56(3):692-698
This paper presents a smooth regression model for ordinal data with longitudinal dependence structure. A marginal model with cumulative logit link is applied to cope with the ordinal scale and the main and covariate effects in the model are allowed to vary with time. Local fitting is pursued and asymptotic properties of the estimates are discussed. In a second step, the longitudinal dependence of the observations is considered. Cumulative log odds ratios are fitted locally, which allows investigation of how the longitudinal dependence of the ordinal observations changes with time. 相似文献
The generalized additive model is extended to handle negative binomial responses. The extension is complicated by the fact that the negative binomial distribution has two parameters and is not in the exponential family. The methodology is applied to data involving DNA adduct counts and smoking variables among ex-smokers with lung cancer. A more detailed investigation is made of the parametric relationship between the number of adducts and years since quitting while retaining a smooth relationship between adducts and the other covariates. 相似文献
For large data sets, it can be difficult or impossible to fit models with random effects using standard algorithms due to memory limitations or high computational burdens. In addition, it would be advantageous to use the abundant information to relax assumptions, such as normality of random effects. Motivated by data from an epidemiologic study of childhood growth, we propose a 2-stage method for fitting semiparametric random effects models to longitudinal data with many subjects. In the first stage, we use a multivariate clustering method to identify G相似文献
Summary . L-splines are a large family of smoothing splines defined in terms of a linear differential operator. This article develops L-splines within the context of linear mixed models and uses the resulting mixed model L-spline to analyze longitudinal data from a grassland experiment. In the spirit of time-series analysis, a periodic mixed model L-spline is developed, which partitions data into a smooth periodic component plus smooth long-term trend. 相似文献
SUMMARY: In this article we investigate regression calibration methods to jointly model longitudinal and survival data using a semiparametric longitudinal model and a proportional hazards model. In the longitudinal model, a biomarker is assumed to follow a semiparametric mixed model where covariate effects are modeled parametrically and subject-specific time profiles are modeled nonparametrially using a population smoothing spline and subject-specific random stochastic processes. The Cox model is assumed for survival data by including both the current measure and the rate of change of the underlying longitudinal trajectories as covariates, as motivated by a prostate cancer study application. We develop a two-stage semiparametric regression calibration (RC) method. Two variations of the RC method are considered, risk set regression calibration and a computationally simpler ordinary regression calibration. Simulation results show that the two-stage RC approach performs well in practice and effectively corrects the bias from the naive method. We apply the proposed methods to the analysis of a dataset for evaluating the effects of the longitudinal biomarker PSA on the recurrence of prostate cancer. 相似文献
Zhang D 《Biometrics》2004,60(1):8-15
The routinely assumed parametric functional form in the linear predictor of a generalized linear mixed model for longitudinal data may be too restrictive to represent true underlying covariate effects. We relax this assumption by representing these covariate effects by smooth but otherwise arbitrary functions of time, with random effects used to model the correlation induced by among-subject and within-subject variation. Due to the usually intractable integration involved in evaluating the quasi-likelihood function, the double penalized quasi-likelihood (DPQL) approach of Lin and Zhang (1999, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B61, 381-400) is used to estimate the varying coefficients and the variance components simultaneously by representing a nonparametric function by a linear combination of fixed effects and random effects. A scaled chi-squared test based on the mixed model representation of the proposed model is developed to test whether an underlying varying coefficient is a polynomial of certain degree. We evaluate the performance of the procedures through simulation studies and illustrate their application with Indonesian children infectious disease data. 相似文献
This article presents a score test to check the fit of a logistic regression model with two or more outcome categories. The null hypothesis that the model fits well is tested against the alternative that residuals of samples close to each other in covariate space tend to deviate from the model in the same direction. We propose a test statistic that is a sum of squared smoothed residuals, and show that it can be interpreted as a score test in a random effects model. By specifying the distance metric in covariate space, users can choose the alternative against which the test is directed, making it either an omnibus goodness-of-fit test or a test for lack of fit of specific model variables or outcome categories. 相似文献
We consider testing whether the nonparametric function in a semiparametric additive mixed model is a simple fixed degree polynomial, for example, a simple linear function. This test provides a goodness-of-fit test for checking parametric models against nonparametric models. It is based on the mixed-model representation of the smoothing spline estimator of the nonparametric function and the variance component score test by treating the inverse of the smoothing parameter as an extra variance component. We also consider testing the equivalence of two nonparametric functions in semiparametric additive mixed models for two groups, such as treatment and placebo groups. The proposed tests are applied to data from an epidemiological study and a clinical trial and their performance is evaluated through simulations. 相似文献