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This report explores the biochemical basis for clonal variation in adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-sensitive adenylate cyclase activity in the Y1 mouse adrenocortical tumor cell line. We demonstrate that the level of a specific protein, designated p68, is significantly correlated with the ability of adrenocorticotropin to stimulate adenylate cyclase activity among Y1 subclones (p = 0.004; r = 0.65). p68 was characterized by its molecular weight in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels (Mr = 68,000) and by its isoelectric point as determined by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (pI = 7.2). On two-dimensional gels, the protein migrated as a major spot with satellite spots 0.1 pH unit on either side. Homogenates and plasma membrane fractions from clones highly responsive to ACTH had large amounts of p68. In homogenates from highly responsive clones p68 represented 10 to 12% of the total protein. Homogenates and plasma membrane fractions from clones insensitive to ACTH were deficient in p68. In homogenates from the insensitive clones Y6 and OS3, p68 represented less than or equal 0.8% of the total protein. A somatic cell hybrid, formed by fusion of these two ACTH-insensitive clones recovered ACTH-sensitive adenylate cyclase activity and concomitantly expressed appreciable levels of p68. It is suggested that p68 may regulate the transfer of information from the occupied ACTH receptor ot the catalytic subunit of adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

A hypothesis on the role of the hormone-induced desensitization of adenylate cyclase is proposed. It is suggested that the desensitization process could provide the cell with a highly efficient cyclic AMP system for transmitting hormone stimulus without requiring a large energy consumption. Theoretical considerations show that in fact the desensitization phenomenon allows the cyclic AMP system to present a good compromise between the efficiency and economy requirements of the cells.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase activity of the homogenate of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells pretreated with catecholamine at 37 degrees C was not stimulated by the addition of the same catecholamine, whereas that of the cells without the pretreatment was stimulated. Such a desensitization was induced hardly at all when the pretreatment was performed at low temperature. The desensitization of adenylate cyclase activity to catecholamine stimulation was prevented by pre-pretreatment of the cells with colchicine prior to the catecholamine pretreatment. The effect of colchicine was dependent on the period of the treatment and concentration of colchicine. Vinblastine had a similar effect, whereas cytochalasin B was without effect. Thus, involvement of microtubules was suggested in the desensitization of the membrane-associated enzyme to external stimulation.  相似文献   

The murine Leydig tumor cell line, MLTC-1, contains gonadotropin receptors and a gonadotropin-responsive adenylate cyclase system that became refractory (desensitized) when exposed to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). MLTC-1 cells also contain phorbol ester receptors with a Kd of 53 nM for [3H]phorbol dibutyrate. Exposing cells to 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA) also causes desensitization of the hCG response. TPA-induced desensitization was similar to hCG-induced desensitization by every criteria tested. Both TPA- and hCG-induced desensitization caused approximately 50% loss of the hormone response within 30 min. Neither TPA or hCG altered receptor affinity for hCG. The dose response of adenylate cyclase to hCG or GTP in isolated membranes was not affected by either hCG- or TPA-induced desensitization. Similarly the dose response to hCG of cAMP accumulation in intact cells was not altered by desensitization with hCG or TPA. It was determined that MLTC-1 cells have Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase activity that displayed a dose-dependent response to TPA. The concentration of TPA required to activate the protein kinase was similar to that required for desensitization. Phorbol esters that were unable to activate protein kinase C were also unable to desensitize MLTC-1 cells. The protein kinase from MLTC-1 cells was also activated by diacylglycerol. In addition, diacylglycerols caused desensitization of the hCG response. TPA- and diacylglycerol-induced desensitization is probably mediated by protein kinase C, and the similarities between hCG- and TPA-induced refractoriness suggests a convergence of mechanisms at some point of MLTC-1 cell desensitization.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase activity of the homogenate of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells pretreated with catecholamine at 37°C was not stimulated by the addition of the same catecholamine, whereas that of the cells without the pretreatment was stimulated. Such a desensitization was induced hardly at all when the pretreatment was performed at low temperature. The desensitization of adenylate cyclase activity to catecholamine stimulation was prevented by pretreatment. The effect of cholchine was dependent on the period of the treatment and concentration of colchicine. Vinblastine had a similar effect, whereas cytochalasin B was without effect. Thus, involvement of microtubules was suggested in the desensitization of the membrane-associated enzyme to external sitmulation.  相似文献   

The murine Leydig tumor cell line, MLTC-1, contains a gonadotropin receptor-coupled adenylate cyclase. Although the binding of human choriogonadotropin (hCG) initially causes cells to accumulate cAMP, in time, the response to hCG is attenuated by desensitization. Treating intact cells with the tumor promoter, 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), or with diacylglycerol also causes desensitization of the hCG response. These compounds are activators of calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (PKC). Treating MLTC-1 cells with TPA or dioctanoylglycerol increased the portion of PKC in the cell membrane fraction. This phenomenon is associated with activation of PKC. Treating isolated membranes with purified PKC desensitize the hCG response. Thus, desensitization caused by TPA or dioctanoylglycerol is probably mediated by PKC. PKC is normally activated when phosphoinositides are metabolized to diacylglycerol and inositol phosphates. There was no significant accumulation of inositol phosphates when cells were treated with hCG. hCG did not increase the portion of PKC in the cell membrane fraction. However, hCG could desensitize isolated membranes, but TPA could not. We conclude that although protein kinase C activity can desensitize the gonadotropin response, hCG does not cause desensitization by activating PKC. The implications of this observation are discussed.  相似文献   

The biochemical mechanisms of adenylate cyclase desensitization in arginine vasopressin-responsive epithelial cells remain unclear. Preincubation of cultured rabbit renal cortical collecting tubular cells with arginine vasopressin leads to a 30-100% decline in arginine vasopressin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity. This loss of adenylate cyclase activity is time- and arginine vasopressin concentration-dependent. Preincubation with arginine vasopressin does not result in significant changes in basal, NaF-, forskolin-, isoproterenol- or cholera toxin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity. Preincubation of cells with chlorophenylthio-cAMP, forskolin, and cholera toxin does not result in loss of arginine vasopressin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity. Since products of cyclo-oxygenase inhibit arginine vasopressin action, cells were preincubated with indomethacin. Arginine vasopressin-induced adenylate cyclase desensitization is not reversed by indomethacin. By contrast, incubation with pertussis toxin prevents arginine vasopressin-induced adenylate cycle desensitization. These data demonstrate that arginine vasopressin induces homologous desensitization in membranes from cultured rabbit cortical collecting tubular cells and suggest that this desensitization is mediated, at least in part, by pertussis toxin substrate. These observations provide a unifying mechanism for desensitization of adenylate cyclase-coupled hormone receptors.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides (endotoxins) from Escherichia coli, Serratia marcesens and Salmonella typhosa stimulated steroid production in Y-1 adrenal tumor cells in culture with a latent period of 3-4 h. Lipid A, derived from Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide, also stimulated steroidogenesis. Lipopolysaccharides and lipid A also stimulate adenylate cyclase activity and cause rounding of the cells. In contrast, lipopolysaccharides do not stimulate steroidogenesis in receptor-deficient adrenal tumor cells (OS-3) or Leydig tumor cells (I-10). This tends to rule out contamination by enterotoxin to which these lines respond. Although both hormone and lipopolysaccharide responses are lost in these lines, there was no interaction between these sites as judged by the failure of lipopolysaccharides to block, during their latency, the response to corticotropin in Y-1 cells. The possibility that the lipopolysaccharide effect is one on membrane conformation is discussed.  相似文献   

The involvement of salt-inducible kinase, a recently cloned protein serine/threonine kinase, in adrenal steroidogenesis was investigated. When Y1 mouse adrenocortical tumor cells were stimulated by ACTH, the cellular content of salt-inducible kinase mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity changed rapidly. Its level reached the highest point in 1-2 h and returned to the initial level after 8 h. The mRNA levels of cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450 and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, on the other hand, began to rise after a few hours, reaching the highest levels after 8 h. The salt-inducible kinase mRNA level in ACTH-, forskolin-, or 8-bromo-cAMP-treated Kin-7 cells, mutant Y1 with less cAMP-dependent PKA activity, remained low. However, Kin-7 cells, when transfected with a PKA expression vector, expressed salt-inducible kinase mRNA. Y1 cells that overexpressed salt-inducible kinase were isolated, and the mRNA levels of steroidogenic genes in these cells were compared with those in the parent Y1. The level of cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450 mRNA in the salt-inducible kinase-overexpressing cells was markedly low compared with that in the parent, while the levels of Ad4BP/steroidogenic factor-1-, ACTH receptor-, and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-mRNAs in the former were similar to those in the latter. The ACTH-dependent expression of cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450- and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-mRNAs in the salt-inducible kinase-overexpressing cells was significantly repressed. The promoter activity of the cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450 gene was assayed by using Y1 cells transfected with a human cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450 promoter-linked reporter gene. Addition of forskolin to the culture medium enhanced the cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450 promoter activity, but the forskolin-dependently activated promoter activity was inhibited when the cells were transfected with a salt-inducible kinase expression vector. This inhibition did not occur when the cells were transfected with a salt-inducible kinase (K56M) vector that encoded an inactive kinase. The salt-inducible kinase's inhibitory effect was also observed when nonsteroidogenic, nonAd4BP/steroidogenic factor-1 -expressing, NIH3T3 cells were used for the promoter assays. These results suggested that salt-inducible kinase might play an important role(s) in the cAMP-dependent, but Ad4BP/steroidogenic factor-1-independent, gene expression of cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450 in adrenocortical cells.  相似文献   

Isolated adrenocortical carcinoma cells of rat contain alpha 2- and beta-adrenergic receptors. When these cells are incubated with alpha 2-adrenergic agonists, there is a concentration-dependent increase of cyclic GMP that is blocked by the alpha 2-adrenergic antagonist yohimbine but not by the beta-antagonist propranolol. Concomitantly, both p-aminoclonidine (20 microM) and clonidine (100 microM), the alpha 2-adrenergic agonists, stimulate membrane guanylate cyclase activity. In calcium free medium there is no alpha 2-agonist-dependent increase in cyclic GMP. Isoproterenol, a beta-agonist, and forskolin cause an increase in cyclic AMP but not cyclic GMP. The cyclic AMP increase induced by isoproterenol is blocked by propranolol but not by yohimbine. Isoproterenol- and forskolin-dependent increases in cyclic AMP are inhibited by p-aminoclonidine and the inhibition is relieved by yohimbine. These results indicate a dual regulation of guanylate cyclase and adenylate cyclase by the alpha 2-receptor signal: guanylate cyclase is coupled to the receptor in a positive fashion, whereas adenylate cyclase is coupled in a negative fashion. Calcium is obligatory in the cyclic GMP-mediated response.  相似文献   

Humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy is a common paraneoplastic syndrome which is characterized by hypercalcemia resulting from secretion by tumors of a circulating bone-resorbing factor. Evidence suggests that in many instances this factor is an adenylate cyclase-stimulating protein which shares features with, but is distinct from, parathyroid hormone (PTH). The current report describes the purification to homogeneity from a humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy-associated tumor of a novel, basic, highly potent PTH-like adenylate cyclase-stimulating protein. This factor differs from previously described PTH-like factors with respect to size, amino acid composition, and specific activity.  相似文献   

In soluble protein extracts obtained from adenovirus productively infected cells, monoclonal antibodies directed against the early region 1B 58,000-dalton (E1B-58K) protein immunoprecipitated, in addition to this protein, a polypeptide of 25,000 molecular weight. An analysis of tryptic peptides derived from this 25K protein demonstrated that it was unrelated to the E1B-58K protein. The tryptic peptide maps of the 25K protein produced in adenovirus 5 (Ad5)-infected HeLa cells and BHK cells were identical, whereas Ad3-infected HeLa cells produced a different 25K protein. The viral origin of this 25K protein was confirmed by an amino acid sequence determination of five methionine residues in two Ad2 tryptic peptides derived from the 25K protein. The positions of these methionine residues in the 25K protein were compared with the nucleotide sequence of Ad2 and uniquely mapped the gene for this protein to early region 4, subregion 6 of the viral genome. A mutant of Ad5 was obtained (Ad5 dl342) which failed to produce detectable levels of the E1B-58K protein. In HeLa cells infected with this mutant, monoclonal antibodies directed against the E1B-58K protein failed to detect the associated 25K protein. In 293 cells infected with Ad5 dl342, which contain an E1B-58K protein encoded by the integrated adenovirus genome, the mutant produced an E4-25K protein which associated with the E1B-58K protein derived from the integrated genome. Extracts of labeled Ad5 dl342-infected HeLa cells (E1B-58K-) were mixed in vitro with extracts of unlabeled Ad5 wild type-infected HeLa cells or 293 cells (E1B-58K+). When the mixed extracts were incubated with the E1B-58K monoclonal antibody, a labeled E4-25K protein was coimmunoprecipitated. When extracts of Ad5 dl342-infected HeLa cells and uninfected HeLa cells (both E1B-58K-) were mixed, the E1B-58K monoclonal antibody failed to immunoselect the E4-25K protein. These data provide evidence that the E1B-58K antigen is physically associated with an E4-25K protein in productively infected cells. This is the same E1B-58K protein that was previously shown to be associated with the cellular p53 antigen in adenovirus-transformed cells.  相似文献   

Lutropin-sensitive adenylate cyclase ((EC ATP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing)) in purified rat ovarian plasma membranes is stimulated by lutropin 2- to 3-fold in the absence, but 15- to 20-fold in the presence of GTP or p(NH)ppG. Following 10 to 15 min of incubation at 30 degrees C in the presence of lutropin, enzyme activity declined (50%) in the presence of GTP but not in the presence of p(NH)ppG. This desensitizing process induced by lutropin and GTP is not seen if NaF is also included in the incubation medium. The desensitized state of the enzyme persists at 4 degrees C in membranes washed free of the incubation medium. In this state the enzyme is characterized by: (i) a reduced response to lutropin even in the presence of p(NH)ppG; (ii) its response to NaF is not different from that of untreated enzyme; (iii) it reconverts to a fully responsive state following incubation (10 min, 30 degrees C) in GTP-free medium, a process accelerated by p(NH)ppG; (iv) the receptor content as well as the stability of the receptor.hormone complex does not differ from that of untreated fully responsive enzyme. It is proposed that desensitization results from a GTP-dependent, hormone-stimulated reaction that leads to impaired coupling of the enzyme system. The desensitized state induced is transient and may revert to a responsive one under specified conditions.  相似文献   

Platelet activation by the prostaglandin endoperoxide (PGH2)/thromboxane (Tx) A2 analog, U46619, involves stimulation of phospholipase (PL) C and an increase in intracellular calcium via distinct receptor subtypes. Agents which stimulate adenylate cyclase inhibit platelet function. We demonstrate that PGH2/TxA2 receptor desensitization is associated with enhanced stimulation of platelet cyclic AMP by the prostacyclin analog, iloprost and by forskolin. Sensitization of adenylate cyclase is mediated via the PGH2/TxA2 receptor subtype which activates PLC, as it is blocked by the specific antagonist, GR32191 (Takahara, K., Murray, R., FitzGerald, G. A., and Fitzgerald, D. J. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 6838-6844). This effect is not observed in platelets desensitized with thrombin or platelet activating factor and is not mediated by protein kinase C. Prior exposure of platelets to platelet activating factor results in much greater desensitization of PGH2/TxA2-induced aggregation (mean 64%) compared with calcium stimulation (mean 18%), consistent with selective heterologous desensitization of the PLC-linked PGH2/TxA2 receptor subtype. Platelet activation by PGH2/TxA2 is a tightly regulated process, involving both homologous desensitization of at least two receptor subtypes and sensitization of the platelet adenylase cyclase system.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin receptor sites and adenylate cyclase activity were analyzed in luteinized rat ovaries following injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Gonadotropin binding capacity and hormonal stimulation of adenylate cyclase declined rapidly to a minimum at 6 to 12 h, remained depressed for 4 days, and returned to the control level between 5 and 7 days. Total adenylate cyclase activity measured in the presence of fluoride fell by 50% within a few hours but returned to normal by 24 h. A close correlation was observed between the number of gonadotropin receptors and the ability of adenylate cyclase to be stimulated by hormone. Assay of tissue-bound hormone showed that the initial loss of hormone sensitivity and binding capacity was associated with occupancy of luteinizing hormone receptor sites, but that the prolonged changes in these activities were not attributable to receptor occupancy. These studies have demonstrated that induction of a refractory or desensitized state in ovarian adenylate cyclase by gonadotropin results from the loss of specific hormone receptor sites.  相似文献   

Steroidogenesis by Y-1 adrenal tumor cells in culture is stimulated by ATP, adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (App(NH)), adenosine 5'(beta, alpha-methylene)triphosphate (App(CH2)p), ADP, AMP, NAD, FAD, and adenosine but not by adenine or other nucleoside triphosphates. ATP, App(NH)p, App(CH2)p, and adenosine are active in the micromolar range. Like adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), the onset of stimulation is immediate and occurs to the same extent. Also active are 2'- and 5'-deoxyadenosine and 2-chloroadenosine whereas adenine xyloside, L-riboside, or arabinoside have very low activity. Stimulation is accompanied by rounding of the cells. Dipyridamole, an inhibitor of adenosine transport, increased the response to low concentrations of adenosine, suggesting that adenosine acts externally. Stimulation of steroidogenesis by adenosine or phosphorylated adenosine compounds fails to occur in the presence of crystalline adenosine deaminase, and the effect of the enzyme on adenosine, ATP, or NAD stimulation is reversed by the competitive inhibitor erythro-9-[3-(nonane-2-ol)]adenine. This suggests that the enzyme acts specifically on adenosine and a requirement for the conversion of the above compounds to adenosine seems probable. The inhibition of cAMP effects by adenosine deaminase suggests that some of its effects are also mediated by conversion to adenosine. Similar stimulation is seen in I-10 Leydig tumor cells, but an ACTH-resistant mutant of Y-1 cells, called OS-3, is relatively resistant to adenosine. Adenosine and 2-chloroadenosine stimulate adenylate cyclase in membranes from Y-1 and I-10 cells at concentrations slightly greater than are effective for steroidogenesis. Other nucleosides are ineffective. Like the NH2-terminal 24 residues of adrenocorticotropic hormone (1-24 ACTH), the adenosine effect in Y-1 membranes is rapid and is on the Vmax intercept (versus ATP) and not on the Km. In contrast to steroidogenesis, adenosine is only a partial agonist for adenylate cyclase. It effect occurs in the presence of ITP, GTP, or guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p). Theophylline inhibits adenosine-stimulated steroidogenesis. Inhibition of adenylate cyclase occurs in the same concentration range but is of the mixed type.  相似文献   

In vitro incubation of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells in the presence of norepinephrine induced desensitization of adenylate cyclase to the later norepinephrine stimulation. Such a desensitization was not accompanied by a decrease in the number of receptor sites. Formation of actin filaments from actin monomers was not changed in the desensitized cells, whereas polymerization of tubulin was significantly increased. The increase in the polymerization was dependent on the concentration of norepinephrine.  相似文献   

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