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Bumetanide-sensitive (BS) unidirectional fluxes of (36)Cl- or (22)Na+ were measured in internally dialyzed squid giant axons while varying the intra- or extracellular concentrations of Na+ and/or Cl-. Raising either [Cl-]i or [Na+]i resulted in a concentration-dependent reduction of the BS influx of both (36)Cl- and (22)Na+. Raising [Cl-]i above 200 mM completely blocked BS influxes. However, raising [Na+]i to 290 mM resulted in saturable but incomplete inhibition of both BS Na+ influx and BS Cl- influx. The consequences of varying intracellular Cl- on cotransporter effluxes were complex. At lower [Cl-]i values (below 100 mM) intracellular Cl- activated cotransporter effluxes. Surprisingly, however, raising [Cl-]i levels > 125 mM resulted in a [Cl-]i-dependent inhibition of BS effluxes of both Na+ and Cl-. On the other hand, raising [Na+]i resulted only in the activation of the BS Na+ efflux; intracellular Na+ did not inhibit BS efflux even at 290 mM. The inhibitory effects of intracellular Na+ on cotransporter-mediated influxes, and lack of inhibitory effects on BS effluxes, are consistent with the trans-side inhibition expected for an ordered binding/release model of cotransporter operation. However, the inhibitory effects of intracellular Cl- on both influxes and effluxes are not explained by such a model. These data suggest that Cl may interact with an intracellular site (or sites), which does not mediate Cl transport, but does modulate the transport activity of the Na+, K+, Cl- cotransporter.  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiments was to study the characteristics and mechanisms of the rhythm induced by overdrive (overdrive excitation, ODE) in the sinoatrial node (SAN) superfused in high [K+]o (8–14 mM). It was found that: (1) overdrive may induce excitation in quiescent SAN and during a slow drive; (2) in spontaneously active SAN, overdrive may accelerate the spontaneous discharge; (3) immediately after the end of overdrive, a pause generally precedes the onset of the induced rhythm; (4) during the pause, an oscillatory potential (Vos) may be superimposed on the early diastolic depolarization (DD); (5) during the subsequent late DD, a different kind of oscillatory potential appears near the threshold for the upstroke (ThVos) which is responsible for the initiation of spontaneous activity; (6) once started, the induced rhythm is fastest soon after overdrive; (7) faster drives induce longer and faster spontaneous rhythms; (8) the induced action potentials are slow responses followed by DD with a superimposed Vos, but ThVos is responsible for ODE; (9) the induced rhythm subsides when ThVos miss the threshold and gradually decay; (10) low [Ca2+]o abolishes ODE; (11) in quiescent SAN, high [Ca2+]o induces spontaneous discharge through ThVos and increases its rate by enhancing Vos and shifting the threshold to more negative values, and (12) tetrodotoxin abolishes ODE as well as the spontaneous discharge induced by high [Ca2+]o. In conclusion, in K+-depolarized SAN, ODE may be present in the apparent absence of calcium overload, is Ca2+- and Na+-dependent and is mediated by ThVos and not by Vos.  相似文献   

Changes in the K+, Na+, and Cl- permeabilities (P) and conductances (g) of the intact frog sartorius fibre membrane following ouabain or zero [K+]o treatment were calculated from intrafibre activity and whole muscle electrolyte changes. Conventional equations relating ionic fluxes to resting potential (E), ionic gradient potential, and internal and external ionic activities were used. Both treatments produced a three- to five-fold increase in PNa and gNa. In addition, ouabain produced a fivefold increase in PK (and gK) and a small decrease in PCl (and gCl), whereas zero [K+]o produced a 60% reduction in PK, a 90% reduction in gK, and a threefold increase in PCl (and gCl). When the two treatments were combined, the P and g changes were paradoxical, suggesting that the ouabain-induced increase in gK and the zero [K+]o-induced decrease in gK were occurring but in different channels (or carriers). During ouabain treatment, E reflects mainly the transmembrane K+ gradient potential; during zero [K+]o treatment, E reflects mainly the Cl- gradient potential. Despite channel (or carrier) specificity, it appears that all three ionic permeabilities are altered during the perturbations.  相似文献   

Na/K pump current was determined between -140 and +60 mV as steady-state, strophanthidin-sensitive, whole-cell current in guinea pig ventricular myocytes, voltage-clamped and internally dialyzed via wide-tipped pipettes. Solutions were designed to minimize all other components of membrane current. A device for exchanging the solution inside the pipette permitted investigation of Na/K pump current-voltage (I-V) relationships at several levels of pipette [Na] [( Na]pip) in a single cell; the effects of changes in external [Na] [( Na]o) or external [K] [( K]o) were also studied. At 50 mM [Na]pip, 5.4 mM [K]o, and approximately 150 mM [Na]o, Na/K pump current was steeply voltage dependent at negative potentials but was approximately constant at positive potentials. Under those conditions, reduction of [Na]o enhanced pump current at negative potentials but had little effect at positive potentials: at zero [Na]o, pump current was only weakly voltage dependent. At 5.4 mM [K]o and approximately 150 mM [Na]o, reduction of [Na]pip from 50 mM scaled down the sigmoid pump I-V relationship and shifted it slightly to the right (toward more positive potentials). Pump current at 0 mV was activated by [Na]pip according to the Hill equation with best-fit K0.5 approximately equal to 11 mM and Hill coefficient nH approximately equal to 1.4. At zero [Na]o, reduction of [Na]pip seemed to simply scale down the relatively flat pump I-V relationship: Hill fit parameters for pump activation by [Na]pip at 0 mV were K0.5 approximately equal to 10 mM, nH approximately equal to 1.4. At 50 mM [Na]pip and high [Na]o, reduction of [K]o from 5.4 mM scaled down the sigmoid I-V relationship and shifted it slightly to the right: at 0 mV, K0.5 approximately equal to 1.5 mM and nH approximately equal to 1.0. At zero [Na]o, lowering [K]o simply scaled down the flat pump I-V relationships yielding, at 0 mV, K0.5 approximately equal to 0.2 mM, nH approximately equal to 1.1. The voltage-independent activation of Na/K pump current by both intracellular Na ions and extracellular K ions, at zero [Na]o, suggests that neither ion binds within the membrane field. Extracellular Na ions, however, seem to have both a voltage-dependent and a voltage-independent influence on the Na/K pump: they inhibit outward Na/K pump current in a strongly voltage-dependent fashion, with higher apparent affinity at more negative potentials (K0.5 approximately equal to 90 mM at -120 mV, and approximately 170 mM at -80 mV), and they compete with extracellular K ions in a seemingly voltage-independent manner.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the L-glutamate (GLU) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neuronal systems in the guinea pig hippocampus was investigated with respect to tissue amino acid content, and spontaneous and K(+)-stimulated release of GLU and GABA. Transverse hippocampal slices were prepared from the guinea pig fetus at day 45 (brain growth spurt), 55 and 63 of gestation (term, about 68 days), from the 5-days-old neonate, and from the young adult. GLU and GABA release was determined as efflux from hippocampal slices into Krebs'-bicarbonate medium using a dynamic, submerged, superfusion apparatus. Hippocampal GLU content decreased during development, whereas GABA content was constant for all the ages investigated. The magnitude of spontaneous GLU efflux decreased during development; there was no measurable spontaneous GABA efflux. The K+ concentration-GLU efflux response curve was bell-shaped for the fetus at the three selected gestational ages, and was curvilinear for the neonate and adult. The apparent EC75 of K(+)-stimulated GLU efflux was higher for the neonate and adult compared with the fetus. In contrast, the K+ concentration-GABA efflux response curve was curvilinear, and the apparent EC75 of K+ was similar for all the ages investigated. K(+)-stimulated efflux of GLU and GABA was Ca++ dependent, but this was not the case for spontaneous GLU efflux. These data indicate that, in the guinea pig hippocampus, the GLU neuronal system is developing throughout gestation, whereas the GABA neuronal system appears to mature before the brain growth spurt.  相似文献   

The acid-sensitive amphipod Gammarus fossarum was exposed in situ for 24, 96 and 168 h to 18 streams (9 draining from granite and 9 draining from sandstone bedrock), selected in order to provide a wide range of acidification. After 24 h, exposure to slightly acidic (6.00 < or = pH < or = 5.50) and strongly acidic water (pH < 5.50) led to a severe and significant depletion in haemolymph [Na+] and [Cl-] compared to organisms exposed in circumneutral water. Highly significant linear correlations between stream mean pH value and haemolymph [Na+] and [Cl-] were observed for each exposure time on each bedrock. Organisms exposed to slightly acid streams draining granite bedrock (pH = 5.71, pH = 5.81) showed a physiological adaptation after 96 h of exposure, while animals in acidic sandstone streams did not. Results of this study indicate that haemolymph [Na+] and [Cl-] in G. fossarum could be an effective ecophysiological marker for monitoring freshwater ecosystem acidification.  相似文献   

The effects of high [Mg(2+)](o) on force development were examined for heart muscle of freshwater turtle. Plasma [Mg(2+)] during hibernation may increase drastically and like plasma [K(+)] approach values as high as 10 mM. Each experiment performed at either 20 or 5 degrees C involved four ventricular preparations of which one pair was exposed to 10, and one to 1 mMMg(2+). One preparation of each pair was furthermore exposed to 10 mM K(+), whereas the other was maintained at 2.5 mM K(+). During oxygenation, high relative to low [Mg(2+)](o) displayed a weak tendency to reduce twitch force; a tendency that was not reduced by elevations of [Ca(2+)](o). Severe hypoxia accentuated the negative effect of high [Mg(2+)](o). This effect disappeared, however, when hypoxia was combined with acidosis obtained by 24 mM lactic acid. In comparison to [Mg(2+)](o), high [K(+)](o) strongly depressed force development under both oxygenation and hypoxia, but no consistent interplay between the two ions was revealed. The negative inotropic effects of both high [Mg(2+)](o) and high [K(+)](o) were reduced or eliminated by 10 muM adrenaline. In conclusion the cardiac effects of elevations in [Mg(2+)](o) appear to be small during hibernation, in particular when considering the concomitant adrenergic stimulation and acidosis.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones (THs) have critical roles in brain development and normal brain function in vertebrates. Clinical evidence suggests that some human nervous disorders involving GABA(gamma-aminobutyric acid)-ergic systems are related to thyroid dysfunction (i.e. hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism). There is experimental evidence from in vivo and in vitro studies on rats and mice indicating that THs have effects on multiple components of the GABA system. These include effects on enzyme activities responsible for synthesis and degradation of GABA, levels of glutamate and GABA, GABA release and reuptake, and GABA(A) receptor expression and function. In developing brain, hypothyroidism generally decreases enzyme activities and GABA levels whereas in adult brain, hypothyroidism generally increases enzyme activities and GABA levels. Hyperthyroidism does not always have the opposite effect. In vitro studies on adult brain have shown that THs enhance GABA release and inhibit GABA-reuptake by rapid, extranuclear actions, suggesting that presence of THs in the synapse could prolong the action of GABA after release. There are conflicting results on effects of long term changes in TH levels on GABA reuptake. Increasing and decreasing circulating TH levels experimentally in vivo alter density of GABA(A) receptor-binding sites for GABA and benzodiazepines in brain, but results vary from study to study, which may reflect important regional differences in the brain. There is substantial evidence that THs also have an extranuclear effect to inhibit GABA-stimulated Cl(-) currents by a non-competitive mechanism in vitro. The thyroid gland exhibits GABA transport mechanisms as well as enzyme activities for GABA synthesis and degradation, all of which are sensitive to thyroidal state. In rats and humans, GABA inhibits thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) release from the pituitary, possibly by action directly on the pituitary or on hypothalamic thyrotropin-releasing hormone neurons. In mice, GABA inhibits TSH-stimulated TH release from the thyroid gland. Taken together, these studies provide strong support for the hypothesis that there is reciprocal regulation of the thyroid and GABA systems in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to confirm that the contractile effects of ouabain and Na(+)-free solutions in guinea pig tracheal rings are associated with increments in the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in cultured tracheal smooth muscle (TSM) cells. Cultured cells were alpha-actin positive. Histamine (50 microM) and Na(+)-free solution elicited a transient increase in [Ca2+]i, while the responses to thapsigargin (1 microM) and ouabain (1 mM) were long lasting. However, carbachol (10, 200, and 500 mM) and high K(+)-solution produced no effect on [Ca2+]i, suggesting that cultured guinea pig TSM cells display a phenotype change but maintain some of the tracheal rings physiological properties. The transient rise in [Ca2+]i in response to the absence of extracellular Na+ and the effect of ouabain may indicate the participation of the Na(+)/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) in the regulation of [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

The quantitative changes and metabolism of GABA and putative amino acid neurotransmitters during early developmental stages in the organotypic culture of newborn mouse cerebellum were examined by using the high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) technique. D-[U-14C]Glucose was used as a precursor of amino acids. To analyze amino acid neurotransmitters, explants were incubated for 4 weeks under standard conditions. The amount of GABA linearly increased from 8.7 +/- 1.3 nmol/mg protein (2 days in vitro, 2 DIV) to 26.5 +/- 6.1 nmol/mg protein (15 DIV) and was saturated after that (24.0 +/- 3.6 nmol/mg protein at 30 DIV). During the period of GABA increase, the capability for GABA synthesis from [14C]glucose increased rapidly from 3.03 +/- 0.67 nCi/mg protein (2 DIV, 3 h incubation) to 9.32 +/- 1.34 nCi/mg protein (15 DIV, 3 h incubation). In the case of glutamic acid, a putative neurotransmitter of granule cell parallel fibers in the cerebellum, the amount in explants was nearly constant during incubation, in contrast with the fact that the amount in vivo gradually increased. However, the capability for glutamic acid synthesis from [14C]glucose increased from 10.80 +/- 3.01 nCi/mg protein (2 DIV, 1 h incubation) to 27.62 +/- 4.71 nCi/mg protein (22 DIV, 1 h incubation). In the case of taurine, found in abundance in fetal brain and supposed to play a specific role in the development and maturation of the central nervous system, the amount in explants decreased from 139.8 +/- 4.0 nmol/mg protein (2 DIV) to 54.0 +/- 0.8 nmol/mg protein (30 DIV).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Isolated small intestinal epithelial cells, after incubation at 4 degrees C for 30 min, reach ion concentrations (36 mM K+, 113 mM Na+ and 110 mM Cl-) very similar to those of the incubation medium. Upon rewarming to 37 degrees C, cells are able to extrude Na+, Cl- and water and to gain K+. Na+ extrusion is performed by two active mechanisms. The first mechanism, transporting Na+ by exchanging it for K+, is inhibited by ouabain and is insensitive to ethacrynic acid. It is the classical Na+ pump. The second mechanism transports Na+ with Cl- and water, is insensitive to ouabain but is inhibited by ethacrynic acid. Both mechanisms are inhibited by dinitrophenol and anoxia. The second Na+ extruding mechanism could be the Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransport system. However, this possibility can be ruled out because the force driving cotransport would work inwards, and because Na+ extrusion with water loss continues after substitution of Cl- by NO3-. We propose that enterocytes have a second Na+ pump, similar to that proposed in proximal tubular cells.  相似文献   

The findings from our laboratory indicated that pharmacological manipulations of GABA system modified morphine analgesia, tolerance and physical dependence. Elevating brain levels of GABA by slowing its destruction with aminooxyacetic acid not only antagonized the analgesic action of morphine in both non-tolerant and tolerant mice, but also enhanced the development of tolerance and physical dependence. On the other hand, blockade of postsynaptic sites of GABA receptors by bicuculline resulted in an inhibition of tolerance and dependence development. Administration of 2,4-diaminobutyric acid, an inhibitor of GABA uptake in the neurons, antagonized morphine analgesia in both non-tolerant and tolerant mice. However, it did not modify naloxone precipitated withdrawal jumping. On the contrary, β-alanine, an inhibitor of the GABA uptake process in glial cells, potentiated naloxone precipitated withdrawal jumping in morphine dependent mice, but it had no effect on morphine antinociception in both non-tolerant and tolerant mice.  相似文献   

The effect of orally administrated gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on relaxation and immunity during stress has been investigated in humans. Two studies were conducted. The first evaluated the effect of GABA intake by 13 subjects on their brain waves. Electroencephalograms (EEG) were obtained after 3 tests on each volunteer as follows: intake only water, GABA, or L-theanine. After 60 minutes of administration, GABA significantly increases alpha waves and decreases beta waves compared to water or L-theanine. These findings denote that GABA not only induces relaxation but also reduces anxiety. The second study was conducted to see the role of relaxant and anxiolytic effects of GABA intake on immunity in stressed volunteers. Eight acrophobic subjects were divided into 2 groups (placebo and GABA). All subjects were crossing a suspended bridge as a stressful stimulus. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels in their saliva were monitored during bridge crossing. Placebo group showed marked decrease of their IgA levels, while GABA group showed significantly higher levels. In conclusion, GABA could work effectively as a natural relaxant and its effects could be seen within 1 hour of its administration to induce relaxation and diminish anxiety. Moreover, GABA administration could enhance immunity under stress conditions.  相似文献   

S Nagaki  N Kato  Y Minatogawa  T Higuchi 《Life sciences》1990,46(22):1587-1595
Immunoreactive somatostatin (IR-SRIF) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) contents in the rat brain were investigated to study chronic effects of the treatment with anticonvulsants, carbamazepine (CBZ), valproic acid (VPA) and phenytoin (PHT). Decreased IR-SRIF levels were found in several brain regions after chronic treatment with VPA and CBZ. GABA concentrations were found to be increased significantly in chronic CBZ and VPA treatment in the rat brain, especially in limbic structures. PHT had no effect on both IR-SRIF and GABA contents in the rat brain. Effects of several GABA-mimetic drugs also were studied on IR-SRIF contents in the rat brain. Aminooxyacetic acid an inhibitor of GABA transaminase, induced a decrease in IR-SRIF concentration in the pyriform and entorhinal cortex, whereas ethanolamine-o-sulfate, another GABA-transaminase inhibitor and muscimol, a GABA receptor agonist had no effect on brain IR-SRIF after acute administration. The present results suggest that endogenous somatostatin has an important role for anticonvulsant properties of CBZ and VPA, but not of PHT. The relationship between the changes in IR-SRIF and the GABA transmitter system in the anticonvulsant action of CBZ and VPA remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

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