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The adenine nucleotide translocator in apoptosis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Belzacq AS  Vieira HL  Kroemer G  Brenner C 《Biochimie》2002,84(2-3):167-176
Alteration of mitochondrial membrane permeability is a central mechanism leading invariably to cell death, which results, at least in part, from the opening of the permeability transition pore complex (PTPC). Indeed, extended PTPC opening is sufficient to trigger an increase in mitochondrial membrane permeability and apoptosis. Among the various PTPC components, the adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT) appears to act as a bi-functional protein which, on the one hand, contributes to a crucial step of aerobic energy metabolism, the ADP/ATP translocation, and on the other hand, can be converted into a pro-apoptotic pore under the control of onco- and anti-oncoproteins from the Bax/Bcl-2 family. In this review, we will discuss recent advances in the cooperation between ANT and Bax/Bcl-2 family members, the multiplicity of agents affecting ANT pore function and the putative role of ANT isoforms in apoptosis control.  相似文献   

An improved simple technique for measuring adenine nucleotide translocator activity at low medium substrate concentrations is described. Confirming previous reports, thyroidectomy was shown to lead to lowered translocator activity in rat liver mitochondria. The rapidly exchangeable portion of the matrix nucleotide also decreased in hypothyroid preparations even though the total nucleotides increased substantially. The apparent Km of translocator for ADP increased from 2.8 to 6.2 microM in hypothyroid preparations: Mg2+ ions raised this to about 20 microM. All of these changes in adenine nucleotide translocation were entirely reversed by 15 min after a single intravenous near-physiological dose of triiodothyronine.  相似文献   

The transport of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) by the adenine nucleotide translocator from beef heart mitochondria was studied in a reconstituted system. The transport of PPi is dependent on appropriate transmembrane substrates. The activity of PPi exchange is about one tenth as compared to the ADP/ATP exchange, whereas the transport affinity for PPi is very low (2-5 mM). The adenine nucleotide carrier catalyzes a strict counterexchange of PPi and nucleotides with an exchange stoichiometry close to 1. The inhibitor specificity of PPi exchange is comparable to that of ADP/ATP exchange.  相似文献   

The adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT) accomplishes the exchange of ATP from the mitochondrial matrix with cytoplasmic ADP. While investigating the biochemical mechanism of retinoic acid (RA) on the ANT via retinoylation, we have found and subsequently demonstrated a positive influence of Coenzyme A (CoA) on the transport of ATP across the membranes of rat liver mitochondria. CoA enhances ANT activity in a dose-dependent manner modifying the Vmax (673.3 ± 20.7 nmol ATP/mg protein/min versus 155.0 ± 1.9 nmol ATP/mg protein/min), the IC50 for the specific inhibitor carboxyatractyloside (CATR) (0.142 ± 0.012 μM versus 0.198 ± 0.011 μM) but not the Km (22.50 ± 0.52 μM versus 22.19 ± 0.98 μM). Data suggest a likely enzymatic involvement in the interaction between ANT and CoA. The effect of CoA is observed in mitochondria from several different tissues.  相似文献   

The Bcl-2 family proteins plays a central role in apoptosis. The pro- or anti-apoptotic activities of Bcl-2 family are dependent on the Bcl-2 homology (BH) regions. Bcl-rambo, a new pro-apoptotic member, is unusual in that its pro-apoptotic activity is independent of its BH domains. However, the mechanism underlying Bcl-rambo-induced apoptosis is largely unknown. Mitochondrial localization is indispensable for the pro-apoptotic function of Bcl-rambo. Bcl-rambo interacts physically with the adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT), suppresses the ADT/ATP-dependent translocation activity of ANT. Collectively, our data indicate Bcl-rambo is a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family, induces the permeability transition via interaction with ANT.

Structured summary of protein interactions:

Bcl-Rambo and HSP60colocalize by fluorescence microscopy (View interaction)Bcl-rambobinds to ANT1 by pull down (View interaction)  相似文献   

Antibodies have been prepared against purified preparations of the heart and kidney nucleotide translocator in the 'c'-conformation. The results show organ-specific antigenic determinants on the translocator proteins isolated from heart, kidney and liver although a partial cross-reactivity between these three proteins was demonstrable. The organ specificity was observed both with the solubilized and with the membrane-bound translocator protein indicating organ-specific determinants on exposed regions of the carrier. An organ-specific inhibition of the nucleotide transport in heart mitochondria by the heart carboxyatractylate-protein antiserum leads to the conclusion that the organ specificity is at least partially conditioned by the binding site for the substrate and/or the closely linked gate of the carrier protein. Apart from the organ specificity the results also demonstrate a specificity of the antibodies for the translocational conformations of the carrier: the 'c'-conformation stabilized in the carboxyatractylate-protein complex and the 'm'-conformation present in the bongkrekate-protein complex. However, after denaturation of the carboxytraktylate-protein and bongkrekate-protein complexes the binding of the anti-(carboxyatractylate-protein) antiserum to both inhibitor-protein complexes was nearly identical. The conformation specificity was also expressed by the inhibition of the conformation transition from the 'c'- to the 'm'- state. This side-specific inhibition of the nucleotide transport and the identical binding activity of the carboxyatractylate-protein antiserum against the denatured carboxyatractylate-protein and bongkrekate-protein complexes suggested that the conformation-specific antigenic determinants are topographic surface regions which are determined by the chain folding.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic control theory previously developed has been applied to mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation with emphasis on the role of delta microH and coupling and within the paradigm of delocalized chemiosmotic coupling. The basis for the observed distribution of flux control over the participating enzymes is shown to lie in the relative magnitudes of so-called delta microH elasticity coefficients, i.e., the delta microH dependencies of the different mitochondrial processes. In particular the relatively strong delta microH dependence of mitochondrial respiration is responsible for the significant role of the adenine nucleotide translocator in the control of oxidative phosphorylation. Uncoupling decreases the control exerted by this translocator on respiration but increases that exerted on phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The effect of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) on the response of isolated rat liver mitochondria to Ca2+ was investigated. DEHP was found to inhibit more than 60% of the auto-accelerating release of respiration induced by 100 microM Ca2+, being maximally inhibitory at 40 microM. Prior addition of DEHP also partially inhibited Ca2+-induced swelling of the mitochondrial matrix. However, DEHP did not change the net rate of Ca2+ uptake measured by the steady-state infusion method. DEHP also reduced the rate of adenine nucleotide exchange across the mitochondrial membrane. Another alkyl phthalate and alkyl citrates had similar effects on Ca2+-induced membrane damage, but their potencies depended on the lengths of their alkyl chains. These results suggest that the effects of DEHP and other alkyl esters on mitochondrial functions are mainly based on their actions on membrane lipids surrounding adenine nucleotide translocator (AdNT), resulting in alteration of the interaction between these phospholipids and AdNT, and consequent modification of the state of the protein.  相似文献   

G J Lauquin  P V Vignais 《Biochemistry》1976,15(11):2316-2322
Chemical labeling by 3H and biosynthetic labeling by 14C of bongkrekic acid (BA) are described. In the rat liver cell, mitochondria are the only subcellular particles to bind [3H]BA with high affinity. The high affinity sites for BA in mitochondria are located in the inner membrane. High affinity binding sites for BA are only displayed at pH below 7; they amount to 0.15-0.20 nmol/mg of protein in rat liver mitochondria and to 1.1-1.3 nmol/mg of protein in rat heart mitochondria. These values are similar to those found for the high affinity atractyloside binding sites and for the carboxyatractyloside binding sites. The kinetic parameters for BA binding to rat heart mitochondria at 20 degrees C are Kd = 10-40 X 10(-9) M, k+1 = 0.7 X 10(5) M-1 s-1, k-1 = 1.4 X 10(-3) M s-1. Binding assays carried out with rat heart mitochondria, under equilibrium conditions, showed that the amount of BA bound to high affinity sites increases with temperature and reaches the maximum value of 1.1-1.3 nmol/mg of protein at 32-35 degrees C. At lower temperatures, and under equilibrium conditions, a significant fraction of high affinity sites remains masked and is not titrated by BA; these masked BA sites are revealed by addition of micromolar concentrations of ADP or by energization of the mitochondria. Carboxyatractyloside added to rat heart mitochondria preloaded with [3H]BA is able to displace part of the bound [3H]BA. Displacement of the bound BA is enhanced by simultaneous additions of carboxyatractyloside plus ADP, or by energization of the mitochondria. The synergistic effect of carboxyatractyloside and ADP on displacement of bound [3H]BA is also observed in isolated inner membrane vesicles from rat liver mitochondria. When BA is preincubated with rat heart mitochondria before addition of [14C]ADP for assay of ADP transport, the inhibition of ADP transport is a mixed-type inhibition. When BA is preincubated with the mitochondria together with a very small concentration of ADP (less than 0.5 muM), the inhibition of [14C]ADP transport is markedly increased (up to ten times) and it becomes typically uncompetitive, which suggests the formation of a ternary complex, carrier-ADP-BA. The transition from a mixed-type inhibition, with high Ki value, to an uncompetitive type of inhibition, with low Ki value, upon addition of ADP, is explained by an ADP-induced conformational change of the ADP translocator.  相似文献   

We found recently autoantibodies against the adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT), a carrier in the inner mitochondrial membrane, in sera of patients with myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy. To elucidate whether these antibodies are of pathophysiological importance, we investigated the function and expression of the adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT) in the heart muscle tissue of patients suffering from myocarditis and DCM. We found a markedly lowered transport capacity of the translocator accompanied by an elevation in total ANT protein content. The alteration in ANT protein amount is caused by an ANT isoform shift characterized by an increase in ANT 1 isoform protein associated with a decrease in ANT 2 isoform and an unchanged ANT 3 content. It could be shown that the isoform shift is not a progressive process during the disease period but an event in the early period of illness which becomes permanent.Simulating the effect of pathogenetic factors of autoimmunological diseases, we infected A/J mice with the enterovirus Cox-sackie B3 and immunized guinea pigs with myocardial ANT protein. Both treatments led to autoimmunological responds and to a lowered myocardial transport capacity of ANT, to a disturbed energy metabolism and consequently to a depression of heart function.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial network structure dynamically adapts to cellular metabolic challenges. Mitochondrial depolarisation, particularly, induces fragmentation of the network. This fragmentation may be a result of either a direct regulation of the mitochondrial fusion machinery by transmembrane potential or an indirect effect of metabolic remodelling. Activities of ATP synthase and adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT) link the mitochondrial transmembrane potential with the cytosolic NTP/NDP ratio. Given that mitochondrial fusion requires cytosolic GTP, a decrease in the NTP/NDP ratio might also account for protonophore-induced mitochondrial fragmentation. For evaluating the contributions of direct and indirect mechanisms to mitochondrial remodelling, we assessed the morphology of the mitochondrial network in yeast cells with inhibited ANT. We showed that the repression of AAC2 (PET9), a major ANT gene in yeast, increases mitochondrial transmembrane potential. However, the mitochondrial network in this strain was fragmented. Meanwhile, AAC2 repression did not prevent mitochondrial fusion in zygotes; nor did it inhibit mitochondrial hyperfusion induced by Dnm1p inhibitor mdivi-1. These results suggest that the inhibition of ANT, rather than preventing mitochondrial fusion, facilitates mitochondrial fission. The protonophores were not able to induce additional mitochondrial fragmentation in an AAC2-repressed strain and in yeast cells with inhibited ATP synthase. Importantly, treatment with the ATP synthase inhibitor oligomycin A also induced mitochondrial fragmentation and hyperpolarization. Taken together, our data suggest that ATP/ADP translocation plays a crucial role in shaping of the mitochondrial network and exemplify that an increase in mitochondrial membrane potential does not necessarily oppose mitochondrial fragmentation.  相似文献   

Leishmania cannot synthesize purines de novo and rely on their host to furnish these compounds. To accomplish this, they possess multiple purine nucleoside and nucleobase transporters. Subcellular fractionation, immunohistochemical localization with anti-adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT) antibodies and surface biotinylation show that the mitochondrial ANT is also present in the plasma membrane of both promastigotes and amastigotes. Leishmania, however, do not appear to rely on this transporter to supplement their purine or energy requirements via preformed ATP from its host. Rather, Leishmania appear to use the plasma membrane ANT as part of a chemotaxis response. ATP is a chemorepellant for Leishmania and cells treated with atractyloside, an inhibitor of ANT, no longer exhibit negative chemotaxis for this compound.  相似文献   

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