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RecA protein, which is essential for genetic recombination in Escherichia coli, was extensively purified from a strain of E. coli which contained the recA gene cloned in a plasmid (Sancar, A., and Rupp, W. D. (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 76, 3144-3148). Using the DNA-dependent ATPase activity of recA protein as an assay, we obtained about 60 mg of purified recA protein from 100 g of cells. Ten micrograms or 1 microgram of the purified protein exhibited only one detectable band with Mr approximately = 40,000 upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gel electrophoresis. More than 99% of the ATPase activity of purified recA protein was dependent on single-stranded DNA. Purified recA protein had no detectable DNase, topoisomerase, or ligase activities. The enzyme was stable for a least a year when stored at 0-4 degrees C. The half-life of the ATPase activity of 25 microM recA protein was 37 min at 51 degrees C. Purified recA protein binds to single-stranded and double-stranded DNA, unwinds duplex DNA by a mechanism that is stimulated by single-stranded DNA or oligonucleotides, and pairs homologous single strands with duplex DNA.  相似文献   

RecA protein catalyzes annealing between pairs of circular single-stranded DNA molecules containing complementary sequences varying in length from 3550 nucleotides to 181 nucleotides. The reaction requires ATP and catalytic amounts of recA protein. Molecules containing large complementary inserts are annealed by recA protein to form large multimeric aggregates that migrate slowly in agarose gels. In contrast the products formed from circular molecules containing short complementary regions are principally dimeric structures. We have used electron microscopy, thermal denaturation and kinetic studies to analyze these reaction products. Our results indicate that recA protein catalyzes multiple nucleation events between complementary DNA sequences in the absence of a free end and when these sequences are flanked by extensive noncomplementary regions.  相似文献   

The recA protein of Escherichia coli promotes pairing in vitro between covalent circular duplex DNA and homologous circular duplex DNA containing a single stranded region. We have used a filter binding assay to investigate the frequency of homologous pairing between gapped and intact duplex DNA when unwinding of the free 3' and 5' ends of the gapped molecules was blocked. In order to obtain DNA without free ends, the gapped DNA was treated with trimethylpsoralen and 360 nm light so as to introduce about 6 crosslinks per DNA molecule and the double stranded regions on either side of the gaps were then digested up to the first crosslinks with exonuclease III and lambda exonuclease. This treatment did not diminish the frequency of homologous pairing, an observation which is difficult to reconcile with models for recombination requiring strand unwinding before pairing.  相似文献   

E. coil RecA protein and topolsomerase I, acting on superhelical DNA and circular single strands in the presence of ATP and Mg2+, topologically link single-stranded molecules to one another, and single-stranded molecules to duplex DNA. When super-helical DNA is relaxed by prior incubation with topoisomerase, it is a poor substrate for catenation. Extensive homology stimulates the catenation of circular single-stranded DNA and superhelical DNA, whereas little reaction occurs between these forms of the closely related DNAs of phages φX174 and G4, indicating that, in conjunction with topoisomerase I, RecA protein can discriminate perfect or nearly perfect homology from a high degree of relatedness. Circular single-stranded G4 DNA reacts with superhelical DNA of a chimeric phage, M13Goril, to form catenanes, at least half of which survive heating at 80°C following restriction cleavage in the M13 region, but few of which survive following restriction cleavage in the G4 region. Electron microscopic examination of catenated molecules cleaved in the M13 region reveals that in most cases the single-stranded G4 DNA is joined to the linear duplex M13(G4) DNA in the homologous G4 region. The junction frequently has the appearance of a D loop, with an extent equivalent to 100 or more bp. We conclude that a significant fraction of catenanes were hemicatenanes, in which the single-stranded circle was topologically linked, probably by multiple turns, to its complementary strand in the duplex DNA. These observations support the previous conclusion that RecA protein can pair a single strand with its complementary strand in duplex DNA in a side-by-side fashion without a free end in any of the three strands.  相似文献   

Homologous pairing of DNA molecules promoted by a protein from Ustilago   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
E Kmiec  W K Holloman 《Cell》1982,29(2):367-374
A protein from mitotic cells of Ustilago maydis was purified on the basis of its ability to reanneal complementary single strands of DNA. The protein catalyzed the uptake of linear single strands by super-helical DNA, but only in reactions with homologous combinations of single-strand fragments and super-helical DNA from phages phi X174 and fd. No reaction occurred with heterologous combinations. The protein also efficiently paired circular single strands and linear duplex DNA molecules. The product was a joint molecule in which the circular single strand displaced one strand of the duplex. Efficient pairing depended upon ATP, and ATPase activity was found associated with the purified protein. ATP-dependent reannealing of complementary single strands was not detectable in the rec1 mutant of Ustilago, which is deranged in meiotic recombination, as complete tetrads are rare, and is defective in radiation-induced mitotic gene conversion.  相似文献   

Summary The requirements for homologous recombination between plasmid DNA molecules have been studied using the PEG (polyethylene glycol)-mediated transformation system of maize (Zea mays L.) protoplasts coupled with the transient expression assay for -glucuronidase (GUS). Two plasmids were introduced into maize protoplasts; one plasmid (pB×26) contained a genomic clone of the Adh1 maize gene; the other plasmid (piGUS) was a promoterless construction containing part of intron A of the Adhl gene fused to the gusA coding sequence. Thus, the two vectors shared an effective homologous region consisting of a 459 by (Hindlll—PvuII) fragment of the yAdh1 intron A sequence. An active gusA fusion gene would result upon homologous recombination between the plasmids within the intron A sequence, and indeed GUS activity was observed in extracts following co-transformation of maize protoplasts with the two plasmids. The presence of recombinant DNA molecules in protoplast DNA isolated 1 day after co-transformation was verified using polymerase chain reactions (PCR) and Southern blots. For efficient homologous recombination, both plasmids had to be linearized. The recombination reaction was induced by restriction of the plasmid molecules either inside the effective homologous region or at the borders of the intron sequence. However, the presence of even small, terminal, nonhomologous sequences at the 3 end of the pB×26 fragment inhibited the recombination reaction. Also, both ends of the linearized piGUS DNA molecules were involved in the recombination reaction. The results revealed some features of homologous recombination reactions occurring in plant cells which cannot be accommodated by mechanisms postulated for similar reactions in animal system and in lower eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Human Rad51 (hRad51) and Rad54 proteins are key members of the RAD52 group required for homologous recombination. We show an ability of hRad54 to promote transient separation of the strands in duplex DNA via its ATP hydrolysis-driven DNA supercoiling function. The ATPase, DNA supercoiling, and DNA strand opening activities of hRad54 are greatly stimulated through an interaction with hRad51. Importantly, we demonstrate that hRad51 and hRad54 functionally cooperate in the homologous DNA pairing reaction that forms recombination DNA intermediates. Our results should provide a biochemical model for dissecting the role of hRad51 and hRad54 in recombination reactions in human cells.  相似文献   

S A Chow  S K Chiu  B C Wong 《Biochimie》1991,73(2-3):157-161
RecA protein promotes homologous pairing and symmetrical strand exchange between partially single-stranded duplex DNA and fully duplex molecules. We constructed circular gapped DNA with a defined gap length and studied the pairing reaction between the gapped substrate and fully duplex DNA. RecA protein polymerizes onto the single-stranded and duplex regions of the gapped DNA to form a nucleoprotein filament. The formation of such filaments requires a stoichiometric amount of RecA protein. Both the rate and yield of joint molecule formation were reduced when the pairing reaction was carried out in the presence of a sub-saturating amount of RecA protein. The amount of RecA protein required for optimal pairing corresponds to the binding site size of RecA protein at saturation on duplex DNA. The result suggests that in the 4-stranded system the single-stranded as well as the duplex regions are involved in pairing. By using fully duplex DNA that shares different lengths and regions of homology with the gapped molecule, we directly showed that the duplex region of the gapped DNA increased both the rate and yield of joint molecule formation. The present study indicates that even though strand exchange in the 4-stranded system must require the presence of a single-stranded region, the pairing that occurs in duplex regions between DNA molecules is functionally significant and contributes to the overall activity of the gapped DNA.  相似文献   

Summary We have detected in vitro homologous recombination mediated by purified recA protein of Escherichia coli as a recombinant phage produced by using the DNA packaging system of phage . When double-stranded DNA of phage carrying amber mutations is incubated with double-stranded DNA carrying the wild-type genes in the presence of recA protein, Mg++ and ATP, and the DNA packaged, amber + recombinant phage is produced at a high frequency. This reaction depends completely upon the function of the wild-type recA protein. After incubation of 32P-labeled linear DNA (Form III) with bromouracil-labeled circular DNA (Form I-Form II mixture) in the presence of recA protein, Mg++ and ATP, about 10% of the 32P-counts band at an intermediate density in CsCl equilibrium gradient. This fraction yields a high percentage of the recombinant phage after DNA packaging and shows the -shaped and -shaped joint molecules of linear and circular DNA under the electron microscope. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a non-homologous region inhibits the recombination reaction when it is between the marker concerned and the closer cos end. Our results indicate thatrecA protein acts directly in the initial step of recombination to join the homologous double-stranded DNA and that the resulting molecule can be matured into the recombinant DNA.Abbreviations kb kilobase pairs - PFU plaque forming units - Form I superhelical closed circular DNA - Form II open circular DNA - Form III linear DNA  相似文献   

The recA protein promotes the formation and processing of joint molecules of homologous double- and single-stranded DNAs in vitro. Under a set of specified conditions, we found that the substitution of a single amino acid in the recA protein (recA430 mutation) depresses its activity for the homologous pairing to about 1/100 of that by the wild type protein when compared by the rate for the first 2-3 min of the reaction, but that the mutation only slightly, if at all, affects its ability to bind progressively to double-stranded DNA to unwind the double helix ("processive unwinding"). This is in striking contrast to an anti-recA protein monoclonal IgG, ARM193, which severely inhibits the processive unwinding but not the homologous pairing, providing further support for our conclusion that the homologous pairing and processive unwinding are functionally independent of each other. Antibody ARM193 caused the breakdown of spontaneously formed filaments of the recA protein, but the recA430 mutation did not affect the self-polymerization of the protein. The recA430 protein was apparently proficient in the functional binding to a single-stranded DNA and in the hydrolysis of ATP. However, we found that under the above conditions the mutant protein was defective as to homology-independent conjunction of DNA molecules to form a "ternary complex" (of macromolecules). These results suggest that (i) only one DNA-binding site is sufficient for the recA protein to promote the processive unwinding (the ability of the protein to form spontaneous filaments is closely related to this process) and that (ii) two DNA-binding sites on each of the recA polypeptides or those composed of a dimer (or oligomer) of the polypeptide are required for the recA protein to promote both the conjunction of parental DNA molecules and the homologous pairing (the ability to form the spontaneous filaments is not essential to this process). (iii) The simultaneous inactivation of the activity to promote the homologous pairing and that to form the ternary complex by the single substitution of the amino acid provides a physical support for the conclusion that the ternary complex is an indispensable intermediate in the homologous pairing.  相似文献   

Summary The role of the recA gene product of Escherichia coli in genetic recombination was examined in a system where recombination takes place in the absence of protein synthesis. recA200 bacteria were infected with two mutant strains of phage lambda in the presence of chloramphenicol and rifampin, and the resulting recombinant DNA molecules were measured by in vitro packaging. When recA200 bacteria grown at a temperature that is permissive for RecA phenotype were transferred to a temperature that is restrictive for RecA phenotype in the presence of the inhibitors, recombination of the infecting phages was severely blocked. This result shows that the recombination activity of the recA200 cells is inactivated by the change of temperature even in the absence of protein synthesis. The most likely explanation of this result is that the recA protein is directly involved in the recombination detected in the presence of chloramphenicol and rifampin.  相似文献   

Summary Recombination in vivo was studied in recA - heterozygous lacZ merodiploids by performing -galactosidase assays after infection with precA +. Recombination as measured by -galactosidase production was a linear function of pecA + multiplicity of infection (MOI) when the strain contained a deletion of the chromosomal recA gene. However, when the strain carried a recA1 missense allele, a higher precA + MOI was required to obtain levels of recombination comparable to the (recA) strain, and the slope of the dose-response curve increased to approximately two. It is proposed that negative complementation occurs in mixed tetramers of wild-type and missense recA polypeptides, and that in vivo recombination is a property of a multimeric form of recA protein.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination in DNA repair and DNA damage tolerance   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Li X  Heyer WD 《Cell research》2008,18(1):99-113
Homologous recombination (HR) comprises a series of interrelated pathways that function in the repair of DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs) and interstrand crosslinks (ICLs). In addition, recombination provides critical support for DNA replication in the recovery of stalled or broken replication forks, contributing to tolerance of DNA damage. A central core of proteins, most critically the RecA homolog Rad51, catalyzes the key reactions that typify HR: homology search and DNA strand invasion. The diverse functions of recombination are reflected in the need for context-specific factors that perform supplemental functions in conjunction with the core proteins. The inability to properly repair complex DNA damage and resolve DNA replication stress leads to genomic instability and contributes to cancer etiology. Mutations in the BRCA2 recombination gene cause predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer as well as Fanconi anemia, a cancer predisposition syndrome characterized by a defect in the repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks. The cellular functions of recombination are also germane to DNA-based treatment modalities of cancer, which target replicating cells by the direct or indirect induction of DNA lesions that are substrates for recombination pathways. This review focuses on mechanistic aspects of HR relating to DSB and ICL repair as well as replication fork support.  相似文献   

A theory of conformational transitions in closed circular DNA as a function of topological linking number of the molecule () is elaborated taking into account topological and energetical considerations. The theory predicts a step-like dependence of a number of superhelical turns in DNA molecules () on . Thus, the number of superhelical turns = for small values of . For a large (when conformational transitions begin to occur) =–ij, where ij is the total angle of conformational transitions for a given . This prediction is in good agreement with published data on the dependence of the sedimentation coefficient of circular DNA molecules on their topological linking number. The results also allow to explain the disagreement between a number of titratable superhelical turns in circular DNA molecules and a number of supercoiles seen on electron micrographs for molecules with sufficiently large .  相似文献   

The Cre-lox site-specific recombination system of bacteriophage P1 has been used to investigate the role of DNA flexibility in recombination. We have determined that a minimal distance of 82 bp must separate two loxP sites located on the same DNA molecule to allow these sites to undergo intramolecular recombination with one another. As a result of recombination, DNA circles as small as 116bp have been produced. In addition, we have demonstrated that the nuclease BAL 31 recognizes distortions in the DNA helix resulting from the formation of small DNA circles whose length is not a multiple of the helical repeat.  相似文献   

The recO gene product is required for DNA repair and some types of homologous recombination in wild-type Escherichia coli cells. RecO protein has been previously purified and shown to bind to single- and double-stranded DNA and to promote the renaturation of complementary single-stranded DNA molecules. In this study, purified RecO protein was shown to catalyze the assimilation of single-stranded DNA into homologous superhelical double-stranded DNA, an activity also associated with RecA protein. The RecO protein-promoted strand assimilation reaction requires Mg2+ and is ATP independent. Because of the biochemical similarities between RecO and RecA proteins, the ability of RecO protein to substitute for RecA protein in DNA repair in vivo was also assessed in this study. The results show that overexpression of RecO protein partially suppressed the UV repair deficiency of a recA null mutant and support the hypothesis that RecO and RecA proteins are functionally similar with respect to strand assimilation and the ability to enhance UV survival. These results suggest that RecO and RecA proteins may have common functional properties.  相似文献   

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