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In 1973, Trivers and Willard proposed that offspring sex ratio should be associated with the quality of parental care likely to be provided to the offspring. We tested this hypothesis by comparing fledgling sex ratios in nests of first- and second-mated female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon). In our Wyoming population, second-mated females typically receive little or no male parental assistance and fledge fewer and lower-quality young compared with first-mated females. Assuming that being of lower quality has stronger negative effects on the future reproductive success of males than that of females in this polygynous population, we predicted that fledgling sex ratios in the nests of second-mated females would be female-biased compared with the fledgling sex ratios of first-mated females. Additionally, we asked whether any sex bias at fledging could have resulted from male-biased nestling mortality caused by sex-biased parental provisioning. As predicted, mean fledgling sex ratios in nests of second-mated females were more female-biased than fledgling sex ratios in nests of first-mated females. However, we found no evidence of either sex-biased nestling mortality or sex-biased parental provisioning. These findings suggest that females are responding to their status as second-mated females and to the associated low-quality parental care that their young are likely to receive by producing female-biased clutches rather than manipulating the offspring sex ratio through sex-biased nestling mortality.  相似文献   

We investigated postfledging parental care in a philopatric population of Savannah sparrows,Passerculus sandwichensis , breeding on Kent Island, New Brunswick, Canada in an effort to understand the factors influencing adult birds' decisions about parental investment in offspring. Brood division was not based on offspring sex: male and female parents were equally likely to care for sons or daughters. The total duration of parental care, from hatching to independence, was similar for sons and daughters (median=23 days), regardless of the sex of the care-giving parent. The duration of parental care also corresponded closely to the time required for juveniles to acquire basic foraging skills. Despite high levels of extrapair paternity, male Savannah sparrows invested as much in postfledging care and were as effective as females in caring for fledglings, based on recruitment of fledglings into the breeding population the following year. Male parents were more likely to care for smaller fledglings and for offspring from early broods (presumably to enable females to dedicate their efforts towards second clutches). Caring for fledglings was costly for parents: survivorship decreased as a function of the duration of postfledging parental care and the number of fledglings cared for. Parental survivorship, however, was not affected by the sex of the fledglings cared for. This study suggests that sex-biased provisioning may be unlikely except in species with strongly sexually dimorphic offspring, biased offspring sex ratios and sex-biased natal dispersal. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Parents are expected to invest more in young that provide the greatest fitness returns. The cues that parents use to allocate resources between their offspring have received much recent attention. In birds, parents may use begging intensity, position in the nest or nestling size as cues to provision the most competitive young or those most likely to survive. It may also benefit parents to invest in young differentially by sex or relatedness if the fitness returns of sons and daughters differ or broods are sired by multiple males. We examined the allocation of food to tree swallow, Tachycineta bicolor, nestlings in relation to their begging behaviour, size, sex and paternity. Provisioning by parents was not related to nestling size, sex or paternity. The begging behaviour of nestlings did not differ with respect to sex or paternity. Both parents were more likely to feed nestlings that begged first or were closer to the nest entrance, suggesting that parents allocate food resources in response to cues that nestlings control. As a consequence, brood reduction was facilitated by biased provisioning within the brood in addition to the nestling size hierarchies created by hatching asynchrony. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that parents should adjust investment in sons and daughters according to relative fitness of differently sexed offspring. In species with female preference for highly ornamented males, one advantage potentially accruing to parents from investing more in sons of the most ornamented males is that male offspring will inherit characters ensuring sexual attractiveness or high-quality genes, if ornaments honestly reveal male genetic quality. Furthermore, in species where extra-pair fertilizations occur, offspring sired by an extra-pair male are expected to more frequently be male than those of the legitimate male if the latter is of lower quality than the extra-pair male. We investigated adjustment of sex ratio of offspring in relation to ornamentation of the extra-pair and the social mate of females by direct manipulation of tails of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica . Molecular sexing of the offspring was performed using the W chromosome-linked avian chromo-helicase-DNA-binding protein (CHD) gene while paternity assessment was conducted by typing of hypervariable microsatellite loci. Extra-pair offspring sex ratio was not affected by ornamentation of their biological fathers relative to the experimental ornamentation of the parental male. Experimental ornamentation of the parental males did not affect the sex ratio of nestlings in their broods. Female barn swallows might be unable to bias offspring sex ratio at hatching according to the quality of the biological father. Alternatively, fitness benefits in terms of sexual attractiveness of sons might be balanced by the cost of compensating for little parental care provided by highly ornamented parental males, if sons are more costly to rear than daughters, or the advantage of producing more daughters, if males with large ornaments contribute differentially more to the viability of daughters than sons.  相似文献   

Modification of offspring sex ratios in response to parental quality is predicted when the long-term fitness returns of sons and daughters differ. One factor that may influence a mother's sex allocation decision is the quality (or attractiveness) of her mate. We investigated whether the sex ratios of offspring produced by female Drosophila melanogaster are biased with respect to the age of the males to which they are mated, and whether there is an adaptive basis for this phenomenon. We found that females mated to old males (13 d post-eclosion) initially produced a greater proportion of daughters than did females mated to young males (1 d post-eclosion). This pattern does not appear to be due to a systematic difference in the numbers or mortality of the X- and Y-bearing sperm originating from old and young fathers, as the overall sex ratios of all offspring produced from a single copulation did not differ between broods fathered by the two types of males. The sons of older males fared worse in competitive mating assays than did the sons of younger males, while daughters of old and young males were of comparable fitness. These results suggest that there is an adaptive basis for the observed sex ratio modification.  相似文献   

Parents should vary their level of investment in sons and daughters in response to the fitness costs and benefits accrued through male and female offspring. I investigated brood sex ratio biases and parental provisioning behaviour in the brown thornbill, Acanthiza pusilla, a sexually dimorphic Australian passserine. Parents delivered more food to male-biased than female-biased broods. However, factors determining parental provisioning rates differed between the sexes. Female provisioning rates were related to brood sex ratio in both natural and experimental broods with manipulated sex ratios. In contrast, male provisioning rates were not affected by brood sex ratio in either natural or experimental broods. However, males in established pairs provisioned at a higher rate than males in new pairs. Data on the sex ratio of 109 broods suggest that female brown thornbills adjust their primary sex ratio in response to pair bond duration. Females in new pairs produced broods with significantly fewer sons than females in established pairs. This pattern would be beneficial to females if the costs of rearing sons were higher for females in new than established pairs. This may be the case since females in new pairs provisioned experimental all-male broods at elevated rates. The condition of nestlings also tended to decline more in these all-male broods than in other experimental broods. This will have additional fitness consequences because nestling mass influences recruitment in thornbills. Female thornbills may therefore obtain significant fitness benefits from adjusting their brood sex ratio in response to the status of their pair bond. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

In the jackdaw Corvus monedula , eggs hatch asynchronously with the youngest chicks in the brood often starving to death. So far, it is unknown whether there are sex differences in vulnerability to starvation. Adult females are smaller than males suggesting that daughters should be cheaper to produce than sons and so, less likely to starve when nest conditions are poor. Here, we determine whether sex, laying order and season interact to influence growth and fledging success. In a nestbox population of jackdaws, we found a non-significant female bias at both hatching (112:120) and fledging (37:52). Generalised linear models revealed that parents seemed to be investing differently in sons and daughters depending on their chances of success. Broods produced late in the season were significantly female biased, particularly those from small clutches. Females hatched towards the end of the season, when conditions were poor, were more likely to fledge than males. Nestlings that were relatively large at hatching were more likely to fledge. This effect was particularly important for last hatched individuals. Overall, males had a higher mortality rate than females. The most likely cause was starvation due to higher energetic requirements, because males were larger than females at fledging. We suggest that in species with brood reduction, sex-biased mortality may be at least as important as primary sex ratio manipulation in determining avian sex ratios.  相似文献   

Adaptive sex allocation has frequently been studied in sexually size dimorphic species, but far less is known about patterns of sex allocation in species without pronounced sexual size dimorphism. Parental optimal investment can be predicted under circumstances in which sons and daughters differ in costs and/or fitness returns. In common terns Sterna hirundo, previous studies suggest that sons are the more costly sex to produce and rear. We investigated whether hatching and fledging sex ratio and sex‐specific chick mortality correlated with the ecological environment (laying date, clutch size, hatching order and year quality) and parental traits (condition, arrival date, experience and breeding success), over seven consecutive years. Population‐wide sex ratios and sex‐specific mortality did not differ from parity, but clutch size, mass of the father, maternal breeding experience and to some extent year quality correlated with hatching sex ratio. The proportion of sons tended to increase in productive years and when the father was heavier, suggesting the possibility that females invest more in sons when the environmental and the partner conditions are good. The proportion of daughters increased with clutch size and maternal breeding experience, suggesting a decline in breeding performance or a resources balance solved by producing more of the cheaper sex. No clear patterns of sex‐specific mortality were found, neither global nor related to parental traits. Our results suggest lines for future studies on adaptive sex allocation in sexually nearly monomorphic species, where adjustment of sex ratio related to parental factors and differential allocation between the offspring may also occur.  相似文献   

Variation in birth sex ratios in primates can be accounted for by two hypotheses: the local resource competition hypothesis [Silk: American Naturalist 121:56–66, 1983] and the hypothesis of Trivers & Willard [Science 179:90–92, 1973] concerning the maternal effect on the quality of a male. We examined the effects of female dominance rank on aspects of reproduction in three well-established captive groups of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). High-ranking females produced a higher proportion of sons than low-ranking females, and factors other than rank did not have significant effects on birth sex ratios. Interbirth intervals following daughters were longer than those following sons, but they were independent of the mother's rank. The sons of high-ranking mothers had better survival prospects than sons of low-ranking mothers in some of the groups; no such difference was found for daughters. Overall, there was no sex difference in survival up to 5 years of age. These results support the Trivers-Willard hypothesis rather than the local resource competition hypothesis. An analysis of interbirth intervals suggested that the deviation in birth sex ratio is already established at conception.  相似文献   

Sex allocation in the sexually monomorphic fairy martin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Offspring sex ratios were examined at the population and family level in the sexually monomorphic, socially monogamous fairy martin Petrochelidon ariel at five colony sites over a 4-year period (1993–1996). The sex of 465 nestlings from 169 broods was determined using sex-specific PCR at the CHD locus. In accordance with predicted sex allocation patterns, population sex ratios at hatching and fledging did not differ from parity in any year and the variance in brood sex ratios did not deviate from the binomial distribution. Further, brood sex ratio did not vary with hatching date during the season, brood number, brood size or colony size. The sex ratio of broods with extra-pair young did not differ from those without, while the sex ratio of broods fathered by males that gained extra-pair fertilizations did not differ from broods fathered by other males. Extra-pair chicks were as likely to be male as female. Neither the total number of feeding visits to the brood nor the relative feeding contribution by the sexes varied significantly with brood sex ratio. Brood sex ratios were also unrelated to paternal size, condition and breeding experience or maternal condition and breeding experience. However, contrary to our prediction, brood sex ratio was negatively correlated with maternal size. Generally, these results were consistent with our expectations that brood sex ratios would not vary with environmental factors or parental characteristics, and would not influence the level of parental provisioning. However, the finding that females with longer tarsi produced an excess of daughters is difficult to reconcile with our current understanding of fairy martin life history and breeding ecology.  相似文献   

The sex of 746 great reed warbler fledglings (from 175 broods) was determined by the use of single primer polymerase chain reaction. The reliability of the technique was confirmed as 104 of the fledglings were subsequently recorded as adults of known sex. The overall sex ratio did not differ from unity. Variation in sex ratios between broods was larger than expected from a binomial distribution. Female identity explained some of the variation of brood sex ratio indicating that certain females consistently produced sex ratios that departed from the average value in the population. The theory of sex allocation predicts that parents should adjust the sex ratio of their brood to the relative value of sons and daughters and this may vary in relation to the quality of the parents or to the time of breeding. In the great reed warbler, the proportion of sons was not related to time of breeding, or to any of five female variables. Of five male variables, males with early arrival date tended to produce more daughters. The sex ratio of fledglings that were a result of extra-pair fertilizations did not differ from that of legitimate fledglings. Hence, there is currently no evidence of that female great reed warblers invest in a higher proportion of sons when mated with attractive males.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that mothers should adjust offspring sex ratios when the expected fitness gains or rearing costs differ between sons and daughters. Recent empirical work has linked biased offspring sex ratios to environmental quality via changes in relative maternal condition. It is unclear, however, whether females can manipulate offspring sex ratios in response to environmental quality alone (i.e. independent of maternal condition). We used a balanced within-female experimental design (i.e. females bred on both low- and high-quality diets) to show that female parrot finches (Erythrura trichroa) manipulate primary offspring sex ratios to the quality of the rearing environment, and not to their own body condition and health. Individual females produced an unbiased sex ratio on high-quality diets, but over-produced sons in poor dietary conditions, even though they maintained similar condition between diet treatments. Despite the lack of sexual size dimorphism, such sex ratio adjustment is in line with predictions from sex allocation theory because nutritionally stressed foster sons were healthier, grew faster and were more likely to survive than daughters. These findings suggest that mothers may adaptively adjust offspring sex ratios to optimally match their offspring to the expected quality of the rearing environment.  相似文献   

When the reproductive value of sons and daughters differ, parents are expected to adjust the sex ratio of their offspring to produce more of the sex that provides greater fitness returns. The body condition of females or environmental factors, such as food abundance and mate quality, may influence these expected fitness returns. In a previous study of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), we found that females produced more sons in their broods when they were in better body condition (mass corrected for size). We tested this relationship by experimentally clipping some flight feathers to reduce female body condition. As predicted, we found that females with clipped feathers had a lower proportion of sons in their broods and poorer body condition. However, female body condition alone was not a significant predictor of brood sex ratio in our experiment. We suggest that brood sex ratio is causally related to some other factor that covaries with body condition, most likely the foraging ability of females. The hypothesis that brood sex ratios are influenced by individual differences in female foraging ability is supported by a high repeatability of brood sex ratio for individual females. Thus, maternal effects may have a strong influence on the sex ratios of offspring.  相似文献   

We investigated possible pre‐hatching mechanisms of sex‐differential investment by females that may contribute to offspring sex‐ratio adjustment enhancing the fitness return from reproductive effort in the spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor). We found a seasonal shift in sex ratio from daughters to sons as the season advances. Furthermore, the probability of breeding at 1‐year old and recruitment into the breeding population in daughters is associated with laying date but not with mass at fledging. The reverse is true for males which rarely bred at 1‐year old. We also found that eggs containing female embryos are significantly heavier than those containing males in spite of the slight sexual dimorphism in favour of males. This suggests maternal control of provisioning, favouring daughters that may balance sibling mortality and competition with their brothers. Our results on seasonal variation in sex ratio and differential egg provisioning are consistent with an adaptive tactic in which mothers increase their reproductive return by enhancing the probability that daughters survive and breed in their first year of life.  相似文献   

Altricial birds show enormous intraspecific diversity in their provisioning strategies, in terms of both the provisioning rate and the amount of food delivered per feeding bout. Extra-pair copulations (EPCs), which result in either extra-pair paternity (EPP) or maternity (EPM), provide an opportunity to demonstrate why provisioning strategies vary among individuals. Because EPP-cuckolded males and EPM-cuckolded females must raise unrelated young, whereas EPM-cuckolded males and EPP-cuckolded females need not, we hypothesized that the first two categories of breeders would reduce parental effort, whereas the latter two categories of breeders would increase parental effort. We tested this hypothesis in the Azure-winged Magpie Cyanopica cyanus by comparing the number and body mass of fledglings, provisioning rates and food amount delivered per feeding bout between EPP- and EPM-cuckolded breeders and faithful breeders. We found that (1) the number of fledglings did not differ significantly between cuckolded and faithful breeders, and (2) fledglings raised by EPM-cuckolded males and EPP-cuckolded females did not differ from faithful breeders, whereas fledglings raised by EPP-cuckolded males and EPM-cuckolded females were significantly smaller than those raised by faithful breeders. Compared with faithful breeders, cuckolded breeders increased parental efforts in nests that contained no unrelated young; hence, their loss in parentage may be compensated for by the enhanced quality of fledglings. In nests that contained unrelated young, cuckolded breeders did not reduce parental efforts; hence, their own offspring would not starve and could survive in competition with mixed brood-mates. Our findings suggest that the differences in parentage created by EPP and EPM scenarios and the potential fitness return of raising a brood for the cuckolded breeders can explain the intraspecific variation in provisioning strategies of altricial birds.  相似文献   

Parents of sexually reproducing species should adjust their investment in production of sons and daughters in relation to the relative costs and reproductive value of offspring of either sex. Sex allocation mediated by differential allocation of care such as food provisioning, however, requires that parents can identify offspring sex. We analysed sex differences in offspring begging calls that may serve as a cue for parents to discriminate between sons and daughters. A combination of three sonagraphic variables of begging calls of nestling barn swallows allowed us to classify them according to sex at day 16, but not at day 12 after hatching, suggesting that sex differences in begging calls arise during the nestling period as the time of fledging approaches. Hence, parents may be able to discriminate between sons and daughters by auditory cues, which would enable differential allocation of food between offspring during the late nestling and early fledging stages. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Local mate competition (LMC) occurs when male relatives compete for mating opportunities, and this may favour the evolution of female-biased sex allocation. LMC theory is among the most well developed and empirically supported topics in behavioural ecology, clarifies links between kin selection, group selection and game theory, and provides among the best quantitative evidence for Darwinian adaptation in the natural world. Two striking invariants arise from this body of work: the number of sons produced by each female is independent of both female fecundity and also the rate of female dispersal. Both of these invariants have stimulated a great deal of theoretical and empirical research. Here, we show that both of these invariants break down when variation in female fecundity and limited female dispersal are considered in conjunction. Specifically, limited dispersal of females following mating leads to local resource competition (LRC) between female relatives for breeding opportunities, and the daughters of high-fecundity mothers experience such LRC more strongly than do those of low-fecundity mothers. Accordingly, high-fecundity mothers are favoured to invest relatively more in sons, while low-fecundity mothers are favoured to invest relatively more in daughters, and the overall sex ratio of the population sex ratio becomes more female biased as a result.  相似文献   

Patterns of natal dispersal are generally sex‐biased in vertebrates, i.e. female‐biased in birds and male‐biased in mammals. Interphyletic comparisons in mammals suggest that male‐biased dispersal occurs in polygynous and promiscuous species where local mate competition among males exceeds local resource competition among females. However, few studies have analysed sex‐biased patterns of dispersal at the individual level, and facultatively polygynous species might offer this opportunity. In the spotless starling, polygynous males exhibit their mating status during courtship carrying higher amounts of green plants to nests than monogamous males. We experimentally incorporated green plants to nests during four years to analyse long‐term consequences on breeding success and offspring recruitment rates. We unexpectedly found that experimental sons recruited farther than experimental daughters, while control daughters recruited farther than control sons. A similar pattern was found using observational information from eight years. We discuss this result in the context of local competition hypothesis and speculate that sons dispersed farther from nests controlled by polygynous males to avoid competition with relatives. The amount of green plants in nests affects female perception of male attractiveness and degree of polygyny, although little is known about proximate mechanisms linking this process with the offspring dispersal behaviour. Our results support the idea that male‐biased dispersal is related to polygyny in a facultatively polygynous bird.  相似文献   

Reproductive costs of sons and daughters in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
Differential maternal investment theory predicts that in sexuallydimorphic and polygynous species mothers should invest morein sons than in daughters. We tested the hypothesis that bighornewes that raise sons incur greater reproductive costs than ewesthat raise daughters. Although ewe mass gain during lactationand subsequent winter body mass loss were independent of lambsex, lambs born the year following the weaning of a son hadlower survival than lambs born after a daughter. The effectsof lamb sex on subsequent reproductive success of ewes becamemore evident at high population density. Lamb sex did not affectmaternal survival. Population density, weather, and ewe agedid not alter the relationship between lamb sex and subsequentreproductive success of the ewe. The year after weaning a son,ewes were more likely to have a daughter than a son, while ewesthat had previously weaned a daughter had similar numbers ofsons and daughters. Our results show that for bighorn sheepewes, sons have a greater life-history cost than daughters,suggesting a differential maternal investment in the sexes.  相似文献   

We analysed video-sequences of undisturbed parental provisioning behaviour on 12 nests of common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus). In 4 of the 12 nests, chicks were fed by a single parent only. We compared provisioning rate of chicks, time spent on the nest and food allocation rules between nests with uniparental and biparental care and between male and female parents in biparental nests. In nests with a single parent, the frequency of feeding visits per parent was higher than in biparental nests. As a result, the rate of food provisioning of chicks was similar in uniparental and biparental nests. The food allocation rules did not differ between uniparental and biparental nests. In biparental nests, male and female provisioning behaviour was similar though with two exceptions: males had a strong preference for feeding chicks in front positions in the nest and females spent a longer time on the nest after feeding. We conclude that single common redstart parents are able to compensate fully for the absence of the other parent through increased provisioning efforts, and that in biparental nests, males and females contribute equally to the provisioning of the young.  相似文献   

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