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Although rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss within the American River, California, apparently exhibit minimal upstream or downstream movements in response to hydroelectric-power-generation-related pulsed flows, the associated energetic costs are unknown. We implanted rainbow trout (n = 9, ≥30 cm SL) with electromyogram (EMG)-sensor-equipped radio transmitters to assess the swimming behavior and associated energetic costs associated with their responses to pulsed flows. Using laboratory calibrations in a Brett-type swimming respirometer, the trouts’ swimming speeds and oxygen consumption rates were estimated for their in-river EMG data, through a complete hydroelectric power-generation river pulsed-flow sequence (pre-pulse, increasing flow, peak, and decreasing flow stages), on several (mean: 3.2) sampling dates. Using a mixed-linear model, we found that fish swimming speed estimates increased during the increasing flow stage, while the associated mean oxygen consumption rates also increased at this stage. At river flows near the usual peak (>44 m3s−1), swimming speeds and movement rates decreased, possibly due to the fish using the river’s habitat complexities as hydraulic cover. We conclude that rainbow trout incur increased swimming-related energetic costs during increasing flows and, potentially, decreased foraging opportunities at high flows.  相似文献   

A mark‐recapture study was conducted in 1997–2005 to investigate movements of stocked pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, in the Paraná River Basin of Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. Fish raised in cages within the Itaipu Reservoir and in ponds were tagged externally (n = 2976) and released in the Itaipu Reservoir (53.2%) and bays of its major tributaries (46.8%). In total, 367 fish (12.3%) were recaptured. In all, 91% of the pacu moved away from the release site; upstream movements were more extensive than downstream movements. Pacu traveled upstream a maximum of 422 km (average of 41.3 km) at a maximum rate of 26.4 km day−1 (av. 0.8). Downstream movements were limited in terms of number of individuals and distance moved. Fish released during the wet season moved farther than those released during the dry season, and feeding rather than spawning might have been the compelling reason for movement. Although fish passed downstream through dams, none of the marked fish were detected to have moved upstream through the passage facilities. Pacu showed movement patterns not radically different from those of other neotropical migratory species, but their migratory movements may not be as extensive as those of other large migratory species in the basin.  相似文献   

Nested species subsets, gaps, and discrepancy   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Chemical cues from fish can alter the behaviour of stream invertebrates in experimental tanks but their effect in natural streams has received little attention. By adding brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) odour to a trout stream in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, we tested whether changes in the concentration of chemical cues from visually feeding predatory fish would alter the drift of mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera). Stream water was piped from stream-side tanks with (odour) and without (control) three brook trout to two locations in the stream 3.5 m upstream of drift nets at six replicate sites. Five-minute drift samples were collected downstream from odour and control pipes before, during and after the release of water from the tanks into the stream during both the day and night. Almost all drift occurred at night and consisted predominantly of Baetis bicaudatus nymphs. The odour manipulation had no measurable effect on Baetis drift during the day but statistical power was low. During the night, however, the drift of large (>0.65 mm head capsule width, HCW) Baetis nymphs decreased significantly during the odour addition compared to control drift. In contrast, the drift of small nymphs (≤0.65 mm HCW) increased both during and after the odour addition in comparison to control drift. Since the stream contains brook trout (0.04–0.18 m−2), and water from the stream (presumably containing fish odour) altered the behaviour of fishless-stream Baetis nymphs in another experiment, we conclude that the changes in Baetis drift density were a response to an increase in the concentration of fish odour in the stream. Furthermore, we were able to detect the effect within 5 min. of odour addition, indicating that mayfly behavioural response to trout odour was rapid. These results suggest that mayflies can distinguish different concentrations of trout odour in natural streams and that the response is size-specific, according to the relative risk of predation of large and small Baetis. Received: 12 May 1998 / Accepted: 23 October 1998  相似文献   

Hatchery reared rainbow and brown trout (length 20 cm) were released in March 1974 and April 1975 respectively into the Taff Bargoed, a small river in South Wales, polluted by coal wastes and containing a low resident population of brown trout. From subsequent electro-fishing surveys and catch returns from anglers, extensive downstream movements occurred in both species. About 50% had either been caught or had moved out of the river, a distance of about 5 km, after two weeks and after two months only some 10 % remained. Within the fishing season it was estimated that 3 and 22% of brown and rainbow trout respectively were caught.  相似文献   

 Movement by the larger more mobile species of coral reef fish plays a significant role in determining patterns in abundance and population structure. Fish movement is also relevant to the use and effectiveness of marine reserves in managing fish populations. Coral trout are large piscivorous serranids supporting major fisheries on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). This study reports on the within-reef movement of the common coral trout, Plectropomus leopardus, at Heron Reef, southern GBR, over a twelve month period, investigated by tagging and underwater tracking. Tracking of coral trout revealed no apparent relationship between the area moved and stage of tide or time of day. However, movement areas were affected by the size of fish: in spring a linear relationship between fish size and area of movement was measured, but in summer the largest (male) fish moved over significantly smaller areas than medium-sized fish. Movement of males may be related to cleaning behaviour and spawning. Fifty nine percent (n=101) of the tagged fish were resighted over periods of 4–5 months, in “home sites” measuring ∼2000 m2. Coral trout were not restricted to home sites, but moved on average 2 km along the reef slope; maximum distances of 7–7.5 km were measured. Coral trout appear to range as mobile, opportunistic predators, but also maintain home sites for access to shelter and cleaning stations. Accepted: 1 August 1996  相似文献   

Synopsis We estimated long-range spawning and foraging movements of walleye and observed their use of river and reservoir habitats between two large hydroelectric dams on the Au Sable River, Michigan. We used radiotelemetry to monitor seasonal and daily movements of 11 large walleye. Walleye ranged throughout the entire reach between the two dams. Eight of the 11 fish used both river and reservoir locations. Walleye migrated upriver in April or May and presumably spawned near the dam tailwaters. After spawning, walleye remained in the river for up to 6months, usually establishing local ranges. During this time, they occupied low-velocity refuges within the first 25 km of the upstream dam. They seldom occupied the downstream area, which has higher variation around the mean temperature. Food availability and water temperature may have affected the length of time that walleye remained in the river after spawning. All walleye overwintered in the reservoir. We designed this study to evaluate if walleye have a potential negative impact on brown trout, Salmo trutta. In summer, walleye were often present near sites where fingerling trout were stocked. We found the highest potential for interaction between the two species occurs within the first 25km of the upstream dam during summer. The movement patterns of and habitats used by large walleye validate concerns that walleye could compete with adult brown trout for food and resting sites and prey on juvenile brown trout.  相似文献   

We studied whether juvenile fishes were able to maintain swimming speed and position during simulated river pulsed flows in a laboratory flume. We used a glass flume (15.24 × 0.6 m) with river-rock substrate to determine the longitudinal displacement, movement distances and frequencies, velocity selection, and substrate use of juvenile (SL range: 6.1 ± 0.2 cm) hardhead Mylopharodon conocephalus (n = 13), rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (n = 11), and Sacramento sucker Catostomus occidentalis (n = 12) during a 100-min flow pulse, as velocity changed from slow to medium, fast, medium, and slow. Fish were capable of maintaining swimming speed and position up to the maximum flume velocity of 0.46 m·s−1, except for one hardhead that impinged on the rear fish screen. Fish swam faster in the flume during the medium and fast intervals than the slow intervals, but fish speeds were similar among the medium and faster intervals, when some fish took cover behind the rock substrate. In comparison with a Brett-type swim-tunnel, fish showed less increase in mean swimming speed as the flume velocity increased. Fish in the flume were able to use the rock substrate as hydraulic cover, decreasing the encountered water velocity, and, presumably, conserving energy.  相似文献   

Primates spend about half of their lives at sleeping sites, and their choice of sleeping sites may affect individual survival. We identified a total of 88 trees used by proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) as night sleeping sites on 16 nights from June to September 2008 in riverine, mangrove, and mixed mangrove–riverine forests along the Garama River, a tributary of the Klias River, in the west of Sabah, Malaysia. We recorded 11 variables for each tree, including the species, physical structure, distance from the riverbank, and connectivity with surrounding trees. We compared sleeping trees with 114 trees with ≥30 cm girth at breast height (GBH) located ≤50 m of the riverbank in 8 botanical plots (total 1 ha). Trees in the plots represented the general vegetation patterns of the study area. Choice of sleeping trees did not depend on the tree species. Although sleeping trees included trees ≤46 m from the river, those closer to riverbanks (5–35 m, n = 76) were more likely to be used as sleeping sites. Compared to the available trees, sleeping trees had larger trunks (mean±SD = 143.6 ± 56.9 cm GBH), and were taller (mean±SD = 34.3 ± 8.1 m), with greater number (median = 6; range = 12) and larger (mean±SD = 24.1 ± 15.2 cm circumference) main branches. They were also located near to other trees, with overlapping branches, creating good arboreal connectivity. Choice of sleeping trees by proboscis monkeys is likely to be related to risks of predation and injury from falling, as well as ease of social interaction and efficiency of locomotion.  相似文献   

Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis populations have declined in much of the native range in eastern North America and populations are typically relegated to small headwater streams in Connecticut, USA. We used sibship reconstruction to infer mating systems, dispersal and effective population size of resident (non-anadromous) brook trout in two headwater stream channel networks in Connecticut. Brook trout were captured via backpack electrofishing using spatially continuous sampling in the two headwaters (channel network lengths of 4.4 and 7.7 km). Eight microsatellite loci were genotyped in a total of 740 individuals (80–140 mm) subsampled in a stratified random design from all 50 m-reaches in which trout were captured. Sibship reconstruction indicated that males and females were both mostly polygamous although single pair matings were also inferred. Breeder sex ratio was inferred to be nearly 1:1. Few large-sized fullsib families (>3 individuals) were inferred and the majority of individuals were inferred to have no fullsibs among those fish genotyped (family size = 1). The median stream channel distance between pairs of individuals belonging to the same large-sized fullsib families (>3 individuals) was 100 m (range: 0–1,850 m) and 250 m (range: 0–2,350 m) in the two study sites, indicating limited dispersal at least for the size class of individuals analyzed. Using a sibship assignment method, the effective population size for the two streams was estimated at 91 (95%CI: 67–123) and 210 (95%CI: 172–259), corresponding to the ratio of effective-to-census population size of 0.06 and 0.12, respectively. Both-sex polygamy, low variation in reproductive success, and a balanced sex ratio may help maintain genetic diversity of brook trout populations with small breeder sizes persisting in headwater channel networks.  相似文献   

Bacterial attachment to fish surfaces and the capacity to compete with pathogens for adhesion sites are essential characteristics in order to select a candidate probiotic for aquaculture. Twelve lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from fish and sediments from Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina, were examined for in vitro adhesion to rainbow trout mucus, cell surface properties and competitive exclusion against two salmonid pathogens, Yersinia ruckeri and Aeromonas salmonicida. In order to assess their survival through the digestive tract, pH and rainbow trout bile tolerance were evaluated. All LAB strains survived for 1.5 h incubation in 10% rainbow trout bile. Most of the strains survived 1.5 h at pH 3.0 and three of them showed a reduction of viable counts lower than 2 logarithms, with respect to control (pH 6.5). Only a few strains showed tolerate pH 2.0. All the strains were able to attach to rainbow trout skin mucus (104–106 cells/cm2), to glass (104–105 cells/cm2) and to stainless steel (103–104 cells/cm2). Sixty percent of LAB strains were capable of competing with and successfully excluding Y. ruckeri and all strains were able to displace it. Against A. salmonicida, 75% of LAB strains competed successfully, 50% were capable of displacing and 60% excluded this pathogen. Our data suggest the potential of these strains as anti-infective agents for use in rainbow trout culture. This study is the first report on the probiotic potential of LAB strains isolated from an estuarine environment from Argentina.  相似文献   

Alternative male phenotypes in salmonine fishes arise from individuals that mature as larger and older anadromous marine-migrants or as smaller and younger freshwater residents. To better understand the processes influencing the expression of these phenotypes we examined the influences of growth in length (fork length) and whole body lipid content in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish were sampled from the John Day River basin in northeast Oregon where both anadromous (“steelhead”) and freshwater resident rainbow trout coexist. Larger males with higher lipid levels had a greater probability of maturing as a resident at age-1+. Among males, 38% were maturing overall, and the odds ratios of the logistic model indicated that the probability of a male maturing early as a resident at age-1+ increased 49% (95% confidence interval (CI) = 23–81%) for every 5 mm increase in length and 33% (95% CI = 10–61%) for every 0.5% increase in whole body lipid content. There was an inverse association between individual condition and water temperature as growth was greater in warmer streams while whole body lipid content was higher in cooler streams. Our results support predictions from life history theory and further suggest that relationships between individual condition, maturation, and environmental variables (e.g., water temperature) are shaped by complex developmental and evolutionary influences.  相似文献   

Several studies show that primates exhibit coping strategies to buffer the effect of increased social tension under crowded conditions. This is the first study to assess the effect of crowding on the social behavior of a cooperative breeding primate. We studied the effect of repeated short-term crowding on the social behavior of 20 cotton-top tamarins (10 breeders, 10 adult–subadult offspring) belonging to 2 large and 3 small groups. We compared scratching and rates of social behavior between 2 conditions: large-outdoor (42.0 m2 × 3.3 m) and small-indoor (3.5 m2 × 2.2 m) enclosures. Our results indicate that scratching increases in breeders and offspring during crowding. However, whereas the social behavior of breeders in small groups was not affected by crowding, breeders in large groups (n = 4) showed increased rates of severe aggression with their offspring during crowding. Offspring of large groups showed a nonsignificant trend to increase mild aggression, and an increased percentage of time in contact and grooming during crowding. This augmentation of grooming occurred in offspring–breeder dyads and also between offspring. These results suggest that helpers from large groups use coping strategies when social tension increases.  相似文献   

Free embryos of wild pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus were released in the Missouri River and captured at downstream sites through a 180-km reach of the river to examine ontogenetic drift and dispersal processes. Free embryos drifted primarily in the fastest portion of the river channel, and initial drift velocities for all age groups (mean = 0.66–0.70 m s−1) were only slightly slower than mean water column velocity (0.72 m s−1). During the multi-day long-distance drift period, drift velocities of all age groups declined an average of 9.7% day−1. Younger free embryos remained in the drift upon termination of the study; whereas, older age groups transitioned from drifting to settling during the study. Models based on growth of free embryos, drift behavior, size-related variations in drift rates, and channel hydraulic characteristics were developed to estimate cumulative distance drifted during ontogenetic development through a range of simulated water temperatures and velocity conditions. Those models indicated that the average free embryo would be expected to drift several hundred km during ontogenetic development. Empirical data and model results highlight the long-duration, long-distance drift and dispersal processes for pallid sturgeon early life stages. In addition, results provide a likely mechanism for lack of pallid sturgeon recruitment in fragmented river reaches where dams and reservoirs reduce the length of free-flowing river available for pallid sturgeon free embryos during ontogenetic development.  相似文献   

Movement of the fluvial form of red-spotted masu salmon (1+ and older),Oncorhynchus masou rhodurus, was studied using mark-recapture methods in a Japanese mountain stream. Most (63–91%) adult salmon were recaptured in the pool in which they were marked. The rest of the salmon moved upstream or downstream <20m during the non-breeding period. The proportion of the salmon moving increased slightly during the breeding period, but did not exceed 66%. The distance moved was also more variable during this period. The proportion of the smaller salmon which moved was larger than that of the larger fish during the non-breeding period. Conversely, during the breeding period, larger fish moved more frequently. Sedentary behaviour and local movements of adult salmon seem to be affected by their social relationships.  相似文献   

Otters are elusive semi-aquatic mammals, occurring in low densities and difficult to count. A study was conducted in 15 stretches (10–12 km) of four tributaries of the Ebro River, with the aims to understand spatial and temporal changes in otter abundance and breeding success and the causes of such variations. Between 1990 and 2009, both otter parameters were assessed by means of visual spring–early summer censuses, carried out by sets of observers located every 500 m. A total of 134 censuses were carried out, involving 4,540 twilight watches (7,896.5 h) and 520 otter sightings were recorded. Also, 39 different habitat characteristics (including prey species) were established for each stretch. Otter abundance was assessed by means of three indexes related to the census effort and the length and surface units (in terms of otter habitat). Excluding the upper stretches, we found on average 0.07–0.26 adult and subadults per kilometre (1.45–6.26/km2). Important interannual fluctuations in otter abundance and breeding success were found in some Pyrenean stretches located downstream of a large reservoir. This was linked to the effect of autumn floods (in part due to the opening of dams) on the fish stocks (mainly Barbels). Similar habitat conditions resulted in similar abundances between stretches, and different habitat conditions generated different abundances in adjacent stretches of the same river. No significant differences were found for litter size between small cubs (1.60 ± 0.70 cubs per litter) and large cubs (1.39 ± 0.50) as a whole, but differences between stretches were found. On average we found between 0.009 and 0.130 large cubs per year per kilometre. Otters bred more successfully in stretches with higher otter densities. Otter abundance and breeding success correlated negatively with altitude as a consequence of the interaction of several habitat characteristics with altitude. The stepwise linear regression linked the number of adult otters per kilometre with the ecosystem production (chlorophyll a concentration), while the number of large cubs per kilometre per year was linked with the food (fish + crayfish) abundance. The findings bring about a consistent and congruent scenario of otter abundance and breeding success explained by the different steps along the food chain.  相似文献   

Kappaphycus striatum var. sacol was grown in two separate studies: (1) at two stocking densities, and (2) at four different depths, each for three different durations of culture (30, 45 and 60 days) in order to determine the growth rate of the seaweed and evaluate the carrageenan content and its molecular weight. The results demonstrated that stocking density, duration of culture and depth significantly (P < 0.01) affected the growth rate, carrageenan content and molecular weight of K. striatum var. sacol. Decreasing growth rate was observed at both stocking densities and at four depths as duration of culture increased. A lower stocking density (500 g m−1line−1) showed a higher growth rate for the shortest durations, i.e. 30 days, as compared to those grown at a higher density. Likewise, decreasing growth rate was observed as depth increased, except at 50 cm after 60 days of culture. A 45-day culture period produced the highest molecular weight at both stocking densities (500 g m−1line−1 = 1,079.5 ± 31.8 kDa, 1,000 g m−1line−1 = 1,167 ± 270.6 kDa). ‘Sacol’ grown for 30 days at 50 cm (1,178 kDa) to 100 cm (1,200 kDa) depth showed the highest values of molecular weight of carrageenan extracted. The results suggested that K. striatum var. sacol is best grown at a stocking density of 500 g m−1line−1, at a depth of 50–100 cm, and for a duration of 30 days in order to provide the highest growth rate, carrageenan content and molecular weight.  相似文献   

Juvenile Coho Salmon undergo many physiological changes during their springtime transformation from a freshwater parr to a migratory, seawater-capable smolt. Although field observations indicate smolts moving towards the surface and across the breadth of their streams to either swim or drift downstream with the current, water-velocity preferences of these developing cohos are unknown. Using video analysis of their swimming patterns in a calibrated, laboratory flow table with a velocity gradient, groups of three cohos generally increased their preferred water velocity through the springtime study period, to a late-May peak (daytime data, change-point regression analysis, p < 0.05) and over the entire period (nighttime data, regression analysis, p < 0.05). Moving to swifter currents should facilitate the downstream movements of these young cohos, as they develop through the parr-smolt transformation period. This information should assist managers of regulated watersheds and salmon hatcheries in optimizing juvenile salmon survival (e.g., with timely, late-spring water releases producing 0.1–0.3 m s−1 downstream water velocities).  相似文献   

Rainbow trout introduced into Hokkaido in 1920 have become widely distributed due to extensive release into many reservoirs and lakes for sport-fishing; their presence often results in reductions of native fish populations. We analyzed and predicted the relationship between the probability of occurrence of rainbow trout and the proximity of dams (or attributed reservoirs), using a database of the presence or absence of rainbow trout collected during 1960–2004 in Hokkaido to clarify the spread patterns of exotic species (e.g., rainbow trout) due to large-scale damming over a long period. Rainbow trout were abundant in streams within approximately 10 km of dams in recent years, regardless of whether the stream was up- or down-stream from the dam and after accounting for the effects of other environmental variables (e.g. elevation, population density, and survey year). A delayed increase in trout occurrence below dams as compared with above dams suggests that the occurrence below dams may be largely due to escapement of stocked populations and a continuously increasing abundance since 1970. The management of dams and reservoirs is necessary to prevent further spread of rainbow trout because they can threaten habitats of native Japanese salmonids through various mechanisms.
Mideok HanEmail:

The influx of glucose into the brain and plasma glucose disappearance were estimated in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) intravenously injected (1 ml · kg−1 body weight) with a single dose (15 μCi · kg−1 body weight) of 3-O-methyl-D-[U-14C]glucose ([U-14C]-3-OMG) at different times (2–160 min), and after intravenous injection at 15 min of increased doses (10–60 μCi · kg−1 body weight) of [U-14C]-3-OMG. Brain and plasma radiotracer concentrations were measured, and several kinetic parameters were calculated. The apparent brain glucose influx showed a maximum after 15–20 min of injection then decreased to a plateau after 80 min. Brain distribution space of 3-OMG increased from 2 min to 20 min reaching equilibrium from that time onwards at a value of 0.14 ml · g−1. The unidirectional clearance of glucose from blood to brain (k1) and the fractional clearance of glucose from brain to blood (k2) were estimated to be 0.093 ml · min−1 · g−1, and 0.867 min−1, respectively. A linear increase was observed in brain and plasma radiotracer concentrations when increased doses of [U-14C]-3-OMG were used. All these findings support a facilitative transport of glucose through the blood-brain barrier of rainbow trout with characteristics similar to those observed in mammals. The injection of different doses of melatonin (0.25–1.0 mg · kg−1) significantly increased brain glucose influx suggesting a possible role for melatonin in the regulation of glucose transport into the brain. Accepted: 26 January 2000  相似文献   

Fall and winter movement and behaviour of 28 cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki was determined using radiotelemetry to evaluate the effects of water temperature and ice conditions. As water temperatures decreased, cutthroat trout moved from more solitary positions to aggregations. With few exceptions, radiotagged fish aggregated with other fish in groups varying from 5 to approximately 70 fish. The percentage of fish aggregating and the mean size of aggregation was negatively correlated with water temperature. The mean distance moved by radiotagged cutthroat trout from 1 September to 12 January was 1.0km. After forming aggregations, fish tended to stay within a 120m length of stream until the end of tracking in mid-January. Fish that were less sedentary after their initial overwintering movement usually moved when their habitat was occluded by anchor ice. These fish moved thirty times farther and six times more often than fish in stable overwintering areas. In Dutch Creek multiple freezing events caused several ice related habitat exclusions and movements associated with large decreases in air temperature. Several bull trout and mountain whitefish were observed in groups with cutthroat trout.  相似文献   

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