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Neuronal apoptosis in rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells, which was confirmed by TUNEL (terminal transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling) staining and detection of chromatin condensation, appeared within 8 h after nerve growth factor (NGF) deprivation. Prostaglandin (PG) E1 (10(-7)-10(6) M) reduced the incidence of apoptotic cell death in PC12 cells. The genes encoding PG transporter specific to prostaglandins such as PGE2 or PGF2alpha were expressed in the cell lines as shown by RT-PCR. Bromcresol green, an inhibitor of PG transporter, reversed the antiapoptotic effect of PGE1. Moreover, treatment of PC12 cells with an antisense oligonucleotide corresponding to PG transporter cDNA also blocked the inhibitory effects of PGE1 on apoptotic cell death. In addition, PGE1 counteracted the increased activities of stress-activated protein kinase/cJun N-terminal kinase within 1-2 h after NGF deprivation in PC12 cells. These results indicated that the antiapoptotic effect of PGE1 in NGF-deprived PC12 cells was achieved by inhibitory signals following uptake into neurons through the PG transporter.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is emerging as an important growth factor able to modulate the programmed cell death (PCD) pathway mediated by the cysteine-dependent aspartate proteases (caspases); however, little is known about the effect of IGF-I after nerve growth factor (NGF) withdrawal in neurons. To begin to understand the neuronal death-sparing effect of IGF-I under NGF-free conditions, we tested whether embryonic sensory dorsal root ganglion neurons (DRG) were able to survive in defined serum-free medium in the presence of IGF-I. We further studied the role of IGF-I signaling and caspase inhibition after NGF withdrawal. NGF withdrawal produced histological changes of apoptosis including chromatin condensation, shrinkage of the perikaryon and nucleus, retention of the plasma membrane, and deletion of single cells. Both IGF-I and Boc-aspartyl (OMe)-fluoromethylketone (BAF), a caspase inhibitor, equally reduced apoptosis after NGF withdrawal. The antiapoptotic effect of IGF-I was completely blocked by LY294002, an inhibitor of PI 3-kinase signaling, but not by the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) activated protein kinase inhibitor PD98059. Functional IGF-I receptors were extensively expressed both in rat and human DRG neurons, although they were most abundant in the neuronal growth cone. Collectively, these findings indicate that IGF-I, signaling though the PI-3 kinase pathway, is important in modulating PCD in cultured DRG neurons after NGF withdrawal, and IGF-I may be important in DRG embryogenesis. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 36: 455–467, 1998  相似文献   

It has been postulated that the aberrant projection of sympathetic axons to individual primary sensory neurons may provide the morphological basis for pain-related behaviors in rat models of chronic pain syndrome. Since nerve growth factor (NGF) can elicit the collateral sprouting of noradrenergic sympathetic terminals, it might be predicted that NGF plays a role in mediating the sprouting of sympathetic axons into sensory ganglia. Using a line of transgenic mice overexpressing NGF among glial cells, it was first found that trigeminal ganglia from adult transgenic mice possessed significantly higher levels of NGF protein in comparison to age-matched wild-type mice; as well, detectable levels of NGF mRNA transgene expression were present in both the ganglia and brain stem. Within the trigeminal ganglia, a small proportion of the sensory neuronal population stained immunohistochemically for NGF; a higher percentage of NGF-positive neurons was evident in transgenic mice. New sympathetic axons extended into the trigeminal ganglia of transgenic mice only and formed perineuronal plexuses surrounding only those neurons immunostained for NGF. In addition, such plexuses were accompanied by glial processes from nonmyelinating Schwann cells. From these data, we propose that accumulation of glial-derived NGF by adult sensory neurons and its putative release into the ganglionic environment induce the directional growth of sympathetic axons to the source of NGF, namely, the cell bodies of primary sensory neurons. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 347–360, 1998  相似文献   

Neuronal plastic rearrangements during the development and functioning of neurons are largely regulated by trophic factors, including nerve growth factor (NGF). NGF is also involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. In the brain, NGF is produced in structures innervated by basal forebrain cholinergic neurons and retrogradely transported along the axons to the bodies of cholinergic neurons. NGF is essential for normal development and functioning of the basal forebrain; it affects formation of the dendritic tree and modulates the activities of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase in basal forebrain neurons. The trophic effect of NGF is mediated through its interactions with TrkA and p75 receptors. Experimental and clinical studies have shown that brain levels of NGF are altered in various pathologies. However, the therapeutic use of NGF is limited by its poor ability to penetrate the blood–brain barrier, adverse side effects that are due to the pleiotropic action of this factor, and the possibility of immune response to NGF. For this reason, the development of gene therapy methods for treating NGF deficit-associated pathologies is of particular interest. Another approach is creation of low molecular weight NGF mimetics that would interact with the corresponding receptors and display high biological activity but be free of the unfavorable effects of NGF.  相似文献   

Postmitotic sympathetic neuronal survival is dependent upon nerve growth factor (NGF) provided by peripheral targets, and this dependency serves as a central tenet of the neurotrophic hypothesis. In some other systems, NGF has been shown to play an autocrine role, although the pervasiveness and significance of this phenomenon within the nervous system remain unclear. We show here that rat sympathetic neurons synthesize and secrete NGF. NGF mRNA is expressed in nearly half of superior cervical ganglion sympathetic neurons at embryonic day 17, rising to over 90% in the early postnatal period, and declining in the adult. Neuronal immunoreactivity is reduced when retrograde transport is interrupted by axotomy, but persists in a subpopulation of neurons despite diminished mRNA expression, suggesting that intrinsic protein synthesis occurs. Cultured neonatal neurons express NGF mRNA, which is maintained even when they are undergoing apoptosis. To determine which NGF isoforms are secreted, we performed metabolic labeling and immunoprecipitation of NGF‐immunoreactive proteins synthesized by cultured NGF‐dependent and ‐independent neurons. Conditioned medium contained high molecular weight NGF precursor proteins, which varied depending upon the state of NGF dependence. Mature NGF was undetectable by these methods. High molecular weight NGF isoforms were also detected in ganglion homogenates, and persisted at diminished levels following axotomy. We conclude that sympathetic neurons express NGF mRNA, and synthesize and secrete pro‐NGF protein. These findings suggest that a potential NGF‐sympathetic neuron autocrine loop may exist in this prototypic target‐dependent system, but that the secreted forms of this neurotrophin apparently do not support neuronal survival. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 38–53, 2003  相似文献   

Nociceptive dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells can be divided into three main populations, namely (1) small diameter non-peptide-expressing cells, (2) small-diameter peptide-expressing (calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP), substance P) cells, and (3) medium-diameter peptide-expressing (CGRP) cells. The properties of these cell populations will be reviewed, with a special emphasis on the expression of the vanilloid (capsaicin) receptor VR1 and its regulation by growth factors. Cells in populations 1 and 2 express VR1, a nonselective channel that transduces certain nociceptive stimuli and that is crucial to the functioning of polymodal nociceptors. Cells in population 1 can be regulated by glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and those in populations 2 and 3 by nerve growth factor (NGF). In vivo, DRG cells express a range of levels of VR1 expression and VR1 is downregulated after axotomy. However, treatment with NGF or GDNF can prevent this downregulation. In vitro, DRG cells also show a range of VR1 expression levels that is NGF and (or) GDNF dependent. Functional studies indicate that freshly dissociated cells also show differences in sensitivity to capsaicin. The significance of this is not known but may indicate a difference in the physiological role of cells in populations 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Several growth factors originally characterized and named for their action on a variety of cells have more recently been suggested to be importantly involved in the development and maintenance of the nervous system. Acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) is a member of a family of seven structurally related polypeptide growth factors. The cells responsible for expression of aFGF in the nervous system of adult rats have been identified using an affinity-purified antibody to aFGF in immunohistochemical studies and synthetic oligonucleotide probes for in situ hybridization studies. High levels of aFGF expression were observed in motoneurons, primary sensory neurons, and retinal ganglion neurons. Glial cells did not express detectable amounts of aFGF. Confocal and electron microscopic analysis suggested that a large portion of aFGF immunoreactivity was associated with the cytoplasmic face of neuronal membranes, consistent with the hypothesis that aFGF is a sequestered growth factor.  相似文献   

To establish peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)) as a mediator of acidic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-1) function, preparations of recombinant human FGF-1 were treated with the pro-oxidant in vitro and identified amino acid modifications were correlated with biologic activity. The sequence of FGF-1 amino acid modifications induced by increasing concentrations of ONOO(-) was from cysteine oxidation to dityrosine formation, and to tyrosine/tryptophan nitration. Low steady-state ONOO(-) concentrations (10-50 microM) induced formation of dityrosine, which involved less than 0.1% of the total tyrosines. Treatment of FGF-1 with ONOO(-) induced a dose-dependent (10-50 microM) loss of sulfhydryl groups that correlated with formation of reducible (dithiothreitol, arsenite) FGF-1 aggregates containing 50% latent biologic activity. Treatment with 0.1-0.5mM ONOO(-) induced increasing formation of non-reducible, inactivated FGF-1 structures. Combination of real-time spectral analysis and electrospray mass spectroscopy revealed that six residues (Y29, Y69, Y108, Y111, Y139, and W121) were nitrated by ONOO(-). ONOO(-) treatment (0.1mM) of an active FGF-1 mutant (cysteines converted to serines) induced dose-dependent, non-reversible inhibition of biologic activity that correlated with nitration of Y108 and Y111, both of which reside within a conserved domain encompassing the putative FGF-1 receptor binding site. Collectively, these observations predict a role for low levels of ONOO(-) during secretion of FGF-1 as an extracellular complex containing latent biologic activity. High steady-state levels of ONOO(-) may induce extensive cysteine oxidation, critical tyrosine nitration, and non-reversible inactivation of FGF-1, a potential inhibitory feedback mechanism restoring cellular homeostatis during the resolution of inflammation and repair.  相似文献   

FGFs 19, 21, and 23 are hormones that regulate in a Klotho co-receptor-dependent fashion major metabolic processes such as glucose and lipid metabolism (FGF21) and phosphate and vitamin D homeostasis (FGF23). The role of heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan in the formation of the cell surface signaling complex of endocrine FGFs has remained unclear. Here we show that heparan sulfate is not a component of the signal transduction unit of FGF19 and FGF23. In support of our model, we convert a paracrine FGF into an endocrine ligand by diminishing heparan sulfate-binding affinity of the paracrine FGF and substituting its C-terminal tail for that of an endocrine FGF containing the Klotho co-receptor-binding site to home the ligand into the target tissue. In addition to serving as a proof of concept, the ligand conversion provides a novel strategy for engineering endocrine FGF-like molecules for the treatment of metabolic disorders, including global epidemics such as type 2 diabetes and obesity.  相似文献   

Sympathetic neurons depend on nerve growth factor (NGF) for their survival both in vivo and in vitro. In culture, the neurons die after NGF withdrawal by an autonomous cell death program but whether these neurons die by apoptosis is under debate. Using vital DNA stains and in situ nick translation, we show here that extensive chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation occur before plasma membrane breakdown during the death of NGF-deprived rat sympathetic neurons in culture. Furthermore, kinetic analysis of chromatin condensation events within the cell population is consistent with a model which postulates that after NGF deprivation nearly all of the neurons die in this manner. Although the dying neurons display membrane blebbing, cell fragmentation into apoptotic bodies does not occur. Apoptotic events proceed rapidly at around the time neurons become committed to die, regardless of neuronal culture age. However the duration of NGF deprivation required to commit neurons to die, and the rate at which apoptosis occurs, increase with culture age. Thus, within the first week of culture, apoptosis is the predominant form of cell death in sympathetic neurons.  相似文献   

The age-dependent presence of nerve growth factor (NGF) receptors on neurites of sensory neurons of dorsal root ganglia removed from chicks of different embryonic ages and subsequently kept in culture with NGF and/or brain extract has been investigated by autoradiography. Most of the neurons removed at embryonic Day 10 (E10), (82–95%) can be labeled with iodinated NGF, irrespective of whether they are selected for survival by means of NGF, brain extract, or both. However, when neurons are isolated from E16 chicks and maintained in culture with brain extract, only about 28% of the neurons have NGF receptors at reduced density. This percentage is higher than that expected if the number of neurons surviving with NGF would be exactly correlated with the number of neurons displaying NGF receptors: at E16 only about 5% of the neurons survive with NGF alone. In order to determine if the decrease in the number of neurons displaying NGF receptors also occurs in vitro, E10 neurons were cultured for various periods of time either with NGF or brain extract. Most of the neurons grown with NGF do not lose their NGF receptors. In contrast, the majority of the neurons grown in the presence of brain extract lose their receptors: after 6 days in culture, only about 25% of the neurons can be labeled with NGF. It is concluded that in vitro, a maturation with regard to the NGF receptor occurs in the presence of brain extract similar to that observed in vivo.  相似文献   

N R Woodruff  K E Neet 《Biochemistry》1986,25(24):7967-7974
Pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells have been found to differ from dorsal root ganglionic cells with respect to the modulation of the beta nerve growth factor (beta NGF) binding properties elicited by alpha NGF and gamma NGF. In contrast to our previous results with intact dorsal root ganglionic cells in which only high-affinity binding was blocked, alpha NGF and gamma NGF were found to block competitively all steady-state binding of iodinated beta NGF to PC12 cells at both 37 and 0.5 degrees C. The EC50 that was found for the alpha NGF displacement was 9-10 microM, and the gamma NGF effect had an EC50 of 200 nM, in the predicted range based upon the apparent Kd for dissociation of the alpha beta or the beta gamma complex in solution. The concurrence of the binding EC50 and the Kd for each complex indicates that the formation of alpha beta or beta gamma complexes in solution competes with the process of PC12 receptor binding with 125I-beta NGF. Experiments were carried out examining the dissociation kinetics following the addition of excess unlabeled beta NGF or alpha NGF at both 37 and 0.5 degrees C. Three dissociation components were observed with alpha NGF, in contrast to the two normally found with beta NGF. Lowering the chase temperature to 0.5 degrees C changed the relative contributions made by each component without dramatically changing any of the rate constants. The "slow" receptor was further examined by the dependence on 125I-beta NGF concentration of the slowest component with a chase of either excess alpha NGF or excess gamma NGF at 0.5 degrees C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

v-Crk is a member of a class of SH2 and SH3-containing adaptor proteins that have been implicated in regulating the TrkA receptor tyrosine kinase and potentiating Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)-mediated neurite outgrowth in pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells (Hempstead et al, Mol. Cell Biol. 14: 1964 - 1971). Given the fact that NGF induces both differentiation and survival by binding to TrkA, we examined the rate of apoptotic cell death elicited by NGF-withdrawal in native, v-Crk, and TrkA-expressing PC12 cells. While more than 50% of native PC12 cells underwent apoptosis within 48 h of NGF withdrawal, the v-Crk and TrkA-expressing cells were much more resistant to apoptosis under these conditions, whereby approximately 70 and 95%, respectively, of the cells were alive. The ability of v-Crk to delay apoptosis required prior NGF-dependent differentiation, since naive undifferentiated v-Crk expressing PC12 cells or cells that express v-Crk mutants that are defective in NGF signaling were not protected from apoptosis during growth factor withdrawal. Moreover, addition of 50 ng/ml EGF to serum and NGF deprived v-Crk expressing cells, which also causes neurite outgrowth, promoted complete and long-term survival, although such EGF replacement had no neurotrophic effect on wild-type PC12 cells or PC12 cells overexpressing Human Bcl-2. These experiments suggest that v-Crk potentiation of a receptor tyrosine kinase under conditions of growth factor deprivation is essential for preventing apoptosis. However, unlike native PC12 cells, neither v-Crk or TrkA-expressing PC12 cells exhibited a G1 arrest when incubated for 2 weeks in NGF. Thus, v-Crk and TrkA may protect NGF deprived PC12 by preventing cell cycle arrest and hence an aborted entry into a defective cell cycle. Moreover, during NGF-withdrawal, v-CrkPC12 cells exhibited down regulation in MAP kinase and JNK activities while in native cells, these activities increased within 6 - 8 h after NGF deprivation. Thus, unlike v-Crk-mediated augmentation of differentiation, sustained activation of MAP kinase may not be required for v-Crk-induced cell survival.  相似文献   

Reactive astrocytes frequently surround degenerating motor neurons in patients and transgenic animal models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We report here that reactive astrocytes in the ventral spinal cord of transgenic ALS-mutant G93A superoxide dismutase (SOD) mice expressed nerve growth factor (NGF) in regions where degenerating motor neurons expressed p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) and were immunoreactive for nitrotyrosine. Cultured spinal cord astrocytes incubated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or peroxynitrite became reactive and accumulated NGF in the culture medium. Reactive astrocytes caused apoptosis of embryonic rat motor neurons plated on the top of the monolayer. Such motor neuron apoptosis could be prevented when either NGF or p75(NTR) was inhibited with blocking antibodies. In addition, nitric oxide synthase inhibitors were also protective. Exogenous NGF stimulated motor neuron apoptosis only in the presence of a low steady state concentration of nitric oxide. NGF induced apoptosis in motor neurons from p75(NTR +/+) mouse embryos but had no effect in p75(NTR -/-) knockout embryos. Culture media from reactive astrocytes as well as spinal cord lysates from symptomatic G93A SOD mice-stimulated motor neuron apoptosis, but only when incubated with exogenous nitric oxide. This effect was prevented by either NGF or p75(NTR) blocking-antibodies suggesting that it might be mediated by NGF and/or its precursor forms. Our findings show that NGF secreted by reactive astrocytes induce the death of p75-expressing motor neurons by a mechanism involving nitric oxide and peroxynitrite formation. Thus, reactive astrocytes might contribute to the progressive motor neuron degeneration characterizing ALS.  相似文献   

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