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Lambert S  Carr AM 《Biochimie》2005,87(7):591-602
The fidelity of DNA replication is of paramount importance to the maintenance of genome integrity. When an active replication fork is perturbed, multiple cellular pathways are recruited to stabilize the replication apparatus and to help to bypass or correct the causative problem. However, if the problem is not corrected, the fork may collapse, exposing free DNA ends to potentially inappropriate processing. In prokaryotes, replication fork collapse promotes the activity of recombination proteins to restore a replication fork. Recent work has demonstrated that recombination is also intimately linked to replication in eukaryotic cells, and that recombination proteins are recruited to collapsed, but not stalled, replication forks. In this review we discuss the different types of potential replication fork barriers (RFB) and how these distinct RFBs can result in different DNA structures at the stalled replication fork. The DNA structure checkpoints which act within S phase respond to different RFBs in different ways and we thus discuss the processes that are controlled by the DNA replication checkpoints, paying particular attention to the function of the intra-S phase checkpoint that stabilises the stalled fork.  相似文献   

Incidents that slow or stall replication fork progression, collectively known as replication stress, represent a major source of spontaneous genomic instability. Here, we determine the requirement for global protein biosynthesis on DNA replication and associated downstream signaling. We study this response side by side with dNTP deprivation; one of the most commonly used means to investigate replication arrest and replicative stress. Our in vitro interrogations reveal that inhibition of translation by cycloheximide (CHX) rapidly impairs replication fork progression without decoupling helicase and polymerase activities or inducing DNA damage. In line with this, protein deprivation stress does not activate checkpoint signaling. In contrast to the direct link between insufficient dNTP pools and genome instability, our findings suggest that replication forks remain stable during short-term protein deficiency. We find that replication forks initially endure fluctuations in protein supply in order to efficiently resume DNA synthesis upon reversal of the induced protein deprivation stress. These results reveal distinct cellular responses to replication arrest induced by deprivation of either nucleotides or proteins.  相似文献   

Egel R 《Current biology : CB》2004,14(21):R915-R917
Mating-type switching in fission yeast has long been known to be directed by a DNA 'imprint'. This imprint has now been firmly characterized as a protected site-specific and strand-specific nick. New work also links the widely conserved Swi1-Swi3 complex to the protection of stalled replication forks in general.  相似文献   

Mammalian CST (CTC1-STN1-TEN1) associates with telomeres and depletion of CTC1 or STN1 causes telomere defects. However, the function of mammalian CST remains poorly understood. We show here that depletion of CST subunits leads to both telomeric and non-telomeric phenotypes associated with DNA replication defects. Stable knockdown of CTC1 or STN1 increases the incidence of anaphase bridges and multi-telomeric signals, indicating genomic and telomeric instability. STN1 knockdown also delays replication through the telomere indicating a role in replication fork passage through this natural barrier. Furthermore, we find that STN1 plays a novel role in genome-wide replication restart after hydroxyurea (HU)-induced replication fork stalling. STN1 depletion leads to reduced EdU incorporation after HU release. However, most forks rapidly resume replication, indicating replisome integrity is largely intact and STN1 depletion has little effect on fork restart. Instead, STN1 depletion leads to a decrease in new origin firing. Our findings suggest that CST rescues stalled replication forks during conditions of replication stress, such as those found at natural replication barriers, likely by facilitating dormant origin firing.  相似文献   

The DNA replication machinery stalls at damaged sites on templates, but normally restarts by switching to a specialized DNA polymerase(s) that carries out translesion DNA synthesis (TLS). In human cells, DNA polymerase eta (poleta) accumulates at stalling sites as nuclear foci, and is involved in ultraviolet (UV)-induced TLS. Here we show that poleta does not form nuclear foci in RAD18(-/-) cells after UV irradiation. Both Rad18 and Rad6 are required for poleta focus formation. In wild-type cells, UV irradiation induces relocalization of Rad18 in the nucleus, thereby stimulating colocalization with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and Rad18/Rad6-dependent PCNA monoubiquitination. Purified Rad18 and Rad6B monoubiquitinate PCNA in vitro. Rad18 associates with poleta constitutively through domains on their C-terminal regions, and this complex accumulates at the foci after UV irradiation. Furthermore, poleta interacts preferentially with monoubiquitinated PCNA, but poldelta does not. These results suggest that Rad18 is crucial for recruitment of poleta to the damaged site through protein-protein interaction and PCNA monoubiquitination.  相似文献   

Cells treated with inhibitors of DNA synthesis do not normally enter mitosis. Incompletely replicated DNA apparently activates a regulatory mechanism that prevents activation of the mitotic inducer M-phase kinase by controlling the dephosphorylation of a critical tyrosine residue in the active site of the kinase. The control system may also target a second mitotic inducer, possibly the NIMA protein kinase. Unreplicated DNA may be detected and signalled by a complex of RCC1, a DNA-binding protein, and Ran, a Ras-related protein. This article reviews these recent developments and discusses the possibility that the control system also operates in the normal cell cycle, to ensure that mitosis strictly follows S phase.  相似文献   

The phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase-like kinases (PIKKs), ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ATM- and Rad3-related (ATR) regulate parallel damage response signalling pathways. ATM is reported to be activated by DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), whereas ATR is recruited to single-stranded regions of DNA. Although the two pathways were considered to function independently, recent studies have demonstrated that ATM functions upstream of ATR following exposure to ionising radiation (IR) in S/G2. Here, we show that ATM phosphorylation at Ser1981, a characterised autophosphorylation site, is ATR-dependent and ATM-independent following replication fork stalling or UV treatment. In contrast to IR-induced ATM-S1981 phosphorylation, UV-induced ATM-S1981 phosphorylation does not require the Nbs1 C-terminus or Mre11. ATR-dependent phosphorylation of ATM activates ATM phosphorylation of Chk2, which has an overlapping function with Chk1 in regulating G2/M checkpoint arrest. Our findings provide insight into the interplay between the PIKK damage response pathways.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro microspore mutagenesis and selection was used to produce five fertile double-haploid imidazolinone-tolerant canola plants. The S2 plants of three of the mutants were resistant to at least the field-recommended levels of Assert and Pursuit. One mutant was tolerant to between five and ten times the field-recommended rates of Pursuit and Scepter. Two semi-dominant mutants, representing two unlinked genes, were combined to produce an F1 hybrid which was superior in imidazolinone tolerance to either of the heterozygous mutants alone. Evaluation of the mutants under field conditions indicated that this hybrid and the original homozygous mutants could tolerate at least two times the field-recommended rates of Assert. The field results indicated the mutants were unaffected in seed yield, maturity, quality and disease tolerance. These genes represent a potentially valuable new herbicide resistance system for canola, which has little effect on yield, quality or maturity. The mutants could be used to provide tolerance to several imidazolinones including Scepter, Pursuit and Assert.  相似文献   

Replication fork stalling at DNA lesions is a common problem during the process of DNA replication. One way to allow the bypass of these lesions is via specific recombination-based mechanisms that involve switching of the replication template to the sister chromatid. Inherent to these mechanisms is the formation of DNA joint molecules (JMs) between sister chromatids. Such JMs need to be disentangled before chromatid separation in mitosis and the activity of JM resolution enzymes, which is under stringent cell cycle control, is therefore up-regulated in mitosis. An additional layer of control is facilitated by scaffold proteins. In budding yeast, specifically during mitosis, Slx4 and Dpb11 form a cell cycle kinase-dependent complex with the Mus81-Mms4 structure-selective endonuclease, which allows efficient JM resolution by Mus81. Furthermore, Slx4 and Dpb11 interact even prior to joining Mus81 and respond to replication fork stalling in S-phase. This S-phase complex is involved in the regulation of the DNA damage checkpoint as well as in early steps of template switch recombination. Similar interactions and regulatory principles are found in human cells suggesting that Slx4 and Dpb11 may have an evolutionary conserved role organizing the cellular response to replication fork stalling.  相似文献   

Rrm3p is a 5'-to-3' DNA helicase that helps replication forks traverse protein-DNA complexes. Its absence leads to increased fork stalling and breakage at over 1,000 specific sites located throughout the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome. To understand the mechanisms that respond to and repair rrm3-dependent lesions, we carried out a candidate gene deletion analysis to identify genes whose mutation conferred slow growth or lethality on rrm3 cells. Based on synthetic phenotypes, the intra-S-phase checkpoint, the SRS2 inhibitor of recombination, the SGS1/TOP3 replication fork restart pathway, and the MRE11/RAD50/XRS2 (MRX) complex were critical for viability of rrm3 cells. DNA damage checkpoint and homologous recombination genes were important for normal growth of rrm3 cells. However, the MUS81/MMS4 replication fork restart pathway did not affect growth of rrm3 cells. These data suggest a model in which the stalled and broken forks generated in rrm3 cells activate a checkpoint response that provides time for fork repair and restart. Stalled forks are converted by a Rad51p-mediated process to intermediates that are resolved by Sgs1p/Top3p. The rrm3 system provides a unique opportunity to learn the fate of forks whose progress is impaired by natural impediments rather than by exogenous DNA damage.  相似文献   

Replication fork stalling at DNA lesions is a common problem during the process of DNA replication. One way to allow the bypass of these lesions is via specific recombination-based mechanisms that involve switching of the replication template to the sister chromatid. Inherent to these mechanisms is the formation of DNA joint molecules (JMs) between sister chromatids. Such JMs need to be disentangled before chromatid separation in mitosis and the activity of JM resolution enzymes, which is under stringent cell cycle control, is therefore up-regulated in mitosis. An additional layer of control is facilitated by scaffold proteins. In budding yeast, specifically during mitosis, Slx4 and Dpb11 form a cell cycle kinase-dependent complex with the Mus81-Mms4 structure-selective endonuclease, which allows efficient JM resolution by Mus81. Furthermore, Slx4 and Dpb11 interact even prior to joining Mus81 and respond to replication fork stalling in S-phase. This S-phase complex is involved in the regulation of the DNA damage checkpoint as well as in early steps of template switch recombination. Similar interactions and regulatory principles are found in human cells suggesting that Slx4 and Dpb11 may have an evolutionary conserved role organizing the cellular response to replication fork stalling.  相似文献   

The B cell arm of the immune response becomes activated soon after HIV-1 transmission, yet the initial antibody response does not control HIV-1 replication, and it takes months for neutralizing antibodies to develop against the autologous virus. Antibodies that can be broadly protective are made only in a minority of subjects and take years to develop--too late to affect the course of disease. New studies of the earliest stages of HIV-1 infection, new techniques to probe the human B cell repertoire, the modest degree of efficacy in a vaccine trial and new studies of human monoclonal antibodies that represent the types of immune responses an HIV-1 vaccine should induce are collectively illuminating paths that a successful HIV-1 vaccine might take.  相似文献   

DNA replication is essential for cell proliferation. Any obstacles during replication cause replication stress, which may lead to genomic instability and cancer formation. In this review, we summarize the physiological DNA replication process and the normal cellular response to replication stress. We also outline specialized therapies in clinical trials based on current knowledge and future perspectives in the field.  相似文献   

We report an efficient, controllable, site-specific replication roadblock that blocks cell proliferation, but which can be rapidly and efficiently reversed, leading to recovery of viability. Escherichia coli replication forks of both polarities stalled in vivo within the first 500 bp of a 10 kb repressor-bound array of operator DNA-binding sites. Controlled release of repressor binding led to rapid restart of the blocked replication fork without the participation of homologous recombination. Cytological tracking of fork stalling and restart showed that the replisome-associated SSB protein remains associated with the blocked fork for extended periods and that duplication of the fluorescent foci associated with the blocked operator array occurs immediately after restart, thereby demonstrating a lack of sister cohesion in the region of the array. Roadblocks positioned near oriC or the dif site did not prevent replication and segregation of the rest of the chromosome.  相似文献   

Adenoviral vectors have shown a great potential for vaccine development due to their inherent ability to induce potent and protective CD8 T-cell responses. However, a critical issue regarding the use of these vectors is the existence of inhibitory immunity against the most commonly used Ad5 vector in a large part of the human population. We have recently developed an improved adenoviral vaccine vector system in which the vector expresses the transgene tethered to the MHC class II associated invariant chain (Ii). To further evaluate the potential of this system, the concept of pre-existing inhibitory immunity to adenoviral vectors was revisited to investigate whether the inhibition previously seen with the Ad5 vector also applied to the optimized vector system. We found this to be the case, and antibodies dominated as the mechanism underlying inhibitory vector immunity. However, presence of CD8 T cells directed against epitopes in the adenoviral vector seemed to correlate with repression of the induced response in re-vaccinated B-cell deficient mice. More importantly, despite a repressed primary effector CD8 T-cell response in Ad5-immune animals subjected to vaccination, memory T cells were generated that provided the foundation for an efficient recall response and protection upon subsequent viral challenge. Furthermore, the transgene specific response could be efficiently boosted by homologous re-immunization. Taken together, these studies indicate that adenoviral vectors can be used to induce efficient CD8 T-cell memory even in individuals with pre-existing vector immunity.  相似文献   

On the fidelity of DNA replication: manganese mutagenesis in vitro   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
R A Beckman  A S Mildvan  L A Loeb 《Biochemistry》1985,24(21):5810-5817
Manganese is mutagenic in vivo and in vitro in studies with a variety of enzymes and templates. Using Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I with poly[d(A-T)] and phi X174 DNA templates, we analyzed the mechanism of manganese mutagenesis by determining the dependence of error rate on free Mn2+ concentration and comparing this to measured dissociation constants of Mn2+ from enzyme, template, and deoxynucleoside triphosphate substrates. This comparison suggests several conclusions: (1) At very low Mn2+ concentrations, the enzyme is activated at high fidelity. Thus, it is unlikely that activation with manganese per se significantly alters the conformation of the enzyme so as to affect nucleotide selection. (2) At low free Mn2+ concentrations (less than 100 microM), manganese causes errors in incorporation via its interaction with the DNA template. The concentration dependence of mutagenesis is determined by the strength of binding Mn2+ to the particular DNA template used. The data do not allow one to rule out the possibility that Mn2+-deoxynucleoside triphosphate interactions contribute to mutagenesis in selected situations. This range of free Mn2+ concentrations is the one of greatest relevance for in vivo mutagenesis. (3) At higher concentrations (between 500 microM and 1.5 mM), further mutagenesis by Mn2+ occurs. This mutagenesis probably is due either to binding of manganese to single-stranded regions within the DNA or to weak accessory sites on the enzyme.  相似文献   

There appears to be no dearth of mechanisms to explain spontaneous mutagenesis. In the case of base substitutions, data for bacteriophage T4 and especially for E. coli and S. cerevisiae suggest important roles in spontaneous mutagenesis for the error-prone repair of DNA damage (to produce mutations) and for error-free repair of DNA damage (to avoid mutagenesis). Data from the very limited number of studies on the subject suggest that about 50% of the spontaneous base substitutions in E. coli, and perhaps 90% in S. cerevisiae are due to error-prone DNA repair. On the other hand, spontaneous frameshifts and deletions seem to result from mechanisms involving recombination and replication. Spontaneous insertions have been shown to be important in the strongly polar inactivation of certain loci, but it is less important at other loci. Perhaps with continued study, the term "spontaneous mutagenesis" will be replaced by more specific terms such as 5-methylcytosine deamination mutagenesis, fatty acid oxidation mutagenesis, phenylalanine mutagenesis, and imprecise-recombination mutagenesis. While most studies have concentrated on mutator mutations, the most conclusive data for the actual source of spontaneous mutations have come from the study of antimutator mutations. Further study in this area, perhaps along with an understanding of chemical antimutagens, should be invaluable in clarifying the bases of spontaneous mutagenesis.  相似文献   

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