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To assess the role of different mechanisms in increasing the amplitude of the early components of cortical somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) in lesions of central structures of the skin-motor analyzer in humans, SSEPs of the hand cortical projection zones (the points C3 and C4) and the spinal dorsal column nuclei (DCN) were recorded in parallel in response to trancutaneous electrostimulation of the median nerve in the carpal region in two groups of subjects. The control group included 26 healthy volunteers aged 39–62 years; the other group included 12 patients aged 45–63 years with hemiplegia and sensory disorders due to a stroke experienced 8–24 months before the electrophysiological studies. A significant (from P < 0.05 to P < 0.01) increase in the amplitude of the early SSEP components of the intact hemisphere and several early SSEP components of the affected hemisphere (with a decrease in the amplitude of the other components) and no changes in DCN SSEPs were observed in the patients compared to the control group, which was interpreted as a manifestation of local mechanisms causing an isolated increase in cortical excitability without changes in the reactivity of DCN.  相似文献   

Within the target area (VL) used for the stereotactic treatment of parkinsonian tremor and spasmodic torticollis, electrical stimulation as well as recording of somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) was performed. The effects of stimulation in the target area are facilitation of muscle tone showing some degree of somatotopic distribution. The recorded SEPs indicate a projection of an afferent system (probably of muscle afferents) to the target area. We assume that the target area is a relay station involved in the control of muscle tone. The interruption of muscle afferents in combination with the correct somatotopic localization of the lesion is important for the therapeutic efficacy in parkinsonian tremor and spasmodic torticollis.  相似文献   

The results of a study of somatosensory evoked potentials recorded in 37 healthy subjects of both sexes are described. Comparison of the results of tests on three age subgroups showed selectivity in the change in latencies and amplitudes of waves of the somatosensory responses depending on the subject's age. Ipsilateral responses show greater variability but a lower amplitude and frequency of appearance of the individual components than contralateral responses. Their latent periods also were longer than those of the contralateral responses.Institute of Cybernetics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 447–454, September–October, 1976.  相似文献   

The somatosensory evoked magnetic fields (SEFs) and evoked potentials (SEPs) following passive toe movement were studied in 10 normal subjects. Five main components were identified in SEFs recorded around the vertex around the foot area of the primary sensory cortex (SI). The first and second components, 1M and 2M, were identified at approximately 35 and 46 ms. Equivalent current dipoles (ECDs) of both 1M and 2M were estimated around SI in the hemisphere contralateral to the movement toe, and were probably generated in area 3a or area 2, which mainly receive inputs ascending through muscle and joint afferents. The large inter-individual difference of 1M and 2M in terms of ECD orientation was probably due to a large anatomical variance of the foot area of SI. The third and fourth components, 3M and 4M, were identified at approximately 62 ms and 87 ms, respectively. They appeared to be a single large long-duration component with two peaks. Since the 3M and 4M components were significantly larger than the 1M and 2M components in amplitude and their ECD location was significantly superior to that of 1M and 2M, we suspected that they were generated in different sites from those of 1M and 2M, probably area 3b or area 4. Four components, 1E, 2E, 3E and 4E, were identified in SEPs, which appeared to correspond to 1M, 2M, 3M and 4M, respectively. The variation observed in the scalp distribution of the primary component, 1E, could be accounted for by the variation of the orientation of ECD of the 1M component. There was a large difference in the waveform of the long-latency component (longer than 100 ms) between SEFs and SEPs. The 5E of SEPs was a large amplitude component, but the 5M of SEFs was small or absent. We speculate that this long-latency component was generated by multiple generators.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to median and posterior tibial nerve stimulation were studied in 160 subjects aged 20–90 years. Height was highly correlated with latencies of spinal and cortical SEPs (N13, N20, N22, and P40). Although tibial central conduction (N22-P40) was also highly correlated with height, median conduction (N13–N22) was not correlated with the latter.Multiple correlation and regression analysis showed that except for the median N13–N20 latency, height provided the best prediction of the remaining SEP latencies. Age alone was not correlated with SEP latencies, but its significance was observed when age and height were considered together as the predictors. Effects of age and height on SEP latencies were independent of gender.The present data indicate that except for the N13–N20 conduction, height is the most important parameter for SEP latencies and can be used for construction of normograms.  相似文献   

The effect of sustained isometric contraction on somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) was studied. An attenuation of early SEP components N20--P30, P30--N35) was observed during the last minute of the endurance time. The late components (P45--N55, N55--P100) showed a significant increase of the amplitude during the first minute of the contraction. The amplitude of N35--P45 did not change during voluntary contraction, although it was decreased immediately after the contraction. An increase of the integrated EMG of forearm flexors was observed in the last minute of the endurance time. The maximal voluntary contraction was decreased immediately after the sustained contraction. The observed changes in SEPs could be attributed to possible changes in sensory information and motor command due to motor task.  相似文献   

The relationship between 10 components of somatosensory evoked potentials (EPs) and pain discrimination in man was studied using Signal Detection Theory (SDT) psychophysics. Two painful electrical stimuli were delivered to the right index finger in random order over all trials. EPs were recorded from the scalp at the contralateral primary somatic projection area while subjects performed SDT discrimination. The stimulus-response combination was classified into 4 categories according to SDT response: hits, misses, false alarms (FAs) and correct rejections (CRs). The amplitudes and peak latencies of EPs in 4 categories were compared with each other. EPs associated with hits and FAs had significantly greater amplitude at P 190, N 220 and P 270 than those associated with misses and CRs, while there was no change in the amplitude of other components. The amplitude of these 3 components systematically increased with an increase in the magnitude of subjective response. Peak latencies of all components were not related to the response categories. These results indicate that the amplitude of the 3 last components may be concerned with the pain evaluating system in the brain.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials by tibial nerve stimulation were obtained in ten New Zealand rabbits. The subcortical or cortical source of the three negative and three positive peaks present in the first 55 ms is discussed viewing the results obtained by different surface electrode locations and by stereotaxic recordings. The authors report interanimal, interhemispheric and test-retest variability of latencies and amplitudes of subcortical and cortical components.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to median and posterior tibial stimulation were obtained in 22 patients with syringomyelia. All patients had magnetic resonance imaging (MR) which defined the maximum transverse diameter of the syrinx as well as its longitudinal extension. SEP was abnormal in 16 (72%) patients. Median and posterior tibial SEPs were abnormal in 11 and 15 patients respectively. Both tests were abnormal in 10 patients. Ten patients showed absence of one or more central potentials (P/N13, N20, N22) and 7 patients demonstrated increased conduction times (N9–N20, P/N13–N20, N22–P40). The mean maximum transverse diameter of the syrinx was 7.5 mm in patients with normal SEPs and 16.2 mm in patients with abnormal SEPs. Abnormal SEP was observed in all 5 patients with loss of position sense, in 9 of 13 (69%) with loss of superficial pain and temperature, and 1 of 2 patients with motor deficit only. Central SEP abnormalities were observed in 3 of 5 patients with sensory deficits indistinguishable from a peripheral neuropathy and in 2 patients in the asymptomatic extremity. Three of 4 patients with syringomyelia and Chiari malformation had a normal SEP.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to median nerve, ulnar nerve, thumb, middle finger, and posterior tibial nerve stimulation were recorded in a patient with a discrete resection of part of the postcentral somatosensory cortex as a treatment for focal epilepsy. Comparison of the different stimulation sites confirmed electrophysiologically the restricted locus of the lesion. The results strongly suggest that the early negative component (N20) and subsequent components recorded postcentrally are of cortical origin and depend upon postcentral gyrus cytoarchitectonic areas 3, 2, and 1. Moreover, these postcentral SEPs are distinct from precentrally recorded activity.  相似文献   

Recovery of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) was studied by paired stimulation of the median nerve in patients with various kinds of myoclonus. This technique revealed the hyperexcitability of the central nervous system (CNS) which could not be detected by the conventional SEP technique using a single stimulus. This technique would be useful for studying the excitability of the CNS.  相似文献   

The autotriggered signal was presented with a varying delay. SEP obtained without movement of the thumb (control series), SEP of autotriggered stimuli and movement-related brain potentials (MRBP) without stimuli were registered. The EEG was recorded from C3 + 2 and C3 = 2. The following results were obtained: the amplitude of all components diminished when the stimulation was autotriggered compared to the control series; the suppression was most pronounced with a stimulus delay about 150-200 ms; the effect of the suppression did not disappear up to 500 ms after the beginning of the movement.  相似文献   

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