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The cellular mechanisms that underlie formation of an autonomic ganglion have been investigated by studying the formation of the cardiac ganglion of the frog. Analysis of the genesis of neurons with [3H]thymidine autoradiography revealed that neuronal precursors do not divide via a “stem cell lineage” but rather divide exponentially, such that both daughter cells either re-enter the mitotic cycle or differentiate. Neurogenesis in this autonomic ganglion is prolonged, beginning during the second day after fertilization and continuing for at least 2 weeks. The use of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) as a neuronal marker showed that differentiated neurons start condensing in their target 1.5 days after the first neurons are born. Neurons accumulate, concomitant with neurogenesis, at a constant rate of approximately six neurons per day. Transplantation and organ culture demonstrated that immature neurons are present well before definitive expression of the mature phenotype and that their initial expression does not depend upon maintained contact by preganglionic axons.  相似文献   

Ascidian larvae develop after an invariant pattern of embryonic cleavage. Fewer than 400 cells constitute the larval central nervous system (CNS), which forms without either extensive migration or cell death. We catalogue the mitotic history of these cells in Ciona intestinalis, using confocal microscopy of whole-mount embryos at stages from neurulation until hatching. The positions of cells contributing to the CNS were reconstructed from confocal image stacks of embryonic nuclei, and maps of successive stages were used to chart the mitotic descent, thereby creating a cell lineage for each cell. The entire CNS is formed from 10th- to 14th-generation cells. Although minor differences exist in cell position, lineage is invariant in cells derived from A-line blastomeres, which form the caudal nerve cord and visceral ganglion. We document the lineage of five pairs of presumed motor neurons within the visceral ganglion: one pair arises from A/A 10.57, and four from progeny of A/A 9.30. The remaining cells of the visceral ganglion are in their 13th and 14th generations at hatching, with most mitotic activity ceasing around 85% of embryonic development. Of the approximately 330 larval cells previously reported in the CNS of Ciona, we document the lineage of 226 that derive predominantly from A-line blastomeres.  相似文献   

Summary In an immunohistochemical study of the ventral nerve cord of L. decemlineata, five distinct neuron categories were distinguished: 1) Two paired segmental twin interneurons occur in each ganglion or neuromere; their axons distribute processes over almost the entire nerve cord and run to the cerebral ganglion complex. In contrast, other axons are distributed locally. 2) Four large frontal neurosecretory neurons occur in the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG), two of which have axons that run into the mandibular nerves to form a neurohemal plexus on the surface of cerebral nerves. 3) A pair of large caudal neurons occur in the terminal ganglion and innervate the hindgut. 4) Local miniature interneurons occur in the SOG. 5) Terminal neurons are present in the last abdominal ganglion. Segmental twin interneurons appear to be grouped into 3 functional units spanning several ganglia. Their axons run to specific projection areas, which separate the functional units, and which mark the externally visible separation of condensed ganglion complexes. A possible role of the most caudal functional unit might be the synaptic control of caudal neurons innervating the hindgut.  相似文献   

The tunicate Ciona intestinalis larva has a simple central nervous system (CNS), consisting of fewer than 400 cells, which is homologous to the vertebrate CNS. Recent studies have revealed neuronal types and networks in the larval CNS of C. intestinalis, yet their cell lineage and the molecular mechanism by which particular types of neurons are specified and differentiate remain poorly understood. Here, we report cell lineage origin and a cis‐regulatory module for the anterior caudal inhibitory neurons (ACINs), a putative component of the central pattern generator regulating swimming locomotion. The vesicular GABA/glycine transporter gene Ci‐VGAT, a specific marker for GABAergic/glycinergic neurons, is expressed in distinct sets of neurons, including ACINs of the tail nerve cord and others in the brain vesicle and motor ganglion. Comparative genomics analysis between C. intestinalis and Ciona savignyi and functional analysis in vivo identified the cis‐regulatory module responsible for Ci‐VGAT expression in ACINs. Our cell lineage analyses inferred that ACINs derive from A11.116 cells, which have been thought to solely give rise to glial ependymal cells of the lateral wall of the nerve cord. The present findings will provide a solid basis for future studies addressing the molecular mechanism underlying specification of ACINs, which play a critical role in controlling larval locomotion.  相似文献   

Gekko japonicus undergoes dramatic changes in the caudal spinal cord after tail amputation. The amputation induces cell proliferation in the caudal ependymal tube. We performed hematoxylin and eosin staining at different time points in the regeneration process to investigate the morphological characterization of the regenerated appendages. The central canal extended to the blastema post-amputation and the cartilage and muscle tissue appeared 3 weeks after injury. We performed the bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation assay to detect proliferating cells during the regeneration process. BrdU positive cells were detected in the peri-central canal. Furthermore, nestin and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) immunocytochemistry were applied to detect neural stem/progenitor cells and neurons. Two weeks after injury, nestin-positive cells undergoing proliferation were located outside of the ependymal tube, and NSE positive cells appeared after 3 weeks of amputation. These data suggest that neurogenesis is an early event during caudal spinal cord regeneration in gecko.  相似文献   

Neurons of cranial sensory ganglia are derived from the neural crest and ectodermal placodes, but the mechanisms that control the relative contributions of each are not understood. Crest cells of the second branchial arch generate few facial ganglion neurons and no vestibuloacoustic ganglion neurons, but crest cells in other branchial arches generate many sensory neurons. Here we report that the facial ganglia of Hoxa2 mutant mice contain a large population of crest-derived neurons, suggesting that Hoxa2 normally represses the neurogenic potential of second arch crest cells. This may represent an anterior transformation of second arch neural crest cells toward a fate resembling that of first arch neural crest cells, which normally do not express Hoxa2 or any other Hox gene. We additionally found that overexpressing Hoxa2 in cultures of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells reduced the frequency of spontaneous neuronal differentiation, but only in the presence of cotransfected Pbx and Meis Hox cofactors. Finally, expression of Hoxa2 and the cofactors in chick neural crest cells populating the trigeminal ganglion also reduced the frequency of neurogenesis in the intact embryo. These data suggest an unanticipated role for Hox genes in controlling the neurogenic potential of at least some cranial neural crest cells.  相似文献   

Early neurogenesis in arthropods has been in the focus of numerous studies, its cellular basis, spatio-temporal dynamics and underlying genetic network being by now comparably well characterized for representatives of chelicerates, myriapods, hexapods and crustaceans. By contrast, neurogenesis during late embryonic and/or post-embryonic development has received less attention, especially in myriapods and chelicerates. Here, we apply (i) immunolabeling, (ii) histology and (iii) scanning electron microscopy to study post-embryonic ventral nerve cord development in Pseudopallene sp., a representative of the sea spiders (Pycnogonida), the presumable sister group of the remaining chelicerates. During early post-embryonic development, large neural stem cells give rise to additional ganglion cell material in segmentally paired invaginations in the ventral ectoderm. These ectodermal cell regions – traditionally designated as ‘ventral organs’ – detach from the surface into the interior and persist as apical cell clusters on the ventral ganglion side. Each cluster is a post-embryonic neurogenic niche that features a tiny central cavity and initially still houses larger neural stem cells. The cluster stays connected to the underlying ganglionic somata cortex via an anterior and a posterior cell stream. Cell proliferation remains restricted to the cluster and streams, and migration of newly produced cells along the streams seems to account for increasing ganglion cell numbers in the cortex. The pycnogonid cluster-stream-systems show striking similarities to the life-long neurogenic system of decapod crustaceans, and due to their close vicinity to glomerulus-like neuropils, we consider their possible involvement in post-embryonic (perhaps even adult) replenishment of olfactory neurons – as in decapods. An instance of a potentially similar post-embryonic/adult neurogenic system in the arthropod outgroup Onychophora is discussed. Additionally, we document two transient posterior ganglia in the ventral nerve cord of Pseudopallene sp. and evaluate this finding in light of the often discussed reduction of a segmented ‘opisthosoma’ during pycnogonid evolution.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate and store similar inputs as distinct representations in memory is thought to rely on a process called pattern separation in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. Recent computational and empirical findings support a role for adult-born granule neurons in spatial pattern separation. We reviewed rodent studies that have manipulated both hippocampal adult neurogenesis and assessed pattern separation. The majority of studies report a supporting role of adult born neurons in pattern separation as measured at the behavioral level. However, closer evaluation of the published findings reveals variation in both pattern separation tasks and in the interpretation of behavioral performance that, taken together, suggests that the role of hippocampal adult neurogenesis in pattern separation may be less established than is currently assumed. Assessment of pattern separation at the network level through the use of immediate early gene expression, optogenetic, pharmacogenetic and/or in vivo electrophysiology studies could be instrumental in further confirming a role of adult born neurons in pattern separation further. Finally, hippocampal adult neurogenesis and pattern separation are not an exclusive pair, as evidence for hippocampal adult neurogenesis contributing to the temporal separation of events in memory, forgetting and cognitive flexibility has also been found. We conclude that whereas current empirical evidence for the involvement of hippocampal adult neurogenesis in pattern separation seems supportive, there is a need for careful interpretation of behavioral findings and an integration of the various proposed functions of adult born neurons.  相似文献   

From its numerical composition, the central nervous system (CNS) of the ascidian larva is one of the simplest known nervous systems having a chordate plan. Fewer than 350 cells together constitute a caudal nerve cord, an interposed visceral ganglion containing motor circuits for swimming and, rostrally, an expanded sensory vesicle containing major sensory and interneuron regions of the CNS. Some cells are ependymal, with ciliated surfaces lining the neural canal, while others are clearly either sensory receptors or motoneurons, but most are distinguishable only on cytological grounds. Although reassignments between categories are still being made, there is evidence for determinancy of total cell number. We have made three-dimensional cell maps either from serial semithin sections, or from confocal image stacks of whole-mounted embryos and larvae stained with nuclear markers. Comparisons between the maps of neural tubes in embryos of successive ages, that is, between cells in one map and their progeny in older maps, enable us to follow the line of mitotic descent through successive maps, at least for the caudal neural tube. Details are clear for the lateral cell rows in the neural tube, at least until the latter contains approximately 320 cells, and somewhat for the dorsal cell row, but the ventral row is more complex. In the hatched larva, serial-EM reconstructions of the visceral ganglion reveal two ventrolateral fibre bundles at the caudalmost end, each of 10-12 axons. These tracts include at least five pairs of presumed motor axons running into the caudal nerve cord. Two pairs of axons decussate. Complementing this vertebrate feature in the CNS of the larval form of Ciona, we confirm that synapses form upon the somata and dendrites of its neurons, and that its motor tracts are ventral.  相似文献   

The olfactory epithelium (OE) is derived from the olfactory placode (OP) during mouse development. At embryonic day (E) 10.0-E10.5, “early neurogenesis” occurs in the OE, which includes production of pioneer neurons that emigrate out of the OE and other early-differentiated neurons. Around E12.5, the OE becomes organized into mature pseudostratified epithelium and shows “established neurogenesis,” in which olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) are differentiated from basal progenitors. Little is known about the molecular pathway of early neurogenesis. The homeodomain protein Six1 is expressed in all OP cells and neurogenic precursors in the OE. Here we show that early neurogenesis is severely disturbed despite the unaltered expression of Mash1 at E10.5 in the Six1-deficient mice (Six1−/−). Expression levels of neurogenin1 (Ngn1) and NeuroD are reduced and those of Hes1 and Hes5 are augmented in the OE of Six1/− at E10.5. Pioneer neurons and cellular aggregates, which are derived from the OP/OE and situated in the mesenchyme between the OE and forebrain, are completely absent in Six1−/−. Moreover, ORN axons and the gonadotropin-releasing hormone-positive neurons fail to extend and migrate to the forebrain, respectively. Our study indicates that Six1 plays critical roles in early neurogenesis by regulating Ngn1, NeuroD, Hes1, and Hes5.  相似文献   

The following structural characteristics of the chemosensory, visual, and vestibular pathways of the snail (Helix lucorum) were demonstrated by using a variety of histological techniques. Large and small neurons of the tentacle ganglion, the bipolar cells of the olfactory nerve, and a proportion of optic tentacle bulb chemoreceptors within the olfactory nerve all send their processes to the CNS of the mollusk. Here they are divided up into numerous bundles of fibers in the neuropil of the ipsilateral cerebral ganglion. They are joined by processes from the central nervous system put out by all neurons of the protocerebrum and the cluster of cells of the commissural section of the metacerebrum. Ocular receptors do not send processes down below the enlargement of the upper optic nerve. This enlargement is also the site where processes from cells within the CNS and the nerve itself terminate. An area of arborization of processes from the visual pathway cells is located in the neuropil of the pleural portion of the metacerebrum. Hair cells of statocysts put out processes to the cerebral ganglion, whence axons of small metacerebral neurons extend towards the organ of balance. Some processes from vestibular pathway cells form an arborization zone at the ipsilateral cerebral ganglion, while others pass through the cerebral commissure to form their area of arborization in the contralateral ganglion. Processes from vestibular and visual pathway cells arborize in exactly the same area.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 7–16, January–February, 1986.  相似文献   

Radiation therapy of the CNS, even at low doses, can lead to deficits in neurocognitive functions. Reduction in hippocampal neurogenesis is usually, but not always, associated with cognitive deficits resulting from radiation therapy. Generation of reactive oxygen species is considered the main cause of radiation-induced tissue injuries, and elevated levels of oxidative stress persist long after the initial cranial irradiation. Consequently, mutant mice with reduced levels of the mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme, Mn superoxide dismutase (MnSOD or Sod2), are expected to be more sensitive to radiation-induced changes in hippocampal neurogenesis and the related functions. In this study, we showed that MnSOD deficiency led to reduced generation of immature neurons in Sod2−/+ mice even though progenitor cell proliferation was not affected. Compared to irradiated Sod2+/+ mice, which showed cognitive defects and reduced differentiation of newborn cells towards the neuronal lineage, irradiated Sod2−/+ mice showed normal hippocampal-dependent cognitive functions and normal differentiation pattern for newborn neurons and astroglia. However, we also observed a disproportional decrease in newborn neurons in irradiated Sod2−/+ following behavioral studies, suggesting that MnSOD deficiency may render newborn neurons more sensitive to stress from behavioral trainings following cranial irradiation. A positive correlation between normal cognitive functions and normal dendritic spine densities in dentate granule cells was observed. The data suggest that maintenance of synaptic connections, via maintenance of dendritic spines, may be important for normal cognitive functions following cranial irradiation.  相似文献   

Abstract: There is increasing, although largely indirect, evidence that neurotrophic factors not only function as target-derived survival factors for projection neurons, but also act locally to regulate developmental processes. We studied the expression of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) and the CNTF-specific ligand-binding α-subunit of the CNTF receptor complex (CNTFRα) in the rat retina, a well-defined CNS model system, and CNTF effects on cultured retinal neurons. Both CNTF and CNTFRα (mRNA and protein) are expressed during phases of retinal neurogenesis and differentiation. Retina-specific Müller glia are immunocytochemically identified as the site of CNTF production and CNTFRα-expressing, distinct neuronal cell types as potential CNTF targets. Biological effects on corresponding neurons in culture further support the conclusion that locally supplied CNTF plays a regulatory role in the development of various retinal cell types including ganglion cells and interneurons.  相似文献   

Low-density lipoprotein receptors (LRPs) are present extensively on cells outside of the nervous system and classically exert roles in lipoprotein metabolism. It has been reported recently that LRP1 activation could phosphorylate the neurotrophin receptor TrkA in PC12 cells and increase neurite outgrowth from developing cerebellar granule cells. These intriguing findings led us to explore the hypothesis that LRP1 activation would activate canonical neurotrophic factor signaling in adult neurons and promote axonal regeneration after spinal cord injury. We now find that treatment of adult rat dorsal root ganglion neurons in vitro with LRP1 agonists (the receptor binding domain of α-2-macroglobulin or the hemopexin domain of matrix metalloproteinase 9) induces TrkC, Akt, and ERK activation; significantly increases neurite outgrowth (p < 0.01); and overcomes myelin inhibition (p < 0.05). These effects require Src family kinase activation, a classic LRP1-mediated Trk transactivator. Moreover, intrathecal infusions of LRP1 agonists significantly enhance sensory axonal sprouting and regeneration after spinal cord injury in rats compared with control-infused animals (p < 0.05). A significant role is established for lipoprotein receptors in sprouting and regeneration after CNS injury, identifying a novel class of therapeutic targets to explore for traumatic neurological disorders.  相似文献   

Location and numbers of neurons associated with sympathetic innervation of the heart within the right stellate and accessory cervical ganglia, the spinal cord, and spinal ganglia were investigated using horseradish peroxidase retrograde axonal transport techniques in cats. The enzyme was applied to central sections of the anastomosis of the stellate ganglion with the vagus nerve, the inferior cardiac nerve, and the vagosympathetic trunk caudal to the anastomosis. Labeled neurons within the stellate ganglion were located close to the point of departure of the nerves and more thinly distributed in the accessory cervical ganglion. A group of labeled cells was found in the anastomosis itself. Preganglionic neurons associated with sympathetic innervation of the heat were detected at segmental levels T1–T5 in the spinal cord. Labeled neurons were diffusely located in the spinal ganglia, concentrated mainly at levels T2–T4.Medical Institute, Ministry of Public Health of the RSFSR, Yaroslavl'. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 106–111, January–February, 1989.  相似文献   

This integrative taxonomy study of French pikes compares morphological characters and molecular sequence data (mitochondrial COI and nuclear Plagl2 genes). In addition to the expected E. lucius, DNA sequences and morphology both support a new species in France, E. aquitanicus sp. nov. from the Charente to the Adour drainages. It is characterized by a color pattern of sides with narrow 1–1.5-scale-wide oblique vertical bands, conferring it a marbled coat, a snout only 0.9 times larger than the postorbital length, an anal fin basis 1.1–1.2 times larger than the caudal peduncle length, 101 to 121 lateral scales, 53 to 57 vertebrae, as well as 24 diagnostic sites in the COI gene and 3 in the Plagl2 gene. Partial COI sequences (131 bp) from modern and historical specimens indicate also the presence of E. cisalpinus and E. lucius during the 19th century in Lake Geneva. Morphological and molecular data points to a possible hybridization between E. lucius with both other local pike species, representing a risk for them. Their endangerment status should be evaluated rapidly in order to take conservation measures.  相似文献   

Late stages of embryogenesis in the terrestrial snail Helix aspersa L. were studied and a developmental timetable was produced. The distribution of gamma-aminobutyric acid-like immunoreactive (GABA-ir) elements in the CNS of the snail was studied from embryos to adulthood in wholemounts. In adults, approximately 226 GABA-ir neurons were located in the buccal, cerebral and pedal ganglia. The population of GABA-ir cells included four pairs of buccal neurons, three neuronal clusters in the pedal ganglia, two clusters and six single neurons in the cerebral ganglia. GABA-ir fibers were observed in all ganglia and in some nerves. The first detected pair of GABA-ir cells in the embryos appeared in the buccal ganglia at about 63–64% of embryonic development. Five pairs of GABA-ir cell bodies were observed in the cerebral ganglia at about 64–65% of development. During the following 30% of development three more pairs of GABA-ir neurons were detected in the buccal ganglia and over fifteen cells were detected in each cerebral ganglion. At the stage of 70% of development, the first pair of GABA-ir neurons was found in the pedal ganglia. In the suboesophageal ganglion complex, GABA-ir fibers were first detected at about 90% of embryonic development. In the posthatching period, the quantity of GABA-ir neurons reached the adult status in four days in the cerebral ganglia, and in three weeks in the pedal ganglia. In juveniles, transient expression of GABA was found in the pedal ganglia (fourth cluster).  相似文献   

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