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Summary All parts of leafy spurge seedlings can be regenerated when isolated and placed onto B5 medium. One-centimeter isolated hypocotyl segments were tested successfully for their usefulness as a bioassay system by comparing the response of auxins, herbicides, and cytokinins. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was the most effective auxin to stimulate root formation. IAA was effective whether the hypocotyl segments remained on the same medium up to 60 days, or the segments were transferred to basal media after 2 or 5 days (pulse treatment). Pulse treatments with the other auxins resulted in stimulation of root formation; continuous or 5-day pulses of higher concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid,α-naphthaleneacetic acid and especially 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and picloram formed excessive callus instead of roots. Picloram did not stimulate root formation, whether the treatment was continuous or pulse-treated. No roots formed with continuous picloram at 0.1 mg/liter or greater, but transfer to basal media did result in root and shoot formation at about 50% of the number formed on the controls. Lesser picloram concentrations had no effect. Shoots formed readily on untreated (control) segments, but continuous treatment with all three cytokinins, kinetin, zeatin, and zeatin riboside, increased the numbers of shoots about equally. Root formation was inhibited by the cytokinins at the higher concentrations (0.1 to 0.2 mg/liter). With the exception of a 5-day pulse of 0.04 mg/liter IAA, the auxins did not stimulate shoot formation, but generally inhibited shoot formation, even in pulse-treated cultures.  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法、离析法以及徒手切片3种方法研究了绿玉树(EuphorbiatirucalliL.)乳汁管的分布,并对二倍体和四倍体植株茎的乳汁管分布和数量进行了比较研究。结果表明,绿玉树乳汁管为无节型;初级乳汁管主要分布在木质部与韧皮部之间,在2a生茎的髓部也有分布;次级乳汁管以多级分支的形式无规则地散布在韧皮部中;末级乳汁管分布在皮层(或周皮)下部。随着茎成熟度增加,初级乳汁管数量和直径随之增加,直径增加到一定时便不再增粗,而以增加数量的方式来缓解液压。与二倍体相比,相同成熟度的四倍体绿玉树乳汁管的数量和直径都显著减少,其中嫩茎的初级乳汁管数量减少了5.5条,直径减少了8.4μm;1a生枝条初级乳汁管数量减少了10.7条,直径减少了9.6μm。  相似文献   

The interaction of two rhizobacterial isolates,Pseudomonas fluorescens isolate LS 102 andFlavobacterium balustinum isolate LS 105, with leafy spurge cells at the cellular level was studied using scanning and electron microscopy. Leafy spurge callus tissue inoculated with either isolate showed considerable changes compared to non-inoculated tissue. The attachment of rhizobacteria to cell surfaces was associated with the elaboration of fibrillar material which may anchor bacteria to surfaces and contribute to mediation of the phytotoxic effect caused by rhizobacteria. At the ultracellular level, inoculated callus tissue showed numerous cell alterations including esiculation and convolution of the plasmalemma, cell wall degradation and disorganization of the cytoplasm, similar to those detected in the whole plant. It is concluded that callus tissue may provide an excellent working model to investigate the mode and/or mechanism of action of potential biocontrol agents on their host plants.  相似文献   

Curie-point pyrolysis-gas chromatography-pattern recognition was used to elucidate chemical variations within leafy spurge (Euphorbia spp.). Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) readily identified two major clusters corresponding to E. esula and E. cyparissias. The E. esula cluster further separated into three distinct subclusters. Results from principal components analysis (PCA) and fuzzy c-varieties (FCVPC) pattern recognition were similar, verifying the presence of three biotypes among the E. esula samples studied. It is suggested that analytical pyrolysis in combination with pattern recognition may predict the behaviour of biocontrol agents introduced into fields to control leafy spurge.  相似文献   

Invasive plants are a widespread problem but the mechanisms used by these plants to become invasive are often unknown. The production of phytotoxic natural products by invasive weeds is one mechanism by which these species may become successful competitors. Here we conducted a bioactivity-driven fractionation of root extracts and exudates from the invasive plant leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.), and structurally characterized jatrophane diterpenes and ellagic acid derivatives. Ellagic acid derivatives and one of the jatrophane diterpenes, esulone A, have been previously reported from leafy spurge, but another of the jatrophane diterpenes, kasuinine B, has not. We show that these compounds are phytotoxic but affect plants in different ways, either inducing overall plant necrosis or reducing root branching and elongation.Key Words: phytotoxicity, allelochemicals, roots, root exudates, jatrophane diterpenes, kansuinine B, ellagic acid derivatives, leafy spurge, Euphorbia esula, Arabidopsis thaliana  相似文献   

In 6–14-day-old etiolated seedlings of Euphorbia lashyrisa latex triterpene synthesis of 19 µg day–1 wasrecorded. This production was proportional to stem growth. Laticiferdistribution in the cotyledons and stem was studied. In ultra-thinsections the occurrence of many mitochondria was observed. A14C-latex triterpene synthesis was measured after 14C-glucoseand 14C-sucrose uptake by the cotyledons in which most of the14C-triterpenes were synthesized. 14C-incorporation into theselipids from [1–14C]glucose, [6-14C]glucose and [3,4–14points to a glycolytic catabolism of glucose prior to terpenesynthesis. The possible involvement of mitochondria in thissynthesis is discussed. Euphorbia lathyris, triterpene synthesis, laticifer, latex, mitochondria, ultrastructure  相似文献   

The genus Gaultheria has been classified into ten sections (one with two subsections) and 22 series of which five are new combinations and 21 are new taxa. Seven of these sections are composed primarily of solitary flowered species and the other three sections of racemose species. About half of the species of the genus are included in section Brossaea. A summary of the classification is here presented.  相似文献   

麻疯树乳汁管的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
麻疯树(JatrophacurcasL.)的乳汁管能分泌含有多种药用成分的乳汁。采用石蜡切片、冰冻切片和半薄切片技术,在光学显微镜下观察麻疯树乳汁管的类型、分布和大小。结果表明,麻疯树中存在有节连接和非连接乳汁管、无节分枝和不分枝乳汁管;乳汁管普遍分布在皮层和韧皮部,茎和叶脉的木质部存在少量的乳汁管,茎、叶柄、花梗和果柄的髓部有少量分布;靠近维管组织的皮层中的乳汁管直径较大,而靠近表皮的皮层中的乳汁管直径较小,如茎中靠近维管组织的乳汁管直径为40-60μm,而靠近表皮的乳汁管直径为5-18μm。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant and anti-acetylcholinesterase properties and phytochemical constituents of the latex from Euphorbia dendroides L. (Euphorbiaceae) growing wild in Sicily. Phytochemical analysis revealed that into E. dendroides latex the triterpenoids were the most abundant among the identified compounds. Furthermore, a high content of polyphenols mainly as phenolic acids, was found. The antioxidant and free-radical scavenging properties, by several in vitro assays such as DPPH, TEAC and FRAP, have been evaluated. The results showed that E. dendroides latex has significant antioxidant activity, as measured by DPPH assay (2927.01?±?98.03 µmols of Trolox equivalent (TE)/100g FW). Reactivity towards ABTS radical cation and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) values were 7580.95?±?97.65 µmols of TE/100g FW and 4383.13?±?95.30?μmol of TE/100g FW, respectively. The latex exhibited also significant inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity with an IC50 value of 4.46 µg/mL (C.L.?=?2.002–9.947). Furthermore, Brine shrimp (Artemia salina) cytotoxicity bioassay showed that the larvae viability was significantly affected at higher concentrations than those capable to induce significant antioxidant and anti-acetylcholinesterase effects (LD50 25 µg/mL). The results suggest that polyphenols and terpenoids can contribute significantly to antioxidant and anti-acetylcholinesterase activities of E. dendroides latex.  相似文献   

Six new cucurbitane-type triterpenoids (16), together with two known analogues (7 and 8) were isolated from the aerial parts of Momordica charantia L. The structures of new compounds were identified as cucurbita-6,24-dien-3β,23-diol-19,5β-olide (1), (19R)-5β,19-epoxy-19-methoxycucurbita-6,24-dien-3β,23-diol (2), (19S)-5β,19-epoxy-19-methoxycucurbita-6,24-dien-3β,23-diol (3), (19R)-5β,19-epoxy-19-isopropoxycucurbita-6,24-dien-3β,23-diol (4), 3β,23-dihydroxy-5-methoxycucurbita-6,24-dien-19-al (5) and (19R)-7β,19-epoxy-19-methoxycucurbita-5,24-dien-3β,23-diol (6), by extensive MS, 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic technologies. This is the first report of the isolation of tetracyclic triterpenoids possessing a 7β,19-epoxy system, viz., 6, from M. charantia L.  相似文献   

Screening large collections of microorganisms for potential biological control activity on economically important weeds is often diY cult. Seeds required as indicator species are often not available in large supply and are highly variable in viability and germination, resulting in uneven seedling development. A bioassay system for rapidly assessing the phytotoxic eVects of rhizobacteria was developed based on leafy spurge ( Euphorbia esula L. ) callus tissue culture in multiple-well plates. Callus pieces (0.5 g) were placed in 24-well plates containing Gamborg's B5 medium, inoculated with rhizobacterial suspension and incubated at 27oC for 48 h. By rating inoculated callus for cellular damage, about 30% of rhizobacteria isolated from weedy Euphorbia spp. collected in Europe and North America were identified as being highly phytotoxic. Symptoms of phytotoxicity included growth reduction, discoloration and extensive cellular leakage. A high proportion of isolates found to be phytotoxic in tissue culture bioassays were similarly eVective in standard leafy spurge seedling bioassays. The method is rapid, host specific and more uniform compared with assays using seedlings, and should be adaptable to other weed species for screening microorganisms for potential biocontrol activity.  相似文献   

Laticifers of Ficus caricaL. are of the branched, non-articulatedtype. They occur in the cortex and pith of the plant axis andpenetrate leaves and inflorescences. Observations were madeon laticifers located in shoot apices. Growing regions of laticifers undergo a sequence of ultrastructuralchanges. These are: (a) a pronounced increase in the vacuolarspace which divides the cytoplasm into separated masses; (b)a development of numerous vesicular structures in the cytoplasm.The vesicular structures are released into the vacuolar space.The whole process is accompanied by disintegration of cytoplasm.Apparently isolated masses of cytoplasm occur in the luminaof laticifer tips in sections taken from dormant apices. Itis assumed that these masses have a role in the initiation ofnew laticifer regions in the next growing season. Ficus caricaL., laticifers, ultrastructure, development differentiation  相似文献   

Shoot tips of Euphorbia Lathyris L. are difficult to establish in vitro unless wounding is minimized and explants are oriented vertically. The cytokinin benzyladenine was not necessary for axillary shoot proliferation, but was needed for callus and adventitious shoot production. Etiolated microshoots rooted well on modified MS supplemental with 1 mg 1-1 1-naphthalene acetic acid. Acclimatization to greenhouse conditions was not difficult.Graduate Assistant and Assistant Professor, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract: Spurgia capitigena (Bremi) was evaluated as a potential biological control agent of leafy spurge, Euphorbia esula L. (species complex) in North America. To ascertain the host specificity of this gall midge, tests were conducted in the field at Cavaillon, France, and at laboratories located in Rome, Italy and Bozeman, Montana, USA, in 1994 and 1995. Twenty-nine plant species, including eight native North American euphorbias and biotypes of E . esula , were evaluated. In the laboratory, the gall-midge was able to induce galls on seven species of spurges (all belonging to the subgenus Esula) and the three accessions of leafy spurge. In field tests, S . capitigena infested only E . esula . The biology and host specificity of S . capitigena from France appears to be similar to that observed for Spurgia esulae Gagné from Italy (= Bayeria capitigena Bremi). In France, this gall-midge was commonly observed from early May until October in habitats of very heavy and moist soils located along water channels, roadsides and in fruit orchards. Galls were induced on meristematic tissues, and thereby prevented flowering.  相似文献   

Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) comprises over 2150 species and is thus the second-largest genus of flowering plants. In Europe, it is represented by more than 100 species with highest diversity in the Mediterranean area; the majority of taxa belong to subgenus Esula Pers., including about 500 taxa. The few available phylogenetic studies yielded contrasting results regarding the monophyly of subg. Esula, and the phylogenetic relationships among its constituents remain poorly understood. We have sampled DNA sequences from the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the plastid trnT-trnF region from about 100, predominantly European taxa of subg. Esula in order to infer its phylogenetic history. The plastid data support monophyly of subg. Esula whereas the ITS phylogeny, which is generally less resolved, is indecisive in this respect. Although some major clades have partly incongruent positions in the ITS and plastid phylogenies, the taxonomic content of the major terminal clades is congruent in both trees. As traditional sectional delimitations are largely not corroborated, an improved classification is proposed. Character state reconstruction illustrates that the annual life form developed independently several times in different clades of subgenus Esula from perennial ancestors, and that several morphological traits used in previous classifications of Euphorbia developed in parallel in different lineages.  相似文献   

将芥形橐吾(Ligularia brassicoides Hand.-Mazz.)、岷县橐吾(L. ianthochaeta C. C. Chang)和半裂橐吾(L. paradoxa Hand.-Mazz. var. palmatifida S. W. Liu  相似文献   

FINERAN  B. A. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(2):207-220
The distribution and cytological organization of non-articulatedbranched laticifers in the mature root, stem, and leaf tissuesof poinsettia. Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd., were studied bythe use of optical and electron microscopy. The laticifers occurin all parts of the plant body, being well represented in certainparenchymatous tissues and the phloem. The mature region ofthe laticifer has a living protoplast showing a thin parietalcytoplasm, bounded by plasmalemma and a tonoplast, which enclosesa large continuous central vacuole containing the milky latexfluid. The protoplast is multinucleate and possesses large amyloplasts,each enclosing a single elongated starch grain. Sparseness andpoor differentiation of the other components of the protoplast,mostly mitochondria, ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum, suggestlow metabolism in the mature region of the laticifer. The latexof the central vacuole is dominated by spherical particles,0.3–1 µm in diameter, each with a dense matrix andan eccentric core of lighter staining material. In some laticifersthe latex particles fuse into coagulated masses. Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd, poinsettia, laticifers, ultrastructure, cytology  相似文献   

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