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Summary This paper describes five foliicolous fungi imperfecti from Jabalpur in India. It includesPhyllosticta hasijai Agarwal on leaves ofAcacia melanoxylon R. Br. andCercospora anisochilicola Agarwal onAnisochilus eriocephalus, two new species,C. jasminicola Mueller &Chupp onJasminum sp. andC. achyranthina Thirum. &Chupp onAchyranthes aspera L., two new records for the state, andPestalotiopsis glandicola (Cast.)Steyaert onCassia tora L., a new addition to the fungus flora of India.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper describes eight Foliicolous Fungi imperfecti from Jabalpur (India). These include four new species viz.Ramularia alangii Hasija onAlangium lamarckii, Colletotrichum holopteleae Hasija onHoloptelea integrifolia, Gloeosporium wendlandiae Hasija onWendlandia exserta andPhyllosticta macropycnidiai Hasija onSolanum melongena. Discosia artocreas Tode exFr. onTerminalia sp. is a new fungus record for the country raising the total number ofDiscosia from India to five.Heteropogon contortus forCurvularia lunata (Wakker)Boed. andBarleria priniotes forCercospora barlericola Payak &Thirum. are new hosts record from India, andCercospora tridacis-procumbentis Govindu &Thirum. onTridax procumbens is a new record for the state.  相似文献   

V. P. Sahni 《Mycopathologia》1966,28(1-2):23-32
Summary In this paper the author has described eight more interesting foliicolous ectoparasites from Jabalpur (M.P.) India. Out of thesePyrenochaeta mitteriellae Sahni an hyperparasite onMitteriella zizyphina Syd. colonising leaves ofZizyphus xylopyra Willd.,Chaetothyrium jasminicola Sahni onJasminum sambac Ait., andMyiocopron parviflorae Sahni onIxora parviflora Vahl are reported as new species.Micropeltis ekmanii Petr. &Cif. on leaves ofCarissa spinarum L.,Asterinella ixorae Ryan on leaves ofIxora parviflora Vahl andPlenotrichum sp. on leaves ofCasearia tomentosa Roxb. are three new fungus records for this country. The remaining two fungi viz.Asterina tonduzi (Speg.)Syd. onFlacourtia ramontchi L'Herr. andBalladynopsis negrii (Cast.) M. B.Ellis onRandia dumetorum Lamk. are new state reocrds.  相似文献   

Summary This paper deals with four new fungi from the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.Phaeseptoria stenocalycis Batista, Upadhyay &Da Costa Netto, collected on leaves ofStenocalyx dasyblastus Bert. from Grammado,Phoma jasmino-macrospora Batista, Upadhyay &Da Costa Netto, collected on leaves ofJasminum flexicaule Vahl. from Pôrto Alegre,Melanconium argutidentis Batista, Upadhyay &Da Costa Netto, collected on leaves ofSebastiana argutidens Pex &K. Hoff from Grammado andCercospora caleifoleii Batista, Upadhyay &Da Costa Netto, collected on leaves ofCalea pinnatifida Banks from Pôrto Alegre are described here.Symptoms on the hosts and morphological characters of the fruitings and spores are described and illustrated.Publicação no 456 of IMUFP.  相似文献   

V. P. Sahni 《Mycopathologia》1966,29(3-4):226-244
Summary In this paper eighteen fungi belonging to the form class Deuteromycetes are described from Jabalpur (M.P.) India. Of these one, viz.Sarcinella palawanensis (Syd.)V. P. Sahni (=Stigmella palawanensis Syd.) is described as a new combination. Among the new fungus records for India may be citedSeptoria cassiicola Kell. &Swingle onCassia fistula L.,Coniothyrium fuckelii Sacc. onAnogeissus latifolia Wall.,Phomopsis bakeri Syd. onFicus bengalensis L.,Cercospora woodfordiae Petch. onWoodfordia fruticosa (L.)Kurz.,Cercospora guanicencis Young onCaesalpinia sepiaria Roxb., andCercospora chevalieri P. Saccardo onAmorphophallus companulatus Blume.Phyllosticta buteae Syd. onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kuntze,Colletotrichum dracaenae-fragrentis (Mori)Petrak &Sydow onDracaena brachystachys Hook.,Pithomyces chartarum (Berk. &Curt.)M. B. Ellis onCassia fistula L. andCassia tora L.,Cladosporium herbarum (Pers.)Link. onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kuntze andCercospora bougainvilleae P. N. Rao onBougainvillea glabra Choisy are new state records.Discosia artocreas Tode exFr. onHolarrhena antidysentrica Wall.,Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat. onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kuntze,Colletotrichum capsici (Syd.)Butler &Bisby onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kuntze,Alternaria tenuis Nees exFr. onYucca alofolia L.,Alternaria tenuissima (Nees exFr.)Wiltshire onBougainvillea glabra Choisy, andCurvularia lunata (Wakker)Boed. onCassia tora L. are new host records.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper describes tenCercosporae causing leaf spots at Jabalpur. These include one new speciesCercospora sterculiae Agarwal &Hasija sp. nov. onSterculia urens and one new fungus record for the country,C. cauescens Ell. & Mart onPhaseolus vulgaris, C. sydowiana onWoodfordia fruticosa, C. mitteriana onDodonaea viscosa, C. grandissima onDahlia sp.,C. baliospermi onBaliospermum montanum, C. citrullina onBryonopsis laciniosa, C. punicae onPunica granatum, C. lythracearum onLagerstroemia indica andC. sisso onDelbergia sisso are new records for the state.  相似文献   

Summary Two species of fungi,Tryblidiella rufula (Spreng.)Sacc. andTrabutia butleri Theiss &Syd. have been figured and described for the first time from Orissa. The former was found growing on dead twigs ofCitrus aurantifolia (Christm.)Swingle and onCitrus sp. and the latter on living leaves ofFicus religiosa L.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper eight foliicolous fungi have been described from Jabalpur (M.P.) India. Out of these, two viz.Phoma jasminicola Agarwal &Sahni onJasminum sambac Ait. andPhyllostictina anthocephali Agarwal &Sahni onAnthocephalus indicus Rich. are new species and three, viz.Pestalotia algeriensis (Sacc. &Berl.)Guba onBorassus flabellifer L.,Pestalotia sorbi Pat. onCarissa spinarum A.DC. andBartalinia robillardioides Tassi onJasminum sambac Ait. andCarissa carandas L. are new fungus records for this country.Colletotrichum dematium (Pers. exFr.)Grove onJasminum sambac Ait.,Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.)Spauld. &Schr. onFicus glomerata Roxb. andIchnocarpus frutescens Br. are new host records.Stigmina phaeocarpa (Mitter)Ellis onBauhinia variegata L. is a new fungus record for the state.  相似文献   

Summary This paper deals with two new fungi studied on Palmaceae:Asteromella cocoes Batista &Bezerra n. sp. on leaves ofCocos nucifera L. andAsteropsis insectorum Batista &Bezerra n. sp. onCoccideae scales on leaves ofOenocarpus distichus Mart.
Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit beschreibt zwei neue Pilze, welche auf Palmaceae studiert wurden:Asteromella cocoes Batista &Bezerra n. sp. auf Blättern vonCocos nucifera L. undAsteropsis insectorum Batista &Bezerra n. sp. aufCoccideae Schuppen auf Blättern vonOenocarpus distichus Mart.

Dedicado à Memória do Prof.Raffaele Ciferri  相似文献   

Summary The present paper includes ten parasitic fungi occurring at Jabalpur. These include three new species viz.Hendersonia syzygii Hasija onSyzygium cumini, Phoma ixorae Hasija onIxora sp. andPhyllosticta agarwalii Hasija onDalbergia paniculata. Colletotrichum truncatum (Schw.)Andrus &Moore onAlysicarpus bupleurifolius andPiricularia zingiberi onHedychium sp. are new fungus records for the country.Grewia hirsuta forPhyllosticta sedgwickii DaCosta &Mundkur,Lagerstroemia speciosa forPestalotiopsis versicolor (Speg.)Stey.,Zingiber officinale forCurvularia lunata (Wakker)Boedijn,Musa paradisiaca forDeightoniella torulosa (Syd.)Ellis andFlacourtia ramontchi forAlternaria tenuis Nees exPers. are new hosts record from Jabalpur, India.  相似文献   

V. P. Sahni 《Mycopathologia》1964,23(4):328-338
Summary The present paper describes nine ectoparasitic foliicolous fungi from Jabalpur (M.P.) India. These include four new species viz.Asterina woodfordiae Sahni onWoodfordia fruticosa (L.)Kurz.,Schiffnerula fici Sahni, onFicus infectoria Roxb.,Sarcihella fumosus Sahni onAegle marmelos Corr. andSarcinella odinae Sahni onOdina wodier Roxb.,Acremoniella sarcinellae Pat. &Har.,Fumago vagans Pers.,Stigmella palawanensis Syd. andSchiffnerula cassiae are new fungus records for this country.Mitteriella zizyphina Syd. has been recorded onZizyphus xylopyra Willd., for the first time from this state.Z. xylopyra is a new host record forM. zizyphina.  相似文献   

V. P. Sahni 《Mycopathologia》1965,27(3-4):342-356
Summary In the present paper twelve fungi belonging to the form class Deuteromycetes are described from Jabalpur (M.P.) India. Among these the new host records areMonochaetia carissae Munjal &Kapoor onCarissa spinarum L.,Pestalotia neglecta Thuem. onAtylosia scarabaeoides,Benth.,Pestalotia japonica Syd. onCelastrus paniculatus Willd.,Pestalotia theae Sawada var.minor Stey. onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kuntze,Pestalotia versicolor Speg. onBuchanania lanzan Spreng.,Colletotrichum dematium (Pers. exFr.)Grove onAmorphophallus sp.,Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. &Mag.)Bri. &Cav. onCassia tora L.,Coniella diplodiella (Speg.)Petrak &Syd. on.Anogeissus latifolia Wall.,Hendersonula toruloidea Nattrass onPhilodendron bipinnatifidum Schott. andMyrothecium roridum Tode exFr. onCasearia tomentosa roxb. The above fungi include two species (Pestalotia neglecta Thuem. andPestalotia theae Sawada var.minor Stey.) which have been described for the first time from this country.Sphaeropsis tumefasciens Hedges onCitrus medica L. var.acida L. is a new record from this state; andExcipularia narsapurensis Subramanian, also a new record from the state, is reported for the first time on a named host.  相似文献   

Summary This paper deals with some interesting new fungi which are described as a contribution for the development of the Mycogeography.Arbuscula Batista &Peres n. gen. is studied as a member of the family Stilbaceae havingA. eugeniae Batista &Peres n. sp. on leaves ofEugenia jambolana Lam. from Lucknow, India, as the type species. Another new genus isEllisia Batista &Peres, typified byE. ingae Batista &Peres n. sp. on leaves ofInga fagifolia (L.)Willd. from Manaus. Amazonas, Brazil. Two new binomia are:Eriomycopsis paraensis Batista &Peres n. sp. on leaves ofBertholletia excelsa H.B.K. from Belem, State of Pará, Brazil,Sporidesmium americanense Batista &Peres n. sp. on leaves ofQuercus wislizenii A.D.C., from U.S.A. andSporidesmium cookei (Hughes)W. B. Ellis, on leaves of Lauraceae, from Manaus.
Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit bringt einige interessante neue Pilze, welche als Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Mycogeographie beschrieben werden.Arbuscula Batista &Peres n. gen. wurde studiert als ein Mitglied der Familie Stilbaceae, dessen TypusA. eugeniae Batista &Peres n. sp. sich auf Blättern vonEugenia jambolana Lam. aus Lucknow, Indien, befand. Eine andere neue Gattung istEllisia Batista &Peres, typiziert durchE. ingae Batista &Peres n. sp. auf Blättern vonInga fagifolia (L.)Willd. aus Manaus, Amazonas, Brasilien. Zwei neue Binome sind:Eriomycopsis paraensis Batista &Peres n. sp. auf Blättern vonBertholletia excelsa H.B.K. aus Belém, Staat Pará, Brasilien,Sporidesmium americanense Batista &Peres n. sp. auf Blättern vonQuercus wislizenii A.D.C. aus U.S.A. undSporidesmium cookei (Hughes)W. B. Ellis, auf Blättern von Lauraceae, aus Manaus, Amazonas.

Dedicado à Mrmória do Prof.Raffaele Ciferri  相似文献   

Summary This paper deals with two new species ofOidiopsis, O. convolvuli andO. euphorbiae, on two new hostsConvolvulus arvensis L. andEuphorbia microphylla Heyne. It also makes two new reports of its imperfect stage onTagetes erecta L. andAbutilon indicum L.  相似文献   

Uredinial and telial states of aMelampsora species occurring on the leaves ofSalix serissaefolia were for the first time recorded. Field observations and inoculation experiments showed that the spermogonial and aecial states of the fungus were formed onChelidonium majus var.asiaticum andCorydalis incisa. The fungus was identified asMelampsora yezoensis based on the morphological observation of all the spore states. Urediniospores were able to infectS. erocarpa andS. pierotii as well asS. serissaefolia andS. jessoensis. Salix serissaefolia, S. eriocarpa, andS. pierotii are new uredinial and telial hosts ofM. yezoensis, andC. majus var.asiaticum andC. incisa are new spermogonial and aecial hosts of the fungus. Contribution No. 124, Laboratories of Plant Pathology and Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry University of Tsukuba.  相似文献   

V. P. Sahni 《Mycopathologia》1968,36(3-4):267-288
Summary In this paper the author has described seventeen new Deuteromycetes from Jabalpur (M.P.) India. These are: Phyllosticta careyae Sahni onCareya arborea Roxb.,Phyllosticta anogeissi Sahni onAnogeissus latifolia Wall.,Phomopsis dalbergiae Sahni onDalbergia sissoo Roxb.,Phomopsis yuccae Sahni onYucca aloifolia L.,Phomopsis dracaenae Sahni onDracaena brachystachys Hook.,Phomopsis buteae Sahni onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kunze,Cytospora grevilleae Sahni onGrevillea robusta A. Cunn.,Coniothyrium sarcinellae Sahni onSarcinella palawanensis (Syd.)Sahni parasitising leaves ofCalastrus paniculatus Willd.,Coniothyrium dioscoreae Sahni on fruits ofDioscorea sp.,Amerodiscosiella indica Sahni onIxora parviflora Vahl.,Ascochyta nyctanthis Sahni onNyctanthes arbor-tristis L.,Pseudodiplodia buteae Sahni onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kunze,Pseudodiplodia oreodoxae Sahni onOreodoxa oleracea Mart.,Phaeoseptoria bougainvilleae Sahni onBougainvillea glabra Choisy,Hainesia jabalpurensis Sahni onWoodfordia fruticosa (L.)Kurz.,Colletotrichum arjunae Sahni onTerminalia arjuna W. & A., andColletotrichum terminaliae Sahni onTerminalia bellirica (Gaertn.)Roxb.  相似文献   

Summary The paper deals with two new species ofPatellaria i.e.,Patellaria lantanae sp. nov. onLantana camara L. andPatellaria ipomoeae sp. nov. onIpomoea sp.Phoenix sylvestris Roxb. andAcacia arabica Willd. constitute new host records for the above species.  相似文献   

New species of Alternaria from Marathwada (India)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The paper deals with two new species ofAlternaria, Alternaria nyctanthi onNyctanthes arbortristis Linn. andAlternaria tropaeoli onTropaeolum majus L.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Hodkinson &Hunter, 1970a) we reported that salmon, suffering from a disease called ulcerative dermal necrosis, appeared to have precipitating antibodies to the mycelium of a fungus associated with their diseased skin lesions. This was confirmed when antigens were prepared from pure cultures of the fungus, a species ofSaprolegnia (Hodkinson &Hunter, 1970b). In this paper we describe the effects of culture media on the antigenicity ofSaprolegnia mycelium, as detected by double gel diffusion with salmon sera.  相似文献   

During a survey for the parasites and predators ofSaissetia privigna De Lotto, 4 additional species of natural enemies, namelyAnysis saissetiae (Ashm.),Metaphycus citricola Annecke & Mynhardt,Eublemma sp. andPullus coccidivora Ayyar were recorded in Pakistan.Aneristus ceroplastae How. andEncyrtus lecaniorum Mayr, which are known to be important parasites of this scale, were bred onS. privigna andPulvinaria sp. cultured on fruits ofCucurbita maxima in the laboratory.A. ceroplastae was introduced into France and proved useful in controllingCeroplastes rusci (L.) on citrus.
Résumé Au cours d'une campagne de recherche de parasites et prédateurs deSaissetia privigna De Lotto au Pakistan, on a trouvé 4 espèces supplémentaires d'ennemis naturels;Anysis saissetiae (Ashm.),Metaphycus citricola Annecke & Mynhardt,Eublemma sp. etPullus coccidivora Ayyar.Aneristus ceroplastae How. etEncyrtus lecaniorum Mayr, connus comme parasites importants de cette cochenille, ont été élevés surS. privigna etPulvinaria sp. multipliés en laboratoire sur des fruits deCucurbita maxima. A. ceroplastae a été introduit en France et s'est révélé efficace pour la lutte contreCeroplastes rusci (L.) sur citrus.

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