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We cloned and characterized a novel Bombyx mori homologue (bm-dronc) of Drosophila melanogaster dronc (dm-dronc), which could encode a polypeptide of 438 amino acid residues. Bm-Dronc shares relatively low amino acid sequence identities of 25% and 26% with Dm-Dronc and Aedes aegypti Dronc (Aa-Dronc), respectively. Bm-Dronc has the sequence QACRG surrounding the catalytic site (C), which is consistent with the QAC(R/Q/G)(G/E) consensus sequence in most caspases but distinct from the sequences PFCRG and SICRG of Dm-Dronc and Aa-Dronc, respectively. Bm-Dronc possesses a long N-terminal prodomain containing a caspase recruitment domain (CARD), a p20 domain and a p10 domain, exhibiting cleavage activities on synthetic substrates Ac-VDVAD-AMC, Ac-IETD-AMC and Ac-LEHD-AMC, which are preferred by human initiator caspases-2, -8 and -9, respectively. Bm-Dronc transiently expressed in insect cells and Escherichia coli cells underwent spontaneous cleavage and caused apoptosis and stimulation of caspase-3-like protease activity in various lepidopteran cell lines, but not in the dipteran cell line D. melanogaster S2. The apoptosis and the stimulation of caspase-3-like protease activity induced by Bm-Dronc overexpression were abrogated upon transfection with either a double-stranded RNA against bm-dronc or a plasmid expressing functional anti-apoptotic protein Hycu-IAP3 encoded by the baculovirus Hyphantria cunea multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (MNPV). Apoptosis induction in BM-N cells by infection with a p35-defective Autographa californica MNPV or exposure to actinomycin D and UV promoted the cleavage of Bm-Dronc. These results indicate that Bm-Dronc serves as the initiator caspase responsible for the induction of caspase-dependent apoptosis.  相似文献   

Summary After irradiation of the virus particles of CPV, the RNA replicase associated with the virion was isolated in the form of a genome-replicase complex with DEAE-Sephadex A-25 chromatography. This complex was then treated with Triton X-100 and purified by phosphocellulose column chromatography. The RNA replicase reconstituted with the doublestranded RNA of CPV showed both the enzyme activity of RNA polymerase and methyltransferase. The single-stranded RNA could not serve as the template for the RNA replicase. The role of the RNA replicase of CPV is discussed.  相似文献   

Continuous observations of larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, revealed that feeding occurred at regular intervals throughout larval development. To investigate possible factors influencing meal-timing, the behaviours of diet-deprived Bombyx larvae were also analysed. Diet-deprivation resulted in longer durations of the first meals after diet replacement, but did not affect feeding patterns. Furthermore, long-term diet-deprivation promoted wandering behaviour and a consequent delay in feeding after diet replacement. Under diet-deprivation conditions, meal-starts appeared to be inducible by defecation and physical stimulation. However, stimulation-induced meal-starts were dependent on the time elapsed since the larvae's previous meals. Provided that more than 1h had elapsed since their previous meals, larvae could be induced to feed by defecation and tapping. At less than 1h post-meal, larvae were less likely to begin feeding after defecation or physical stimulation. Activated locomotions such as wandering and feeding were observed in the long-term diet-deprived larvae only after diet blocks were replaced, while long-term diet-deprived larvae did not show activated locomotion during the absence of diet blocks. Collectively, these data suggest that a combination of elevated locomotion activity and the presence of diet may be necessary for the initiation of feeding in diet-deprived larvae.  相似文献   

The investigation of electroantennogram (EAG) using insect antennae has been primarily focused on the measurement of insect pheromone. Insect has highly specialized olfactory receptors inside their antennae. In this paper, EAG was applied to detect general odorants and the feasibility of this system for the olfactory biosensor was investigated. Electroantennogram measurement was carried out using the antennae of male silkworm moth,Bombyx mori, and ammonia gas as the model odorant. EAG parameters including peak amplitude, decay, and level were analyzed for the quantitative measurement. The peak amplitude increased linearly with the ammonia concentration and the reproducible electrical signals were generated at least for 2 hrs after the antenna was cut off from the silkworm moth.  相似文献   

Li A  Zhao Q  Tang S  Zhang Z  Pan S  Shen G 《Journal of genetics》2005,84(2):137-142
Pupae from the Chinese wild mulberry silkworm,Bombyx mandarina, and 11 representative strains of the domesticated silkworm,Bombyx mori were selected for preparation of mitochondrial DNA. The 5′-end fragments ofcytochrome b genes (Cytb) were generated by polymerase chain reaction products and sequenced directly. The homologous sequences of the JapaneseB. mandarina and three strains ofB. mori were from the GenBank database. The sequences of the 16 silkworm strains were analysed with DNASTAR software and a phylogenic tree was constructed using PHYLIP software. The result showed that: (i) The sequence divergence between the strains ofB. mori and the JapaneseB. mandarina was larger (5.4% ≈ 5.8%) compared with that between strains ofB. mori and the ChineseB. mandarina (0.8% ≈ 1.9%). Analysis of clustering also showed that the sequences ofB. mori strains and ChineseB. mandarina clustered into group (B group), while that of JapaneseB. mandarina (A group) was outside this cluster. This may be evidence for the hypothesis thatB. mori originated from ChineseB. mandarina. (ii) Among 14 strains ofB. mori, sequence divergence was small and the most divergence was seen between strains Yanhe-1 and Chuxiong, whose sequences branched off from those of the otherB. mori strains on the phylogenetic tree. From this and from historical records, we infer that the strains Yanhe-1 and Chuxiong originated independently from southwest China.  相似文献   

Summary In the silkworm, Bombyx mori, diapause occurs at a specific embryonic stage, i.e. after formation of the germ band with cephalic lobes and telson and sequential mesoderm segmentation. As long as the eggs are incubated at 25° C, cell divisions and morphological development of the embryos cease. To examine changes in percentage of embryonic cells in the G1, S and G2 phases during embryogenesis, nuclear fractions were isolated from embryos, stained with propidium iodide and then subjected to flow cytometric analysis. The percentages of embryonic cells in G1, S and G2 were 10, 35 and 55%, respectively, at the stage of formation of cephalic lobes, whilst 98% of cells were in G2 at diapause stage. After termination of diapause by acclimation at 5° C or by a combination of chilling and HCl, cell division resumed in the embryos. During this period, the cells rapidly entered S phase through G1 from G2, suggesting that their G1 phase was short. In eggs in which diapause was averted by HCl-treatment after incubation at 25° C for 20 h after oviposition, embryonic development proceeded continuously for 9.5 days at 25° C until hatching. Along with this development, the G1 fraction increased to levels of about 90%. These results indicate that embryonic cells are arrested in G2 at diapause and suggest that, concomitant with further embryonic development, cell cycles become slower in proportion to an increasing length of G1. Finally, most of the cells may be arrested in G1, while there is only a small fraction of cells continuously cycling. Offprint requests to: T. Yaginuma  相似文献   

Summary A detailed analysis was undertaken to test the efficacy of hierarchical agglomerative clustering (UPGMA method) in grouping the races and strains of the mulberry silkworm, Bombyx moti L., and to ascertain the importance of biochemical parameters in the clustering process. The analysis was based on data from two rearing seasons with 54 selected races/strains of different geographic origin and varying yield potentials. The results indicate that seven clusters can be realised with yield parameters alone, whereas the inclusion of biochemical parameters in clustering resulted into two broad groups: one having all the breeds with high cocoon weight and shell weight, the other having all the low-yielding silkworm strains both from India and from other countries. Further sub-grouping under these two groups highlights genetical differences associated with the differentiation of various groups of races in temperate and tropical areas as well as their significance for silkworm breeding. Estimates of all ten variables were further subjected to quick clustering and the results showed that cluster 5, constituted by 38 lowyielding strains of India, China and Europe, had the highest values of the final cluster centre for amylase and the effective rate of rearing (ERR), while clusters 1 and 4 had the highest values for invertase and alkaline phosphatase. The evolutionary aspect of the genetic channelisation of silkworm races from various countries is discussed against the background of differences in the biochemical parameters and yield variables.  相似文献   

Final-instar larvae of Bombyx mori fed mulberry leaves, supplemented with Spirulina fusiformis (Woronichin) as a source of single cell protein (SCP), required 6 days to attain a maximum larval weight of 2090 mg; control group larvae needed 9 days to attain a final larval weight of 1470 mg. Quantity of feeding, assimilation and conversion efficiencies increased substantially in the SCP-fed group. Significant improvements in the economic characters such as cocoon, pupal, and shell weights were obtained in the SCP supplemented larvae in comparison to the normal leaf fed larvae. About 15% of the labelled S. fusiformis was directly incorporated into larval tissue. Presence of SCP in the gut facilitated better conversion of consumed leaf protein.
Etudes sur l'utilisation des protéines de cellules isolées par le ver à soie, Bombyx mori
Résumé Des chenilles du dernier stade de Bombyx mori, alimentées sur mûrier additionné de Spirulina fusiformis comme source de protéine de cellule isolée (SCP), atteignent en 6 jours le poids larvaire maximum de 2090 mg; les chenilles témoins consommaient pendant 9 jours pour obtenir leur poids larvaire final de 1470 mg. Les quantités consommées, les coefficients d'assimilation et de conversion ont augmenté substantiellement chez les chenilles avec SCP. Des augmentations significatives de critères économiques, comme les poids de cocon, de nymphe et de cogul, ont été observées avec l'addition de SCP par rapport aux témoins. Environ 15% du S. fusiformis marqué a été incorporé directement dans les tissus larvaires. La présence de SCP dans l'intestin a permis une meilleure conversion des protéines foliaires consommées.

Starvation of 48 h old fifth instar larvae depressed storage protein titres initially for 48 h but retained the levels comparable to control thereafter, possibly due to nutrients obtained during the 48 h feeding after fourth ecdysis. After an initial decline ligated larvae accumulated maximum storage proteins in haemolymph. This is because of inhibitory juvenile hormone titre at the basal level besides the appropriate release of 20-hydroxyecdysone from the ectopic source(s). Injection of methoprene (10 Μg/larva) repressed accumulation of storage proteins while 20-hydroxyecdysone (10 Μg/larva) increased the same. P-soyatose injection to starved and ligated larvae accelerated storage protein accumulation in haemolymph, signalling nutrient indispensability for initiation of storage protein synthesis at the appropriate time of last instar development inBombyx mori.  相似文献   

The insect neuropeptide, [Arg7]-corazonin was injected into larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori to investigate its influence on development and behavior. A single injection of 50 pmol of corazonin into the fourth and fifth instar larvae induced prolongation of the spinning period in all experimental groups except for those injected on day 10 of the fifth instar. The injection also caused a prolongation of the pupal period in some experimental groups, while it had no effect on the timing of larval ecdysis and the length of feeding period of the fifth instar. The spinning period was significantly prolonged even at a low dose of 1 pmol. Both the spinning rate and the rate of increase in hemolymph ecdysteroid level during the spinning stage were reduced by injection of corazonin. However, corazonin injection during days 5-7 of the fifth instar reduced the spinning rate without influencing the ecdysteroid level until the end of day 8, thereafter the rate of increase in hemolymph ecdysteroid level was slower in the corazonin-injected larvae than in the control larvae. Therefore, the suppressed ecdysteroid level observed in the corazonin-injected larvae appears to be a result rather than a cause of the reduced spinning rate. This study is the first published report for the corazonin effect on the behavior in insects.  相似文献   

A variant sericin polypeptide originally found by acid gel electrophoresis in the Nd-s mutant strain of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, has been analyzed genetically. The vriant polypeptide (called S-2v) is encoded by a gene which behaves as a codominant allele of the gene encoding the standard S-2 sericin polypeptide. Linkage analysis locates these alleles at 0.0 map unit on chromosome 11. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that the molecular weight of the S-2v variant polypeptide is lower by approximately 62,500 than that of the S-2 polypeptide. Amino acid analysis indicates that the two sericin polypeptides have similar compositions. These results are consistent with the idea that the variant allele arose by deletion within the S-2 coding sequence in the Src-2 gene locus as the result of unequal recombination.  相似文献   

Topical application of fenoxycarb (1 μg per animal) at 129 or 132 h of the fifth instar larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, did not induce morphological abnormalities in the pupal stage, but these animals became dauer (permanent) pupae. This condition of B. mori and the endocrine events leading to permanent pupae are discussed in this work. Application of fenoxycarb at 132 h of the fifth instar elicited a high ecdysteroid titre in the pharate pupal stage and a steadily high ecdysteroid titre in the pupal stage. The fenoxycarb-induced permanent pupae had non-degenerating prothoracic glands that secreted low amounts of ecdysteroid and did not respond to recombinant prothoracicotropic hormone (rPTTH) late in the pupal stage. The Bombyx PTTH titre in the haemolymph, determined by a time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay, was lower than that of controls at the time of pupal ecdysis, but higher than controls later in the pupal stage in fenoxycarb-treated animals. After application of fenoxycarb, its haemolymph level, measured by ELISA, reached a peak at pupal ecdysis, then remained low. These results suggest that the fenoxycarb-mediated induction of permanent pupae is only partially a brain-centred phenomenon. It also involves alterations in the hormonal interplay that govern both the initiation of pupal-adult differentiation and changes in the steroidogenic pathway of the prothoracic glands of B. mori.  相似文献   

Nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) was tested for vertical transmission in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Fifth instar larvae were exposed to four different dosages of BmNPV (830, 1300, 1800, and 2000OBs/larva) and a dosage of about 2000OBs/larva was found suitable for obtaining infected adults. Histopathological studies revealed the infection in susceptible tissues and organs initially, and at later stages of infection cycles the spermatocytes and nurse cells in the young oocytes were infected in the larval rudiments of testis and ovary, respectively. The mating of infected females with uninfected males resulted in significant reduction in fecundity (P < 0.01) and hatching of eggs (P < 0.001) due to transovarial transmission of BmNPV. Mating tests of uninfected females and infected males also confirmed venereal transmission as there was a significant reduction in hatching of eggs (P < 0.01). Further, among the F1 hybrid offspring (infected female x uninfected male) that were infected transovarially, larval progeny died at first and second instar stages, whereas those infected venereally developed acute lethal infection late and died by the end of third and fourth instar stage. PCR amplification and sequencing of 473bp of immediate early-1 (ie-1) gene of BmNPV isolated from the viral-infected parent and the F1 offspring confirmed that the viral infection is vertically transmitted to the progeny.  相似文献   

Summary Diapause eggs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, exposed to 5°C and 0.5°C from 2 or 30 days after oviposition, were examined for changes in contents of glycogen, sorbitol and glycerol. Cold acclimation did not alter the profile of accumulation of sorbitol from that in eggs kept continuously at 25°C. However, acclimation at 5°C resulted in conversion of sorbitol to glycogen, while acclimation at 0.5°C was not accompanied by the utilization of sorbitol. NAD-sorbitol dehydrogenase (NAD-SDH; EC activity was examined in the cold-acclimated eggs. The activity was induced by acclimation at 5°C but not at 0.5°C. Incubation at 0.5°C suppressed any further increase in the activity that had been induced. Temperature-directed changes in NAD-SDH activity paralleled those in sorbitol content. Hatching of the diapause eggs was monitored after cold acclimation for various periods of time and subsequent transfer to 25°C. Incubation at 0.5°C was less effective than 5°C at breaking diapause. The time required for the eggs to hatch in synchrony after acclimation at 5°C coincided with that required for the induction of NAD-SDH activity. These results show that different effects result from acclimation at 5°C and near 0°C with respect to the control of NAD-SDH activity, that utilization of sorbitol is controlled by NAD-SDH activity, and that induction of this activity is temperature-dependent. Furthermore, induction of NAD-SDH activity is involved in the termination of diapause in B. mori.Abbreviations DH diapause hormone - NAD nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide - NAD-SDH NAD-sorbitol-dehydrogenase  相似文献   

The insect midgut epithelium is generally lined with a unique chitin and protein structure, the peritrophic membrane (PM), which facilitates food digestion and protects the gut epithelium. We used gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry to identify the extracted proteins from the silkworm PM to obtain an in-depth understanding of the biological function of the silkworm PM components. A total of 305 proteins, with molecular weights ranging from 8.02 kDa to 788.52 kDa and the isoelectric points ranging from 3.39 to 12.91, were successfully identified. We also found several major classes of PM proteins, i.e. PM chitin-binding protein, invertebrate intestinal mucin, and chitin deacetylase. The protein profile provides a basis for further study of the physiological events in the PM of Bombyx mori. [BMB Reports 2012; 45(11): 665-670]  相似文献   

Mulberry leaves are the sole diet of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The host urease is incorporated into the larval hemolymph and involved in nitrogen metabolism in the insect. To investigate the selective absorption of the host urease to the larvae, crude urease was prepared from mulberry leaves and roots. Root urease was identical to leaf urease on the basis of electrophoretic analyses: (1) the urease activity appeared in the same migration position in a native gel; (2) There was no difference in molecular mass of the subunit. The root urease was orally injected to the fifth instar larvae of the silkworm. Just before spinning, the larvae absorbed intact urease from the midgut lumen to the hemolymph without the loss of activity. The capacity to absorb urease occurred only at the specific stage. Localization of host urease in midgut tissue was observed using confocal laser scanning microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Based on spatial distribution of immunofluorescent signals and immunogold particles, host urease specifically attached to the surfaces of microvilli existing in the apical side of columnar cells and appeared in the cytoplasm of the cells for transport to the hemolymph. The incorporation efficiency of root urease into the hemolymph was significantly higher than for ureases from jack bean seeds and Bacillus pasteurii. The urease that was transported to the hemolymph was electrophoretically altered, compared with the host urease extracted.  相似文献   

l-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine decarboxylase (DDC) cDNA, from Bombyx mori that contains an open reading frame of 1437 bp encoding 478 amino acids, was cloned and characterized. Expression analyses of B. mori DDC mRNA by Northern and in situ hybridization indicated that expression of silkworm DDC expression is possibly controlled by neuropeptide hormones in tissue- and stage-specific manners.  相似文献   

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