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ABSTRACT. Three species of bucaniid gastropods from the upper Ordovician of Norway and Sweden are revised: Euomphalopterus excavatus is redescribed as a species of Phragmolites with very wide umbilici and ornamentation similar to that of Offleya. Three out of five specimens from the original type series of Temnodiscus lindstroemi remain, representing two different species of two different genera. The original species name is restricted to a species of Phragmolites, whereas two specimens are considered conspecific with Megalomphala? carinata sp. nov., although the high carina, the flaring aperture and the laterally compressed whorls seen in this species are unusual for the genus. The gastropod subfamily Bucaniinae of the family Bucaniidae is here considered to comprise nine genera. Placement of Phragmolites in this family is supported by its deep slit, tangential aperture, transverse growth lines, spiral and collabral ornamentation and the presence of a longitudinal keel on the base of the whorl.  相似文献   

In higher eudicotyledonous angiosperms the floral organs are typically arranged in four different whorls, containing sepals, petals, stamens and carpels. According to the ABC model, the identity of these organs is specified by floral homeotic genes of class A, A+B, B+C and C, respectively. In contrast to the sepal and petal whorls of eudicots, the perianths of many plants from the Liliaceae family have two outer whorls of almost identical petaloid organs, called tepals. To explain the Liliaceae flower morphology, van Tunen et al. (1993) proposed a modified ABC model, exemplified with tulip. According to this model, class B genes are not only expressed in whorls 2 and 3, but also in whorl 1. Thus the organs of both whorls 1 and 2 express class A plus class B genes and, therefore, get the same petaloid identity. To test this modified ABC model we have cloned and characterized putative class B genes from tulip. Two DEF- and one GLO-like gene were identified, named TGDEFA, TGDEFB and TGGLO. Northern hybridization analysis showed that all of these genes are expressed in whorls 1, 2 and 3 (outer and inner tepals and stamens), thus corroborating the modified ABC model. In addition, these experiments demonstrated that TGGLO is also weakly expressed in carpels, leaves, stems and bracts. Gel retardation assays revealed that TGGLO alone binds to DNA as a homodimer. In contrast, TGDEFA and TGDEFB cannot homodimerize, but make heterodimers with PI. Homodimerization of GLO-like protein has also been reported for lily, suggesting that this phenomenon is conserved within Liliaceae plants or even monocot species.these authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Gattendorfia crassa is an Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) goniatite species with strikingly allometric conch growth. Analysis of 15 high-precision cross-sections of this species demonstrates the small intraspecific variability of some of the conch form characters, but remarkable variability in others. While the whorl expansion rate, umbilical width, and conch thickness vary within narrow limits, the expansion rates of the whorl height and whorl width are remarkably plastic. Variability of most of the characters tends to be smallest in intermediate growth stages, whereas juveniles and adults are more variable. The differences in morphological plasticity are interpreted in terms of the function of the ammonoid conch, especially the orientation of the aperture during life.   相似文献   

Hutchinson's ('89) road-holding model states that spiral ornaments of the snail shell (keels and low-curvature areas) dictate the growth path of the subsequent whorl, which in turn gives the signal for attachment of the next whorl. Experiments were performed with two species of the terrestrial snail Sphincterochila in order to test the role of the external keel in determining the correct coiling of successive turns. Experiments substituted a ridge made of silicone for the keel. This ridge ran either (1) abapical or (2) adapical of the original keel. In mode (1), subsequent growth continued by taking the false keel as the adapical limit of the whorl. In only very few instances of mode (2) did the whorls extend incipiently slightly adapical of the path of the original keel. Our results confirm that the keel is an important reference for the coiling strategy of the snail, although the keel itself probably does not constitute the reference, but rather the two flat ramps into which the keel divides the outer lip of the aperture. J. Morphol. 235:249–257, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Bierhorst , David W. (Cornell U., Ithaca, N. Y.) Symmetry in Equisetum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(3) : 170-179. Illus. 1959.—A total of 118 leaf whorls and corresponding nodes from a total of 9 species of Equisetum were studied in serial cross-section. The number of whorls having the same leaf number as the 2 adjacent ones was 67. The size of the arc measured in degrees of circumference occupied by each leaf, as well as its position relative to leaves of adjacent whorls were measured. The disposition of the internodal and trans-nodal vascular strands was determined for each of the nodes. The average per cent deviations from theoretical leaf size within whorls were: whorls not involved in change in leaf number, 3.9; those with fewer leaves than the one below, 9.5; those with more leaves than one above, 7.1; those with more leaves than one below, 9.4; those with different leaf number from the 2 adjacent ones, 12.5. In Equisetum, it is a general rule that (1) a leaf which falls directly above a leaf in the next whorl where the younger whorl possesses fewer leaves than the older one is usually the largest leaf within its whorl, (2) a leaf which falls directly below a leaf in the next younger whorl where the younger whorl possesses fewer leaves than the older one is usually the smallest leaf within its whorl, (3) a leaf which falls directly above a leaf in the next older whorl where the younger whorl possesses a greater number of leaves than the older one is usually the smallest leaf in its whorl, and (4) a leaf which falls directly below a leaf in the next younger whorl where the younger whorl possesses a greater number of leaves than the older one is usually the largest leaf within its whorl. The numerous variations in the disposition of vascular tissue associated with changes in leaf number are described. Double leaf traces which originate in various ways are common, as well as vertical strands traversing the nodes. The leaf trace system is considered to be determined by the number, position, and relative sizes of leaf primordia. The disposition of the trans-nodal protoxylem seems to be determined to a large extent by the proximity of the leaf traces above and below the node.  相似文献   

Comparative floral anatomy and ontogeny in Magnoliaceae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Floral anatomy and ontogeny are described in six species of Magnoliaceae, representing the two subfamilies Liriodendroideae (Liriodendron chinese and L. tulipifera) and Magnolioideae, including species with terminal flowers (Magnolia championi, M. delavayi, M. grandiflora, M. paenetalauma) and axillary flowers (Michelia crassipes). The sequence of initiation of floral organs is from proximal to distal. The three distinct outermost organs are initiated in sequence, but ultimately form a single whorl; thus their ontogeny is consistent with a tepal interpretation. Tepals are initiated in whorls, and the stamens and carpels are spirally arranged, though the androecium shows some intermediacy between a spiral and whorled arrangement. Carpels are entirely free from each other both at primordial stages and maturity. Ventral closure of the style ranges from open in Magnolia species examined to partially closed in Michelia crassipes and completely closed in Liriodendron, resulting in a reduced stigma surface. Thick-walled cells and tannins are present in all species except Michelia crassipes. Oil cells are normally present. Floral structure is relatively homogeneous in this family, although Liriodendron differs from other Magnoliaceae in that the carpels are entirely closed at maturity, resulting in a relatively small stigma, in contrast to the elongate stigma of most species of Magnolia. The flower of Magnolia does not terminate in an organ or organ whorl but achieves determinacy by gradual diminution.  相似文献   

CaMADS1 is a floral-specific MADS box gene of hazelnut (Corylus avellana) which, according to its sequence and expression pattern, belongs to the AGAMOUS gene sub-family. To investigate whether CaMADS1 plays a role in specifying stamen and carpel identity, this gene was ectopically expressed in Arabidopsis. The constitutive expression of CaMADS1 in transgenic plants produced the homeotic conversion of first and second whorl organs: the first whorl exhibited carpelloid sepals and the second whorl showed staminoid features. This was expected on the basis of the ABC model, according to which ectopic expression of a functional AGAMOUS (a gene of class C) orthologue would suppress the A class homeotic function in the first and second whorls, leading to transformation of these whorls into carpels and stamen, respectively. These results indicate a functional equivalency between AGAMOUS and CaMADS1, for which CaMADS1 might behave like a class C homeotic gene, controlling the determination of stamen and carpel identity in hazelnut Received: 31 July 2000 / Revision accepted: 28 September 2000  相似文献   

Garden asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) is a dioecious species with male and female flowers on separate unisexual individuals. Since B- and C-functional MADS-box genes specify male and female reproductive organs, it is important to characterize these genes to clarify the mechanism of sex determination in monoecious and dioecious species. In this study, we isolated and characterized AODEF gene, a B-functional gene in the development of male and female flowers of A. officinalis. Southern hybridization identified a single copy of AODEF gene in asparagus genome. Northern blot analysis showed that this gene was specifically expressed in flower buds and not in vegetative tissues. In situ hybridization showed that during early hermaphrodite stages, AODEFgene was expressed in the inner tepal and stamen whorls (whorls 2 and 3, respectively), but not in the outer tepals (whorl 1), in both male and female flowers. In late unisexual developmental stages, the expression of AODEF gene was still detected in the inner tepals and stamens of male flowers, but the expression was reduced in whorls 2 and 3 of female flowers. Our results suggest that AODEF gene is probably not involved in tepal development in asparagus and that the expression of AODEF gene is probably controlled directly or indirectly by sex determination gene in the late developmental stages.  相似文献   

Flowers ofEucalyptus clöeziana have two clearly distinct perianth whorls. The small free parts of the outer (calycine) whorl cease growth early and are lost from the flower; the parts of the inner (corolline) whorl become continuous laterally by confluence of growth centres and form an operculum in the mature flower. The stamens are inserted on a circumfloral buttress (staminophore) that is homologous to the adaxial corolline component inAngophora and the bloodwood andEudesmia eucalypts. Flowers ofMonocalyptus have only one perianth whorl, which is opercular. The stamens are similarly inserted on a circumfloral buttress. Developmental study does not provide conclusive evidence for either a calycine or corolline determination of theMonocalyptus operculum, but comparison with other eucalypt groups, includingE. clöeziana (the sister taxon), predicts an essentially corolline composition.  相似文献   

The flowers of mangrove Rhizophoraceae (tribe Rhizophoreae) are adapted to three different pollination mechanisms. Floral development of representative species of all four genera suggests that the ancestral flower of the tribe was unspecialized, with successively initiated whorls of separate sepals, petals, antisepalous stamens, and antipetalous stamens; at its inception, the gynoecium had a united, half-inferior ovary and separate stigmatic lobes. This developmental pattern is found in Rhizophora mangle (wind-pollinated) and Ceriops decandra (insect-pollinated). In Kandelia, all floral organs distal to the sepals are initiated simultaneously, and there has apparently been an evolutionary amplification in the number of stamens to about six times the number of petals. Explosive pollen release evolved independently in C. tagal and in Bruguiera. In the former, all stamens belong to one whorl and arise simultaneously upon a very weakly differentiated androecial ring primordium. In Bruguiera, the androecial ring is pronounced, and two whorls of stamens arise upon it; the primordia of the antisepalous whorl arise first but are closer to the center of the apex than the antipetalous stamen primordia. The antisepalous stamens bend toward and are enclosed by the petals early in development. In all genera, the inferior ovary develops by zonal growth of receptacular tissue; additional intercalary growth above the placenta occurs in Bruguiera. In general, floral specialization is accompanied by an increase in the width of the floral apex compared to the size of the primordia, increasing fusion of the stylar primordia, and decreasing prominence of the superior portion of the ovary. Apparent specializations of petal appendages for water storage, including the presence of sub-terminal hydathodes (previously unreported in any angiosperm), were found in two species in which flowers remain open during the day but were absent from two species normally pollinated at night or at dawn. Distinctive tribal characteristics that may aid in phylogenetic analysis include the mode of development of the inferior ovary; the aristate, bifid, usually fringed petals that individually enclose one or more stamens; the intrastaminal floral disc; and the initially subepidermal laticiferous cell layer in the sepals and ovary.  相似文献   

The androecium of the Caryophyllaceae is varied, ranging from a two-whorled condition to a single stamen. A number of species belonging to the three subfamilies, Caryophyl-loideae, Alsinoideae and Paronychioideae have been studied ontogenetically with the SEM to understand their peculiar androecial development in the broader context of the Caryophyllales alliance. Although patterns of initiation are highly variable among species, there are three ontogenetic modes of stamen initiation: all stamens simultaneous within a whorl, the antepetalous stamens simultaneous and the antesepalous sequentially with a reversed direction, or both whorls sequentially with or without a reversed direction. The most common floral (ontogenetic) sequence of the Caryophyllaceae runs as follows: five sepals (in a 2/5 sequence), the stamens in front of the three inner sepals successively, stamens opposite the two outermost sepals, five antepetalous stamens (simultaneously or in a reversed spiral superimposed on the spiral of the antesepalous stamens), five outer sterile (petaloid) organs arising before, simultaneously or after the antesepalous stamens, often by the division of common primordia. A comparison with the floral configurations of the Phytolaccaceae and Molluginaceae indicates that the outer petaline whorl of the Caryophyllaceae corresponds positionally to the alternisepalous stamens of somePhytolacca, such asP. dodecandra. The difference withP. dodecandra lies in the fact that an extra inner or outer whorl is formed in the Caryophyl-laceae, in alternation with the sepals. A comparable arrangement exists in the Molluginaceae, though the initiation of stamens is centrifugal. A comparison of floral ontogenies and the presence of reduction series in the Caryophyllaceae support the idea that the pentamerous arrangement is derived from a trimerous prototype. Petals correspond to sterillized stamens and are comparable to two stamen pairs opposite the outer sepals and a single stamen alternating with the third and fifth sepals. Petals are often in a state of reduction; they may be confused with staminodes and they often arise from common stamenpetal primordia. The antesepalous stamen whorl represents an amalgamation of two whorls: initiation is reversed with the stamens opposite the fourth and fifth formed sepals arising before the other, while the stamens opposite the first and second formed sepals are frequently reduced or lost. Reductive trends are correlated with the mode of initiation of the androecium, as well as changes in the number of carpels, and affect the antesepalous and antepetalous whorls in different proportions. It is concluded that the androecium of the Caryophyllaceae is pseudodiplos-temonous and is not comparable to diplostemonous forms in the Dilleniidae and Rosidae. The basic floral formula of Caryophyllaceae is as follows: sepals 5—petals 5 (sterile stamens)—antesepalous stamens 3+2—antepetalous stamens 5 gynoecium 5.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜观察了青城细辛(Asarum splendens)的花器官发生过程。青城细辛的花器官为轮状结构,向心发生,依次为两轮3基数的花被原基,两轮6基数的雄蕊原基和一轮6基数的心皮原基。两轮花被原基互生,只有外轮(先发生的一轮)花被原基完全发育,而内轮(后发生的一轮)花被原基在发育过程中逐渐退化。两轮雄蕊原基为离心发生:位于内侧的一轮雄蕊原基先发生,每两个原基正对第一轮发生的花被原基,外侧的一轮雄蕊原基后发生,与内轮雄蕊原基互生。心皮与内侧的一轮雄蕊互生。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The marine oligotrichous ciliate Spirotontonia taiwanica n. sp. isolated from the coastal waters of northeastern Taiwan is reported, using live observation, protargol preparations and molecular data. The new species differs from the most similar, known congener Spirotontonia turbinata in the following features: (1) lower number of buccal membranelles (11–13 vs. 13–17); (2) higher number of whorls of girdle kinety (2.5 vs. 1.5); (3) lower number of macronuclear nodules (20–31 vs. 28–40); (4) larger cell size (80–104 × 40–72 vs. 44–75 × 29–56 μm); (5) larger anterior cell end to buccal vertex (50 vs. 33 μm); (6) larger ratio of cell length to cell width (1.74 vs. 1.38); (7) the different beginning of the girdle kinety (posterior to the buccal vertex vs. left of the buccal zone portion); and (8) the disappearance of the L‐shaped argyrophilic structures in the last half whorl and occasionally the first 1–10 dikinetids (i.e. yes vs. no). The molecular data also reveal two distinct species, deviating by 2% or 33% base pairs.  相似文献   

The inflorescence and floral development of Caldesia grandis Samuel is reported for the first time in this paper. The basic units of the large cymo‐thyrsus inflorescence are short panicles that are arranged in a pseudowhorl. Each panicle gives rise spirally to three bract primordia also arranged in a pseudowhorl. The branch primordia arise at the axils of the bracts. Each panicle produces spirally three bract primordia with triradiate symmetry (or in a pseudowhorl) and three floral primordia in the axils of the bract primordia. The apex of the panicle becomes a terminal floral primordium after the initiations of lateral bract primordia and floral primordia. Three sepal primordia are initiated approximately in a single whorl from the floral primordium. Three petal primordia are initiated alternate to the sepal primordia, but their subsequent development is much delayed. The first six stamen primordia are initiated as three pairs in a single whorl and each pair appears to be antipetalous as in other genera of the Alismataceae. The stamen primordia of the second whorl are initiated trimerously and opposite to the petals. Usually, 9–12 stamens are initiated in a flower. There is successive transition between the initiation of stamen and carpel primordia. The six first‐initiated carpel primordia rise simultaneously in a whorl and alternate with the trimerous stamens, but the succeeding ones are initiated in irregular spirals, and there are 15–21 carpels developed in a flower. Petals begin to enlarge and expand when anthers of stamens have differentiated microsporangia. Such features do not occur in C. parnassifolia. In the latter, six stamen primordia are initiated in two whorls of three, carpel primordia are initiated in 1–3 whorls, and there is no delay in the development of petals. C. grandis is thus considered more primitive and C. parnassifolia more derived. C. grandis shares more similarities in features of floral development with Alsma, Echinodorus, Luronium and Sagittaria. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 140 , 39–47.  相似文献   

黄红慧  李景照 《广西植物》2018,38(2):210-219
该研究对地质时期樟科植物花化石的主要类群,即Androglandula、Lauranthus、Mauldinia、Neusenia、Perseanthus和Potomacanthus属分别从属和种的形态特征、分布、地层以及系统意义进行了论述,并结合现代樟科植物从地层和分布、花序类型、花部形态特征和显微构造特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)樟科植物在中晚白垩纪期,已经起源于劳亚古陆的中纬度区域。(2)樟科植物的花序类型为Mauldinia属的侧生花序类型和假伞形花序类型。(3)花为3基数的两性花,花被片6枚排列为2轮,雄蕊12或6,排列为4、3或2轮,最内轮雄蕊不育,第三轮雄蕊基部常见一对附属腺体,雄蕊药室瓣裂,4或2药室,雌蕊为单心皮。(4)花被片上常有大量的油细胞、并列型气孔器和单细胞毛。该研究结果中樟科花化石的发现,为樟科植物的系统演化提供了古生物学的证据和资料。  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphisms in shell-bearing snails expressed by characteristic traits of their respective shells would offer the possibility for a lot of studies about gender distribution in populations, species, etc. In this study, the seven main shell characters of the snail Cochlostoma septemspirale were measured in both sexes: (1) height and (2) width of the shell, (3) height and (4) width of the aperture, (5) width of the last whorl, (6) rib density on the last whorl, and (7) intensity of the reddish or brown pigments forming three bands over the shell. The variation of size and shape was explored with statistical methods adapted to principal components analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). In particular, we applied some multivariate morphometric tools for the analysis of ratios that have been developed only recently, that is, the PCA ratio spectrum, allometry ratio spectrum, and LDA ratio extractor. The overall separation of the two sexes was tested with LDA cross validation.The results show that there is a sexual dimorphism in the size and shape of shells. Females are more slender than males and are characterised by larger size, a slightly reduced aperture height but larger shell height and whorl width. Therefore they have a considerable larger shell volume (about one fifth) in the part above the aperture. Furthermore, the last whorl of females is slightly less strongly pigmented and mean rib density slightly higher. All characters overlap quite considerably between sexes. However, by using cross validation based on the 5 continuous shell characters more than 90% of the shells can be correctly assigned to each sex.  相似文献   

Since orthodox evolutionary theory is functionalist, constraints attain their most important positive meaning as channels of change imposed by historical and formal determinants, rather than by immediate natural selection. Since ontogeny is the usual locus of expression for these determinants, developmental constraint is an appropriate, general term. A particular developmental constraint in Cerion, most variable of West Indian land snails, stands out for two reasons: 1) it is simply and inexorably defined as a consequence both of formal principles (coiling of tube about axis) and of historical contingencies in Cerion's invariant allometry of growth; 2) it is pervasive in its influence, underlying major patterns of variation in every Cerion study I have ever undertaken. I refer to this pattern as the “jigsaw constraint.” When whorls are large and final size is limited, adult shells must grow fewer whorls. In Cerion, this obvious fact is promoted from trivial to important because complex allometries impose a substantial set of further consequences for form upon this basic trade-off of whorl size and whorl number. I show that this complex of consequences dominates patterns of natural variation in Cerion at all levels (among shells within samples, between samples in the geographic variation of single species, and between species in multitaxon faunas). It also sets patterns of hybridization between taxa. This paper is primarily a compendium of such examples. It is designed to illustrate the importance of this constraint by the fundamental criterion of relative frequency.  相似文献   

The identity of the labellum is a hot point in Zingiberales, which has long been discussed by many authors. In this study, floral vasculature and ontogeny of Canna indica (Cannaceae) was observed by LM and SEM in order to ascertain the identity of the labellum and the functional stamen of this species and provide evidence for the homologies of the floral organs in Zingiberales. The results indicate that the labellum of C. indica have incorporated two androecial members from both outer and inner whorls, rather than three, one or half member, as previously suggested by morphologists of Cannaceae flowers. The two labellum traces are here interpreted as: one from the outer androecial whorl (diverging from the carpellary dorsal bundle), while the other from the inner androecial whorl (diverging from the parietal bundle). The functional stamen also incorporates two androecial bundles, the same as the labellum: one trace from the carpellary dorsal bundle, and the other (the petaloid appendage) from the parietal bundle. In addition, the origin of the vascular system in the androecium of Zingiberales and its systematic significance are discussed.  相似文献   

记述采自云南省石林县陆生贝类1新种,即石林管螺Phaedusa shilinensis sp.nov.,文中对新种形态特征、栖息环境进行了描述,并对其相似种进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

Plants are considered as archetypes of the ramification phenomenon but numerous elementary processes occur in the elaboration of the shaping of each species. This paper aims to identify the part ascribed to different mechanisms in the morphogenesis of a Thallophyte, the red alga Antihamnion plumula.Agonistic-antagonistic models (Bernard-Weil, 1988) can be applied to this alga whose thallus includes two different kinds of whorls, pleuridian and cladomian. In each whorl the agonistic and antagonistic effects are expressed by the full development (S) of the two branches and by their symmetry rate (R) respectively. Variations in S and R show the existence of particular pleuridian whorls having an intermediary dissymmetry and a rhythmic arrangement similarly to that of the cladomian whorls. A unilateral change of the system (removal of a lateral cladome) induces a transitory destabilisation mainly manifested by the stimulating ascendant flow throughout the thallus.These results add to our knowledge on A. plumula morphogenesis. In particular the notion of mitotic crisis, previously applied to this cladomothallus development, acquires a new significance. Moreover, the results highlight the building power of conflict and co-operation simultaneously involved in plant branching.  相似文献   

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