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Four temperature-sensitive mutants of rat 3Y1 fibroblasts belonging to separate complementation groups (3Y1tsD123, 3Y1tsF121, 3Y1tsG125, and 3Y1tsH203) are arrested mainly with a 2C DNA content, when cells proliferating at 33.8 degrees C are shifted up to 39.8 degrees C (Ohno et al., 1984). Zaitsu and Kimura (submitted for publication) showed that 3Y1tsF121 cells synchronized in the early S phase were arrested with a 4C DNA content at 39.8 degrees C. We studied the traverse through the S and G2 phases at 39.8 degrees C in the four ts mutants synchronized at the early S phase and found that 3Y1tsG125 and 3Y1tsH203 cells were arrested with a 4C DNA content as 3Y1tsF121, while 3Y1tsD123 cells went through S and G2 phases and underwent mitosis. When 3Y1tsF121 and 3Y1tsG125 mutants arrested at 39.8 degrees C were shifted down to 33.8 degrees C, a substantial fraction of the cells with a 4C DNA content started, with a certain lag period, DNA synthesis without intervening mitosis and underwent the first mitosis with a lag period similar to that in the cells arrested with a 2C DNA content. The tetraploid cells thus generated had a proliferating ability lower than that of diploid cells.  相似文献   

Three temperature-sensitive cell-cycle mutants of rat 3Y1 fibroblasts (3Y1tsD123, 3Y1tsG125, and 3Y1tsH203, each belonging to distinct complementation groups) were transformed with plasmid DNA carrying Harvey murine sarcoma virus cDNA. The criteria for transformation were increase in saturation cell density, capability to clone in soft agar, and alteration in the cellular morphology. At 39.8 degrees C (restrictive temperature of the parental cell lines), all the transformed sublines of each mutant ceased to proliferate and were arrested reversibly in the G1 phase of the cell cycle like the parental lines. At both 39.8 degrees C and 33.8 degrees C (permissive temperature for the parental lines), all the untransformed parental lines synthesized p21ras at low rate. At 33.8 degrees C, all the transformed sublines synthesized p21ras at much higher rate and expressed the morphological phenotype characteristic to v-H-ras-induced transformation. At 39.8 degrees C, the rate of p21ras synthesis was not changed in the transformed sublines of 3Y1tsD123 and 3Y1tsG125, and the morphology of transformed phenotype also remained intact. In the transformed subline of 3Y1tsH203, the rate of p21ras synthesis was lowered at 39.8 degrees C to that seen in the untransformed parental line, and the transformed phenotype in morphology disappeared. In all of the transformed sublines, the amount of v-H-ras mRNA markedly expressed at both 33.8 degrees C and 39.8 degrees C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We examined the effects of large T antigen of simian virus 40 (SV40) on the proliferation phenotypes of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of rat 3Y1 fibroblasts, which cease proliferating in the G1 phase of the cell cycle at a restrictive temperature (39.8 degrees C). Four ts mutants, each representing independent complementation groups, were transformed with the dl-884 mutant of SV40 which lacks the unique coding region for small t antigen. In the case of two ts mutants, their transformed derivatives did not cease proliferation at 39.8 degrees C. In the other two mutants, the transformed cells continued to enter the S phase but the cells became detached from the dishes thereafter, at 39.8 degrees C. The proliferation phenotypes of the dl-884-transformed cells at 39.8 degrees C were quite similar with those of the same mutants transformed with the wild-type SV40. These results indicate that large T antigen alone is sufficient to overcome the inhibition of cellular entry into S phase caused by four different ts defects and determines the proliferation phenotypes of the cells after entering the S phase at a restrictive temperature, and that small t antigen does not alter the cellular phenotypes determined by large T antigen.  相似文献   

Summary We examined cellular protein content in four temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of rat 3Y1 fibroblasts (3Y1tsD123, 3Y1tsF121, 3Y1tsG125, and 3Y1tsH203) under various conditions of culture that affect cell proliferation. When proliferation of the ts mutants was inhibited at a nonpermissive temperature (39.8°C) in the G1 phase, prominent accumulation of cellular protein occurred in three mutants (3Y1tsF121, 3Y1tsG125, and 3Y1tsH203) but not in 3Y1tsD123. The over-accumulation of protein at 39.8°C in the former three mutants was inhibited at high cell densities. At low cell densities there was an upper limit in the protein accumulation at 39.8°C. When the three mutants, proliferation-arrested at high cell densities at 33.8°C, were replated sparsely in fresh medium and shifted to 39.8°C, proliferation was completely inhibited whereas over-accumulation of protein occurred. These results indicating dissociation of protein accumulation and cell proliferation suggest that the two events are regulated by different mechanisms. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (1984) to K. Y. from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

Recombinant human acidic fibroblast growth factor has been produced in E. coli cells at a level of at least 50 mg/l culture. The recombinant and natural acidic fibroblast growth factors are almost identical to one another when tested on rat mammary fibroblasts for their ability to stimulate DNA synthesis, to bind to the high-affinity surface receptors of the cells and to inhibit DNA synthesis when present in the culture medium at high concentrations. The recombinant acidic fibroblast growth factor binds to two cell-surface polypeptides of molecular masses 160 kDa and 140 kDa, which are the same size as the receptors for basic fibroblast growth factor, and it binds preferentially to the smaller polypeptide.  相似文献   

Summary The development of bacteriophages SPP1, and 29 has been studied in several B. subtilis mutants defective in host DNA replication, under non permissive conditions.Several gene products, involved in the synthesis of host DNA, are required for 29 replication, while SPP1 seems to require obly the host DNA polymerase III. In addition both phages are unable to grow in a dna A mutant (ribonucleotide reductase). Taking advantage of the fact that SPP1 DNA is actively replicated in several dna mutants at non-permissive temperature, we have studied the structure of the replicative intermediates of this phage in the absence of interfering host DNA synthesis.Fast sedimenting forms of SPP1 DNA can be isolated from phage infected cells and evidence of covalently joined concatemers has been obtained, suggesting the presence of terminally repeated sequences.  相似文献   

The pronounced synovial hyperplasia often found in the joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis could be explained partially by the action of monocyte-macrophage polypeptides (monokines). This report demonstrates that two cytokines which may be derived from monocyte-macrophage populations, namely platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), stimulate the DNA synthesis and proliferation of human synovial fibroblast-like cells cultured in low (i.e., 1%) fetal bovine serum. Epidermal growth factor, insulin-like growth factor-I, insulin-like growth factor-II (multiplication stimulating activity) and substance P were inactive. Unlike IL-1, PDGF and FGF do not also stimulate PGE2, plasminogen activator, and hyaluronic acid levels. Thus PDGF and FGF, arising from stimulated monocyte-macrophages, may play a role in the stimulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation that often accompanies chronic inflammatory arthritic disease. The synovial cells respond to a variety of cytokines in different ways suggesting multiple-signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Summary P1 DNA is synthesized in the E. coli ts dna mutants 165/70 (elongation defect) and 252 (initiation defect) at elevated temperatures. In strain 165/70, P1 infection at 41°C leads to phage production accompanied by a transient recovery of bacterial DNA synthesis. No phages are produced byt P1 DNA is still synthesized in strain 252 if infected after host DNA replication has come to a halt at 42°C.  相似文献   

Acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) stimulated DNA synthesis in primary rat hepatocyte cultures in a dose-dependent manner with maximal effect at 10-50 ng ml-1. This activity was dependent on the presence of heparin at a concentration of 10-50 micrograms.ml-1. Insulin interacted synergistically with aFGF, as it did with epidermal growth factor (EGF). The response to aFGF was only 50% that found with EGF. The disparity was not due to different kinetics of DNA synthesis, since the peak response for both growth factors occurred at 36-72 hr after plating of the hepatocytes. The potential relevance of this novel hepatocyte mitogen to normal and pathological liver growth is discussed.  相似文献   

Randomly proliferating 3Y1tsD123 cells are arrested in G1 phase within 24 h after a shift up to 39.8 degrees C (temperature arrest), yet the density-arrested cells (prepared at 33.8 degrees C) enter S phase at 39.8 degrees C with serum stimulation, with or without preexposure to 39.8 degrees C for 24 h (Zaitsu and Kimura 1984a). When the density-arrested 3Y1tsD123 cells were preexposed to 39.8 degrees C for 96 h, they lost the ability to enter S phase at 39.8 degrees C by serum stimulation and required a longer lag time to enter S phase at 33.8 degrees C by serum stimulation than did the cells not preexposed to 39.8 degrees C. Simian virus 40 induced cellular DNA synthesis at 39.8 degrees C in the density-arrested 3Y1tsD123 preexposed to 39.8 degrees C for 96 h. In the absence of serum after a shift down to 33.8 degrees C, the temperature-arrested 3Y1tsD123 cells entered S phase and then divided once. We postulate from these results that (1) the ts defect in 3Y1tsD123 is involved in a serum-independent process. Once this process is accomplished, its accomplishment is invalidated slowly with preexposure to 39.8 degrees C. This and the serum-dependent processes occur in parallel but not necessarily simultaneously. The accomplishment of both (all) processes is required for the initiation of S phase. The density-arrested 3Y1tsD123 cells have accomplished the serum-independent process related to the ts defect, but have not accomplished serum-dependent processes. In case of the temperature-arrested 3Y1tsD123 cells, the reverse holds true. The lag time for entry into S phase depends on the preparedness for the initiation of DNA synthesis (on the extent of accomplishment of each of all processes required for entry into S phase). (2) To induce cellular DNA synthesis, simian virus 40 stimulates directly the serum-independent process. However, we do not rule out the possibility that simian virus 40 stimulates serum-dependent processes simultaneously.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant defective in DNA replication, tsFT848, was isolated from the mouse mammary carcinoma cell line FM3A. In mutant cells, the DNA-dependent ATPase activity of DNA helicase B, which is a major DNA-dependent ATPase in wild-type cells, decreased at the nonpermissive temperature of 39 degrees C. DNA synthesis in tsFT848 cells at the nonpermissive temperature was analyzed in detail. DNA synthesis measured by incorporation of [3H]thymidine decreased to about 50% and less than 10% of the initial level at 8 and 12 h, respectively. The decrease in the level of thymidine incorporation correlated with a decrease in the number of silver grains in individual nuclei but not with the number of cells with labeled nuclei. DNA fiber autoradiography revealed that the DNA chain elongation rate did not decrease even after an incubation for 10 h at 39 degrees C, suggesting that initiation of DNA replication at the origin of replicons is impaired in the mutant cells. The decrease in DNA-synthesizing ability coincided with a decrease in the level of the DNA-dependent ATPase activity of DNA helicase B. Partially purified DNA helicase B from tsFT848 cells was more heat sensitive than that from wild-type cells. Inactivation of DNA-dependent ATPase activity of DNA helicase B from mutant cells was considerably reduced by adding DNA to the medium used for preincubation, indicating that the DNA helicase of mutant cells is stabilized by binding to DNA.  相似文献   

Fifteen temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 were studied with regard to the relationship between their ability to synthesize viral DNA and to induce viral DNA polymerase (DP) activity at permissive (34 C) and nonpermissive (39 C) temperatures. At 34 C, all mutants synthesized viral DNA, while at 39 C four mutants demonstrated a DNA+ phenotype, three were DNA+/-, and eight were DNA-. DNA+ mutants induced levels of DP activity similar to thhose of the wild-type virus at both temperatures, and DNA+/- mutants induced reduced levels of DP activity at 39 C but not at 34 C. Among the DNA- mutants three were DP+, two were DP+/-, and three showed reduced DP activity at 34 C with no DP activity at 39 C. DNA-, DP- mutants induced the synthesis of a temperature-sensitive DP as determined by in vivo studies.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 belonging to four DNA- complementation groups exhibited two distinct patterns of viral DNA synthesis after shift-up to the nonpermissive temperature. In cultures infected with mutants belonging to complementation groups A, C, and D, little or no viral DNA was synthesized after shift-up. In cultures infected with a mutant in complementation group B, nearly normal amounts of viral DNA were synthesized after shift-up.  相似文献   

The effect of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) on the proliferation of human skin fibroblasts was examined. At concentrations above 1.0 ng/ml, both native and recombinant human HGF/SF stimulated the DNA synthesis determined by [3H]thymidine incorporation, which was completely inhibited by an anti-human HGF/SF monoclonal antibody. The maximal DNA synthesis in the treated cells was nearly twice that in untreated cells. HGF/SF also caused an increase in the labelling index, DNA content and cell number. The effect of HGF/SF was more than additive to the maximal effect of insulin and epidermal growth factor, other mitogens for the fibroblasts. These results indicate that human skin fibroblasts are sensitive to the mitogenic action of HGF/SF.  相似文献   

Four temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of rat 3Y1 cells (3Y1tsD123, 3Y1tsF121, 3Y1tsG125, and 3Y1tsH203) are arrested at 39.8°C mainly with a 2N DNA content (temperature-arrested cells). The states of these cells were compared with findings in case of cells arrested at 33.8°C at saturation density (density-arrested cells), with regard to the ability to enter S phase after release from arrest or after serum stimulation at 39.8°C. With the 3Y1tsD123, the ts defect is an event which seems essential for the initiation of S phase and occurs after mitosis but not after release from the density arrest. The defect in 3Y1tsF121 related to the efficiency of utilization of serum component(s). In case of 3Y1tsG125, the state of temperature arrest appeared to locate between the state of density arrest and the beginning of S phase. There was no significant difference between the density- and the temperature-arrested cells, in case of 3Y1tsH203.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 representing eight DNA-negative complementation groups were grouped into the following three categories based on the viral DNA synthesis patterns after shift-up from the permissive to the nonpermissive temperature and after shift-down from the nonpermissive to the permissive temperature in the presence and absence of inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis. (i) Viral DNA synthesis was inhibited after shift-up in cells infected with tsB, tsH, and tsJ. After shift-down, tsB- and tsH-infected cells synthesized viral DNA in the absence of de novo RNA and protein synthesis whereas tsJ-infected cells synthesized no viral DNA in the absence of protein synthesis. The B, H, and J proteins appear to be continuously required for the synthesis of viral DNA. (ii) Viral DNA synthesis continued after shift-up in cells infected with tsD and tsK whereas no viral DNA was synthesized after shift-down in the absence of RNA and protein synthesis. Mutants tsD and tsK appear to be defective in early regulatory functions. (iii) Cells infected with tsL, tsS, and tsU synthesized viral DNA after shift-up and after shift-down in the absence of RNA and protein synthesis. The functions of the L, S, and U proteins cannot yet be determined.  相似文献   

The synthesis of bacteriophage G4 DNA was examined in temperature-sensitive dna mutants under permissive and nonpermissive conditions. The infecting single-stranded G4 DNA was converted to the parental replicative form (RF) at the nonpermissive temperature in infected cells containing a temperature sensitive mutation in the dnaA, dnaB, dnaC, dnaE, or dnaG gene. The presence of 30 mug of chloramphenicol or 200 mug of rifampin per ml had no effect on parental RF synthesis in these mutants. Replication of G4 double-stranded RF DNA occurred at a normal rate in dnaAts cells at the nonpermissive temperature, but the rate was greatly reduced in cells containing a temperature-sensitive mutation in the dnaB, dnaC, dnaE, or dnaG gene. RF DNA replicated at normal rates in revertants of these dna temperature-sensitive host cells. The simplest interpretation of these observations is that none of the dna gene products tested is essential for the synthesis of the complementary DNA strand on the infecting single-stranded G4 DNA, whereas the dnaB, dnaC, dnaE, (DNA polymerase III), and dnaG gene products are all essential for replication of the double-stranded G4 RF DNA. The alternate possibility that one or more of the gene products are actually essential for G4 parental RF synthesis, even though this synthesis is not defective in the mutant hosts, is also discussed.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant of Bacillus stearothermophilus, TS-13, was unable to grow above 58 degrees C, compared to 72 degrees C for the wild type. Actively growing TS-13 cells lysed within 2 h when exposed to a restrictive temperature of 65 degrees C. Peptidoglycan synthesis stopped within 10 to 15 min postshift before a shut down of other macromolecular syntheses. Composition of preexisting peptidoglycan was not altered, nor was new peptidoglycan of aberrant composition formed. No significant difference in autolysin activity was observed between the mutant and the wild type at 65 degrees C. Protoplasts of TS-13 cells were able to synthesize cell wall material at 52 degress C, but not at 65 degrees C. This wall material remained closely associated with the cell membrane at the outer surface of the protoplasts, forming small, globular, membrane-bound structures which could be visualized by electron microscopy. These structures reacted with fluorescent antibody prepared against purified cell walls. Production of this membrane-associated wall material could be blocked by bacitracin, which inhibited cell wall synthesis at the level of transport through the membrane. The data were in agreement with previous studies showing that at the restrictive temperature this mutant is unable to alter its membrane fatty acid and phospholipid composition with temperature such that it is not able to maintain a membrane lipid composition which permits normal membrane function at the restrictive temperature.  相似文献   

3Y1 rat fibroblasts overexpressing the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR cells) become transformed when treated with EGF. A common response to oncogenic and mitogenic stimuli is elevated phospholipase D (PLD) activity. RalA, a small GTPase that functions as a downstream effector molecule of Ras, exists in a complex with PLD1. In the EGFR cells, EGF induced a Ras-dependent activation of RalA. The activation of PLD by EGF in these cells was dependent upon both Ras and RalA. In contrast, EGF-induced activation of Erk1, Erk2, and Jun kinase was dependent on Ras but independent of RalA, indicating divergent pathways activated by EGF and mediated by Ras. The transformed phenotype induced by EGF in the EGFR cells was dependent upon both Ras and RalA. Importantly, overexpression of wild-type RalA or an activated RalA mutant increased PLD activity in the absence of EGF and transformed the EGFR cells. Although overexpression of PLD1 is generally toxic to cells, the EGFR cells not only tolerated PLD1 overexpression but also became transformed in the absence of EGF. These data demonstrate that either RalA or PLD1 can cooperate with EGF receptor to transform cells.  相似文献   

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