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The haemocyanin from the freshwater gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis was digested with proteolytic enzymes under conditions where it existed as whole (native) molecules (mol.wt. approx. 9 X 10(6)), or as one-tenth molecules. Digestion of whole molecules yielded a fragment of mol.wt. approx. 110,000 believed to correspond to the 'collar' of the molecule, and an aggregate some 20--30 times the size of the original native molecule formed by end-to-end polymerization of the molecule after removal of the collar. Digestion of one-tenth molecules yielded a mixture of products that could be separated into three fractions by gel filtration. Analysis of these by sodium dodecylsulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis revealed that they typically contained two or three components. The collar fragment was present as a component of the intermediate-molecular-weight fraction, and it dissociated on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gels to give two bands corresponding to apparent mol.wts. 65,000 and 60,000. The c.d. spectra of the separated fractions were recorded and fitted with Gaussian curves by a computer procedure. The fractions each possessed distinct c.d. spectra, by which they could be identified: the collar-fragment c.d. and absorption spectra showed the most striking differences compared with those of the other fragments. The results were interpreted in terms of the postulated existence, within the haemocyanin molecule, of multi-domain structures, each comprising a single polypeptide chain of mol.wt. 200,000--300,000.  相似文献   

The binding of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA) to fibrin increases upon digestion of fibrin with plasmin. Optimal binding is observed following a limited plasmin digestion of fibrin, coinciding with the generation of fibrin fragment X polymers. We studied the involvement of the separate domains of the amino-terminal "heavy" (H) chain of rt-PA in this augmentation of fibrin binding. The fibrin-binding characteristics of a set of rt-PA deletion mutants, lacking either one or more of the structural domains of the H chain, were determined on intact fibrin matrices and on fibrin matrices that were subjected to limited digestion with plasmin. The augmented fibrin binding of rt-PA is partially abolished when the plasmin-degraded fibrin matrices are subsequently treated with carboxypeptidase B, demonstrating that this increased binding is dependent on the generation of carboxyl-terminal lysine residues in the fibrin matrix. Evidence is provided that this increase of fibrin binding is mediated by the kringle 2 (K2) domain that contains a lysine-binding site. Further increase of the fibrin binding of rt-PA is independent of the presence of carboxyl-terminal lysines. It is shown that the latter increase is not mediated by the K2 domain. Based on our data, we propose that the increase in fibrin binding, unrelated to the presence of carboxyl-terminal lysine residues, is mediated by the finger (F) domain, provided that this domain is correctly exposed in the remainder of the protein.  相似文献   

The rate of plasmin denaturation was in the order of Lys-plasmin greater than miniplasmin greater than microplasmin. Fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) dose dependently increased the denaturation rate of Lys-plasmin and mini-plasmin with a maximal rate constant at the FDP/plasmin ratio of about 0.5. The denaturation rate constant of microplasmin was not affected. FDP increased the rate of plasmin denaturation was in parallel with its effect on the interaction among kringle domains. Without FDP only trace amounts of plasminogen dimer could be detected by cross-linking with bis-(sulfo-succinimidyl)-suberate followed by SDS gel electrophoresis. In the low concentration of FDP significant amounts of oligomers of Glu-, mini-plasminogens, kringle 1-3 and kringle 1-5 were observed. High concentration of FDP, however, decreased plasminogen oligomer.  相似文献   

Tropomyosin digested with carboxypeptidase A [EC] (CTM) shows a lower viscosity than the undigested protein in solution. From the relation between the viscosity decrease and the amount of amino acids liberated from the carboxyl terminus during this digestion, it is inferred that loss of the tri-peptide-Thr-Ser-Ile from the C-terminus is responsible for the decrease in viscosity. The secondary structure of -TM was not affected by the digestion according to circular dichroic measurements. The viscosity of CTM did not increase in methanol-water mixtures, whereas that of tropomyosin increased markedly. These results indicate that polymerizability was lost upon the removal of a small peptide from the C-terminus without change in the secondary structure. A decrease in the viscosity of tropomyosin solutions was observed on the addition of CTM, indicating that CTM interacts with intact tropomyosin. The dependence of the viscosity decrease on the amount of CTM showed that CTM binds tropomyosin in a one-to-one ratio as a result of end-to-end interaction. Since paracrystals having a 400 A repeated band structure could be grown in the presence of Mg ions at neutral pH, side-by-side interactions in CTM molecules remain intact, even though polymerizability is lost. The disc gel electrophoretic pattern showed that troponin could bind to CTM, but no increase in viscosity due to the complex was observed in solution. That is, the C-terminal part of tropomyosin is not required for the formation of the complex. The amount of CTM bound to F-actin was less than half of that bound to undigested tropomyosin, and could be reduced to one-tenth by a washing procedure. In the presence of troponin, however, the amount recovered to the level of tropomyosin normally bound to F-actin. Therefore, it is concluded that troponin is bound in the middle of the tropomyosin molecule and strengthens the binding of tropomyosin to F-actin.  相似文献   

In the esterasic dosage of plasminogen, the authors aim to determine the optimal ratio between the amount of streptokinase to add and of plasminogen itself. It is essential that the activator formation be reduced, which explains the dissociations obtained with other methods.  相似文献   

M Wallis  M Daniels 《FEBS letters》1983,159(1-2):241-245
To help define the immunological epitopes on human growth hormone (hGH), interaction of fragments of the hormone with 7 monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) was studied. Plasmin-digested hGH, containing two peptides (hGH1-134 and hGH141-191) joined by a disulphide bond, bound to each McAb with affinity similar to that of intact hGH. The purified C-terminal fragment, hGH141-191, showed low affinity for each McAb. The N-terminal fragment, hGH1-134, bound with quite high affinity to 2 McAbs (EB1 and EB3) but not to the other 5. We conclude that residues 1-134 of hGH contain the epitope to which McAbs EB1 and EB3 bind.  相似文献   

We have isolated fragments of actin prepared by thrombic digestion (residues 40–374 [I], and 114–374 [II]), BNPS-skatole cleavage (residues 87–339 [III]) and nitrothiocyanobenzoic acid treatment (residues 10–216 [IV]) using preparative electrophoretic and chromatographic techniques. Analysis of the filament-forming and tropomyosin-binding properties of demonstrably homogeneous fragments revealed that only fragments I and II oculd form F-actin-like filaments after attempted renaturation, and that only fragment I could bind to tropomyosin. These results in addition to our previous studies on actin fragments and chemically-modified intact actin suggest that residues 1–86 and 340–374 are not required for F-actin filament formation, whereas residues 70–86 and/or 340–374 are essential for tropomyosin-binding activity.  相似文献   

Limited digestion, with trypsin, of the fatty acid synthetase from rat mammary gland releases an enzymically active thioesterase component that, under denaturing conditions, consists of two major species of mol.wts. 35000 and 17500 and a minor species, mol.wt. 15,000. The 17500- and 150000-mol.wt. species are shown to originate from the 35000-mol.wt. species as a result of nicking by trypsin. The nicked polypeptides are enzymically active. The fatty acid synthetase is inhibited by [1,3-14C]di-isopropyl phosphorofluoridate, which is shown to bind to, and inactivate, two thioesterase active sites. When the [1,3-14C]di-isopropyl phosphate-labelled fatty acid synthetase is subjected to limited digestion with trypsin, all of the radioactivity is recovered in the isolated thioesterase component, i.e. in the 35000-mol.wt. polypeptide and its nicked products. Since the isolated thioesterase is shown to bind only one di-isopropyl phosphate residue per 35000-mol.wt. polypeptide, we conclude that the fatty acid synthetase has two thioesterase domains, both of which are removed by limited trypsin treatment.  相似文献   

Fragment X (LMrFX) was obtained as low molecular weight preparations from a late stage 2 plasmin digest of human fibrinogen. The thrombin-treated LMrFX preparations, which resulted in impaired polymerization, were further subfractionated into polymerized and non-polymerized components. The fractions were examined by SDS-PAGE and immunochemical methods. In polymerized fractions, more peptide bands were observed on SDS-PAGE in the reduced state than in non-polymerized fractions. Both fractions contained a similar number of internal cleavages in the A, Bβ and γ chains, which are linked by disulfide bonds. Thus, the partial deficiencies in polymerization sites of the carboxy terminal region of the γ chain and the amino terminal portions of the Bβ chain, as well as internal cleavage, were considered to participate in the impairment of the thrombin-induced polymerization of LMrFX.  相似文献   

It is found that EPR spectra of immunoglobulins and their subunits spin-labeled by iminoxyl radical 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-amino (N-dichlorotriazine) at pH 7.5 are similar in form and reflect the capability of spin-label to be in two states. Formation of specific complexes of spin-labeled antibodies with antigens is accompanied by increased correlation time of labels as well as by increased fraction of the labels in a more immobilized state. It is shown that splitting spin-labeled light chains to halves results in the label losing its capacity of being in the more rigid microenvironment. EPR spectra are interpreted as due to the relative motion of domains.  相似文献   

1. Troponin C and calmodulin were not digested by thrombin at a significant rate in the presence of Ca2+. 2. In the presence of EGTA, troponin C was digested by thrombin to yield three peptides, TH1 (residues 1--120), TH3 (residues 1--100) and TH2 (residues 121--159). 3. In the presence of EGTA calmodulin was digested by thrombin giving two peptides, TM1 (residues 1--106) and TM2 (residues 107--148). 4. The electrophoretic mobilities of peptides TH1 and TM1 were increased at pH 8.6 by Ca2+ both in the presence and absence of urea. The mobilities of peptides TH2 and TM2 were unaltered under these conditions. 5. Peptides TH1, TH2 and tM1 formed complexes with troponin I on polyacrylamide gels at pH 8.6 in the presence of Ca2+. 6. The phosphorylation of troponin I by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase was significantly inhibited by peptides TH1 and TH3 and to a lesser extent by peptide TM1. 7. The calmodulin peptide TM1 activated myosin light-chain kinase when present in large molar excess. Peptide TM2 did not activate the enzyme.  相似文献   

Isolation of ADP-ribosyltransferase by affinity chromatography   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An affinity adsorbent for ADP-ribosyltransferase (EC has been synthesized by coupling 3-aminobenzamide to Sepharose 4B. Using this material, ADP-ribosyltransferase from human placenta has been purified from crude extract to homogeneity within a few hours. The enzyme has an apparent Km for NAD+ of 52 microM. Its molecular mass is 115,000 as determined by gel electrophoresis. The enzyme is DNA dependent and stimulated by histone, its temperature optimum is at 25 degrees C, and its pH optimum is around pH 9. alpha-NAD+, thymidine, caffeine, theophylline, theobromine, 3-methoxybenzamide, and nicotinamide inhibit the enzyme. Purification of ADP-ribosyltransferases from horse, rat, and chicken liver was also achieved with the method described.  相似文献   

Enzyme-purified elastin from bovine ligamentum nuchae was digested with elastase in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Chromatographic fractionation of the digest, after removal of the detergent, resulted in the high-yield isolation of two peptide fractions (F2 and F3) that differed in size and composition. The larger, F2, which accounted for about 55% of the starting material, was subjected to sedimentation-equilibrium analysis in three chaotropic solvents. Comparison of the distribution of point-average molecular weights (M w and M z) with protein concentration in the three systems lead to the conclusion that significant self-association of peptides occurred in the absence of 6M guanidinium hydrochloride. In this solvent, the molecular-weight distribution was between 25,000 and 34,000, a range of values in agreement with an intrinisic viscosity of 13.1 cc g?1 determined in the same solvent. Assessment of chain weight by N- and C-terminal analysis was consistent with F2 being a multichain molecule comprising four polypeptide chains linked by three polyfunctional amino acids. Results are interpreted in terms of an anisotropic ultrastructural model of the protein, in which four polypeptide chains constitute the primary filament visualized by electron microscopy in the intact fiber.  相似文献   

Digestion of methylamine-treated alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M X MA) with catalytic amounts of papain at pH 4.5 has been investigated. Cleavage of Lys(1313)-Glu resulted in two major products, which could be separated by gel chromatography: a large disulfide bridged fragment set nearly the size of intact alpha 2M X MA, and an 18 kDa fragment, constituting the carboxy-terminal domain of alpha 2M. This domain contained the receptor recognition site, exposed as a result of cleavage of the internal beta-cysteinyl-gamma-glutamyl thiol esters in alpha 2M. Compared with alpha 2M-trypsin complex the apparent affinity for binding to rat hepatocyte receptors was 0.1 and 2% at 4 and 37 degrees C, respectively. The receptor-binding domain presumably forms a compact globular beta-barrel-type structure, stable at pH 2.5-9.0. Chemical modification experiments suggest that receptor binding is contributed by a determinant formed by the precise folding of the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

Digestion of pig liver chromatin with DNAse II afforded three different fractions which were characterized in terms of their DNA, RNA and tightly bound non-histone protein content, their DNA fragment size and their template activity. Two of these fractions are soluble after digestion with DNAase II and have been separated on the basis of their different solubility in MgCl2. A third fraction is not solubilized even after extensive digestion, although the size of its DNA is comparable to that of the enzyme solubilized fractions. The three fractions show qualitatively and quantitatively different distribution of tightly bound non-histone proteins, with specific protein components in each fraction; furthermore the non-solubilized fraction is greatly enriched in proteins tightly bound to DNA. From all the data obtained it can be suggested that the tightly bound proteins of the insoluble fraction may play, directly or indirectly, a role in maintaining an organized chromatin structure.  相似文献   

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