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昆虫酚氧化酶原活化及其在免疫中的作用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
时超美 《昆虫知识》2000,37(5):310-314
1 前言酚氧化酶 (phenoloxidase,PO)以无活性的酶原形式——酚氧化酶原 (prophenoloxi-dase,PPO)存在于昆虫血淋巴、中肠和表皮等组织 ,当病原生物入侵时 ,通过特异性丝氨酸蛋白酶的级联反应 (PPO级联 )被活化 ,参与机体的免疫防御反应 [1] 。本文拟就近年来有关昆虫PPO级联及其在免疫中的作用等研究方面的新进展做一简述。2 PPO的特性及其分子生物学PPO是 PPO级联中一个很重要的成分 ,近年来 ,随着分子生物学技术和其他相关学科的快速发展及向昆虫学领域的日渐渗透 ,有关PPO特性及其分子生物学方面的研究取得了很大进展。目前…  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫体内酚氧化酶原(PPO)是一种重要的天然免疫蛋白,参与昆虫的体液免疫和细胞免疫过程。本研究采用原核表达体系,大量表达可溶且具有活性的重组PPO蛋白,可用于各种酚氧化酶(PO)抑制剂的筛选,从而为创制抑制昆虫免疫系统的新型杀虫剂提供条件。【方法】利用从亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis 5龄幼虫体内克隆获得PPO基因,构建了pET-28b-PPO原核表达载体,在大肠杆菌Escherichia coli中重组表达了亚洲玉米螟PPO蛋白;采用Ni-NAT亲和层析柱快速纯化目的蛋白,进行了Western杂交鉴定;测定分析了重组PPO蛋白激活为PO后的酶学性质以及不同金属离子(Mg2+,Cu2+和Fe2+)对PPO二级结构的影响。【结果】融合蛋白PPO得到了表达和纯化。重组PPO蛋白激活为PO后最适反应温度为30℃,最适pH为7.2,以L-DOPA为底物时PO催化反应的Vmax为140.8 U/mg·min,Km为2.96 mmol/L。Fe2+存在的情况下重组PPO蛋白中β-折叠结构成分显著增加至53.7%±4.6%,α-螺旋结构成分则显著下降至2.6%±1.2%(P<0.05);有Mg2+存在的情况下,重组PPO蛋白中β-折叠结构成分显著下降,α-螺旋结构成分稍有上升。有Cu2+存在的情况下,重组PPO蛋白中β-折叠结构成分显著下降为10.0%±1.6%,而α-螺旋结构成分则上升至35.3%±6.9%。【结论】结果说明不同金属离子对重组PPO蛋白的二级结构有显著影响。  相似文献   

蚕豆叶肉细胞中ABA的胶体金免疫电镜定位   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
利用胶体金免疫电镜定位技术对蚕豆叶肉细胞中ABA定位的研究表明,在以ABA抗体处理的切片中,叶绿在有大量的金颗粒标记,细胞质和细胞核也有金颗粒标记,但液泡和细胞壁中没有金颗粒标记,免疫染色前用胰蛋白酶处理可显著增强金颗粒标记密度,而不用EDC固定或以免疫前兔血清处理的切片中几乎没有金颗粒标记。本实验为蚕豆叶肉细胞中ABA的分布提供了直接的证据并说明了该技术是研究ABA定位的一种可靠的方法。  相似文献   

戊二醛浓度对免疫电镜胶体金标记密度影响的定量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张忠恒  郑易之 《植物学通报》1998,15(A00):116-118
经4%多聚甲醛+0或0.5%戊二醛固定(1小时)大豆子叶细胞,大部分细胞器和蛋白体发生较大程度的变形,甚至解体,随着固定剂中戊二醛浓度升高对1.5、2.5%。细胞超微结构保存效果提高,蛋白体内反映7S蛋白质存在的胶体金颗粒密度分别为19.7%和11.4个/μm^2。  相似文献   

昆虫酚氧化酶原激活酶(Prophenoloxidase activating proteinase,PAP)是酚氧化酶原激活过程中的一个关键酶,是昆虫先天性体液免疫体系的重要组成部分。外界的免疫刺激能够诱导级联反应上游的蛋白对酚氧化酶原激活酶的前体进行剪切激活,而激活后的酚氧化酶原激活酶能够将无活性的酚氧化酶原剪切激活为有活性的酚氧化酶并最终生成细胞毒素物质来消灭外源物。本文综述了昆虫酚氧化酶原激活酶的结构与特性及其在酚氧化酶原级联激活系统中的作用机制,并探讨了寄生蜂对寄主昆虫酚氧化酶原激活酶的调控。  相似文献   

 经4%多聚甲醛+0或0.5%戊二醛固定(1小时)大豆子叶细胞,大部分细胞器和蛋白体发生较大程度的变形,甚至解体。随着固定剂中戊二醛浓度升高至1.5、2.5%,细胞超微结构保存效果提高,蛋白体内反映7S蛋白质存在的胶体金颗粒密度分别为19.7和11.4个/µm2。  相似文献   

绿豆上胚轴细胞中BR的胶体金免疫电镜定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用葡萄球菌A蛋白与胶体金连接的复合物为探针的免疫电镜定位技术对绿豆上胚轴细胞中BR定定的结果表明,在用抗BR抗体处理的超薄切片中,叶绿体、核仁和液泡内有大量的金效果标记,细胞膜和淀粉粒也有金颗粒标记,但细胞壁中没有观察到金颗粒。在不用EDC固定的切片中,金颗粒标记密度非常低,而在用正常兔血清处理的切片中,所有细胞器内几乎没有金颗粒。该实验为绿豆上胚轴细胞中BR的分布提供了直接的证据。  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟幼虫酚氧化酶原基因序列的生物信息学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酚氧化酶原PPO是昆虫免疫的关键酶, 本文从生物信息学角度对亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis Guenée幼虫PPO进行分析, 为进一步研究其高级结构与功能的关系提供理论依据。利用我们已提交到GenBank的数据, 采用在线分析及MEGA4和RasMol软件对亚洲玉米螟酚氧化酶原(Of-PPO)的核苷酸和氨基酸序列、系统发生关系和蛋白质三级结构进行分析。结果表明: Of-PPO全长cDNA序列有2 686 bp, 包含一个2 079 bp的开放阅读框, 其推导的693个氨基酸序列中包含6个组氨酸残基构成的2个铜离子结合位点, 以及保守的硫羟酸酯区域。Of-PPO属于PPO2类群, 其N端不含信号肽, 无跨膜结构域区域, 无糖基化位点, 44个磷酸化位点均匀分布于整个多肽链中, 有2段序列可能形成卷曲螺旋, 有5个区域的氨基酸具较强疏水性, 其二级结构中α-螺旋占22.54%, 随机卷曲占56.79%。同源建模显示其三级结构为“α/β型”中的“滚筒结构”, 存在一个明显的空位, 可能与该酶催化活性有关。本文可为Of-PPO的实验研究和应用开发提供有价值的信息。  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟幼虫血清中酚氧化酶原的性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用40%硫酸铵沉淀、Blue Sepharose CL-6B亲和层析和Phenyl Sepharose CL-4B疏水层析等方法,从亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) 幼虫血清中分离纯化了酚氧化酶原。酚氧化酶原全酶相对分子量约为158 kD,亚基相对分子量约为80 kD和78 kD。酚氧化酶原为糖蛋白,该酶原易被0.1 mmol/L CPC (氯代十六烷基吡啶)、 50%甲醇、 1 mg/mL昆布多糖和1 mg/mL胰蛋白酶激活。该酶反应的最适pH为7.0,最适温度为25~30℃,Ca2+和Mg2+可增强该酶的活性。  相似文献   

Histoplasma capsulatum contains multiple antigens, among them the H antigen and M antigen, which are useful in serologic testing for histoplasmosis. We prepared 7 mouse monoclonal antibodies (5 IgG, 2 IgM) to histoplasmin, and compared these with polyclonal histoplasmin antibodies raised in rabbits and mice. Both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies were high titered by ELISA. Colloidal gold immune electron microscopy (CGIEM) showed that polyclonal antibodies to histoplasmin or H antigen bound at multiple sites in the cell wall, cytoplasm, and nucleus of Histoplasma yeast cells. In contrast, antibodies to M antigen selectively label the cell membrane and antibodies to alkali soluble cell wall antigen label only the cell wall. Polyclonal antibodies cross reacted extensively with other fungi, both by ELISA and CGIEM. Monoclonal antibodies stained only cytoplasmic epitopes, but also cross reacted with other fungi by electron microscopy. Only periodate treated H antigen elicited polyclonal antibodies which were more specific than those of untreated H antigen or histoplasmin.  相似文献   

采用微波加热法制得15 nm的胶体金颗粒,并将小分子抗原氨苄青霉素分别以戊二醛和碳化二亚胺为偶联剂与牛血清蛋白偶联制成全抗原,再通过最佳标记量的确定分别将氨苄青霉素、戊二醛法全抗原、碳化二亚胺法全抗原同胶体金进行结合,红外检测和杯碟法的抑菌试验表明采用仅有戊二醛作为偶联剂的全抗原能够很好地与胶体金结合,并保持良好抗原活性。  相似文献   

8-羟基-2′-脱氧鸟苷(8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine,8-OHdG)是评价DNA氧化损伤较灵敏和稳定的生物标志物。文中采用竞争法建立一种快速、灵敏检测8-OHdG的胶体金免疫层析试纸条。将样品垫(玻璃纤维素膜)、结合垫(玻璃纤维素膜)、硝酸纤维素膜和吸水垫依此粘贴在聚氯乙烯(polyvinyl chloride,PVC)底板上,构建试纸条。通过柠檬酸钠还原三水合四氯金酸制备胶体金(gold nanoparticles,AuNPs),8-OHdG配对的抗体(antibody,Ab)包被于AuNPs的外层(Ab coated AuNPs,Ab@AuNPs)作为探针。牛血清蛋白(bovine serum protein,BSA)与8-OHdG用碳二亚胺盐酸盐偶联制备人工抗原,作为检测线的包被抗原。羊抗鼠多抗(imunoglobulin G,IgG)作为质控线的包被抗体。对试纸条的硝酸纤维素膜、上样液的配方、金标抗体喷涂量等实验参数进行了优化。结果表明,硝酸纤维素膜(nitrocellulose film,NC)膜采用CN 95,上样液的最优配方为1%BSA+3%吐温-20+3%蔗糖+0.9%NaCl溶液,最适金标抗体喷涂量为4μL。利用试纸条在可见光下检测8-OHdG,根据检测线(test line,T线)和质控线(control line,C线)的显色强度对比,可初步判断尿液中8-OHdG的含量水平。并通过T线的灰度值计算尿液中的8-OHdG的浓度,检测限为2.55μg/L。该方法简单、快速且有较好的特异性,可检测人体尿液中的8-OHdG含量,以初步评价人体的健康状态。  相似文献   

In quantitative ultrastructural studies using colloidal gold immunocytochemical techniques, labeling intensities vary according to the size of the probe used. Using postembedded indirect two-sided double labeling and single labeling protocols, the labeling characteristics of four antigens were studied using two probe sizes commonly used in double labeling studies. It was determined that the labeling intensity variation resulting from the use of different probe sizes was unpredictable after correcting for the increased probe size alone. It was possible, however, to obtain comparable labeling densities by first determining the labeling intensities for each probe size with its antigen in single label studies on serial sections and using the same procedure as the double labeling studies. A probe size correction factor for each antigen was calculated from these data. This factor was used to obtain comparable measurements of the relative abundance of each label.  相似文献   

Complexes of protein-A with 5 and 16 nm colloidal gold particles (PA/Au5 and PA/Au16) are presented as sensitive and clean immunoprobes for ultrathin frozen sections of slightly fixed tissue. The probes are suitable for indirect labeling and offer the opportunity to mark multiple sites. The best procedure for double labeling was to use the smaller probe first, i.e., antibody 1 - PA/Au5 - antibody 2 - PA/Au16. When this was done, no significant interference between PA/Au5 and PA/Au16 occurred. Using this double-labeling procedure we made an accurate comparison between the subcellular distributions of amylase as a typical secretory protein and of GP-2 a glycoprotein, characteristic for zymogen granule membrane (ZGM) preparations. We prepared two rabbit antibodies against GP-2. One antibody (R x ZGM) was obtained by immunizing with native membrane material. The specificity of R x ZGM was achieved by adsorption with the zymogen granule content subfraction. The other, R x GP-2, was raised against the GP-2 band of the SDS polyacrylamide profile of ZGM. We found that the carbohydrate moiety of GP-2 was involved in the antigenic determinant for R x ZGM, while R x GP-2 was most likely directed against GP-2 polypeptide backbone. THe immunocytochemical observations showed that GP-2, on the one hand, exhibited the characteristics of a membrane protein by its occurrence in the cell membrane, the Golgi membranes, and its association with the membranes of the zymogen granules. On the other hand, GP-2 was present in the contents of the zymogen granules and in the acinar and ductal lumina. Also, a GP-2-like glycoprotein was found in the cannulated pancreatic secretion (Scheffer et al., 1980, Eur. J. Cell Biol. 23:122-128). Hence, GP-2 should be considered as a membrane-associated secretory protein of the rat pancreas.  相似文献   

Ciliated tracheal epithelia cell cultures were investigated immunocytochemically with anti-tubulin and colloidal gold. When rabbit tracheal cultures were fixed in paraformaldehyde, treated with acetone, anti-tubulin and a second antibody coupled to FITC, fluorescence was associated with cytoskeletal and axonemal microtubules. Cilia covering the apical surface of the ciliated tracheal cells fluoresced very brightly thus facilitating identification of this cell type. Electron microscopy of tracheal cultures fixed as above, treated with Triton-X 100 and incubated in anti-tubulin and protein A coupled to colloidal gold resulted in the highly specific localization of tubulin in ciliary axonemes and basal bodies. Omission of primary or secondary antibody resulted in extremely low levels of fluorescence while no colloidal gold particles could be detected in cultures at the electron microscopy level when rabbit anti-tubulin was omitted.  相似文献   

A simple and accessible express method was developed for the detection of morphine in aqueous samples using competitive immunochromatography. A complex of colloidal gold with monoclonal antibodies to morphine was used as the detection agent. The detection limit for morphine in aqueous samples was 10 ng/ml, and the analysis time was 5 min.Translated from Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2005, pp. 108–112.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Lyubavina, Zinchenko, Lapenkov, Nikolaeva.  相似文献   

Quantitative immunoelectron microscopy uses ultrathin sections and gold particle labelling to determine distributions of molecules across cell compartments. Here, we review a portfolio of new methods for comparing labelling distributions between different compartments in one study group (method 1) and between the same compartments in two or more groups (method 2). Specimen samples are selected unbiasedly and then observed and expected distributions of gold particles are estimated and compared by appropriate statistical procedures. The methods can be used to analyse gold label distributed between volume-occupying (organelle) and surface-occupying (membrane) compartments, but in method 1, membranes must be treated as organelles. With method 1, gold counts are combined with stereological estimators of compartment size to determine labelling density (LD). For volume-occupiers, LD can be expressed simply as golds per test point and, for surface-occupiers, as golds per test line intersection. Expected distributions are generated by randomly assigning gold particles to compartments and expressing observed/expected counts as a relative labelling index (RLI). Preferentially-labelled compartments are identified from their RLI values and by Chi-squared analysis of observed and expected distributions. For method 2, the raw gold particle counts distributed between compartments are simply compared across groups by contingency table and Chi-squared analysis. This identifies the main compartments responsible for the differences between group distributions. Finally, we discuss labelling efficiency (the number of gold particles per target molecule) and describe how it can be estimated for volume- or surface-occupiers by combining stereological data with biochemical determinations.  相似文献   

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