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We characterized 59 canine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the endangered Italian wolf (Canis lupus) population, which were discovered by resequencing sequence‐tagged‐site (STS) DNA sequences that are known to contain SNPs in domestic dogs. Dog SNPs were usually found also in wolves. Additional SNPs unique in dogs or wolves were discovered, which is important for detecting hybrids between dogs and wolves. We developed new primer sets and analysed 15 SNPs by Pyrosequencing. The characterized SNPs will provide an important addition to the genetic markers that are currently available for studying wild populations of canids.  相似文献   

The main goal of ex situ conservation programs is to improve the chances of long term survival of natural populations by founding and managing captive colonies that can serve as a source of individuals for future reintroductions or to reinforce existing populations. The degree in which a captive breeding program has captured the genetic diversity existing in the source wild population has seldom been evaluated. In this study we evaluate the genetic diversity in wild and captive populations of the Iberian wolf, Canis lupus signatus, in order to assess how much genetic diversity is being preserved in the ongoing ex situ conservation program for this subspecies. A sample of domestic dogs was also included in the analysis for comparison. Seventy-four wolves and 135 dogs were genotyped at 13 unlinked microsatellite loci. The results show that genetic diversity in Iberian wolves is comparable in magnitude to that of other wild populations of gray wolf. Both the wild and the captive Iberian wolf populations have a similarly high genetic diversity indicating that no substantial loss of diversity has occurred in the captive-breeding program. The effective number of founders of the program was estimated as ∼ ∼16, suggesting that all founders in the studbook pedigree were genetically independent. Our results emphasize also the genetic divergence between wolves and domestic dogs and indicate that our set of 13 microsatellite loci provide a powerful diagnostic test to distinguish wolves, dogs and their hybrids.  相似文献   

We used noninvasive methods to obtain genetic and demographic data on the wolf packs (Canis lupus), which are now recolonizing the Alps, a century after their eradication. DNA samples, extracted from presumed wolf scats collected in the western Italian Alps (Piemonte), were genotyped to determine species and sex by sequencing parts of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region and ZFX/ZFY genes. Individual genotypes were identified by multilocus microsatellite analyses using a multiple tubes polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The performance of the laboratory protocols was affected by the age of samples. The quality of excremental DNA extracts was higher in samples freshly collected on snow in winter than in samples that were older or collected during summer. Preliminary mtDNA screening of all samples allowed species identification and was a good predictor of further PCR performances. Wolf, and not prey, DNA targets were preferentially amplified. Allelic dropout occurred more frequently than false alleles, but the probability of false homozygote determinations was always < 0.001. A panel of six to nine microsatellites would allow identification of individual wolf genotypes, also whether related, with a probability of identity of < 0.015. Genealogical relationships among individuals could be determined reliably if the number of candidate parents was 6-8, and most of them had been sampled and correctly genotyped. Genetic data indicate that colonizing Alpine wolves originate exclusively from the Italian source population and retain a high proportion of its genetic diversity. Spatial and temporal locations of individual genotypes, and kinship analyses, suggest that two distinct packs of closely related wolves, plus some unrelated individuals, ranged in the study areas. This is in agreement with field observations.  相似文献   

The Indian gray wolf Canis lupus pallipes is the major large carnivore in the plains of Karnataka, India. We carried out a study on its distribution and status from November 2001 to July 2004. We estimated 555 wolves occupying about 123 330 km2 of the state. In the past 40 years, wolves have disappeared from the southern plateau from an area of about 31 801 km2. Their distribution is now largely restricted to the north-eastern dry plains. The wolf has also disappeared in recent years from some 'protected areas' such as Melkote Temple Wildlife Sanctuary, and their present population is largely found in 'non-protected' areas. Blackbucks are the only natural prey of wolves in Karnataka, but their density in most parts of the state is extremely low. The major prey species is domestic livestock, especially sheep. The available 'remote area' (forests or rocky terrains) in the wolf-occupied regions determined the status of the wolf. Killing of adult wolves and pups was common throughout the range of the wolf. However, such killings were made largely by local sheepherders with small sheep holdings and not by nomadic shepherds who maintained large sheep herds. The forests in the north-eastern parts of the state exist in small patches every few kilometers. Because each wolf pack ranges over large distances and is by and large a commensal species, we propose that the management of these small forest patches, considering them as components of a larger landscape, is the only effective conservation practice for the wolf. Although existing locally in low densities, because of a large ranging area of a single pack, the seemingly isolated wolf packs can become parts of a large metapopulation, providing a sustainable population.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal (movement from the site of birth to the site of reproduction) is a pervasive but highly varied characteristic of life forms. Thus, understanding it in any species informs many aspects of biology, but studying it in most species is difficult. In the grey wolf Canis lupus, natal dispersal has been well studied. Maturing members of both sexes generally leave their natal packs, pair with opposite-sex dispersers from other packs, near or far, select a territory, and produce their own offspring. However, three movement patterns of some natal-dispersing wolves remain unexplained: 1) long-distance dispersal when potential mates seem nearby, 2) round-trip travels from their natal packs for varying periods and distances, also called extraterritorial movements, and often not resulting in pairing, and 3) coincidental dispersal by individual wolves from a given area in the same basic directions and over the same long distances. This perspective article documents and discusses these unexplained dispersal patterns, suggests possible explanations, and calls for additional research to understand them more clearly.  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2007,7(3):649-664
The IP4 highway and the new projected road network have been changing the critical Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) habitat in Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro region (north-eastern Portugal). A holistic stochastic dynamic methodology (SDM) was developed for predicting changes in Iberian wolf population due to the new highways construction, increasing road traffic density and urbanization. The ecological indicators for wolf presence and abundance were estimated indirectly from the density of attacks on livestock. The low density of wild ungulates in the area makes livestock the main source of food for wolves. These indirect ecological indicators and state variables are the underlying database of our SDM model. This model focus on the interactions between conceptually isolated key-components, such as the density of attacks on livestock and changes in habitat conditions, providing some basis to analyse the responses of wolf populations to the environmental scenarios that will characterize the region in the future. The model proposed was preceded by a conventional multivariate statistical procedure (stepwise multiple regression analysis) performed to discriminate the significant relationships between livestock attacks and socio-environmental variables. The holistic parameters of the model were estimated from the results of the statistical treatment and from regional data regarding tendencies within the use of land. The simulation results demonstrate the SDM capability in capturing the trends of this changing region, namely by showing a dramatically decrease of wolf attacks in the region for the next decade.  相似文献   

Based on data collected during the National Wolf Census in 2000–01, we analysed the main habitat factors influencing the distribution and abundance of the wolf, Canis lupus, in northern Poland. The study region forms the western border of the continuous Eastern European range of wolves, although attempts at westward dispersal have been observed. Using Geographic Information System techniques, we measured nine habitat variables and three parameters related to wolf occurrence in 134 circular sample plots (radius 7 km, area 154 km2 each). We compared 72 plots where wolves were recorded and 62 plots with no signs of wolf presence. Wolf plots were characterized by significantly higher forest cover, less fragmentation of forests, lower density of villages, towns, motorways, and railways than wolf‐free plots. We found a positive correlation between the sum of wolf observations in plots and forest cover. The number of domestic animals killed by wolves was higher in areas with higher indices of wolf abundance and lower forest area. In multiple regression analysis, four independent variables explained 59% of the variation in wolf distribution and abundance in northern Poland: straight‐line distance to continuous range of wolves in Eastern Europe; forest cover; forest fragmentation; and length of major motorways. We conclude that protection of wolves in Poland (since 1998) may not be an adequate conservation measure, especially because of the increasing density of highways and express motorways. Existing forest corridors should be protected and new ones should be restored to ensure long‐term conservation of wolves and allow range expansion into Western Europe.  相似文献   

Wolves in Italy strongly declined in the past and were confined south of the Alps since the turn of the last century, reduced in the 1970s to approximately 100 individuals surviving in two fragmented subpopulations in the central-southern Apennines. The Italian wolves are presently expanding in the Apennines, and started to recolonize the western Alps in Italy, France and Switzerland about 16 years ago. In this study, we used a population genetic approach to elucidate some aspects of the wolf recolonization process. DNA extracted from 3068 tissue and scat samples collected in the Apennines (the source populations) and in the Alps (the colony), were genotyped at 12 microsatellite loci aiming to assess (i) the strength of the bottleneck and founder effects during the onset of colonization; (ii) the rates of gene flow between source and colony; and (iii) the minimum number of colonizers that are needed to explain the genetic variability observed in the colony. We identified a total of 435 distinct wolf genotypes, which showed that wolves in the Alps: (i) have significantly lower genetic diversity (heterozygosity, allelic richness, number of private alleles) than wolves in the Apennines; (ii) are genetically distinct using pairwise F(ST) values, population assignment test and Bayesian clustering; (iii) are not in genetic equilibrium (significant bottleneck test). Spatial autocorrelations are significant among samples separated up to c. 230 km, roughly correspondent to the apparent gap in permanent wolf presence between the Alps and north Apennines. The estimated number of first-generation migrants indicates that migration has been unidirectional and male-biased, from the Apennines to the Alps, and that wolves in southern Italy did not contribute to the Alpine population. These results suggest that: (i) the Alps were colonized by a few long-range migrating wolves originating in the north Apennine subpopulation; (ii) during the colonization process there has been a moderate bottleneck; and (iii) gene flow between sources and colonies was moderate (corresponding to 1.25-2.50 wolves per generation), despite high potential for dispersal. Bottleneck simulations showed that a total of c. 8-16 effective founders are needed to explain the genetic diversity observed in the Alps. Levels of genetic diversity in the expanding Alpine wolf population, and the permanence of genetic structuring, will depend on the future rates of gene flow among distinct wolf subpopulation fragments.  相似文献   

陈磊  张洪海  马建章 《生态学报》2010,30(6):1463-1471
应用Long-PCR和克隆测序法得到蒙古狼(Canis lupus chanco)线粒体基因组全序列,结合GenBank中现有犬科动物线粒体基因组数据,应用最大简约法(MP)、最大似然法(ML)和Bayesian分析法对蒙古狼的系统发育地位进行了探讨。结果如下:蒙古狼线粒体基因组全长16709bp,包含13个蛋白质编码基因、22个tRNA基因、2个rRNA基因和1个非编码区。序列碱基的组成存在明显的A-T偏好性。tRNA基因中除tRNA-Ser(AGY)缺少双氢尿嘧啶(DHU)臂以外,其余均能折叠成典型的三叶草二级结构。大多数蛋白质编码基因的起始和终止密码子与犬科动物有报道相同,COXⅡ基因的起始密码子为ATA,与其他犬科动物不同。基于12S rRNA+16S rRNA+H链上的12个蛋白质编码基因的联合数据的系统发育分析发现,在已报道的狼亚种数据中,西藏狼(Canis lupus laniger)的分化时间最早,其次为阿拉伯狼(Canis lupus arabs),蒙古狼与欧亚狼(Canis lupuslupus)的系统发育地位最为接近。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial-DNA (mtDNA) restriction patterns were studied in 22 wolves (Canis lupus) sampled in central-northern Italy. A total of 60 restriction sites were detected, encompassing about 2 % of the mitochondrial genome of canids. All wolves showed the same restriction pattern. Therefore, a single mtDNA haplotype was detected in the Italian wolf population. Historical information on peninsular isolation and demographic decline suggest that low genetically effective population size and random drift may have strongly reduced the mtDNA variability of wolves in Italy over the last 100–200 years. A different mtDNA restriction pattern in feral dogs sampled from a wolf range in central Italy was detected. These findings suggest that the hybridization and introgression of female dog genomes into the Italian wolf population may be rare or absent.  相似文献   

Animals communicate in a variety of ways and calls are used for a number of important behaviors. Temperature, wind, time of day, and human activities can affect animals’ use of calls, particularly over long distances. Effects of group size on the use of calls can be particularly influential in territorial social carnivores. Where gray wolves (Canis lupus) are hunted by humans, for example, howling may make it easier for hunters to locate individuals and ultimately increase mortality. We hypothesized that a suite of factors would affect wolves’ responses to simulated howling. Specifically, we predicted that howling behavior would increase with (a) group size, (b) pup age, and (c) during crepuscular time periods and howling behavior would decrease (a) where wolves were harvested and (b) when it was hot or windy. Contrary to our prediction, larger groups did not respond as quickly to simulated wolf howls as smaller groups did and minimum and maximum daily temperatures were not good predictors of wolf howling response rates. Individuals in small litters of pups may have responded more quickly to howls than those in large litters because they are eager to seek safety from and have socialization with adults returning from foraging bouts. Although harvest did not appear to affect vocal communication by wolves, group size, pup age, time of day, wind, and number of howls emitted greatly affected wolves’ behavior and responses during howling surveys. Howling responses did not change because of harvest; response rates from wolves were nearly identical with (2.2%) and without (2.3%) harvest. The year-round benefits of long-distance vocal communication may outweigh the costs of increased mortality arising from howling during harvest season.  相似文献   

Abstract As wolves (Canis lupus) recover in Poland, their depredation on domestic animals is increasing, as have conflicts between wolves and farmers. From 1998 to 2004, I investigated spatial and temporal patterns of 591 verified incidents of wolf depredation in the eastern part of the Polish Carpathian Mountains. The wolf population I surveyed covered an estimated range of 4,993 km2. Depredation occurred over 1,595 km2 of that area. Sheep accounted for 84.8% of domestic animals killed by wolves. Depredation on sheep and number of sheep farms attacked by wolves increased between 1998 and 2004 (r2 = 0.61, P = 0.04 and r2 = 0.89, P = 0.02, respectively). The number of wolf attacks on sheep farms in a given year were negatively correlated to red deer (Cervus elaphus) population numbers (R2 = 0.69, P = 0.02). The amount of depredation caused by each of the 4 monitored packs was best explained by farm density in their territories (R2 = 0.59, P = 0.004). Number of attacks recorded on farms was positively correlated to distance from the farm to the pack's den and rendezvous sites (R2 = 0.16, P = 0.04). Of depredation recorded in the 4 pack's territories I surveyed, 77% occurred in 4 farms with no or inadequate protection. I concluded that wolf depredation in the studied area is opportunistic. Wolf predation intensity is a function of decreasing abundance of red deer, the density of sheep farms, and proximity of farms to the summer activity centers of wolf packs, and it is facilitated by poor husbandry practices. These results can aid in preventing wolf depredation and provide a foundation for a wolf management plan.  相似文献   

内蒙古达赉湖自然保护区狼的生境受到了自然环境变化压力和人为干扰的严重影响。为了解内蒙古达赉湖自然保护区狼的冬季生境特征,于2008年10-12月,在内蒙古达赉湖国家级自然保护区对狼的冬季生境选择进行了研究。野外共测量了59个20m×20m样方中的11个生态因子,运用聚类分析和主成分分析法,对狼的冬季生境选择因子进行了分析。结果表明,狼的生境主要特征为:隐蔽程度中等以上,水源距离100m,生境类型为高草阔地、干旱苇塘和河套,植被类型是以芦苇和柳灌丛为优势种的沼泽植被,植被高度1.0m,食物丰富度良好,居民点距离1000m,距草原道路距离1000m,牧场距离500m。影响狼冬季生境选择的主要因子为植被高度、植被类型和隐蔽级。次要因子为距围栏距离、雪深、距水源距离、生境类型、距牧场距离、食物丰富度和距居民点距离。  相似文献   

Individual genotypes determined from noninvasive DNA samples (typically extracted from shed hairs or scats) are used to estimate population size in monitoring projects of elusive species. However, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) success rates usually are lower, and genotyping errors higher than in standard population genetic surveys, due to DNA degradation or contamination in aged field samples. In this study, we evaluate the results of common garden experiments showing that DNA degradation is significant in wolf (Canis lupus) scats older than 3 days, and it is enhanced in scats in direct contact with soil. A storage test showed that samples kept frozen in 95% ethanol performed better compared to other methods. However, variance of PCR success among samples was high, independent on sample age or storage condition. The detrimental consequences of DNA degradation can be avoided by collecting scat samples as fresh as possible, and implementing efficient multitube procedures and stringent quality control of the laboratory results. Efficient multitube procedures can produce reliable data, like in this study, which showed that the consensus genotypes obtained from excremental DNA exactly matched distinct reference genotypes obtained from wolf blood samples.  相似文献   

While much evidence supports the view that the total consumption of antimicrobials is the critical factor in selecting resistance, the possibility of resistant isolates and/or genes encoding resistance being transferred among different living communities has raised serious concerns. In the present study, Escherichia coli isolates recovered from faecal samples (n?=?34) of Iberian wolves (Canis lupus signatus) were characterized for their antimicrobial drug susceptibility. Nearly two thirds of the isolates carried resistance to one or more antimicrobial drugs (in a panel of 19 antibiotics), and resistance to tetracycline, ampicillin and streptomycin was most widespread. By screening a set of 20 multidrug-resistant E. coli for virulence genes, we found strains positive for cdt, chuA, cvaC, eaeA, paa and bfpA, which was the most common virulence trait. Phylogenetic analyses have shown that the majority of these E. coli strains fall into phylogenetic groups A and B1. In this study, the diversity of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing strains was expressed by both polymorphism of the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns and the presence of various resistance and virulence genes profiles. Finding the specific implications of these multi-resistant bacteria (hosting several virulence factors) in wolf conservation is a challenging topic to be addressed in further investigations.  相似文献   

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