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Molecular evolution of the avian CHD1 genes on the Z and W sex chromosomes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Fridolfsson AK  Ellegren H 《Genetics》2000,155(4):1903-1912
Genes shared between the nonrecombining parts of the two types of sex chromosomes offer a potential means to study the molecular evolution of the same gene exposed to different genomic environments. We have analyzed the molecular evolution of the coding sequence of the first pair of genes found to be shared by the avian Z (present in both sexes) and W (female-specific) sex chromosomes, CHD1Z and CHD1W. We show here that these two genes evolve independently but are highly conserved at nucleotide as well as amino acid levels, thus not indicating a female-specific role of the CHD1W gene. From comparisons of sequence data from three avian lineages, the frequency of nonsynonymous substitutions (K(a)) was found to be higher for CHD1W (1.55 per 100 sites) than for CHD1Z (0.81), while the opposite was found for synonymous substitutions (K(s), 13.5 vs. 22.7). We argue that the lower effective population size and the absence of recombination on the W chromosome will generally imply that nonsynonymous substitutions accumulate faster on this chromosome than on the Z chromosome. The same should be true for the Y chromosome relative to the X chromosome in XY systems. Our data are compatible with a male-biased mutation rate, manifested by the faster rate of neutral evolution (synonymous substitutions) on the Z chromosome than on the female-specific W chromosome.  相似文献   

Low levels of nucleotide diversity in mammalian Y chromosomes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Sex chromosomes provide a useful context for the study of the relative importance of evolutionary forces affecting genetic diversity. The human Y chromosome shows levels of nucleotide diversity 20% that of autosomes, which is significantly less than expected when differences in effective population size and sex-specific mutation rates are taken into account. To study the generality of low levels of Y chromosome variability in mammalian genomes, we investigated nucleotide diversity in intron sequences of X (1.1-3.0 kb) and Y (0.7-3.5 kb) chromosome genes of five mammals: lynx, wolf, reindeer, cattle, and field vole. For all species, nucleotide diversity was found to be lower on Y than on X, with no segregating site observed in Y-linked sequences of lynx, reindeer, and cattle. For X chromosome sequences, nucleotide diversity was in the range of 1.6 x 10(-4) (lynx) to 8.0 x 10(-4) (field vole). When differences in effective population size and the extent of the male mutation bias were taken into account, all five species showed evidence of reduced levels of Y chromosome variability. Reduced levels of Y chromosome variability have also been observed in Drosophila and in plants, as well as in the female-specific W chromosome of birds. Among the different factors proposed to explain low levels of genetic variability in the sex-limited chromosome (Y/W), we note that selection is the only factor that is broadly applicable irrespective of mode of reproduction and whether there is male or female heterogamety.  相似文献   

Sex determination in major vertebrate groups appears to be very variable, including systems of male heterogamety, female heterogamety and a variety of genetic and environmental sex determining systems. Yet comparative studies of sex chromosomes and sex determining genes now suggest that these differences are more apparent than real. The sex chromosomes of even widely divergent groups now appear to have changed very little over the last 300+ million years, and even independently derived sex chromosomes seem to have followed the same set of evolutionary rules. The sex determining pathway seems to be extremely conserved, although the control of the genes in this pathway is vested in different elements. We present a scenario for the independent evolution of XY male heterogamety in mammals and ZW female heterogamety in birds and some reptiles. We suggest that sex determining genes can be made redundant, and replaced by control at another step of a conserved sex determining pathway, and how choice of a gene as a sex switch has led to the evolution of new sex chromosome systems. J. Exp. Zool. 290:449-462, 2001.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of SRY/SRY as a testis-determining gene on the mammalian Y chromosome in 1990, extensive studies have been carried out on the immediate target of SRY/SRY and genes functioning in the course of testis development. Comparative studies in non-mammalian vertebrates including birds have failed to find a gene equivalent to SRY/SRY, whereas they have suggested that most of the downstream factors found in mammals including SOX9 are also involved in the process of gonadal differentiation. Although a gene whose function is to trigger the cascade of gene expression toward gonadal differentiation has not been identified yet on either W or Z chromosomes of birds, a few interesting genes have been found recently on the sex chromosomes of chickens and their possible roles in sex determination or sex differentiation are being investigated. It is the purpose of this review to summarize the present knowledge of these sex chromosome-linked genes in chickens and to give perspectives and point out questions concerning the mechanisms of avian sex determination.  相似文献   

Some species of the genus Characidium have heteromorphic ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes with a totally heterochromatic W chromosome. Methods for chromosome microdissection associated with chromosome painting have become important tools for cytogenetic studies in Neotropical fish. In Characidium cf. fasciatum, the Z chromosome contains a pericentromeric heterochromatin block, whereas the W chromosome is completely heterochromatic. Therefore, a probe was produced from the W chromosome through microdissection and degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction amplification. FISH was performed using the W probe on the chromosomes of specimens of this species. This revealed expressive marks in the pericentromeric region of the Z chromosome as well as a completely painted W chromosome. When applying the same probe on chromosome preparations of C. cf. gomesi and Characidium sp., a pattern similar to C. cf. fasciatum was found, while C. cf. zebra, C. cf. lagosantense and Crenuchus spilurus species showed no hybridization signals. Structural changes in the chromosomes of an ancestral sexual system in the group that includes the species C. cf. gomesi, C. cf. fasciatum and Characidium sp., could have contributed to the process of speciation and could represent a causal mechanism of chromosomal diversification in this group. The heterochromatinization process possibly began in homomorphic and homologous chromosomes of an ancestral form, and this process could have given rise to the current patterns found in the species with sex chromosome heteromorphism.  相似文献   

Evolution of the avian sex chromosomes and their role in sex determination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Is it the female-specific W chromosome of birds that causes the avian embryo to develop a female phenotype, analogous to the dominance mode of genic sex differentiation seen in mammals? Or is it the number of Z chromosomes that triggers male development, similar to the balance mode of differentiation seen in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans? Although definite answers to these questions cannot be given yet, some recent data have provided support for the latter hypothesis. Moreover, despite the potentially common features of sex determination in mammals and birds, comparative mapping shows that the avian sex chromosomes have a different autosomal origin than the mammalian X and Y chromosomes.  相似文献   



Sex-determining systems have evolved independently in vertebrates. Placental mammals and marsupials have an XY system, birds have a ZW system. Reptiles and amphibians have different systems, including temperature-dependent sex determination, and XY and ZW systems that differ in origin from birds and placental mammals. Monotremes diverged early in mammalian evolution, just after the mammalian clade diverged from the sauropsid clade. Our previous studies showed that male platypus has five X and five Y chromosomes, no SRY, and DMRT1 on an X chromosome. In order to investigate monotreme sex chromosome evolution, we performed a comparative study of platypus and echidna by chromosome painting and comparative gene mapping.


Chromosome painting reveals a meiotic chain of nine sex chromosomes in the male echidna and establishes their order in the chain. Two of those differ from those in the platypus, three of the platypus sex chromosomes differ from those of the echidna and the order of several chromosomes is rearranged. Comparative gene mapping shows that, in addition to bird autosome regions, regions of bird Z chromosomes are homologous to regions in four platypus X chromosomes, that is, X1, X2, X3, X5, and in chromosome Y1.


Monotreme sex chromosomes are easiest to explain on the hypothesis that autosomes were added sequentially to the translocation chain, with the final additions after platypus and echidna divergence. Genome sequencing and contig anchoring show no homology yet between platypus and therian Xs; thus, monotremes have a unique XY sex chromosome system that shares some homology with the avian Z.  相似文献   

A comprehensive analysis of the human sex chromosomes was undertaken to assess Alu-associated human genomic diversity and to identify novel Alu insertion polymorphisms for the study of human evolution. Three hundred forty-five recently integrated Alu elements from eight different Alu subfamilies were identified on the X and Y chromosomes, 225 of which were selected and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). From a total of 225 elements analyzed, 16 were found to be polymorphic on the X chromosome and one on the Y chromosome. In line with previous research using other classes of genetic markers, our results indicate reduced Alu-associated insertion polymorphism on the human sex chromosomes, presumably reflective of the reduced recombination rates and lower effective population sizes on the sex chromosomes. The Alu insertion polymorphisms identified in this study should prove useful for the study of human population genetics.  相似文献   

A new look at the evolution of avian sex chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Birds have a ubiquitous, female heterogametic, ZW sex chromosome system. The current model suggests that the Z chromosome and its degraded partner, the W chromosome, evolved from an ancestral pair of autosomes independently from the mammalian XY male heteromorphic sex chromosomes--which are similar in size, but not gene content (Graves, 1995; Fridolfsson et al., 1998). Furthermore the degradation of the W has been proposed to be progressive, with the basal clade of birds (the ratites) possessing virtually homomorphic sex chromosomes and the more recently derived birds (the carinates) possessing highly heteromorphic sex chromosomes (Ohno, 1967; Solari, 1993). Recent findings have suggested an alternative to independent evolution of bird and mammal chromosomes, in which an XY system took over directly from an ancestral ZW system. Here we examine recent research into avian sex chromosomes and offer alternative suggestions as to their evolution.  相似文献   

To study pseudoautosomal and bordering regions in the avian Z and W chromosomes, we used seven BAC clones from genomic libraries as DNA probes of fragments of different gametologs of the ATP5A1 gene located close to the proximal border of the pseudoautosomal region (PAR) of sex chromosomes of domestic chicken and Japanese quail. Localization of BAC clones TAM31-b100C09, TAM31-b99N01, TAM31-b27P16, and TAM31-b95L18 in the short arm of Z chromosomes of domestic chicken and Japanese quail (region Zp23-p22) and localization of the BAC clones CHORI-261-CH46G16, CHORI-261-CH33F10, and CHORI-261-CH64F22 on W chromosomes of these species and in the short arm of Z chromosomes (region Zp23-p22) were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization with the use of W-specific probes. The difference in the localization of the BAC clones on the Z and W chromosomes is probably explained by divergence of the nucleotide sequences of different sex chromosomes located beyond the pseudoautosomal region.  相似文献   

Ellegren H  Carmichael A 《Genetics》2001,158(1):325-331
Birds are characterized by female heterogamety; females carry the Z and W sex chromosomes, while males have two copies of the Z chromosome. We suggest here that full differentiation of the Z and W sex chromosomes of birds did not take place until after the split of major contemporary lineages, in the late Cretaceous. The ATP synthase alpha-subunit gene is now present in one copy each on the nonrecombining part of the W chromosome (ATP5A1W) and on the Z chromosome (ATP5A1Z). This gene seems to have evolved on several independent occasions, in different lineages, from a state of free recombination into two sex-specific and nonrecombining variants. ATP5A1W and ATP5A1Z are thus more similar within orders, relative to what W (or Z) are between orders. Moreover, this cessation of recombination apparently took place at different times in different lineages (estimated at 13, 40, and 65 million years ago in Ciconiiformes, Galliformes, and Anseriformes, respectively). We argue that these observations are the result of recent and traceable steps in the process where sex chromosomes gradually cease to recombine and become differentiated. Our data demonstrate that this process, once initiated, may occur independently in parallel in sister lineages.  相似文献   

Parallel divergence and degradation of the avian W sex chromosome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sex chromosomes are ubiquitous in birds but our understanding of how they originated and evolved has remained incomplete. Recent work by Tsuda et al. on tinamou and ratite birds suggests that, although all bird sex chromosomes evolved from the same pair of autosomes, the Z and W sex chromosomes have diverged from one another several times independently. This parallel evolution of the avian W presents a means for comparison in studies of sex chromosome evolution, which could help us understand more about the general forces that shape the development of all types of sex chromosome.  相似文献   

The well-established view of the evolution of sex chromosome dimorphism is of a gradual genetic and morphological degeneration of the hemizygous chromosome. Yet, no large-scale comparative analysis exists to support this view. Here, we analysed karyotypes of 200 bird species to test whether the supposed directional changes occur in bird sex chromosomes. We found no support for the view that W chromosomes gradually become smaller over evolutionary time. On the contrary, the length of the W chromosome can fluctuate over short time scales, probably involving both shortening and elongation of non-coding regions. Recent discoveries of near-identical palindromes and neo-sex chromosomes in birds may also contribute to the observed variation. Further studies are now needed to investigate how chromosome morphology relates to its gene content, and whether the changes in size were driven by selection.  相似文献   

Heteromorphisms between sex chromosomes are rarely found in anurans and sex chromosome differentiation is considered to be a set of recent recurrent events in the evolutionary history of this group. This paper describes for the first time heteromorphic sex chromosomes Z and W in the leiuperid genus Physalaemus. They were found in P. ephippifer, a species of the P. cuvieri group, and corresponded to the eighth pair of its karyotype. The W chromosome differed from the Z chromosome by the presence of an additional segment in the short arm, composed of a distal NOR and an adjacent terminal DAPI-positive C-band. The identification of this sex chromosome pair may help in future investigations into the sex determining genes in the genus Physalaemus.  相似文献   

In organisms with chromosomal sex determination, sex is determined by a set of dimorphic sex chromosomes that are thought to have evolved from a set of originally homologous chromosomes. The chromosome inherited only through the heterogametic sex (the Y chromosome in the case of male heterogamety) often exhibits loss of genetic activity for most of the genes carried on its homolog and is hence referred to as degenerate. The process by which the proto-Y chromosome loses its genetic activity has long been the subject of much speculation. We present a DNA sequence variation analysis of marker genes on the evolving sex chromosomes (neo-sex chromosomes) of Drosophila miranda. Due to its relatively recent origin, the neo-Y chromosome of this species is presumed to be still experiencing the forces responsible for the loss of its genetic activity. Indeed, several previous studies have confirmed the presence of some active loci on this chromosome. The genes on the neo-Y chromosome surveyed in the current study show generally lower levels of variation compared with their counterparts on the neo-X chromosome or an X-linked gene. This is in accord with a reduced effective population size of the neo-Y chromosome. Interestingly, the rate of replacement nucleotide substitutions for the neo-Y linked genes is significantly higher than that for the neo-X linked genes. This is not expected under a model where the faster evolution of the X chromosome is postulated to be the main force driving the degeneration of the Y chromosome.  相似文献   

In Pleurodeles waltl, progeny resulting from a cross between 2 individuals of the Z/W sexual genotype include 25% of W/W individuals, while those issued from crossing a Z/W neomale with a W/W thelygenous female include 50% of W/W individuals. W/W individuals can be identified through the peptidase-1 zymogram since, in P. waltl, this enzyme is controlled by codominant alleles which are linked to the sex chromosomes. In such progeny, we discovered 2 mutant phenotypes affecting larval and postmetamorphic skin pigmentation in W/W individuals. These phenotypes are described herein. The study of their inheritance in several offspring provides evidence that they are controlled by 2 distinct genes, the recessive mutant alleles of which are linked to the W sex chromosome; moreover, in thelygenous W/W females, the differential segment does not prevent the occurrence of meiotic recombinations between W sex chromosomes. Mutant skin pigmentary phenotypes are easily identified and constitute a tool for rapid, efficient selection of individuals of the W/W sexual genotype.  相似文献   

A chicken Z-linked BAC probe containing the aldolase B gene was used for fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) mapping in four different avian species. The biotinylated BAC clone showed distinct unique hybridization sites on the structurally different Z chromosomes. This result, together with previous data, lends credence to the notion that, despite undergoing structural rearrangements, the gene content of the avian Z chromosome remained conserved during evolution. Our study also demonstrates the feasibility of using large genomic clones for comparative mapping of Z-linked genes in birds.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that polyploidy permits the proliferation of transposable elements, due to both the masking of deleterious recessive mutations and the breakdown of host silencing mechanisms. We investigated the patterns of insertion polymorphism of an Ac-like transposable element and nucleotide diversity at 18 gene fragments in the allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica and the autotetraploid A. arenosa. All identified insertions were fixed in A. suecica, and many were clearly inherited from the parental species A. thaliana or A. arenosa. These results are inconsistent with a rapid increase in transposition associated with hybrid breakdown but support the evidence from nucleotide polymorphism patterns of a recent single origin of this species leading to genomewide fixations of transposable elements. In contrast, most insertions were segregating at very low frequencies in A. arenosa samples, showing a significant departure from neutrality in favor of purifying selection, even when we account for population subdivision inferred from sequence variation. Patterns of nucleotide variation at reference genes are consistent with the TE results, showing evidence for higher effective population sizes in A. arenosa than in related diploid taxa but a near complete population bottleneck associated with the origins of A. suecica.  相似文献   

Plant sex determination and sex chromosomes   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Charlesworth D 《Heredity》2002,88(2):94-101
Sex determination systems in plants have evolved many times from hermaphroditic ancestors (including monoecious plants with separate male and female flowers on the same individual), and sex chromosome systems have arisen several times in flowering plant evolution. Consistent with theoretical models for the evolutionary transition from hermaphroditism to monoecy, multiple sex determining genes are involved, including male-sterility and female-sterility factors. The requirement that recombination should be rare between these different loci is probably the chief reason for the genetic degeneration of Y chromosomes. Theories for Y chromosome degeneration are reviewed in the light of recent results from genes on plant sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

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