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Studies examining an association between artificial cranial deformation and the presence of wormian bones in the lambdoid suture have been inconclusive. Cranial deformation, however, does not seem to have a direct effect of increasing the sutural complexity of the pars lambdica of the lambdoid suture and also increasing the mean number of lambdoidal wormian bones, given their presence.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to quantitatively investigate the spatial and temporal biogeographical relationships of the recovery of ammonoid faunas after the Permian-Triassic mass extinction using three complementary numerical approaches among which is a new, non-hierarchical clustering strategy. The faunal data set consists of a taxonomically homogenised compilation of the spatial and temporal occurrences of ammonoid genera within 20 Early Triassic Tethyan and Panthalassic sites ranging from 40°S to 70°N in palaeolatitudes. In addition to hierarchical cluster analysis (hCA) and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), we introduce a third, new non-hierarchical clustering technique allowing the visualisation of a nonmetric interassemblages similarity structure as a connected network constructed without inferring additional internal nodes. The resulting network, which we call a “Bootstrapped Spanning Network” (BSN), allows the simultaneous identification of partially or totally nested as well as gradational linear or reticulated biogeographical structures.The identified interlocalities relationships indicate that the very beginning of the Early Triassic (Griesbachian) corresponds to a very simple biogeographical context, representing a time of great cosmopolitanism for ammonoids. This context shifts rapidly to a more complex configuration indicative of a more endemic and latitudinally-restricted distribution of the ammonoids during the middle and late Early Triassic (Smithian and Spathian). From an evolutionary dynamic point of view, our results illustrate a very rapid (less than ca. 1.4 myr) Early Triassic recovery of the ammonoid faunas, in contrast to many other marine organisms. This recovery is linked with a marked increase in the overall biogeographical heterogeneity, and parallels the formation of a latitudinal gradient of taxonomic richness, which may be essentially controlled by the progressive intensification of the gradient of sea surface temperature. From a methodological point of view, we show that a BSN is a simple, intuitively legible picture of the nested as well as gradational taxonomic similarity relationships, hence providing a good synthesis (and additional insights) between hierarchical clustering and ordination in reduced space results.  相似文献   

Sutures form an integral part of the functioning skull, but their role has long been debated among vertebrate morphologists and palaeontologists. Furthermore, the relationship between typical skull sutures, and those involved in cranial kinesis, is poorly understood. In a series of computational modelling studies, complex loading conditions obtained through multibody dynamics analysis were imposed on a finite element model of the skull of Uromastyx hardwickii, an akinetic herbivorous lizard. A finite element analysis (FEA) of a skull with no sutures revealed higher patterns of strain in regions where cranial sutures are located in the skull. From these findings, FEAs were performed on skulls with sutures (individual and groups of sutures) to investigate their role and function more thoroughly. Our results showed that individual sutures relieved strain locally, but only at the expense of elevated strain in other regions of the skull. These findings provide an insight into the behaviour of sutures and show how they are adapted to work together to distribute strain around the skull. Premature fusion of one suture could therefore lead to increased abnormal loading on other regions of the skull causing irregular bone growth and deformities. This detailed investigation also revealed that the frontal-parietal suture of the Uromastyx skull played a substantial role in relieving strain compared with the other sutures. This raises questions about the original role of mesokinesis in squamate evolution.  相似文献   

Based on new collections of abundant and well preserved material from the Salt Range (Pakistan), Spiti (Northern India) and Tulong (South Tibet), several recent studies focused on the taxonomic revision and detailed biostratigraphy of Smithian ammonoids. In this work, biochronological data for these three well-documented basins are analyzed by means of the Unitary Associations method, resulting in a biochronological scheme of unprecedented high-resolution for the Smithian of the Northern Indian Margin (NIM). Data for each basin are first processed separately, thus yielding three local biochronological zonations. Then, the three sequences are processed together as a regional three-section data set for the construction of an inter-basin sequence at the NIM level. The latter zonation comprises 16 Unitary Associations grouped into 13 zones for the entire Smithian. Analysis of ammonoid diversity dynamics based on this new highly resolved time frame highlights (i) a marked diversification during the early Smithian, (ii) a severe extinction during the late Smithian, and (iii) an overall very high turnover throughout the Smithian. At a global spatial scale and stage resolution, the diversity of Smithian ammonoid genera appears surprisingly high, as highlighted by a previous study. It is shown that at a smaller geographic scale and with the most highly resolved time frame, Smithian ammonoids of the NIM reached their explosive diversity peak essentially through extremely high turnover rates rather than through a classic diversification process of high origination rates coupled with low extinction rates. Based on recently published U/Pb ages, regional apparent total rates of origination and extinction of more than 100 species per My can be inferred for the Smithian ammonoids of the NIM.  相似文献   

Polychaetes inhabiting 12 different hard bottom habitats were studied. A total of 157 species belonging to 32 families were identified. Differences among habitats in polychaete density, species richness, and diversity were analysed, as well as the relationships between these ecological indices and depth range, slope and in-bay/out-bay gradient. A high faunal homogeneity was found: all biotopes were dominated by a low number of eurytopic species. Intertidal habitats and subtidal ones with scarce algal cover were typified by vagile polychaetes (syllids, nereids), while sessile polychaetes (serpulids, sabellids) appeared typically among subtidal large macrophytes, habitats with a calcareous substrate and shaded habitats. Multivariate analyses showed that habitat complexity, determined by physical disturbance, is the main structuring factor for polychaete populations. Biotopes with the highest structural complexity displayed a high number of companion species increasing ecological indices and denoting a well-structured habitat. On the other hand, communities such as those in the upper intertidal, mainly controlled by physical environmental variables, showed a poorer polychaete fauna, dominated by ubiquitous species and a few well-adapted specialists.  相似文献   

The late Smithian extinction represents a major event within the Early Triassic. This event generally corresponds to a succession of two, possibly three successively less diverse, cosmopolitan ammonoid assemblages, which when present, provide a robust biostratigraphic framework and precise correlations at different spatial scales. In the western USA basin, known occurrences of latest Smithian taxa are rare and until now, have only been documented from northeastern Nevada. Based on these restricted basinal occurrences, a regional zone representing the latest Smithian was postulated but not corroborated, as representative taxa had not yet been reported from outside Nevada. Here we document two new ammonoid assemblages from distant localities in northern Utah, overlying the late Smithian Anasibirites beds and characterized by the unambiguous co-occurrence of Xenoceltites subevolutus and Pseudosageceras augustum. The existence of a latest Smithian zone in the western USA basin is therefore validated, facilitating the identification of the Smithian/Spathian boundary and intra-basin correlation. This zone also correlates with the latest Smithian zone recognized from southern Tethyan basins. Additionally, these new data support other observed occurrences of Xenoceltites subevolutus throughout most of the late Smithian.  相似文献   

Interspecific diversity exists in cranial suture closure patterns among mammalian species. Suture closure patterns partly reflect phylogenesis, but it has also been claimed that it is influenced by biomechanical factors. Here we provide the first report on the cranial suture closure pattern in water deer. Among cervids, the water deer is an exceptional species, as it is the only one without antlers. Instead, the male water deer possess prominent canines, which are utilized during male-male combats. This unique morphological setting allowed us to examine whether the presence of prominent canines affects cranial suture closure. We found that the only sexual difference in cranial suture closure pattern is the closure of the interfrontal suture in males, which is found in some other cervid species as well. Except for the interfrontal suture closure, timing and sequence of cranial suture closure were comparable between both sexes, suggesting that the presence of prominent canines in males has no influence on cranial suture closure pattern. Our results indicate that interfrontal suture closure in males is a phylogenetic pattern, i.e. an apomorphy for Capreolini, Hydropotini and Alceini.  相似文献   

Cardiac stress (load) and strain (stretch) are widely studied indicators of cardiac function and outcome, but are difficult or impossible to directly measure in relation to the cardiac microstructure. An alternative approach is to estimate these states using computer methods and image-based measurements, but this still requires knowledge of the tissue material properties and the unloaded state, both of which are difficult to determine. In this work, we tested the sensitivity of these two interdependent unknowns (reference geometry and material parameters) on stress and strain calculations in cardiac tissue. Our study used a finite element model of the human ventricle, with a hyperelastic passive material model, and was driven by a cell model mediated active contraction. We evaluated 21 different published parameter sets for the five parameters of the passive material model, and for each set we optimised the corresponding unloaded geometry and contractility parameter to model a single pressure-volume loop. The resulting mechanics were compared, and calculated systolic stresses were largely insensitive to the chosen parameter set when an unloading algorithm was used. Meanwhile, material strain calculations varied substantially depending on the choice of material parameters. These results indicate that determining the correct material and unloaded configuration may be highly important to understand strain driven processes, but less so for calculating stress estimates.  相似文献   

A juvenile Australopithecus boisei specimen from the Omo basin, southern Ethiopia, is found to exhibit and extraordinarily large overlap of the temporal squama on the parietal, a phenomenon shared with at least two adult specimens of A. boisei. An attempt is made to interpret the overlap as a structural (bony/ligamentous) adaptation necessitated by the unique combination of certain components of the masticatory system of A. boisei. These are: (1) the massiveness and strength of the temporalis muscle, (2) its relatively anterior location, and (3) the lateral position of the masseter muscle due to the flaring of the zygomatic arches. The effect of the temporalis muscle is to create excessive pressure on the portion of the squamosal suture along the parietal, while the lateral placement of the masseter and the resultant increase of pressure on the temporal squama via the zygomatic arch tend to "loosen" the contact between the temporal and parietal bones.  相似文献   

With large amounts of experimental data, modern molecular biology needs appropriate methods to deal with biological sequences. In this work, we apply a statistical method (Pearson's chi-square test) to recognize the signals appear in the whole genome of the Escherichia coli. To show the effectiveness of the method, we compare the Pearson's chi-square test with linguistic complexity on the complete genome of E. coli. The results suggest that Pearson's chi-square test is an efficient method for distinguishing genes (coding regions) form pseudogenes (noncoding regions). On the other hand, the performance of the linguistic complexity is much lower than the chi-square test method. We also use the Pearson's chi-square test method to determine which parts of the Open Reading Frame (ORF) have significant effect on discriminating genes form pseudogenes. Moreover, different complexity measures and Pearson's chi-square test applied on the genes with high value of Pearson's chi-square statistic. We also compute the measures on homologous of these genes. The results illustrate that there is a region near the start codon with high value of chi-square statistic and low complexity that is conserve between homologous genes.  相似文献   

The tissues of multicellular organisms are made of differentiated cells arranged in organized patterns. This organization emerges during development from the coupling of dynamic intra- and intercellular regulatory networks. This work applies the methods of information theory to understand how regulatory network structure both within and between cells relates to the complexity of spatial patterns that emerge as a consequence of network operation. A computational study was performed in which undifferentiated cells were arranged in a two dimensional lattice, with gene expression in each cell regulated by identical intracellular randomly generated Boolean networks. Cell–cell contact signalling between embryonic cells is modeled as coupling among intracellular networks so that gene expression in one cell can influence the expression of genes in adjacent cells. In this system, the initially identical cells differentiate and form patterns of different cell types. The complexity of network structure, temporal dynamics and spatial organization is quantified through the Kolmogorov-based measures of normalized compression distance and set complexity. Results over sets of random networks that operate in the ordered, critical and chaotic domains demonstrate that: (1) ordered and critical networks tend to create the most information-rich patterns; (2) signalling configurations in which cell-to-cell communication is non-directional mostly produce simple patterns irrespective of the internal network domain; and (3) directional signalling configurations, similar to those that function in planar cell polarity, produce the most complex patterns, but only when the intracellular networks function in non-chaotic domains.  相似文献   

Despite advances in our mechanistic understanding of ecological processes, the inherent complexity of real-world ecosystems still limits our ability in predicting ecological dynamics especially in the face of on-going environmental stress. Developing a model is frequently challenged by structure uncertainty, unknown parameters, and limited data for exploring out-of-sample predictions. One way to address this challenge is to look for patterns in the data themselves in order to infer the underlying processes of an ecological system rather than to build system-specific models. For example, it has been recently suggested that statistical changes in ecological dynamics can be used to infer changes in the stability of ecosystems as they approach tipping points. For computer scientists such inference is similar to the notion of a Turing machine: a computational device that could execute a program (the process) to produce the observed data (the pattern). Here, we make use of such basic computational ideas introduced by Alan Turing to recognize changing patterns in ecological dynamics in ecosystems under stress. To do this, we use the concept of Kolmogorov algorithmic complexity that is a measure of randomness. In particular, we estimate an approximation to Kolmogorov complexity based on the Block Decomposition Method (BDM). We apply BDM to identify changes in complexity in simulated time-series and spatial datasets from ecosystems that experience different types of ecological transitions. We find that in all cases, KBDM complexity decreased before all ecological transitions both in time-series and spatial datasets. These trends indicate that loss of stability in the ecological models we explored is characterized by loss of complexity and the emergence of a regular and computable underlying structure. Our results suggest that Kolmogorov complexity may serve as tool for revealing changes in the dynamics of ecosystems close to ecological transitions.  相似文献   

DNA sequences can be treated as finite-length symbol strings over a four-letter alphabet (A, C, T, G). As a universal and computable complexity measure, LZ complexity is valid to describe the complexity of DNA sequences. In this study, a concept of conditional LZ complexity between two sequences is proposed according to the principle of LZ complexity measure. An LZ complexity distance metric between two nonnull sequences is defined by utilizing conditional LZ complexity. Based on LZ complexity distance, a phylogenetic tree of 26 species of placental mammals (Eutheria) with three outgroup species was reconstructed from their complete mitochondrial genomes. On the debate that which two of the three main groups of placental mammals, namely Primates, Ferungulates, and Rodents, are more closely related, the phylogenetic tree reconstructed based on LZ complexity distance supports the suggestion that Primates and Ferungulates are more closely related.  相似文献   

害虫灾害研究的复杂性理论框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
害虫灾害是高度复杂的大系统 ,表现出不均匀性、差异性、多样性、突发性、随机性、可预测性和周期性等复杂性特征 ,使得经典的理论和方法已不适用于害虫灾害的研究。依据复杂性科学和分形、神经网络、混沌及小波等非线性科学的发展及其近期在害虫灾害中的部分研究成果 ,该文从复杂大系统出发 ,构建了害虫灾害研究的复杂性理论框架 ,为深入研究害虫灾害的成因、机制与预测提供理论依据。  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(4):500-522
Living saurian reptiles exhibit a wide range of diets, from carnivores to strict herbivores. Previous research suggests that the tooth shape in some lizard clades correlates with diet, but this has not been tested using quantitative methods. I investigated the relationship between phenotypic tooth complexity and diet in living reptiles by examining the entire dentary tooth row in over 80 specimens comprising all major dentigerous saurian clades. I quantified dental complexity using orientation patch count rotated (OPCR), which discriminates diet in living and extinct mammals, where OPCR‐values increase with the proportion of dietary plant matter. OPCR was calculated from high‐resolution CT‐scans, and I standardized OPCR‐values by the total number of teeth to account for differences in tooth count across taxa. In contrast with extant mammals, there appears to be greater overlap in tooth complexity values across dietary groups because multicusped teeth characterize herbivores, omnivores, and insectivores, and because herbivorous skinks have relatively simple teeth. In particular, insectivorous lizards have dental complexities that are very similar to omnivores. Regardless, OPCR‐values for animals that consume significant amounts of plant material are higher than those of carnivores, with herbivores having the highest average dental complexity. These results suggest reptilian tooth complexity is related to diet, similar to extinct and extant mammals, although phylogenetic history also plays a measurable role in dental complexity. This has implications for extinct amniotes that display a dramatic range of tooth morphologies, many with no modern analogs, which inhibits detailed dietary reconstructions. These data demonstrate that OPCR, when combined with additional morphological data, has the potential to be used to reconstruct the diet of extinct amniotes. J. Morphol. 278:500–522, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between cultural complexity and population size in a non-technological cultural domain for which we have suitable quantitative records: folktales. We define three levels of complexity for folk narratives: the number of tale types, the number of narrative motifs, and, finally, the number of traits in variants of the same type, for two well-known tales for which we have data from previous studies. We found a positive relationship between number of tale types and population size, a negative relationship for the number of narrative motifs, and no relationship for the number of traits. The absence of a consistent relationship between population size and complexity in folktales provides a novel perspective on the current debates in cultural evolution. We propose that the link between cultural complexity and demography could be domain dependent: in some domains (e.g. technology) this link is important, whereas in others, such as folktales, complex traditions can be easily maintained in small populations as well as large ones, as they may appeal to universal cognitive biases.  相似文献   

1. Habitat structure, including vegetation structural complexity, largely determines invertebrate assemblages in semi‐natural grasslands. The importance of structural complexity to the saltmarsh invertebrate community, where the interplay between vegetation characteristics and tidal inundation is key, is less well known. 2. It was hypothesised that canopy complexity would be a more important predictor of spider and beetle assemblages than simple vegetation attributes (e.g. height, community type) and environmental variables (e.g. elevation) alone, measured in two saltmarsh regions, south‐east (Essex) and north‐west (Morecambe Bay) U.K. Canopy complexity (number of non‐vegetated ‘gaps’ in canopy ≥ 1 mm wide) was assessed using side‐on photography. Over 1500 spiders and beetles were sampled via suction sampling, winter and summer combined. 3. In summer, saltmarshes with abundant spider and beetle populations were characterised by high scores for canopy complexity often associated with tussocky grass or shrub cover. Simple vegetation attributes (plant cover, height) accounted for 26% of variation in spider abundance and 14% in spider diversity, rising to 46% and 41%, respectively, with the addition of canopy complexity score. Overwintering spider assemblages were associated with elevation and vegetation biomass. Summer beetle abundance, in particular the predatory and zoophagous group, and diversity were best explained by elevation and plant species richness. 4. Summer canopy complexity was identified as a positive habitat feature for saltmarsh spider communities (ground‐running hunters and sheet weavers) with significant ‘added value’ over more commonly measured attributes of vegetation structure.  相似文献   

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