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Cell death in the stalk of Dictyostelium discoideum, a prototypic vacuolar cell death, can be studied in vitro using cells differentiating as a monolayer. To identify early events, we examined potentially dying cells at a time when the classical signs of Dictyostelium cell death, such as heavy vacuolization and membrane lesions, were not yet apparent. We observed that most cells proceeded through a stereotyped series of differentiation stages, including the emergence of "paddle" cells showing high motility and strikingly marked subcellular compartmentalization with actin segregation. Paddle cell emergence and subsequent demise with paddle-to-round cell transition may be critical to the cell death process, as they were contemporary with irreversibility assessed through time-lapse videos and clonogenicity tests. Paddle cell demise was not related to formation of the cellulose shell because cells where the cellulose-synthase gene had been inactivated underwent death indistinguishable from that of parental cells. A major subcellular alteration at the paddle-to-round cell transition was the disappearance of F-actin. The Dictyostelium vacuolar cell death pathway thus does not require cellulose synthesis and includes early actin rearrangements (F-actin segregation, then depolymerization), contemporary with irreversibility, corresponding to the emergence and demise of highly polarized paddle cells.  相似文献   

Lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP) contributes to tissue involution, degenerative diseases, and cancer therapy. Its investigation has, however, been hindered by the lack of sensitive methods. Here, we characterize and validate the detection of galectin puncta at leaky lysosomes as a highly sensitive and easily manageable assay for LMP. LGALS1/galectin-1 and LGALS3/galectin-3 are best suited for this purpose due to their widespread expression, rapid translocation to leaky lysosomes and availability of high-affinity antibodies. Galectin staining marks individual leaky lysosomes early during lysosomal cell death and is useful when defining whether LMP is a primary or secondary cause of cell death. This sensitive method also reveals that cells can survive limited LMP and confirms a rapid formation of autophagic structures at the site of galectin puncta. Importantly, galectin staining detects individual leaky lysosomes also in paraffin-embedded tissues allowing us to demonstrate LMP in tumor xenografts in mice treated with cationic amphiphilic drugs and to identify a subpopulation of lysosomes that initiates LMP in involuting mouse mammary gland. The use of ectopic fluorescent galectins renders the galectin puncta assay suitable for automated screening and visualization of LMP in live cells and animals. Thus, the lysosomal galectin puncta assay opens up new possibilities to study LMP in cell death and its role in other cellular processes such as autophagy, senescence, aging, and inflammation.  相似文献   

Cells use different pathways for active self-destruction as reflected by different morphology: while in apoptosis (or "type I") nuclear fragmentation associated with cytoplasmic condensation but preservation of organelles is predominant, autophagic degradation of cytoplasmic structures preceding nuclear collapse is a characteristic of a second type of programmed cell death (PCD). The diverse morphologies can be attributed--at least to some extent--to distinct biochemical and molecular events (e.g. caspase-dependent and -independent death programs; DAP-kinase activity, Ras-expression). However, apoptosis and autophagic PCD are not mutually exclusive phenomena. Rather, diverse PCD programs emerged during evolution, the conservation of which apparently allows cells a flexible response to environmental changes, either physiological or pathological.  相似文献   

Despite the essential role of mitochondria in a variety of mammalian cell death processes, the involvement of mitochondrial pathway in Drosophila cell death has remained unclear. To address this, we cloned and characterized DmHtrA2, a Drosophila homolog of a mitochondrial serine protease HtrA2/Omi. We show that DmHtrA2 normally resides in mitochondria and is up-regulated by UV-irradiation. Upon receipt of apoptotic stimuli, DmHtrA2 is translocated to extramitochondrial compartment; however, unlike its mammalian counterpart, the extramitochondrial DmHtrA2 does not diffuse throughout the cytosol but stays near the mitochondria. RNAi-mediated knock-down of DmHtrA2 in larvae or adult flies results in a resistance to stress stimuli. DmHtrA2 specifically cleaves Drosophila inhibitor-of-apoptosis protein 1 (DIAP1), a cellular caspase inhibitor, and induces cell death both in vitro and in vivo as potent as other fly cell death proteins. Our observations suggest that DmHtrA2 promotes cell death through a cleavage of DIAP1 in the vicinity of mitochondria, which may represent a prototype of mitochondrial cell death pathway in evolution.  相似文献   

The ATP-dependent ClpQY protease system in Plasmodium falciparum is a prokaryotic machinery in the parasite. In the present study, we have identified the complete ClpQY system in P. falciparum and elucidated its functional importance in survival and growth of asexual stage parasites. We characterized the interaction of P. falciparum ClpQ protease (PfClpQ) and PfClpY ATPase components, and showed that a short stretch of residues at the C terminus of PfClpY has an important role in this interaction; a synthetic peptide corresponding to this region antagonizes this interaction and interferes with the functioning of this machinery in the parasite. Disruption of ClpQY function by this peptide caused hindrance in the parasite growth and maturation of asexual stages of parasites. Detailed analyses of cellular effects in these parasites showed features of apoptosis-like cell death. The peptide-treated parasites showed mitochondrial dysfunction and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. Dysfunctioning of mitochondria initiated a cascade of reactions in parasites, including activation of VAD–FMK-binding proteases and nucleases, which resulted in apoptosis-like cell death. These results show functional importance of mitochondrial proteases in the parasite and involvement of mitochondria in programmed cell death in the malaria parasites.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken to verify whether mitochondria play a significant role in aluminium (Al) toxicity, using the mitochondria isolated from tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum, non-chlorophyllic cell line SL) under Al stress. An inhibition of respiration was observed in terms of state-III, state-IV, succinate-dependent, alternative oxidase (AOX)-pathway capacity and cytochrome (CYT)-pathway capacity, respectively, in the mitochondria isolated from tobacco cells subjected to Al stress for 18 h. In accordance with the respiratory inhibition, the mitochondrial ATP content showed a significant decrease under Al treatment. An enhancement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production under state-III respiration was observed in the mitochondria isolated from Al-treated cells, which would create an oxidative stress situation. The opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) was seen more extensively in mitochondria isolated from Al-treated cells than in those isolated from control cells. This was Ca(2+) dependent and well modulated by dithioerythritol (DTE) and Pi, but insensitive to cyclosporine A (CsA). The collapse of inner mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsi(m)) was also observed with a release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. A great decrease in the ATP content was also seen under Al stress. Transmission electron microscopy analysis of Al-treated cells also corroborated our biochemical data with distortion in membrane architecture in mitochondria. TUNEL-positive nuclei in Al-treated cells strongly indicated the occurrence of nuclear fragmentation. From the above study, it was concluded that Al toxicity affects severely the mitochondrial respiratory functions and alters the redox status studied in vitro and also the internal structure, which seems to cause finally cell death in tobacco cells.  相似文献   

We found that heme-binding protein 2/SOUL sensitised NIH3T3 cells to cell death induced by A23187 and etoposide, but it did not affect reactive oxygen species formation. In the presence of sub-threshold calcium, recombinant SOUL provoked mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) in vitro that was inhibited by cyclosporine A (CsA). This effect was verified in vivo by monitoring the dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential. Flow cytometry analysis showed that SOUL promoted necrotic death in A23187 and etoposide treated cells, which effect was prevented by CsA. These data suggest that besides its heme-binding properties SOUL promotes necrotic cell death by inducing mPT.  相似文献   

Stress or heat shock proteins (HSPs) are ubiquitous and highly conserved proteins whose expression is induced in response to a wide variety of physiological and environmental insults. They allow the cells to survive to otherwise lethal conditions. Various mechanisms have been proposed to account for the cytoprotective functions of HSPs. These proteins play an essential role in intracellular "house-keeping" by assisting the correct folding of nascent and stress-accumulated misfolded proteins and preventing their aggregation. Several HSPs have also demonstrated to directly interact with various components of the tightly regulated programmed cell death machinery, upstream, and downstream of the mitochondrial events. Finally, HSPs could play a role in the proteasome-mediated degradation of selected proteins under stress conditions. Altogether, these properties could make HSPs appropriate targets for modulating cell death pathways.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) is of fundamental importance to development and defense in animals and plants. In plants, a well-recognized form of PCD is hypersensitive response (HR) triggered by pathogens, which involves the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other signaling molecules. While the mitochondrion is a master regulator of PCD in animals, the chloroplast is known to regulate PCD in plants. Arabidopsis Mosaic Death 1 (MOD1), an enoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) reductase essential for fatty acid biosynthesis in chloroplasts, negatively regulates PCD in Arabidopsis. Here we report that PCD in mod1 results from accumulated ROS and can be suppressed by mutations in mitochondrial complex I components, and that the suppression is confirmed by pharmaceutical inhibition of the complex I-generated ROS. We further show that intact mitochondria are required for full HR and optimum disease resistance to the Pseudomonas syringae bacteria. These findings strongly indicate that the ROS generated in the electron transport chain in mitochondria plays a key role in triggering plant PCD and highlight an important role of the communication between chloroplast and mitochondrion in the control of PCD in plants.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) is thought to determine cell death under oxidative stress. However, MPT inhibitors only partially suppress oxidative stress-induced cell death. Here, we demonstrate that cells in which MPT is inhibited undergo cell death under oxidative stress. When C6 cells were exposed to 250 μM t-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BuOOH), the loss of a membrane potential-sensitive dye (tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester, TMRE) from mitochondria was observed, indicating mitochondrial depolarization leading to cell death. The fluorescence of calcein entrapped in mitochondria prior to addition of t-BuOOH was significantly decreased to 70% after mitochondrial depolarization. Cyclosporin A suppressed the decrease in mitochondrial calcein fluorescence, but not mitochondrial depolarization. These results show that t-BuOOH induced cell death even when it did not induce MPT. Prior to MPT, lactate production and respiration were hampered. Taken together, these data indicate that the decreased turnover rate of glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration may be as vital as MPT for cell death induced under moderate oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Stimulation of cell death is a powerful instrument in the organism’s struggle with cancer. Apoptosis represents one mode of cell death. However, in a variety of tumor cells proapoptotic mechanisms are downregulated, or not properly activated, whereas antiapoptotic mechanisms are upregulated. Mitochondria are known as key players in the regulation of apoptotic pathways. Specifically, permeabilization of the mitochondrial outer membrane and subsequent release of proapoptotic proteins from the intermembrane space are viewed as decisive events in the initiation and/or execution of apoptosis. Disruption of mitochondrial functions by anticancer drugs, which induce oxidative stress, inhibit mitochondrial respiration, or uncouple oxidative phosphorylation, can sensitize mitochondria in these cells and facilitate outer membrane permeabilization.  相似文献   

During the development of Caenorhabditis elegans, through cell divisions, a total of exactly 1090 cells are generated, 131 of which undergo programmed cell death (PCD) to result in an adult organism comprising 959 cells. Of those 131, exactly 113 undergo PCD during embryogenesis, subdivided across the cell lineages in the following fashion: 98 for AB lineage; 14 for MS lineage; and 1 for C lineage. Is there a law underlying these numbers, and if there is, what could it be? Here we wish to show that the count of the cells undergoing PCD complies with the cipher laws related to the algorithms of Shor and of Grover.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis presents a spectrum of diseases ranging from benign cutaneous lesions to the often-fatal visceralizing form. Luteolin, a dietary flavone induces apoptosis-like death in both promastigote and amastigote forms of Leishmania, the causative agent of the diseases. Here, we have elucidated the mechanism of action of luteolin by analyzing the mitochondrial and cytosolic changes associated with apoptosis-like death of leishmanial cells. In Leishmania donovani, treatment with luteolin induces the loss of both maxicircles and minicircles which resulted in the formation of dyskinetoplastid cells. The loss of mitochondrial DNA causes reduction in the activities of complex I, II, III, and IV of electron transport chain. However, the mitochondrial ATPase activity of complex V remains almost unaltered during treatment with luteolin but the sensitivity to oligomycin is lost. The inactivation of ETC complex is associated with decrease in mitochondrial as well as glycolytic ATP production, which is responsible for depolarization of Deltapsi(m) and alteration in mitochondrial structure. This event is followed by the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria in mt-DNA depleted leishmanial cells and causes an activation of caspase like proteases. Collectively our results provide the first insight into the mechanistic pathway of apoptosis-like death where inhibition of glycolytic ATP production is an essential event responsible for depolarization of Deltapsi(m) in mt-DNA depleted cells to propagate apoptosis-like death in leishmanial cells.  相似文献   

Although mitochondria are essential organelles for long-term survival of eukaryotic cells, recent discoveries in biochemistry and genetics have advanced our understanding of the requirements for mitochondria in cell death. Much of what we understand about cell death is based on the identification of conserved cell death genes in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans. However, the role of mitochondria in cell death in these models has been much less clear. Considering the active role that mitochondria play in apoptosis in mammalian cells, the mitochondrial contribution to cell death in non-mammalian systems has been an area of active investigation. In this article, we review the current research on this topic in three non-mammalian models, C. elegans, Drosophila, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In addition, we discuss how non-mammalian models have provided important insight into the mechanisms of human disease as they relate to the mitochondrial pathway of cell death. The unique perspective derived from each of these model systems provides a more complete understanding of mitochondria in programmed cell death. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Mitochondria: the deadly organelle.  相似文献   

Deletion of the lissencephaly disease gene LIS-1 in humans causes an extreme disorganization of the brain associated with significant reduction in cortical neurons. Here we show that deletion or RNA interference (RNAi) of Caenorhabditis elegans lis-1 results in a reduction in germline nuclei and causes a variety of cellular, developmental, and neurological defects throughout development. Our analysis of the germline defects suggests that the reduction in nuclei number stems from dysfunctional mitotic spindles resulting in cell cycle arrest and eventually programmed cell death (apoptosis). Deletion of the spindle checkpoint gene mdf-1 blocks lis-1(lf)-induced cell cycle arrest and germline apoptosis, placing the spindle checkpoint pathway upstream of the programmed cell death pathway. These results suggest that apoptosis may contribute to the cell-sparse pathology of lissencephaly.  相似文献   

Early neural cell death is programmed cell death occurring within proliferating and undifferentiated neural progenitors. Little is known about the regulation and role of early neural cell death. In Xenopus embryos, primary neurogenesis is disrupted following the inhibition of early neural cell death, indicating that it is required for normal primary neurogenesis. Here we show that early neural cell death is dependent on primary neurogenesis. Overexpression of XSoxD concomitantly reduced N-Tubulin expression and early neural cell death, as seen by reduced TUNEL staining in stage 15 embryos. Conversely, overexpression of XNgnr1 led to ectopic N-Tubulin expression and TUNEL staining. However, XNeuroD overexpression, which induces ectopic N-Tubulin expression downstream of XNgnr1, had no effect on early neural cell death. E1A12S differentially inhibits the differentiation pathway induced by XNGNR1 protein. E1A12S-mediated inhibition of XNGNR1 neurogenic activity resulted in the reduction of N-Tubulin expression and TUNEL staining. Taken together, our data establish that primary neurogenesis induced by XNGNR1 promotes early neural cell death. This indicates that XNgnr1 positively regulates early neural cell death. We propose that early neural cell death might eliminate cells with abnormally high levels of XNGNR1, which can result in pre-mature neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

Kiba A  Takata O  Ohnishi K  Hikichi Y 《Planta》2006,224(5):981-994
Pseudomonas cichorii causes necrotic leaf spots (NLS), while Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci induces a hypersensitive response (HR) in eggplant. P. cichorii induced cell death at 9 h after inoculation (HAI), reaching a maximum of around 24–30 HAI. On the other hand, cell death was induced 6 HAI with P. syringae pv. tabaci, reaching a maximum of around 12–18 HAI. Superoxide generation was observed in eggplant inoculated with both bacteria. DNA fragmentation, cytochrome c release into the cytosol and expression of defense-related genes such as PR-1 and hsr203J was also induced by inoculation with both bacteria, but these plant reactions were more rapidly induced in eggplant inoculated with P. syringae pv. tabaci rather than those with P. cichorii. Lipid peroxidation and induction of lipoxygenase (LOX) was drastically induced in eggplant inoculated with P. syringae pv. tabaci compared to P. cichorii-inoculated eggplant. Pharmacological studies showed that induction of the cell death, and the NLS or the HR in response to both bacteria was commonly associated with de novo protein synthesis, reactive oxygen species and caspase III-like protease. Interestingly, involvement of lipid peroxidation, LOX, serine protease, and DNase differed between induction of NLS and HR. These results suggest that programmed cell death might be closely associated not only with the HR but also NLS. However, there may be differences not only in the induction kinetics and level of plant responses but also in the infection-related responses between HR and NLS.  相似文献   

Lysosomal photosensitizers have been used in photodynamic therapy. The combination of such photosensitizers and light causes lysosomal photodamage, inducing cell death. Lysosomal disruption can lead to apoptosis but its signaling pathways remain to be elucidated. In this study, N-aspartyl chlorin e6 (NPe6), an effective photosensitizer that preferentially accumulates in lysosomes, was used to study the mechanism of apoptosis caused by lysosomal photodamage. Apoptosis in living human lung adenocarcinoma cells (ASTC-a-1) after NPe6-photodynamic treatment (NPe6-PDT) was studied using real-time single-cell analysis. Our results demonstrated that NPe6-PDT induced rapid generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The photodynamically produced ROS caused a rapid destruction of lysosomes, leading to release of cathepsins, and the ROS scavengers vitamin C and NAC prevent the effects. Then the following spatiotemporal sequence of cellular events was observed during cell apoptosis: Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax) activation, cytochrome c release, and caspase-9/-3 activation. Importantly, the activation of Bax proved to be a crucial event in this apoptotic machinery, because suppressing the endogenous Bax using siRNA could significantly inhibit cytochrome c release and caspase-9/-3 activation and protect the cell from death. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that PDT with lysosomal photosensitizer induces Bax activation and subsequently initiates the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

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