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A ubiquitin-binding endosomal protein machinery is responsible for sorting endocytosed membrane proteins into intraluminal vesicles of multivesicular endosomes (MVEs) for subsequent degradation in lysosomes. The Hrs-STAM complex and endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT)-I, -II and -III are central components of this machinery. Here, we have performed a systematic analysis of their importance in four trafficking pathways through endosomes. Neither Hrs, Tsg101 (ESCRT-I), Vps22/EAP30 (ESCRT-II), nor Vps24/CHMP3 (ESCRT-III) was required for ligand-mediated internalization of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors (EGFRs) or for recycling of cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptors (CI-M6PRs) from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). In contrast, both Hrs and ESCRT subunits were equally required for degradation of both endocytosed EGF and EGFR. Whereas depletion of Hrs or Tsg101 caused enhanced recycling of endocytosed EGFRs, this was not the case with depletion of Vps22 or Vps24. Depletion of Vps24 instead caused a strong increase in the levels of CI-M6PRs and a dramatic redistribution of the Golgi and the TGN. These results indicate that, although Hrs-STAM and ESCRT-I, -II and -III have a common function in degradative protein sorting, they play differential roles in other trafficking pathways, probably reflecting their functions at distinct stages of the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Subunits of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) were identified as components of a molecular machinery that sorts ubiquitinated membrane proteins into the intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) of multivesicular endosomes (MVEs) for subsequent delivery to the lumen of lysosomes or related organelles. As many of the membrane proteins that undergo ESCRT-mediated sorting are signalling receptors that are ubiquitinated in response to ligand binding, ESCRT subunits have been hypothesized to play a crucial role in attenuation of cell signalling by mediating ligand-induced receptor degradation. Here we discuss this concept based on the examples from loss-of-function studies in model organisms and cell lines. The emerging picture is that ESCRTs are indeed involved in downregulation of receptor signalling pathways associated with cell survival, proliferation and polarity. In addition, the recent discovery of a positive role for the ESCRT pathway in Wnt signalling through sequestration of an inhibitory cytosolic component into MVEs illustrates that ESCRTs may also control signalling in ways that are independent of degradative receptor sorting.  相似文献   

Tom1 (target of Myb 1) and its related proteins (Tom1L1/Srcasm and Tom1L2) constitute a protein family and share an N-terminal VHS (Vps27p/Hrs/Stam) domain and a following GAT (GGA and Tom1) domain, both of which are also conserved in the GGA family proteins. However, the C-terminal half is not significantly conserved between the Tom1 and GGA families or even between Tom1 and Tom1L1. We have previously shown that the GAT domain of Tom1 interacts with Tollip (Toll-interacting protein), which is associated with endosomes, to which it recruits Tom1. We here extend the previous data and show that the GAT domains of Tom1L1 and Tom1L2 also interact with Tollip, and the C-terminal regions of all the Tom1 family proteins interact with clathrin. Furthermore, when coexpressed with Tollip, all the Tom1 family proteins recruite clathrin onto endosomes. These results indicate that, in conjunction with Tollip, Tom1 family proteins play an important role in recruiting clathrin onto endosomes and suggest that they modulate endosomal functions.  相似文献   

Four previously uncharacterized proteins (Tvp38, Tvp23, Tvp18 and Tvp15) were found in Tlg2-containing membrane by proteomic analysis of immunoisolated Golgi subcompartments of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Inadome et al., Mol. Cell. Biol., 25 (2005) 7696-7710). Immunofluorescence double staining of HA-tagged Tvp proteins and myc-tagged tSNAREs supported that these proteins mainly localize in the Tlg2-containing compartments. Conserved sequences of Tvp38, Tvp23 and Tvp18 are found in higher eukaryotes, but these homologues have not been characterized yet. All Tvp proteins were nonessential for growth under laboratory conditions. Immunoprecipitation of Tvp proteins indicated that Tvp23, Tvp18 and Tvp15 are in an interactive network with Yip1-family proteins, Yip4 and Yip5. They may collectively assist in the effective maintenance/function of the late Golgi/endosomal compartments. Disruptions of tvp15 and tvp23 showed synthetic aggravation with ypt6 or ric1 null mutation. Processing of carboxypeptidase Y and alkaline phosphatase in tvp disruptants occurred as in the wild type.  相似文献   

Xiping Cheng 《FEBS letters》2010,584(10):2013-2021
The mucolipin family of Transient Receptor Potential (TRPML) proteins is predicted to encode ion channels expressed in intracellular endosomes and lysosomes. Loss-of-function mutations of human TRPML1 cause type IV mucolipidosis (ML4), a childhood neurodegenerative disease. Meanwhile, gain-of-function mutations in the mouse TRPML3 result in the varitint-waddler (Va) phenotype with hearing and pigmentation defects. The broad spectrum phenotypes of ML4 and Va appear to result from certain aspects of endosomal/lysosomal dysfunction. Lysosomes, traditionally believed to be the terminal “recycling center” for biological “garbage”, are now known to play indispensable roles in intracellular signal transduction and membrane trafficking. Studies employing animal models and cell lines in which TRPML genes have been genetically disrupted or depleted have uncovered roles of TRPMLs in multiple cellular functions including membrane trafficking, signal transduction, and organellar ion homeostasis. Physiological assays of mammalian cell lines in which TRPMLs are heterologously overexpressed have revealed the channel properties of TRPMLs in mediating cation (Ca2+/Fe2+) efflux from endosomes and lysosomes in response to unidentified cellular cues. This review aims to summarize these recent advances in the TRPML field and to correlate the channel properties of endolysosomal TRPMLs with their biological functions. We will also discuss the potential cellular mechanisms by which TRPML deficiency leads to neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Entry of animal viruses and macromolecules into cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Luis Carrasco   《FEBS letters》1994,350(2-3):151-154
The entry of animal viruses into cells is mediated by conformational changes in certain virion-particle components. These changes are triggered by the binding of virions to receptors and are influenced by low pH during receptor-mediated endocytosis. These conformational alterations promote the interaction of some viral proteins with cellular membranes thereby leading to transient pore formation and the disruption of ionic and pH gradients. The entry of toxins that do not possess receptors on the cell surface is promoted during the translocation of the virus genome or the nucleocapsid to the cytoplasm. A model is now presented which indicates that efficient virus translocation through cellular membranes requires energy, that may be generated by a protonmotive force. The entry of some animal viruses, as promoted by low pH, should thus only take place when a pH gradient and/or a membrane potential exist, but will not take place if these are dissipated, even if virion particles are present in an acidic enviroment.  相似文献   

Viral infections frequently cause endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in host cells leading to stimulation of the ER-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway, which subsequently targets unassembled glycoproteins for ubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation. However, the role of the ERAD pathway in the viral life cycle is poorly defined. In this paper, we demonstrate that hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection activates the ERAD pathway, which in turn controls the fate of viral glycoproteins and modulates virus production. ERAD proteins, such as EDEM1 and EDEM3, were found to increase ubiquitylation of HCV envelope proteins via direct physical interaction. Knocking down of EDEM1 and EDEM3 increased the half-life of HCV E2, as well as virus production, whereas exogenous expression of these proteins reduced the production of infectious virus particles. Further investigation revealed that only EDEM1 and EDEM3 bind with SEL1L, an ER membrane adaptor protein involved in translocation of ERAD substrates from the ER to the cytoplasm. When HCV-infected cells were treated with kifunensine, a potent inhibitor of the ERAD pathway, the half-life of HCV E2 increased and so did virus production. Kifunensine inhibited the binding of EDEM1 and EDEM3 with SEL1L, thus blocking the ubiquitylation of HCV E2 protein. Chemical inhibition of the ERAD pathway neither affected production of the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) nor stability of the JEV envelope protein. A co-immunoprecipitation assay showed that EDEM orthologs do not bind with JEV envelope protein. These findings highlight the crucial role of the ERAD pathway in the life cycle of specific viruses.  相似文献   

Many multiprotein complexes mediate the fusion of the intracellular membranes. The question how the specificity of the membrane fusion is controlled has not been fully elucidated. Here we report the identification of a mouse homologue Vps16p (mVps16), which exhibits a high homology to the yeast Vps16p, a component of Class C vacuolar protein sorting (Vps) complex implicated in the yeast vacuole membrane fusion. Northern and Western blot analyses reveal that mVps16 is ubiquitously expressed in the mouse peripheral tissues. Biochemical analyses show that mammalian Class C Vps proteins interact with multiple syntaxins and Vps45p, which localizes in the endosomal compartments. The internalization of transferrin (Tf) is not affected by the overexpression of mammalian class C Vps proteins, but the recycling was inhibited. Taken together, this study provides biochemical characteristics of mVps16p in mammalian cells and the potential roles of mammalian Class C Vps proteins in membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

生长因子是一类与受体结合后可以促进细胞增殖和调节细胞多项功能的多肽分子。生长因子及其受体信号通路包括Ras/MAPK、PI3K/AKT和STAT等不仅调控正常细胞的生物学行为,对恶性肿瘤细胞增殖、分化、转化和迁移也具有重要意义。研究发现多种生长因子如VEGF、PDGF和IGF及其受体在多种实体肿瘤如肺癌、乳腺癌、结肠癌中发现有异常表达,在淋巴瘤如DLBCL、PTCL、ML和NL中也存在异常的共同表达,提示在淋巴瘤中可能构成生长因子及其受体的自分泌/旁分泌环路。生长因子及其受体的表达对淋巴瘤患者的预后有一定指导意义,临床研究发现表达生长因子或其受体阳性患者比表达阴性患者有较差的临床预后。这可能与生长因子及其受体对淋巴瘤细胞的增殖、转移和耐药调控有关。目前生长因子及其受体已成为潜在的药物靶点,多种生长因子及其受体抑制剂在开发和临床试验中。本文就近年来生长因子及其受体在淋巴瘤中异常表达研究进展作简要综述。  相似文献   

Ubiquitination is a versatile tool used by all eukaryotic organisms for controlling the stability, function, and intracellular localization of a wide variety of proteins. Two of the best characterized functions of protein ubiquitination are to mark proteins for degradation by cytosolic proteasome and to promote the internalization of certain plasma membrane proteins via the endocytotic pathway, followed by their degradation in the vacuole. Recent studies of membrane proteins both in yeast and mammalian cells suggest that the role of ubiquitin may extend beyond its function as an internalization signal in that it also may be required for modification of some component(s) of the endocytotic machinery, and for cargo protein sorting at the late endosome and the Golgi apparatus level. In this review, I will attempt to bring together what is currently known about the role of ubiquitination in controlling protein trafficking between the yeast plasma membrane, the trans-Golgi network, and the vacuole/lysosome.  相似文献   

The highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) virus, H5N1, is a serious threat to public health worldwide. Both the currently circulating H5N1 and previously circulating AI viruses recognize avian-type receptors; however, only the H5N1 is highly infectious and virulent in humans. The mechanism(s) underlying this difference in infectivity remains unclear. The aim of this study was to clarify the mechanisms responsible for the difference in infectivity between the current and previously circulating strains. Primary human small airway epithelial cells (SAECs) were transformed with the SV40 large T-antigen to establish a series of clones (SAEC-Ts). These clones were then used to test the infectivity of AI strains. Human SAEC-Ts could be broadly categorized into two different types based on their susceptibility (high or low) to the viruses. SAEC-T clones were poorly susceptible to previously circulating AI but were completely susceptible to the currently circulating H5N1. The hemagglutinin (HA) of the current H5N1 virus showed greater membrane fusion activity at higher pH levels than that of previous AI viruses, resulting in broader cell tropism. Moreover, the endosomal pH was lower in high susceptibility SAEC-T clones than that in low susceptibility SAEC-T clones. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that the infectivity of AI viruses, including H5N1, depends upon a delicate balance between the acid sensitivity of the viral HA and the pH within the endosomes of the target cell. Thus, one of the mechanisms underlying H5N1 pathogenesis in humans relies on its ability to fuse efficiently with the endosomes in human airway epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Strous GJ  Gent J 《FEBS letters》2002,529(1):102-109
Internalization of membrane proteins has been studied for more than three decades without solving all the underlying mechanisms. Our knowledge of the clathrin-coated endocytosis is sufficient to understand the basic principles. However, more detailed insight is required to recognize why different proteins enter clathrin-coated pits with different rates and affinities. In addition to clathrin coat components, several adapter systems and even more accessory proteins have been described to preselect membrane proteins before they can enter cells. Recent experimental data have identified the ubiquitin-proteasome system as a regulatory system both in endocytic and lysosomal membrane traffic. This system is well-known for its basic regulatory function in protein degradation, and controls a magnitude of key events. In this review, we will discuss the complexity and implications of this mechanism for membrane trafficking with emphasis on the growth hormone receptor.  相似文献   

Impaired proteasome function in Alzheimer's disease   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Inhibition of proteasome activity is sufficient to induce neuron degeneration and death; however, altered proteasome activity in a neurodegenerative disorder has not been demonstrated. In the present study, we analyzed proteasome activity in short-postmortem-interval autopsied brains from 16 Alzheimer's disease (AD) and nine age- and sex-matched controls. A significant decrease in proteasome activity was observed in the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus (48%), superior and middle temporal gyri (38%), and inferior parietal lobule (28%) of AD patients compared with controls. In contrast, no significant decrease in proteasome activity was observed in either the occipital lobe or the cerebellum. The loss of proteasome activity was not associated with a decrease in proteasome expression, suggesting that the proteasome may become inhibited in AD by a posttranslational modification. Together, these data indicate a possible role for proteasome inhibition in the neurodegeneration associated with AD.  相似文献   

Annexins and their interacting proteins in membrane traffic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sandra Lecat  Frank Lafont 《Protoplasma》1999,207(3-4):133-140
Summary Annexins are calcium-binding proteins which share common properties due to their homologous core domain. This domain binds phospholipids in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Although extensively studied over 20 years, the function of annexins remains to be elucidated. They are proposed to participate in calcium homeostasis and in the regulation of ion-channel activities, and evidence is accumulating for their role in membrane traffic. Their function is likely to be mediated by their interactions with other proteins such as S100 proteins, C2-domain-containing molecules, and cytoskeletal elements. This review discusses experiments performed in a cellular context, arguing for annexin involvement in exocytosis and endocytosis.Abbreviations cPLA2 cytosolic phospholipase A2 - GAP GTPase activation protein - NSF N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor - PIP2 phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate - PKC protein kinase C - PLC phospholipase C - PI3K phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase - SNAP soluble NSF-associated protein - SNARE soluble NSF-associated receptor  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins (IGFBPs) have several functions, including transporting the IGFs in the circulation, mediating IGF transport out of the vascular compartment, localizing the IGFs to specific cell types, and modulating both IGF binding to receptors and growth-promoting actions. The functions of IGFBPs appear to be altered by posttranslational modifications. IGFBP-3, -4, -5, and -6 have been shown to be glycosylated. Likewise all the IGFBPs have a complex disulfide bond structure that is required for maintenance of normal IGF binding. IGFBP-2, -3, -4, and -5 are proteolytically cleaved, and specific proteases have been characterized for IGFBP-3, -4, and -5. Interestingly, attachment of IGF-I or II to IGFBP-4 results in enhancement of proteolysis, whereas attachment of either growth factor to IGFBP-5 results in inhibition of proteolytic cleavage. Cleavage of IGFBP-3 results in the appearance of a 31 kDa fragment that is 50-fold reduced in its affinity for the IGF-I or IGF-II. In spite of the reduction in its affinity, this fragment is capable of potentiating the effect of IGF-I on cell growth responses; therefore, proteolysis may be a specific mechanism that alters IGFBP modulation of IGF actions. Other processes that result in a reduction in IGF binding protein affinity are associated with potentiation of cellular responses to IGF-I and -II. Specifically, the binding of IGFBP-3 to cell surfaces is associated with its ability to enhance IGF action and with a ten- to 12-fold reduction in its affinity for IGF-I and IGF-II. Likewise, binding of IGFBP-5 to extracellular matrix (ECM) results in an eightfold reduction in its affinity and a 60% increase in cell growth in response to IGF-I. Another post-translational modification that modifies IGFBP activity is phosphorylation. IGFBP-1, -2, -3, and -5 have been shown to be phosphorylated. Phosphorylation of IGFBP-1 results in a sixfold enhancement in its affinity for IGF-I and -II. Following this enhancement of IGFBP-1 affinity, this binding protein loses its capacity to potentiate IGF-I growth-promoting activity. Future studies using site-directed mutagenesis to modify these proteins should enable us to determine the effect of these posttranslational modifications on the ability of IGFBPs to modulate IGF biologic activity. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters comprise an extended protein family involved in the transport of a broad spectrum of solutes across membranes. They consist of a common architecture including two ATP-binding domains converting chemical energy into conformational changes and two transmembrane domains facilitating transport via alternating access. This review focuses on the biogenesis, and more precisely, on the degradation of mammalian ABC transporters in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We enlighten the ER-associated degradation pathway in the context of misfolded, misassembled or tightly regulated ABC transporters with a closer view on the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP), which plays an essential role in the adaptive immunity. Three rather different scenarios affecting the stability and degradation of ABC transporters are discussed: (1) misfolded domains caused by a lack of proper intra- and intermolecular contacts within the ABC transporters, (2) deficient assembly with auxiliary factors, and (3) arrest and accumulation of an intermediate or ‘dead-end’ state in the transport cycle, which is prone to be recognized by the ER-associated degradation machinery.  相似文献   

Uptake of long-chain fatty acids plays pivotal roles in metabolic homeostasis and human physiology. Uptake rates must be controlled in an organ-specific fashion to balance storage with metabolic needs during transitions between fasted and fed states. Many obesity-associated diseases, such as insulin resistance in skeletal muscle, cardiac lipotoxicity, and hepatic steatosis, are thought to be driven by the overflow of fatty acids from adipose stores and the subsequent ectopic accumulation of lipids resulting in apoptosis, ER stress, and inactivation of the insulin receptor signaling cascade. Thus, it is of critical importance to understand the components that regulate the flux of fatty acid between the different organ systems. Cellular uptake of fatty acids by key metabolic organs, including the intestine, adipose tissue, muscle, heart, and liver, has been shown to be protein mediated and various unique combinations of fatty acid transport proteins (FATPs/SLC27A1-6) are expressed by all of these tissues. Here we review our current understanding of how FATPs can contribute to normal physiology and how FATP mutations as well as hypo- and hypermorphic changes contribute to disorders ranging from cardiac lipotoxicity to hepatosteatosis and ichthyosis. Ultimately, our increasing knowledge of FATP biology has the potential to lead to the development of new diagnostic tools and treatment options for some of the most pervasive chronic human disorders. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Triglyceride Metabolism and Disease.  相似文献   

Summary The egg cleavage and the cytochalasin effect has been investigated in the first-cleavage zygotes of Xenopus laevis.—Furrow formation results from the joint action of surface constriction, junction formation, and ingrowth of new membrane. During the constriction phase lanthanum-binding exudate is deposited in the furrow gap. This material is distributed in dispersed patches (Ø 200 Å) giving rise to a bur surface which coats interdigitating cell protrusions. At places where protrusions meet they form 160 Å wide adherent junctions which provisionally fix the contracted furrow. At the end of the constriction phase (which ultimately accounts for 15 per cent of the reduction in egg diameter in the plane of cleavage) the layer of 100 Å filaments beneath the furrow bottom is split by local ingrowth of new membrane, and the filaments take up lateral positions. Furrow ingrowth proceeds by bilateral insertion of new membrane.The application of 7.5 g/ml cytochalasin B (CCB) leads to furrow regression without blocking contractility. CCB primarily affects the cell surface, and only indirectly affects the microfilament system. It interferes with cell junction formation and deranges furrow ingrowth. In the absence of stable 160 Å wide, adherent junctions the new membrane grows outwards instead of inwards. The results are discussed with reference to furrow regression induced by other membrane-destabilizing agents such as phospholipase C. Comparison reveals that CCB in addition facilitates the insertion of new cell membrane—. To interpret the biological effects of cytochalasin an alternative working hypothesis is presented, which meets the objections that can be raised against the concept that cytochalasin B specifically interferes with thin microfilaments.Dedicated with deep respect to Prof. Dr. Chr. P. Raven at the occasion of his 65th birthday.I thank Dr. S. B. Carter for a supply of cytochalasin B. I am grateful to my fellow-staff members of the Hubrecht Laboratory, and in particular to Prof. P. D. Nieuwkoop, for constructive criticism and valuable suggestions. I should like to thank Mr. E. van Voorst for his technical assistance, and Miss Eva Bartová, Mr. L. Boom and Mr. R. Tokaya for preparing the prints and the drawing. I am also indebted to Dr. J. Faber for editorial assistance, and to Drs. P. H. Ververgaert for his help in carrying out the densitometric measurements.  相似文献   

Monomeric transport of lipids is carried out by a class of proteins that can shield a lipid from the aqueous environment by binding the lipid in a hydrophobic cavity. One such group of proteins is the phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins (PITP) that can bind phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine and transfer them from one membrane compartment to another. PITPs are found in both unicellular and multicellular organisms but not bacteria. In mice and humans, the PITP domain responsible for lipid transfer is found in five proteins, which can be classified into two classes based on sequence. Class I PITPs comprises two family members, alpha and beta, small 35 kDa proteins with a single PITP domain which are ubiquitously expressed. Class IIA PITPs (RdgBalphaI and II) are larger proteins possessing additional domains that target the protein to membranes and are only able to bind lipids but not mediate transfer. Finally, Class IIB PITP (RdgBbeta) is similar to Class I in size (38 kDa) and is also ubiquitously expressed. Class III PITPs, exemplified by the Sec14p family, are found in yeast and plants but are unrelated in sequence and structure to Class I and Class II PITPs. In this review we discuss whether PITP proteins are passive transporters or are regulated proteins that are able to couple their transport and binding properties to specific biological functions including inositol lipid signalling and membrane turnover.  相似文献   

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