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The genetic diversity and population structure of Arabidopsis thaliana populations from Norway were studied and compared to a worldwide sample of A. thaliana to investigate the demographic history and elucidate possible colonization routes of populations at the northernmost species limit. We genotyped 282 individuals from 31 local populations using 149 single nucleotide polymorphism markers. A high level of population subdivision (F(ST) = 0.85 ± 0.007) was found indicating that A. thaliana is highly structured at the regional level. Significant relationships between genetic and geographical distances were found, suggesting an isolation by distance mode of evolution. Genetic diversity was much lower, and the level of linkage disequilibrium was higher in populations from the north (65-68°N) compared to populations from the south (59-62°N); this is consistent with a northward expansion pattern. A neighbour-joining tree showed that populations from northern Norway form a separate cluster, while the remaining populations are distributed over a few minor clusters. Minimal gene flow seems to have occurred between populations in different regions, especially between the geographically distant northern and southern populations. Our data suggest that northern populations represent a homogenous group that may have been established from a few founders during northward expansions, while populations in the central part of Norway constitute an admixed group established by founders of different origins, most probably as a result of human-mediated gene flow. Moreover, Norwegian populations appeared to be homogenous and isolated compared to a worldwide sample of A. thaliana, but they are still grouped with Swedish populations, which may indicate common colonization histories.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana provides a useful model system for functional, evolutionary and ecological studies in plant biology. We have analysed natural genetic variation in A. thaliana in order to infer its biogeographical and historical distribution across Eurasia. We analysed 79 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers in 142 accessions from the species' native range, and found highly significant genetic isolation by distance among A. thaliana accessions from Eurasia and southern Europe. These spatial patterns of genetic variation suggest that A. thaliana colonized central and northern Europe from Asia and from Mediterranean Pleistocene refugia, a trend which has been identified in other species. Statistically significant levels of multilocus linkage disequilibrium suggest intermediate levels of disequilibrium among subsets of loci, and analysis of genetic relationships among accessions reveal a star or bush-like dendrogram with low bootstrap support. Taken together, it appears that there has been sufficient historical recombination in the A. thaliana genome such that accessions do not conform to a tree-like, bifurcating pattern of evolution - there is no 'ecotype phylogeny.' Nonetheless, significant isolation by distance provides a framework upon which studies of natural variation in A. thaliana may be designed and interpreted.  相似文献   

Stylosanthes species are important forage legumes in tropical and subtropical areas. S. macrocephala and S. capitata germplasm collections that consist of 134 and 192 accessions, respectively, are maintained at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation Cerrados (Embrapa-Cerrados). Polymorphic microsatellite markers were used to assess genetic diversity and population structure with the aim to assemble a core collection. The mean values of HO and HE for S. macrocephala were 0.08 and 0.36, respectively, whereas the means for S. capitata were 0.48 and 0.50, respectively. Roger’s genetic distance varied from 0 to 0.83 for S. macrocephala and from 0 to 0.85 for S. capitata. Analysis with STRUCTURE software distinguished five groups among the S. macrocephala accessions and four groups among those of S. capitata. Nei’s genetic diversity was 27% in S. macrocephala and 11% in S. capitata. Core collections were assembled for both species. For S. macrocephala, all of the allelic diversity was represented by 23 accessions, whereas only 13 accessions were necessary to represent all allelic diversity for S. capitata. The data presented herein evidence the population structure present in the Embrapa-Cerrados germplasm collections of S. macrocephala and S. capitata, which may be useful for breeding programs and germplasm conservation.  相似文献   

Brock MT  Tiffin P  Weinig C 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(14):3050-3062
Identifying the molecular genetic basis of intraspecific variation in quantitative traits promises to provide novel insight into their evolutionary history as well as genetic mechanisms of adaptation. In an attempt to identify genes responsible for natural variation in competitive responses in Arabidopsis thaliana, we examined DNA sequence diversity at seven loci previously identified as members of the phytochrome B signalling network. For one gene, GIGANTEA (GI), we detected significant haplotype structure. To test for GI haplogroup-phenotype associations, we genotyped 161 A. thaliana accessions at GI and censused the same accessions for total fruit set and the expression of three phenotypic traits (days to flowering, petiole length, and inflorescence height) in a greenhouse experiment where plants were grown in crowded and uncrowded environments. We detected a significant association between GI and total fruit set that resulted in a 14% difference in average fruit set among GI haplogroups. Given that fruit set is an important component of fitness in this species and given the magnitude of the effect, the question arises as to how variation at this locus is maintained. Our observation of frequent and significant epistasis between GI and background single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), where the fitness ranking of the GI allele either reverses or does not differ depending on the allele at the interacting SNP, suggests that epistatic selection may actively maintain or at least slow the loss of variation at GI. This result is particularly noteworthy in the light of the ongoing debate regarding the genetic underpinnings of phenotypic evolution and recent observations that epistasis for phenotypic traits and components of fitness is common in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

The extensive natural variation of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes is being increasingly exploited as a source of variants of genes which control (agronomically) important traits. We have subjected 19 different Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes to an analysis using the anplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique in order to estimate their genetic diversity. The genetic diversity was estimated applying the method of Nei and Li (1979) and a modified version of it and using 471 informative polymorphisms. The data obtained revealed that within this small set of ecotypes a group of three ecotypes and a further single ecotype exhibit considerable genetic diversity in comparison to the others. These ecotypes clustered at positions significantly separated from the bulk of the ecotypes in the generated similarity plots. The analysis demonstrated the usefulness of the AFLP method for determinating intraspecies genetic diversity as exemplified with Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes. Results are discussed and compared with data obtained with other methods. Received: 18 June 1999 / Accepted: 28 July 1999  相似文献   

We investigated neutral genetic variation within and among 53 wild-collected populations of the weedy annual plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, in North America, using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A. thaliana is thought to have been introduced to North America from Eurasia by humans; such an introduction might be expected to leave a clear geographical signal in the genetic data. To detect such patterns, we sampled populations at several hierarchical geographical levels. We collected individuals from populations in two areas of the Southeast and one in the Midwest, as well as individuals from populations in the Pacific Northwest and Northeast. To estimate within-population variation, we sampled eight individuals from each of six populations in the Southeast and Midwest. Among all 95 individuals analysed, we detected 131 polymorphic AFLP fragments. We found no evidence for continental or regional diversification. Individuals sampled from Midwestern and Southeastern populations intermingled in a neighbour-joining tree, and Mantel tests conducted within the Midwestern and Southeastern regions as well as the full data set failed to detect any significant relationship between geographical and genetic distance. These results mirror those found for most global surveys of neutral genetic variability in A. thaliana. Surprisingly, we detected substantial amounts of neutral genetic variability within populations. The levels of genetic variation within populations, coupled with the nongeographical nature of divergence among populations, are consistent with contemporary gene flow and point to a complex and dynamic population history of A. thaliana in North America.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated genetic diversity among 37 accessions in Arabidopsis thaliana from Eurasia, North Africa and North America using morphological traits and two polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based marker systems: cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) and inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR). Cluster analysis based on genetic similarities calculated from CAPS data grouped the accessions roughly according to their geographical origin: one large group contained accessions from Western, Northern and Southern Europe as well as North Africa, a second group consisted of Eastern European and Asian continental accessions. North American accessions were interspersed into these groups. Contrary to the CAPS analysis, the dendrogram obtained from the ISSR data did not reflect the geographical origin of the accessions, and the calculated genetic distances did not match the CAPS results. This could be attributable to an uneven genomic distribution of ISSR markers as substantiated by a database search for ISSR binding sites in A. thaliana genomic DNA sequence files, or to the ISSR's different mode of evolution. We recommend CAPS markers for diversity analysis in A. thaliana because a careful selection of markers can ascertain an even representation of the entire genome.  相似文献   

广西地方稻种资源核心种质构建和遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以丁颖分类体系分组原则与组内逐层聚类取样方法,对8609份广西地方栽培稻资源表型数据信息进行分析,通过对表型保留比例等评价指标的多重比较确定核心种质总体取样比例,构建出占总体样本5%(414份)的广西地方栽培稻资源初级核心种质。初级核心种质能代表总体遗传变异的89%。用34对SSR分子标记对初级核心种质进行遗传多样性分析,结果表明:广西地方栽培稻资源有较高的遗传多样性(等位基因数A为4.91,Nei’s多样性指数为0.574)。就Nei’s遗传多样性指数而言,粳稻高于籼稻,晚稻高于早稻,水稻高于陆稻,糯稻高于粘稻;来自桂中的稻种资源具有最高的遗传多样性。研究最终利用SSR数据,把414份初级核心种质压缩50%后形成209份核心种质,核心种质基因保留比例达到98%以上,有效代表了广西地方栽培稻资源多样性水平。  相似文献   

Social heterosis is when individuals in groups or neighbourhoods receive a mutualistic benefit from across‐individual genetic diversity. Although it can be a viable evolutionary mechanism to maintain allelic diversity at a given locus, its efficacy at maintaining genome‐wide diversity is in question when multiple loci are being simultaneously selected. Therefore, we modelled social heterosis in a population of haploid genomes of two‐ or three‐linked loci. With such linkages, social heterosis decreases gametic diversity, but maintains allelic diversity. Genomes tend to survive as complimentary pairs, with alternate alleles at each locus (e.g. the pair AbC and aBc). The outcomes of selection appear similar to fitness epistasis but are novel in the sense that phenotypic interactions occur across rather than within individuals. The model’s results strongly suggest that strong linkage across gene loci actually increases the probability that social heterosis maintains significant genetic diversity at the level of the genome.  相似文献   

High levels of inbreeding are expected to cause a strong reduction in levels of genetic variability, effective recombination rates and in adaptation compared with related outcrossing populations. We examined patterns of DNA polymorphism at five nuclear loci and one chloroplast locus within and between four populations of the outcrossing plant Arabidopsis lyrata, a close relative of the highly self-fertilizing model species A. thaliana. The observed patterns are compared with species-wide polymorphism at orthologous loci, as well as within- and between-population patterns at other studied loci in A. thaliana. In addition to evidence for much higher average within-population diversity, species-wide levels of silent polymorphism are generally higher in A. lyrata than in A. thaliana, unlike the results from a previous study of the ADH locus. However, polymorphism is also low in the North American A. lyrata subspecies lyrata compared with the European subspecies petraea, suggesting either a population bottleneck in North American populations or recent admixture involving diverged European populations. Differentiation between the two subspecies is strong, although there are few fixed differences, suggesting that their isolation is recent. Estimates of intralocus recombination rates and analysis of haplotype structure in European A. lyrata populations indicate lower recombination than predicted based on the variability together with physical recombination rates estimated from A. thaliana. This may be due to strong population subdivision, or to recent departures from demographic equilibrium such as a bottleneck or population admixture. Alternatively, there may be consistently lower recombination rates in the outcrossing species. In contrast, estimates of recombination rates from species-wide samples of A. thaliana are close to the values expected assuming a high rate of self-fertilization. Complex population histories in both A. thaliana and A. lyrata complicate theoretical predictions and empirical tests of the effects of inbreeding on polymorphism and molecular evolution.  相似文献   

Population genetic diversity influences colonization success   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much thought has been given to the individual‐level traits that may make a species a successful colonizer. However, these traits have proven to be weak predictors of colonization success. Here, we test whether population‐level characteristics, specifically genetic diversity and population density, can influence colonization ability on a short‐term ecological timescale, independent of longer‐term effects on adaptive potential. Within experimentally manipulated populations of the weedy herb Arabidopsis thaliana, we found that increased genetic diversity increased colonization success measured as population‐level seedling emergence rates, biomass production, flowering duration, and reproduction. Additive and non‐additive effects contributed to these responses, suggesting that both individual genotypes (sampling effect) and positive interactions among genotypes (complementarity) contributed to increased colonization success. In contrast, manipulation of plant density had no effect on colonization success. The heightened ability of relatively genetically rich populations to colonize novel habitats, if a general phenomenon, may have important implications for predicting and controlling biological invasions.  相似文献   

The capacity to tolerate freezing temperatures limits the geographical distribution of many plants, including several species of agricultural importance. However, the genes involved in freezing tolerance remain largely unknown. Here, we describe the variation in constitutive freezing tolerance that occurs among worldwide accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. We found that although plants from high latitudes tend to be more freezing tolerant than plants from low latitudes, the environmental factors that shape cold adaptation differ across the species range. Consistent with this, we found that the genetic architecture of freezing tolerance also differs across its range. Conventional genome‐wide association studies helped identify a priori and other promising candidate genes. However, simultaneously modelling climate variables and freezing tolerance together pinpointed other excellent a priori candidate genes. This suggests that if the selective factor underlying phenotypic variation is known, multi‐trait mixed models may aid in identifying the genes that underlie adaptation.  相似文献   

Deem AK  Bultema RL  Crowell DN 《Gene》2006,380(2):159-166
Prenylated proteins undergo a series of post-translational modifications, including prenylation, proteolysis, and methylation. Collectively, these modifications generate a prenylcysteine methylester at the carboxyl terminus and modulate protein targeting and function. Prenylcysteine methylation is the only reversible step in this series of modifications. However, prenylcysteine -carboxyl methylesterase (PCME) activity has not been described in plants. We have detected a specific PCME activity in Arabidopsis thaliana membranes that discriminates between biologically relevant and irrelevant prenylcysteine methylester substrates. Furthermore, we have identified an Arabidopsis gene (At5g15860) that encodes measurable PCME activity in recombinant yeast cells with greater specificity for biologically relevant prenylcysteine methylesters than the activity found in Arabidopsis membranes. These results suggest that specific and non-specific esterases catalyze the demethylation of prenylcysteine methylesters in Arabidopsis membranes. Our findings are discussed in the context of prenylcysteine methylation/demethylation as a potential regulatory mechanism for membrane association and function of prenylated proteins in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Soil is a heterogeneous reservoir of essential elements needed for plant growth and development. Plants have evolved mechanisms to balance their nutritional needs based on availability of nutrients. This has led to genetically based variation in the elemental composition, the ‘ionome’, of plants, both within and between species. We explore this natural variation using a panel of wild-collected, geographically widespread Arabidopsis thaliana accessions from the 1001 Genomes Project including over 1,135 accessions, and the 19 parental accessions of the Multi-parent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross (MAGIC) panel, all with full-genome sequences available. We present an experimental design pipeline for high-throughput ionomic screenings and analyses with improved normalisation procedures to account for errors and variability in conditions often encountered in large-scale, high-throughput data collection. We report quantification of the complete leaf and seed ionome of the entire collection using this pipeline and a digital tool, Ion Explorer , to interact with the dataset. We describe the pattern of natural ionomic variation across the A. thaliana species and identify several accessions with extreme ionomic profiles. It forms a valuable resource for exploratory genetic mapping studies to identify genes underlying natural variation in leaf and seed ionome and genetic adaptation of plants to soil conditions.  相似文献   

High-throughput genetic mapping in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
To facilitate rapid determination of the chromosomal location of novel mutations, we have improved current approaches to gene mapping using microsatellite length polymorphisms. The high-throughput linkage analysis method described here allows a novel gene to be tested for linkage against the whole genome of a multicellular eukaryote, Arabidopsis thaliana, in a single polyacrylamide gel. The procedure is based on the simultaneous co-amplification of 21 microsatellites in a single tube, using a multiplex PCR mix containing 21 primer pairs, each including one oligonucleotide labeled with one of three fluorescent dyes that have different emission wavelengths. The amplification products, which range in number from 21 to 42, depending on the genotype of the individual being tested, are electrophoresed in a single lane on a polyacrylamide gel. The use of an automated fragment analyzer makes it possible to perform linkage analysis on a one gel-one gene basis using DNA samples from 19 F2 individuals obtained from an outcross involving a mutant and a wild-type that is genetically polymorphic with respect to the ecotype in which the mutant was generated. Discrimination of the amplification products is facilitated not only by labeling with different fluorochromes, but also by prior testing of different sequences for the ability to prime the amplification of each microsatellite, in order to ensure that multiplex PCR yields compatible amplification products of non-overlapping size. The method is particularly useful in large-scale mutagenesis projects, as well as for routine mapping of single mutants, since it reveals the map position of a gene less than 24 h after the F2 individuals to be analyzed have become available. The concepts employed here can easily be extended to other biological systems. Received: 24 September 1998 / Accepted: 9 December 1998  相似文献   

The existence of a large-scale population structure was investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana by studying patterns of polymorphism in a set of 71 European accessions. We used sequence polymorphism surveyed in 10 fragments of approximately 600 nucleotides and a set of nine microsatellite markers. Population structure was investigated using a model-based inference framework. Among the accessions studied, the presence of four groups was inferred using genetic data, without using prior information on the geographical origin of the accessions. Significant genetic isolation by geographical distance was detected at the group level, together with a geographical gradient in allelic richness across groups. These results are discussed with respect to the previously proposed scenario of postglacial colonization of Europe from putative glacial refugia. Finally, the contribution of the inferred structure to linkage disequilibrium among 171 pairs of essentially unlinked markers was also investigated. Linkage disequilibrium analysis revealed that significant associations detected in the whole sample were mainly due to genetic differentiation among the inferred groups. We discuss the implication of this finding for future association studies in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

We describe a simple method of measuring spatial variation in fitness using randomly sown seeds. Given a random initial distribution of seeds, any spatial variation in the final distribution of genotypes must be the result of spatial variation in natural selection. Departures from spatial randomness are tested using a modification of join-count statistics, based on the probability that two randomly chosen plants separated by a given distance carry the same genetic marker. Monte Carlo simulations showed that for the randomly sown seeds design the join-count test had higher power to detect spatial variation in fitness than analysis of variance. The power was relatively independent of the number of genotypes used or the number of microsites sampled. The method was tested in the field using three standard lines of Arabidopsis thaliana. At the end of the life cycle, adjacent plants were significantly more likely to be the same line than randomly chosen pairs and the spatial dependence extended to distances of nearly 50 cm. Simple experiments like this may be especially useful for “comparative ecological genetics”, allowing systematic studies of natural selection among many species or habitats.  相似文献   

运用MSAP技术分析了拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)幼苗超低温保存后DNA甲基化的遗传变异情况。结果表明,在扩增的662条带中,对照和2个处理及其第2代间完全一致的带型有598条:发生变化的带型有64条,其中能遗传给第2代的有48条,占变异条带的75%。与对照相比,经超低温保存的样品新产生的甲基化位点有14个,而去甲基化的位点有22个。经过处理但未冷冻的与冷冻处理组之间带型一致的有624条,差异条带有38条,占5.7%,而对照与未冷冻处理组的差异率是7.45%,对照与冷冻处理组之间的差异率是6。63%。可见,拟南芥在超低温保存中,无论是经液氮冷冻还是未经冷冻处理,对材料的甲基化状态均有影响,而这种甲基化变化大部分是可以遗传的。  相似文献   

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