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The phylogeny of the hominoid primates,as indicated by DNA-DNA hybridization   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Summary The living hominoid primates are Man, the chimpanzees, the Gorilla, the Orangutan, and the gibbons. The cercopithecoids (Old World monkeys) are the sister group of the hominoids. The composition of the Hominoidea is not in dispute, but a consensus has not yet been reached concerning the phylogenetic branching pattern and the dating of divergence nodes. We have compared the single-copy nuclear DNA sequences of the hominoid genera using DNA-DNA hybridization to produce a complete matrix of delta T50H values. The data show that the branching sequence of the lineages, from oldest to most recent, was: Old World monkeys, gibbons, Orangutan, Gorilla, chimpanzees, and Man. The calibration of the delta T50H scale in absolute time needs further refinement, but the ranges of our estimates of the datings of the divergence nodes are: Cercopithecoidea, 27–33 million years ago (MYA); gibbons, 18–22 MYA; Orangutan, 13–16 MYA; Gorilla, 8–10 MYA; and chimpanzees-Man, 6.3–7.7 MYA.  相似文献   

Summary Analysis of the expanded data set of Sibley and Ahlquist (1987) on primate phylogeny using a maximum likelihood mixed model analysis of variance method shows that there is significant evidence for resolving theHomo-Pan-Gorilla trifurcation in favor of aHomo-Pan clade. The resulting tree is close to that estimated by Sibley and Ahlquist (1984). The mixed model can be used to test a number of hypotheses about the existence of components of variance and the linearity of the relationship between branch length and expected distance. No evidence is found that there is a variance component for extract, or for the individual from which the extract was taken. A variance component for experiment does seem to exist, presumably arising as a result of error of measurement of the common standard from which all values in the same experiment were substracted. There is significant evidence that the relationship between total branch length between species and their expected distances is nonlinear, or else that the measurement error on larger distances is greater than on smaller ones. Allowing for the nonlinearity might cause one to infer the time of distant common ancestors as less remote than the measured hybridization values would imply if used directly.  相似文献   

Summary The living hominoids are human, the two species of chimpanzees, gorilla, orangutan, and nine species of gibbons. The cercopithecoids (Old World monkeys) are the sister group of the hominoids. A consensus about the phylogeny of the hominoids has been reached for the branching order of the gibbons (earliest) and the orangutan (next earliest), but the branching order among gorilla, chimpanzees, and human remains in contention. In 1984 we presented DNA-DNA hybridization data, based on 183 DNA hybrids, that we interpreted as evidence that the branching order, from oldest to most recent, was gibbons, orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzees, and human. In the present paper we report on an expanded data set totaling 514 DNA hybrids, which supports the branching order given above. The ranges for the datings of divergence nodes are Old World monkeys, 25–34 million years (Myr) ago; gibbons, 16.4–23 Myr ago; orangutan, 12.2–17 Myr ago; gorilla, 7.7–11 Myr ago; chimpanzees-human, 5.5–7.7 Myr ago. The possible effects of differences in age at first breeding are discussed, and some speculations about average genomic rates of evolution are presented.  相似文献   

A systematic review of parasitological data pertaining to the phylogeny of hominoid primates revealed considerable internal consistency and congruence with non-parasitological data. Hylobatids are supported as the sister-group of Pongo + Pan + Gorilla , the 'Great Apes'. Within the Great Apes, Pan + Gorilla are sister taxa. Multiple analyses of presence/absence data place Homo with cercopithecids, probably an artefact of humans' widespread occurrence and polymorphic feeding and living habits. Explicit phylogenetic hypotheses are available for only two parasite groups. Hookworms of the genus Oesophagostomum subgenus Conoweberia place Homo as the sister-group of Pan + Gorilla , whereas pinworms of the genus Enterobius place Homo as the sister-group of Pongo + Pan + Gorilla . This disagreement among data sets with regards to the placement of Homo , combined with the complete agreement about the placement of the other hominoids, is consistent with uncertainties in current findings from other sets of data.  相似文献   

Summary A DNA hybridization phylogeny of four sand dollars using a sea biscuit as an outgroup is presented. The study is unusual in that the normalized percent hybridization (NPH) values were all <50%, yet the same topology was obtained regardless of which distance metric was used, i.e., whether reciprocal distances were averaged or not, or whether or not a molecular clock was assumed. The tree also appears robust under jackknifing and bootstrapping. The extent of hybridization between homologous hybrids was measured with a five- to sevenfold higher precision than is typical, and by implication NPH was also measured with a higher than normal precision. The ability to measure highly reproducible NPH values offers the possibility of examining the phylogeny of more widely divergent species than typically studied using DNA hybridization techniques, using 1/NPH as a distance metric. The hypothesis of a molecular clock within the sand dollars was rejected, adding sand dollars to the growing list of groups where significant rate variation is known. A small fraction of the sand dollar genomes hybridized with the distantly related regular sea urchin Lytechinus. These slowly evolving sequences probably represent conserved exonic components of the genome. Offprint requests to: C.R. Marshall  相似文献   

Long terminal repeats (LTRs) of human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) have contributed to the structural change or genetic variation of primate genome that are connected to speciation and evolution. Using genomic DNAs that were derived from hominoid primates (chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon), we performed PCR amplification and identified thirty HERV-W LTR elements. These LTR elements showed a 82-98% sequence similarity with HERV-W LTR (AF072500). Specifically, additional sequences (GCCACCACCACTGTTT in the gorilla and TGCTGCTGACTCCCATCC in the gibbon) were noticed. Clone OR3 from the orangutan and clone GI2 from the gibbon showed a 100% sequence similarity, although they are different species. This indicates that both LTR elements were proliferated during the last 2 to 5 million years from the integration of the original LTR element. A phylogenetic tree that was obtained by the neighbor-joining method revealed a wide overlap of the LTR elements across species, suggesting that the HERV-W LTR family evolved independently during the hominoid evolution.  相似文献   

Summary This article draws on many vertebrate examples to assess the future of DNA-DNA hybridization studies. I first discuss whether applications of the method have reached the point of diminishing returns, or rather the start of a great leap forward, in our evolutionary understanding. Vertebrate groups whose relationships are especially likely to be illuminated include parrots, pigeons, bats, pinnipeds, mammalian carnivores, frogs, and rodents. There are at least two reasons why classifications based on DNA-DNA hybridization may prove to differ from classifications based on particular character, whether these be noncoding DNA sequences or protein sequences or anatomical characters. Because evolutionary relationships can now be deduced independently of anatomical characters, this should permit a renaissance in comparative anatomical studies of adaptation. The origin of major functional shifts from changes in a small fraction of the genome is illustrated by polar bears, sea otters, warblers, vultures, and especially by humans.  相似文献   

Summary This paper emanated from a conference concerning the value, accuracy, and technical considerations of DNA-DNA hybridization for evolutionary studies. Our laboratory has been performing the so-called TEACL (tetraethylammonium chloride) method, and we have amassed sufficient data to indicate that this method is very powerful if performed properly with correct analyses. Here we address five technical considerations: (1) We present empirical data that size correction for tracer length is legitimate and accurate. (2) We show that the error of Tm measurement does not significantly increase with increasing distance up to at least 10°C. (3) The error distribution for Tm does not deviate from the expected normal distribution indicating parametric statistics are probably legitimate for analyses. (4) Using a known phylogeny we examined the resolving power of the technique by showing that at least five taxa can be correctly placed in phylogenies with a maximum Tm of 2.5°C. (5) To data, all our data sets based on DNA-DNA hybridization are very robust with respect to analytical procedures in that every algorithm used on the data sets has yielded identical trees with nearly identical branch lengths. Nevertheless, we point out that theoretical analyses of distance data (as generated by DNA-DNA hybridization) are lacking, especially with regard to tests of the molecular clock hypothesis.  相似文献   

We have estimated phylogenetic patterns and rates of nucleotide substitution in the hominoid primates using two different probabilistic models of molecular evolution as applied to three different data sets of nucleic acid sequences. The orang-utan was found to be the out-group of the other hominoids examined. Within the African apes and human clade the sister-group relationship of chimpanzee and human was found to be statistically the best, although the magnitude of the error estimates (a reflection of random statistical fluctuations) makes this conclusion tentative. The ψν-globin data sets were found to be statistically the most consistent and gave estimates of the times of divergence of chimpanzee and human from gorilla and of chimpanzee from human as 7·7 ± 1·5 Ma (Millions of years ago) and 7·4 ± 1·5 Ma respectively, although the speculative nature of these estimates is emphasized. In all cases the calibration point was the assumed divergence of the orang-utan from the remaining hominoids at 14·5 Ma. There was no statistically significant evidence of a slowdown in nucleotide substitution rate for the human lineage, or among the hominoids as a whole with respect to the Old and New World monkeys. We advocate the continued use and development of stochastic models of molecular evolution as a basis for phylogenetic estimation. On this basis one can choose between competing hypotheses of relationship in a statistical manner and can provide estimates of the errors involved in such estimations. The assumptions of all stochastic models are open to test and future refinement.  相似文献   

Abstract. Adults of different species of the genus Papilio can easily be mated by hand-pairing. The data on egg hatchability, adult formation and F1 fertility in these interspecific hybrids show notable variations according to the crosses. Using these data, values of a differentiation index for each cross were calculated. These estimates of genetic distance were then used to study the phylo-genetic relationships of the species involved. The data are consistent with the existence of the following groups, each consisting of closely related species: the black Papilio supergroup, the Papilio memnon group, the P.demoleus group, the P.xuthus group, the P.machaon group, the P.bianor group, the P.glaucus group and the P.troilus group. The phylogenetic relationships revealed by these data generally coincide with the relationships established by classical taxonomy. In cases where there are differences of opinion among taxonomists, the writer's data usually support one or other of them.  相似文献   

Analysis of nucleotide sequences of the human glycophorin A (GPA) and glycophorin B (GPB) genes has indicated that the GPA gene most closely resembles the ancestral gene, whereas the GPB gene likely arose from the GPA gene by homologous recombination. To study the evolution of the glycophorin gene family in the hominoid primates, restricted DNA on Southern blots from man, pygmy chimpanzee, common chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon was probed with cDNA fragments encoding the human GPA and GPB coding and 3-untranslated regions. This showed the presence in all of the hominoid primates of at least one GPA-like gene. In addition, at least one GPB-like gene was detected in man, both chimpanzee species, and gorilla, strongly suggesting that the event that produced the GPB gene occurred in the common ancestor of man-chimpanzee-gorilla. An unexpected finding in this study was the conservation ofEcoRI restriction sites relative to those of the other four enzymes used; the significance of this observation is unclear, but raises the question of nonrandomness ofEcoRI restriction sites in noncoding regions. Further analysis of the evolution of this multigene family, including nucleotide sequence analysis, will be useful in clarification of the evolutionary relationships of the hominoid primates, in correlation with the structure and function of the glycophorin molecules, and in assessment of the role of evolution in the autogenicity of glycophorin determinants.This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants AM33463 and CA33000.  相似文献   

The scaling of sixteen articular dimensions in the locomotor skeleton of hominoid primates is examined with special reference to a recently proposed model of geometric similarity. Seven species are included in the analysis (gorillas, common chimpanzees, bonobos, orang-utans, siamang, lar gibbons, and modern humans of European descent); all specimens are adult individuals of known body mass (N=87). No significant sexual dimorphism in the scaling of joint size was observed. Overal results are compatible with the biomechanical model predictions of isometry, and lend additional support to the suggestion that joint stresses are of the same order of magnitude in animals differing vastly in body size and locomotor adaptations. The hindlimb and lumbosacral joints of humans, however, are consistently much larger than expected for their body mass. Full-time bipedality obviously precludes the sharing of weight support and propulsion with the forelimbs, and this fundamental difference is accurately reflected in the relative joint size of humans.  相似文献   

D P Labeda 《Gene》1992,115(1-2):249-253
The DNA relatedness among strains in several different phenotypically defined Streptomyces species clusters was evaluated. It was found that the data from DNA-relatedness studies do not necessarily agree with the clustering generated using numerical taxonomic techniques. A study of the morphologically heterogeneous 'S. cyaneus' cluster showed that morphological criteria traditionally used to classify and identify Streptomyces species still have value, since strains in DNA-relatedness cluster groups were also similar morphologically (i.e., they had similar spore color, surface properties, and sporophore morphology). An evaluation of DNA relatedness among strains in the S. violaceusniger and S. lavendulae clusters indicated that, if anything, the genus is underspeciated, based on the number of single-member clusters observed. A study of strains of the sweet potato pathogen, S. ipomoea, collected in various locations in the United States and Japan indicated, not surprisingly, that all of the strains belong to the same species.  相似文献   

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