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Pure formamide and ethylene glycol are used instead of water as processing media for protein chromatography. A number of common proteins are freely soluble in these solvents and most do not undergo irrersible inactivation in them. Batch adsorption studies reveal that proteins readily adsorbed to various ion-exchangers in formamide and ethyline glycol and subsequently can be completely desorbed by adding inorganic salts (LiCl and NH(4)NO(3)) to the solvents. The idea of protein separations in formamide and ethylene glycol is illustrated by column chromatography and preparative separation of mixtures of (i) oxidized A and B chains of insulin and (ii) lysozyme and ribonuclease on the anion-exchanger triethylaminoethycellulose and the cation-exchanger phosphocellulose, respectively.  相似文献   

The stability of the serine proteases from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (subtillisin BPN') and Bacillus licheniformis (subtilisin Carlsberg) was investigated in various anhydrous solvents at 45 degrees C. The half-life of subtilisin BPN' in dimethyl-formamide dramatically depends on the pH of the aqueous solutions from which the enzyme was lyophilized, increasing from 48 min to 20 h when the pH is raised from 6.0 to 7.9. Both subtilisins exhibited substantial inactivation during multihour incubations in tert-amyl alcohol and acetonitrile when enzymatic activities were also measured in these solvents; however, when the enzymes were assayed in water instead, hardly any loss of activity was detected. This surprising difference appears to stem from the partitioning of the bound water essential for catalytic activity from the enzymes into the solvents. When assayed in organic solvents, this time-dependent stripping of water results in decay of enzymatic activity; however, when assayed in water, where the dehydrated subtilisins can undergo rehydration thereby recovering catalytic activity, little inactivation is observed. In agreement with this hypothesis, the addition of small quantities of water tert-amyl alcohol stabilized the subtilisins in it even when enzymatic activity was measured in the nonaqueous solvent. Ester substrates (vinyl butyrate and trichloroethyl butyrate) greatly enhanced the stability of both subtilisins in organic solvents possibly because of the formation of the acyl-enzymes.  相似文献   

The aqueous and hydroalcoholic solutions of the heptenic macrolide amphotericin B display strong and variable signals in CD and absorption spectroscopies in the range of the π* ← π transition. An interpretation of the spectroscopic changes is proposed based on the equilibrium between two forms of the intermolecular organization: the aggregated one (A) with strong excitonic interaction and the nonaggregative one (B) whose spectra are like those of linear conjugated polyenes in true solution with a well-developed vibrational structure. The intermediate spectra are fitted by linear combination of the A- and B-form spectra. A two-level organization of the aggregates is proposed for the A-form: (1) a close packing of few molecules, which is the origin of the absorption maxima hypsochromic shift; and (2) interaction between the preceding small units inside the aggregates, which is spectroscopically expressed by the intense CD couplet.  相似文献   

Biocatalytic peptide synthesis will benefit from enzymes that are active at low water levels in organic solvent compositions that allow good substrate and product solubility. To explore the use of proteases from thermophiles for peptide synthesis under such conditions, putative protease genes of the subtilase class were cloned from Thermus aquaticus and Deinococcus geothermalis and expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified enzymes were highly thermostable and catalyzed efficient peptide bond synthesis at 80 °C and 60 °C in neat acetonitrile with excellent conversion (>90%). The enzymes tolerated high levels of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) as a cosolvent (40–50% v/v), which improved substrate solubility and gave good conversion in 5+3 peptide condensation reactions. The results suggest that proteases from thermophiles can be used for peptide synthesis under harsh reaction conditions.  相似文献   

Tyrocidines are a family of cyclic decapeptides produced by the soil bacterium, Brevibacillus parabrevis. These antibiotic peptides can be used to prevent infections in agriculture and food industry but also to prepare antimicrobial lozenges, creams, and dressings for medical applications. It has been observed that the tyrocidines interact with saccharides such as cellulose from their soil environment, as well as sugars in culture media and glycans in fungal cell walls. Here, we investigated the interactions of tyrocidines with glucose, sucrose, and cellotetraose (as cellulose model) in a quantitative fashion utilising CD and NMR spectroscopy. The CD and NMR spectra of tyrocidine A (TrcA) were analysed as a function of solvent composition, and the spectral properties agree with the formation of oligomeric structures that are governed by β‐sheet secondary structures once the acetonitrile content of the solvent is increased. Saccharides seem to also induce TrcA spectral changes reverting those induced by organic solvents. The CD spectral changes of TrcA in the presence of glucose agree with new ordered H‐bonding, possibly β‐sheet structures. The amides involved in intramolecular H‐bonding remained largely unaffected by the environmental changes. In contrast, amides exposed to the exterior and/or involved in TrcA intermolecular association show the largest 1H chemical shift changes. CD and NMR spectroscopic investigations correlated well with TrcA‐glucose interactions characterized by a dissociation constant around 200 μM. Interestingly, the association of cellotetraose corresponds closely to the additive effect from four glucose moieties, while a much higher dissociation constant was observed for sucrose. Similar trends to TrcA for binding to the three saccharides were observed for the analogous tyrocidines, tyrocidine B, and tyrocidine C. These results therefore indicate that the tyrocidine interactions with the glucose monosaccharide unit are fairly specific and reversible.  相似文献   

The composition of the 2-keto aldoses D-glucosone (1), 6-deoxy-D-glucosone (2), D-allosone (3), and D-galactosone (4) in organic solvents has been determined using NMR spectroscopy. Whereas these keto aldoses form mixtures with up to 15 different isomers in water, the number of forms is significantly decreased in organic solvents. Equilibrium mixtures of 1, 2, and 4 in Me(2)SO, DMF, and pyridine consist to 70-90% of the prevailing alpha-1,5-pyranose form. Two bicyclic forms with a proportion of 80% are the main isomers of 3 in pyridine. Generally, forms with non-hydrated keto functions prevail in non-aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

Acid-induced denaturation of the ribonuclease HI protein from Escherichia coli was analyzed by CD and NMR spectroscopies. The CD measurement revealed that the acid denaturation at 10 degrees C proceeds from the native state (N-state) to a molten globule-like state (A-state), through an apparently more unfolded state (U(A)-state). In (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear single-quantum coherence (HSQC) spectra, cross peaks from the N-state and those from the other two states are distinctively observed, while the U(A)-state and A-state are not distinguished from each other. Cross peaks from the U(A)/A-states showed a small pH dependence, which suggests a similarity in the backbone structure between the two states. The direct hydrogen-deuterium (H-D) exchange measurement at pH with the largest population of U(A)-state revealed that at least alpha-helix I is highly protected in the structure of the U(A)-state. A pH-jump H-D exchange analysis showed that the protection of alpha-helix I is highest also in the A-state. The profile of hydrogen-bond protection indicated that the structure of the A-state is closely related to that of the kinetic folding intermediate.  相似文献   

Organic solvent-soluble -chymotrypsin (CT) and subtilisin Carlsberg (SC) are effective catalysts for peptide synthesis in homogeneous organic solutions. The soluble enzymes have values of kcat/Km for the reaction of N-Bz-L-Tyr-OEt with L-Leu-NH2 to yield the dipeptide N-Bz-L-Tyr-L-Leu-NH2 that are over 3 orders of magnitude higher than their suspended counterparts in isooctane (containing 30% (v/v) tetrahydrofuran (THF) to aid in substrate solubility). Both enzymes are substantially more active in hydrophobic organic solvents than hydrophilic solvents. Adding small concentrations of water (<0.2% and 1% (v/v) in isooctane-THF and ethyl acetate, respectively) results in up to a 150-fold activation of -chymotrypsin-catalyzed peptide synthesis. Importantly, added water does not promote hydrolysis in either isooctane-THF or ethyl acetate; thus, -chymotrypsin is highly selective toward peptide synthesis in the nearly anhydrous organic solutions. Unlike CT, the activation of subtilisin Carlsberg upon partial hydration of isooctane-THF or ethyl acetate was not significant and actually resulted in substantial hydrolysis. Using -chymotrypsin, a variety of tripeptides were produced from dipeptide amino acid esters. Reactivity of D-amino acid amides as acyl acceptors and partially unblocked amino acid acyl donors further expands the generality of the use of organic solvent-soluble enzymes as peptide synthesis catalysts.  相似文献   

A very sensitive NMR method has been developed for measuring deuterated water bound to proteins suspended in nonpolar solvents. This has been used to determine the amount of bound water as a function of water activity for subtilisin Carlsberg suspended in hexane, benzene, and toluene and for alpha-chymotrypsin in hexane. The adsorption isotherms for subtilisin in the three solvents are very similar showing that water activity can be usefully employed to predict the amount of water bound to proteins in nonpolar organic media. Comparison of the degree of enzyme hydration reached in nonpolar solvents with that obtained in air shows that adsorption of strongly bound water is hardly affected by the low dielectric medium, but adsorption of loosely bound water is significantly reduced. This suggests that the hydrophobic regions of the protein surface are preferentially solvated by solvent molecules, and that in a nonpolar environment formation of a complete monolayer of water over the protein surface is thermodynamically unfavorable. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been used to quantify the alpha-helix and beta-sheet contents of subtilisin Carlsberg dissolved in several nonaqueous, as well as aqueous, solvents. Independently, the catalytic activity of the enzyme has been measured in the same solvents. While our previous FTIR studies revealed no connection between the secondary structure and enzymatic activity for subtilisin suspended in various organic solvents, a very different situation is observed herein for the dissolved enzyme. Specifically, if either the alpha-helix or beta-sheet content in a given solvent is higher or lower than in water, no appreciable enzymatic catalysis is observed. Conversely, when the secondary structure of subtilisin dissolved in a given nonaqueous solvent is similar to that in water, so is the enzymatic activity. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 56: 485-491, 1997.  相似文献   

Identifying potential ligand binding sites on a protein surface is an important first step for targeted structure-based drug discovery. While performing control experiments with Escherichia coli peptide deformylase (PDF), we noted that the organic solvents used to solubilize some ligands perturbed many of the same resonances in PDF as the small molecule inhibitors. To further explore this observation, we recorded (15)N HSQC spectra of E. coli peptide deformylase (PDF) in the presence of trace quantities of several simple organic solvents (acetone, DMSO, ethanol, isopropanol) and identified their sites of interaction from local perturbation of amide chemical shifts. Analysis of the protein surface structure revealed that the ligand-induced shift perturbations map to the active site and one additional surface pocket. The correlation between sites of solvent and inhibitor binding highlights the utility of organic solvents to rapidly and effectively validate and characterize binding sites on proteins prior to designing a drug discovery screen. Further, the solvent-induced perturbations have implications for the use of organic solvents to dissolve candidate ligands in NMR-based screens.  相似文献   

Solution structures were determined for a linear analogue of growth hormone releasing factor (GRF), and cyclic and dicyclic analogues in which the side chains of aspartyl and lysyl residues spaced at positions i-(i + 4) were joined to form a lactam. The four analogues were [Ala15]-GRF-(1-29)-NH2 and its cyclo8-12, cyclo21-25, and dicyclo8-12;21-25 derivatives. The peptides were studied in two solvent systems: 75% methanol/25% water at pH 6.0; and 100% water at pH 3.0. CD spectroscopy was used to assess the overall alpha-helical content. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to determine the structures in more detail. Nearly complete proton resonance assignments were made for each of the peptides, in both solvents. Nuclear Overhauser effects were converted into distance constraints and applied in the molecular dynamics program CHARMM to evaluate the range of low-energy structures that satisfied the nmr data. In 75% methanol, all of the peptides are comprised of a single alpha-helical segment with fraying of one to three residues at each end. The linear analogue has a tendency to kink. In water, the analogues have two helical segments with flexible regions between them and at the termini of the peptides. The linear analogue is helical at residues 7-14 and 21-28. In the cyclo8-12 analogue, the N-terminal helical region extends to include residues 7-19, while the other helical region is slightly shortened. In the cyclo21-25 analogue, the C-terminal helical region is extended to include residues 19-28, while the N-terminal helical region is destabilized. The dicyclic analogue has the largest N-terminal helix, spanning residues 7-20, but its helical segment at residues 21-28 is not well ordered. All of the analogues exhibit substantial biological activity. The cyclic and dicyclic analogues show dramatically increased resistance to degradation during incubation with human plasma. The i-(i + 4) lactam, therefore, appears to be a synthetic means of stabilizing a local alpha-helical conformation, which may be of general use in the design of active, stable peptides.  相似文献   

The Barclay–Butler (B-B) rule, which states that a linear relationship exists between the standard ΔHvap and ΔSvap for simple, non-associated liquids and their solutions, has been used to distinguish associated (‘abnormal’) liquids from simple (‘normal’) liquids. The exact character of the B-B plots depends on the standard states chosen for the liquid/solution and vapor. We examine the effects of using number density for both vapor and liquid states for pure liquids, non-aqueous solutions, aqueous solutions and solutions in which water is the solute. The utility of B-B plots to detect solute-induced order is strengthened, and we also find remarkable changes in the modified B-B relationship: (1) the points for small, H-bonded liquids, including water, are pulled below the general B-B line; (2) many solutions containing small, simple solutes have negative entropies of vaporization; and (3) solutions of water in several organic solvents, relevant to studies of proteins and micelles, appear ‘abnormal’.  相似文献   

Application of triple-resonance and isotope-edited-NOE methods to the study of increasingly larger macromolecules and their complexes remains a central goal of solution NMR spectroscopy. The slow reorientational motion of larger molecules leads to rapid transverse relaxation and results in losses in both resolution and sensitivity of multidimensional-multinuclear solution NMR experiments. A recently described technique employs a physical approach to increase the tumbling rate of macromolecules in an attempt to preserve access to the full range of structural restraints available to studies of smaller systems. This technique involves encapsulation of a hydrated protein in a surfactant shell which is subsequently solubilized in a low viscosity solvent. A simple, efficient and cost effective NMR cell that accommodates the moderate liquefaction pressures required in the encapsulation method is described. Application of the method to the 56 kD triose phosphate isomerase homodimer is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The thermodynamics of the lipase-catalyzed esterification of glycerol with n-octanoic acid have been investigated with acetonitrile, benzene, and toluene as solvents and in the neat reaction mixture (no organic solvent added). This esterification reaction leads to five products: 1-monooctanoyl glycerol, 2-monooctanoyl glycerol, 1,2-dioctanoyl glycerol, 1,3-dioctanoyl glycerol and 1,2,3-trioctanoyl glycerol. This, in turn leads to a total of 12 reactions. Values of the equilibrium constants for these reactions have been measured (HPLC, GC, and LC/MS) at 37°C in the above mentioned media. The equilibrium constants range from 0.9 to 20.7, 0.20 to 8.0, 0.23 to 10.0, and 0.57 to 2.2 in acetonitrile, benzene, toluene, and neat media, respectively. Relative standard molar Gibbs free energies of formation ΔfGm0 of 1-monooctanoyl glycerol, 2-monooctanoyl glycerol, 1,2-dioctanoyl glycerol, 1,3-dioctanoyl glycerol and 1,2,3-trioctanoyl glycerol in the organic solvents and in the neat reaction mixture have been calculated and used to compactly summarize the thermodynamics of these reactions. The results show an approximate correlation with the permittivities of the solvents.  相似文献   

Des-acyl-ghrelin is a 28 amino acid peptide secreted by both human and rat stomach. Together with ghrelin and obestatin, it is obtained by post-translational modification of a 117 aminoacid prepropeptide mainly expressed in distinct endocrine cell type in the stomach. Although its receptor has not been unambiguously identified so far, des-acyl-ghrelin is considered one of the strongest antagonists of ghrelin in activating the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R). Here the secondary structure of des-acyl-ghrelin in different experimental conditions has been investigated and compared with that of obestatin, a bioactive peptide having similar biological functions. CD and NMR techniques have been combined for gaining the desired conformational features. The obtained structures support a steady alpha-helix structure spanning residues from 7 to 14, very similar to that observed for obestatin at the same experimental conditions, leading to suggest that a similar secondary structure can be associated with the similar biological role.  相似文献   

Circular dichroic (CD) spectra of a-chymotrypsin were measured in mixtures of water and ethanol, acetonitrile, or tetrahydrofuran. The catalytic activity of a-chymotrypsin in the different solvents was related to the change of CD bands especially that at 230 nm. The fine structure in near-UV region may also be useful to estimate the catalytic activity of a-chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

The interaction of several aromatic cationic dyes such as, ethidium bromide (EB), methylene blue (MB), acridine orange (AO), and Hoechst 33258 with calf-thymus DNA and poly(A)-poly(U) duplex was investigated. The different induced extrinsic Cotton effects (greater than 300 nm) were observed for DNA- and RNA-dye complexes. The binding properties of these complexes were examined by UV, CD, and NMR spectroscopies.  相似文献   

The precipitation of cholesterol dissolved in organic solvents, viz. methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, isopropanol, acetone and 1,4-dioxane, by the addition of water has been studied. The effects of the solvents towards the precipitation follow the order: methanol greater than ethanol greater than acetone greater than dioxane greater than n-propanol greater than iso-propanol, the solvent dioxane however exhibits a change in the order at higher concentration. Additives like Triton X-100, sodium cholate, sodium deoxycholate, sodium dehydro cholate, sodium salicylate and sodium chloride have some protective action against precipitation, the maximum protection being that of Triton X-100. The additives have shown better protective action in propanols and dioxane than in methanol, ethanol and acetone. Analysis of solvent composition and dielectric constant has revealed specific solvent effects on the water-induced precipitation of cholesterol. Thermodynamic analysis of the precipitation phenomenon and the unique role of solvent structure on cholesterol precipitation has been discussed.  相似文献   

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