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On the origin of the Hirudinea and the demise of the Oligochaeta   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The phylogenetic relationships of the Clitellata were investigated with a data set of published and new complete 18S rRNA gene sequences of 51 species representing 41 families. Sequences were aligned on the basis of a secondary structure model and analysed with maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. In contrast to the latter method, parsimony did not recover the monophyly of Clitellata. However, a close scrutiny of the data suggested a spurious attraction between some polychaetes and clitellates. As a rule, molecular trees are closely aligned with morphology-based phylogenies. Acanthobdellida and Euhirudinea were reconciled in their traditional Hirudinea clade and were included in the Oligochaeta with the Branchiobdellida via the Lumbriculidae as a possible link between the two assemblages. While the 18S gene yielded a meaningful historical signal for determining relationships within clitellates, the exact position of Hirudinea and Branchiobdellida within oligochaetes remained unresolved. The lack of phylogenetic signal is interpreted as evidence for a rapid radiation of these taxa. The placement of Clitellata within the Polychaeta remained unresolved. The biological reality of polytomies within annelids is suggested and supports the hypothesis of an extremely ancient radiation of polychaetes and emergence of clitellates.  相似文献   

Nearly 50 years have elapsed since Hayflick challenged the dogma that individual human cells were immortal by demonstrating that after a predictable number of cellular divisions, normal human fibroblasts eventually entered a state of permanent growth arrest [Hayflick L: The limited in vitro lifetime of human diploid cell strains. Exp Cell Res 1965, 37:614-636.; Hayflick L, Moorhead PS: The serial cultivation of human diploid cell strains. Exp Cell Res 1961, 25:585-621]. This growth arrest, referred to as senescence, was hypothesized to function as a tumor suppressive mechanism, capable of limiting the replicative capacity of an incipient tumor cell. While originally met with skepticism, the existence of senescence and its importance as a tumor suppressive mechanism is now accepted. Here, we highlight this work and introduce studies that indicate that while senescent cells themselves cannot produce a neoplasia, they possess the ability to promote the growth of nearby preneoplastic cells and in this way may contribute to age-related increases in tumor incidences. This added level of complexity suggests that senescence functions as a biological 'double edged sword.'  相似文献   

This study determined the optimum number of tubules to be counted per testis cross section, and the number of animals per treatment group, when changes in stage frequencies in the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium are criteria for assessing effects of treatment on spermatogenesis. A data base of 9,672 observed and staged tubules was collected from testicular cross sections of 15 Sprague-Dawley rats. A significant variation between animals was found for the frequencies of Stages I, II, IV, VI, VIII, and XIII. Computer simulation was used to randomly select different combinations of animal and tubule numbers from the observed data. Stage frequency means from each simulation experiment were compared statistically to observed mean frequencies. A model that used data from all 14 stages was analyzed. The following conclusions were made: a) a minimum of 200 tubule cross sections/testis is recommended for estimating stage frequencies; b) for a fixed number of tubules scored, the number of animals sampled is more important than the number of tubules per animal in reducing variance; c) to detect a difference of 2 standard deviations from the mean with a 2% error rate and examining 200 tubules/testis, at least 12 animals must be used per group when assessing all 14 stages; d) when individual stages are examined using 10 animals per group, only Stage VII has 80% or greater power of test (alpha = 0.05) to detect a frequency difference; e) pooling stages into 3-4 groups is recommended to improve the power of detecting a treatment difference.  相似文献   

On the diversity of the Cladocera in the tropics   总被引:20,自引:13,他引:7  
The mythical concept of an impoverished tropical cladoceran fauna is refuted. On a planetary scale, around half of the cladoceran species presently known occur exclusively in the tropics-subtropics, often with considerable restriction to particular geographical subzones. On a regional (political) scale, the situation is often unclear because of the continued fragmentary nature of studies, and because political units are not a good basis for biogeographical comparisons. At the finest level of resolution (lake-perlake comparisons), there appears to be an upper limit of c. 50 cladoceran species per individual lake. No significant difference between lakes in the temperate zone and in the tropics could be established here. Daphnia is largely absent from the tropics, but is replaced by more Sidids, Moinids, and Bosminids, such that the average cladoceran community in the limnetic zone of a tropical lake is not characterized by less species but rather by lower population densities. This, in turn, is considered a consequence of higher prevalent predation levels in the tropics.  相似文献   

An “error theory” is developed which can be applied to determine the stability of a macromolecular translation machinery which reproduces itself. It is shown that the overall effects of a multitude of possible error versions of macromolecules can be treated statistically, and that such a statistical approach is of considerable usefulness in the theoretical treatment of complex macromolecular systems. The theory is developed within the context of a detailed treatment of the “frozen accident” hypothesis for the origin of the genetic code. A model is described which permits some thermodynamic characterization of the components involved in the code nucleation. The model also proves useful in resolving a stability “paradox” described by Orgel, which relates to the translation stability in present-day organisms and mechanisms of ageing. It indicates that any experimentally found decrease in translation accuracy with age is probably not due to an inherent instability in the translation apparatus. Relevant experiments are suggested.  相似文献   

Ectogenesis, or the use of an artificial womb to allow a foetus to develop, will likely become a reality within a few decades, and could significantly affect the abortion debate. We first examine the implications for Judith Jarvis Thomson’s violinist analogy, which argues for a woman’s right to withdraw life support from the foetus and so terminate her pregnancy, even if the foetus is granted full moral status. We show that on Thomson’s reasoning, there is no right to the death of the foetus, and abortion is not permissible if ectogenesis is available, provided it is safe and inexpensive. This raises the question of whether there are persuasive reasons for the right to the death of the foetus that could be exercised in the context of ectogenesis. Eric Mathison and Jeremy Davis have examined several arguments for this right, doubting that it exists, while Joona Räsänen has recently criticized their reasoning. We respond to Räsänen’s analysis, concluding that his arguments are unsuccessful, and that there is no right to the death of the foetus in these circumstances.  相似文献   

Actin microfilaments and microtubules are important cytoskeletal proteins that regulate endothelial repair through alterations in cell shape and through regulation of cell migration following wounding of the endothelium. Upstream pathways have been identified in the regulation of actin and microtubule organization, especially small GTPases. Recently, there have been numerous proteins suggested to be capable of regulating interaction between microtubules and microfilaments to mediate microtubule regulation of endothelial repair, an important process in limiting injury to the artery wall and in reducing the extent of arterial disease. If disrupted, a rapid repair mechanism is important in reestablishing the integrity of the endothelium in order to reestablish its function as a macromolecular barrier, a thromboresistant surface, and a biologically active tissue. Strategies to improve repair should alter the pathobiology of the atherosclerotic plaque and thus improve the prognosis of patients with atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

In this paper we study a mathematical model of competition between two species of microorganisms for a single limiting nutrient in a laboratory device called a gradostat. A gradostat consists of several (we consider only two) chemostats (CSTR's) connected together so that material can flow between the vessels in such a way that a nutrient gradient is established. Our model is a slightly modified version of one considered recently by Jäger et al. [3], in that the rate of exchange of material between the two vessels (the communication rate) is allowed to differ from the dilution rate. The outcome of competition turns out to be surprisingly sensitive to variation of the communication rate. We identify several coexistence regimes in parameter space and describe a method for obtaining operating diagrams for given pairs of competing microorganisms.Research supported in part by NSF Grant DMS 8521605  相似文献   

A sitting subject held a cup between the thumb and the index finger. Light or heavy objects fell into the cup in a random order. The anticipatory grip force at the moment when the falling object touched the bottom of the cup was measured. The grip force in the trials following the fall of a light object was smaller than in the trials following the fall of a heavy object and did not depend on the object mass in the current trial. Thus, the anticipatory increase in the grip force was planned on the basis of the result of the preceding trial.  相似文献   

Pondering the procephalon: the segmental origin of the labrum   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
With accumulating evidence for the appendicular nature of the labrum, the question of its actual segmental origin remains. Two existing insect head segmentation models, the linear and S-models, are reviewed, and a new model introduced. The L-/Bent-Y model proposes that the labrum is a fusion of the appendage endites of the intercalary segment and that the stomodeum is tightly integrated into this segment. This model appears to explain a wider variety of insect head segmentation phenomena. Embryological, histological, neurological and molecular evidence supporting the new model is reviewed.  相似文献   

In local application of substances with a mediator action (adrenaline, acetylcholine, histamine) and blockers of specific receptors (dihydroergotoxin, inderal, atropine and of subcutaneous dimedrol) together with dicaine it was possible to reveal a distinct presence in the cornea of the eye of the mediator receptors capable of influencing one another. Pharmacological analysis permitted a supposition to be made that there were two receptor systems in the sensory nerve endings of the cornea; these systems were in reciprocal inhibitory relations; due to this their regular influence on the processes of excitation and inhibition is effected in the sensory nerve ending.  相似文献   

Data on the ontogeny of the posterior haptor of monogeneans were obtained from more than 150 publications and summarised. These data were plotted into diagrams showing evolutionary capacity levels based on the theory of a progressive evolution of marginal hooks, anchors and other attachment components of the posterior haptor in the Monogenea (Malmberg, 1986). 5 + 5 unhinged marginal hooks are assumed to be the most primitive monogenean haptoral condition. Thus the diagrams were founded on a 5 + 5 unhinged marginal hook evolutionary capacity level, and the evolutionary capacity levels of anchors and other haptoral attachement components were arranged according to haptoral ontogenetical sequences. In the final plotting diagram data on hosts, type of spermatozoa, oncomiracidial ciliation, sensilla pattern and protonephridial systems were also included. In this way a number of correlations were revealed. Thus, for example, the number of 5 + 5 marginal hooks correlates with the most primitive monogenean type of spermatozoon and with few sensillae, many ciliated cells and a simple protonephridial system in the oncomiracidium. On the basis of the reviewed data it is concluded that the ancient monogeneans with 5 + 5 unhinged marginal hooks were divided into two main lines, one retaining unhinged marginal hooks and the other evolving hinged marginal hooks. Both main lines have recent representatives at different marginal hook evolutionary capacity levels, i.e. monogeneans retaining a haptor with only marginal hooks. For the main line with hinged marginal hooks the name Articulon-choinea n. subclass is proposed. Members with 8 + 8 hinged marginal hooks only are here called Proanchorea n. superord. Monogeneans with unhinged marginal hooks only are here called Ananchorea n. superord. and three new families are erected for its recent members: Anonchohapteridae n. fam., Acolpentronidae n. fam. and Anacanthoridae n. fam. (with 7 + 7, 8 + 8 and 9 + 9 unhinged marginal hooks, respectively). Except for the families of Articulonchoinea (e.g. Acanthocotylidae, Gyrodactylidae, Tetraonchoididae) Bychowsky's (1957) division of the Monogenea into the Oligonchoinea and Polyonchoinea fits the proposed scheme, i.e. monogeneans with unhinged marginal hooks form one old group, the Oligonchoinea, which have 5 + 5 unhinged marginal hooks, and the other group form the Polyonchoinea, which (with the exception of the Hexabothriidae) has a greater number (7 + 7, 8 + 8 or 9 + 9) of unhinged marginal hooks. It is proposed that both these names, Oligonchoinea (sensu mihi) and Polyonchoinea (sensu mihi), will be retained on one side and Articulonchoinea placed on the other side, which reflects the early monogenean evolution. Except for the members of Ananchorea [Polyonchoinea], all members of the Oligonchoinea and Polyonchoinea have anchors, which imply that they are further evolved, i.e. have passed the 5 + 5 marginal hook evolutionary capacity level (Malmberg, 1986). There are two main types of anchors in the Monogenea: haptoral anchors, with anlages appearing in the haptor, and peduncular anchors, with anlages in the peduncle. There are two types of haptoral anchors: peripheral haptoral anchors, ontogenetically the oldest, and central haptoral anchors. Peduncular anchors, in turn, are ontogenetically younger than peripheral haptoral anchors. There may be two pairs of peduncular anchors: medial peduncular anchors, ontogentically the oldest, and lateral peduncular anchors. Only peduncular (not haptoral) anchors have anchor bars. Monogeneans with haptoral anchors are here called Mediohaptanchorea n. superord. and Laterohaptanchorea n. superord. or haptanchoreans. All oligonchoineans and the oldest polyonchoineans are haptanchoreans. Certain members of Calceostomatidae [Polyonchoinea] are the only monogeneans with both (peripheral) haptoral and peduncular anchors (one pair). These monogeneans are here called Mixanchorea n. superord. Polyonchoineans with peduncular anchors and unhinged marginal hooks are here called the Pedunculanchorea n. superord. The most primitive pedunculanchoreans have only one pair of peduncular anchors with an anchor bar, while the most advanced have both medial and lateral peduncular anchors; each pair having an anchor bar. Certain families of the Articulonchoinea, the Anchorea n. superord., also have peduncular anchors (parallel evolution): only one family, the Sundanonchidae n. fam., has both medial and lateral peduncular anchors, each anchor pair with an anchor bar. Evolutionary lines from different monogenean evolutionary capacity levels are discussed and a new system of classification for the Monogenea is proposed.In agreeing to publish this article, I recognise that its contents are controversial and contrary to generally accepted views on monogenean systematics and evolution. I have anticipated a reaction to the article by inviting senior workers in the field to comment upon it: their views will be reported in a future issue of this journal. EditorIn agreeing to publish this article, I recognise that its contents are controversial and contrary to generally accepted views on monogenean systematics and evolution. I have anticipated a reaction to the article by inviting senior workers in the field to comment upon it: their views will be reported in a future issue of this journal. Editor  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct, cirrus sac and cirrus is described. The epithelium of the seminal vesicle consists of a single layer of squamous to cuboidal cells. The apical ends of the cells have thin polymorphic lamellae and long narrow pits, both of which enclose normal spermatozoa. The cells have a moderate amount of GER and Golgi complexes which produce a lucid secretory body. The ejaculatory duct epithelium is composed of cuboidal to columnar cells between or through which project the terminal parts of the ducts of the unicellular prostate glands. The apical surfaces of the epithelia are extended into triangular or filiform projections having thin sinuous lamellae. The cytoplasm contains GER cisternae and Golgi complexes which synthesize a dense ovoid secretion. The cirrus sac and cirrus are covered by a thin modified tegument. The cirrus has many spines and the normal ratio of T1 and T2 type of secretory bodies, whereas the cirrus sac has few spines and the T2 type of secretory body predominates over the T1 type. The significance and possible functions of the structures observed in the three tissues are discussed.  相似文献   

The desirability is discussed of a subdivision of the genusCeratocystis into a group characterized by the presence of a phialidic conidial state, and a group in which the conidia are usually produced exogenously. Corroborative evidence for this arrangement is found in the carbohydrate constitution of the cells: in all examined species of the former group (Ceratocystis s.str.) rhamnose and cellulose are absent, whereas in the latter both components are present (Ophiostoma H. et P. Sydow).  相似文献   

On the shape of the erythrocyte   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A model is postulated which attributes the distinctive biconcave shape of the human erythrocyte to a balance of forces acting on the membrane. The forces considered are electrostatic forces due to a charge distribution on the membrane, a hydrostatic pressure difference acting across the membrane, and forces arising from a constant tension in the membrane. A numerical study indicates that the postulated model will produce an equilibrium shape which is very similar to the observed shape of the human erythrocyte.  相似文献   

Wang Q  Du X  Cai Z  Greene MI 《DNA and cell biology》2006,25(10):554-562
The nuclear envelope forms a selective barrier that separates the cytoplasm from the nucleus. During mitosis the nuclear envelope breaks down so that the microtubule network can form contacts with the kinetochore and guide chromosome segregation. Previous studies have suggested a model in which the centrosome and the microtubule network may play a role in nuclear envelope breakdown through as yet unidentified interactions with proteins localized to the nuclear envelope. In the current study we characterized a nuclear envelope protein SUN2 and identified a substructure involved in its localization to the nuclear envelope. We found that a structurally related protein, SUN1, may be localized to the nuclear envelope through a different mechanism. Furthermore, the SUN2 protein can form different assemblies, including homodimers and heterodimers with SUN1. Finally, we provide evidence indicating that SUN1 and SUN2 may form a physical interaction between the nuclear envelope and the centrosome.  相似文献   

Ringach DL 《PloS one》2007,2(2):e251
The basic structure of receptive fields and functional maps in primary visual cortex is established without exposure to normal sensory experience and before the onset of the critical period. How the brain wires these circuits in the early stages of development remains unknown. Possible explanations include activity-dependent mechanisms driven by spontaneous activity in the retina and thalamus, and molecular guidance orchestrating thalamo-cortical connections on a fine spatial scale. Here I propose an alternative hypothesis: the blueprint for receptive fields, feature maps, and their inter-relationships may reside in the layout of the retinal ganglion cell mosaics along with a simple statistical connectivity scheme dictating the wiring between thalamus and cortex. The model is shown to account for a number of experimental findings, including the relationship between retinotopy, orientation maps, spatial frequency maps and cytochrome oxidase patches. The theory's simplicity, explanatory and predictive power makes it a serious candidate for the origin of the functional architecture of primary visual cortex.  相似文献   

DNA contents in squashed cells of the adult frog hypothalamic preoptic region (HPR) were measured using the Feulgen and UV cytophotometry techniques. The histone-DNA ratio in the cell nucleus was determined by means of a combined Feulgen-heparin-Alcian blue staining procedure. The nuclei of the vast majority of HPR cells have a diploid DNA content. However, in cells of this group the mean values of DNA amount and the distribution range were always higher than those in hepatocytes used as a diploid standard. Such a heterogeneity in DNA content in the diploid part of HPR cell population could apparently suggest some differences in the nuclear chromatin arrangement to be always higher in spring before the frog spawning, and it seems to be characteristic of this type of cells. About 1 per cent of cells with hyperdiploid surplus of DNA (H2c cells) as well as of tetraploid cells (4c and 2c X 2 cells) is found in HPR in frogs sacrificed both in winter and in summer. The quota of these cells has no reference either to the frog's age or to the annual cycle. The fact that the mean DNA values in H2c and 4c cells are much higher than in the standard cannot be explained by the presence of different amounts of nuclear proteins only. It is suggested that at least some part of the highest DNA values may be due to an actual extra DNA synthesis in a small constantly existing pool of HPR cell population.  相似文献   

Following the discovery of inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate as a second messenger, many other inositol phosphates were discovered in quick succession, with some understanding of their synthesis pathways and a few guesses at their possible functions. But then it all seemed to go comparatively quiet, with an explosion of interest in the inositol lipids. Now the water-soluble phase is once again becoming a focus of interest. Old and new data point to a new vista of inositol phosphates, with functions in many diverse aspects of cell biology, such as ion-channel physiology, membrane dynamics and nuclear signalling.  相似文献   

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