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The complete larval development of the grapsid crab Brachynorusgemmellari (Rizza, 1839) was obtained by culture in the Iabomtoiy.Five zoeal stages, the megalopa and the first crab stage aredescribed and illustrated. Larval development from hatchingto first crab took 26 days at 20C. The morphological charaeiarsof the larvae of B.gemmellari are compared with those of otherknown larvae of the genus Brachynosus.  相似文献   

The genus Hexapanopeus Rathbun, 1898 contains eight species,of which three are found in the Brazilian coast. The larvaldevelopment of two of these species has already been studiedin the laboratory. This article describes in detail the morphologyof the complete larval stages of Hexapanopeus caribbaeus rearedunder laboratory conditions, and the morphology is comparedwith that of the larvae of the other species of the same genus.  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the porcellanid crabNeopisosoma negluctum Werding, 1986, was studied under laboratory conditions. At 27°C, the megalopa appeared after 9 days. The development consists of a transitory prezoea, two zoeal stages and a megalopa stage. The larvae exhibit telsonal features which places them in thePetrolisthes-group of porcellanid larvae. Larval morphology gives no additional support for the status ofNeopisosoma as an independent genus.  相似文献   

Complete larval development of Crangon hakodatei Rathbun isdescribed, based on material hatched in the laboratory fromovigerous females. The species has six zoeal stages and onepostlarval stage. The morphological characters of the larvaland postlarval stages are described with illustrative figuresand compared with those of two congeneric species. The zoealstages of C. hakodatei can be distinguished from those of otherCrangon species in the number of segments of the antennule peduncle,the number of setae on the antennal scale and basis of the maxillipeds,and the stages of appearance of pereiopods. The first zoealstage in the seven species of Crangon are compared and an annotatedkey for distinguishing them is also provided.  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the shallow-water Caribbean porcellanid crab, Petrolisthes politus (Gray, 1831), is described and illustrated from specimens reared in the laboratory. Petrolisthes politus hatches as a prezoea, which persist for less than 90 minutes, and then molts through two subsequent zoeal stages, which are completed in 6 to 7 and 14 to 16 days, respectively, before the megalopal stage is reached. From a total of about 2000 zoeae that were cultured, only two reached the megalopal stage. The two megalopae survived for up to 5 days but did not molt to the first crab stage. The zoeae of P. politus are compared with those of Petrolisthes rufescens (Heller, 1861), Petrolisthes lamarckii (Leach, 1820), Petrolisthes carinipes (Heller, 1861), Petrolisthes coccineus (Owen 1839) and Petrolisthes pubescens (Stimpson, 1858), which were hitherto the only species having bifid lateral spines on the telson of the first zoeal stage.  相似文献   

The estuarine grapsid crabs Chasmagnathus granulata and Cyrtograpsus angulatus belong to the most typical and dominant inhabitants of brackish coastal lagoons in southeastern South America. In a combined laboratory and field investigation of juvenile growth, we measured the increase in body size in these species under controlled conditions as well as in field experiments (in Mar Chiquita lagoon, Argentina), seasonal changes in size frequency distribution of a natural population, and growth related changes in selected morphometric traits of male and female juveniles (relations between carapace width, carapace length, propodus height and length of the cheliped, and pleon width). At 24°C, Cy. angulatus grew faster than Ch. granulata; it reached the crab-9 instar (C9; 13 mm carapace width) after 92 days, while Ch. granulata required 107 days to reach the C8 instar (7.4 mm). At 12°C, growth ceased in both species. The pleon begins to show sexual differences in the C5 (Cy. angulatus) and C8 instar (Ch. granulata), respectively, while the chelae differentiate earlier in Ch. granulata than in Cy. angulatus (in C4 vs C6). In the field, growth was maximal in summer, and was generally faster than in laboratory cultures. However, there is great individual variability in size (about 25% even in the first crab instar) and in size increments at ecdysis, increasing throughout juvenile growth. Our data indicate that, in the field, small-scale and short-term variations in feeding conditions, temperature, and salinity account for an extremely high degree of variability in the absolute and relative rates of growth as well as in the time to sexual differentiation. Received in revised form: 20 September 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Larval development of the spider crab, Pisoides bidentatus (A.Milne-Edwards, 1873) (Decapoda: Majoidea: Pisidae), inhabitingthe Russian waters of the Sea of Japan is described and illustratedfor the first time from larvae reared in the laboratory. Thedevelopment included two zoea and one megalopa, thus followingthe typical pattern in the Majoidea. At a temperature of 20–22°Clarval development of P. bidentatus took from 9 to 13 days.The comparative analysis revealed that the larvae of two Pisoidesspecies differ in numerous characters whereas zoea of P. bidentatusand Pugettia quadridens belonging to different families arenearly identical. According the larval characters, P. bidentatusand P. quadridens should be assigned to one genus. The larvaldata lend the support to revision the taxonomic position ofP. bidentatus.  相似文献   


The larval, megalopal and early juvenile stages of Pagurus granosimanus are described, illustrated and compared with other North Pacific species of the genus. Morphologically, the zoeae of P. granosimanus appear most similar to the Japanese P. brachiomastus in the majority of characters, but share the endopodal setation of the third maxilliped with a second Japanese species, P. pectinatus. The megalopae of P. granosimanus are unlike those of other North Pacific species in having 5+5 marginal setae on the telson, rather than the customary 4+4, or less frequent 3+3. Comparison of juvenile characters is limited to pleopodal changes among the regional species for which data are available. P. granosimanus is unusual in undergoing complete pleopodal loss at the second crab stage with return of left pleopods in the fourth stage.  相似文献   

The spider crab Platymaia wyvillethomsoni was reared in the laboratory, from hatching to the megalopal stage at 20°C. The larval development comprises two zoeal stages and a megalopa. The zoeal stages are described for the first time and compared with those of the four known species of the family Inachidae from the northern Pacific. The zoeal characters (carapace spines, antenna, mouthpart appendages, pleon and telson fork) of P. wyvillethomsoni are significantly different from those of two Achaeus species from northern Pacific and other inachid genera (Inachus and Macropodia) from the Atlantic. Therefore, this species should not be placed in the family Inachidae based on zoeal morphology. A provisional key for the identification of known zoeae of the family from the northern Pacific is provided.  相似文献   

The megalopae and first crab instars are described for three of the four Indo-west Pacific species of the grapsid crab Percnon—P. abbreviatum, P. guinotae and P. planissimum . Keys are provided to these three species and for the Atlantic/East Pacific P. gibbesi . The validity of separating P. planissimum and P. gibbesi is discussed, as are the implications of the unusually large megalopa in Percnon .  相似文献   

The present state of knowledge concerning Portunus larvae isreviewed, and the three zoeal and the megalopa stages of P.rubromarginatus are described and figured. Details of appendagesetation are tabulated. This species is unusual amongst knownPortunus spp. in having only three zoeal stages and, like otherPortunus spp. but in contrast with other Portuninae, it has4 + 4, or 4 + 1 + 4, setae on the posterior telson border. When compared with larvae of the five other Indo-West PacificPortunus species whose larvae are known P. rubromarginatus zoeaeare readily distinguished from all, except P. hastatoides, usingthe key features given by Kurata (1975). Comparison was madebetween first zoeae of these two species, and also of P. pelagicusand P. sanguinolentus, using larvae reared by the authors. Itwas found telson characters alone allow distinction betweenlarvae of these four species. These characters are tabulated. P. rubromarginatus megalopae differ from those known for congenitorsin having a large spine on the uchium of the first pereiopod,but not on the carpus, and in having relatively very small sternalcornuae. Several of these features disagree with those previously thoughtto characterise larval Portuninae or Portunus species.  相似文献   

The cichlid Hypsophrys nicaraguensis is a popular fish known as butterfly, and despite its widespread use as pets, little is known about its reproductive biology. In order to contribute to this knowledge, the study describes the relevant larval development characteristics, from adult and larval cultures in captivity. Every 12h, samples of larvae were collected and observed under the microscope for larval stage development, and every 24h morphometric measurements were taken. Observations showed that at 120h, some larvae had swimming activity and the pectoral fins development was visible; at 144h, the dorsal fin appear and all larvae started food intake; at 168h, the formation of anal fins begins, small rudiments of pelvic fins emerge, the separation of caudal fin from anal and dorsal fins starts, and the yolk sac is reabsorbed almost completely; at 288h, the pelvic fins starts to form; at 432h, the rays and spines of dorsal and anal fins can be distinguished, both the anal and the dorsal fins have the same number of spines and rays as in adults. After 480h larvae have the first scales, ending the larval stages and starting the transformation to fingerlings. Larvae were successfully fed with commercial diet.  相似文献   

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