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The effects of naloxone (Nal) on basal and stress-induced PRL secretion were investigated in intact (N) adult male rats, as were its effects in rats with complete hypothalamic deafferentiation (CHD), in adrenalectomized (adrenX) rats, and in rats pretreated with dexamethasone (dex). Forty-five minutes subsequent to Nal administration (5mg/kg, BW, IP) basal serum levels of PRL were reduced by approximately 25% (p<0.05), in both N and CHD groups. PRL secretory responses to acute exposure to both photic and acoustic stress were markedly attenuated in Nal-injected, as compared to vehicle-injected animals. Basal serum PRL concentrations were elevated by 40% in adrenX rats (p<0.05), as compared to controls. In (p<0.05) in dex-treated rats, as compared to controls. In both these experimental groups, Nal administration caused significant reductions in serum PRL. This study demonstrates that stress-induced, as well as basal PRL secretion, is attenuated by Nal, and points to a hypothalamic site of action in this regard. Furthermore, these Nal effects are independent of glucocorticoid interactions with the CNS.  相似文献   

alpha-MSH and beta-endorphin, both synthesized from a common precursor, have opposite behavioral actions. In order to determine if these peptides have opposite effects on pituitary function, basal LH secretion and basal and stress-induced prolactin release were studied in adult male rats after intraventricular injection of alpha-MSH. Each rat also received intraventricular saline in order to serve as its own control. 18 micrograms alpha-MSH stimulated plasma LH from 16.5 +/- 2.5 (SEM) ng/ml to a peak of 27.2 +/- 4.0 and 26.0 +/- 4.9 ng/ml at 5 and 10 min, and suppressed prolactin from 3.5 +/- 0.7 ng/ml to 1.3 +/- 0.1 and 1.2 +/- 0.1 ng/ml at 15 and 30 min. Intraventricular alpha-MSH also significantly blunted the prolactin rise associated with the stress of swimming. 10 and 20 min after the onset of swimming, prolactin levels in rats pretreated with alpha-MSH were significantly diminished: 7.4 +/- 1.5 and 6.5 +/- 2.0 ng/ml vs 23.8 +/- 3.6 and 15.2 +/- 2.8 after normal saline. Similarly, des-acetyl alpha-MSH which is the predominant form of alpha-MSH in the hypothalamus, diminished the stress-induced prolactin rise from 18.4 +/- 5.3 and 11.2 +/- 3.4 ng/ml at 10 and 20 min to 10.0 +/- 2.4 and 5.5 +/- 1.6 ng/ml. We conclude that centrally administered alpha-MSH stimulates LH and suppresses basal and stress-induced prolactin release in male rats. These actions are opposite to those previously shown for beta-endorphin and suggest that alpha-MSH may antagonize the effects of beta-endorphin on pituitary function.  相似文献   

Withdrawal from chronic haloperidol or morphine treatment resulted in lower circulating levels of serum prolactin in male rats. A low dose of apomorphine (0.32 mg/kg), which had no effect on serum prolactin in untreated rats, diminished serum prolactin in the treated rats. A lower dose of apomorphine (0.08 mg/kg) also ineffective in control rats, elevated serum prolactin in the treated rats.  相似文献   

Naloxone inhibition of stress-induced increase in prolactin secretion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Naloxone, an opiate antagonist that acts by binding to opiate receptors in the brain, was given to rats stressed by immobilization or heat in an attempt to inhibit stress-induced release of prolactin. Both stresses resulted in approximately a 5-fold increase in serum prolactin concentration. Naloxone, at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg b.w. completely or partially inhibited the stress-induced rises in serum prolactin, and reduced serum prolactin concentrations in unstressed rats to below control values. It is concluded that endorphins may be responsible for increased release of PRL during stressful conditions.  相似文献   

L M Mai  J T Pan 《Life sciences》1990,47(14):1243-1251
The roles of oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (AVP) on both basal and estrogen-induced prolactin (PRL) secretion were examined. Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats that were ovariectomized for 3 weeks and received estrogen treatment for 1 week were used. Intravenous administration of hormones and serial blood sampling were accomplished through indwelling intraatrial catheters which were implanted two days before. Plasma PRL levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Oxytocin at a dose of 20 micrograms/rat stimulated a moderate PRL release in the morning and lower doses (5 and 10 micrograms) were without effect. Vasopressin was most effective at a dose of 5 micrograms/rat in stimulating PRL release, while consecutive injections of higher doses (10 and 20 micrograms) were less effective. In contrast, TRH, ranging from 1 to 8 micrograms/rat, induced a dose-dependent increases in PRL secretion. Using the effective dosages determined from the morning studies, repeated injections of either OT, AVP or their specific antagonists MPOMeOVT [( 1-(beta-mercapto-beta, beta-cyclopentamethylene propanoic acid), 2-(O-methyl)tyrosine, 8-ornithine]-vasotocin) and d (CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP ([1-(beta-mercapto-beta, beta-cyclo-pentamethylene propionic acid), 2-(O-methyl)tyrosine, 8-arginine]-vasopressin), were given hourly between 1300 to 1800 h and blood samples were obtained hourly from 1100 to 1900 h. It was found that either OT or AVP significantly reduced the afternoon PRL surge, while their antagonists were not as effective. When OT or AVP were administered together with their specific antagonists, the inhibitory effects of either hormone on PRL surge were reversed. Thus it is concluded that both OT and AVP assume a non-specific stress-like effect on PRL release, in which basal secretion is stimulated and surge secretion is inhibited.  相似文献   

The effect of bombesin (5 ng/kg/min X 2.5 h) on basal pituitary secretion as well as on the response to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH; 200 micrograms) plus luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH; 100 micrograms) was studied in healthy male volunteers. The peptide did not change the basal level of growth hormone (GH), prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). On the contrary, the pituitary response to releasing hormones was modified by bombesin administration. When compared with control (saline) values, prolactin and TSH levels after TRH were lower during bombesin infusion, whereas LH and FSH levels after LHRH were higher. Thus bombesin affects in man, as in experimental animals, the secretion of some pituitary hormones.  相似文献   

The effects of cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK) and bombesin on rat plasma growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) levels were investigated with the animals under urethane anesthesia. Intraventricular administration of both CCK (0.3 micrograms) and bombesin (2 micrograms) completely suppressed the GH secretion induced by FK 33-824, chlorpromazine (CPZ) or prostaglandin E2(PGE2). Both peptides also completely suppressed the PRL secretion induced by FK 33-824 or PGE2, and partially that induced by CPZ, but not that induced by domperidone. The intravenous administrations of CCK and bombesin had no or lesser potency in inhibiting the stimulated GH or PRL releases. These results indicate that the CCK and bombesin act much in the same manner to inhibit GH and PRL. These peptides may suppress the GH and PRL secretions via a hypothalamus-related action.  相似文献   

M Cressent  C Elie  G Milhaud 《Life sciences》1984,34(17):1621-1626
The relationship between calcitonin (CT) and prolactin (PRL) was studied by means of the injection of salmon calcitonin (SCT) i.p. on day 1 of gestation. An estrogen inhibitor - clomiphene - was also administered to certain groups of animals on day 4 and 5 of gestation. SCT did not affect PRL levels on day 1 of gestation nor on days 5 or 7, but it prevented the rise of PRL levels observed in animals submitted to injection stress on days 4 and 5. In animals treated with clomiphene, the inhibition by SCT on PRL increase after injection stress was partially abolished. SCT while not affecting basal PRL level prevented the rise observed after stress and this effect occurred some days later. Thus SCT could exercise a delayed neuroendocrine control. This action of SCT seemed to be partially dependent upon the presence of estrogens.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the action of ethanol on the anterior pituitary gland, the effect of ethanol on prolactin secretion in vitro was studied. Ethanol significantly increased the in vitro incorporation of 3H-leucine into both prolactin contained within the pituitary gland and that released into the medium. The enhancement of 3H labelled-prolactin synthesis induced by ethanol was suppressed by cycloheximide. These results support the hypothesis that ethanol stimulates the in vitro synthesis and release of prolactin by the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Rizvi SS  Altaf S  Naseem AA  Asif M  Rasul Z  Qayyum M 《Life sciences》2001,68(9):1083-1093
The excitatory amino acids (EAAs), glutamate and aspartate, acting predominantly on N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, have been shown to be involved in the central regulation of the secretion of several anterior pituitary hormones including prolactin (PRL), whereas ketamine hydrochloride (KH), a widely used anesthetic, has been reported to antagonize a variety of NMDA receptor mediated actions of these EAAs. In the present study, the effect of KH on basal PRL levels as well as on N-methyl-D,L-aspartate (NMA), an agonist of NMDA receptor, induced plasma PRL secretion was investigated in the adult male rhesus monkey. The values were compared to those obtained from the same animals restrained in primate chairs. The plasma PRL concentrations were higher in animals receiving KH administered either intramuscularly (2.5 mg/kg BW at 30 min intervals) or intravenously (10 mg/kg BW) as compared to those observed in the unanesthetized chair-restrained monkeys. NMA induced an unequivocal increase in plasma PRL concentrations in both conscious chair-restrained and KH anesthetized monkeys, but the response was greater in anesthetized animals than the conscious monkeys. The present findings suggest that KH has stimulatory effects on both basal and NMA induced plasma PRL secretion.  相似文献   

R R Gala 《Life sciences》1990,46(20):1407-1420
It is well known that stress in a number of forms induces the secretion of prolactin (PRL) in a number of species. What is not well known is that under certain conditions stress will also induce a decrease in PRL secretion. The conditions whereby stress decreases PRL are those where PRL secretion is elevated such as during the proestrous afternoon surge and during the nocturnal surge of pseudopregnancy. The physiologic significance of the stress-induced increase of PRL is suggested to be important in maintaining the competence of the immune system. The significance of the stress-induced decrease of PRL does not appear to have a major consequence on the physiology of reproduction in the rat and it is suggested that future studies be directed towards its significance in the immune system. The literature is reviewed dealing with the regulation of PRL secretion with emphasis on the factors that generate PRL surges in the rat. In addition the mechanism(s) of the stress-induced increase and decrease is (are) also examined. A hypothesis is presented suggesting an interaction between tuberoinfundibular dopamine secretion and a hypothalamic prolactin releasing factor in the generation of PRL surges and the differential effects of stress on PRL secretion.  相似文献   

K P Briski  P W Sylvester 《Life sciences》1987,41(10):1249-1255
The present study was carried out to determine the effects of repetitive acute stress exposure on pituitary secretion of both luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL). Adult male rats were exposed to sequential episodes of acute novel environment stress separated by intervals of either 60 or 120 minutes. Serial blood samples were obtained from animals before, during and after each stress episode via indwelling intra-cardiac cannulas. The imposition of 10 minute episodes of novel environment stress on an hourly basis eventually rendered the hypothalamic-hypophyseal LH axis refractory to the stimulatory effect of stress. If sequential stress was imposed at 120 minute intervals, LH release was significantly enhanced during each exposure. A different pattern of PRL release was observed during the same sequential stress schedule. After an initial increase in hormone release in response to the first hourly stress episode, PRL levels were unaltered during the second and third hourly stress exposures. Thereafter, plasma PRL levels showed a trend toward a progressive increase in release during each successive episode, and were significantly elevated above preceding baseline levels during the fourth and fifth hourly stress exposures. In rats exposed to stress every two hours, a significant increase in PRL levels occurred following the first, but not the second stress episode. Hormone release was again enhanced in response to the third exposure to novel environment. The present results demonstrate that the repetitive exposure to acute novel environment stress results in differential alterations in pituitary LH and PRL secretion over time, and that the timing of repeated episodes is an important determinant of continued responsiveness to stress, particularly with regard to LH release. These findings suggest that the LH and PRL hormonal responses to at least this specific stressor are mediated by independent neural mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effects of central nervous system administration of morphine on secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone, and prolactin were investigated in ovariectomized gilts stereotaxically implanted with lateral ventricular cannulas. In Experiment 1, mean serum LH and follicle-stimulating hormone concentrations and serum LH pulse frequency were unaffected by artificial cerebrospinal fluid administration (P greater than 0.1), but decreased (P less than 0.01) in 8 of 11 gilts when 500 micrograms of morphine were given 3 hr later. Serum LH pulse amplitude was unaffected (P greater than 0.1) by cerebrospinal fluid or morphine injection. In Experiment 2, luteinizing hormone concentrations decreased (P less than 0.0001) and prolactin concentrations increased (P less than 0.0001), but follicle-stimulating hormone concentrations did not change (P greater than 0.1) after 500 micrograms of morphine. Gonadotropin responses to 10 micrograms of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, given 2 hr after intraventricular injection, were similar (P greater than 0.1) for morphine- and cerebrospinal fluid-treated gilts. These results indicate that morphine inhibits LH secretion at the level of the central nervous system, and are consistent with the concept that endogenous opioid peptides participate in the regulation of gonadotropin and prolactin release in pigs.  相似文献   

The effect of morphine on plasma prolactin level and on dopamine turnover in the median eminence was studied using adult male rats chronically treated with ACTH. It was found that the ACTH pretreatment caused a decrease in the effect of morphine on prolactin secretion and prevented the inhibitory effect of morphine on dopamine turnover measured in the median eminence. The prolonged ACTH administration did not influence the prolactin content of the pituitaries and the in vitro dopamine sensitivity of lactotroph cells. Acute dexamethasone injection did not change the morphine-caused prolactin release. These results suggest that chronic ACTH treatment (possibly via corticosterone hyperproduction) elicits an opiate-tolerance like state of tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

The effects of morphine dependence and withdrawal on prolactin (Prl) and growth hormone (GH) secretion were examined in the rat. Morphine dependence, induced by morphine pellet implantation, had no effect on nonstress concentrations of plasma Prl or GH, but it potentiated the response of Prl secretion to the stress associated with blood collection + injection of saline. Naloxone-induced withdrawal had no demonstrable effect on the changes in Prl and GH secretion produced by stress. In addition, signs of tolerance to both the Prl- and GH-stimulating effects of morphine injection were observed in morphine-dependent rats.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of serum and anterior pituitary gland PRL contents was investigated. Pituitary PRL concentrations were found to be low in fetus by 19th day of gestation and to rise slowly after birth with no sex differences being apparent until day 30. Adult levels were reached in males on day 15, while in females they were reached beyond this stage. Serum PRL levels exhibited a similar developmental pattern. In adult rats ether stress stimulated basal serum PRL significantly, with maximum effect one minute after onset of stress. The same pattern was seen with immature animals of 15-20 and 30 days of age. In contrast, in 2 or 6 day-old neonates, serum PRL concentrations remained unaffected by stress. This lack of responsiveness suggests the existence of a transient impairment of lactotrophs to respond to stressful stimuli during postnatal life. Adrenalectomy increased PRL release in adult and newborn rats from day 15 onward and potentiated the response of lactotrophs. Moreover, after adrenalectomy, 6 day-old rats became sensitive to ether stress, while acute treatment with dexamethasone abolished completely this response. In adult or 15 day-old neonates administration of TRH or sulpiride resulted in a marked increase in serum PRL levels. However, at 6 days TRH did not affect resting serum PRL concentrations significantly, whereas sulpiride remained efficient. Moreover, at this age, dopamine inhibited stress-induced PRL release and reduced the stimulatory effect of sulpiride.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Jean H. Dussault 《CMAJ》1974,111(11):1195-1197
Serum thyrotropin (TSH) and prolactin levels were measured after intravenous administration of 400 μg of synthetic thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) in 13 normal subjects and six hypothyroid patients before and after three days of administration of dexamethasone 2 mg per day. In the normal subjects dexamethasone suppressed baseline serum levels and secretion of TSH after TRH stimulation. On the other hand, it had no effect on the hypothyroid patients. In the control group dexamethasone also suppressed baseline serum levels but not secretion of prolactin after TRH stimulation. Dexamethasone had no effect on prolactin levels in the hypothyroid group. It is concluded that in normal patients short-term administration of dexamethasone has an inhibitory effect on TSH secretion at the pituitary level. As for prolactin, our results could indicate that TRH is a more potent stimulator of prolactin secretion than of TSH secretion, or that TSH and prolactin pituitary thresholds for TRH are different.  相似文献   

R K Xu  S M McCann 《Life sciences》1989,45(17):1591-1599
The effect of i.v. injection of various doses of naloxone (NAL) on plasma adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and prolactin (Prl) in conscious animals bearing an indwelling intrajugular catheter was assessed. The effects were evaluated in animals which were left undisturbed and in others subjected to either restraint or ether stress. The results revealed that the dose of 3 mg/kg of NAL significantly reduced basal Prl levels, whereas a dose of 6 mg/kg of NAL was required to block completely either ether or restraint stress-induced release of Prl. The behavior of ACTH contrasted with that of Prl. There was no effect whatsoever of the 3 mg/kg dose of NAL on either resting or stress-induced ACTH levels, whereas a 6 mg/kg or 12 mg/kg dose of NAL elevated resting ACTH levels and only partially attenuated the further elevation induced by stress in these animals. The results clearly indicate a NAL sensitive step in the control of resting and stress-induced Prl release but indicate that the control of resting and stress-induced release of ACTH is different in that the predominantly millimicron receptor blocker, NAL, can elevate ACTH at high doses and can only partially block the response to stress. In contrast to Prl where opioid peptide control is solely stimulatory, this control of ACTH secretion appears to have both stimulatory and inhibitory features.  相似文献   

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