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The old-house borer, Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), has been a very serious pest of structural timber in many parts of the world. The available semiochemical-based trapping method typically results in low capture rates. In this study, efforts were made to improve the semiochemical-based trapping method using screen cage assays conducted in the greenhouse. Ground traps baited with two vials of (3R)-ketol + 1-butanol (pheromone baited) caught >21.0% adults than the alternative trap and were seen to be superior to ramp traps baited with identical compounds. Based on adult catches with pheromone-baited traps with different colors, attraction of H. bajulus adults to black was significantly greater than other colors, followed by brown, gray and yellow, red, white, green, and blue. No differences were found in adult catches to pheromone-baited traps with respect to different trap sizes. There were no statistical differences between the different semiochemicals tested. Therefore, black ground traps baited with two vials of (3R)-ketol + 1-butanol plus two vials of ethyl acetate can be effective in the monitoring and potential control of H. bajulus.  相似文献   

栗山天牛成虫的活动节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了栗山天牛Massicus raddei(Blessig)成虫的日活动节律,结果表明,栗山天牛成虫的取食、交配、产卵、爬行和飞翔等行为的昼夜节律均表现为单峰型.其取食的高峰期是在晚上18时至20时;交配高峰期为17时至22时;产卵和爬行的高峰期均为19时至22时;飞翔的高峰期为19时至21时.提出了昆虫活跃值的概念...  相似文献   

The Tribe Hemilophini (Lamiinae) is reviewed for Hispaniola and an identification key is provided. Fifteen species are now known from the island, including one new species of Adesmus (Adesmus fortunei from Pedernales and La Vega Provinces, Dominican Republic), one new species of Oedudes (Oedudes anulatus from Peravia and La Vega Provinces, Dominican Republic), and five new species of Calocosmus (Calocosmus contortus from San Cristóbal Province, Calocosmus punctatus from Peravia Province, Calocosmus rawlinsi from Elías Piña Province, Calocosmus robustus from La Vega Province, and Calocosmus thonalmus from La Altagracia Province, all in the Dominican Republic). Oedudes and Adesmus are new island and country records for Hispaniola and Dominican Republic, respectively. Calocosmus holosericeus Gahan is a new synonym of Calocosmus janus Bates. In addition to the new species, five new country records and four new island records are presented for Calocosmus.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of larval frass of Monochamus alternatus on oviposition preference of the female adults, three tests were performed in the laboratory. Individual females were provided with a frass-coated, Pinus densiflora bolt and an untreated bolt simultaneously and were allowed to oviposit for 24 h. They deposited a significantly smaller number of eggs on frass-coated bolts. The females supplied with frass-coated bolts deposited no eggs on them, indicating that the larval frass deterred the females from oviposition. When individual females were provided simultaneously with a pine bolt applied with a methanol extract of larval frass and another bolt applied with methanol alone, they deposited a significantly smaller number of eggs on frass extract-applied bolts for 24 h. These results suggest the presence of a putative oviposition deterrent in larval frass of M. alternatus. Each test was replicated 19-20 times using different females.  相似文献   

栗山天牛Massicus raddei(Blessig)是我国东北林区栎树的主要蛀干害虫,严重危害蒙古栎和辽东栎,已给发生地造成的重大的经济损失和生态灾害。触角是天牛与外界进行信息沟通的重要器官,触角上的感器类型与分布数量直接影响天牛对外界化学刺激的识别。本文采用扫描电镜观察的方法,对栗山天牛雄、雌虫的触角分别进行了观察。结果显示,栗山天牛雌、雄性触角的感器分布略有不同,但都着生有大量的毛形感器、锥形感器和耳形感器,以及少量的板形感器、指形感器和钟形感器等。鞭节端部各节的感器数量较多,基部各节的感器数量较少,可能与各节所行使的功能有关。  相似文献   

Larvae of Prionus californicus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) feed on the roots of many types of woody perennial crops and are serious pests of hop in the northwestern United States. The adult males are strongly attracted to a volatile sex pheromone, (3R,5S)-3,5-dimethyldodecanoic acid, that is produced by females. Here, we summarize the results of field experiments that evaluated the potential for using the synthetic pheromone (in a blend of all four possible stereoisomers) to manage infestations of P. californicus in commercial hop yards by mass trapping or mating disruption. Our research provides evidence that mass trapping may be effective in reducing mating success of the females: positioning surrogate females (sentinel traps baited with a low dose of pheromone) within a square of eight pheromone-baited traps resulted in an 88% reduction in the number of wild males that reached the sentinel traps compared with sentinel traps that were surrounded by traps baited with blank lures. Similarly, surrogate females that were surrounded by pheromone lures (without traps) were reached by 84% fewer wild males than surrogate females surrounded by blank lures, suggesting that mating disruption also may be effective. A mark-recapture experiment indicated that male P. californicus were attracted to traps baited with 1 mg of pheromone from as far away as 585 m. These studies indicate that 3,5-dimethyldodecanoic acid has very good potential for managing P. californicus in hop yards, and perhaps in other crops where it is a pest.  相似文献   

Monochamus alternatus Hope is an important vector of the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Buhrer) Nickle, which causes pine wilt disease. To determine canopy-related differences in the activity density of M. alternatus adults in pine stands, sticky screen traps with no lure were suspended under and in the canopy at 3.8 and 10 m above the ground of a Pinus densiflora Siebold et Zuccarini stand during a flight season. The five upper and five lower traps caught 338 and 54 adults, respectively, during a flight season from 9 June to 12 October 2011, indicating that activity density was six times as high in the canopy as under it. Male-biased sex ratio was observed for trap catches during a season: The sex ratio was male-biased in the early half of the flight season and 1:1 in the late half. There was no difference in sex ratio between the inside and outside of the canopy. To determine the sex-related difference in flight activity, the adults were captured by two different measures in two other mixed stands of P. densiflora and P. thunbergii Parlatore. Kicking tree trunks to cause beetles to drop revealed a 1:1 sex ratio of catches, whereas sticky screen traps tended to show a male-biased sex ratio in a 4-year study, suggesting that males were more active fliers than females.  相似文献   

The history of the genus Trichocnemis LeConte, 1851 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae) is discussed. Its taxonomic status in relation to the genera Ergates Audinet-Serville, 1832 and Callergates Lameere, 1904 is clarified. The synonymy of Macrotoma californica White, 1853, Macrotoma spiculigera White, 1853, and Trichocnemis spiculatus LeConte, 1851 is confirmed. A key to all three genera and their species is provided.  相似文献   

Parapsilotarsusgen. n. with type species Prionus potaninei Lameere, 1912 is described. The new genus is intermediate between Mesoprionus Jakovlev, 1887 and Psilotarsus Motschulsky, 1860. A new combination Parapsilotarsus potaninei (Lameere, 1912), comb. n. is made.  相似文献   

Four new species of Cerambycidae are described from Paraguay: Eranina tomentilla (Hemilophini); Mimasyngenes concolor (Desmiphorini); Recchia drechseli (Aerenicini); and Microibidion bimaculatum (Neoibidionini). The new species are included in known keys.  相似文献   

Biogeography of the phoracanthine beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six biogeographic subregions of the phoracanthine beetles are proposed on the basis of 136 valid species in all eleven genera of this Australasian group of insects: the Kosciuskan, Western, Eyrean, Torresian, Timorian and New Guinean. Both phenetic and cladistic approaches are employed in the biogeographic study of these beetles. Phenetically, the Kosciuskan and Torresian fauna are the most similar and the least faunal similarity occurs between the New Guinean subregion and all others. Cladistically, two distinct peripheral faunas are divided: the southern Western+Kosciuskan and the northern New Guinean+Torresian+Timorian. The Eyrean fauna in the central Australian continent is more distantly related to the remainder than the latter are to each other. Biogeographic history of the phoracanthine beetles is discussed extensively.  相似文献   

Three new species and two new genera of longhorn beetles are described from Peru: Cosmoplatus polis n. sp. (Pteroplatini), Hemilocallia grishami n. gen., n. sp. (Calliini) and Arabela ramirezi n. gen., n. sp. (Hemilophini). Esmeralda laetifica Bates, 1869 (Prioninae), Stratone transversalis (Chevrolat, 1862) (Cerambycinae), Gymnocerina cratosomoides (Bates, 1862) (Lamiinae), and Trachysomus verrucosus (Olivier, 1795) (Lamiinae) are new records for Peru.  相似文献   

我们评价了聚集性信息素和植物源信息素对松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae)在林间的联合诱捕作用,以期研制出更优的引诱剂控制松墨天牛成虫的危害。结果显示,樟子松墨天牛M.galloprovincialis雄虫挥发出来的聚集性信息素2-undecyloxy-1-ethanol对松墨天牛雌雄成虫均有引诱效果,而且樟子松墨天牛性信息素与植物源信息素之间相互增效作用十分显著,比性信息素或植物源信息素单独使用效果提高45倍。松墨天牛雌虫卵巢发育情况显示,成虫期在浙江地区大约持续4个月,松墨天牛成虫期可以分为两个阶段,第一个阶段为取食期(卵巢未成熟),从5月9日到7月9日;第2个阶段为产卵期(卵巢成熟),从6月3日到9月18日,两个阶段在一段时期有重叠。聚集性信息素和植物源信息素联合应用将在防控松墨天牛危害,遏制松材线虫病传播方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

松褐天牛的交配行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用室内试验和野外观察相结合的方法,对松材线虫病的主要媒介昆虫松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope的交配行为进行了研究。结果表明: 松褐天牛一次完整的交配包括相遇抱对、插入输精和配后保护3个阶段,在交配过程中雄虫有多次插入输精现象发生。室内试验中共观察到松褐天牛的交配123次,松褐天牛一次完整的交配过程平均需时63.49 min,其中输精前的抱对时间平均为1.68 min,交配过程中每次输精插入时间平均为57.60 s,配后保护时间为15.18 min。松褐天牛在开始交配的4天内平均交配5.15次,不同雄性个体所获得的交配机会差异很大。松褐天牛的交配行为表现出强烈的雄性竞争现象,雄虫能根据雌虫或自身的交配经历调整交配投入,当雌虫或者雄虫是初次交配时,总输精时间和插入输精的次数显著大于与有交配经历的雌虫或雄虫交配时的输精时间和插入输精次数。田间松褐天牛的交配行为与室内观察结果基本一致。  相似文献   

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