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Cell migration is crucial for processes such as immune defense, wound healing, or the formation of tumor metastases. Typically, migrating cells are polarized within the plane of movement with lamellipodium and cell body representing the front and rear of the cell, respectively. Here, we address the question of whether this polarization also extends to the distribution of ion transporters such as Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE) and anion exchanger in the plasma membrane of migrating cells. Both transporters are required for locomotion of renal epithelial (Madin-Darby canine kidney, MDCK-F) cells and human melanoma cells since their blockade reduces the rate of migration in a dose-dependent manner. Inhibition of migration of MDCK-F cells by NHE blockers is accompanied by a decrease of pH(i). However, when cells are acidified with weak organic acids, migration of MDCK-F cells is normal despite an even more pronounced decrease of pH(i). Under these conditions, NHE activity is increased so that cells are swelling due to the accumulation of organic anions and Na(+). When exclusively applied to the lamellipodium, blockers of NHE or anion exchange inhibit migration of MDCK-F cells as effectively as when applied to the entire cell surface. When they are directed to the cell body, migration is not affected. These data are confirmed immunocytochemically in that the anion exchanger AE2 is concentrated at the front of MDCK-F cells. Our findings show that NHE and anion exchanger are distributed in a polarized way in migrating cells. They are consistent with important contributions of both transporters to protrusion of the lamellipodium via solute uptake and consequent volume increase at the front of migrating cells.  相似文献   

Intracellular pH (pH(i)) exerts considerable influence on cardiac contractility and rhythm. Over the last few years, extensive progress has been made in understanding the system that controls pH(i) in animal cardiomyocytes. In addition to the housekeeping Na(+)-H(+) exchanger (NHE), the Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) symporter (NHS) has been demonstrated in animal cardiomyocytes as another acid extruder. However, whether the NHE and NHS functions exist in human atrial cardiomyocytes remains unclear. We therefore investigated the mechanism of pH(i) recovery from intracellular acidosis (induced by NH(4)Cl prepulse) using intracellular 2',7'-bis(2-carboxethyl)-5(6)-carboxy-fluorescein fluorescence in human atrial myocardium. In HEPES (nominally HCO(3)(-)-free) Tyrode solution, pH(i) recovery from induced intracellular acidosis could be blocked completely by 30 microM 3-methylsulfonyl-4-piperidinobenzoyl, guanidine hydrochloride (HOE 694), a specific NHE inhibitor, or by removing extracellular Na(+). In 3% CO(2)-HCO(3)(-) Tyrode solution, HOE 694 only slowed the pH(i) recovery, while addition of HOE 694 together with 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (an NHS inhibitor) or removal of extracellular Na(+) inhibited the acid extrusion entirely. Therefore, in the present study, we provided evidence that two acid extruders involved in acid extrusion in human atrial myocytes, one which is HCO(3)(-) independent and one which is HCO(3)(-) dependent, are mostly likely NHE and NHS, respectively. When we checked the percentage of contribution of these two carriers to pH(i) recovery following induced acidosis, we found that the activity of NHE increased steeply in the acid direction, while that of NHS did not change. Our present data indicate for the first time that two acid extruders, NHE and NHS, exist functionally and pH(i) dependently in human atrial cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Initiation of intestinal Na+-glucose cotransport results intransient cell swelling and sustained increases in tight junction permeability. Since Na+/H+ exchange has beenimplicated in volume regulation after physiological cell swelling, wehypothesized that Na+/H+ exchange might also berequired for Na+-glucose cotransport-dependent tightjunction regulation. In Caco-2 monolayers with activeNa+-glucose cotransport, inhibition ofNa+/H+ exchange with 200 µM5-(N,N-dimethyl)- amiloride induced 36 ± 2% increases in transepithelial resistance (TER). Evaluation using multiple Na+/H+ exchange inhibitors showed thatinhibition of the Na+/H+ exchanger 3 (NHE3)isoform was most closely related to TER increases. TER increases due toNHE3 inhibition were related to cytoplasmic acidification becausecytoplasmic alkalinization with 5 mM NH4Cl prevented bothcytoplasmic acidification and TER increases. However, NHE3 inhibitiondid not affect TER when Na+-glucose cotransport wasinhibited. Myosin II regulatory light chain (MLC) phosphorylationdecreased up to 43 ± 5% after inhibition ofNa+/H+ exchange, similar to previous studiesthat associate decreased MLC phosphorylation with increased TER afterinhibition of Na+-glucose cotransport. However, NHE3inhibitors did not diminish Na+-glucose cotransport. Thesedata demonstrate that inhibition of NHE3 results in decreased MLCphosphorylation and increased TER and suggest that NHE3 may participatein the signaling pathway of Na+-glucosecotransport-dependent tight junction regulation.


The relevance of nongenomic pathways to regulation of epithelial function by aldosterone is poorly understood. Recently, we demonstrated that aldosterone inhibits transepithelial HCO3 absorption in the renal medullary thick ascending limb (MTAL) through a nongenomic pathway. Here, we examined the transport mechanism(s) responsible for this regulation, focusing on Na+/H+ exchangers (NHE). In the MTAL, apical NHE3 mediates H+ secretion necessary for HCO3 absorption; basolateral NHE1 influences HCO3 absorption by regulating apical NHE3 activity. In microperfused rat MTALs, the addition of 1 nM aldosterone rapidly decreased HCO3 absorption by 30%. This inhibition was unaffected by three maneuvers that inhibit basolateral Na+/H+ exchange and was preserved in MTALs from NHE1 knockout mice, ruling out the involvement of NHE1. In contrast, exposure to aldosterone for 15 min caused a 30% decrease in apical Na+/H+ exchange activity over the intracellular pH range from 6.5 to 7.7, due to a decrease in Vmax. Inhibition of HCO3 absorption by aldosterone was not affected by 0.1 mM lumen Zn2+ or 1 mM lumen DIDS, arguing against the involvement of an apical H+ conductance or apical K+-HCO3 cotransport. These results demonstrate that aldosterone inhibits HCO3 absorption in the MTAL through inhibition of apical NHE3, and identify NHE3 as a target for nongenomic regulation by aldosterone. Aldosterone may influence a broad range of epithelial transport functions important for extracellular fluid volume and acid-base homeostasis through direct regulation of this exchanger. thick ascending limb; acid-base transport; epithelial Na+ transport; kidney  相似文献   

Trafficking of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 3 (NHE3) between sub-apical vesicles and apical membrane of epithelial cells is a suggested mechanism of regulation of NHE3 activity. When epitope-tagged NHE3 was stably expressed in NHE-deficient Chinese hamster ovary cells, a sizable fraction was found in recycling endosomes. This system was used to analyze the mechanism of endocytosis of NHE3. Immunofluorescence and radiolabeling experiments showed that inhibition of clathrin-mediated endocytosis using hypertonicity, acid treatment, or K(+) depletion inhibited internalization of NHE3. Moreover, transient transfection of an inhibitory mutant of dynamin (DynS45N) blocked the clathrin-mediated uptake of transferrin, as well as the endocytosis of NHE3. In ileal villus cells, endogenous NHE3 was also found to co-purify with isolated clathrin-coated vesicles, thereby confirming their association in native tissues. The role of COP-I subunits in the intracellular traffic of NHE3 was evaluated using ldlF cells, which bear a temperature-sensitive mutation in the epsilon-COP subunit. At the permissive temperature, NHE3 distributed normally, whereas at the restrictive temperature, which induces rapid degradation of epsilon-COP, NHE3 was still internalized, but its subcellular distribution was altered. These results indicate that endocytosis of NHE3 occurs primarily via clathrin-coated pits and vesicles and that normal intracellular trafficking of NHE3 involves an epsilon-COP-dependent step.  相似文献   

The epithelial isoform of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger, NHE3, associates with at least two related regulatory factors called NHERF1/EBP50 and NHERF2/TKA-1/E3KARP. These factors in addition interact with the cytoskeletal protein ezrin, which in turn binds to actin. The possible linkage of NHE3 with the cytoskeleton prompted us to test the effect of actin-modifying agents on NHE3 activity. Cytochalasins B and D and latrunculin B, which interfere with actin polymerization, induced a profound inhibition of NHE3 activity. The effect was isoform-specific inasmuch as the "housekeeping" exchanger NHE1 was virtually unaffected. Cytoskeletal disorganization was associated with a subcellular redistribution of NHE3, which accumulated at sites where actin aggregated, suggesting a physical interaction of exchangers with the cytoskeleton. An interaction was further suggested by the co-sedimentation of a detergent-insoluble fraction of NHE3 with the actin cytoskeleton. Inhibition of transport was not due to diminution in the number of transporters at the plasmalemma. Functional analyses of NHE1/NHE3 chimeras revealed that the cytoplasmic domain of NHE3 conferred sensitivity to cytochalasin B. Progressive carboxyl-terminal and internal deletions of the cytoplasmic region of NHE3 indicated that the region between residues 650 and 684 is critical for this response. This region overlaps with the domain reported to interact with NHERF and also contains a putative ezrin-binding site; hence, it likely plays a role in interactions with the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Myocardial pH(i) recovery from intracellular alkalization results in part from the acid load (-J(H+)) carried by Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) anion-exchangers (AE). Three AE isoforms, AE1, AE2 and AE3, have been identified in cardiac membranes, but the function of each isoform on pH(i) homeostasis is still under investigation. This work explored, by means of specific antibodies, the role of AE3 isoform in myocardial pH(i) regulation. We developed rabbit polyclonal antibodies against the extracellular "loops": one connecting the fifth to sixth and the other one the seventh to eighth transmembrane domains (loops 3 and 4, respectively) of AE3, and their effect on pH(i) regulation was studied in rat papillary muscles. The anti-AE3 loop 3 antibody decreased -J(H+) in response to myocardial alkalization (from a mean control value of 1.06+/-0.26 to 0.32+/-0.13 mmol/L/min, n=7, P<0.05) without affecting the baseline pH(i) (7.22+/-0.03 vs. 7.21+/-0.04). The anti-AE3 loop 4 antibody did not modify either pH(i) recovery or baseline pH(i). Under control conditions, endothelin-1 (ET-1) increased -J(H+) in response to myocardial alkalization from 1.30+/-0.18 to 2.01+/-0.33 mmol/L /min (n=5, P<0.05). This effect of ET-1 on -J(H+) was abolished by anti-AE3 loop 3 antibody. In addition, the MgATP-induced stimulation of AE activity was reduced by the anti-AE3 loop 3 antibody. These data support the key role of the AE3 isoform in myocardial pH(i) recovery from alkaline loads and also in the stimulatory effect of ET-1 on AE activity. To a lesser extent, it may also contribute to the effect of MgATP on pH(i).  相似文献   

To examine theeffect of hyperosmolality on Na+/H+ exchanger(NHE) activity in mesangial cells (MCs), we used apH-sensitive dye,2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein-AM, to measure intracellular pH (pHi) in a single MC from ratglomeruli. All the experiments were performed inCO2/HCO3-free HEPESsolutions. Exposure of MCs to hyperosmotic HEPES solutions (500 mosmol/kgH2O) treated with mannitol caused cellalkalinization. The hyperosmolality-induced cell alkalinization wasinhibited by 100 µM ethylisopropylamiloride, a specific NHEinhibitor, and was dependent on extracellular Na+. Thehyperosmolality shifted the Na+-dependent acid extrusionrate vs. pHi by 0.15-0.3 pH units in thealkaline direction. Removal of extracellular Cl byreplacement with gluconate completely abolished the rate of cellalkalinization induced by hyperosmolality and inhibited the Na+-dependent acid extrusion rate, whereas, under isosmoticconditions, it caused no effect on Na+-dependentpHi recovery rate or Na+-dependent acidextrusion rate. The Cl-dependent cell alkalinizationrate under hyperosmotic conditions was partially inhibited bypretreatment with 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid, DIDS,and colchicine. We conclude: 1) in MCs, hyperosmolality activates NHE to cause cell alkalinization, 2) the acidextrusion rate via NHE is greater under hyperosmotic conditions thanunder isosmotic conditions at a wide range of pHi,3) the NHE activation under hyperosmotic conditions, but notunder isosmotic conditions, requires extracellularCl, and 4) theCl-dependent NHE activation under hyperosmoticconditions partly occurs via Cl channel andmicrotubule-dependent processes.


The signal transduction mechanisms that mediateosmotic regulation of Na+/H+ exchange are notunderstood. Recently we demonstrated that hyposmolality increasesHCO3 absorption in the renal medullary thickascending limb (MTAL) through stimulation of the apical membraneNa+/H+ exchanger NHE3. To investigate themechanism of this stimulation, MTALs from rats were isolated andperfused in vitro with 25 mM HCO3-containingsolutions. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-K) inhibitorswortmannin (100 nM) and LY-294002 (20 µM) blocked completely thestimulation of HCO3 absorption by hyposmolality. Intissue strips dissected from the inner stripe of the outer medulla, theregion of the kidney highly enriched in MTALs, hyposmolality increasedPI 3-K activity 2.2-fold. Wortmannin blocked the hyposmolality-inducedPI 3-K activation. Further studies examined the interaction betweenhyposmolality and vasopressin, which inhibits HCO3absorption in the MTAL via cAMP and often is involved in the development of plasma hyposmolality in clinical disorders. Pretreatment with arginine vasopressin, forskolin, or 8-bromo-cAMP abolished hyposmotic stimulation of HCO3 absorption, due to aneffect of cAMP to inhibit hyposmolality- induced activation of PI 3-K.In contrast to their effects to block stimulation by hyposmolality, PI3-K inhibitors and vasopressin have no effect on inhibition of apicalNa+/H+ exchange (NHE3) andHCO3 absorption by hyperosmolality. These resultsindicate that hyposmolality increases NHE3 activity andHCO3 absorption in the MTAL through activation of aPI 3-K-dependent pathway that is inhibited by vasopressin and cAMP.Hyposmotic stimulation and hyperosmotic inhibition of NHE3 are mediatedthrough different signal transduction mechanisms.


HCO3(-) secretion is the most important defense mechanism against acid injury in the duodenum. However, the identity of the transporter(s) mediating apical HCO3(-) secretion in the duodenum remains unknown. A family of anion exchangers, which include downregulated in adenoma (DRA or SLC26A3), pendrin (PDS or SLC26A4), and the putative anion transporter (PAT1 or SLC26A6) has recently been identified. DRA and pendrin mediate Cl(-)/base exchange; however, the functional identity and distribution of PAT1 (SLC26A6) is not known. In these studies, we investigated the functional identity, tissue distribution, and membrane localization of PAT1. Expression studies in Xenopus oocytes demonstrated that PAT1 functions in Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchange mode. Tissue distribution studies indicated that the expression of PAT1 is highly abundant in the small intestine but is low in the colon, a pattern opposite that of DRA. PAT1 was also abundantly detected in stomach and heart. Immunoblot analysis studies identified PAT1 as a approximately 90 kDa protein in the duodenum. Immunohistochemical studies localized PAT1 to the brush border membranes of the villus cells of the duodenum. We propose that PAT1 is an apical Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchanger in the small intestine.  相似文献   

Thickening of airway mucus and lungdysfunction in cystic fibrosis (CF) results, at least in part, fromabnormal secretion of Cl and HCO3across the tracheal epithelium. The mechanism of the defect in HCO3 secretion is ill defined; however, a lack ofapical Cl/HCO3 exchange may exist inCF. To test this hypothesis, we examined the expression ofCl/HCO3 exchangers in trachealepithelial cells exhibiting physiological features prototypical ofcystic fibrosis [CFT-1 cells, lacking a functional cystic fibrosistransmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)] or normal trachea (CFT-1cells transfected with functional wild-type CFTR, termed CFT-WT). Cellswere grown on coverslips and were loaded with the pH-sensitive dye2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein, andintracellular pH was monitored. Cl/HCO3exchange activity increased by ~300% in cells transfected with functional CFTR, with activities increasing from 0.034 pH/min in CFT-1cells to 0.11 in CFT-WT cells (P < 0.001, n = 8). This activity was significantly inhibited byDIDS. The mRNA expression of the ubiquitous basolateral AE-2Cl/HCO3 exchanger remained unchanged.However, mRNA encoding DRA, recently shown to be aCl/HCO3 exchanger (Melvin JE, Park K,Richardson L, Schultheis PJ, and Shull GE. J Biol Chem 274:22855-22861, 1999.) was abundantly expressed in cells expressingfunctional CFTR but not in cells that lacked CFTR or that expressedmutant CFTR. In conclusion, CFTR induces the mRNA expression of"downregulated in adenoma" (DRA) and, as a result, upregulates theapical Cl/HCO3 exchanger activity intracheal cells. We propose that the tracheal HCO3secretion defect in patients with CF is partly due to thedownregulation of the apical Cl/HCO3exchange activity mediated by DRA.


The members of the regulatory factor (RF) gene family, Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE)-RF and NHE3 kinase A regulatory factor (E3KARP) are necessary for cAMP to inhibit the epithelial brush border NHE isoform 3 (NHE3). The mechanism of their action was studied using PS120 fibroblasts stably transfected with rabbit NHE3 and wild type rabbit NHE-RF or wild type human E3KARP. 8-Bromo-cAMP (8-Br-cAMP) had no effect on Na(+)/H(+) exchange activity in cells expressing NHE3 alone. In contrast, in cells co-expressing NHE-RF, 8-Br-cAMP inhibited NHE3 by 39%. In vivo phosphorylation of NHE3 demonstrated that cAMP increased phosphorylation in two chymotrypsin-generated phosphopeptides of NHE3 in cells containing NHE-RF or E3KARP but not in cells lacking these proteins. The requirement for phosphorylation of NHE-RF in this cAMP-induced inhibition of NHE3 was examined by studying a mutant NHE-RF in which serines 287, 289, and 290 were mutated to alanines. Wild type NHE-RF was a phosphorylated protein under basal conditions, but treatment with 8-Br-cAMP did not alter its phosphorylation. Mutant NHE-RF was not phosphorylated either under basal conditions or after 8-Br-cAMP. 8-Br-cAMP inhibited NHE3 similarly in PS120/NHE3 cells containing wild type or mutant NHE-RF. NHE-RF and NHE3 co-precipitated and did so similarly with and without cAMP. Mutant NHE-RF also similarly immunoprecipitated NHE3 in the presence and absence of 8-Br-cAMP. This study shows that members of the regulatory factor gene family, NHE-RF and E3KARP, are necessary for cAMP inhibition of NHE3 by allowing NHE3 to be phosphorylated. This inhibition is not dependent on the phosphorylation of NHE-RF.  相似文献   

Investigations of corneal endothelium were made to resolve the apparent contradiction of the presence of sodium/bicarbonate cotransporter (NBC) in fresh and cultured cells and NBC's reported absence in isolated plasma membrane vesicles. Gradient-driven ion fluxes into the vesicles were measured. Short-term incubations (0-30 s) showed the presence of a bicarbonate-dependent inward sodium flux (BDSF), which was active when the insides of the vesicles were preloaded with chloride ions. The BDSF was absent if chloride was present only externally to the vesicles. Chloride at concentrations between 30 and 40 mM inside the vesicle had its maximum effect on BDSF. Other anions (acetate, thiocyanate, or gluconate) inside the vesicles did not mimic the chloride effect. Associated with the net inward sodium flux was a net inward bicarbonate flux. Hill plots of sodium influx with respect to external bicarbonate concentrations indicated that the stoichiometry of the net transfer was 1.7 +/- 0.2 (mean +/- standard error, n = 5) bicarbonate ions for each sodium ion transported. There was no net chloride flux found across the membrane vesicles. The finding of a novel chloride-activated NBC activity fully resolves the apparent contradiction between whole-cell and membrane vesicle preparations.  相似文献   

Vince JW  Reithmeier RA 《Biochemistry》2000,39(18):5527-5533
The human Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) anion exchanger (AE1) possesses a binding site within its 33 residue carboxyl-terminal region (Ct) for carbonic anhydrase II (CAII). The amino acid sequence comprising this CAII binding site was determined by peptide competition and by testing the ability of truncation and point mutants of the Ct sequence to bind CAII with a sensitive microtiter plate binding assay. A synthetic peptide consisting of the entire 33 residues of the Ct (residues 879-911) could compete with a GST fusion protein of the Ct (GST-Ct) for binding to immobilized CAII, while a peptide consisting of the last 16 residues (896-911) could not. A series of truncation mutants of the GST-Ct showed that the terminal 21 residues of AE1 were not required for binding CAII. Removal of four additional residues (887-890) from the Ct resulted in loss of CAII binding. Acidic residues in this region (D887ADD) were critical for binding since mutating this sequence in the GST-Ct to DAAA, AAAA, or NANN caused loss of CAII binding. A GST-Ct construct mutated to D887ANE, the homologous sequence in AE2, could bind CAII. AE2 is a widely expressed anion exchanger and has a homologous Ct region with 60% sequence identity to AE1. A GST fusion protein of the 33 residue Ct of AE2 could bind to CAII similarly to the Ct of AE1. Tethering of CAII to an acidic motif within the Ct of anion exchangers may be a general mechanism for promoting bicarbonate transport across cell membranes.  相似文献   

The Caco-2 cell line represents absorptive polarized intestinal epithelial cells that express multiple forms of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE) in their plasma membranes. Caco-2 cells express the major apical NHE isoform NHE3, but low NHE3 expression together with inefficient transfection often hamper intended studies. In this study, we examined whether SK-CO15 cells could be used to study NHE3 regulation. SK-CO15 cells grown on Transwell inserts developed polarized epithelial cells with microvilli. The transfection efficiency of SK-CO15 cells was markedly higher compared with Caco-2 cells, an advantage in gene transfer and knockout. SK-CO15 cells expressed NHE1, NHE2, and NHE3. NHE3 expression was significantly greater in these cells than Caco-2, and NHE3 comprised more than half of total NHE activity. Apical expression of NHE3 in SK-CO15 cells was confirmed by confocal immunofluorescence and surface biotinylation. NHE regulatory factors NHERF1 and NHERF2, which are important for regulation of NHE3 activity, were expressed in these cells. Stimulatory response of NHE3 in SK-CO15 cells was assessed by dexamethasone and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). Treatment with dexamethasone for 24-48 h increased NHE3 expression and activity. Similarly to Caco-2 cells, SK-CO15 cells lacked the expression of the LPA receptor LPA(5,) but exogenous expression of LPA(5) resulted in acute stimulation of NHE3. Forskolin acutely inhibited NHE3 activity in SK-CO15 cells, further attesting the validity of these cells. We conclude that SK-CO15 cells with the amenity for transfection and high endogenous NHE3 expression are a new and better cell model for NHE3 regulatory investigation than widely used Caco-2 cells.  相似文献   

The renal cortical collecting duct (CCD) plays an important role in systemic acid-base homeostasis. The beta-intercalated cells secrete most of the HCO(-)(3), which is mediated by a luminal, DIDS-insensitive, Cl(-)/HCO(-)(3) exchange. The identity of the luminal exchanger is a matter of debate. Anion exchanger isoform 4 (AE4) cloned from the rabbit kidney was proposed to perform this function (Tsuganezawa H et al. J Biol Chem 276: 8180-8189, 2001). By contrast, it was proposed (Royaux IE et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98: 4221-4226, 2001) that pendrin accomplishes this function in the mouse CCD. In the present work, we cloned, localized, and characterized the function of the rat AE4. Northern blot and RT-PCR showed high levels of AE4 mRNA in the CCD. Expression in HEK-293 and LLC-PK(1) cells showed that AE4 is targeted to the plasma membrane. Measurement of intracellular pH (pH(i)) revealed that AE4 indeed functions as a Cl(-)/HCO(-)(3) exchanger. However, AE4 activity was inhibited by DIDS. Immunolocalization revealed species-specific expression of AE4. In the rat and mouse CCD and the mouse SMG duct AE4 was in the basolateral membrane. By contrast, in the rabbit, AE4 was in the luminal and lateral membranes. In both, the rat and rabbit CCD AE4 was in alpha-intercalated cells. Importantly, localization of AE4 was not affected by the systemic acid-base status of the rats. Therefore, we conclude that expression and possibly function of AE4 is species specific. In the rat and mouse AE4 functions as a Cl(-)/HCO(-)(3) exchanger in the basolateral membrane of alpha-intercalated cells and may participate in HCO(-)(3) absorption. In the rabbit AE4 may contribute to HCO(-)(3) secretion.  相似文献   

Genetic defects of anion exchanger 1 (AE1) may lead to spherocytic erythrocyte morphology, severe hemolytic anemia, and/or cation leak. In normal erythrocytes, osmotic shock, Cl removal, and energy depletion activate Ca2+-permeable cation channels with Ca2+-induced suicidal erythrocyte death, i.e., surface exposure of phosphatidylserine, cell shrinkage, and membrane blebbing, all features typical for apoptosis of nucleated cells. The present experiments explored whether AE1 deficiency favors suicidal erythrocyte death. Peripheral blood erythrocyte numbers were significantly smaller in gene-targeted mice lacking AE1 (AE1–/– mice) than in their wild-type littermates (AE1+/+ mice) despite increased percentages of reticulocytes (AE1–/–: 49%, AE1+/+: 2%), an indicator of enhanced erythropoiesis. Annexin binding, reflecting phosphatidylserine exposure, was significantly larger in AE1–/–erythrocytes/reticulocytes (10%) than in AE1+/+ erythrocytes (1%). Osmotic shock (addition of 400 mM sucrose), Cl removal (replacement with gluconate), or energy depletion (removal of glucose) led to significantly stronger annexin binding in AE1–/– erythrocytes/reticulocytes than in AE1+/+ erythrocytes. The increase of annexin binding following exposure to the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin (1 µM) was, however, similar in AE1–/– and in AE1+/+ erythrocytes. Fluo3 fluorescence revealed markedly increased cytosolic Ca2+ permeability in AE1–/– erythrocytes/reticulocytes. Clearance of carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester-labeled erythrocytes/reticulocytes from circulating blood was more rapid in AE1–/– mice than in AE1+/+ mice and was accelerated by ionomycin treatment in both genotypes. In conclusion, lack of AE1 is associated with enhanced Ca2+ entry and subsequent scrambling of cell membrane phospholipids. annexin; cell volume; osmolarity; phosphatidylserine; energy depletion  相似文献   

Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 is a plasma membrane (PM) protein, which contributes to Na(+) absorption in the intestine. Growth factors stimulate NHE3 via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K), but mechanism of this process is not clear. To examine the hypothesis that growth factors stimulate NHE3 by modulating NHE3 recycling, and that PI3-K participates in this mechanism, we used PS120 fibroblasts expressing a fusion protein of NHE3 and green fluorescent protein. At steady state, approximately 25% of cellular NHE3 content was expressed at PM. Inhibition of PI3-K decreased PM expression of NHE3, which correlated with retention of the exchanger in recycling endosomal compartment. In contrast, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) increased PM expression of NHE3, which was associated with a 2-fold increase in rate constant for exit of the exchanger from the recycling compartment. Qualitatively similar effects of bFGF were observed in cells pretreated with PI3-K inhibitors, but their magnitude was only approximately 50% of that in intact cells. These data suggest that: (i) bFGF stimulates NHE3 by increasing PM expression of the exchanger; (ii) PI3-K mediates PM expression of NHE3 in both basal and bFGF-stimulated conditions, and (iii) not all of the effects of bFGF on NHE3 expression are mediated by PI3-K, suggesting additional regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

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