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Recombinant major capsid protein, L1 (M(r) = 55,000), of human papillomavirus type 11 was expressed intracellularly at high levels in a galactose-inducible Saccharomyces cerevisiae expression system by an HPV6/11 hybrid gene. The capsid protein self-assembled into virus-like particles (VLPs) and accounted for 15% of the total soluble protein. A purification process was developed that consisted of two main steps: microfiltration and cation-exchange chromatography. The purified VLPs were 98% homogeneous, and the overall purification yield was 10%. The final product was characterized by several analytical methods and was highly immunogenic in mice.  相似文献   

The L1 major capsid protein of human papillomavirus (HPV) type 11, a 55-kDa polypeptide, forms particulate structures resembling native virus with an average particle diameter of 50-60 nm when expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show in this report that these virus-like particles (VLPs) interact with heparin and with cell-surface glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) resembling heparin on keratinocytes and Chinese hamster ovary cells. The binding of VLPs to heparin is shown to exhibit an affinity comparable to that of other identified heparin-binding proteins. Immobilized heparin chromatography and surface plasmon resonance were used to show that this interaction can be specifically inhibited by free heparin and dextran sulfate and that the effectiveness of the inhibitor is related to its molecular weight and charge density. Sequence comparison of nine human L1 types revealed a conserved region of the carboxyl terminus containing clustered basic amino acids that bear resemblance to proposed heparin-binding motifs in unrelated proteins. Specific enzymatic cleavage of this region eliminated binding to both immobilized heparin and human keratinocyte (HaCaT) cells. Removal of heparan sulfate GAGs on keratinocytes by treatment with heparinase or heparitinase resulted in an 80-90% reduction of VLP binding, whereas treatment of cells with laminin, a substrate for alpha6 integrin receptors, provided minimal inhibition. Cells treated with chlorate or substituted beta-D-xylosides, resulting in undersulfation or secretion of GAG chains, also showed a reduced affinity for VLPs. Similarly, binding of VLPs to a Chinese hamster ovary cell mutant deficient in GAG synthesis was shown to be only 10% that observed for wild type cells. This report establishes for the first time that the carboxyl-terminal portion of HPV L1 interacts with heparin, and that this region appears to be crucial for interaction with the cell surface.  相似文献   

Different variants of hepatitis C virus core protein (HCcAg) have proved to self-assemble in vitro into virus-like particles (VLPs). However, difficulties in obtaining purified mature HCcAg have limited these studies. In this study, a high degree of monomeric HCcAg purification was accomplished using chromatographic procedures under denaturing conditions. Size exclusion chromatography and sucrose density gradient centrifugation of renatured HCcAg (in the absence of structured RNA) under reducing conditions suggested that it assembled into empty capsids. The electron microscopy analysis of renatured HCcAg showed the presence of spherical VLPs with irregular shapes and an average diameter of 35nm. Data indicated that HCcAg monomers assembled in vitro into VLPs in the absence of structured RNA, suggesting that recombinant HCcAg used in this work contains all the information necessary for the assembly process. However, they also suggest that some cellular factors might be required for the proper in vitro assembly of capsids.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster larvae are attacked by virulent strains of parasitoid wasps. Females of Leptopilina heterotoma produce virus-like particles (VLPs) that efficiently destroy lamellocytes, a major larval immune effector cell type. We report here that L. victoriae, a closely related wasp species, also produces VLPs that trigger immune suppression responses in fly hosts. We compare the ability of immune suppression of the two parasitoids using a mutant host strain hopscotchTumorous-lethal (hopTum-l). hopTum-l larvae have two defects of hematopoietic origin: overproliferation of hemocytes and constitutive encapsulation of self-tissue by lamellocytes. The encapsulation phenotype is suppressed weakly by L. victoriae and strongly by L. heterotoma. In vitro studies on hopTum-l lamellocytes show that VLP-containing fluid from either wasp species induces lamellocyte lysis, but with different kinetics.Previously undocumented precursors of L. victoriae VLPs are synthesized in the long gland and are first visible within canals connecting secretory cells to the long gland lumen. VLP assembly occurs in the lumen. VLPs show multiple electron-dense projections surrounding a central core. Maturing particles appear segmented, singly or in arrays, embedded in the reservoir matrix. In sections, mature particles are pentagonal or hexagonal; the polygon vertices extending into spikes. Our results suggest that L. victoriae is likely to promote immune suppression by an active mechanism that is mediated by VLPs, similar to that used by L. heterotoma.  相似文献   

Little is known about the assembly pathway or structure of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). In this work a truncated HCcAg variant covering the first 120 aa (HCcAg.120) with a 32 aa N-terminal fusion peptide (6x Histag-Xpress epitope) was purified as a monomer under strong denaturing conditions. In addition, minor HCcAg.120 peaks exhibiting little different molecular mass by SDS-PAGE which possibly represents alternative forms harboring the N-termini of HCcAg.120 were detected. Analysis using gel filtration chromatography showed that HCcAg.120 assembled into high molecular weight structures in vitro in the absence of structured nucleic acids. The negative-stain electron microscopy analysis revealed that these structures correspond with spherical VLPs of uniform morphology and size distribution. The diameters of these particles ranged from 20 to 43nm with an average diameter of approximately 30 nm and were specifically immunolabelled with a mouse monoclonal antibody against the residues 5-35 of HCcAg. Results presented in this work showed that HCcAg.120 assembled in vitro into VLPs in the absence of structured nucleic acids with similar morphology and size distribution to those found in sera and hepatocytes from HCV-infected patients. Therefore, these VLPs would be important to elucidate the mechanisms behind the ability of HCcAg to assemble into a nucleocapsid structure.  相似文献   

Summary Virus-like particles (VLPs) measuring 385±5 nm in diameter are described in the freshwater dinoflagellateGymnodinium uberrimum. The VLPs are found in association with, and budding from a vesicular viroplasmic area. A similar viroplasm was also found in a chrysophycean alga,Mallomonas sp. collected from the same general area in Saginaw Bay of Lake Huron. The nature of these VLPs and their virogenic stroma, in these algae from the Laurentian Great Lakes are discussed in the present report.  相似文献   

目的利用大肠埃希菌系统可溶性表达人乳头瘤病毒18型(HPV18)L1蛋白,纯化和重组装获得HPV18病毒样颗粒(VLPs),为进一步研制HPV18基因工程疫苗奠定基础。方法首先按大肠埃希菌密码子偏好进行HPV18L1全基因合成,经PCR扩增出截短的HPV18L1基因,构建重组表达载体PET30a-L1,通过优化表达在大肠埃希菌BL21中可溶性表达L1蛋白,其次采用硫酸铵沉淀、离子交换层析、疏水层析后,获得高纯度的的L1蛋白,再通过解聚和重聚获得VLPs。结果全基因优化并截短的HPV18L1蛋白在大肠埃希菌系统中以可溶形式表达,纯化后的蛋白纯度达到90%以上,电镜下观察到直径为60 nm的VLPs颗粒。结论利用大肠埃希菌系统可溶性表达非融合HPV18L1蛋白,并获得均一的VLPs颗粒,为疫苗的开发奠定基础。  相似文献   

We developed a bacterial expression system to produce human papillomavirus (HPV) type 33 L1 major capsid protein and virus-like particles from a recombinant Bacillus subtilis strain. For the first time, we have isolated self-assembled virus-like particles (VLPs) of HPV type 33 from B. subtilis, a strain generally recognized as safe (GRAS). The gene encoding the major capsid protein L1 of HPV type 33 was amplified from viral DNA isolated from a Korean patient and expressed in B. subtilis; a xylose-induction system was used to control gene activity. HPV33 L1 protein was partially purified by 40% (w/v) sucrose cushion centrifugation and strong cation exchange column chromatography. Eluted samples exhibited immunosignaling in fractions of 0.5-1.0 M NaCl. The HPV33 L1 protein was shown to be approximately 56 kDa in size by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting; recovery and purity were quantified by indirect immuno-ELISA assay. The final yield and purity were approximately 20.4% and 10.3%, respectively. Transmission electron microscopic analysis of fractions immunoactive by ELISA revealed that the L1 protein formed self-assembled VLPs with a diameter of approximately 20-40 nm. Humoral and cellular immune responses provoked by the B. subtilis/HPV33 L1 strain were approximately 100- and 3-fold higher than those of the empty B. subtilis strain as a negative control, respectively. Development of a VLP production and delivery system using B. subtilis will be helpful, in that the vaccine may be convenient production as an antigen delivery system. VLPs thus produced will be safer for human use than those purified from Gram-negative strains such as Escherichia coli. Also, use of B. subtilis as a host may aid in the development of either live or whole cell vaccines administered by antigen delivery system.  相似文献   

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the causal agent of cervical cancer, one of the most common causes of death for women. The major capsid L1 protein self-assembles in Virus Like Particles (VLPs), which are highly immunogenic and suitable for vaccine production. In this study, a plastid transformation approach was assessed in order to produce a plant-based HPV-16 L1 vaccine. Transplastomic plants were obtained after transformation with vectors carrying a chimeric gene encoding the L1 protein either as the native viral (L1v gene) or a synthetic sequence optimized for expression in plant plastids (L1pt gene) under control of plastid expression signals. The L1 mRNA was detected in plastids and the L1 antigen accumulated up to 1.5% total leaf proteins only when vectors included the 5′-UTR and a short N-terminal coding segment (Downstream Box) of a plastid gene. The half-life of the engineered L1 protein, determined by pulse-chase experiments, is at least 8 h. Formation of immunogenic VLPs in chloroplasts was confirmed by capture ELISA assay using antibodies recognizing conformational epitopes and by electron microscopy. Contribution No. 129 from CNR-IGV, Portici.  相似文献   

The L1 major capsid protein of human papillomavirus type 11 (HPV-11) was expressed in Escherichia coli, and the soluble recombinant protein was purified to near homogeneity. The recombinant L1 protein bound DNA as determined by the Southwestern assay method, and recombinant mutant L1 proteins localized the DNA-binding domain to the carboxy-terminal 11 amino acids of L1. Trypsin digestion of the full-length L1 protein yielded a discrete 42-kDa product (trpL1), determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, resulting from cleavage at R415, 86 amino acids from the L1 carboxy terminus. Sucrose gradient sedimentation analysis demonstrated that trpL1 sedimented at 11S, while L1 proteins with amino-terminal deletions of 29 and 61 residues sedimented at 4S. Electron microscopy showed that the full-length L1 protein appeared as pentameric capsomeres which self-assembled into capsid-like particles. The trpL1 protein also had a pentameric morphology but was unable to assemble further. In an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the trpL1 and L1 capsids reacted indistinguishably from virus-like particles purified after expression of HPV-11 L1 in insect cells. The carboxy terminus of L1 therefore constitutes the interpentamer linker arm responsible for HPV-11 capsid formation, much like the carboxy-terminal domain of the polyomavirus VP1 protein. The trypsin susceptibility of HPV-11 L1 capsids suggests a possible mechanism for virion disassembly.  相似文献   

The present study reports the recombinant expression, purification, and partial characterization of a typical aspartic proteinase from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtAP A1). The cDNA encoding the precursor of AtAP A1 was expressed as a functional protein using the yeast Pichia pastoris. The mature form of the rAtAP A1 was found to be a heterodimeric glycosylated protein with a molecular mass of 47 kDa consisting of heavy and light chain components, approx. 32 and 16 kDa, respectively, linked by disulfide bonds. Glycosylation occurred via the plant specific insert in the light chain. The catalytic properties of the rAtAP A1 were similar to other plant aspartic proteinases with activity in acid pH range, maximal activity at pH 4.0, Km of 44 μM, and kcat of 55 s−1 using a synthetic substrate. The enzyme was inhibited by pepstatin A.  相似文献   

The strongly conserved amino acid sequences of the P8 outer capsid proteins of Rice dwarf virus (RDV) and Rice gall dwarf virus (RGDV) and the distribution of electrostatic potential on the proteins at the interfaces between structural proteins suggested the possibility that P8-trimers of RGDV might bind to the 3-fold symmetrical axes of RDV core particles, with vertical interaction between heterologous P3 and P8 proteins and lateral binding of homologous P8 proteins, thereby allowing formation of the double-layered capsids that are characteristic of viruses that belong to the family Reoviridae. We proved this hypothesis using chimeric virus-like particles composed of the P3 core capsid protein of RDV and the P8 outer capsid protein of RGDV, which were co-expressed in a baculovirus expression system. This is the first report on the molecular biological proof of the mechanism of the assembly of the double-layered capsids with disparate icosahedral lattices.  相似文献   

To characterize epitopes on human papillomavirus (HPV) virus-like particles (VLPs), a panel of mutated HPV-16 VLPs was created. Each mutated VLP had residues substituted from HPV-31 or HPV-52 L1 sequences to the HPV-16 L1 backbone. Mutations were created on the HPV-31 and -52 L1 proteins to determine if HPV-16 type-specific recognition could be transferred. Correct folding of the mutated proteins was verified by resistance to trypsin digestion and by binding to one or more conformation-dependent monoclonal antibodies. Several of the antibodies tested were found to bind to regions already identified as being important for HPV VLP recognition (loops DE, EF, FG, and HI). Sequences at both ends of the long FG loop (amino acids 260 to 290) were required for both H16.V5 and H16.E70 reactivity. A new antibody-binding site was discovered on the C-terminal arm of L1 between positions 427 and 445. Recognition of these residues by the H16.U4 antibody suggests that this region is surface exposed and supports a recently proposed molecular model of HPV VLPs.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis neurona, an apicomplexan parasite, is the primary causative agent of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis. Like other members of the Apicomplexa, S. neurona zoites possess secretory organelles that contain proteins necessary for host cell invasion and intracellular survival. From a collection of S. neurona expressed sequence tags, we identified a sequence encoding a putative microneme protein based on similarity to Toxoplasma gondii MIC10 (TgMIC10). Pairwise sequence alignments of SnMIC10 to TgMIC10 and NcMIC10 from Neospora caninum revealed approximately 33% identity to both orthologues. The open reading frame of the S. neurona gene encodes a 255 amino acid protein with a predicted 39-residue signal peptide. Like TgMIC10 and NcMIC10, SnMIC10 is predicted to be hydrophilic, highly alpha-helical in structure, and devoid of identifiable adhesive domains. Antibodies raised against recombinant SnMIC10 recognised a protein band with an apparent molecular weight of 24 kDa in Western blots of S. neurona merozoites, consistent with the size predicted for SnMIC10. In vitro secretion assays demonstrated that this protein is secreted by extracellular merozoites in a temperature-dependent manner. Indirect immunofluorescence analysis of SnMIC10 showed a polar labelling pattern, which is consistent with the apical position of the micronemes, and immunoelectron microscopy provided definitive localisation of the protein to these secretory organelles. Further analysis of SnMIC10 in intracellular parasites revealed that expression of this protein is temporally regulated during endopolygeny, supporting the view that micronemes are only needed during host cell invasion. Collectively, the data indicate that SnMIC10 is a microneme protein that is part of the excreted/secreted antigen fraction of S. neurona. Identification and characterisation of additional S. neurona microneme antigens and comparisons to orthologues in other Apicomplexa could provide further insight into the functions that these proteins serve during invasion of host cells.  相似文献   

Sesbania mosaic virus particles consist of 180 coat protein subunits of 29kDa organized on a T=3 icosahedral lattice. N-terminal deletion mutants of coat protein that lack 36 (CP-NDelta36) and 65 (CP-NDelta65) residues from the N terminus, when expressed in Escherichia coli, produced similar T=1 capsids of approximate diameter 20nm. In contrast to the wild-type particles, these contain only 60 copies of the truncated protein subunits (T=1). CP-NDelta65 lacks the "beta-annulus" believed to be responsible for the error-free assembly of T=3 particles. Though the CP-NDelta36 mutant has the beta-annulus segment, it does not form a T=3 capsid, presumably because it lacks an arginine-rich motif found close to the amino terminus. Both CP-NDelta36 and CP-NDelta65 T=1 capsids retain many key features of the T=3 quaternary structure. Calcium binding geometries at the coat protein interfaces in these two particles are also nearly identical. When the conserved aspartate residues that coordinate the calcium, D146 and D149 in the CP-NDelta65, were mutated to asparagine (CP-NDelta65-D146N-D149N), the subunits assembled into T=1 particles but failed to bind calcium ions. The structure of this mutant revealed particles that were slightly expanded. The analysis of the structures of these mutant capsids suggests that although calcium binding contributes substantially to the stability of T=1 particles, it is not mandatory for their assembly. In contrast, the presence of a large fraction of the amino-terminal arm including sequences that precede the beta-annulus and the conserved D149 appear to be indispensable for the error-free assembly of T=3 particles.  相似文献   

Four C-terminal deletion mutants of the human papillomavirus 16 L1 protein were expressed in the baculovirus expression system. They consist of the deletion of amino acids 497-505, 477-505, 403-505 and 302-505 (delta C9, delta C31, delta C103 and delta C204 respectively). Only two of the C-terminally deleted proteins, delta C9 and delta C31, retained the ability to form virus-like particles (VLPs) resembling those obtained with the full length L1 protein. Analysis of deleted L1 proteins and corresponding VLPs indicated that the C-terminus was necessary both for DNA binding and DNA packaging. These results were corroborated by the loss of the gene transfer capacities of C-terminal deleted VLPs.  相似文献   

Chen R 《Biotechnology advances》2012,30(5):1102-1107
Escherichia coli expression system continues to dominate the bacterial expression systems and remain to be the preferred system for laboratory investigations and initial development in commercial activities or as a useful benchmark for comparison among various expression platforms. Some new developments in overcoming its shortcomings are reviewed in this paper, including antibiotics-free selection plasmids, extracellular production, and posttranslational modifications. The ability for E. coli to make mg glycosylated proteins promises even broader applications of the E. coli system in the future. Significant progresses have also been made over the past few years in alternative bacterial expression systems. Notably, the Lactoccocus lactis system has proven to be a viable choice for membrane proteins. Additionally, several Pseudomonas systems were developed and achieved product titers comparable to E. coli systems. Other bacterial systems such as Streptomyces, coryneform bacteria, and halophilic bacteria offer advantages in some niche areas, providing more choices of bacterial expression systems for recalcitrant proteins.  相似文献   

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