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Seymour RS Christian K Bennett MB Baldwin J Wells RM Baudinette RV 《Physiological and biochemical zoology : PBZ》2004,77(5):760-767
The evolution of air-breathing organs (ABOs) is associated not only with hypoxic environments but also with activity. This investigation examines the effects of hypoxia and exercise on the partitioning of aquatic and aerial oxygen uptake in the Pacific tarpon. The two-species cosmopolitan genus Megalops is unique among teleosts in using swim bladder ABOs in the pelagic marine environment. Small fish (58-620 g) were swum at two sustainable speeds in a circulating flume respirometer in which dissolved oxygen was controlled. For fish swimming at 0.11 m s(-1) in normoxia (Po2 = 21 kPa), there was practically no air breathing, and gill oxygen uptake was 1.53 mL kg(-0.67) min(-1). Air breathing occurred at 0.5 breaths min(-1) in hypoxia (8 kPa) at this speed, when the gills and ABOs accounted for 0.71 and 0.57 mL kg(-0.67) min(-1), respectively. At 0.22 m s(-1) in normoxia, breathing occurred at 0.1 breaths min(-1), and gill and ABO oxygen uptake were 2.08 and 0.08 mL kg(-0.67) min(-1), respectively. In hypoxia and 0.22 m s(-1), breathing increased to 0.6 breaths min(-1), and gill and ABO oxygen uptake were 1.39 and 1.28 mL kg(-0.67) min(-1), respectively. Aquatic hypoxia was therefore the primary stimulus for air breathing under the limited conditions of this study, but exercise augmented oxygen uptake by the ABOs, particularly in hypoxic water. 相似文献
Seymour RS Farrell AP Christian K Clark TD Bennett MB Wells RM Baldwin J 《Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology》2007,177(5):579-587
The Pacific tarpon is an elopomorph teleost fish with an air-breathing organ (ABO) derived from a physostomous gas bladder.
Oxygen partial pressure (PO2) in the ABO was measured on juveniles (238 g) with fiber-optic sensors during exposure to selected aquatic PO2 and swimming speeds. At slow speed (0.65 BL s−1), progressive aquatic hypoxia triggered the first breath at a mean PO2 of 8.3 kPa. Below this, opercular movements declined sharply and visibly ceased in most fish below 6 kPa. At aquatic PO2 of 6.1 kPa and swimming slowly, mean air-breathing frequency was 0.73 min−1, ABO PO2 was 10.9 kPa, breath volume was 23.8 ml kg−1, rate of oxygen uptake from the ABO was 1.19 ml kg−1 min−1, and oxygen uptake per breath was 2.32 ml kg−1. At the fastest experimental speed (2.4 BL s−1) at 6.1 kPa, ABO oxygen uptake increased to about 1.90 ml kg−1 min−1, through a variable combination of breathing frequency and oxygen uptake per breath. In normoxic water, tarpon rarely breathed
air and apparently closed down ABO perfusion, indicated by a drop in ABO oxygen uptake rate to about 1% of that in hypoxic
water. This occurred at a wide range of ABO PO2 (1.7–26.4 kPa), suggesting that oxygen level in the ABO was not regulated by intrinsic receptors. 相似文献
The early growth of the Pacific tarpon,Megalops cyprinoides, was studied by larval otolith analysis and rearing of larvae and juveniles in the laboratory. Morphology of the sagitta, validation of sagittal daily increments, age at the start of metamorphosis, decrement of standard length in early metamorphosis, and growth under rearing conditions are described. The sagitta of fully-grown Pacific tarpon leptocephali were transparent and circular, with regular intervals between the neighboring rings becoming wider at the onset of metamorphosis. Alizarin complexone treatment of larvae confirmed the daily formation of the sagittal rings. Metamorphosis was estimated to start about one month after hatching. After drastic shrinkage during the first several days of metamorphosis, the body length more or less stabilized for one month and then resumed rapid growth. The early growth of Pacific tarpon was divided into four phases as follows: A) leptocephalus positive growth phase; B) leptocephalus negative growth phase; C) sluggish growth phase; and D) juvenile growth phase. 相似文献
Oxygen consumption through gills and skin in relation to body weight was estimated in the air-breathing catfish, Clarias batrachus, under two experimental conditions, viz., (i) when access to air was allowed and (ii) when air-breathing was prevented. There was a positive correlation between VO2 (ml/hr) and body weight in both experimental conditions. Oxygen consumption (ml/hr) increased by a power of 0.869 when access to air was allowed whereas the power was slightly less (b = 0.841) when air-breathing was prevented. As the values for exponent (b) were less than 1.0, the weight specific VO2 (ml/kg/hr) decreased with increasing body weight. The decrease was more marked (b = - 0.180) in fishes which were not allowed air than in those where access to air was allowed (b = - 0.148). Under normal conditions of water and air-breathing the rate of VO2 (ml/kg/hr) via gills and skin from water ranged from 39.7 +/- 3.21 to 76.7 +/- 9.01 and this increased to 42.17 +/- 6.2 to 105.9 +/- 8.33 when air-breathing was prevented. The increase in the rate of VO2 was perhaps associated with the increase in the volume of water irrigating the gills per unit time. 相似文献
Kamal K. Das Subhasri G. Dastidar Sajal Chakrabarty Sudip K. Banerjee 《Hydrobiologia》1980,75(3):225-229
Annual primary production was estimated from two years data. The results indicate a high primary productivity and a short turn over time for nitrogen. 相似文献
Lee W Huang CY Lin HC 《Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological genetics and physiology》2008,309(4):198-205
Pavement cells and the mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs) are two of the main types of cells in fish gill epithelia. The pavement cells are generally responsible for gas exchange and MRCs for ion regulation. MRCs are found especially in the trailing edge and the interlamellar region of gill filament. In some species, MRCs are also observed in the gill lamellae. A previous study reported the likelihood of having lamellar MRCs in air-breathing fishes. Nevertheless, the source of lamellar MRCs is unclear. We used the air-breathing fish, Trichogaster leeri, to investigate the source of proliferated cells on the lamellae when 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) was injected at different times before fish were sampled from deionized water. There were two major findings in this study. First, undifferentiated cells were found in the lamellae, as well as in the filaments. And, within 12-24 hr, a proliferated cell, identified as BrdU cell, could differentiate to an MRC in the gill lamellae. Second, the filaments and the lamellae in T. leeri responded to ionic stress differently but the proportion of the proliferated MRCs to the BrdU cells remained constant. Our results suggested that the lamellar MRCs were mainly differentiated from the cells that proliferated earlier from the lamellae. 相似文献
Oxygen uptake through gills and skin in relation to body weight of an air-breathing siluroid fish, Saccobranchus (=Heteropneustes) fossilis 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Oxygen uptake through gills and skin has been measured in juvenile and adult Saccobranchus fossilis and its relationship represented by the equation Vo2 = aWb . When air-breathing is allowed the O2 uptake via the gills and skin together increases by powers of 1 -084, 0–986 and 1–328 in juvenile, adult and juvenile+adult respectively. When air-breathing is prevented the slope (b) for O2 uptake via the gills appear to be less in juveniles (0–765) than in adults (0–784) and juveniles+adults together (0–814). Under the same experimental condition, the slope for O2 uptake via the gills+skin is also less in juveniles (0–478) than in adults (0–799) and juveniles+adults (0–755). Further decrease in the exponent value is found for the oxygen uptake of skin in relation to body weight under surfacing-prevented conditions ( b = 0–542). Different exponent values for juvenile and adult fishes may be due to their different growth pattern and physiology. 相似文献
Seasonal variations in the blood constituents of an air-breathing fish, Channa punctatus Bloch 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A year long study based on monthly observations on the haematology of female Channa punctatus with respect to haemoglobin, haematocrit values, total erythrocyte and leucocyte numbers together with a differential enumeration of various leucocytes viz. thrombocytes small and large lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils is recorded. The study showed that the total erythrocytic number, haemoglobin and haematocrit values decrease during the breeding time i.e. July to September. The thrombocyte number significantly increased while the neutrophilic number showed a decrease. The physiological significance of these changes is discussed with reference to the available literature. 相似文献
Oxygen transport during exercise in large mammals. II. Oxygen uptake by the pulmonary gas exchanger 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Constantinopol M.; Jones J. H.; Weibel E. R.; Taylor C. R.; Lindholm A.; Karas R. H. 《Journal of applied physiology》1989,67(2):871-878
Because the maximal rate of O2 consumption (VO2max) of the horse is 2.6 times larger than that of steers of equal size, we wondered whether their pulmonary gas exchanger is proportionately larger. Three Standardbred racehorses [body mass (Mb) = 447 kg] and three domestic steers (Mb = 474 kg) whose cardiovascular function at VO2max had been thoroughly studied (Jones et al. J. Appl. Physiol. 67: 862-870, 1989) were used to study their lungs by morphometry. The basic morphometric parameters were similar in both species. The nearly 2 times larger lung volumes of the horses caused the gas exchange surfaces and capillary blood volume to be 1.6 to 1.8 times larger. Morphometric pulmonary diffusing capacity was 2 times larger in the horse than in the steer; the 2.6-fold greater rate of O2 uptake thus required the alveolar-capillary PO2 difference to be 1.3 times larger in the horse than in the steer. Combining physiological and morphometric data, we calculated capillary transit time at VO2max to be 0.4-0.5 s. Bohr integration showed capillary blood to be equilibrated with alveolar air after 75 and 58% of transit time in horses and steers, respectively; horses maintain a smaller degree of redundancy in their pulmonary gas exchanger. 相似文献
Summary Retinopetal neurons were visualised in the telencephalon and diencephalon of an air-breathing teleost fish, Channa punctata, following administration of cobaltous lysine to the optic nerve. The labelled perikarya (n=45–50) were always located on the side contralateral to the optic nerve that had received the neuronal tracer. The rostral-most back-filled cell bodies were located in the nucleus olfactoretinalis at the junction between the olfactory bulb and the telencephalon. In the area ventralis telencephali, two groups of telencephaloretinopetal neurons were identified near the ventral margin of the telencephalon. The rostral hypothalamus exhibited retrogradely labelled cells in three discrete areas of the lateral preoptic area, which was bordered medially by the nucleus praeopticus periventricularis and nucleus praeopticus, and laterally by the lateral forebrain bundle. In addition to a dorsal and a ventral group, a third population of neurons was located ventral to the lateral forebrain bundle adjacent to the optic tract. The dorsal group of neurons exhibited extensive collaterals; a few extended laterally towards the lateral forebrain bundle, whereas others ran into the dorsocentral area of the area dorsalis telencephali. A few processes extended via the anterior commissure into the telencephalon ipsilateral to the optic nerve that had been exposed to cobaltous lysine. However, the ventral cell group did not possess collaterals. In the diencephalon, retinopetal cells were visualised in the nucleus opticus dorsolateralis located in the pretectal area; these were the largest retinopetal perikarya of the brain. The caudal-most nucleus that possessed labelled somata was the retinothalamic nucleus; it contained the largest number of retinopetal cells. The limited number of widely distributed neurons in the forebrain, some with extensive collaterals, might participate in functional integration of different brain areas involved in feeding, which in this species is influenced largely by taste, not solely by vision. 相似文献
Chun-Yen Huang Hui-Chen Lin 《Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology》2011,158(1):61-71
Climate change affects organisms that inhabit not only in aerial but also in aquatic environments by making water more hypoxic and acidic. In the past, we evaluated morphological and functional variations in the gills of 12 species of aquatic air-breathing fishes. The aim of the present study is to examine the degree of gill modification in the aquatic air-breathing fish, Trichogaster lalius, in response to acidic stress. This provides a link between the ecological and physiological studies. We evaluated the changes in morphology and function of the gills, labyrinth organ, and kidney when the fish were subjected to acidic water and deionized water (DW). In the first experiment, fish were sampled at 1, 2, 4, and 7 days after acidic treatment. Apparent morphological modification was observed on day 4 and recovery was noted on day 7. Protein expression and enzyme activity of vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (VHA) and the protein expression of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) of the 1st and 4th gill arches both increased in the 4-day and 7-day acidic groups while the enzyme activity of Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) decreased. In the second experiment, fish were tested for changes in the 1st and 4th gill arches and kidney after exposure to DW and acidic water for 4 days. The gill structure of the fish in the DW was not different from that of the control group (fresh water). The protein expression and enzyme activity of the VHA of the 1st and 4th gill arches increased in both the DW and acidic groups for 4 days. We found a decrease in the protein expression of NKA in the kidney and in the enzyme activity of NKA in the 1st and 4th gill arches in the DW and acidic groups. From these results, we suggest that T. lalius exhibited significantly different ionic regulation and acid-base regulatory abilities in the DW and acidic groups in the 1st and 4th gill arches and kidney. The responses of the gills in T. lalius were different from those fish that show apparent morphological variations between the 1st and 4th gill arches. 相似文献
H. M. Dutta A. Nath S. Adhikari P. K. Roy N. K. Singh J. S. Datta Munshi 《Hydrobiologia》1994,294(3):215-218
This paper describes effects of a sublethal (1.2 mg 1–1) organophosphate, malathion, on the ovary of an air breathing catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis. The study focuses on microscopic changes that occur on ovigerous lamellae, oocytes at different stages of development and the nucleus of the immature oocyte. Also, change in estrogen levels in blood serum is investigated. Clumping of cytoplasm appears after 24 h of exposure to malathion. Clumping intensified after 48 h. Degeneration in the follicular cells was also observed. After 72 h exposure the number of nucleoli increased, nuclear materials shrunk, oocytes became adhered. With 96 h of exposure, nuclear materials of all the oocytes shrunk to a smaller clump. The oocytes fused together, and follicular epithelium became loose and ruptured. A few atretic oocytes were visible. Radioimmunoassay of the estrogen level in blood serum after 72 h of exposure of malathion showed a reduction in the level. This study showed that the histopathological condition of the gonad is reflected in malfunctioning of the endocrine system and hormonal disbalance. 相似文献
Autonomic nervous control of the circulatory system in the air-breathing fish Channa argus 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A Ishimatsu K Johansen S Nilsson 《Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C, Comp. Pharmacol. Toxicol.》1986,84(1):55-60
The control of the cardiovascular system with particular emphasis on the regulation of blood distribution in the gills and air-breathing organ was studied in the air-breathing teleost Channa argus. Perfused head preparations were used in addition to experiments with isolated strip preparations of arteries and heart chambers. The distribution of adrenergic nerves was investigated using Falck-Hillarp fluorescence histochemistry. This preliminary study shows an adrenergic control system composed of chromaffin cells and adrenergic nerves similar to that found in other teleosts investigated, although the systemic arteries (coeliac artery, dorsal aorta and the vasculature of the air-breathing organ) appear to lack an adrenergic innervation. The reactions of isolated artery strip preparations to acetylcholine and adrenaline resemble those seen in other teleosts, and there is a prominent inhibitory effect of L-isoprenaline suggestive of arterial beta-adrenoceptors. The general vascular resistance of the gill apparatus-air-breathing organ increases in response to acetylcholine or adrenaline, and there is a redistribution of perfusion flow from the air-breathing organ circuit (anterior venous outflow from the first and second pair of gills and the air-breathing organ) to the general systemic circuit (dorsal aortic outflow from the third and fourth pair of gills). Stimulation of the vagal branch entering the air-breathing organ mimics the effects of acetylcholine or adrenaline. This innervation is probably non-adrenergic since no adrenergic nerve fibres could be demonstrated in the vasculature of the air-breathing organ using the histochemical technique. An adrenergic control of the vasculature of the air-breathing organ is not likely, since the concentration of adrenaline needed to affect the vasculature is not reached in the plasma even during "stress". 相似文献
Different cell types found in the peripheral blood of Channa punctatus , an air-breathing freshwater fish have been characterized and identified using morphological, morphometric, cytochemical and autoradiographic techniques. Some of the cytochemical methods used, particularly that of differential staining of haemoglobin have been developed and used for the first time in fishes. 相似文献