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Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is widely used in biomedical research, but its adoption has been limited in molecular diagnostics. One application of NGS is the targeted resequencing of genes whose mutations lead to an overlapping clinical phenotype. This study evaluated the comparative performance of the Illumina Genome Analyzer and Roche 454 GS FLX for the resequencing of 16 genes associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Using a single human genomic DNA sample enriched by long-range PCR (LR-PCR), 40 GS FLX and 31 Genome Analyzer exon variants were identified using ≥30-fold read-coverage and ≥20% read-percentage selection criteria. Twenty-seven platform concordant variants were Sanger-confirmed. The discordant variants segregated into two categories: variants with read coverages ≥30 on one platform but <30-fold on the alternate platform and variants with read percentages ≥20% on one platform but <20% on the alternate platform. All variants with <30-fold coverage were Sanger-confirmed, suggesting that the coverage criterion of ≥30-fold is too stringent for variant discovery. The variants with <20% read percentage were identified as reference sequence based on Sanger sequencing. These variants were found in homopolymer tracts and short-read misalignments, specifically in genes with high identity. The results of the current study demonstrate the feasibility of combining LR-PCR with the Genome Analyzer or GS FLX for targeted resequencing of HCM-associated genes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing has led to an unprecedented rise in the identification of cryptic species. However, it is widely acknowledged that nuclear DNA (nuDNA) sequence data are also necessary to properly define species boundaries. Next generation sequencing techniques provide a wealth of nuclear genomic data, which can be used to ascertain both the evolutionary history and taxonomic status of putative cryptic species. Here, we focus on the intriguing case of the butterfly Thymelicus sylvestris (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). We identified six deeply diverged mitochondrial lineages; three distributed all across Europe and found in sympatry, suggesting a potential case of cryptic species. We then sequenced these six lineages using double‐digest restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq). Nuclear genomic loci contradicted mtDNA patterns and genotypes generally clustered according to geography, i.e., a pattern expected under the assumption of postglacial recolonization from different refugia. Further analyses indicated that this strong mtDNA/nuDNA discrepancy cannot be explained by incomplete lineage sorting, sex‐biased asymmetries, NUMTs, natural selection, introgression or Wolbachia‐mediated genetic sweeps. We suggest that this mitonuclear discordance was caused by long periods of geographic isolation followed by range expansions, homogenizing the nuclear but not the mitochondrial genome. These results highlight T. sylvestris as a potential case of multiple despeciation and/or lineage fusion events. We finally argue, since mtDNA and nuDNA do not necessarily follow the same mechanisms of evolution, their respective evolutionary history reflects complementary aspects of past demographic and biogeographic events.  相似文献   

In many crop species, DNA fingerprinting is required for the precise identification of cultivars to protect the rights of breeders. Many families of retrotransposons have multiple copies throughout the eukaryotic genome and their integrated copies are inherited genetically. Thus, their insertion polymorphisms among cultivars are useful for DNA fingerprinting. In this study, we conducted a DNA fingerprinting based on the insertion polymorphisms of active retrotransposon families (Rtsp-1 and LIb) in sweet potato. Using 38 cultivars, we identified 2,024 insertion sites in the two families with an Illumina MiSeq sequencing platform. Of these insertion sites, 91.4% appeared to be polymorphic among the cultivars and 376 cultivar-specific insertion sites were identified, which were converted directly into cultivar-specific sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using these insertion sites, which corresponded well with known pedigree information, thereby indicating their suitability for genetic diversity studies. Thus, the genome-wide comparative analysis of active retrotransposon insertion sites using the bench-top MiSeq sequencing platform is highly effective for DNA fingerprinting without any requirement for whole genome sequence information. This approach may facilitate the development of practical polymerase chain reaction-based cultivar diagnostic system and could also be applied to the determination of genetic relationships.  相似文献   

The rhizosphere microbial community in a multiple parallel mineralization (MPM) system contributes to suppression of root‐borne diseases. We hypothesized this phenomenon can be attributed to the interplay of non‐antagonistic bacteria rather than to a single antagonistic microbe. In this study, we tested this hypothesis by investigating the potential roles of bacterial interplay in a subset of MPM microbiota in the suppression of the fungal phytopathogen Fusarium oxysporum. Bacterial strains isolated from the MPM system were subjected to in vitro and in planta tests on F. oxysporum. A community of seven bacterial strains (Kaistia sp. TBD58, Sphingopyxis sp. TBD84, Bosea sp. TBD101, Ancylobacter sp. TBD132, Cupriavidus sp. TBD162, Brevibacillus sp. TBD179 and Sphingopyxis sp. TBD181) suppressed F. oxysporum growth. None of the strains alone was antagonistic against F. oxysporum, whereas several pairs of those non‐antagonistic strains inhibited its growth. Morphological observations showed the formation of swollen F. oxysporum cells in the presence of these bacterial pairs. The same bacterial pairs also suppressed Fusarium wilt disease in Arabidopsis thaliana. These results indicate that a complex bacterial interplay among non‐antagonistic bacteria can significantly contribute to the development of antagonism against F. oxysporum in the context of the MPM system.  相似文献   

Type II citrullinaemia, also known as citrin deficiency, is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder, which is caused by pathogenic mutations in the SLC25A13 gene on chromosome 7q21.3. One of the clinical manifestations of type II citrullinaemia is neonatal intrahepatic cholestatic hepatitis caused by citrin deficiency (NICCD, OMIM# 605814). In this study, a 5-month-old female Chinese neonate diagnosed with type II citrullinaemia was examined. The diagnosis was based on biochemical and clinical findings, including organic acid profiling using a gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS), and the patient's parents were unaffected. Approximately 14 kb of the exon sequences of the SLC25A13 and two relative genes (ASS1 and FAH) from the proband and 100 case-unrelated controls were captured by array-based capture method followed by high-throughput next-generation sequencing. Two single-nucleotide mutations were detected in the proband, including the previous reported c.1177+1G>A mutation and a novel c.754G>A mutation in the SLC25A13 gene. Sanger sequence results showed that the patient was a compound heterozygote for the two mutations. The novel mutation (c.754G>A), which is predicted to affect the normal structure and function of citrin, is a candidate pathogenic mutation. Target sequence capture combined with high-throughput next-generation sequencing technologies is proven to be an effective method for molecular genetic testing of type II citrullinaemia.  相似文献   

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