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A variety of semi-defined artificial diets were developed and tested for their ability to support the in vitro development of Edovum puttleri. In the most effective diet, 2.6% of E. puttleri pupated. This diet contained high levels of hen egg yolk combined with Manduca sexta larval hemolymph, or with a mixture of M. sexta egg homogenate and larval hemolymph. Egg homogenate alone (without the addition of hemolymph) was not capable of supporting the parasitoid's development. Thus, hemolymph appears to contain unidentified factor(s) important for inducing pupation of the wasp. Addition of M. sexta pupal fat body tissue extract (in place of hemolymph) also promoted pupation of E. puttleri. Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larval hemolymph could not replace M. sexta larval hemolymph. Fractionation irreversibly reduced the growth-promoting effects of M. sexta larval hemolymph. However, the most effective fraction contained components whose molecular weights were 1000 kd. In diets that were devoid of insect materials, the best results were achieved when hen egg yolk, FreAmine, yeast extract, lactalbumin, trehalose, fetal bovine serum and bovine milk were included. This is the first report of an artificial diet for in vitro rearing an eulophid parasitoid from the egg through the pupal stage.  相似文献   

H. J. Vlug 《BioControl》1973,18(2):175-184
For the study of the taxonomy ofPlatygastridae it is necessary to know the location and other data of the types of older authors. This is already known for most of the species described by English and American authors (Masner, 1965, 1966, 1969 andMasner & Muesebeck, 1968), but must still be done for those described byFörster, Haliday, Thomson, Westwood, Kieffer and others. In this paper I give a list of the types ofFörster's species ofPlatygastridae in the “Naturhistorisches Museum” in Vienna. In the same collection I found many original species described by other authors, of wich the location was not known. These species can be very important in solving some taxonomic problems. A list of them is included in this paper.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Megalommum Szépligeti (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Braconinae), reared from the pistachio longhorn beetle (Calchaenesthes pistacivora Holzschuh; Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), is described and illustrated. The genera Curreia Ashmead, 1900 and Endovipio Turner, 1922 are new synonyms of Megalommum Szépligeti, 1900. Notes on the biology of Megalommum pistacivoraesp. n. and a key to the West Palaearctic and Oriental species are added. The following new combinations are given: Megalommum xanthoceps (Fahringer, 1928), comb. n.,Megalommum jacobsoni (Tobias, 1968), comb. n.,Megalommum ayyari (Watanabe, 1950), comb. n.,Megalommum philippinense (Baker, 1917), comb. n.,Megalommum dodecanesi(Ferrière, 1922), comb. n.,Megalommum ceresense (Turner, 1922), comb. n., Megalommum inareatum (Granger, 1949), comb. n.,Megalommum antefurcale (Szépligeti, 1915) comb. n. and Megalommum tibiale (Ashmead, 1906), comb. n.  相似文献   

The biological control potential ofEdovum puttleri Grissell, an exotic egg parasite ofLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), was examined in experimental potato plots. The parasite does not overwinter in Maryland, but through annual inoculative releases it consistently parasitized Colorado potato beetle (CPB) egg masses throughout the season. Approximately 50% of all egg masses collected were parasitized and maximum parasitism byE. puttleri occurred in egg masses produced by first generation adults.Edovum puttleri reproduced and maintained itself in potato plots for 15 weeks. The random sampling of CPB egg masses to evaluate the parasite in the field is described.   相似文献   

Summary Malpighian tubules of a desert tenebrionid beetle,Onymacris plana, have been studied as isolated preparations. Under control conditions tubules of female beetles secreted fluid at an average rate of 3.3 nl/min, but this rate was increased 20–25 times by a diuretic hormone (DH).Homogenates of the brain, corpora cardiaca (CC) and prothoracic ganglion induced striking increases in tubule secretion rates, which sometimes exceeded 100 nl/min. The increased rates were sustained for 3 h without renewal of the medium. Diuretic activity was also present in the other thoracic ganglia. High K treatment caused release of DH from the CC only.Exogenous cyclic AMP (1 mM) stimulated the isolated tubules ofO. plana, but to a lesser extent than the DH. The cationic composition of the secreted fluid resembled that of most other insect tubules, with high K and low Na concentrations. Stimulation with DH doubled the Na concentration.The DH was not inactivated by the tubules themselves, but was destroyed by contact with the haemolymph. An inactivation mechanism is vital in the apparently contradictory situation of a desert beetle possessing a diuretic hormone. The role of the cryptonephric system during diuresis is unknown.Abbreviations DH diuretic hormone - cAMP adenosine 3:5-cyclic monophosphoric acid - CC corpora cardiaca  相似文献   


The influence Of temperature on the growth and survival of first-instar larvae of black beetle feeding in soil was examined. Similarly the consumption, utilisation, growth, and survival of second- and third-instar larvae feeding on carrot were investigated using gravimetric methods. Soil temperatures in the range 20–25° c were found to be necessary for optimum growth of all instars. First-instar larval growth increased exponentially over the temperature range 10–20°c. Third-instar larvae were tolerant of higher temperatures than second-instar larvae. The temperatures for optimum levels of consumption and utilisation of carrot varied between the instars.  相似文献   

Three trips were taken to central Mexico to search for natural enemies ofLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), in 1980, 1983, and 1985. 18 natural enemy species were found associated with 10 species ofLeptinotarsa. Asopine pentatomids dominate the collections, followed by tachnid parasites and hemipteran and coleopteran predators. Natural enemies may play a major role in regulating populations ofLeptinotarsa in Mexico. Their adaptability to northern climates is unclear.   相似文献   

The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) Oulema melanopus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), was considered a high risk to Washington State’s cereal grain production when the pest was found there in 1999. Biological control agents, which had proven successful in the Midwest, were introduced beginning in 2000. The parasitoids were released into field insectaries that were modified for the region and set up at CLB hotspots across the state. The egg parasitoid, Anaphes flavipes (Förster) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), failed to establish. The larval parasitoid, Tetrastichus julis (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), established successfully at all insectaries. Assays of commercial grain fields showed the parasitoid dispersing widely beyond the insectaries. A proactive Extension programme enabled farmers to benefit from the biocontrol without applying insecticides to manage the CLB. A modified insectary, consisting of oat strips seeded between commercial fields of winter and spring wheat, demonstrated potential as a way for farmers to increase parasitoid populations on their land. Within 5 years of first overwintering, T. julis had established across the state and was effectively suppressing CLB.  相似文献   

As a biological invasion proceeds, the spread of the alien may promote dispersal ability at the front by direct and indirect selection, thereby altering the dynamics of the invasion. Morphology correlates with dispersal in numerous taxa, and represents a relevant integration of temporal or geographical changes in dispersal. Using data from Laparie et al. (Biol Invasions 12:3405–3417, 2010) in a ground beetle introduced to a single location of the Kerguelen Islands in 1913, we examined the quantitative relationship between distance in residence time and morphological distance (computed from a multivariate combination of parameters). A consistent relationship depicted a quantitative match between differences in morphology and residence time. Body size increased from the founder population to successive child populations (femur, thorax, abdomen and head), which may indicate increasing dispersal ability along the colonization history of the species. The morphological differentiation may result from a combination of both dispersal pattern and residency effect in former populations, the latter leading to decreasing size when residence time increases, due to alteration of trophic conditions following invasion by the beetle. Our results offer a fertile ground for investigating spatial selection and promotion of dispersers on front margins, as they highlight the dynamic fashion of dispersal ability during invasions.  相似文献   

A microsporidium from Hippodamia convergens was transmitted horizontally to three non-target coccinellid hosts (Adalia bipunctata L., Coccinella septempunctata L. and Harmonia axyridis Pallas) under laboratory conditions. For all species examined, microsporidia-infected larvae took significantly longer to develop than did uninfected larvae but the microsporidium had no effect on larval mortality. Adult sex ratios of uninfected and microsporidia-infected adults were about 1:1 (♀:♂) and did not differ significantly. At the end of a 90-day trial, microsporidia-infected H. convergens produced significantly fewer eggs and did not live as long as uninfected individuals. Differences in fecundity and longevity were not observed for the three non-target coccinellids that were examined. Mean spore counts from smear preparations of microsporidia-infected A. bipunctata did not differ significantly from H. convergens, suggesting that A. bipunctata (a native coccinellid) is a suitable host for the microsporidium but infection was lighter in C. septempunctata and H. axyridis (introduced species). Vertical transmission of the pathogen was observed during the 90-day trial by examining eggs and larvae that were produced by microsporidia-infected adults. For all species examined, 100% vertical transmission of the pathogen was eventually observed. Three eugregarines were found in two adult A. bipunctata: Gregarine A trophozoites are similar in size to those of Gregarina katherina Watson (described earlier from Coccinella spp.), Gregarine B trophozoites are similar in size to those of Gregarine A but are morphology distinct, and Gregarine C trophozoites are similar in size to G. barbarara Watson (described earlier from A. bipunctata).  相似文献   

Due to anthropogenic activities, tropical rain forests face many challenges in sustaining biodiversity and maintaining global climates. This study explores how forest successional stage, tree composition, and stratum affect communities of saproxylic cerambycid beetles—concealed feeders that play important roles in forest nutrient cycling. Forty trees in five families (Fabaceae, Lecythidaceae, Malvaceae, Moraceae, and Sapotaceae) were sampled in a mosaic of old‐growth and secondary forest on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Bait branches yielded 3549 cerambycid individuals in 49 species. Species richness was almost identical in old‐growth and secondary forest, and both yielded specialists, but abundance was higher in old‐growth forest. Overall community structure was most strongly influenced by host plant species; within most plant families it was also impacted by forest successional status. Moraceae was the exception, presumably because the focal tree species was abundant in both old‐growth and secondary forest. Several host and old‐growth specialist species reached high densities within patches of old‐growth forest, but seldom colonized apparently suitable trees within secondary forest. This suggests that even small areas of old‐growth forest can act as refuges, but that secondary forest may act as a barrier to dispersal. The vulnerability of specialized saproxylic insects to land use change will be linked to the ability of their preferred hosts to disperse to and persist in successional habitats; rearing studies may provide the most accurate method to monitor community changes over time.  相似文献   

A review of the species belonging to the genus Phyllonorycter Hübner, [1822] (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae), which are trophically associated with fagacean plants, is given, being provided with a new determination key and short diagnoses for 20 species recorded for the fauna of Russia. A contribution to the taxonomy of the genus Phyllonorycter is made based on the comparative morphology of the male genitalia of 54 Palaearctic species developing on Fagaceae, with 13 new taxonomic groups established within this ecological unit. Lectotype of Phyllonorycter suberifoliella (Zeller, 1850) is designated.  相似文献   

We present a synopsis of the Passalidae of the Chocó biogeographical province and the western slopes of the Western Andean range of Colombia as a result of field collections, examination of entomological collections, and review of the literature. We record a total of 41 species, provide an identification key, and, for the 39 species for which we were able to examine specimens, include a diagnosis and collecting data. Two new species of Passalus (Pertinax) are described and illustrated. The species of this region compose 42% of the passalid species known for Colombia. The richness of species and the high degree of endemism (34%) indicate the faunistic importance of this area, which is closely related to the fauna of lowland Central America.  相似文献   

Recent cave biodiversity surveys carried out in Du’an County and its adjacent areas of northwestern Guangxi, China, have revealed some exciting scientific findings. In a very limited area seven new species of the cavernicolous trechine genus Dongodytes Deuve, 1993 were found and are described: Dongodytes(s. str.)elongatussp. n., Dongodytes(s. str.)troglodytessp. n., Dongodytes(s. str.)lanisp. n., Dongodytes (Dongodytodes) brevipenissp. n., Dongodytes (Dongodytodes) jinzhuensissp. n., Dongodytes (Dongodytodes) inexpectatussp. n. and Dongodytes (Dongodytodes) yaophilussp. n. Diagnoses and notes on the genus, subgenera, and two known species in Du’an Karst, Dongodytes(s. str.)baxian Tian, 2011 and Dongodytes (Dongodytodes) deharvengi Tian, 2011, are also given. A key to subgenera and all species of Dongodytes is provided. To date, Dongodytes becomes one of the richest in species genera of subterranean carabid trechines in China with 12 species which are arranged into two subgenera. Dongodytes (s. str.) Deuve is composed of seven species, four of which from Du’an County, each of other three from Bama, Fengshan and Tian’e Counties, respectively. All species of the subgenus Dongodytodes Tian, 2011 are recorded from Du’an Karst. By having 10 species (nine Dongodytes and one Libotrechus Uéno, 1998), Du’an Karst holds the richest specific diversity of cavernicolous Trechinae in China. Dongodytes species are distributed in a very limited area of the river Hongshui He drainages in northwestern Guangxi, and the river acts as a natural barrier of Dongodytes dispersal at only a specific level. However, all members of Dongodytodes are recorded from the eastern or northern bank of Hongshui He.  相似文献   

A mapping strategy is described for the construction of a linkage map of a non-inbred species in which individual offspring genotypes are not amenable to marker analysis. After one extra generation of random mating, the segregating progeny was propagated, and bulked populations of offspring were analyzed. Although the resulting population structure is different from that of commonly used mapping populations, we show that the maximum likelihood formula for a normal F2 is applicable for the estimation of recombination. This “pseudo-F2” mapping strategy, in combination with the development of an AFLP assay for single cysts, facilitated the construction of a linkage map for the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis. Using 12 pre-selected AFLP primer combinations, a total of 66 segregating markers were identified, 62 of which were mapped to nine linkage groups. These 62 AFLP markers are randomly distributed and cover about 65% of the genome. An estimate of the physical size of the Globodera genome was obtained from comparisons of the number of AFLP fragments obtained with the values for Caenorhabditis elegans. The methodology presented here resulted in the first genomic map for a cyst nematode. The low value of the kilobase/centimorgan (kb/cM) ratio for the Globodera genome will facilitate map-based cloning of genes that mediate the interaction between the nematode and its host plant. Received: 7 January 1999 / Accepted: 16 April 1999  相似文献   

Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase, also known as CYP46A1 (EC, is a monooxygenase and a member of the cytochrome P450 family. CYP46A1 is specifically expressed in the brain where it controls cholesterol elimination by producing 24S-hydroxylcholesterol (24-HC) as the major metabolite. Modulation of CYP46A1 activity may affect Aβ deposition and p-tau accumulation by changing 24-HC formation, which thereafter serves as potential therapeutic pathway for Alzheimer’s disease. In this work, we showcase the efficient synthesis and preliminary pharmacokinetic evaluation of a novel cholesterol 24-hydroxylase inhibitor 1 for use in positron emission tomography.  相似文献   

The ligation reaction is widely used in molecular biology. There are several kits available that complete the ligation reaction very rapidly but they are rather expensive. In this study, we successfully modified the ligation buffer with much lower cost than existing kits. The ligation reaction can be completed in 10 min using very low activities such as 0.01 U T4 DNA ligase, and costs only $1 for 100 reactions of 20 μl scale. We name this ligation system the “Coffee Break Ligation” system; one can complete ligation reaction while drinking a cup of coffee, and perform 100 reactions by spending money equivalent to a cup of coffee.  相似文献   

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