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Adult male untreated mice (NMRI) were investigated after radioactive labeling with 3H-thymidine and 3H-deoxycytidine to find out whether the lymphocytes in the cortex and medulla of the thymus as well as in the perifollicular and periarteriolar regions of the spleen show a labeling pattern which allows a classification into T- and B-lymphocytes. The percentages of radioactively labeled small lymphocytes and their mean grain counts were determined. The percentages of radioactively labeled small lymphocytes after 3H-TdR and 3H-CdR showed no significant differences in both splenic zones. The grain counts over the lymphocyte nuclei in the periarteriolar zone showed lower values after 3H-TdR than after 3H-CdR. The lymphocytes in the perifollicular zone were strongly labeled with 3H-TdR and weakly labeled with 3H-CdR. In the thymus medulla, lymphocytes were weakly labeled with 3H-thymidine and strongly labeled with 3H-CdR. In the cortex no significant differences were observed. 75 to 80% of the small lymphocytes in the peripheral blood were weakly and 20-25% strongly labeled after 3H-TdR. Therefore there are similarities in the radioactive labeling pattern of thymic medulla lymphocytes and that of small lymphocytes of the periarteriolar zone of the spleen by both DNA precursors. The small lymphocytes in the peripheral T-dependent tissue zones, for example in the spleen, as well as in the mixed lymphocyte population of the peripheral blood can be differentiated from the B-lymphocytes through the difference in the amount of incorporation of 3H-thymidine and 3H-deoxycytidine.  相似文献   

3H-thymidine labeling frequencies over X chromosomal region 1A-4E of Drosophila melanogaster, were analysed with reference to chromosome sections with and without prominent bands. A correspondence was found between band sections and late start of silver grain labeling at the initial stage in combination with late labeling at the end stage of replication. A complementary situation is always to be found over puff/interband sections, where an early start of labeling at the initial stage is generally combined with early labeling completion at the end stage of replication.  相似文献   

Blood obtained from 33 healthy donors was irradiated with He-Ne laser. During this process the count of segmented neutrophils decreased, while the content of radioimmunologically determined leukotriene B4 and thromboxane B2 increased in the other neutrophils. Application of mannose-specific lectins (Con A, PSL) as inductors caused the increase, while application of other carbohydrate-specific lectins caused the decrease of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence in neutrophilic granulocyte suspension after the irradiation. As a result of direct laser effect on the blood cells some portion of the less resistant cells were eliminated from the blood flow, i.e. "rejuvenation" of the neutrophilic granulocyte population in the cells takes place.  相似文献   

Interleukin-3 is a multipotential hematopoietic growth factor, which like other colony stimulating factors (CSFs) is effective "in vitro" stimulation of the mature cells function. It was found that IL-3 synergistically with GM-CSF and G-CSF stimulated the proliferation of the granulocytes. Therefore the purpose of this investigation was the evaluation "in vivo" of the influence of IL-3 on the phagocytosis, bactericidal activity, and enzyme activities of granulocytes. IL-3 was injected into mice subcutaneously during 5 days in dose 1 microgram/kg/d. The examination of the percent of cells phagocytizing bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus), NBT test and bactericidal activity, were performed every day and evident increase of the tested parameters was found. Additionally the enzyme activities in primary granules were measured and showed on increase of acid phosphatase and peroxidase activity.  相似文献   

Primary root meristems of Pisum sativum recover form a 3H-thymidine-induced reduction in mitotic activity once the roots are no longer exposed to exogenous 3H-thymidine. Cells arrested in G2 during 3H-thymidine treatment apparently do not divide for at least 16 hours after treatment, whereas cells remaining in G1 and S do divide and thereby account for recovery. Recovery occurs only when meristems are no longer exposed to exogenous (i.e. unincorporated) 3H-thymidine, suggesting that cytoplasmic irradiation from unincorporated 3H-thymidine prevents cellular recovery from 3H-thymidine-induced inhibition of cell progression through the mitotic cycle. Concentrations of 14C-thymidine which result in cytoplasmic irradiation nearly equivalent to that achieved with 3H-thymidine, but much lower levels of nuclear irradiation, also prevent recovery from 3H-thymidine-induced inhibition of mitotic activity, but do not alone produced such inhibition. These results support the contention that cytoplasmic irradiation prevents recovery from the effects of nuclear irradiation. Unincorporated 3H-thymidine also prevents recovery from sucrose deprivation in stationary phase G2 cells which have not incorporated 3H-thymidine into nuclear DNA.  相似文献   

By means of combined experiments of X-irradiation and 3H-thymidine labeling of the chromosomes which are in the phase of synthesis, and the subsequent analysis at metaphase on the autoradiographs of the chromosomal damage induced during interphase, it was shown that in somatic cells from a quasi-diploid Chinese hamster line cultured in vitro the chromosomes change their response to radiation from single (chromosome type aberrations) to double (chromatid type aberrations) in late G1. These results are interpreted to indicate that the chromosome splits into two chromatids in G1, before DNA replication. — By extending the observations at the second metaphase after irradiation, it was also seen that cells irradiated while in G2 or late S when they reach the second post-irradiation mitosis still exhibit, beside chromosome type aberrations, many chromatid exchanges, some of which are labeled. Two hypotheses are suggested to account for this unexpected reappearance of chromatid aberrations at the second post-irradiation division. The first hypothesis is that they arise from half-chromatid aberrations. The second hypothesis, which derives from a new interpretation of the mechanisms of production of chromosome aberrations recently forwarded by Evans, is that they arise from gaps or achromatic lesions which undergo, as the cells go through the next cycle, a two-step repair process culminating in the production of aberrations.This work was supported in part by grant No. RH-00304 from the Division of Radiological Health, Bureau of State Services, Public Health Service, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The results presented in this report demonstrate that an 18–20 hour exposure/3H-thymidine DNA labeling period is superior to a 4 hour incubation interval for general genotoxicity screening studies in the rat primary hepatocyte DNA repair assay. When DNA damaging agents which give rise to bulky-type DNA base adducts such as 2-acetylaminofluorene, aflatoxin Bi and benzidine were evaluated, little or no difference was observed between the 4 hour or an 18–20 hour exposure/labeling period. Similar results were also noted for the DNA ethylating agent diethylnitrosamine. However, when DNA damaging chemicals which produce a broader spectrum of DNA lesions were studied, differences in the amount of DNA repair as determined by autoradiographic analysis did occur. Methyl methanesulfonate and dimethylnitrosamine induced repairable DNA damage that was detected at lower dose levels with the 18–20 hour exposure/labeling period. Similar results were also observed for the DNA cross-linking agents, mitomycin C and nitrogen mustard. Ethyl methanesulfonate produced only a marginal amount of DNA repair in primary hepatocytes up to a dose level of 10–3M during the 4 hour incubation period, whereas a substantial amount of DNA repair was detectable at a dose level of 2.5 × 10–4M when the 18–20 hour exposure/labeling period was employed. The DNA alkylating agent 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide, which creates DNA base adducts that are slowly removed from mammalian cell DNA, induced no detectable DNA repair in hepatocytes up to a toxic dose level of 2 × 10–5M with the 4 hour exposure period, whereas a marked DNA repair response was observed at 10–5M when the 18–20 hour exposure/labeling period was used.Abbreviations 2AAF 2-acetylaminofluorene - AB1 aflatoxin B1 - BENZ benzidine - DEB diepoxybutane - DEN diethylnitrosamine - DMN dimethylnitrosamine - EMS ethyl methanesulfonate - MITC mitomycin C - MMS methyl methanesulfonate - NG mean net nuclear grain counts - NM nitrogen mustard - 4NQO 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To objectively characterize the architectural spectrum of Gleason pattern 3 prostate cancer (PCA) in a biologically meaningful manner. STUDY DESIGN: We define an objective architectural feature of PCA, "pinch point density" (PPD), and explore its relationship to proliferative index (PI). A pinch point (PP) is a site where the epithelium of two neighboring glandular structures is contiguous in one histologic section but not in an adjacent serial section. Seventeen radical prostatectomy specimens with areas of pure Gleason pattern 3 were studied. PPD was measured with computer aid using digital images of serial sections. PI was measured by computer-aided counting of Ki-67-positive cells. RESULTS: PPD correlated inversely with PI (PPD vs. log [PI], P < .004). Characteristics not significantly correlated with PI included total number of malignant glands, PP per gland and total number of malignant cells. Subjectively, tumors with high PPD and low PI tended to contain a larger number of smaller glands as compared to tumors with low PPD and high PI. This impression was confirmed analytically. CONCLUSION: PPD is an objective architectural feature of possible biologic significance. This is an early step toward identifying objective features of growth pattern in Gleason pattern 3 PCA that may be clinically meaningful.  相似文献   

Stem Cell Factor (SCF) can stimulate the growth and development of primitive multipotential and unipotential hematopoietic stem cells, either alone or in combination with other cytokines such as Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and Granulocyte-CSF (G-CSF). It was found that these cytokines can also stimulate the function of granulocytes but there is no information concerning SCF influence on the function of these mature cells. SCF was injected into mice subcutaneously during 5 consecutive days in a dose of 1 microgram/kg/d. An examination of the percentage of phagocytic granulocytes and NBT test was performed. The activity of acid phosphatase (AcP), alkaline phosphatase (AP), peroxidase (MPO) and esterase were determined by cytochemistry methods. On the basis of obtained results we can conclude that SCF evidently increases all tested parameters connected with the metabolism of phagocytosis.  相似文献   

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