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The relations between allozyme heterozygosity, relative date of first feeding and life history strategy in juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were examined using eggs obtained from a 400 family cross (20 male × 20 female adult Atlantic salmon). Multilocus heterozygosity, through its positive associations with the timing of first feeding and growth rate, was correlated with life history strategy in juvenile Atlantic salmon, albeit under genotype × environmental (temperature, food availability) regulation. Under hatchery conditions, a 10 day difference was observed in the relative date of first feeding between early and late first feeding Atlantic salmon. Early first feeding Atlantic salmon exhibited a significantly higher mean heterozygosity, grew faster at ambient water temperature (April to November) and a significantly higher proportion adopted the early freshwater maturation (age 0+ years, male fish) or early migrant (age 1+ years, mainly female fish) strategies compared to late first feeding Atlantic salmon. Elevated water temperatures over the winter (December to April, >10·5° C) provided additional growth opportunity allowing previously mature male parr (mainly early first feeders) and lower modal group parr (mainly late first feeders) to adopt the early migrant strategy by the following spring.  相似文献   

Anadromous Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar) were captured from three Newfoundland lakes. Yearling and 2 year parr were captured most often in shallow water <2 m deep around lake perimeters and were not abundant at greater depths. The 3+ and 4+ parr age groups were rarely found inshore (<2 m) but were captured in deeper offshore areas. Though the parr population in one deep lake was too small to be estimated by mark-recapture, estimates of the yearlings plus 2+ age groups in two shallower lakes were 55 and 63 parr ha−1. respectively. No under yearlings were found in lake habitats. Parr density in the three study lakes varied inversely with mean lake depth. Lacustrine parr growth rate was greater than or equal to that of stream dwelling parr. It is concluded that some shallow lakes of Newfoundland provide major rearing areas for juvenile anadromous Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

The effects of maturation, castration, and androgen implants on growth in 1- and 2-year-old Baltic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) were studied in a stock originating from the Umeälven (Ume river) in northern Sweden. 1 + male parr that later matured were larger than non-maturing parr in the spring. Later in the summer, during the period of gonadal growth, the growth rate of maturing parr was depressed compared to that of non-maturing males. Implantation of capsules with 11-ketoandrostenedione (OA) or testosterone (T) in sexually immature 1-year-old fish, accelerated the specific growth rate in spring and early summer, particularly considering growth in weight, resulting in an increase in the condition factor. In contrast, the growth rate was depressed from late June onwards, the period when the gonads normally develop in 1 + parr. T, but not OA, also promoted sexual maturation. Castration or OA treatment did not affect total summer growth in 2-year-old salmon. This study suggests a causal relationship between androgens and the growth pattern observed in maturing 1 + male parr.  相似文献   

Climate change models predict a 2 to 6° C increase in air temperature within the next 100 years in the Maritime Provinces of eastern Canada. Higher air temperatures are expected to contribute to increased water temperatures, alterations in stream flow conditions, and ultimately reductions in fish growth. Mean annual size-at-age of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar decreased in the Northwest Miramichi and Southwest Miramichi Rivers between 1971–1999. Lengths-at-age of juveniles were significantly correlated between the two rivers. For Atlantic salmon parr, stronger associations between inter-cohort fork length ( L F) than intra-cohort L F were observed, suggesting that environmental conditions in the current year of growth have the more significant effects on size of age 2 year parr than conditions encountered the previous year by age 1 year parr of the same cohort. Fork lengths of parr were significantly and negatively associated with spring air and water temperatures. In the Miramichi River, increases in air and water temperature as predicted from climate change models may adversely affect growth of juvenile Atlantic salmon parr, reducing the overall productivity of the Atlantic salmon populations in this region.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr exposed to heated water effluent were larger than parr living upstream of the discharge. There was no effect, however, of temperature on the incidence of male parr maturation, despite the link between growth and maturation found in other studies. Mature parr upstream of the effluent were smaller than mature parr downstream of it, suggesting a higher size threshold for maturation in those parr exposed to the heated water. The small distance between upstream and downstream sampling sites probably precluded genetic differences between the parr, thus implying an environmental influence on the threshold size above which male parr matured.  相似文献   

Developing 1+ male Atlantic salmon parr were treated with methallibure and cyproterone acetate. Both these drugs failed to prevent gonad maturation but they did decrease the gonadotrophic cell size and lower plasma androgen levels. These results are discussed in relation to previous studies. It is concluded that gonadotrophic cells control gonadal androgen production, that cyproterone acetate is a central inhibitor of gonadotrophin production and that these two chemical agents could be effective as chemosterilants if administered early in gonad maturation cycle.  相似文献   

Is Atlantic salmon production limited by number of territories?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr (mean 135 mm total length, L T) in the River Alta, Norway, were radio‐tagged and tracked during a 11–13 day period. The parr stayed within defined home ranges with a 95% probability of localization within an average area of 1286 m2(241–3484 m2). On average, each parr had overlapping home ranges with 7·7 other parr, and the overlap between pairs of fish covered on average 24% of their home range areas. Mean length of the river stretch used was 90 m (22–383 m). On average, during 38%(16–77%) of the tracking surveys, the fish had moved >10 m since the previous survey. Mean total distance moved during the whole study was 402 m (208–862 m). The Atlantic salmon were most often recorded in riffles, but 27% of the parr alternated between riffles and pools. The extensive movements, flexible habitat utilization and relatively large home ranges, together with the fact that all the parr had home ranges partly overlapping with other radio‐tagged parr, indicate a flexible and variable behaviour and, thereby, a more complex social structure than a rigid defence of a fixed territory. Thus, Atlantic salmon production seems not to be limited by the highest potential number of territories for large parr in a given area.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological recordings from the olfactory epithelium have shown that 17 alpha,20 beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one 20-sulphate (17,20 beta-P-sulphate; a conjugate of the oocyte-maturation-inducing steroid in teleosts) is a potent odorant in precocious male Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr. However, the olfactory epithelium of these fish only appeared to be responsive to the steroid after stimulation with the urine of ovulated female Atlantic salmon. Immature fish did not respond at any time. Stimulation with urine from immature and precocious male Atlantic salmon parr did not make the olfactory epithelium of precocious male salmon parr responsive to the steroid. 17,20 beta-P-sulphate was found in the urines of ovulated females, precocious male parr and mature male Atlantic salmon. The findings are discussed in relation to the possible role of 17,20 beta-P-sulphate in the physiology of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon parr and smolts are regularly released into the River Kymijoki, Southern Finland, to enhance the local river and coastal fisheries. In 1988–1994, a series of micro‐ and Carlin‐tagging experiments were carried out to examine the influence of stocking age on the stocking results. Five age groups were compared: 1‐year and 2‐year‐old smolts, and 1‐summer, 1‐year and 2‐summer‐old parr. The aim was to determine the most profitable way of producing salmon for fishing in the River Kymijoki. Stocking age had a strong influence on the stocking results, measured as the proportion of adult recoveries. The most favourable results were obtained using 2‐year‐old smolts (survival index 100), followed by 1‐year‐old smolts (52), 2‐summer‐old parr (51), 1‐year‐old parr (37) and 1‐summer‐old parr (24). Available data on rearing costs suggest that 2‐year‐old smolts were also the most economically profitable choice, followed by 1‐year‐old parr, 1‐year‐old smolts and 1‐summer‐old parr. The most expensive way of producing salmon was by stocking 2‐summer‐old parr.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar fry and parr were subjected to 5 min of forced activity and the subsequent changes in oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates were evaluated over a 24 h period. In a second experiment, individual Atlantic salmon fry and parr were freeze‐clamped in liquid nitrogen, before, immediately following a 5 min activity period, or after periods of recovery up to 2 h. Samples were analysed for whole body phosphocreatine (PCr), ATP and lactate. Five minutes of forced activity resulted in significant increases in both oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates. Changes in the oxygen consumption rates were greater in the parr compared with the fry. In contrast, the post‐exercise ammonia excretion rates were nearly twice as high for the fry compared with the parr. Exercise also caused a marked decrease in PCr levels (c. 47 and 65% in fry and parr, respectively), no change in ATP levels and a significant increase in lactate levels in Atlantic salmon fry and parr. Recovery of PCr occurred quickly (between 15 and 30 min) in fry and parr. Although the post‐activity levels of lactate were lower in fry (c. 3 μmol g?1) compared with parr (c. 14 μmol g?1), lactate levels returned to control levels within 60 min in fry, but it took >2 h for this metabolite to recover in parr. Compared with parr, these findings show that Atlantic salmon fry possess a reduced anaerobic capacity, and these results are consistent with the theoretical and experimental evidence that smaller fish support burst swimming through aerobic processes.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon fry (0+) sampled from the River Alta exhibited only minor differences in stomach content weights and feeding rates throughout diel periods, but feeding rates were generally lowest at night. In contrast, salmon parr (1+ to 3+) had large diel fluctuations in stomach content weight, with the largest weights usually being recorded during the night and early morning. Accordingly, their feeding rates were highest at night. This nocturnal feeding pattern was consistent throughout all sampling occasions, and appeared to reflect a persistent feeding periodicity in the salmon parr. The daily food consumption rates of both fry and parr were highest during midsummer and decreased towards autumn.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of sexual maturity on space use in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr as facultative early maturation enables us to work on individuals belonging to the same cohort. We monitored the space use of 40 1-year-old males in natura throughout a breeding season. First, mature individuals covered longer distances (absolute and upstream) and located within broader home ranges than immature parr. Second, sexual maturity also generated a higher interindividual variability in space use. Finally, mature individuals exhibited a higher probability of association with likely breeding sites on average. However, some mature individuals experienced a lower probability than immature individuals, suggesting that the space use of some mature individuals may not be optimal. Moreover, mature parr exploiting a broader home range or covering longer upstream distances had a higher probability of association with likely breeding sites. Covering longer upstream distances may therefore increase the reproductive success of mature parr, while involving higher energetic costs and a greater risk of predation.  相似文献   

Nocturnal underwater counts of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr were made on four consecutive occasions (two lunar cycles, samplings at both the full and new moon) at four 40 m long sites in the Sainte‐Marguerite River, Québec, Canada, between 30 June and 14 August 2003. Atlantic salmon parr counts did not differ significantly between moon phases. Cloud cover ranged from 0 to 100% during the study, and had no significant effect on parr counts. There were significantly more Atlantic salmon parr in the near shore than in the midstream areas. The findings of this study suggest that the sampling strategy of summer studies aimed at assessing population abundance or developing habitat quality models can be designed without taking moon phase or cloud cover into consideration, but it should account for the higher relative abundance of Atlantic salmon parr in the near shore areas as compared to areas closer to the middle of streams.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon straying from the River Imsa   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Mean estimated straying rate for Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. leaving the River Imsa as smolts during 1976–1999 was 15% for hatchery fish and 6% for wild conspecifics. Hatchery Atlantic salmon selected for production traits during four or more generations strayed >50%. The straying rate was higher for Atlantic salmon staying 2 rather than 1 year at sea before attaining maturity. For spawning, 96% of the strays entered streams within 420 km from the River Imsa, and c . 80% entered streams within 60 km of the mouth of the River Imsa, whether the fish were wild or hatchery released. Within the 60 km zone, the number of strays caught in a river increased with the Atlantic salmon catch in that river, but there was no significant relationship between straying rate and water discharge or distance from the river to the River Imsa. The observed straying rate of hatchery Atlantic salmon decreased with increasing number of fish entering the River Imsa. Sexual maturation as parr did not influence the tendency to stray. The results suggest that the establishment of temporary zones, free of fish farms, outside important Atlantic salmon rivers by the fisheries authorities in Norway should be large, whole fjords, to be effective.  相似文献   

Relative ventricular weight (RVW, ventricular weight/body weight · 100) was measured for five groups of Atlantic salmon parr from the Girnock Burn in Scotland. The mean RVW was: mature males, 0.087; immature resident males, 0.054; immature resident females, 0.056; immature migrant males, 0.056; immature migrant females, 0.053. For a group of mature male parr from the R. Nith, Galloway, Scotland, the mean RVW was 0.108. There were no significant differences in the RVW between groups of immature fish. The RVW of each group of mature male parr was significantly greater than those of each, group of immature parr. Condition indices (weight/length3) were closely similar between all groups of parr. The functional significance of plasticity in ventricular weight is discussed in relation to life histories of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

In stream-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar , plasma androgens were significantly greater in mature male parr than immature males and females in October, but had declined by January and did not differ significantly from immature fish throughout the spring. Immature fish in March were significantly larger and had greater gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity than their previously mature counterparts. Bimodal growth distribution was seen in hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon and a proportion of the male fish in the lower mode matured. Plasma testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) were significantly elevated from September to December in mature male (1+ year) parr. In January, plasma androgens had declined in mature males and did not differ significantly from immature fish. By May all the hatchery fish were large enough to smolt and a proportion of the previously mature males had increased gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity. Therefore elevated androgens in the previous autumn do not prevent smolting. Parr with higher plasma T and 11-KT in April and May, that are presumably beginning to mature, had lower gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity, indicating that future maturation and associated increases in androgens may inhibit smolting.  相似文献   

The duration of the Mx mRNA response to an intramuscular injection of the viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) glycoprotein (G) gene DNA vaccine as well as to the control plasmid was determined in rainbow trout at 14 degrees C over a period of 11 weeks. The Mx response was detectable on day 7, peaked on day 14 and returned to pretreatment levels on day 21 and thereafter. No increase in Mx expression was detectable to the control plasmid. In further experiments, the kinetics of the Mx response were compared in rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon parr kept at 10 degrees C and injected with the DNA vaccine or the synthetic double-stranded RNA, poly I:C. In both species there was a rapid response to poly I:C detectable from day 1, reaching maximum from days 3 to 9 and decreasing to background level by day 12. The peak level and return to background was reached slightly later in salmon. In both species the response to the VHS/DNA vaccine was slower to begin, not being detectable on days 1 and 3, but elevated levels were found on day 6. However, in the salmon parr, the peak level was on day 6 and the signal disappeared by day 12, while in the rainbow trout, the response peaked at day 12 and lasted until day 21. The kinetics of the Mx response to the VHS/DNA vaccine in rainbow trout correlate with the early non-specific protection against VHS in this species following vaccination. It is speculated that the more transient Mx response in Atlantic salmon parr to the DNA vaccine may be related to the innate resistance of salmon to VHS.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of mature male Atlantic salmon parr ( Salmo salar ) under natural spawning conditions was estimated using the polymorphism at the MEP - 2 * locus as a genetic marker. The percentage of eggs per redd fertilized by parr varied considerably over the five redds examined (0·9–27.7%, mean 10·8%), but a gametic contribution from mature parr was detected in each case. Parr reproductive success has important implications for the population structure and evolution of the Atlantic salmon through its effect on gene flow.  相似文献   

The sounds of a wild female Atlantic salmon cutting a redd were associated with significant increases in the levels of plasma 17,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20βP) and of expressible milt in mature male parr, comparable with levels of the steroid and milt produced in parr exposed to the priming pheromone, prostaglandin F2a. Hence auditory cues may have a significant role in synchronising reproductive physiology in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

The growth of naturally recruited Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr in fluvial and lacustrine habitats was investigated in three northern Norwegian watercourses. Salmon parr were sampled in autumn with small mesh gillnets in lakes, and by electrofishing in streams. In three northern Norwegian watercourses, lacustrine Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr were larger in length and weight at age than fluvial parr. Back-calculated lengths indicated that lacustrine salmon parr were recruited from the fastest growing part of the populations and they had larger growth (length) increments between age intervals than fluvial parr. There was no consistent pattern in growth comparisons between parr from the inlet and outlet streams. Temperature regime alone could not explain the growth difference observed between parr from the different habitats.  相似文献   

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