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Depletion of sphingolipids facilitates endosome to Golgi transport of ricin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been previously demonstrated that depletion of cholesterol inhibits endosome to Golgi transport. Whether this inhibition is due to disruption of sphingolipid- and cholesterol-containing lipid rafts that are selected for Golgi transport or whether there is a physical requirement of cholesterol for either membrane deformations, facilitating formation of transport vesicles, or for recruitment of cytosolic constituents is not obvious. To investigate this in more detail, we have studied endosome to Golgi transport of ricin in sphingolipid-deficient cells using either a mutant cell line that does not express serine palmitoyltransferase, the first enzyme in sphingolipid biosynthesis, or a specific inhibitor, myriocin, of the same enzyme. Depletion of sphingolipids gave an increased sensitivity to ricin, and this increased sensitivity was inhibited by addition of sphingolipids. Importantly, endosome to Golgi transport of ricin, measured as sulfation of a modified ricin molecule, was increased in sphingolipid-deficient cells. No effect was seen on other pathways taken by ricin. Interestingly, cholesterol depletion inhibited endosome to Golgi transport even in cells with reduced levels of sphingolipids, suggesting that cholesterol as such is required for formation of transport vesicles. Our results indicate that the presence of sphingolipids actually limits and may function to control endosome to Golgi transport of ricin.  相似文献   

Ricin is transported from early endosomes and/or the recycling compartment to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and subsequently to the endoplasmic recticulum (ER) before it enters the cytosol and intoxicates cells. We have investigated the role of the Rab6 isoforms in retrograde transport of ricin using both oligo- and vector-based RNAi assays. Ricin transport to the TGN was inhibited by the depletion of Rab6A when the Rab6A messenger RNA (mRNA) levels were reduced by more than 40% and less than 75%. However, when Rab6A mRNA was reduced by more than 75% and Rab6A' mRNA was simultaneously up-regulated, the inhibition of ricin sulfation was abolished, indicating that the up-regulation of Rab6A' may compensate for the loss of Rab6A function. In addition, we found that a near complete depletion of Rab6A' gave approximately 40% reduction in ricin sulfation. The up-regulation of Rab6A mRNA levels did not seem to compensate for the loss of Rab6A' function. The depletion of both Rab6A and Rab6A' gave a stronger inhibition of ricin sulfation than what was observed knocking down the two isoforms separately. In conclusion, both Rab6A and Rab6A' seem to be involved in the transport of ricin from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

This review considers the hypothesis that a small portion of plasma membrane cholesterol regulates reverse cholesterol transport in coordination with overall cellular homeostasis. It appears that almost all of the plasma membrane cholesterol is held in stoichiometric complexes with bilayer phospholipids. The minor fraction of cholesterol that exceeds the complexation capacity of the phospholipids is called active cholesterol. It has an elevated chemical activity and circulates among the organelles. It also moves down its chemical activity gradient to plasma HDL, facilitated by the activity of ABCA1, ABCG1, and SR-BI. ABCA1 initiates this process by perturbing the organization of the plasma membrane bilayer, thereby priming its phospholipids for translocation to apoA-I to form nascent HDL. The active excess sterol and that activated by ABCA1 itself follow the phospholipids to the nascent HDL. ABCG1 similarly rearranges the bilayer and sends additional active cholesterol to nascent HDL, while SR-BI simply facilitates the equilibration of the active sterol between plasma membranes and plasma proteins. Active cholesterol also flows downhill to cytoplasmic membranes where it serves both as a feedback signal to homeostatic ER proteins and as the substrate for the synthesis of mitochondrial 27-hydroxycholesterol (27HC). 27HC binds the LXR and promotes the expression of the aforementioned transport proteins. 27HC-LXR also activates ABCA1 by competitively displacing its inhibitor, unliganded LXR. 4 Considerable indirect evidence suggests that active cholesterol serves as both a substrate and a feedback signal for reverse cholesterol transport. Direct tests of this novel hypothesis are proposed.  相似文献   

Receptor-mediated endocytosis and intracellular routing of native ricin, and of ricin conjugated to colloidal gold (Ri-Au) and to horseradish peroxidase (Ri-HRP), have been studied in cultured MCF-7 and Vero cells by electron microscopical techniques including serial section analysis. Both native ricin, as demonstrated by immunoperoxidase cytochemistry, and the ricin conjugates were internalized via a common coated pit-coated vesicle pathway to reach vacuolar and tubulo-vesicular portions of the endosomal system. In addition, native ricin and a purified monovalent fraction of Ri-HRP reached distinct Golgi cisterns, whereas Ri-Au and polyvalent Ri-HRP did not. The results delineate intracellular routing of native ricin and compare it with the routing of different ricin conjugates. Moreover, our study shows that conjugates of a particular ligand (ricin) and various probes (e.g., gold and peroxidase), may be handled differently by cells. Sorting apparently takes place in the endosomal system, allowing some but not other molecules to reach Golgi elements. This sorting seems to depend on the valency of the ricin conjugate.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial membrane biogenesis requires the interorganelle transport of phospholipids. Phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum and related membranes (mitochondria-associated membrane (MAM)) is transported to the mitochondria by unknown gene products and decarboxylated to form phosphatidylethanolamine at the inner membrane by PtdSer decarboxylase 1 (Psd1p). We have designed a screen for strains defective in PtdSer transport (pstA mutants) between the endoplasmic reticulum and Psd1p that relies on isolating ethanolamine auxotrophs in suitable (psd2Delta) genetic backgrounds. Following chemical mutagenesis, we isolated an ethanolamine auxotroph that we designate pstA1-1. Using in vivo and in vitro phospholipid synthesis/transport measurements, we demonstrate that the pstA1-1 mutant is defective in PtdSer transport between the MAM and mitochondria. The gene that complements the growth defect and PtdSer transport defect of the pstA1-1 mutant is MET30, which encodes a substrate recognition subunit of the SCF (suppressor of kinetochore protein 1, cullin, F-box) ubiquitin ligase complex. Reconstitution of different permutations of MAM and mitochondria from wild type and pstA1-1 strains demonstrates that the MET30 gene product affects both organelles. These data provide compelling evidence that interorganelle PtdSer traffic is regulated by ubiquitination.  相似文献   

Galactose-terminating membrane glycoproteins and glycolipids on two established human breast carcinoma cell lines were tagged at 4 degrees C with a ricin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (Ri-HRP). The cells were then incubated for various periods of time at 37 or 18 degrees C. After fixation and diaminobenzidine cytochemistry, the compartments reached by Ri-HRP were studied by analyzing thin serial sections. In both cell types a highly pleomorphic endosomal system comprising vacuolar elements as well as smaller, sometimes branched, tubular elements (tubular endosomes) was revealed at both 37 and 18 degrees C. At 37 degrees C Ri-HRP was consistently observed in flattened cisterns of the Golgi region in 30-40% of the Golgi complexes examined after 30-60 min of incubation. However, no Ri-HRP reached such Golgi elements at 18 degrees C, even after incubation for 180 min. Moreover, at 18 degrees C the ability of ricin to inhibit protein synthesis was virtually abolished, whereas the effect of diphtheria toxin was reduced much less. Following incubation with a monovalent transferrin-HRP conjugate or with unconjugated HRP, no labeling of cisternal Golgi elements was detected. These data indicate that delivery of galactose-terminating membrane molecules from endosomes to the Golgi complex is a discontinuous, temperature-sensitive process and that this process may be required for optimal ricin A-chain translocation.  相似文献   

Endocytosed Shiga toxin is transported from the Golgi complex to the endoplasmic reticulum in butyric acid-treated A431 cells. We here examine the extent of this retrograde transport and its regulation. The short B fragment of Shiga toxin is sufficient for transport to the ER. The B fragment of cholera toxin, which also binds to glycolipids, is transported to all the Golgi cisterns, but cannot be localized in the ER even after butyric acid treatment. Under all conditions the toxic protein ricin was found predominantly in the trans-Golgi network. There is no transport of endocytosed fluid to the Golgi apparatus or to the ER even after butyric acid treatment and in the presence of Shiga toxin, indicating that transport to the ER, through the trans-Golgi network and the cisterns of the Golgi apparatus, involves several sorting stations. Since Shiga toxin receptors (Gb3) in butyric acid- treated A431 cells seem to have a ceramide moiety with longer fatty acids than in untreated cells, the possibility exists that fatty acid composition of the receptor is important for sorting to the ER. Both retrograde transport and intoxication with Shiga toxin can also be induced by cAMP, supporting the idea that retrograde transport from the Golgi to the ER is required for intoxication. The data suggest that transport to the ER in cells in situ may depend on fatty acid composition and is regulated by physiological signals.  相似文献   

Golgins are Golgi-localized proteins present in all molecularly characterized eukaryotes that function in Golgi transport and maintenance of Golgi structure. Some peripheral membrane Golgins, including the yeast Imh1 protein, contain the recently described GRIP domain that can independently mediate Golgi localization by an unknown mechanism. To identify candidate Golgi receptors for GRIP domain proteins, a collection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae deletion mutants was visually screened by using yeast, mouse, and human GFP-GRIP domain fusion proteins for defects in Golgi localization. GFP-GRIP reporters were localized to the cytosol in cells lacking either of two ARF-like (ARL) GTPases, Arl1p and Arl3p. In vitro binding experiments demonstrated that activated Arl1p-GTP binds specifically and directly to the Imh1p GRIP domain. Arl1p colocalized with Imh1p-GRIP at the Golgi, and Golgi localization of Arl1p was regulated by the GTPase cycle of Arl3p. These results suggest a cascade in which the GTPase cycle of Arl3p regulates Golgi localization of Arl1p, which in turn binds to the GRIP domain of Imh1p and recruits it to the Golgi. The similar requirements for localization of GRIP domains from yeast, mouse, and human when expressed in yeast, and the presence of Arl1p and Arl3p homologs in these species, suggest that this is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism.  相似文献   

Studies of RII alpha-deficient B lymphoid cells and stable transfectants expressing the type II alpha regulatory subunit (RII alpha) of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), which is targeted to the Golgi-centrosomal area, reveal that the presence of a Golgi-associated pool of PKA type II alpha mediates a change in intracellular transport of the plant toxin ricin. The transport of ricin from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus, measured as sulfation of a modified ricin (ricin sulf-1), increased in RII alpha-expressing cells when PKA was activated. However, not only endosome-to-Golgi transport, but also retrograde ricin transport to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), measured as sulfation and N-glycosylation of another modified ricin (ricin sulf-2), seemed to be increased in cells expressing RII alpha in the presence of a cAMP analog, 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP. Thus, PKA type II alpha seems to be involved in both endosome-to-Golgi and Golgi-to-ER transport. Because ricin, after being retrogradely transported to the ER, is translocated to the cytosol, where it inhibits protein synthesis, we also investigated the influence of RII alpha expression on ricin toxicity. In agreement with the other data obtained, 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP and RII alpha were found to sensitize cells to ricin, indicating an increased transport of ricin to the cytosol. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that transport of ricin from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus and further to the ER is regulated by PKA type II alpha isozyme.  相似文献   

Production of thrombin by phospholipid-bound prothrombinase complexes has been described as being regulated by the prothrombin concentration in the buffer (free-substrate model) as well as by the concentration of prothrombin adsorbed to the phospholipid surface (bound-substrate model). We studied simultaneous adsorption and conversion of prothrombin on planar bilayers consisting of 20% dioleoylphosphatidylserine and 80% dioleoylphosphatidylcholine. A transport limitation in the conversion of prothrombin was prevented by using a very low (0.3 fmol cm-2) amount of prothrombinase on the bilayer. The Michaelis and catalytic constants thus found were Km = 5.8 +/- 0.7 nM and kcat = 33 +/- 1 s-1 (mean +/- S.D.). The apparent bimolecular rate constant Kcat/Km = 5.7 x 10(9) M-1 s-1 exceeds the theoretically maximal value for the free-substrate model. In contrast, kcat/Km is within the range expected for a diffusion-controlled bound-substrate model. A similar mechanism for prothrombin conversion in suspensions of phospholipid vesicles would imply increasing kcat/Km values for increasing vesicle diameter. This prediction was tested and a 3-fold increase in kcat/Km values was indeed found for vesicles 60-80 nm in diameter compared to vesicles of 20-30 nm diameter. It is concluded that thrombin production is dependent on protein fluxes rather than on protein concentrations.  相似文献   

ADP ribosylation factor (ARF) is thought to play a critical role in recruiting coatomer (COPI) to Golgi membranes to drive transport vesicle budding. Yeast strains harboring mutant COPI proteins exhibit defects in retrograde Golgi to endoplasmic reticulum protein transport and striking cargo-selective defects in anterograde endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi protein transport. To determine whether arf mutants exhibit similar phenotypes, the anterograde transport kinetics of multiple cargo proteins were examined in arf mutant cells, and, surprisingly, both COPI-dependent and COPI-independent cargo proteins exhibited comparable defects. Retrograde dilysine-mediated transport also appeared to be inefficient in the arf mutants, and coatomer mutants with no detectable anterograde transport defect exhibited a synthetic growth defect when combined with arf1Δ, supporting a role for ARF in retrograde transport. Remarkably, we found that early and medial Golgi glycosyltransferases localized to abnormally large ring-shaped structures. The endocytic marker FM4–64 also stained similar, but generally larger ring-shaped structures en route from the plasma membrane to the vacuole in arf mutants. Brefeldin A similarly perturbed endosome morphology and also inhibited transport of FM4–64 from endosomal structures to the vacuole. Electron microscopy of arf mutant cells revealed the presence of what appear to be hollow spheres of interconnected membrane tubules which likely correspond to the fluorescent ring structures. Together, these observations indicate that organelle morphology is significantly more affected than transport in the arf mutants, suggesting a fundamental role for ARF in regulating membrane dynamics. Possible mechanisms for producing this dramatic morphological change in intracellular organelles and its relation to the function of ARF in coat assembly are discussed.  相似文献   

During endocytosis, membrane components move to intraluminal vesicles of the endolysosomal compartment for digestion. At the late endosomes, cholesterol is sorted out mainly by two sterol-binding proteins, Niemann-Pick protein type C (NPC)1 and NPC2. To study the NPC2-mediated intervesicular cholesterol transfer, we developed a liposomal assay system. (Abdul-Hammed, M., B. Breiden, M. A. Adebayo, J. O. Babalola, G. Schwarzmann, and K. Sandhoff. 2010. Role of endosomal membrane lipids and NPC2 in cholesterol transfer and membrane fusion. J. Lipid Res. 51: 1747–1760.) Anionic lipids stimulate cholesterol transfer between liposomes while SM inhibits it, even in the presence of anionic bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate (BMP). Preincubation of vesicles containing SM with acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) (SM phosphodiesterase, EC results in hydrolysis of SM to ceramide (Cer), which enhances cholesterol transfer. Besides SM, ASM also cleaves liposomal phosphatidylcholine. Anionic phospholipids derived from the plasma membrane (phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidic acid) stimulate SM and phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis by ASM more effectively than BMP, which is generated during endocytosis. ASM-mediated hydrolysis of liposomal SM was also stimulated by incorporation of diacylglycerol (DAG), Cer, and free fatty acids into the liposomal membranes. Conversely, phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis was inhibited by incorporation of cholesterol, Cer, DAG, monoacylglycerol, and fatty acids. Our data suggest that SM degradation by ASM is required for physiological secretion of cholesterol from the late endosomal compartment, and is a key regulator of endolysosomal lipid digestion.  相似文献   

In the companion paper (Huber, L. A., S. W. Pimplikar, R. G. Parton, H. Virta, M. Zerial, and K. Simons. J. Cell Biol. 123:35-45) we reported that the small GTPase rab8p is involved in transport from the TGN to the basolateral plasma membrane in epithelia. In the present work we investigated the localization and function of rab8p in polarized hippocampal neurons. By immunofluorescence microscopy we found that rab8p localized preferentially in the somatodendritic domain, and was excluded from the axon. Double-labeling immunofluorescence showed that some of the rab8p co-localized in the dendrites with the Semliki Forest Virus glycoprotein E2 (SFV-E2). An antisense oligonucleotide approach was used to investigate the role of rab8p in dendritic transport of newly synthesized viral glycoproteins. Antisense oligonucleotides corresponding to the initiation region of the rab8 coding sequence were added to the cultured neurons for four days. This treatment resulted in a significant decrease in cellular levels of rab8p and transport of SFV- E2 from the cell body to the dendrites was significantly reduced. However, no effect was observed on axonal transport of influenza HA. From these results we conclude that rab8p is involved in transport of proteins to the dendritic surface in neurons.  相似文献   

When the ER to Golgi transport is blocked by a GTP-restricted mutant of Sar1p (H79G) in NRK-52E cells, most Golgi resident proteins are transported back into the ER. In contrast, the cis-Golgi matrix proteins GM130 and GRASP65 are retained in punctate cytoplasmic structures, namely Golgi remnants. Significant amounts of the medial-Golgi matrix proteins golgin-45, GRASP55 and giantin are retained in the Golgi remnants, but a fraction of these proteins relocates to the ER. Golgin-97, a candidate trans-Golgi network matrix protein, is retained in Golgi remnant-like structures, but mostly separated from GM130 and GRASP65. Interestingly, most Sec13p, a COPII component, congregates into larger cytoplasmic clusters soon after the microinjection of Sar1p(H79G), and these move to accumulate around the Golgi apparatus. Sec13p clusters remain associated with Golgi remnants after prolonged incubation. Electron microscopic analysis revealed that Golgi remnants are clusters of larger vesicles with smaller vesicles, many of which are coated. GM130 is mainly associated with larger vesicles and Sec13p with smaller coated vesicles. The Sec13p clusters disperse when p115 binding to the Golgi apparatus is inhibited. These results suggest that cis-Golgi matrix proteins resist retrograde transport flow and stay as true residents in Golgi remnants after the inhibition of ER to Golgi transport.  相似文献   

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