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Abstract. Human epidemiological reports and rodent experimental research data indicate a possible chemopreventive effect of regular aspirin use for decreasing risk of colon and rectum cancer incidence and mortality. We have previously demonstrated that aspirin can significantly suppress proliferative parameters in normal rat colonic epithelium when examined 24 h following an acute or chronic course of aspirin administration. To investigate whether aspirin would effectively suppress known carcinogen-induced changes in colonic epithelium, rats were given single s.c. injections of either aspirin (50 mg/kg bw) or saline on days 1–3 and either 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH; 12 mg base/kg bw) or DMH vehicle on day 4 of each week for eight consecutive weeks. Rats were sacrificed 4 days after the last aspirin dose and 3 days after the last DMH or DMH vehicle dose. Using the proliferative biomarkers of proliferating cell nuclear antigen positive cells per midaxial crypt section (SCC), crypt proliferative zone height (PZ), crypt differentiated zone height (DZ), and total crypt height (CH), it was found that aspirin does suppress DMH-induced increases in SCC, PZ and CH. The findings demonstrate that aspirin has a long term (i.e. several days) protective effect against early carcinogen-induced proliferative changes in rat colonic crypts which may help account for aspirin's chemopreventive action against colon cancer.  相似文献   

The effect of consumption for 24 weeks of different amounts (0%, 5% or 10% w/w) of fermentable (pectin and guar gum) or nonfermentable (cellulose and lignin) dietary fibres on cell proliferation and other parameters in large bowel mucosal crypts was studied in rats. In all 12 dietary groups, the crypts located over the distal aggregate of lymphoid nodules (ALN) had more colchicine arrested metaphase figures per midaxial crypt section (MC) and a longer crypt column height than crypts located three to four cm away from this ALN. These differences are attributed to the tropic influence of nodular cells in the ALN. Consumption of fermentable fibre decreased pH in the lumen of the caecum, and glucose, Zn and Cu in serum but increased Ca and Mg in serum. The decrease in caecal pH and serum glucose was significantly correlated with a decrease in MC. Increased intake of the nonfermentable fibre types increased faecal bulk but had no significant correlation with the other measured crypt parameters. Multiple regression analyses was used to model the relationships between the mucosal crypt criterion variables and the two measured predictor variables, caecal pH and serum glucose. Relationships between dietary fibre, ALN, MC, bioavailability of dietary minerals and risk of colorectal cancer are discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations are a cause of human disease and are proposed to have a role in human aging. Clonally expanded mtDNA point mutations have been detected in replicating tissues and have been shown to cause respiratory chain (RC) defects. The effect of these mutations on other cellular functions has not been established. Here, we investigate the consequences of RC deficiency on human colonic epithelial stem cells and their progeny in elderly individuals. We show for the first time in aging human tissue that RC deficiency attenuates cell proliferation and increases apoptosis in the progeny of RC deficient stem cells, leading to decreased crypt cell population.  相似文献   

The effects of chemical sympathectomy and of the injection of amines or amine-receptor blocking drugs on cell proliferation in colonic crypts and in dimethylhydrazine-induced colonic carcinomata is examined in rats using a stathmokinetic technique. In animals which had been chemically sympathectomized by injection of 6-hydroxydopamine cell proliferation essentially ceased in the colonic crypts but continued at a normal rate in the tumours. Stimulation of alpha-adrenoceptors by metaraminol, a drug with properties similar to noradrenaline, caused acceleration of cell proliferation in colonic crypts but not in tumours. Conversely, blockade of alpha-adrenoceptors by phentolamine inhibited cell proliferation in crypts but not in tumours. Injection of adrenaline, predominantly a beta-adrenergic agonist, inhibited cell proliferation in the tumours but not in colonic crypts whereas blockade of beta-adrenoceptors by propranolol accelerated cell proliferation in tumours but not in colonic crypts. It is postulated that cell proliferation in the crypts of Lieberkühn in rat colon resembles that in rat jejunum in being controlled by the autonomic nervous system. However, tumour cell proliferation does not appear to be subject to such regulation.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with increased incidence of colon cancers. It is also becoming evident that cancer stem cells (CSC) play a vital role in the pathogenesis and prognosis of colon cancer. Recently, we reported the presence of colon cancer stem-like cells in macroscopically normal mucosa in patients with adenomatous polyps and that they increase with aging, suggesting that aging may predispose the colon to carcinogenesis. In the current study we have examined the combined effects of aging and carcinogen exposure on the status of colon CSCs in an experimental model. We used young (4-6 months) and aged (22-24 months) rats and exposed them to the carcinogen, dimethylhydroxide (DMH). We investigated the expression of colon cancer stem cell markers, CD44, CD166, EpCam, and ALDH1 as well as EGFR expression in normal colonic crypt epithelium following carcinogen treatment. Our results demonstrate that aging per se or carcinogen treatment alone causes an increase in the number of colon cancer stems cells, as evidenced by increased immunoreactive-CSC-markers positive cells in the colonic mucosa. In aged rats, carcinogen exposure results in a more pronounced increase in colon cancer stem cells. Our study shows that in aging colon the effects of carcinogens are more pronounced, and an increase in colon CSCs is one of the earliest changes preceding tumor development. Moreover, the current investigation of the use of a panel of immunohistochemical markers of colon CSC can potentially serve as a prognostic marker during screening for colon cancer.  相似文献   

Androgenic hormones have previously been shown to promote cell proliferation in the small intestine of rat and androgen receptors have been demonstrated in carcinomata of the large intestine of rat. In this study the influence of testosterone and of castration on epithelial cell proliferation in the small intestine, the large intestine and in dimethylhydrazine-induced colonic tumours is compared. Cell proliferation in the small intestine and in colonic tumours was accelerated by testosterone treatment, and cell proliferation in colonic tumours, but not in the small intestine, was retarded following castration. Cell proliferation in colonic tumours was also inhibited by the anti-androgenic drug, Flutamide. Testosterone and castration each failed to influence cell proliferation in the colonic crypt epithelium of both normal and carcinogen-treated animals.  相似文献   

Tissue stem cells produce a constant flux of differentiated cells with distinct proportions. Here, we show that stem cells in colonic crypts differentiate early to form precisely 1:3 ratio of secretory to absorptive cells. This precision is surprising, as there are only eight stem cells making irreversible fate decisions, and so large stochastic effects of this small pool should have yielded much larger noise in cell proportions. We use single molecule FISH, lineage‐tracing mice and simulations to identify the homeostatic mechanisms facilitating robust proportions. We find that Delta‐Notch lateral inhibition operates in a restricted spatial zone to reduce initial noise in cell proportions. Increased dwell time and dispersive migration of secretory cells further averages additional variability added during progenitor divisions and breaks up continuous patches of same‐fate cells. These noise‐reducing mechanisms resolve the trade‐off between early commitment and robust differentiation and ensure spatially uniform spread of secretory cells. Our findings may apply to other cases where small progenitor pools expand to give rise to precise tissue cell proportions.  相似文献   

In this study the metaphase-arrest method with vincristine (VCR) was used, in a transplanted C3H mouse mammary tumour, to study cell proliferation relative to distance from a blood vessel. The metaphase-arrest method has a number of advantages over methods involving [3H]TdR labelling for such a study. The cell birth rate (kB) was shown to be inversely related to distance from a capillary in corded areas of tumour. Penetration of VCR, even into perinecrotic areas of tumour, appeared to be sufficient to achieve effective metaphase arrest.  相似文献   

The estrogen sex steroid 17beta-estradiol rapidly inhibits secretagogue-stimulated cAMP-dependent Cl(-) secretion in the female rat distal colonic crypt by the inhibition of basolateral K(+) channels. In Ussing chamber studies, both the anti-secretory response and inhibition of basolateral K(+) current was shown to be attenuated by pretreatment with rottlerin, a PKCdelta-specific inhibitor. In whole cell patch-clamp analysis, 17beta-estradiol inhibited a chromanol 293B-sensitive KCNQ1 channel current in isolated female rat distal colonic crypts. Estrogen had no effect on KCNQ1 channel currents in colonic crypts isolated from male rats. Female distal colonic crypts expressed a significantly higher amount of PKCdelta in comparison to male tissue. PKCdelta and PKA were activated at 5 min in response to 17beta-estradiol in female distal colonic crypts only. Both PKCdelta- and PKA-associated with the KCNQ1 channel in response to 17beta-estradiol in female distal colonic crypts, and no associations were observed in crypts from males. PKA activation, association with KCNQ1, and phosphorylation of the channel were regulated by PKCdelta as the responses were blocked by pretreatment with rottlerin. Taken together, our experiments have identified the molecular targets underlying the anti-secretory response to estrogen involving the inhibition of KCNQ1 channel activity via PKCdelta- and PKA-dependent signaling pathways. This is a novel gender-specific mechanism of regulation of an ion channel by estrogen. The anti-secretory response described in this study provides molecular insights whereby estrogen causes fluid retention effects in the female during periods of high circulating plasma estrogen levels.  相似文献   

Sulindac enhances cell proliferation in DMH-treated mouse colonic mucosa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a previous study we reported that the NSAID sulindac had a marked inhibitory effect on the development of colonic tumours in mice treated with the carcinogen 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH). In this study we examined the effects of sulindac in respect of cell-kinetic changes in mouse colonic mucosa as determined by flash labelling with the thymidine analogue bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) at varying intervals during the process of colonic carcinogenesis. We also investigated the possibility that these changes may be modulated by misoprostol a prostaglandin E1 analogue. Four groups of 36 mice each were treated for 18 weeks with the following drug/s respectively: (1) DMH; (2) DMH and sulindac; (3) DMH, sulindac and misoprostol; and (4) DMH and misoprostol. Three animals from each group were killed each week between the sixth week and the eighteenth week after the start of the experiment. A 1-h flash label technique was employed and paraffin sections of colonic mucosa were examined. For each animal a total of 50 perfect axially cut crypts were chosen and the following parameters determined: crypt length, labelling index and labelling index distribution: the data were analysed using the computer program GLIM. For each of the four groups, crypt lengths increased significantly with the duration of treatment with no significant difference between the groups. In sulindac-treated animals the labelling index for all positions increased with duration of treatment whereas for animals not treated with sulindac there was no significant difference in labelling index with respect to duration of treatment. The administration of misoprostol did not appear to significantly alter the effects of sulindac. It is postulated that the observed increase in cell proliferation could be a compensatory phenomenon occurring secondary to loss of crypt epithelial cells by apoptosis induced by sulindac. Also the finding of an increase in labelling index mediated by a chemopreventive agent indirectly questions the rationale behind the therapeutic manipulation of crypt cell proliferation in order to reduce the risk of colon cancer.  相似文献   

Crypts of Lieberkühn were isolated from human colon, and differential interference contrast microscopy distinguished goblet and columnar cells. Activation with carbachol (CCh, 100 microM) or histamine (10 microM) released contents from goblet granules. Stimulation with prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2), 5 microM) or adenosine (10 microM) did not release goblet granules but caused the apical margin of columnar cells to recede. Goblet volume was lost during stimulation with CCh or histamine ( approximately 160 fl/cell), but not with PGE(2) or adenosine. Three-quarters of goblet cells were responsive to CCh but released only 30% of goblet volume. Half-time for goblet volume release was 3.7 min. PGE(2) stimulated a prolonged fluid secretion that attained a rate of approximately 350 pl/min. Columnar cells lost approximately 50% of apical volume during maximal PGE(2) stimulation, with a half-time of 3.3 min. In crypts from individuals with ulcerative colitis, goblet cells were hypersensitive to CCh for release of goblet volume. These results support separate regulation for mucus secretions from goblet cells and from columnar cells, with control mechanisms restricting total release of mucus stores.  相似文献   

Crypts of Lieberkühn were isolated fromhuman colon, and differential interference contrast microscopydistinguished goblet and columnar cells. Activation with carbachol(CCh, 100 µM) or histamine (10 µM) released contents from gobletgranules. Stimulation with prostaglandinE2(PGE2, 5 µM) or adenosine (10 µM) did not release goblet granules but caused the apical margin ofcolumnar cells to recede. Goblet volume was lost during stimulationwith CCh or histamine (~160 fl/cell), but not withPGE2 or adenosine. Three-quartersof goblet cells were responsive to CCh but released only 30% of gobletvolume. Half-time for goblet volume release was 3.7 min.PGE2 stimulated a prolonged fluidsecretion that attained a rate of ~350 pl/min. Columnar cells lost~50% of apical volume during maximalPGE2 stimulation, with a half-timeof 3.3 min. In crypts from individuals with ulcerative colitis, goblet cells were hypersensitive to CCh for release of goblet volume. Theseresults support separate regulation for mucus secretions from gobletcells and from columnar cells, with control mechanisms restrictingtotal release of mucus stores.


Crypts of Lieberkühn were isolatedfrom human colon, and differential interference contrast microscopydistinguished goblet and columnar cells. Activation with carbachol(CCh, 100 µM) or histamine (10 µM) released contents from gobletgranules. Stimulation with prostaglandinE2(PGE2, 5 µM) or adenosine (10 µM) did not release goblet granules but caused the apical margin ofcolumnar cells to recede. Goblet volume was lost during stimulationwith CCh or histamine (~160 fl/cell), but not withPGE2 or adenosine. Three-quartersof goblet cells were responsive to CCh but released only 30% of gobletvolume. Half-time for goblet volume release was 3.7 min.PGE2 stimulated a prolonged fluidsecretion that attained a rate of ~350 pl/min. Columnar cells lost~50% of apical volume during maximalPGE2 stimulation, with a half-timeof 3.3 min. In crypts from individuals with ulcerative colitis, goblet cells were hypersensitive to CCh for release of goblet volume. Theseresults support separate regulation for mucus secretions from gobletcells and from columnar cells, with control mechanisms restrictingtotal release of mucus stores.


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