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Several theories argue that large changes in allele frequencies through genetic drift after a small founding population becomes allopatrically isolated can lead to significant changes in reproductive isolation and thus trigger the origin of new species. For this reason, founder speciation has been proposed as a potent force in the generation of new species. Nonetheless, the relative importance of such ‘founder effects’ remains largely untested. In this report, I used experimental evolution to create one thousand replicates that underwent an extreme bottleneck and to study whether founder effects can lead to an increase in reproductive isolation in Drosophila yakuba. Even though the most common outcome of inbreeding is extinction, founder effects can lead to increased premating reproductive isolation in a very small proportion of cases. Changes in reproductive isolation after a founding population bottleneck are similar to changes in other phenotypic traits, in which inbreeding might displace the mean phenotypic value and substantially increase the phenotypic variance. This increase in phenotypic variance does not confer an increase in the response to selection for reproductive isolation in artificial selection experiments, indicating that the increased phenotypic variance is not caused by increases in additive genetic variance. These results also demonstrate that, similar to morphological and life‐history traits, behavioural traits can be affected by inbreeding and genetic drift.  相似文献   

We present a likelihood-based statistical method for examining the pattern or rate of evolution of reproductive isolation. The method uses large empirical datasets to estimate, for a given clade, the average duration of two phases in the divergence of populations. The first phase is a lag phase and refers to the period during which lineages diverge but no detectable reproductive isolation evolves. The second is an accumulation phase, referring to the period during which the magnitude of reproductive isolation between diverging lineages increases. The pattern of evolution is inferred from the relative durations of these two phases. Results of analyses of postzygotic isolation data indicate significant differences among taxa in the pattern of evolution of postzygotic isolation that are consistent with predictions based on genetic differences among these groups. We also examine whether the evolution of postzygotic isolation is best explained by either of two models for the rate of accumulation: a linear model or a quadratic function as may be suggested by recent studies. Our analysis indicates that the appropriateness of either model varies among taxa.  相似文献   

Hybridization patterns and the evolution of reproductive isolation in ducks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much of our knowledge of the evolution of reproductive isolation comes from studies of Drosophila . This body of work has revealed the following patterns: (1) reproductive isolation increases with phylogenetic distance between hybridizing species; (2) reproductive isolation is greater between sympatric than allopatric species with the same level of divergence; and (3) hybrid crosses conform to Haldane's rule. We tested for the existence of these patterns in ducks (subfamily Anatinae, sensu Livezey, 1997b ) based on 1037 hybrids of known parentage. Our analyses of the number of interspecific crosses in relation to phylogenetic distance found a significant deviation between the observed and expected distribution of crosses controlling for the topology of the Anatinae phylogeny. In particular, we found both an excess of hybrid crosses among closely related species and a scarcity among distantly related species. The number of hybrid males also decreased with increasing phylogenetic distance between parental species, although the number of hybrid females remained low and constant. Sympatric species produced higher numbers of hybrid males than allopatric ones, despite no difference in phylogenetic distance among parental species in compared groups. The number of hybrid males exceeded the number of hybrid females, consistent with Haldane's rule. This was evident even though the analysis was restricted to a reduced set of phylogenetically independent crosses. However, the pattern was no longer significant after correction for the number of hybrid males by the male-biased sex ratio of adult ducks.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 193−200.  相似文献   

Ecological adaptation is the driving force during divergence with gene flow and generates reproductive isolation early in speciation. Although gene flow opposes divergence, local adaptation can be facilitated by factors that prevent the breakup of favorable allelic combinations. We investigated how selection, genetic architecture, and geography have contributed to the maintenance of floral trait divergence and pollinator isolation between parapatric ecotypes of Mimulus aurantiacus. Combining greenhouse, field, and genomic studies, we show that sharp clines in floral traits are maintained by spatially varying selection. Although adaptation breaks down where the ecotypes co‐occur, leading to the formation of a hybrid zone, the largely non‐overlapping distributions of the ecotypes shield them from immigrant genes, facilitating divergence across most of the range. In contrast to the sharp genetic discontinuities observed across most hybrid zones, we observed a gradual cline in genome‐wide divergence and a pattern of isolation by distance across the landscape. Thus, contrary to a long period of allopatry followed by recent re‐contact, our data suggest that floral trait divergence in M. aurantiacus may have evolved with locally restricted, but ongoing gene flow. Therefore, our study reveals how the geographic distribution of an organism can contribute to the evolution of premating isolation in the early stages of divergence with gene flow.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA usually shows low sequence variation within and high sequence divergence among species, which makes it a useful marker for phylogenetic inference and DNA barcoding. A previous study on the common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) revealed two very different mtDNA haplogroups (5% K2P distance). This divergence is comparable to that among many sister species; however, both haplogroups coexist and interbreed in Europe today. Herein, we describe the phylogeographic pattern of these lineages and test hypotheses for how such high diversity in mtDNA has evolved. We found no evidence for mitochondrial pseudogenes confirming that both haplotypes are of mitochondrial origin. When testing for possible reproductive barriers, we found no evidence for lineage‐specific assortative mating and no difference in sperm morphology, indicating that they are not examples of cryptic species, nor likely to reflect the early stages of speciation. A gene tree based on a short fragment of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 from the common redstart and 10 other Phoenicurus species, showed no introgression from any of the extant congenerics. However, introgression from an extinct congeneric cannot be excluded. Sequences from two nuclear introns did not show a similar differentiation into two distinct groups. Mismatch distributions indicated that the lineages have undergone similar demographic changes. Taken together, these results confirm that deeply divergent mitochondrial lineages can coexist in biological species. Sympatric mtDNA divergences are relatively rare in birds, but the fact that they occur argues against the use of threshold mtDNA divergences in species delineation.  相似文献   

For many taxa, species are defined by the morphologies of reproductive structures. In many odonates, these structures are the cerci of males (used to hold females during mating) and the thoracic plates of females where the male cerci contact the females' bodies. A previous study showed that the shapes of cerci of Enallagma males (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) are best explained by an evolutionary model of punctuated change at the time of speciation, with a homogeneous rate of change across the entire phylogeny of the genus. In the present study, we examine the evolution of shape change in the corresponding female plates. We found that, like male cerci, the shapes of Enallagma female thoracic plates could best be explained by an evolutionary model of punctuated change at the time of speciation, with a homogeneous rate of change across the clade. Moreover, the evolutionary contrasts quantifying the rates of change in male cerci and female thoracic plates were positively related across the history of the clade, demonstrating that these male and female structures evolve in a correlated fashion. This pattern of evolution suggests that these structures are primary signals of species identity during mating.  相似文献   

The evolution of reproductive isolation in spatially structured populations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract.— Recent models of speciation have incorporated population structure and migration into the classic model of speciation in which reproductive isolation arises as a by-product of divergence. In this paper, we expanded these models to explore the joint effects of migration and population subdivision on speciation in a spatially explicit context. The results of our simulation support previous results concerning the influence of population subdivision on the accumulation of reproductive isolation. The simulation also shows that speciation in subdivided populations occurs most rapidly when subpopulations are not strictly allopatric. These results counter the widespread notion that speciation is most likely to occur in allopatric populations and suggest that there are useful insights to be gained by incorporating increasingly realistic types of population structure into models of speciation.  相似文献   

Hendry  Andrew P. 《Genetica》2001,(1):515-534
Populations exposed to different ecological environments should diverge for phenotypic traits that influence survival and reproduction. This adaptive divergence should reduce gene flow between populations because immigrants become less fit than residents and because hybrids perform poorly in either environment (i.e., ecologically-dependent reproductive isolation). Here I demonstrate adaptive divergence and the evolution of reproductive isolation in populations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) introduced from a common ancestral source into a new lake system (Lake Washington, Washington). The introduced fish founded several new populations, two of which experience very different environments during breeding and early development (Cedar River v.s. Pleasure Point beach). Over 13 generations, the two populations diverged for adult traits (female body size, male body depth; measured in the wild) and embryo traits (survival to hatching, development rate, size at emergence; measured in a common environment). The rates of divergence for these characters were similar to those observed in other examples of rapid evolution, and can best be attributed to natural selection. Partial reproductive isolation has evolved in concert with adaptive divergence: the rate of exchange of adults between the populations (determined using natural tags) is higher than the rate of gene flow (determined using DNA microsatellites). The demonstration that adaptive divergence can initiate reproductive isolation in less than 13 generations suggests that the first signs of ecological speciation may appear soon after new environments are first colonized.  相似文献   

In the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup, the yakuba species complex, D. yakuba, D. santomea and D. teissieri have identical mitochondrial genomes in spite of nuclear differentiation. The first two species can be readily hybridized in the laboratory and produce fertile females and sterile males. They also form hybrids in natural conditions. Nonetheless, the third species, D. teissieri, was thought to be unable to produce hybrids with either D. yakuba or D. santomea. This in turn posed the conundrum of why the three species shared a single mitochondrial genome. In this report, we show that D. teissieri can indeed hybridize with both D. yakuba and D. santomea. The resulting female hybrids from both crosses are fertile, whereas the hybrid males are sterile. We also characterize six isolating mechanisms that might be involved in keeping the three species apart. Our results open the possibility of studying the history of introgression in the yakuba species complex and dissecting the genetic basis of interspecific differences between these three species by genetic mapping.  相似文献   

Drosophila lacertosa is widely distributed from northern India to Far East of Russia throughout China. We have studied geographical distributions of three kinds of chromosomal karyotypes, type D (2n=10, 4 pairs of V-shaped metacentric chromosomes and a pair of micro-chromosomes), type L (2n=10, 5V with a pair of large-sized hetero-chromatic autosomes) and type M (2n=10, 5V with middle-sized ones). Type D was found exclusively in local populations of D. lacertosa distributed in Yun-Gui Plateau, southwestern China. Both type L and M have a wide range of distribution, and the former occurred in subtropical regions of China including Taiwan Island, whereas the latter in cool temperate regions of East Asia covering Far East of Russia, Korea and the Japan Islands. A strong premating isolation was detected between flies with type D and those with type L or M. These data demonstrate that genetic differentiation leading to cryptic speciation might have occurred in natural populations of Drosophila lacertosa.  相似文献   

Decades of theoretical work on the evolution of adaptive prezygotic isolation have led to an interesting finding—namely that stable partial reproductive isolation is a relatively common outcome. This conclusion is generally lost, however, in the desire to pinpoint when exactly speciation occurs. Here, we argue that the evolution of partial reproductive isolation is of great interest in its own right and matches empirical findings that ongoing hybridization is taxonomically widespread. We present the mechanisms by which partial reproductive isolation can be a stable evolutionary endpoint, concentrating on insights from theoretical studies. We focus not on cases in which hybridization results from constraints imposed by ongoing migration or mutation, but on the intriguing idea that partial reproductive isolation may instead be an adaptive optimum. We identify three general categories of selective mechanisms that can lead to partial reproductive isolation: context-dependent hybrid advantage, indirect selection due to the varying actions of sexual selection in different geographic contexts, and a balance of costs of choosiness with indirect selection for stronger mating preferences. By any of these mechanisms, stable partial reproductive isolation can potentially provide a robust evolutionary alternative to either complete speciation or population fusion.  相似文献   

Alfred Russel Wallace proposed classifying Amazon rivers based on their colour and clarity: white, black and clear water. Wallace also proposed that black waters could mediate diversification and yield distinct fish species. Here, we bring evidence of speciation mediated by water type in the sailfin tetra (Crenuchus spilurus), a fish whose range encompasses rivers of very distinct hydrochemical conditions. Distribution of the two main lineages concords with Wallace's water types: one restricted to the acidic and nutrient‐poor waters of the Negro River (herein Rio Negro lineage) and a second widespread throughout the remaining of the species’ distribution (herein Amazonas lineage). These lineages occur over a very broad geographical range, suggesting that despite occurring in regions separated by thousands of kilometres, individuals of the distinct lineages fail to occupy each other's habitats, hundreds of metres apart and not separated by physical barrier. Reproductive isolation was assessed in isolated pairs exposed to black‐water conditions. All pairs with at least one individual of the lineage not native to black waters showed significantly lower spawning success, suggesting that the water type affected the fitness and contributed to reproductive isolation. Our results endorse Wallace's intuition and highlight the importance of ecological factors in shaping diversity of the Amazon fish fauna.  相似文献   

Postcopulatory, prezygotic reproductive isolation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The roles of ecological speciation and reinforcement in the formation of contemporary diversity remain contentious. In the present study, we contrast phenotypic and molecular divergence within morphologically diverged bimodal sympatric and allopatric pairs of rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax. We hypothesize that, in sympatry, evidence of selection associated with resource partitioning will be visible through strong divergence, reinforcement, and greater character displacement. Parallel morphological divergence was observed between the two trophic forms (macrophagous and microphagous), with several examples of greater trait divergence in sympatry than allopatry. Mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis indicated no association between historical clades and morphology; however, Bayesian clustering using microsatellites supported the isolation of these morphs under both allopatry and sympatry. Estimates of genetic isolation were one order of magnitude lower than measures of morphological divergence, consistent with a hypothesis of strong contemporary selection. Using experimental crosses, we obtained similar rates of fertilization success among the allopatric hybrid and pure crosses; whereas, in the sympatric hybrid crosses, fertilization rates dropped by 30–50%, suggesting a clear role for reinforcement through prezygotic incompatibilities. The present study supports the hypothesis that processes of post‐glacial radiation and diversification differ between sympatry and allopatry, and indicates a role for reinforcement and ecological processes in recent sympatric diversification. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 583–594.  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of two wrasses,Pseudolabrus eoethinus (Richardson, 1846) andP. sieboldi Mabuchi & Nakabo, 1997, was studied on a rocky coast in Shikoku, Japan, where the two species occur sympatrically. In the study area, individual males of each species established mating territories within which pair spawnings occurred. Pair spawnings were observed only between conspecifics, indicating that the two coexisting species were reproductively isolated. Both species usually spawned during the afternoon in early winter and had similar reproductive behavior. Although habitat, temporal and behavioral isolation mechanisms were not apparent, reproductive isolation seemed to occur via premating isolation through visual recognition of conspecific mates because the two species differed in body size and coloration. On one occasion a maleP. sieboldi was observed to perform streaking behavior to join a spawning pair ofP. eoethinus. Thus, postmating isolation between the two species is also discussed.  相似文献   

The evolution of reproductive isolation within Coreopsis is investigated by integrating phylogenetic data with estimates of pollen viability of plants from inter- and intraspecific crosses. Three different models that predict F1 fitness are compared. The first uses ITS pairwise distances, the second is based on phylogenetic branch lengths derived from DNA sequences, and the third elaborates on the second model by dividing branch length according to reconstructions of the evolution of life history. This is the first study to use phylogenetic branch-length estimates for predicting levels of reproductive isolation. Estimated branch lengths (model 2) predict hybrid fitness more accurately than simply genetic distance (model 1) but only very slightly. This is probably because the two variables are strongly correlated in Coreopsis. Prediction is substantially improved by allowing evolutionary rates to differ between annual and perennial branches (model 3). A bootstrapping procedure indicates that the life-history effect is statistically significant. The more rapid evolution of reproductive isolation within annual species of Coreopsis may be due to differing mechanisms of reproductive isolation, that is, chromosomal rearrangements rather than genetic incompatibilities.  相似文献   

Polyploidy has played an important role in angiosperm diversification, but how polyploidy contributes to reproductive isolation remains poorly understood. Most work has focused on postzygotic reproductive barriers, and the influence of ploidy differences on prezygotic barriers is understudied. To address these gaps, we quantified hybrid occurrence, interspecific self‐compatibility differences, and the contributions of multiple pre‐ and postzygotic barriers to reproductive isolation between diploid Erythronium mesochoreum (Liliaceae) and its tetraploid congener Erythronium albidum. Reproductive isolation between the study species was nearly complete, and naturally occurring hybrids were infrequent and largely sterile. Although postzygotic barriers effected substantial reproductive isolation when considered in isolation, the study species’ spatial distributions and pollinator assemblages overlapped little, such that interspecific pollen transfer is likely uncommon. We did not find evidence that E. albidum and E. mesochoreum differed in mating systems, indicating that self‐incompatibility release may not have fostered speciation in this system. Ultimately, we demonstrate that E. albidum and E. mesochoreum are reproductively isolated by multiple, hierarchically‐operating barriers, and we add to the currently limited number of studies demonstrating that early acting barriers such as pollinator‐mediated isolation can be important for effecting and sustaining reproductive isolation in diploid‐polyploid systems.  相似文献   

In theory, adaptive divergence can increase intrinsic post‐zygotic reproductive isolation (RI), either directly via selection on loci associated with RI, or indirectly via linkage of incompatibility loci with loci under selection. To test this hypothesis, we measured RI at five intrinsic post‐zygotic reproductive barriers between 18 taxa from the genera Cakile and Erucaria (Brassicaceae). Using a comparative framework, we tested whether the magnitude of RI was associated with genetic distance, geographic distance, ecological divergence and parental mating system. Early stages of post‐zygotic RI related to F1 viability (i.e. initial seed set) tended to be stronger than later stages related to F1 fecundity (i.e. flower number, fruit number). Mating system significantly influenced early stages of RI, such that RI was lowest when the mother was selfing and father was outcrossing, consistent with an imbalance between sink strength and resistance to provisioning. We found little evidence that adaptive divergence accelerates the evolution of intrinsic post‐zygotic RI, consistent with a nonecological model of evolution that predicts the nonlinear accumulation of RI and RI asymmetry with time (i.e. genetic distance), irrespective of adaptive divergence. Thus, although certain aspects of ecological divergence do not appear to have contributed strongly to the evolution of RI in this system, divergence in mating system actually reduced RI, suggesting that mating system evolution may play a significant role in speciation dynamics.  相似文献   

Speciation can involve the evolution of 'cryptic' reproductive isolation that occurs after copulation but before hybrid offspring are produced. Because such cryptic barriers to gene exchange involve post-mating sexual interactions, analyses of their evolution have focused on sexual conflict or traditional sexual selection. Here, we show that ecological divergence between populations of herbivorous walking sticks is integral to the evolution of cryptic reproductive isolation. Low female fitness following between-population mating can reduce gene exchange between populations, thus acting as a form of cryptic isolation. Female walking sticks show reduced oviposition rate and lower lifetime fecundity following between-population versus within-population mating, but only for mating between populations using different host-plant species. Our results indicate that even inherently sexual forms of reproductive isolation can evolve as a by-product of ecological divergence and that post-mating sexual interactions do not necessarily evolve independently of the ecological environment.  相似文献   

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